-n V k - -r , j t- . Mium , ,..,.. CnO-miili-M, Al The lo,, HnU,,c, , U, S.M MouNaU,,,,,..-...,,, ,, T ,,, mi ksday. oiTomcu In. la-n WAYXESV1LKE, NORTH C'AUOUNA VOL. X1.1V no. it; ,1 J- TWO NEW CCC CAMPS WILL BE ESTABLISHED Clarence Phillips ill He Super intendent of The Camps of 200 Hovs Each Conducting Baptist Revival wiBeiEyr8BiairMiiil mmmm Clarence I'hillios left during tin ) week for Round Bottom, twelve mile, beyond Ravonsford where he will be the superintendent ot two I.. C. C. Camps with the usual 200 bovs jn each camp- After the vamps are construct ed the boys Will be put at the fcnes try work m the park area- Ihey will follow the same program ot woik that has been done by the other group.- .r that urea. The forest will be cleaned of the dead timber, roads beautified, and trails built to interesting ponus. It i- understood t Kit the boys mak ing up these two camps will all be from New York City and vicinity. Mr Phillips seems to be making name for himself in his ability to direct these groups m their work, his t ,,t thu Rhu-k Can t ami) HiUiiOj;i-inv in m --.s - having receive.) much commendation bv those in autnon.v. ,1 , , 4 Grouse Season To Onen Nov. 20 And Last Until Dec. 10 Hunting License In County Ex pected To Reach $1 100 For The Season, Says Hurnett w vi.. fj: ' si IhffiSSTS. Commissioners Name Approved List pLac R Mrfrarv 10 Collect 1934 Taxes Is One Of i." Hospitals In State To Retme Keii:nition 1? National Organization 1 A.., if lr Franklin H. Martin t minder ami director general ot the American College of Surgeons, in picscnung the seventeenth annual ..po.t whuh included the Haywood t ounty Uospi tnl is one ot" the approved institution in the I'ned State an,i l anada ! stilted: ! "Hospital care m the I tutetl States Mini Can oa m-siU.- U V "g -011011111 ; conditions ot the la-t live yeai-. ha ' stH.wn ! M-.n-; c::itl!viHsr iinpi.n eiuellt ., .-vice. H ip;' a's ap,ooe,l by t he A ,...;..... 1 ',. ot Sureeoiu have -'t. t 1 v A A (I V. Burnett announced this week that he had received a ruling f.om J. I) Chalk, commissioner ot game, that the grouse season for this section h id been set from November 2!)th to IV cember 10th, both dates included, the bag limit is four a day and twelve, a season. I'usent indications are that this will be the best hunting season in ve-rs in this se.-tiou, according - to Mr Bu nott, He said he believed the hunting license revenue trom Hay wood alone would .amount to .: !. a. : S1400 there being over halt ot that already paid. The total levenue trom lishing jn Haywood this -war amoumed to sldo-). 1..- I The new combination lateot d whuh giant- the p'lvikge ot h-hmg i" ' hunting all war has been ie.-poiiMt).e of- an increase 111 revenue, it was pointed out. The regular license oe ing ode countv and !J2.1D state lor each of the sports, unless under the combination rate. lelermmed lie tor tin ' " ! l ines Creek 1 armor Kccciod Tr'lO lleak Ollt I Appointment Al Special Ses- 23 Window Lights .nin. Here While Drunk .i:,,,1 I"1;.,,v:k, five- bv the board ot county . .-t hnt w 11 h:.;...n iicni. i- tlu- I mi.-M.mers m a -pecial .-.-sM.,n I a-ti..n loc 1 ollb ials are a-Mi-.c. each early ibis niornnig. .,!,.., f The aiuioir.'.nu n; .H Mr. Mc( i. ( We en. inesem i l ate l'ue.-da night i w.miu-h a, a man drove aOoiit aync-ille and lla-:olwou,l and broke out 01 r window panes. 1 be peculiar p.ii.t the whole-ale n. caking w a.- that thev u-vd their oare !l-ls to pound oil! the glass Night policeman I'bdl.p.- and IVp oi v 1 on-iable .l-eihti Kerley gae the: t , ",, , Chase and alter lour o cbu k i be two women wcic cauglil. and lodg t..i in lail- Ulbcei- hao a wanant i .. . . i .. a ; r. . . 1 1 1 . i in - i ii In i w as c i,iii. i i - , alio nni- n ii mil IK in. Lin (plate laboratory and Vra t .n i ht les , .( u (ll h V(, lt,(,,, Ceorgia. Holh woiiuii a.e well known h i Dr Casper ' Warren, ol Hanvil.c, Ky., win revival U the Kir-t Hapn-t i lunch. i iMiilinwmfiv- -"' unducting a ten-ila TTZ i7! Revival At First Burned Automobile iU church ,s Proves Io he Some- ('. . ln(erest whot Of A Mvslerv Broken Toys Are fT o"- nimi:vu:i v. Repaired For Kids jy what Of A Mysten Burned Hupmobile Found Near Haywood-Uuncombe Line. Sheriff Tryini (o l)e. termine Owner Sh. HIT 1 I w. n nm c tic n w ith Hi i' i K i' ' t(T'av ' -V'ng 'o idcoit tv - he " it a I'l ,1 , a '-! m c ' 11 i . i ivliw.Ir x.-.is liiinied abmr. a :T-i!e : . l II ..1 T ! 1 n., -ll ni i ne f ia w i-1 a i il "m midnight- Monchy. After an investigation -ati--fied !nm.-eH that n( one a ! oncl in the llames. 1 he .cit- AOs ... .1. iiivlvox'ei . (- w 4l Dr. Warren Announces Sermon Subjects For The ominu Week. Liirue Crowds Are Kxpecled I.ne M'l')!)' 11 1 III I I : !, i .nines, . is be pig shown - in -..v-.- if iiH'i-t nig- that a re being iu 'ci at- tin- l-'ir.-t llapti-t church h i pel- i Warren ol lan- Kv . who i.-. here .r a ten-day :I J In- i' me .-egatlons are being -..fj !,v lev uic -sage- i:nd a gam it'vn-J.-iiH1" i- bcong made each 1 been -UCC0--1U. in to It , -1 , I , iimvllU' c-lll, n sick and inured. Ur Martin expiamcci thai a Ho pit.-il to olitain appi o al mn-t comply with . L-rlain cU-liir-.e reipnrein. iKs laid down be the Amel .. an 1 ollege ol Sui-gi-ens. These na! .do pa 1 1 icul .1 rly the maintenance- o! . i ;.'.. 4 ine,in-al ... ,i . . ..i l, ; ... ... ni in a , oil iilivsl- S 1 .1 11 S Li l l ll(i.l.i - ' J I . Clan-; complete m-. di.al icco.d-, a.lc - nni a tlioioiicn i -i . and analy ia of tlu- cluneal woik ol the hospital each month, so a- to caret ally check up th-. lesuit.- . : . the pi-ole-sioiial activitu - within tiv ho-pital, aiial,c, nap -eek to mji. -i-e iliem It is the aim ot t-ne Anno n an ( ollege ol Sm-geen- to assl-I the medical p .cilessloll and lai-intal.- ,n ii--iiniii; to patients the best io-si!;le caie. Of :i ..a- bo-pital- ol 2o -beds and over in the I iinol State - and t aiimta wl'-i-h were iiii-hidi'd this car m tile -uivey ol the American l ollege oi. i Surgeon-, J tso.woii a pl.ccc on the t amu'civcd li.-t. Two signiticnnt ta ts ol nuicli lin portance to t he pub-lie Hie revealed 111 ii,,t iu-. .o l ev." -mvs Hi Martin. 'The death r te ill hospitals Is ,ocn below that ot la-t vear. and tile pel tod of ho-p:talialioii ha.- -liven shortened lie-ult- have iinpniveil cle-pite the Ih,. 111' 1 1 : 1 I I 1 1 1 - eoiiirni'- lo ho-ntt.di Ioiijiv.ti.il .llv arrive Ili a more .-c-iiuUs state, wiiii a more advanced condition than in. 1 or niei e .-, bi-i-au n- ul -I I ii'.geiit ei-iiiiioie eomlu loll--. Moie elheielit modi, a; and li lll:il so-r ices ai-,. ev Wi'i,!. a : -o lor ale n a iiki'.oi ia-1 icilucvion in ibe nam or or -Ji: onn. o l-nciiralile paia lit -. .l,-di,-a'l aint b" i:-.al ' vi; c- e liiakilig cli eulei-l beailwa-,- ur n - Oattle .ip.'ini-! ili-c-.i -e. aim I- an oiiipi I.- tout litllv Weill-ii i t nl a-i-nn v i 1 1 i c 1 1 1 in it.-, Oolei t .nil at I he lie.al-: a nh nappl lie - nl !ni iiiai lv le I I on.-tahle Kerlev said that he lound where thev had stopped then cai at i-acli place, and louml blood 1 io u the broken glass to the ci.r, and alter Hie ai rest lound blood- in -he c -u . The three were chunk, it vva- -aid. A ii. illv,- ouestioii vet UllansWlOed Is. " hat knnf of lapior did it take U nut them 111 such a name oi .muni. Sister Of Mrs. E. 15. Camp Died Here l-uiicial seivico- were held lol M - Oliver -lucid Storev on .Saturday morning at the Masste I' uncial .Home :.iul wen- coriilui led by the Kc-v. Al bert Ni w . lie, tor ol (,rai e l'.n.-copal chinch. M - Si or, v, vv ho had been v :.-lt nig Ian- -l.-ti i . M r-. I Vi. i- I V eell. 1 1 ,,,l,vl.i' d;d no! make bond lor t he ,,le,tieil .'I' the l'.'o-i li'N.'- dhe time given Mr. Welch by the bon d ,o make bond tor the collcciam ol Ha I'CIi tae- having expired at inn oielu e,liie-,lav night. I'll,. pi:;i i . books will be turned iiv. r to Mr. Met r.iry al once and In will bec iii ro,-i-:vmg pav I", lit lot the I !l."i 1 P. Ms. The present salary ol the tax cob lector of this county is s.i.olH) a y ai . tin- having been lived by the la-t licncal Assembly. 1 he tinnier sal ;il v .'having been Sl-bb, : It was pointed out by I' rank. I av is, member of the loar l o! - .imission-ii-.-i ., .l.ille iioioil will be made bv Ibe la collector t- thc ati.htot, and al-o a dailv deposil will be made of funds collected. A new bookkeep ing system will be installed; which will make auditing easier and linn, mate com pi leal ions, it was .-.lid. monthly report will be submit ted to t he board ol com missionel s at. tliei- regular lilst .Monday session.-, a,l llien an annual audit will be made of all the books , to delerinilie the ex. c-t slat Us by a eertilied liublic aecounlant . t'OLLKt TOK Ol l!t:il T.WKS WKI.L UNONN N lL ... ,:i..i To date he' ..... the coming Oscar L. Briggs made a second call this week for old broken toys which he will repair to give to unio tunaie families- this islinstmas has renaired over 2.i0 1 season. Last vear Mr. Briggs repaired ami distributed hundreds of toys to children- that otherwise would have been without. . Mr. Briggs does the work on his own time when he is on duty at the ire department at night, Toys, no matter what condition intj he- of the car was 101. cense plate was mimac!' 17 car was a ttra:ght e.ght ii" i ii.. li. . The I ndcr Jii(he Mess Is Heard Kv Alumni f University lo- V..rrin i cached here Monday .',"'t el ii- '01 ailil Vll eiiiidiii't' the sci-v;ee- :i--i -!e'l liV lii v II. W . HaUconi, ,i. nl . ill,- church. lb-vMi'. lliiui-oin, said-. " I ho regret! ' i-l- f ir that -ii many who need , h,. a ,o .a I ,l;o n - on -1,,, : iiiihi" at tile nieeting have i . irii r.iiv n! Nuiili I -..,' .1 ,l,.,.,i 1ii-s, .nrVU'C'S. One of I i li,. , ,i,v,ila ,- iru.i i.,,o lv hit ll' ,.i-i Li.-.. ...... .... .... .... .. . ' ' : . , ... . . th" mw things is th it so many i ,,t,.t .,.-aiiie on i-ridav night, .m ,,,,,, pl,i -p, en' si-e-iii to feel their need i ibi- ; im time i:nib; - gut bi-i.-ni' -,-li,i-i, until trouble or distress l. ,'e held all ova- - tin- -tatc- m :,l,s,-i-v.-, n nl 1Ih- 1 d allliivei -in y oi past i hia-i' iniiiitli.-, ha- bin n erit u n-l iv ill fn, moii than a month Willi Ilea ii c, implicit nni- ..ii.'l di a: h c ame e.u Iv I' lnlav inoriiine'. I hiring Ine ia.-t week nl ll, I I lllli--- -he Wil. Jollied bv an Im-' .and and b I two d " ug lit e i .-, M. . .. ,-, .-i ,-d vva- a unlive ol I v ken-, I' ..'. but Inn I oi""n H- 'l.om I. lei, ai .. I"i' I he pad l.w. n:-.v I b-i ee .'..,)' d ' - Stal e v had o 1 ..ii- oi ell I he em---: id' bei -1 -tei hen . She bad a I eaiita I nl ' "lit rail. i v mei- and I "i HeliK v i a i . had .-iiih' m. I : iM-d ; - v, no.e' Ulb- a ehol II- ol -too m-Ii , t ed ,a,-e in i -liua-go. Mi" h''bl a i ,. n.-iii aide po- it.iiiu vv "t b t be- ' lin-.u'o i iv. ;, -ni. and T. a t ' oiiiiaiiv , until d! heallli had n-n'ii'lv I ore.-. I h-i m I bin ic - II. Mel rai 1! Carnp. I'm- the the ines t ieek . a laiinei ot i i v , w ho w as named las collector-ol I'.h.l tax.- by t he boai d ol .'iilllilv com in I -Mom-i . early tin- morning. .-is vv',11 known phroiiehoii! the -colllltV- He 11 ulellt llle.l hllll-ell VV 1 1 1 1 I lie .iiei ,o,i, ,L , hiireh of hi- eoiiiinuini , -Hid .lia bie'ii active ill civi- allait-e -i- ivill . n Ahimni of lli.lll.II lic-ld 1 me- : ' the im;,i-i ii-Pin mizzled, as how '. he ..... a....... to,..., i-n-hMtiKmcnt as thcie wile no ttacK- lwhrcitbltl )( ,.s ,,,-ing iapidlyt.so highway numU'i' ten. y,.u .lire invited to come and hung V,ur meims. j In V;rnii -has announced the fol hovviiiK -iMiium subjects fur the next 1 tc-.v ll.'l Funeral For Mrs. Lorena Rogers, 85, 'PiHfslav evening "Wii.cc that are .T':.'t.-.v ..! t-rnaon-" The' Halfway ("Krisiiari IT.. . 1 r.ii.n-j Riiiriirn. acre lieil are i nin should be taken to. the nrt I at her home in the .( iai.li.e.- sec.ion r; : . department and left for Mr. brings, 1 (jn Fn(liJV n,ght at 7 o clock. dlu.. y,.j,.d afternoon "Demonstration oatini.i.nirumv, u ii,, .. . . n Kmir K,nl i!U,,i ng." Election Books , - ", ' " L"-".... ... the 'am amain -v..i i-'-'-'' . (i.,iui w.t.. the (iauirhte.r of S- M. IaviF and An- j, ,n. ii i in-df. ' Onpn Satnrdavs Officials Named The registration books we;-e openecl at all polls , on last Saturday, and. will ' ba open again for the next two Saturdavs- it was announced by M. G- Stamev, chairman of the bom(l cit elections, ' Saturday, November thn d will be challenge day. Mr. Stamev announced that Mis. W. P. LeatherwoOd had. been., n.-mecl regist"ar at Lake Junaluska- and.J. T. Coman and A K. Ward, judges. Foi Hazelwood. the other new precinct recently made: tmni. tne ouuui- .-ne-ville waid, I. B Hoyle was named registrar and the judges being Aaron Prevost and L. N. Davis. With less than three' .-weeks,, until the election, there is but little inter est being shown. T,pe Davis Honored Bv Duke Varsity U the melting of the Vars.ty Club of Duke I'niviio.tv held la-t dav niovninsT on "Home Coming I'av V T 'n lira rtiTV . 1 11 Durham. Lee rt L l I i t." . l. 1 I I V I i I l t ' " Davu-. popular captain, of the foot-. ball team of -1930,- wari elected pres- i f tVia nT)-ani-7ntvnrrY The lIUO L composed of both student?, and alumni and. it is consuterea nunc an honor to be chosen .for the office. Fn route home Mr. Davis was the guest of friends' m Burlington. 6-i.l Feriruson Davis., Sine had n vv de i m Iv ornctt n n the count i Mrs Koge - is survived by two ('aught' in Mi" Fliza icth R"gtis of ,!a m-.i Mrs.. John R- Kirkpat- ,,ck, cf Kents Store, a., and thiee son- Jhr. Ribcrt, rfnd lloojii , a 1 ,' ( ialut T'liitv-stun g'-anc chil dren --nil ten great grand child.! en survive. Fuii'o-al services were held on Sun day morning at the Mount Zion Meth.-. ndist church at 11 O clock with the pas tor, Riv T. C, Highhll and Rev R I' McC a ken. pastor ,t the. Baptist church at Clyde, in cnarge .1 ...-,nn-nv " he -NOW r;;-rt.h.'"- Sunday' morning- "V, hat. will you do with '.le-us ; .' , sjnU.v uiiiv-' I'1' Riaftn ser pen. M.-r.b V afternoon "Some People 'he Church Can't Get Along W ithout. Moinuty ( n-nK "I'l-rtga ding Tuc'sdav aft-i noon "The Maned -ut'sdav evening "Drift:el." -. . Wi-ilnesclav aftc-rnc.n " 1 he Holy Q.ic--.." - -,' . iIa-v .M-eiiing (rod s- Cn- The nail, bearers were the jtrapdsns . .,-...;... r;;V(i r:n A Sinner, .1 1-1- , . il(,rs "iiiii'P'.-s. - - - ... - -i, , of the deceased, ine ki ".-. bad chajge of the flrrwei-. Large Potatoes Are 0 Vs. W-V Grown By b. C. Davis All .. -rttivnrir.n MTVICes Will bf-gin at 3 -1 5 o'cl-ock and all. evening services Will start at the est bli.sbnn-nt ,.t t!ie t ni ver:-it y. Iliniier w-'h -ei'vc -I (roni cme. long taiile- l'.'iiiiUet stvle and the deeoia llons were the Ulnvel -ltv colols of blue' and white-. illim Medrord, . ,- !,-! of the oi gaiir.at loll, piesid cd (I've I tlie inciting which fullovved t he dinneri Judge .1. Will I'h -- '! M.ir.on was the prmc pal sjie ker. He made -a s.,l,.n,li,l. Miliiri-ss in which lo gave much nl' the earlv hKtoi v.. ol the .uni versitv and ' si ressi-il the : conni c't i m between the- .history of the- s' at a ml 'that (if the uniVeisitv tic- dse.issc-d ,n .,,,.s,.iit riHo-nb- ot the fieullv and student-- lie urged th.t everv nn-iu-ber oe-( lit lend inlluenc e in behalf of a larger aniiron.iiition bv the state f'or the univeisity and outlined the necessitv. for the increase in fund-. In appealing to the loyalty of the alumni he spoke oi the prestige that time alone gives a great university arid of the matured atmosphere, of cultun' of the No.th ( aicbna. ! ni-vcrsity- '.-:-. Following Judge I 'less, a general ibs(-uson . (if the conditions , of tbe ineent time, and the influence, ol the univer-i'" w s eniereci imu nv seveio, of the members. Ways and means of meeting the changing times also came in for considerable comment. 1-hr next meeting of the HavvvooibJ.K k .,. ';n.i:i vi!l be held during, the fhr:tma.-' holidays in Syiva. . .. .. ,1,, ! i- 1 I, in i - oil .lit IV e o ine part in the .-itlini oi the I'c ni , el ot i part V Mi l.-t i.-iiv w-..- Oi-iii and u-iml I r rbe e oinlv. and- i- H"' '"" '" A1 1 ' :,il Mis. VV. 1' . M' l ra. v. ' l, n,,-,l rlvde high ,vli,,l and Wc-avei I ,.,i A I iei i'l ai.li.ii-U i.ng I "On , , ,J- -m he took a on me- s e uin-e just ,-Mt .-1 i.iiLr tin- Wiol. I U -I'- I''' .--( i-ve,- -,-a- oii'l vva.s vvii h I In i i !,,, ,,' .-, iiii.-il oil - Her t be arniL--i e .'"" 1 u::- -i-ll.-.l lie- Visiled -ev,-n,l lon-iini I-oilnvv mg tin- -.. i :- h- : be In. I '" in,,,, u-fure i et,ii i nine; to tin. , inpinuil I v a i hu 1 m I Mi ' u Stot.-y. a I id bi'i- d lUgli.lei -. Ml-- !-, ; e,,iee-lni tins alvV .y.- 1 -Im -I M Mimii, Mom , 1 " , . v m, ,. vv'is ' 'dcntitb, ig.to inter, im , J )iiiim ( ( ,,,, , ,, , ni iletaii anrieni -iiiki "" " pe.-iii history- I -In Ihtv lir-m.HTatic ..)riiu...i-y. '-. lie WO- see.iiiil lllgll Willi I.n '-he i a (; lol' Uegl.-tel' o! Heeds. e is :;,s ver-rs old. ir stevvard i ri lire Fines ( reek McUiodi.U church and ah active: member of the American (irades Of Eating Places Given I5y Health Official Dr C Sisk, of (lie Health I'l Vliet, : aiu.ouni eel this vveek the fol lowing rating tor hotels and cales m t Ins count v i . aynesville . (.i.idc II ib 1-, I I a in , 'to Palmer House !MI. (irade P. Hotels- The Parkway, h". (,i..dc ( af. - ' . 'I l i-I''aine ( eillee Shopn , '.t-b-r. Amet-ic:- Cafe- Hd. (,raie C Cafes-.Th- battle 'l.b 71. -V The Roval ale, 70. anton Grade A . Hotels Imperial, !i2. (irade -A Cafe's Sanitary. Si ndwich S,,,p, td Hoke's afe, '.I-"). KuK-ka Cafe "M o Daisy1- l.'otTei- Shun. ill. f.iadi I! ( afe s- I I an I- ( tli . M " Dr Sisk s-t ited -that a survey and grading would be. given each month and that the grades Wol'ld be published.-. . legion b'o a num! or ol. ye. is in ha been 1'hairm.aii ol the, I- .nes Creek irecinet committee. Hi mannd Mi- emu Md ' t km. and thev have inre.e. ehlldl ell. Off On Bear Hunt 1 In t 1 1 ov iv p ti 'it loiv ii on i , I l r i 1' i u k - c iion ob u- i.ear. -hunt ai.il '-v,-:e Jo,iu td ill ! U e t M Igg i bv s, ( , ,1 th. l W I IIi.tr IU Al M.-i!io-,l 1.1 r. J," I'. Aoel, Hill Howell (.roigt P.i iv n H i an ,o ,!, I iw ., l , i' ' J i. 1 tien . . t ( anion. Ti'inhcrs To Altt'iul .MocliiiK T?nad flnsed At i New Found Gap For r- i. - . Rotariiins Ile.-ir Cha Hay r-,.,...,. (' riMvis. lof.-il a-.toMiey, I . . WWT . . -m w il. .. h" on display -.x G-en Mountain! W inter .HOninS potatoe that weigh seven and a. halt J , , '-' pounds.. ... i A(f:i u-r,rd recfive'l 'thvu week tihzer was useci on. p""- i';. rj-ffa, Tliihwav. on the Tenne-ee side would he closed at. er Ndvpmber firt until early next sriring- beeaue of heavy grading on the :oad. The mad -on the North Carolina tide of the park, will be kept open, . it ( was sain. they were - grown. HANNAH IS BHTTFR ("apt m W I. HaTrfh a- upvt ed a's being much improved at his heme late Wednesday: afternoon. He was taken ill while at his. office Tuesday. l 1, - I'-ie . li.K lll.-i'l of the. VI) rational- committee ot the Rot.a.iy (Tub wa - tie- .-jiealier on lust t nlay preigram. and during which., time he (Uthnid th n in' nh - of the commit tee and the nlans. for it -s woi-a foi the coming -a. . Air Rav gavo 'lefinite plans of bnngng bffof-tht clu, at tirr-es s(j( 1c- Toi difTcient subject -that would be. of interest and benefi cial to the members. On th" 'Hiiiiii,,o vvit'iMr Rav ari W p. Watkins and V. R- Woodall. S'tcen members were -present.- : Havwood Hull Wins National Recognition A- HavwMid . count v (Juernsey bull-Sultan- of Carcb n ( eek 1 1 -"4-!. hrecl bv II. Arthur Oso'irne of ( anion- has just won national reeogmtio - This bull, having two daughters which h ive made creditable -.official '-ni- 1 -. has-, been entered in the Ai.l v ,n -,. Tfecrister of the . Ameri.'in Cuernsev CaUle C lull. Sultan of (iarrlen f -'eek will be known hereaf i..v ... . lil. uii,-,,,! !)i..ri.tcr sire. .Only Cueriisevs which meet high prdduct.ion a-ylun The seiroob-, of: the county wil. vc a half (lav sCss on on . I' in lay i.u I tli it tl i ' ai he is m t v i i he Pith .annual meet i ng .ol me Vw-- i.-in o h ( a' dm I a no o la-ficm- which will convene on p ri-iay a', 2 '-!) -o'clock in A.-heviile. On Friday -Dr- V -ai.k (.raham Will be the p,r:nic,pal spe iker and cm Sat urday. Mr, Julian M:l:er. aociate iduol ol the ( hill ;t i ( c-c'Vc ' will a-blress the nleetmg. I OI ls; II1I. K v M - Alice Spied Stoll who was Kidnape.i about a week . L-o. we s ret uriied . to her home safely -bv J - -S. b ederal agents ia.o I uc da 'tli o .u- stai b n lot T! ,,:)-:, - .Roiniiso.n. Jr.- nr . Nash. ,-;n.. Tom. .-i tormev inmate ot i-.n A ranson of ,..ir,.iiii.nlj :irr- ellilbb' for 6tlti,V The t wo clatighters - which have com pleted official records a e ( lieii: (it Milton Lodge. :125s2:; produ . ing 74!l l-.O pounds of milk and ,;.. 7 pounds of c.i- :.. J,. :.,CI1 .,n,l Hiiltnn'; M.1VI? lai 111 eias.s inn in"' I - cf Milton lodge k-24 w h a p"- 1 1 ; j-crc . .. . -. -, .: -l. ..,,.11 . , . h.. - , ,,,.,s r.f i, , J llil n. K OT I fill ilH I i,'. .'.'.i i-is " ' :..''.-" , - . al 1 ti 1 h I V til n. oti.tiiio was on tht a 4 0 pounds of fat m class Fill, nit ,,t , 1 re ,s on 'u -h P M tio ( . -s-1, wh i.b 'uitcd o'r the Ne Jei-s.-v coat and caused tne de;uh:of was tiie-P. m the re-a'- irqiifrv board this i ..k .'. i ' ' t 1. , . r mn- i ni i -

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