THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1931 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Mr. LeRoy Davis who has been con nected with Hyatt and Company loft on Tuesday for Sumter, S. C. where f has accepted a position with the ilcMilhan Petroleum Company. Mrs- I.11PV loan- U- C T .. .! , J c., nail, ui 1.VI1CI1- urg. a.. arrived on Momiav to be--"me associated with the Health De partment. She will be the public wealth nurse of Swain countv. Mrs. Lucile Foy. Mrs. Elizabeth de Leat Mrs. Kufus Barnes, and Miss ue Willard Lindsley left Monday for Cudlowhee, where they will attend a teachers training offered under -hp Emergency Relief Education, af ter which they will he placed in the county schools. Judge Felix Alley spent the week end m town with his family. Mon aay h(, left for Sparta where he wili hold court for the next two weeks Mrs. Nancy Keener had as her j quests over the week-end Mr. and i Mrs. Burton Spraker. of .lohnson City. Tennessee. ' " r'-l- THE FOOD STO Featuring Quality and Value You! tne one customer we want most Peanut Butter I 1 lb. jar ... 15c 2 for 15c 21b. jar ... 25c Canned Mackerel . .... 3 for 25c Corned Beef .... . . 15c Peter Pan Salamon . .... . .2 for 25c 0 Washing Giant Size 6 for 23c Vacuum Vacuum Packed Packed Per lb. Per lb. 31c 31c ' : n ttrsr P4ftr Or THE MEAL" Blue Plate Salad Dressing One half pt 10c Pint 15c Quart 25c Monarch Gelatine Dessert 5 for 25c Shredded Wheaia" -2 for 25 c Puffed Wheat Corn Flakes . SUGGESTIVE MARKET ITEMS Pork Chops .... ... . . . per lb. 20c Lamb Roast . . . . . . . per lb. 15c Beef Roast per lb, 14c Pan Trout per lb. 15c Oysters. Standard . . ; . per pint 25c Fillet of Salt Mackerel . ... Each 5c THE FOOD Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander, of Columbia University New York City, spent the week-end in town Mr. Arnold Vanderhivf, of Ashe ville, spent Saturday in town on business Mis.s Velm., McFl'.iannon, wtio has been with her sister. Mrs. V. D. Smith, for the past several months leave for Nashville. Tenn. today. She expects to complete the work for her B S, degree from the Ceorg,, Pea body Teachers Training College in one quarter and will remain over for som, graduate work toward her M A. degree from the same institution. Mr. and Mrs.!? Massie and Mis. Caroline Ashton rival; were among those motoring to the Cher oke,. Indian Re.-ei at ion , j. observe tile Annual Indian Fair w . Mrs. V. 1,. Hardin and Mrs R I. Allen motored to Asheville in Tuos- ia-v.' ' Apple. Sauce No. 1 can 3 fo 25c V7v la&uii kJUttJJ rLri Or JOCTAGOK Powder y 10c .2 for 15c STORE Mr. J. F. Rogers, of Cra'otre?, j spent Tuesday in town on business. Mr. F B- Rickn an member of the board of County Commissioners, was among those in town the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. Felix Stovall spent Tuesday in Asheville on business r- Mr. Boom- Sentelle, of Pigeon, was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. ... Mrs. Alec Shuford and Mrs. R. A Grimes, of Hickory arrived on Tues day to spend several' days as the, guests of Mrs. Marbie Blaylock at, her cottage on Main street. , Mr Horace Ledbettor, of Pigeon, made a business trip to town the tirst of tile week. Mrs. F. C. Wagenfold and daugh ter. Miss Corinne Wagenfeld, were among those motoring to Asheville on Saturday. .. Mr and Mis .Aooert 1- Com anil young sun, Jackie, spent the week-en. 1 in Flizabethtot,, Tennessee the guests of Mi. ami Mr- Walter Dungan. :. Mr. Messcr Meuford. of Iron Duff. ia- a Wavncsvitle visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. K. F. Wood, of Flizahothton, Tennessee, who has been the gues' of her patents. Mr. and Mrs. John X. Shoolhrod, returned during the week to her home Mr. Carol Hell agent of the Texaco i oinpanv left on Tuesday for Nor folk. Va ' M.s. !'!,.. T:,.,i, ol' Jonathan: t'reek, pont TlRsdav in town shop ping M ! . .L ;ri Y. C" ( Raleigh, sjiiit 'lUi-da.v in town on business Mr. (io(.,.im.ii is iW Hist i i i t .Farm Alien: and .-pen! tlie day in consul .11 w. ; i, Mr. V. H Smith rogard ' 1 s: ! ! vaiiou- project.- being handled :i.' us ii ;'',. .ill'ice ol' ih,. . ouniv farm agent. .. . Ah -l ' 1 ei k Monday dub- Boyd, w as it Wuvn of svill .loiiath. ill's visit o - on Mi - . 'i; 1 10111011 . motoic'd to A.-bei!!e . n Tuesday with a party id' il if H Is. Miss Mary Barber and Mis.- Mary Stringliold wel e ailiing t 'hb-e motor ing to Aslieyille oil Saturday, Mr. t'h nesday for she joined visit. la.'lc.s Radgott left on Wod- Knowillo, Tennessee where Mr. Hadirett lor a week's Miss Nancy Killian spent Monday in Asheville attending the meeting of the Women's Auxiliaries of the Asheville Preshytorial. Miss Killian is t he tiiesiilonl it I hi Women's Work of the local Presbyterian church and represented, the church at the meet ing. '':'. Mrs J, Harden Howell spent Mon day in Asheville Mrs. Diana Slioolbred with a party of friends motored to Asheville on Monday. ..". Mrs. W. H. Clark,, who has spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Clyde H. Ray, left on Sunday for her home in Tarpon Springs. Fla. She was accompanied as fur as Jack sonville by her brother, Mr. Clyde II. Ray Jr., who returned on Tuesday. . ".Dr. C.-N. Sisk addressed the Jack son County Teachers at their meeting held in Sylva on Saturday morning. September the 22nd. .Mrs Robert, Woodward, who has boon out of town for a few weeks, returned to Wnvnosvilh- mi Wedtios: dav. . , Miss t.illiai Oliver, nurse.- Fowler and Miss Hart of the District Health 1 H part ment , have house of: Mr W T. winter months. ; Mr. JohnM. Fl who is with the Health, p"nt three 1 h,.. routine businc his work. taken I.e.-, J the stone '.. for th .yd of . .V-hevilk State ' Hoard of day- in town on connected "with Mr. ;nl lint IV Wi thos,, whii Cherokee, Mrs. I);,,, Wa'k i - rnd Mrs. Han.- li'.tha were ' -anions attended the Indian Fair at Mr Sam Robin-on. ml .Mr. Chester Cngr'riu i ti, of' Canton. afteiido court in Waviie.-vill.. last. Week. Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth' "Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs, . Feliy Stovall mo tored to Cherokee last di d 'attended the Indian K .Mrs. J.auiist-i Hardin. Jr. and young son Bobbie who. have been visiting the' foimer's parents in Hen dersonville, returned to . their home on Sunday. Mr. Innis SMntell". . attorney of Canton, made a business trip to Way nesville on Thursday. Mis C. h. Dickson, of Durham, the former Mi.s Elizabeth Uoone, is the guest of her mother and sister, Mrs. John K Boone and Mrs. Hugh Massie She will spend two weeks be fore :e- tuining to her home in Durham. . ... Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr , who with Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr.. has been vis iting the Fitter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Norman, in 'Griffin; Ga-, re turned to town on Sunday. Mrs. Barber will remain a couple of weeks longer in Griffin. ...' Mr. R. 0. Overton and Mr. Tom Clark, attorneys of Canton;' attended the ses-ion of court here last week. - . Mr A. C Walker of Crahtree spent Saturday in town on business- Mrs. Jim Massie left on Tuesday for Louisville Ky., where she will spend several days visiting her sons, t'tis and Ft. nk. who are attending th,, Kei.ucky .Military Institute. Mr and Mrs. Alec Fharmer and son. William Lewis, ol" Asheville, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Withers Rev. Robert Hardee, p.stor of Wolfe Mountain Methodist church, tilled the pulpit of Rev. Paul Hardin, Jr. on Sunday night when the latter held service at the Fines Creek Methodist church. Mr. J Bat Smathers, of Asheville, attended the court sessions here dur ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fd Romph and ily. who have been occupying the Jim Palmer house this summer, left on Wednesday for their home in Miami Florida. and Mrs. G. J. O'Brien, of Pittsburg Pa . who have spent the past four months in town, left this week for Florida where the will spend the winter. Mrs S.J. Schulhofer lias .dosed he: Antique Shop on Main street, and with her aunt. Miss Rosa Straus, who h is spent the summer with her at the Hotel Waynesville. returned on Wed nesday to Richmond. Virginia for the winter. Mrs. Joe Rose, who has spent the sunimer at her homo in Balsam, left Saturday for Cincinnati. Her daugh ter. Mis.- Caroline Rose, will remain Willi In"- eran.lpa rent Di. and Mrs P. F. Sinai hers, and will attend the a ues ilie Township H igh School. M ', and Mr.- W. ,1 1! raddo.k , no M r. and M .-s. Waller I'.ra.Uock Ii ft Hi rd n. -da I'm 1 In i home ill I 'ay !.-!, F.ea. h. Floi ida. Mr. I'.t.uid.vk N 1 H' . t - to I ct )ll Ii IU.M week "11 busi ness. Mrs at Council -d' A-ln-viHc w s ih,. i;u.s: ol' her sisioi , M i. John F. Bass, din nig i ll, week Mr. Flank Miller -pending 'sev eral days ill Kalelgti lln.- week at tending a meeting 'of the Stale' High way ami Public Work.- Commission of w In. h he' is a member. Subscriptions - .Tile following sub.sei ip! ions rccciwd la-t week: II I! Freeman, city. . iidield W. Kobinsoii. B.rtavia, N. V. Da R Medl'ord, Cove Creek. Albert J. McCracken. route two. W. W. Hay nes, Clyde. F. A Preston, route one. Jarvis H. Allison, route miu, J, II. Camp, route one G. M. Boone, route one. L. B. Brown, Crabtree. Atkins Morrow, Lak,. Jimaluska. Newtoli (laddy, route one. Rosalyn Ray. Durham. W. T. Shelton, city. F. 11. Ganshaw. city. H. M. Akers. city. D. J. Howell, city. W. F. Strange, city. Jess Fulbright, route two. American Cafe, city. Z. C. 1 avis, route two. Davis Rogers. Brevard, N. C. ( urrv T. Haynes. New York W. R. Burnett. Clyde The following subscriptions received t hi s week : Paul Smith, Dellwood; J. W. Der rick. Clayton. Ga '; Mrs. George T Hendry, Washington, D. C. ; Roy M ai tin, City ; C. M. Harkins. Canton; Tom Freeman Rt 1, City; Mrs. J. II. Way, City.: . N. Rutf, H.'izelwooil; Marietta Way Winston-Salem ; Mr-. Vaughn Plot't, Rt. . Citv; J P, Snyder, Rt, 1, City; F.f. SloiMly. City; M. A. Poteat', Rt. 2 City;" '(). I.. . Hooper, Tuckaseega N. ('.; Mrs. Allen T l;i:cK, City. .Mrs. L. (.'. I lavis. llazelwood ; M rs. V. M. Filer, llazelwood; Paul Martin. City ; Mrs.; George ; I'lott, Kb 2, City; Kdgar .Miller: City; Nathan iogcr.s Rt. I City; M T. McCiilckeii, City. . Alexanders. City; Ii. F. ( olkitt. Citv; llarh-y G. lieno, Rt.. I, Canton; If. "('. Sanford,, Ashoville.; V. M. Khea,. Hazidwood ; John Id tile Hazel wood ; . Ilelos I (can, ( at y ; -Dr.- Tom Stiingrield. City; Dr. J, ( . .Murphy. City: . Mr.-. K.; J. Hyalt. City; Mrs. J. 1'. Died-, Citv; Mi.-s- "G.i-ace Cro. ker, City; M !...'(; W. Colkitt,. '.C-i-ty; Mrs: F. A. Anderson. .Johnson City, Tenn.; I. L. Williamson, Jit.: 2. City; Fred Allison. Rt. 2. City; J. A. Leather, woiid. ( 'ity ; Mrs. Dewey Noland, City; J.C. Rose, Citv; L. W.' Hall, City. C. L. Hill Rt. 1. City; Smiley Cai ver, Rt. 1 City; A W. Barnard Sarasota, Fla.;.. Mrs. John. W. Swan, Sarasota, Fla.; V. L, Noland. R. 1 City; G A. Yarborough. Rt- 2, City; Mis. A. F. Robinson, lit. 2, City ; Har rison Rogers, Rt. 1. Clyde; Jasper Fbbs. Trust, N C. 1 ." M ix. W. R. .McCracken, Clyde ; M rs. S. J. Schulhofer. Richmond. Va. ; Roy B. Medford, Rt. 2, Citv; Gordon '.San? ford, Rt. 1. Clyde. THF FORGF.T-MK-NOT I am the little forget-me-not, the niodest little flower with : sky-blue petals blue because, it was almost forgotten, blue because it does not want others to forget the flower Of remembrance that speaks for others. The official flower of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, on whose behalf I am to be offereil for sale, by hundred of sympathetic wom en, beautiful girls and helpful boys. To those civic-minded citizens who have, not yet forgotten their solemn fervent war-time', promise that they would never forget the sacri fice made by -these boys. I speak not only in honor of the dead but in memory and for service of the living disabled. For the benefit of those who silent and suffering are inarticu. T .,.oll tV.ii TiidQtiniT 1 ont. Idle 1 IlTl-ail L' fVKt Lilt pui.-t. i.-p, - r : rj u t.i...4-i,.v; mirier lltK Ol OlUIIISi llli: I ll. Lllllllt mai l.ui HAZF.LWOOD P. T. A. MEKTS ... The Hazeiwood P. T- A. held the first meeting of the year Sept. 20, at 7::0 at the school house. The meet ing opened with "America." followed uy a prayer .Mrs. Knight, the new president, was in charge and intro luced the new teachers to the group. Mi. Jesse James, who has taught in the Fines Creek school, is our new principal, while Miss Daisy Boyd, a former teacher of the Fast Waynes ville school has charge of our fourth grade. The members of the newly appoint ed committees were read who are as follows: Program, Mrs. 1... M. Richeson, Miss Mary Stringtield Mrs Colin Midlines. Hospitality, Miss Frances Garner, chairman Membership, Mr. Farl Wagenfeld. Mrs. R. L. Burgin. Mrs. O. C. Lan drum. Lunch Room. Mrs. Roy Robinson chair man. Publicity. Mrs. O. ('. l.andrum. chairman. We.lfaie. Mis. Rut'us Siler. Mrs. Claude Allen, Dr. R S. Roberson. Finaii e Mrs. llcssie Gaddy, chair man. Miss l.ois Thompson. Public Con. Mrs. K. . 1. Burgin, .'aivnian Other members of coni' t,, be apnointed later. After the business was attended to the program for the evening was given Miss l.o's Thompson review ed some of our outstanding problems from last year which were, indebted ness for new .library books, need for a new curtain for the auditorium, food for the undernourished, and lack of interest and attendance to P. T. A. by the patrons. Mrs, Wagenfeld made some timely suggestions lor increas ing th- .ittendai-iie. Il was decided ;o maki tin 1 in 1 n r sect ions is'it (Ii, Mi -bv. M.s a regular campaign for new s by dividing the town into and appointine: members to hoines 1 l.l :.n,l. um aceonipaliieil Fva I .eat bcrw ood, sang 'honu'w re i r a our j- ( 'ailing. Mr. M II . I.owl.s, superiiileildent 'I' -ehool-. gave an instructive lalk .boh: " I'll,- i bi!,l and t he School Pro liani." lie ..taie.l I lit- amis of mod it, i .hi at inn a I a l.e his place I I - j 1 1 m - i 1 1 i 1 1 1 - a -o.-ial order.' F, Ibe child to tin. I tilting I he cliihl to and .assuming bis a .fit iron in on i iicaiion should leach his place as -Well as adapl binisi'lt to i Ins now sil . round-, many interesting lllg-s. phase diieet lie gave of a . luld inllu. iice ' o 1 : 1 vv Inch have his: School life If bis pio-.scbool days an- not directia propel ly the school is severely batidi capped I he teacher- are striving to build character and in.-l ill I'm. r prin ciples into the life and can only succeed bv the cooperation of t he -pa rents. . Willi no .further - business; (he meeting adjourned to inei't Ocl. .18, and it is '."urged that there be a large ait tendance. The. room having the niosl parents present will he. given a trophy. At Mr. Frank Albriglil's "'sug gestion.' : it was voted that a tropliy be given, and Mr. Albright was made chairman of that committee WII.DA CRAWFORD, Acting Secretary. music witli marching feet, the in spiring enthusiasm of war clays, Un patriotic spirit of inspired youth, willing tii sacrifice itself for others. I bring back, to mind the harrowing haidships, the long. Iong hikes with heavy packs, the lilt by, damp, vermin infested trenches, the raw exposure, the gnawing hunger and parching thirst, the never-wracking . noise and tenseness of '.battle, the sleepless nights, the stress and strain of war, tile horrors of mangled bodies, the sudden futile loss of dearly beloved friends, the fatalistic philosophy -of fellows In arms, (he fear of stalking death, the pain, suffering and misery experienced by our boys when they were .sel ving us. I remind you of the efforts of thoise who. -returned, once more, in spite if physical and nervous handicaps to try-to become self'-sUstaining citizens of their disappointment, ''discourage ments.' disillusionmeiits of their des pei ate disheartening elforts to re habiliate : t hemselvi s. only finally to tie compelled to ask for help from Click-. Sam. And :hen to find, that before adequate : assistance . could be granted, t hey Inust first legally prove by teclinii'al detailed , factual affida vit evidence the service origin of their disaljilit ii-s. ' I. .serve my purpose when ynu have decorated yotirsell' wit h -the. I have the salisfactioh ,of kliovvilig Dull when vou have so decorated your selves.' the sij.voi eM.hange for. nu which' you .gave . in will be used by the D; A, A', to accomplish th- greatest good tor Ibe greatest number -of the vvar-tinie disabled erit ' I know that enabled the only e el .- I el vi- e . l g exclusi vely of aided, the 1 1. A. V bled and : their : depend- 1 will thereby have iiigies-iiitially inizat ion. composed World War's; dis t ii reniler .tempo ra- ary liiianeial relief Undei -colli pensal i d to t housamls of is.abled nieii du'r- ing. -emergency - periods-, and that 1 will also have enabled the Rehabilita tion officers of this unselfish nrguiiT ization tn ..extend- to. additional f.hoiis am.U of discouraged, disabled , ex service men the support, advice, and assistance which will help them tech nic dly to establish their justifiable claims foi: additional or hew- compen sation benefits: . I am positive that , bv so doing I will be : responsible, for bringing back j to this community and to many other :-orn m unities ., huge . dividend 'returns; I humaiiitarian and financial, on the. LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE TJie Ppny ("ontest Sponsored I5y The American Legion Post No. 17 at a meeting last Night ( ailed off The Con test due to lack of interest on part of Contestants. Haywood County Fair Association Hazeiwood News Miss Mary Ai: e Blaloek returned Monday after .-pending a week in Spruce Pine. Mr. and Mr.- W. R. Shields, Mis Kate Walls, and Mr. Rufus Gaddis re turned Friday after spending the past week at the World Fair m Chicago. Mts. J. D. Daggenhart is getting along nicely after an operation at the Haywood County Hospital Mr. Bonner MeClure of Richmond. Virginia, returned to his home Sun day after spending a few days with his father. Mr. Jame.- R MeClure, vv ho has been very ill. Miss Mattie K. -Clarke is home after spending two months with her sister, Mrs. Fdd Argenbright. ami Mr. Ar geiibright, of Washington. Mr Allen Gaddis is still seriously ill at bis home here. Rev. J. M. Woodward returned Monday after conducting a two weeks' revival at Robbinsville. The revival was very successful with many addi tions to the church. Messrs Joe Davis and Arthur Woodward were Asheville visitors Saturday. Joe is recuperating nicely after an operation at Biltmo.e Hos pital. McCLFRF-WI NCHFSTFR Mr Ira MeClure and Willie Winchester were quietly married at Clayton, Georgia Saturday, Septem ber 2S. Mrs. MeClure i.- the eldest daughter of Mr , ml Mrs. Lee Win chester. Mr. MeClure i, the son of Mr. and Mis. Gaiiliei M U lure of Allen's Creek. service investment made by vmi. I speak for thus,. l,..v fortunate war-time men, who arc in need of (bis relief, of this advice and assis tance through the D. A. V, But who themselves .ie inarticulate. Their silent, unvoiced plea i.- united with the plea which tho-e w ho are now lying under w Into cros .e- m Flanders Field would, il Ibev could, a!-o make on their belialt' Fo.get nie-iiot. i .own-: bow f.n. Post Adj. .Miiiisler (to cari-ying in fant I: "W'bal a I'm,, haliv, and' so like bis father." ' oung.-ter: "V.-, -ir, and he's fend of bis bolt -Ie, too " . NO'l'K I-: OF SFRVK F OF SUM MONS i:y PI'BLICATION NORTH CAROLINA HA Y WOOU ( 1 1 1 ' r y IN TIIF SI' PFRIOR COCRT !' J. WILSON. s. :.-' ROXl I-: WILSON THF. DFFF.NDANT in the above entitled act ion, , R I ) X I .F WI LSON, will TAkK No I'D F that a Summons has been issued ami Complaint liled in the above entitled action That said action is for the . pur lHise of securing a divorce a-mensa-et-thoro from the defendant The de fendant will further TAKF'NOTICK that she is required to appear in tlie oflhce of the (Jerk of the Superior Coutrt id' HaywiKid .Countv. North Carolina, on or before the 12 day of November. lit.'U, and answer or de mur to tlie Complaint, or the relief therein prayed for will U granted. I his the 1.1th ,dav of September.. lil.M. W. G BYFRS, Clerk Superior Court. No. 25:! Sept. 20-27-Oct. 4-1 1 NOT I CF OF SA LF OF LAND L'nder and by virtue of the au thority conferred by Deed (if Trust executed by Ralph W.Davis and wife. Cora Davis and dated the 1st day of Septemk'r. 11)27. and ' recorded in Book 21, Page H.r), in the office of th,. Register of Deeds for Haywood Coiiiity, V- S. Bryant, Substituted Prustee, will at twelve o'clock noon On TUFSDA Y, OCTOBFR 22. PJ-i4. at IhiCt'ourt House'-Door of Haywood County in Waynesville. North (,'aro- ltia. well at public auction for cash to the highest, bidder, the following md to-wit : A certain lot or parcel of land in or , near the town of W aynesviHe, County of Haywood and ''more partic ularly described as' follows:' BFG1.NN1NG on a stake on the : Fas.terly margin, of- Hazel-- Avenue. ( foi iiierly Chui ch Street ) saiil stake being Roliert M'e.KIrdyV Noithwest.. erly corner and runs with the "margin, of said Street .North b degress West '.'ii feet to il stake; thence Nor:!: h.i degrees Isast foil feet to. a stake in Kuyki-ndall's lin,. (this being the old -I. F. Basr line) .; thence with said line; South 1 degrees Fast , I'll feet to, a stake, MrFlMiy's Vol ner. "the ftee with. "Mc Flroy's liner .South' degrees West .lot) fee! to th,, Beginning. 11FINC . the . .'same, lot' of f ind. Con veyed, in Ralph W. I.iavis. it al by deed dated Si-p'embei-' 2s. l:'2.2. .from'.' T. U. Worsham : and vv fe, Annie Woi shall'-, and ,ie. oi ded in Deed Book No ''.2. page This sab- is on account 'of default ii, .'payment .of:. the indebt-s edln-ss secured by .-aid deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and assessment,- . agai-nst; , -property, whether -now due or to .bec-nne due. A five K-r cent .-(,V- ) lii-li deposit vvib . lie reipjjreil rof the highest bid der at - the s.ib'. This tiie 27tii day of Aiuru-t 1!.'!4. ... S BRYANT ; . ; : Substitute L Trustee. Loan No.- '',)". " ' No. 21'iSent. '27-Oer 4-11-1.

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