THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1931 THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER (Bo to (Ehitrrh nuuaij j Governor-Elect Of S. C. Spends Week At Lake Junahiska 1 1 ill pat 1 ) BALSAM C'Hl'lU'H 01-' i'lli CO MM I'XION iuu.v i Mii-: ( Episcopal") Kt'v. Albert Now. eviniriB: .crvii.'o at 4 p. m mon. AW1 will bo pleased to Balsam Gap1, clmvi'li at this will he with si e you hour- at AYXKSVil.l.K t'lU'RCH HAITI ST i; IVomotion Pay i:i ' ,,, I IJ - 1 I ' A I expeted all GRACE CHURCH IX THE MOUNTAINS" t Episcopal 1 T?v 41h. it New. M. A., Recto''. Anir'els and ArehanpjU," will be iVio .if the Reeto.-V sermon on Sun.tav. Sentember 30th, at 11 o'clock Th.. service will be a choral celebra tion .if the Eucharist observing the Festival of Michaelmas. Th. rhiir.-h school will convene in th Parish House at 10 a. ni. Everybody most cordially invited to all our services. THE PRESBYTER J AN CHURCH Dr. R. I Walker. Minister. Well, the great Industrial Strike is over, and the men singing hymns of praise went back to their jobs Monday- Perhaps you didn't strike in dustrially but relibiously. Have you bt'n attending church regulavly and faithfully If not, call off the strike and start in Sunday. You need the church and the church needs you. Sunday school i:4r, sermon 11 and Christian Endeavor 7:1'', service of praise and prayer Wednesday 7:30. We had a larger Sunday school last Sunday than any Sunday for some time, ' Were you there? It was m spinni; to see the men's Bible class room crowded to its capacity. Conn on men, we can get a larger room. Let's have still more next Sunday. Rally Day, Oct. 7th. ; ' The pastor will pi each Sunday morning on "Putting: Y pur .Business Methods into Your Religion." i Glad to see you at all our 'services, I Next Sunday ... our Sunday school good '.tendance services. We are glad to announce that we have secured the services of Or. Cas per Warren, of Oanville. Kentucky for our series of meetings which is to begin October 14. He is one of our fine young- North Carolina preachers who lias U-en working in another state. He was a lawyer for several vears in Dunn, N. C. nal .;t.;:.n. it niuin'.aiM, h surp"i". a m'Vi system i amor man mouths terms," he. Mr- Johnston also advocates Having the estate '.ate of H i:n i. :hi i.a ii.g el: NOT 1 1. r. .maiitied as exvcutui' of K. A. Setltelle, decea; W i -; av LONG'S CHAPEL, LAKE JUNA LUSKA'S ONLY CHURCH Fred 0- Dry man. Pastor, Conference will soon be here. Much is to be done before we are ready. But time does not wait! We had two lijie citgregations la.t Sunday. Preaching just ordinary. If vou want to attend a church where the congre gation puts the preacher on tiptoes then come to Long's. . In these days when our souls are in the balance no preacher lacks for opportunity.' Be sides, golden nuggets are constantly falling, so he lacks no material for real preaching. However, his biggest job is to live his preachments, this is especially true in regard to the proposed theme . for next Sunday morning Fidelity. Next Sunday evening at . :,0 our congregation will be exposed to some real preaching. Our presiding elder Rev. L. B. Hayes, will vcupy the pulpit the fourth quarterly conference will follow. Promotion in Sunday school Sunday morning. Let all the teachers and pupils he present- Wee of, visitation to follow. Rally day the first Sunday in October. ST- JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Kev, Howard . V Nineteenth Sum: Morning Mass at diction of the Biessi mediately after the The iilvitat :on of jiastor. All are welcome services Lane. Pastor. ay aft.-r Pc-htecost it A, M- : Bene sed S..crament im- Masse.: Christ,' Sermon by th attend " the WAYNESV1LLL METHODIST : Sunday promises to be a great day at the Methodist church. At i':4o we assemble in the Sunday school for a -special promotion day program Sunday is aL-o Rally Day we want every member of the school Present. Let s n.ive a great nay wun a great attendance. And let' our special 'otfereing as lU'eral ib!e. We espicial'y w a:v have ever taught or 1 make as pes-. Sunday school to tv the Sunday school a Sunday At the - 11 pa s t o r vv i '. 1 s p e a k n Teachers." This is movemcrit for- a ".at of Sunday school tethers. The y.'utiti pccp!j w;il r. p. ni. ana. the ewivii'.sr chu. with the .-eimor. bv the p: 7:30. Make a special effort, to b Sunday You need the v the church needs you. Our doors are open wide at 'all times. : ail those who .old office in t he present at ;both id .vhuivh hours -'clock hour the he subject' "Our -. line the recognition Mayor J. H. Way v Endorses For v Get-Me-Not Day Hearty endorsement of the annual Forgct-Me-ot Dav drive of the D. A, V., W. W.. Chapter No. 5, of W:y nesv:lle. to he conducted ir. this city Tuesday, October 2, lias been: extend ed by Mayor ' W.ay, . iti. a statement reading as follows: oar gallant sol. big offensive of M case -Argon tie victory, and the wever. that the n-months school the present six-i said - t he eB- talihshment td a Labor department m his state, similar to the one in North Carolina. Although he came to the Lake to get away from work, he brought two stenographers- who in less than a week, have wri'ten over a thousand letters. "And if it were not for press ing business I'd remain here for a much longer period," he said, "but I've got to get back to work." He is an active worker in the South side Baptist church in Spartanburg. He teaches a large Bible class, and for the past eight years has been a deacon in the church. He is also director of the young people's work of the church and head of the same work in Northern South Carolina. While in college he played football for the University and while attend ing Wofford played professional baseball for the Cotton Mill League Although his campaign was a stren uous one, he did not loose a bit of weight, he said, as "I prepared for it in advance,'' After things get settled. Governor Johnston intends to return to this section and spend more time. He regretted this time that he did not get to make a trip through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. When questioned about the park ht said he knew Quite a bit about it but that the average person in South Carolina had never heard of it, which led him to believe that South - ar- olina afforded this section a wo.ndei ful "field to advertise in." Governor Johnston was accompan ied here bv his Wife and Mr. and Frances Drake, of Greenville. irrl I ouniy . to notify - again?'. '. to t.h; :t at S . ut h n, e- N. C , 1 '. notice v.:'.'. r recovery, .aid estate ire payment Ni.rth Car all persons being wood County being part ot tract niore fully descrioed BEdlNNINl. en a an.I'!un N Hay- l H : u-.,....v-llu Township, North Carolina, auu No. 1:2, being s follows: stake its 1- NOTICE OF TRuaiEE'S SALE in E- em N. .V a or, on : 1 a:: p ' r ''el - e t n in bar of tht indebted to make i mined This :;uth d .v .f August- it'3-! R. F. SENTKLI.E Executor of R. A. Scnte'.le Est..t No. 243 Aug 30-Sept. t-13-20-Oct- 4. ieU'leM o'-.-on' j-j' ' j n. Wt ::o W. .w : the! , a st. with p Ige teet to :l X. 3d' :,,nt- Weica s , line N ; theiHV ;take in F ,-03 On Wednesday. October 10, at eleven o'clock. A . M. at the v, i house uo-jt m the town ot aynt; rlaywoou luuihj, -oil,-i ca. :he' undersigned will sell at j uutrrv, to the highest bidder for li'3-l COU! ct U: a stone All Work Under NGERA Has Been Discontinued C! at o:4o service, c in church ; iiut-ch and j to ..visitor '. 'sixteen years ago diers :arted the last ! he World War in the Forest which led to Armistice. "oh Nov 11, l'.US. It is.' therefore. - fitting t hat the disabled -survivors of: that eont'.lct should des- ! ignate their annual drive for public j support as Argoniu- Day 'May their, present barrage of -.Forget-Me-Nojs ' tind their marks with our fellow-cit -: irens just as . etfeeui. .'' as. did their -barrage of bullets for our fellow-citi-' liens sixteen years ago-. ' "The service winch file ''Disabled : American' Yetcrar.s are thereby on-1 nb'ed; to render for their less fortun- ' ate Comrades h.-.s beer., .ami .will, be.j, of 'incilru'lable value to. this comniu-j nity. - . ' i "1 trtist that .e'ei-y civie-minded i citiren wi; wear a. lt:t;t ouie.tiowt Raleigh. Due to the seasonal in case in farm employment ill har vesting and marketing cotton, tobacro.i and' other' crops all work projects under the Nt'FRA in rural section? of the sta-.e will be discontinued inline, i diately. Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. State I Relief Administr.tor. announced t.o ,1 day.. Mrs. O'Berry said that hundreds of , calls from farm workers have been i -made at local relief .offices by private . employers- dtiri.tlg t lie past several i d..ys' - indicat ing the need' for 'work ' and direct relief to care for unem p'.oVtd farm workers has sharply i declined.' -The State Administrator said' that I farm workers in ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE H..ving qualified as administrator of the estate of J. R- Redmond, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons haying claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, Route 1, or at Waynesville. N. C. on or before thP 20th day of Septem ber, 1935, 0r this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will pleasp make immediate payment. This 19th dav of September, 1934- CHAS. B. McCRARY, Administrator of J. R. Redmond E?tat. No. 255 Sept. 20-27-Oct- .4-11-18-25 paid. . NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, October 8, 1934. at eleven o'clock A. M. at the court house door in the, town of Waynesville Hay-wood County. North Carolina, I will sell at pul?ic outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing lands and premises, lying and 0 as "employable -trat-or s the stat ' will be .1,1 removed om tr ;p:cm! g -eas ro Ms .not later than Jo ng ts a: i rciv.en Dav " a nee 1-'. '-a:, t - -N -: Act ; .-' WAY. ig Mayv 1 tiiiip'.cyeil , minimum- i ..'"With t ie 'height of the Harvest- .lvs. u -berry said. . wnen r- additiotial farm workers it. the need for -work pro I't'ect lelief to care for un- jvop'.e- 'is .fe(iu.ii to the Flobe: Do you marve .:'-,e lareement-s fi'om sriap-shots Photographer: 'That's or.- '-I - "t'iebe; the C. rand "Fine Canyon -pictur ot exceptions, v.e sus- ; pen.ii'Vg all. w ork projects -in the ru ! ral areas and removing farm laborers from relief rolls . .'h order .that farm i efs and others offering private em i p'.oyment may be .-ssured adequate j'hejp during the harvesting season." i Work projects- to be excepted ..r i those dealing with the handling of : the 100.000 vattie brought irito - the stat. of. ei r o u ght -stricken a re as -West Mi and the canning Irene Dunne & K. 0 Star ''..--i-'?''' -n-. '0- JV-:. ' ;liWw.v. m 1: Sl.OO Cardui Tonic :: '.-'. , . . 69c 2.)c Thedfords lilack Draught 15c SI. 00 Yamrxle Tonic , ..' ..' -. : ... 79c SSSSV." y ;3i' 51 I 31 ax Faetor's Snpor-Indelible Lipstick 8 TB OI A net irE. in lipsticks created i for the stirs of the screa bv Mix Factor.'.. Hollywood s tciie-up gfaius.-Al.-uinr-fT.v i;p .sjce-tp: ... which itncura listing bp color to the inner is weil is the outer stir. ce of the lips, thus -insanng uni form color tor the fail lips. Super- . ' Indelible., .its color lists til dit', Smooth in textute md soorh:;, it keeps, the lips lovely In loc: . .color hirrr.ony shides . Fb-rre, Vermui6n.Cirm:Reir.dCr:ion . Max Factor's 5 vrtv Make-Up "dvw.vf tf tit &..-r " HC t t Vpoi pound Epsom alts V'r.r '.''.v. 9c Ovaltine I.aree Sie 59c ")0c Vicks Nose Dfops 37c 75c Listerine Mouth Wash . 59 c ")0c Ipana , Tooth Paste 39c $1.25 5. S. S. Tonic ... ... . 98c $1.00 ST. 37 Antiseptic . 79c t r oni e Mui 'ts. O'Berry said the discontinu ance of work projects and the re moval of employable people from the lelief-roils is -in ' line wtthi the Ad mini.straticn's genera! policy of re h. riiitat;..!:. ''. . . . . . '' "We .-make every -effort to see that our -relief clients : return to- private emp'oymer.t where they may ecjn tinue in the work in which they have been trained, or: work in which they beer. troinTd. or work which they have been . accustomed to do, when the employment is available.. We be lieve that e.m ploy nier.t- now is avail able tp the large majority of.i. farm workers ot: cur rolls."- Mrs: O'Berry said that relief for unemployable people will be cOntin ue.t . as ; usual. '..'"' er Wcuid marr' Me'gM' "1 m at you fit' a beautiful g: me or ia sen- i you'll never be able to marrv either, old titan " -."-"' :-.' "Why ttotr': ;: " -x beauiiful girl could olo better.- anil a : sensible . .girl wbuldi .itr.o w better. . , urccer: Anything' . . Kastus: ' six raisin--.Grocer: Rastus: enough fo y .'Uf riy psper. Here's. ; Yes, suit ; Ah wants aoout ..Do you mean six. pounds 1 :Naw. suh, about six- jes cec.c'yS- . rlOcTKors Vitamin Com p. 49c iOc Castoria Fletchers . . Relieves Headache Due To Constipation "Thedford's Black-Draught has been used ia my family for years," writes Mrs. J. A. Hightowtr. of Carthage, Texas. "I take it for sick headache that from consti patloa. When I feel a headache coidn? on, X take a dose cf Black Drauih It acts and mj- head gets easy. Before I knew or Black Draught, I would suffer two or : hree days but not any more since I have vised Black-Draught." Xhedford's BLACK.-DBACGH3 Ptrr-1 VrfrtsW txtlT corner; W. ner; tnence feet to a .-take, saia K' feet from the center ot veway; thence with Welch niiVewav. ami l- teet nom wie i" n.,,-..:,f in a Westerly direction tV,.t to'n stake near Hall Road, Welch th .-!-.: .. with Hall Road as meanders, 12 c.Uls a K. 2"K feet: . -44 : W. 2.") 5 fee! : feet : S 62 ;i0' K 30' K. 50 feet; S 1S; E. 120 fee N. r8 :0' K feet; No. r3 the and 923 eh it follows: S. 13' W. 193 feet; is. S. 32' 45' E. 89 2t53 feet; S. ST 4' 30' W. 205 feet; ; X. 77 E. 58 feet; 94 feet; N. 38s 10 E. 53 feet to the BE- GIXXIXG. containing 14 J-,uu acres, more or less, and being part oi the land conveyed from H. X. Phil iin an,) u'ifp. I., f. Phillips, to T. M. Mnmui' hv dped ree-istered in Book 55, page 419. Record of Ha wood County- EXCEPTIXG, however. alove described, six acres conveyed to Z. V. Morrow. Sale nuuie pursuant to. power , of sale conferred upon the undersigned by virtue of a deed of trust executed by T. M. Morrow and wife, Mary Morrow, dated August 7, 1933. and recorded in Book 29, page 164. Re cord of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This September 8th. 1934. W. R FRANCIS. Trustee-. No. 252 Sept. 13-20-27-Oct 4- Deeds of from the heretofore pre nu. sts : BEGi.N.M-Mj on a staKe in '.:,. Xorthe.-sterly margin of a puh::. read- said stake being H. Clark a:, W- C. Phillips corner, and runs w.'.: the said Clark-Phillips line, X. .;; W- 505 feet to a stake, Phillips. C!;ir,. and McElroy corner; thence with th- Phillips-McLlroy line, X. 20 30' K. 185 feet to a stake in said lin-, ; I thence S. 36 E. 538 feet to a stake ' in the margin of the public road, j Hogland and Phillips comer; ther.L-, 'with the margin of said road, S. 32- 30" W. 177 feet to the BEGINNING, containing two (2) acres, more or i less, as Der plat made from survey of J. N- Shoolbred. June 14, 1928, by J. W. Seaver. Being a part of the property de scribed in a deed from W. C. Phil lips and wife, Myrtle Phillips, to Carl Messer and wife. Vernie Messer, dated May 30. 1931, and recorded in Book 84, page 314, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Carl Mes- j ser and wife, Vemie Messer, dated! Mav 1st, 1933. and recorded in Book 31, pag 26. Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This 10th day of September. 1934. J.R.MORGAN, Trustee. 251 Sept. 13-20-27-Oct. 4. o. ReaJ The Ads Graiid OpeniB Monday Night 7 p. m. ALL ROADS LEAD TO WAYNESVILLE AND THE AMERICAN LEGION, NOST NO. 47 FIRST ANNUAL HAYWOOD COUNTYFAIR Agricultural Poultry Home Demonstration Ex h ibit s Merchants Manufactures Automobile Dealers Industrial Exposition The Largest Fair Event Ever Held In Waynesville And Haywood Countv SPECIAL SPECIAL First Annual Haywood County Fair Opens Mon., Oct. 1, 1934. Delhvood Highway Band Mill Grounds, Waynesville TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2. 134- Is-Canton Day Also Fraternal Day when members of all Fraternal Lodges will be admitted Free until 7 1 M. upon presentation of their paid up membership card. Baby Pageant. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19:51 Is School Children Day for Waynesville and All Hav w(xd County All school children will be admitted Free day and night. All shows and rides will be 5c to the kiddies this dav onlv. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1. 19.51 Is Ladies Bay. day only up until 7 P. M. All Ladies will be admitted Free on this FRIDAY. OCTOBER ". 19:51 The Public Wedding will take place on The Midway when a local couple will be joined in Matrimony. ( Legal Public Wedding on Fridav Night. Ac tober 5, 19:51). .sa 1 1 KD.W, OCTOBER 6. 19.51. The grand Climax awarding of any and all prizes in Contests et c. with Special Features and the -F E A T U R I N G- 0N THE 3IIDWAY Krause Sreater Shows W AYNESVILLE. N. -61934 DELLWOOD HIGHWAY BAND MILL GROUNDS ALL NEXT WEEK OCTOBER 12 3 7 Mammoth Riding Devices. 12 Big Fun Shows, Bands. Calliphones. Big Feature Free Acts Day and Night. Legal Public Wedding Contests Educational Exhibits. Industrial Exposition Agricultural and Poultry Displays. A whole midway of new and entertaining features DON'T FORGET THE TIME OCTOBER 1 TO 6 WOOD HIGHWAY BAND MILL GROUNDS- INCLUSIVE THE PLACE DELL--WAYNESVILLE. N. C. SPONSORED BY American Legion Post No. 47 J. This Is Your Fair-So Why Not Be There g ' ' -.- - ' ,..-- n. ; 32c

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