I ,1 .. - "I. A 41 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 1 Mr Ceoriro Hampton, -f I anton- I . ... v. ....... ;.. W-Ticvillp on Spl'Ill 1 Ut'MlJJ III business. Mr. Zack Davis, of Iron Duff, spent Tuesday in town on business and m attendance ot the Cbuntv tali. ' Mrs. S. T. Neal and party of friends 'motored to Asheville on Mondav. 1, Mr. Clifford Brown, of Clyde, spent Tuesday in town on business. , - s Mr. Dewey Stovall made a business trip to Asheville during the week, i. . f Among those from Clvde in town -on Tuesday was Mr. J. B. Holder. " Dr. J. R. McCraeken spent Monday in Franklin on professional business. Mr. T. J. Reece, of C ruso, made a Visit to Wavnesville on Tuesday Mrs. J. H. Coffey, of B;yson C ity, tspent Tuesdav in town ;lioppinK, i' . . Mr. F. A. Justice, of Crabtree. tipent Tuesday in town on business; Mrs. Hiram t "amp-boll, 1 Majririe. spent Monday in town shopping. Mr. D. H. Harris, of Canton, was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. C . . league, ot 1'ientis, was a Waynesville visitor during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cogburn. ot Canton, spent AYednesday in town. Mr. Hovle Smathers, ot Asheville, spent Wednesday in town on business. ir 9 Mr- Dave Boyd, of Jonathan's Creek, spent Monday in town. Mr?. Minnie fowles. of C raotree. spent Tuesday in town shopping. Mrs i. harles K. Thomas has as liter guest this week, Mrs. Kdgar Snow, of Skyland. Mrs, Will Bry.-on, of Iron Duff, was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday Mis. J. Harden Howell spent Tues day in Asheville. Mr. and Mis Jim Long made a business trip to Bryson City on Monday. Mr D. M. Cagle. prominent citizen of Civde spent Tuesday m Waynes ville. " Mr. W'.J. Da'mtoft. official of the Champion Fibre Company, spent Tuesdav in town. Miss F.lizlibftji Henry and Miss Fannie Fearl helmet spent the week, end with friends in Atlanta Miss Ruth Crai;r. of Pontiac. M,'h., arrived during the week and will be associated with the Jo Ann Beauty Shop. Dr. Sam Siiingiiold ami Dr. Tom Stringlield wore A.-heville visitors on Friday, having motored over tor t!ie football game. Miss l.oikie Carlisle has returned to her home in Lawnsdale, S. C. at ter spending a week with her aunt. Mrs. T I.. liramlott. Among those attending the ball game in A.-heville on Friday after noon were Dr. l V Msk, Mr. Torn I.ee, Jr., and Rev. Paul Hardin, J : v in, vs s oan anil cnu- , , , , , . .i ,f .Mis. . I. kuss nas reuiMiou nome dim, ot rranKiin. spent u,e ..... - afu,r Uvo wtHk's visit to her par the week in Waynesville. ' n(s M. . m, M).. Fi,s,el. Bennett, in Hendersonville. Mr K F. Went., of the Champion . . Fibre Company, spent Tuesday in jjr y , Hardin. Mr. Bill Shool town on business. ,1V1, and Mr. Kmmett Five joined a ! party at Old Fort during the week Col. and Mrs . T. B ites, of Fort j for lH.-n- hunt in that section. Md'horson, were among the Waynes- ... Mr. .1. Bat Smatliers, prominent ai D - and Mrs. 0. T- Alexander lett on Tuesday for a two weeks vacation. They vil itirst go to Charlotte where Si. v will In' quests of relatives for a few days and from there will go to points north. - t Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kay have an nounced the birth of a daughter, Mary Ftti, at their home, September Miss Mary Stringlield has as her guests this week Miss Minthe Ann Weld and Miss France.. W hitnnre, of Koanoke, Va. M:ss We'd and Miss Whit mi. v were schoolmates of Miss Stringtujil when she attended Con verse College r Mi H,,.t. Oliver niihlic health nurse of Swain, has been transferred to Haywood county. She is at prea- Mrs. Rav is the former Miss Jeanjent working in the Waynesville Ele- Mr. and Mrs. Toni Davis, of I .on ! Duff, were the guests of friends m . M.s. F. K. Dotson. of Clyde Route 1 town on Tuosday pent .Monday m town flopping. Mr. No.'mnn James, of Fines Creek, spent Saturday in town on business. Mr. M. II. Keruusoii, f Riyer.-i,ie. as a Wavnosvillc vi.-itor tin- tirt of the week. Mr. Josh Allison, of Jonathan's Creek spent Monday in town. ! Mi-. Mans.. u Me.il.od, of Don Dull ' . i was aniong thi.se siiendii.g Tuesday Mr. Carl. Hill, of Canton, spent j in town from his si.iii of the county iSatiirdav in town on business. i i Mi'. Lee Noland, of Iron Dull- va Mr.'W. W. Haynes, of Clyde, was j in town, on l.usim-.- the tirsi of the in town during the week on business. week. I Mr. W. K. Allison, of Jonathan's! M r. and M rs. W. '1' Lee had a- t b.i : Creek, spent Mond:;y in town. m eues! over the week-end Mis. J. R .. . ! Ce.rvin. of Macnii. C.a. Mr. Zeb Rotrers, of Crabtree, was! in town on business Saturday. ! Mr. Bo!, D:.v,-. ,d lroi, Dull, w it- .... ! among tho-e ;n n t lt tuv. "I t tit- Mrs. A. C.Moseiy, of Fi'anklin, was a Waynesville. -visitor during the. week. Mr. Pink Best, of Cral.it.ve. made Week f i'-o-lll i li the ,nnt v- bust trip to town on Saturday- D.-t ober 1st Mi-, and. Mr'-. Roy Francis announce the bi.fh of a ihiughte-i-. Namy Reees vilie visitors on .Monday. D. l-:rne.-t Morgan, ol Clyde, wile among those in town the first of the week. Mrs. A. Allis-on and -daughter, M',.-s Wilm ," Alli-on, of Jonathan's Creek. spent Fridav in town shopping. ' - Mr. Hurley Palmer, of Catnlooduv. w a. a W'ayiie-vil'e visitor during thr- week t,.i M..v .if As hevi e snent several days in town on business during tho week. Nelson Mr Donald Dunham closed the Dunham House on Monday morning after a most successful season and left the same dav for St. Augustine. Fla. Mr. Dunham will us usual have a winter hotel at some point in Flor ida :.s well as his own place the Dun ham House in St. Augustine. Mrs. I). W. Hartness, Miss Lambeth and Mrs Bob Woodward arrived dur ing the week from Columbia, S. C. Mrs Hartness and Miss Lambeth will return to Columbia but Mrs. Wood ward Will remain sometime. Mrs M. 11. Reeves spent Monday in Sylva at the C. J. Harris Commu nity Hospital with her son, Mr. l. 11. Reeves, who was a patient there for several days following an automobile accident which oecu'i red at Dick's mentarv school. Mrs. Lucy L-eary Har:e 'has assumed the duties of health nurse in Swain in place of Miss, Oliver. Mrs Frank Therrcll and small son, A-hton lherrell. who have been the guests of Mrs. Therrell's mother, Mrs. Nora W Ashtoti, left on Monday for Louisville. Ky. She will spend one week there as the guest of Mr. and Mrs Ceorge White, the latter the former Miss Braxton Kirk. Her voung son. Frank. Jr. will remain with his grandmother. Mr- J t Weaver returned the tirst of the week front a visit to her sons, Mr. Charles Weaver and Mr. Frnest Weaver, in Detroit. While away Mrs. Weaver attended 'the Fair at Chicago, took a trip into Canada and visited several other cities in that part of the count. -y. Major J. Harden Howell was among those attending the reunion of the :';i'th Division in A-hcville last Week. He also attended the banquet at the Ceorge Vailderle'-t Hole! n S .turday night. . - .: , 11. , ' ... PI... I ... i a nail; ii'ui no. n.-i'is' ' " i ,, ... ,, . i among tho-e attending the reunion of ')'.. uHowhet the ;',Oth Division in A.-licvijle auiiiigi the pas! week. I M i h H.-iiiv .Mr- .1!. . I i i.-i i ,i Mr. I l ed : lie Mr, the,, t i ai t i rt , of .I'll . 4 Charle-. Byr.'i. of High I'.-int go. -: ef hei- mol In i M I'.-. .LB , on I !, . l.'iKit han'- 1 ' i eek ro ,,l. -. !aik Mi Am. -Ilg those atlenditig the I , -11111011 f t lie ::m !i 1 iivi-ioii 111 A-h.e ille la-t week w.re: Mr. and tr-, 'I'""1 Lee, .Ir . and Mr. Unfit R, tha I- er motored to A. with a li.il t .1 inn y Neal ..mi Mr. P A-hevilie i-itoi: ; Sho,.l 1 1 vi nil,; Rule McCl-acken was ainolig 1 11 : ,,wn liui'ing .the week I r 011.1 Jaaie, A CUvti of Nek 1 ,as tile "guest -"during the w'eek brofhei' Mi T Li Cwyii. Mr .1 , 1 'i-e Cle.il ! tionat Park, v City, -peiit Sat Mi ham at 1 '; Crod M C la.. u h Mount a.iio Na ,'ifli.-' "m Piy-oi n town. 1: ,0' nnnimg no of ! lie inos' alo .1 ,111:1 in -k 1 nl of Cetoho!-. M :. Carter ' ni. ale a busim 1 Saturday. ( l- boi iie, of. Clyde. - t rm to V:i vnvsville CLOTHING For Men and Boys A Complete Service C. E. Ray's Sons ALL NEXT WEEK ALL NEXT WEEK ASHEVILLE 7 Days Starting SUN DA Y, October 7 --j Wrnst ."jWnfjUWiifWinmn n 0ur Own Will . . . as lovable as in State Fair" as human as in David Harum" as merry as in Handy Andy but he touches your heart as he never has done before! m riKiMli.i.. Mr Ch Dollwood U edne Coiii',! - ( Iwen -, pi mi i pal ol 1 1 in,,! wan in town i.l ten .lihg liio llaywo. Miss Theda Carrot t has gone to Asheville where she has ellterdd the Asheville Norma! Teacher:. Training College for the eil.-uing term.. While Mis- Lillian Carroll ha- gone to -Cub lowliee whole she i- attending the e-!ern Carol.!!.! Teaclie.- Ti'.ining I oi'ei;,'. Ml I'll 'Mr ,i" lbv to, in, i ' Dll, kett Fan, ('; W". Del l art -..11 "i-tv. a . niivi:!:-, Ml 11,1 two , 1 1 1 I.l li , iJl-lCllg tl and Mrs. I', M -- l-Mith llaucotii who is a -'U-d, n: a! Mat;- Hill College tbi,- -year, -peir the week end a- the guest- ol he parent-. Mr and Mr.- 11. ' W. llaiiooln. She hod as her guc-t-I li -,'' of her -, hool - male-: Mis Mni in Itaiieoiii of Da!la-, N. C Mi- Wilnia John-oil, of A'ao-kie. C., and Mi-.- Judith Filer, of State-Mile; Mis- llairietl How. II i- atteiidine the Asheville Normal .Teacher.- Train ing Collcce, of Asheville. Mrs. Henry Wighnm spent the past week ill Aslieville with: her hu-band. who is now located there. Dr. and Mr-. ,1. Rufu- McCracken were among the Asheville visitors or. Fridav. ' Mr. Aaron Prevost and a party of friends attended the ball game in Asheville on Friday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wag.mfel.i were among those inotoring to Asheville on Friday. . ... Kev S. R. Crockett, formerly "of W'aynosville. now of Franklin, was .1 Waynesville visitor on Friday. Mr. Charles Smathers, of Canton,! made a: business trip to town during the week. Mri Mark Leatherww).!. of the Big Bend section, spent Monday in town on business. '"'. Miss Lyda Wilkinson, of llellhaven, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Allen, fo;- a fortnight's visit, m Dr. H. A. Smathers; of Canton, made a .."'business trip to Waynesville during the week. . Mr. S- M Robinson, of Canton, spent several days in Waynesville during the' past week. ..... Mo. J. H. . Kirkpalrick. of Canton, made a hu- t ess trip to town the first of the week. ' ' '!: :it Mri P- .1. Met'raeken, of C'rahtree, made a bu.-iness t rip to ;twn .during the week: . Mo. Ralph ..ibiwoil, of .lonath" n' l a,.,..!: . i',.,hie.,,la in l.iWII ,h,,;,pini' !!' .at t, lldlllg .t h ( "on n! v Fair. .; Mr. Creek ine-s. t;haries M.Cia. -ii(;i;t Mi.nda'y in '' . ,,f Fin- ,w-n oti bus W ISO 1 Ml mm ' . . . i RTV I Make Up A Party . Come See This Picture OELEL ; A f ir i i Mr.: and-. Mr-. M - H- Tiowde-; spen lie. -week-end in: Syiva as the gilest ;.!' Mr. and Mr.-. Hen Sloan "Mr-.. Caiojiua I! vat' and" Mis l : ,',r:,'i'et A :l-0(,t( wioe Svlv.a vi-it;' on Sat u rday.: " " , . Mt, John- Carver, ' of DcIIwhI;; made' a' business trio to town during the week. . Mr andMrs. Hugh Abel attended :the-T('Ui'iion of the: "Jl.th" Divis'ion in AshcviH" hist week.. M... Kite Sanford. "f ' labiree was among the visitors from.,.her seo tion of, the county on Tuesday. .-".',: Mr. Jack, - Brown.. . attooney,. of Asbevi lle,;, spent ..Wednesday in town on business- - ... i Mr. Tom Rollins;: attorney of Ashe, vilie: spent several, days in town d.ur- ir.tr the week. .' ..; Mr- Hugh Massie leaves for Green. ille today where he will spend sev- tral days' on . business. : , ,, , . . Mr, Chick ' Lee. of Columbus, Ga init tv-f. 'week with his narents,. Mr and Mrs. W'. T Lee. at their country ' - Mr. Kid Roberts, well known boxer, left during the week after spending sometime as the guest of Mr. : and Mrs Horace Ferguson. -'.'--.: -;-. ; , yi.- William Hann h, Mr- Kath leen Fryburger, and Mrs. ;0. B. 0'P.rien spent Wednesday in Asheville."-. -. ' Haywood M r ; ml Mis. li- T, I ii.-k.- t t had a- tin ir cue t- on Wedue-day. M : -' Cleiin Leatherwood and two ihili'li'en, (' aipMei . Mr. and Mrso P. W Mcl'ilroy, of the Naval Training Stalion of Nor folk,. Va.i were visitiiig friends and relatives in the count. V the past week. . Mr. A .1 Stevens, of New .York, p.esideiit of the Sinicre.'t Lumber Coinpiny. .-pent last Thursday, in town on bu-iness. Mr. Lawrence (i. Miller, of West Grove. Mo., spent, the .week-end in town with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs C. F. Kirkpatrick, at the Hotel Le- Faine. . Mrs. Halrold Kopplin, and Miss Flizabeth Fisher, freuuent Waynes ville visitors from Miami, have ar rived to spend sometime at the Hotel LeFaino. Mrs. .Margie Hlaylock and her sis tor, Mrs. Alex Shui'ord. wl'.io is visit ing her, left during the week, for Morristown, Tenii.. where they will be the guests of Mrs. John ('. Orr. Miss Hele Franklin left last week fur Cuilowhee where she will ! a student at the, Western Carolina Tacheis T.aining College for. the , omitig' year. Among those attending the bail game in Asheville on Friday after noon, were; Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wither-, Miss Catherine Martin. .Miss l',m :iv Sih-r, Mi'-s Sa.uh Webb and Frn- Withers. Jr. Mr - a lid M rs. John- N Shoolloed: have 'a- th'ir- guest othi- week Mrs. Ceorge' Toneray.' of Johnson jly, Tenii:. Mi-, Tonrratv 1- a niece of Mrs S'hoolhred ' .. - ' , Mrs W 11. Fudge had a- heo glH'-ts eve- tiie week-end' ill liie. .Parkway J j ,,,,,! Mr. and Mrs. W. !!. Shelton and M'-.' and- Mr ,. Ca. ia't t Dyer."-of M.o j-i s'owir-Term; : :, , - ' Motoi ine to' 'A-'heville-oP Satiirday ail'einooti were Mr. and M-. Wi D. Smith,- M-.ii - Peini-e Mc:Kl'!i:mnoii aod Mi.-; lis W. llotmoU 'nil son H.-."..!. - .-' Mr-, flillord. )i Lii.p.ton- th.-:orm-er Mi-s. Louise. Francis, who has been -ponding the - prist month with. 'rela tives, here left, oh Saturday for her home in . Bridgeport --; ..Conn. ''ii oltoitie: 'S-iler F woman. : is aiiiong' thosi.-'- froin Waynesville W'ho a.re-., attendinjr- the '" W'(;-tern Carolina 1 Teachers Tra-iniiig'.. "' College al. rCu! l,.wl.' ". , : . . .o , ', w Mr: Humphrey Snyder, ofiJackson l ountv, ; spent Tuesday, in town at tending the "-Haywood f'ou'nty Fair. M,i.: Snyder was" fornicrly president of the. Jackson county F iil' - , , . .--.-. : Mr; and Mrs. Berry Lee liarnes, and Mr. and Mrso George Martin, of Ashciville, spent Monday in town as the gii -.- of Mri and Mrs. -Limes Wood Reed .'';-' ... . -. . Mr.. Gene Carter. ; of Lenoir; City Terin., .. spent the week-end , with his family. On Monday he was accompa nied to Lenoir City by Mrs- Carter and Miss . Virginia Carter who will 'spend this week there- ; .-; . ., ... Miss Alden Howell, left on Fridav for Los Angeles, fa!., where she will spend sometime witl'i hp.- aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs- Jack Johnson. She will be ioined later by her father, Mr Abb r) Howell, Jr. i Mi-- Aim tio inl't :irri li i day olid a- : limed her on ! he W n.'s ille t'ou in-hip-Soli,,,, I Moniiav nno-ninc: M b i '.: io. '- , la --e- w ,1 1 I : t he , ei il, w of t he ,1 gi i.- h .1: i- ! orv :. U..I mat h el,':-' ion w a- not e- -it al ed by I lay in ,-. , a-,' . in attendance The -oho, ! ', , i d w :e- er fort n nat e in' secni . i t is.' a teacher of M i-s Albright's pros ' ;-ge io lib tii;- po-ition. Cl'I'HN HDNilKKD W PIN NCR PAR I V .Mr - !- I'. I'ian. i,- v;te a lovely dainer part on Thur.-d.ay evening 1, on,-iinr h-v d auditor Mi -. Clnfoi'd !:. I up! ni. tin former M -- Louise Finn, i- who ha- -pen: the past month with her. Co'den rod and t.bleeii Ann's, lace in tinted -hade.- of blue were a pleas ing, ooiiihinat em for the cent rat table declaim'!. The ; pi :ce caial- wi'H'e ai Aellow with miniature hoiliiuots of hlno llowei's attached "I'l,,. i. li.-l included -nine of Mrs. ig!i j Lupten'- in, ist intimate fi iei.id-, wlm I were -Mi.- .lo-elduiie ( alc: Mi-s .lotin. 1, no from!. Hie Rii-sell, Mis- liliy.ah-et h Henry, ,.M,- in i;n. j Mi-- Fannie I'earl Felnlel. and Miss I llo -i n-ie I' l-.ller I' on, ,w ITU': i no ei v.iik f dinner Hie guests enjoyed :i movie heater parly. I on Sat- at Read The Ads 1 SA Small Larue . .)( 1 r- -WITH CHINA 29c I R(,L '-dL 22c From Ray's for A Healthy Breakfast (iold Molal Cup and Sauttr OC Oatmeal . LiDQ 'rvstal WetldiiiK Oatmeal A With (Jlassware ........... lUC Itilt more W heat Hearts, 12 oz. r Size .......... ... 1JC ( ream of VV heat, 28 oz. ) Size .......... . . . . Lt JC Wheatena, 28 oz. 9C Size ill JC y lOc KelloKjfs Kice "I A Krispies 1UL Kellos WJiole Wheat liiseuits ftf 2 'for". LtOC KellojfKs ( ornllakes 1 C 2 (or IDC I PRAM i'Kk. Z&'l VkK- TIHMllimi IIIIIW WW I lllgifTH-T-T' tl'"-rM MM! ; :.:;;':F . 10c Fnim Choice Haywood Slock 'l ea Hone Steak 1 i IVr round 12 C sTrlTniT'sTeak-" -j Per Pound LLt'ZC Hound Steak Per Pound . . 12k eal ( hops Per Pound . 10c Pork ( hops Per Pound 17c Spare Ribs Per Pound . 14c Kinjjan's sliced Breakfast Racon Per Pound . . . . . . 26c Choice Western Meats Expertly Cut Cleanly Handled C. E. Rays Sons The Rest Foods and the Rest Values li- V Si