EM' The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THl'RSDAV. (K'TOISER 2:, 1931 VOL. XLIV NO. 17 1 r Injunction Filed Against The Board $ Of Commissioners XCourt Order Sets November 7th , As Date For Hearing Rgarde. j ing Collector of '31 Taxes '"'' Judge Felix E. Alley signed a re V straining order on last Thursday here, which restrained ami enjoinec the Board uf Commissioners from ac cepting the bond o.- delivering the tax list for the taxes of this county :' for 1934 to any person purported tax collector, other than J. C- Welch, who " ; was elected collector of 19153 and 11)34 e'staxeg in the election of li)32, The restraining order came after "it had been announced that bond was "en route here for Chas. B. McCrary. .'j who was slated as being appointee .'collector for the 1934 taxes. The hearing, as set out in the re straining order, is to be before Judg Ij. Will l'less, Jr., at Murphy at two o'clock on November 7th. On Mon day of this- week the hoard of com missioners appeared before Judge l'less in Bry.sOn City to have the time advanced for the hearing. Judge Bless ruled that he would hear the action as soon as the official audit which is now being made was completed. As the matter now stands, all further developments depend upon the onninletion of the audit, and . the time of its fotnnletion is not known, but it is expected to be several weeks. Kven if the audit is completed before No vember seventh the hearing will not Ka Kofm-n th date set out in the order. Judge Pless in his order authorized Countv Auditor T- J. Cathey to col-wt- on,t tnvn roeeints for 1934 taxes pending the hearing of the restraining order. Mr. Welch in his complaint and affidavit for the injunction set forth the fact that he had not had time to make settlement for the 1933 tuxes which he had .sold Monday. October first, and that he was now busily engaged in making out tax sales cer tificates to turn over to the county in the settlement. His complaint also set out the fact that the auditors as appointed by the board weie using hi, Tw.lt . which he did not have ac. cess to. The complaint and n-straininr or der referred to the defendants which was the board of commissioners, with the phia-e "Oth. r than W. Hvatt, after the word defendant in each in stance. ": Mr. Hyatt, who is eharr nian, it seems, having not taken any action in the matter of naming a collector for the 1934 taxes. . Mr Wthh k i epi evented by law ms"ot Hannah and Hannah, and Morgan. Steamey and Ward. . Last week'ZiT'of, earned the rtoiv that M C ha- H McCrary had been named as tax collector for 1934 taxes. This infor mation' was Riven "us. pnor to the scheduled meeting ofrthe, board by '. Commissioner Frank Davis., and the paKett1S was being .rrnted the scheduled meeting was not, held, although it was learned from two members of the board that MrMe Crary would be ramed at the meet "it never has been the policy of the paper to give misleading nformat.on; and it is regretted that the paper wj off the pres before learning that .the information given us was -rcUmstancesouldtWe print any article or information that, would, tend .to. hinder the chances of anv candidate's election!,, office-, Had the paper known .that. "e article a giUn us was as prema ,:ture ,s it turned out to be it would not. h .ve been ; published. : REV. ALiSFnEW HEARD IN IJILTMORE Services under the .vUv'to Cvrene Commandery of -J" which the Commanderies of ".'.'; . Ud HondersorviKe were to attend were held last Sur to tnc - twentv-first Sunday after Tanrty, a, All Soul's- Church in Britmore,, V C. The sermon wa by 1 ' U!'0J' Rector :of Xra.ce bj Past Giand Trelate of the Orarni Coman.brNortrar.. nr.TRoiT fallc" '0.utohn Fxhvard Lickv.ala, ; "o year for Vu attempt tn extort .'" ' from- Kd.se! D. Ford. Diirir.H nr A.-f. Allen, tatet superintendent of '.public instruction, died Saturday:;in a hospital foHowimi an oneration. He had been, head ot the department since June 102-. LYNCHBURG. VA Bishop F.. D. Mouxon, of Charlotte,, speaking before the 152nd annual session of the Vir ginia Conference Methodist Episcopal church asserted: "It can be said of the present administration in Wash ington thpt it has made.' the church people sin, and it will never be for gotten or forgiven." Mishop Mouzon warned the pastor not to accept federal loans to pay off church indebtedness.. l Pushing Democratic Cause In State i 'i , 1 i 4t . f night pa i ty her i a it i S 9 ! i I "if - - v Old Main Street Landmark Is Being Tore Down This Week Progress can be destructive as well as constructive as exemplified in the razing of the Rogers home. For more than a half century it has been a land mark and a reminder of other days- .With its boxwood which was planted from small cuttings back in 1866,- it has . given a certain atmos phere of tranquility, and solidity to main street that seemed to defy time and change. , . , It is rumored that either a hotel or an apartment house will take its place- While either one spells prog ress in terms .of modern growth the passing of the old place is rather saddening. , . According to Mr. C. W.- Miller, whose leather and harness shop is the oldest plate of business on .Main street, the property belonged to .Wil liam Medford and was -bought nj -" H M Rogers in 1H60. At that time it was a small two room, house. In fact there were two houses in that neighborhood: just alike, one on the Improvements Are Being Made On The Local Golf Course Extensive improvements are being made on the Waynesville Country, (Tub golf, course. During .the past week six greens have bee planted in Metropolitan Bent grass and the en tire course is being put m the . tiesi condition it has been since first laid out. :':..''::' ' Sometime soon the club houre.will bo renovated which will certainly , be an added attraction' for next summer. The Country . Club and golf coui se; is annually bringing visitors who would not stop in Waynesville: or ;-thc ciivtv for twenty-four hours did the town" not ' offer : this form of amusement- Outside of. the natural adv an rtges of the town.cit is. our ;-;'t from the standpoint of the tourist. Crushed Rock Is Put On Roland Road By Convicts oi.,, vnfl-d n stretch of new road - ,vllt u,..f ., mile which connects Ka-t street with Highway. , ivo, iu at, .me Haywood County Hospital,, was com- ... i 1 . fvrm rF rrn- pieted. last wee.K wnen a i"n. ui vs.... victs from Hazelwood prison camp put the crushed rock on it. The road is 18 feet wide. : ' '. The grading rif . the road was d-me last winter as one of, the ( W A pro jects. The rock was also hauled under the same work. The work of placing the crushed rock last . Week was done under the supervision of Superintendent W'. A. Medford. .-- . . v A short narrow read, on Sunnyside was surfaced at th'v same time. N ( 'A : 'Bin These three oihYiuls "f the State Democratic nai tv are working day and to carry prior to tu the elect work of tli. mi on Nov Mil -sixth. Upper left Doyle D. Alley, of this 'city,, president of Young Deinocralir Clubs of the state. Upper right - Wallace VmbM no, of Marion, chairman of -the state execu tive committee. LeftMrs.. Chas. W. Tillett, Charlotte, .State Vice Chairma Jr.. of Rogers property and another, located where the Massie Department Store now stands. This last named was bought by the, Methodists of Hay wood county for a 'parsonage at the same time Dr- Rogers bought his home. About 1S70 Dr Rogers -employed Messrs. Hale. Hen ami Mark Kelmet. well known carpenters uf that day, to add to the two nuns and with n l'iv exceptions the house was just, as it had -been', for the past fifty years. After the enlarging, of the house the Rogers kept boarders- until some ten years ago. During all t hove years the members .of the family were amone- the len-der's of the eiinimtinit y in religious, civic and social affairs. In l.lW the property was bought i by W". J. Hraddock, of Flonrla. who 1 has useil it 'i.s a summer resilience Until this spring When he divided the I property and: sold it. off in lots. The I present owner of the old home site is W, S. I.ce. uf Ovicda, l-'la, Two Young Boys Under Bond On Robbery Charge Fred Wyatt, 21... and Horace - Woods." 17, wore bound over, to court on a $o()0 bond each Tuesday afternoon by Mag istrate Frank I ). Ferguson on a 'charge' of breaking and entering, the. Allen's Creek school on bast Sunday night and taking nut a quantity of books: and school --supplies; SherifT, Lowe and teachers of the school, found most of the books, sei--sors anil suiiplii s on .-i.ri island in the creek. .;. Shor'l v afterwards the boys were afrest"d, they told Sheriff Lowe and other 'officers, where the. remainder of the books and things, would be found, which -turned out to be. under a hay stack in. a nearby field. The value of. the. goods stolen was, placed a' about ?.V). :'..-'.. ,. ';, . -V;. The boys were lodged in "jail,, while their parents, were attempting to make the. necessary, bond. ".-..-,' Boy Wants Work V71I 1T1UUC1II 1 mm .- ' .,-'- I County. Agent W". I).. Smith receiv ed a pathetic, letter this : week from a high .sch'wd' boy 20 . years-. of .' age, who wanted a farmer to. take him for hoard ami clothes, and allow him to finish his last vear :n hiuh school. . The hoy agrees to work ail sum mer 6 n thr-'sa m e a g r e e rr. : r , a n d f u r-th'-r stated that he is interested in .farming and. is only willing to work for those who. know ho.v to do modern farming, Mr, .'iiiiith is anxious to help the boy and would welcome any infjuiries from anyone caring to go into the matter. Modern Funeral Home Is Being Built By Massie Foundation Of luildin Heintf Laid This Wick. Will ( osl Approximately .S20.000 During tile past week work has be gun on the Massie Funeral Home on Montgomery and Miller, streets which is a part of the original Dr., M. H. Rogers properly that e.tends from Main street one lid a half blocks. The building i being erected by the Massie Kurnifure and Undertaking Company, with Jerry Unci a the contractor. The const . uct ion i.s well under way and the concrete founda t leu. will be laid this week. The building will be ni.de1 of tile and brick with metal roof, two stories high and will contain third on rooms. It will be apor heated, lire proof and modernly appointed ;n all details as to structure iiid f u i nishi ngs. The liist floor will be uod for the pur poses of the undertaking establishment-and a part of the second floor, the latter to also contain an apart ment for living' ipi Hers. Kutrnnco will bo made from the front into a reception room which will join another mom with folding French doors that may ' e ! b rown back so as to .make one vei y large room tbnt will be used ; s a chapel wnen needed. The entire lower Ho . will be covered in heavy rug-. The building if; located in the cen ter of the lot wIncIi is to be filled level with the street. The .grounds are to be -landscaped, with the handsome old boxwood from the Rogers residence as the main planting The plans, call for a driveway at. . the rear : of , the lot. It has beer, estimated that the approximate cost of construction of the building will be around $'20,000. Republicans Of County To Stae Rally At Canton Two of Parly's Outstanding Speakers To Dolivt'r Address es At Canton School Friday The -Republicans' of. the county will Mage a rally at the high school in Canton at eight o'clock Friday night. October 26th. at which time Hon. J. .1. Ilritl, former assistant postmas lei' general and cuiigrcs,siltui from the iriilb distiiel, ami I lo.li: J. I .ee Faveii dei', prominent '-att ortiey of t olumlius. will dejiye-r .the' principal addresses of the evening. V. M, Fibre ( Oeier, iiiipuny, asbier ail ( lianiiion will iireside at the inoct i ng. ''Special and ted. this Re- ill u -If ill be provided eting is .-expo ail -illtel-es ,ti!ig accoi'ling t'.) rangeiiienls. i i i j ii : : - it ' : would die.' tin tho-e making the Although it was is. t bought that oTilv rallv of the publica M: dav, -No' bcf'ori ember 'the. election on sixth. Tues- Former Haywood Man Doing Good Work In Oklahoma . 'I cliiilo., I '..;': v News. : of Clin (,.,, "(il-la lo a recent issue contains an article telling of 1 be services Dr. M Lain liogeis has given to. some of 1 h" in s.t it iit-ions of lii. adofited state:; Tbo child fell of the West Oklahoma home -were '.needing, .various kinds of medical- attention and- the ofpha-nage wo:- short- of fund'?" so On Rogers and his assistants ofTered to operate and treat all the children fn;e- of charge. : The state agent of the home estimated the vices as saving -lb ;a;ii;,i more than a $1 ,0(. c-. .: i .. .'r (l, br. removed to his own hospital ands-kept free of t..c mvlive of this coun. ;r . i,o'H' a r T I : .. I,.-,! lo of M."S: I . 1 r- u ym H.avWood some thirty '. . "' .. i ' ..oolo oirite a win wars ago hiio ji...- ......... m.-: - , .:. -' -Hmcolf he it surifeon in i . ic... c iir. ,.,..ni imd onerates riliooo: " . . a- largo hospital m f Lnton, Okla. Mrs. Carolvn Miller On Lecture Tour Mri V D Miller. (Caroly., M!l ler ) 'itulhor -of - the- "Lamb-in Hi; Bosom:" Pulitv.er nrixp winning novel who with her, familv. is spending sorm time in Wavnesville, ocewpying tnt .Clvde Rsjtr-'-cM'aee on Main- street left on Sunday for a tendays lecturt 4 . ; . , mp'f'ft her'-roc'ignition in thp'-litera'ry Vvs-'-MHlerV nbilitv as a Public . . , ti.,s ct.o i ,., r. recognized and '.!,' A iii -.!enr nd a lecturer ' .. -ir'; rr.vsVov; ovpiv -tlip country. i!l address book pi'u-1, ::"(,(' s.vei'Ml ':it!'es. inc'lU'limr New v,.v' rietrotr Eiiffalo. Cleveland-. an 1 rw;innti Shp A-ill b-ive in all eight Gov. Ehringhaus To Speak At Democratic Rally In Canton On November 1st f ' ; MM (iov. J. ('. It. Klirinitliaus Organization To Help Distressed County Farmers Under the Fr.izier-l.aruke Hill, Hiivwood 1'oontv is now orLranied lo five consideration to distressed larm ers ' according to". ' an announcement niaile vesterdav by I ount y Agent W D. Smith. The following committee ha been named and is ready to function, it was said: H Arthur OsImiiiic, presi dent, J. H. Havnes. vi'-e-presideiit and C ('. Francis, secn'tarv. Mcmben of the directors are: D Reeves No land, Fd Wells, ( lias. Mc( raiy, ami Fai 1 b'crguson. This committee was -duly oi gani.cMt October l'.Hh by J. W. 'Sears, of th Farm Debt Ailministration, of Gold boro. Ingathering Of Carmen ts For The Needy Underway Friday. Ndveniliei' the 2nd, is the date set lor the ingathering of the garments .I'm- the Waynesville branch of the Needlework Guild. From i)oV until that date an intensive drive will be put on by the directors for new members. 1 he name of.' the organization is a ilt misleading as it is not a sewing cluo hut; a .group, organized lir the Ollectjon and - (list ribut ion of new garments for the needy.. Men, women, and children are .'eligible for membership. There are no meetings ; hd no duu.s, . 1 he gut of two new L'-arrnents (-olistifutes . membership in the organization. . Worthy as governmental relief may be if. does- not rea; Il every h.( -ed and can never take the place of fliat mere if ul way of giving vvhitdi "liless eth him that gives and him that takes." A kimi of giving thai rea -h (s tho.-e needv onos who suffer -every liaidshiji .rather . thaii inake their wants iublicly known and -there are st.il s-ui-h Cases. , A visit to the; toWn shi) schools will ooiivim e anyone that there are still chi Idreii who iieed. . Quoting Ms 11. Bowles, Sujif. of the township (d.oois. "Tho Xeeillewoik Guild lias, been a very v iluaiile organ, ization to the idemenfai-y scdiools in and a.'Wlid Waynesville.. Kach year this organization .distributes t.hfough the. t'e.'o-Kers service dile- e.bithing - t! the needy children. The work in', this manner is. not duplicating the work of - the welfare department. , There ai e ncinbers of chihlren in the s hools whose parents are not on the 'relief lists but .who need, warm ..clothing for. the winter months. The articles given tc the Xu-db-work Guild will be . appreciated by the teachers of these needy children." ., Harley Vranc.is. principal , of the Lake Junaiqska school., says.: "Last year many children in the L ke Juna luska scboo ree'e'ived clothes from the guild. .School attend'-nee' was ma terially hel.iK'd brcadse in many cas -s pupils were- staying out Of sch'iol for l- '-'j of' .-:i."i r. c!"''"ii'g. It is hojic! chat the people of. the .community will respiind again: this, year fo the call of the directors and thus double the number . of garments , for the needv children." ' ! :; ODD I'D I I ) V DI-sPI , One of the "freakest '.".UL'ht into this office .pot at s yet here The this-week by Hawkins Freeman, pu'tatd. looks., like three or foui gio.wn ' together, "foimirig. one . , -- o . . 1-s,--. ; - v.- i... ; -ive- I Only Deniot ratif Speaking Ilc I tore Election Will He At Can ton Kallv Next Thursday Haywood County's only Dcmocrate: rally before ;the eh-clion on N'ovi i'i i1 sixth will be staged on Thursday, embcr first at Canton, at which i (lovenior J. C. H. Fhringbaus . other state figures will speak in 1. high school auditorium. The event' is being sponsored by the stall' executive committee together with the State 'idling Democratic Clubs, of which Dovlc Alley rs state 'sident ami also the Haywood execu. tive committee. Dave Harris, "of Canton, is in charge of arrangements, and it is expected that an over -flowing audience will be present, to hear (ioveiuoi Khring- Ik.us -siid the other prominent speak ers. As fa i- as is known there will be mi other Democratic speakings over the county, It is probable that Mrs. Chas. I illett, Ji ., (if ( harlotte and Slate Chairman Wallace Winbor.no will be present at the Canton Rally. (lovernor Mhringhaus speaks at Murphy on the second and at Marion on the third. Storage Facilities Available Nr lhe County Farmers Because ol the flooded condition of the potato market. CieortreA. Brown, ,lr, manager of the local Ivarmers Federation has made arrangements with C. A. Black whereby farmers can bag and store their potatoes in Black's storage warehouse until after the first of January at winch time it is expected -that the market will offer a better price thai! at present. Mr. Black will not receive any po tatoes unless in bags, and be has a price, of 'ten cents for storage charges until after. Fcbruaiy first. For a longer period than that the price is twelve and a half cents. Any farmer.- wishing lo t:ike ad vaiitag1 of . five storage facilities should get 'in touch with Mi' B own. 'The storage .warehouse- will hold between eight and ton thousand bushels. Modern Equipment Installed In lhe Local Theatre .1 K M assie owjiei a id manager of be Wavncwood -Th-ea.ire- here, has h id installed a Kozoiia inachine which makes oxygen ami eliminates all odors and ' kills ' contageoiis disease germs. Tire machine kei.p.s- the air in the ..theatre' flesh a lid clean, and is otie of the latest invent ions , of its kind. The installation of new se:.ts in the theatre ha plete.l and a ;m:w: slyh lieeH added, to the . oi :. e of the theatre., : .: . Bee-iiinine- this. w ek, ind modern been conV screen has ;n in fort Mr. Massie in 'his MS tO for '"the. will have a weekly pcogr j .: i : i . vv.h it ii will (or -! ! ' ,.)o,. I he;r favorite pii tu (;:"( ng'-. week- '".'''. Liner Misses Sun day School Only Times In ? Years .Few pei (hi v Schoi i. ('.'Liner h ((re's. He do cart' b as (if -the -Sun-cord tb.at-.-S." r-l.he past 25 ed 'five. Sun- attendance !' s " made durin: has orilv mo- days in the-iiuai-ter of a !! ury. a.- thviugh he has live.) in several staes and had wo: in; remote plaa't-s. . Xot onfv has he n,iade foi- himself; . . , . i . c i , i . , a record ;.n attendance, . .out ne a-iy has filled the place as, secretary of the ; Sunday School for 'il years. V Mr-' Liner is u Methodis and .en joys thoroughly his- affiliations with the church. ' ,.;.. CENEK mONS AT. TEND miZENS vSl'N- I) U r( H()0E ( E VS Ti; UI1USI1 . titize B; d( ' Class; -.had' an il. ait ndance last Sunday when 2 1 were present, but four ols were also, in attendance, ii Underwood, had with him. Dave t'nderwood, his -grand- not .- on gehei a! "'"Mr. i bis son son .David Cnderwood, ' : .. and - great gr-tndson 1! . j. i:.-Moi and it iiive at ten o-i?j ;!1, v i'.:a-k"t. - air 'is teacher' of the class s every Sunday morning, k in the offices of Morgan. W al J a in and I