THE WAVXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTOUER NOTiCF. OF SIMMONS STATL O!-' NORTH (AkoLINA. ( OL'N I S Oh U.W Oiil). IX THK M'liKWOU I'UlJil' JiAVUOOi ( Dl'.VfV. Piannil.' vs. W. '!. . : ,1 . !; Quid., "tl all ... )-.! .:!. i.n; inlcN t !n i. .. -:l .ji , ; mat; -. .,. tin action, i a-iea Tin- ;iU, .. nam, : ,u-:'i iiUuii: v. i' take .::t an a,-tl..ii in- e: l.'j'a feet j wall N. jl 1 'J mi: in;'. to a rock wall; thence with 4.V K. :;s feet to the Iie ntaininy onc-ioU! th of an The 1 a k i i ; ; pp.-n dot'cil iant- '".at they are hi !iu e the Clerk I : 1 1 lay won hi- ollic ( 'mint y. No th C. ;. - i . in ( ,1' the ount V 'ur. h .led Supo No i lli:! ;;H u; tut , .lina. he i'.'l h aii. Ittuit ii' ! lii the ( II tile I 'i tl.!- the ; 'i t- Mr- 78- Maria Mitchell' ill' V. 84 feet t. N. 1.' IL'4..", I mainiti'j r ;' la: aim ; line; theme S a stake; thence In the BKGIN- i.")i; ..quart- ftt-t, l iny a pa .t I ..! .March ot 1" -uel hy J. C. W'tich, Tax CoUertw of li.ivwood County. .-tatiiiL;' that he .soul i- the Law l.iv. in i in.-u. w. ;. i;yi:k Th ak- i in i; w ;i in; am; . ant- ' -3 de- i !i.:ibed land. I'm' tlr the tae- due H jj'tt'in wt-ie levieil utrain.-t s vi ai.- lt'-'ai an I P':;i. the boi e na nr. d'defe I lay v. .it ,i 'i-tnt v taca . w hit h j;;n i ;.- i:i-j i;i-;i;iMNh m: I' ,1;- .,' :'-:. '.hi a Mil. una ! are! i .1!:-l.a-t ITs f.'i-'. o- tnt- htreiaai ter in i ( :i:.i it! id:'!! ;1H i be. :ipa 11 . sr. i-tit wn it'lld tot the tiie name :: !. an 1 that ii ami 1! in tlit- inn. ,1 i ' 1 1 1 1 it I HI 1 1 ; tile . , ti. J a an i w . In u. i. i'U tn as :.. .t- -crlucu lan U Ret-.! m. M. Gia U ', I' ll'. . '1; ..lae Ho well Haywood Countv 111 tt . i . wllleil 1 i lia"-1 Bt-inir the -:, in, t;c e,! I ! oil: i t . A. .!' h. ( ..caiing i:i:t .,. siuii ei-t-ci belt!:: tic i' ei the K.-'. U HUll t iJ'J.llV .11 ., ! v. i;-:ch 1'iH.i. a.-e; ii a I T.l ar- or Jtii 1 c-tMs :'. at .-fe.-- ! e .!. !' 1." X . 1 c I :el AO i'M 1 . 1 ' i . ; 'i ii I 1; i: or A : i,i: .:l-.i:;i ii: t . ( : ill : i : 1 1, 1,'m I. -II he! i'.ell: II, 111 I'll Ii "1. Il .1' .1. Id :llt '. ii, laml H i ih ;i, . .--..v. ' . !... iv; . ii.-l ii, Mai ' A ' , ,,!.v : 1. IJ.-n.r.l ,.!' Map. 1 1.-,.; .'. i i ' i; 'y. X" 1 h ( 'a i nl, na. i ''e - . hi ;.) el; lull! wili i'nrt her ! ni'l ., e I ' : he;,- are ri -- j i i il I i :iea-i'T.-:i.:e ' (he'' h ,.!' :iie Sapei I ( " i; : h' lla;. v. ,il ( v North -. ii:-- .ihlire ie I.:,-. t-i of -a:. I I ,.iii:l. in the Tim n ,,f :i I ; i - -A 1 .ii , iSnith ('ai-iiina, nut la'i-r a-'i '! ;i i - ! ' in the '.'In ilay ut' yl '-a' ;'i'' . ! i . ' ::'liii tile an--wer' in in'.' ' h i- t i he eniapla int file 1 herein, ' pi lintilT '.i Hi n.piy If. the ( "or it To' ' e '' h'-l' - ion ' i n n il in t he i mi j.iaint. I I'XhiSS niv haii.! t;i the M.h !:iv Oeh.iier, lhh'l. ' w. ;. i:vi;us, : Clork ut' 1 iii' Superior I oui t ! leteiiilaiit unl iii h, lhe.1 foil ilei It '.Inn .l.i :'; l II 1 i;vi:i: 4 r i i; i'i' i m ,i- ii ute ;t in I tiie sal. Ktan:.- i II I nl' J. '. llillllj. ' i'i'1 '. i i I l : in , i ".VIA I , i'i 1 1 ; l A V U i( I ' ll 'I v : i : i. iii ii. AT 1. .. I. l pi i in . Th 'i ill'. 1, h pa.i I I in' K"ih I 'oitnty. h-l'enhant -at thev ar t he I '!ei I: .'Will oil',, !' -ai.l ( 'ount vhhi. Xo.'lh I Ih-e.l- II; his 'il ( in .piireii h, Supi'i--Xorth l .on; t - ,f th. 'ount '1 ,!l.; Ihe Town ..f ilia il;.' !F.i .I.ii' f. ai MITK F OF SIMMONS ST. AT !: HI XOC'TIl l AKul.lXA. I'Ol'.VI'V (IF IIAVWddH. i. Tin-; sri.'KT;joi: cot'KT HAYWOOD rol'NTY, I'lainliiF. vs. Ian - U . Mali ami wife. IXU i: Hall and all other persons flaimino an iiitt'ia-t in tin' suLjee! matter of thi ai'tiifn, ' Defendants 'The aoove tianied deffiiilants wih plain'ill' I,' r-hef l; i i'AKS ( l,-i niier, I'll IV lii'll. an t he r. n:' ; will a Dp', ellilindl d niv h an It'.: I. w. ;. i: rk of the lih the I lile lain! to tin n the this i y i:us. Su peril "In a; er in day .h HIT III 1 hiu.hi., ourt I'ii.i III P til i ! 1 1 . Mil dav Hal nia i ; I X X 1 IXC at a Mak.'j if i to ;: in S; r.-ei , ' I-;. 1 Ml fee', I'.voni j ' '. ea-i in 1 rifin i !h M e . ,: t il ;i i :i I -, m urn I I UliS wit n , I l.aisaiii Street ' W. 1 1 1 1 1 , th I. I. ,;t. I." st :i e I - r ( our! take ; notiee that' eoiiimenee I in th I lay w, mil ( eunt - cut ; I H dtre: 1, for lla vi tile l urpose and tax sale ; ued hy .1. t ' Haywood I'm as the Law dt'serihed Ian the taxes dut v. et e Ii ic-d against yt-ai s .1 ',;!! an I .111:5 1 t he. ahin'e named Haywocd County er, w h'ich land i 111-1 II l 4 and ." in llloek Addition to the ' J. K, Tliomas XIXi; on . sta in art ion has heeli Siijicrior Court of ibove, far losin'u a lax lien eertifieate which was is Weleh, Tax t olleelor of inly, staling that he -uhl tin hiT-einafrer n'onjia, nient ,f I ( 'ounly, whiiTi Tnl land for (he in the name of dvl'i'tidants, and- thai Jii'i aine tho purehas. ile.s.-r'ihed as follows: T: l'Std ii(- l.ot No... 1'iasl View T'ark Town of Vayne--ville proierfy. 'lIKOlN e the not'thi'as! eor- ner of Hie Alhert Ha. rison lot; thoiu'e aionjf (Antial Avenue. N. -"12 .'ill' K. JIKI i'oel to the southeast corner of Lot No. ii; thence X. h.) :;()' yV. Fi:; feet to Sunset Drive; thence alonjj Sim set Drive S. 54" ,,.V V. a-T feet ; thence along-.said drive S. (14 ' ,"i"' V.T0 feet; thence S. 8a ' ().,' V . :i."i i'eet to the comer of Lot No. 7 ( Rahei't Hodfres' lot) ; thence K. ' till' V. 70 feet; thence S. a',)" ::'()' K. 2011 feet to the 1!K OINNl.Nd, i-oiuaiiiinit a-n ot an iicrc more or less. Ihe stud defendants will I'uhtiurl take notice that they are required to appear bio i e t he Clerk of the Super ior Court of Ifaywood County .'North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court ttouse of said County, in the Tiiwn of Waynesvil'.v. North Carolina; not later than fifty days from the 2!H-h day of September, l!i:il, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, or plain-tiff wili apply to the ('ourt for the relief demanded in the cumplaint, 1 1 N I s niv luui'1 this tho St h 1 :i v of October H)t!4. : :' W. G. riYF.RS. . Clerk of: tha Superior. Court .NOT 101 : O! S i At !: i- uin t OFXT'Y o IX Tl!,!-: SIMMONS II ( A. Ill il.l X A. ' TIA'WOOD. SFI'KUIOK CO I.' I IT int itf. Sl.'.l, call; and AYWOOD COl'X'T,1 , l'!a vs. tdma's I !, Stout anil wife, t li w'i.!eei iiaiiee .-'le niav he mil , kith, X. ut in: the No '-' of Id. ,f 0 pe - Ul A c- all other per-ons ititer. t in the subject irtion, . The above named ake notice that an clainuii;' any matter of this I HTenilants. defendants will tl ft i n has been NO I K K OF Sl .M .MONS '-I m OI N ( ) 1 1 1 ( AKOI IN COLNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN I IU 1 1 ltiou ( OLK1 ii wood coi xn, v mi tr ' " vs. J. H. Moo;:e anil wife, Moore, ky wh itever name she may be called, and all other . persons claiming any . interest in the. subject . matter of this .action, Defendants. Tic above named defendants will : take notice that an action has been .'..'commenced, in the Superior Court of h Haywood County entitled as above, for the nurpose of foreclosing a tax hen and "tax sale certificate which .was is sued bv J. O W elch. l ax C ollector ol Haywood County, .stating that he sold ., as "the Law directs, :. the hereinafter , described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due 'Haywood County, which were levied against said land lor the years lU.'ill and, in the name ot the above named defendants, and .thai Haywood Countv became the purchas ..: er, which land is described as follows: BEGINNING on' a stake in I'igeon Road, .and in line .with rock wall" in Southeast side of School House prop erty, and runs -with said road S. 49 E 27'a feet to. a stake in ni-U'gin f said road- (George- Moore corner) ; thence S. 33 W. ; .55 .W.;to a stake; thence S. 2 30' E. 200 feet to a pine (George Moote co;-ner) ; thence S. fil W 2! feet to a stone; thence N. 31 30' W. 85 feet to a stone; thence due west 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 20. 302 feet to an iron stake; School Ho., lot corner;: thence S. 71 L. oaiiueiiei'il in t he Superior ( 'ourt of liayuood County entitled as above, fur "V, lairpose of fori closing a tax lien an. I tax sale ceilificate which was is siieh by -I. C, Welch, Tax Collector i.f Hu wotul Cninty, stating that he sold the Law directs, the hereinafter iesrrilied land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood Countv. which re levied against said land lor the years ami l'.i.ij, in the name ot the above named defendants, and that Hay wood County became the purchas er, which land is des.-nlied as lu lows: I: KG INNING- at a stake on t lie north side of a street, corner of Lots 11'. and 47, and runs thence with said street S. SSI 20' K. 150 feet to the intersection of another street; thence with said street N. 2' 25' K. 150 feet to a stake on the West side of said st.eet; thence N. Si)".- 2(1' V. 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 2 25' K T50 feet to the IIKGINNING, being lots 47 -IS. 40. 50,. 5L and 52 of l'isgah Park as per survey and plat of K. Rea gan I'ingineer, August. 1025, recorded in Map l!ook "('." Index "P." office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County. The s ild defendants will furtheJ take notice that they are reiiuired to a ppear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court;, of Haywood County North Carolina, at liis'ollice. in the -. Court -hi use of said Countv, in th.e Town of Waynesi.l!e,, North t',ini;:!!a. no. Inter titan ri ft y days from the ; 2.1th day of Sejitenvber, l'.l;!4, and. tile answer or ilemu' i er to the 'complaint filed herein, or pliiiiititf will apply to the Court for the ri'lief demtinded . in the conililaint. 1 AhSS my haniT tli! of October, 1!);!4. h W. G. DYERS. 'Clerk of tiie Superior , Court NOTICE OF SIMMONS si 1I OI NOLIII ( R(M 1XA t OL NT Ol WOOD IN I Hj SI I 1- RIOR (OLKT HAYW OOD COUNTY. Plaintiff, .... vs. .M, W. Curtis and wife, Curtis. by whatever name sue may b. cabed. and all other persons claiming anv interest in the subject matter of this action. Hetendants. The above named defendants will takei notice that an action has been jommenced. in the Superior Court uf Haywood County entitled as above, for the ourpose of; foreclosing a tax lien and tax . sale certificate which : was is--ut 1 1 I C Wtkh, I t ( olltttoi of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the her?iriafter described land, for th? nonpayment of the, taxes due Baywoocl County, which weie, levied against said land for the years MltlO and 11131, in the aame A.f the abdve. named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purchas er, which land is described, as follows; ." BEGINNING '-at a st' on the South side of ;FraZier Street, said stake being 1GG feet from the BE GINNING corner of Tiurgin.. lot at Frazicr Street, their road lcadipg in. Southern direction; thence runs X. 78 30' E. 84 feet to a stake on South side- line of Frazicr Street; thencf S 12' 1-h 12-Fi) lect to '?. stake in1 thelie-i v. in, d; s. corner 0'. W. T 1 1 lh i he- in:. portion V 1 1 1 and made Dei n Map Pook "( I," let e;.r! ,,f .Maps ( 'olinty, Nort h Carolina 'file .-lid defendant take notice that they ar ajipear before tile Clerk . ii ir ( 'mil t of Haywood ( Cai olina. at his ollice ii house of said County, in V ayneviii", North C than lil'ty days from ::ii Lot.-feci Ill of 'mi ji ..line. I ir,e,. Ili'l W. LhU.5 i MX.;. " I ut- X, riinl all 1 plat of John nilier. 11122, ..ok Iii f H ivw will . ! ark N .'lllli ilex no. i her 111 .. leiiUiu.: to .T the Super, aunty North 1 the Court the Tu' .i : irolina, not later the 20th dav of .111.1 I'.o in.- pur. Tl , ,, In 1'.. ,; ': Xo. th. Re. nil 0.; ut w ! 1 1 : : n u at a 1 It e.e c ece lilil X. link- '0 a T ;n Mai. arner - 'o a ..-take liains ami the FoUiU and '.Ml hnk; the.', l.i nc 4 t: ,1 more rights :-niu!.. nts u rk nl 1 September, JO.'U, and lile answer or demuner to the complaint tiled herein, or plaiiitill' will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv han.l this the Sth dav of October, W. (!. DYERS. Clerk' of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SIMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAHOI.IX.Y. COl'XTY OF 1 LAY WOOD. j IN T TIE SI TEKIOl! COURT HAYWOOD COFNTY. I'laintit!'. vs. T. L. Blalock and, - Blalohk. by whatever name she may be called, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Ik'fendants. The above named defendants will (ake notice that an action has been commenced : in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and "tax sale certificate which was is sued by ,1. C. W elch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating thai he sold as the Law directs, ihe . hereinafter desciibed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years lO-'iO and lit.!l, in the name of the above' nanied defendants, and that ;!.: -wood County became the jiurehas e.e which hind, is described as follows: Lying and being in the town of ill ,'. i:ns of lot Xa. haiio, 00 link c n'.aiiiing tl.N acr ili'.-ki.lin.u c ttwa nunilii'i ,1 to t he 0 'I In'.', ssr.l linl'en llli Like l,,ii.-.- lleil the; I pp.-ar I, el'.. re rile CI 1 .'I- I'ii II I i , , ' I 1.-I.VW"! '.ii', 1 1 1 1 .' 1 . at his 1. Hi. I, ills.' nl' Si, i.l (.iUIIU.X A'. i.i nesville. Xei th (' II. 1 11 til'ly ilas fi-.'nn t'-pt.-iiiliei-. D.134. and ii-inin ier In Ili.Teouipl I plainthr will apply i ii' 1' ileiiii.i n.le.l in flu W I'l'.MOSS ,.,iv .hand I l l.,' 1 . ' 1 .er. ltltir, W. (I. IIVKl 1 'I. i k of the Sup ,'iell 1 1 til ; 1 a ; ,l,e ;.l - with 2" to a lak. 111 thence N. F 40' the beginning. ;' les :;n,l from lot .f th. 11 11 1 v tiie tile 'I roll nil the 'I'. lile l i ! 1 1 Ii :.. th. sii.. 1 ( '.'iii--, own 1 t late day . Tow ( 'an -otith we s t l-l'li lina. llavw Wi unt t ('aroltn:! Avenue lot- i'ai ink, aji.p tal-.e;' t 1 Carol sou.h ni; II feel to OA Ml,, Park: ,e s.i nol ii -he 111 t ilia: iler i nue tile h't. ith W . t: tht .-a :ii V, liirll III- .Wih O II tht- CO feet Atkins B :,ni.i lint-feet lHllp, 11, il 1; -ileil I i i:,.,i U . 1- til-- 1 -1 i I -. 1 l.iii.l iir I;, v.,, do e in, on Ilia I. ill 111. 1 : 1 1 1 ni Tie ft I i 1! '. Wei. unty. for , Hi, the 150 . 50 150 nee S, ,X Il I ell being th, ' on. I 1: iialne.l , 1 a 1 11 niv I lam! is 1 a 111 1 laiei I . t! ,1. Leather w :.thei wood 1'iet ' wife. . Lea Laiiie., h.iiiy feet ( ihe ollice ui' the ivegi with I IT Haywood ( ountv in lieginning in 'block 15 ami ht i.f Gr I. a 1 Una if lllat llley ai: ore tiie ( 'lerlv i.f Haywood t it his ofliee: i lid County, in i.-svill. lifly . liilier. 1 .1 hen PI 'nun Ida lie.'' del 11; vit.'-:s Oel.ihl r. CI ', ill l utlhel . ! - - 1 1 j i . - : i., 'f the Siiiici--'iint.v. .Xiii'lh lile ('oint fhe Town of rth ( '1, i'i . 1 inn : not later lays from ihe -Ink day ,,!' :i;i4, and tile answer .i ' the eoiii plaint tiled herein, will apply t.. the ; 'ourt .ii.i ndeil'iii the Complaint.. tlliS the SI h (l;iy f,.r I S my hand 1 ti:ii. w. o. i:vi;i:s. rk of the Superior AI ri.",- ii 'U of Hue ;,p II., 'i. of lan ! ithel'W.i, 1024 an page 2; t 'onuin 1 in-: . Ollpi.ill.l Ibis ihe Mil d; rlor C 1.1:1 ; the Sth davgin of the 45 feeti to .Main from J. 'P. tnar- x - r margin of 11 ( 2 "2 W v IS E. t!2.5 contain Hazel wood, , ainl BEGINNI N G stake in the northerly margin of Street, said stake being ii5 feet the easterly margin of an alley; States. corner, ,,nd runs with the said -Main St a ..ftike in. the the said street; thence. N. feet to a stake; thence ,S fset to a stake; thence S feet to the REtHN NINCJ ing 2S12, 5 squire feet. '..; The. said defendants will further take notice that they are required ' appear before the Clerk of. the Super ior (ourt of Haywood ( ountv North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said (.ountv. in the Town of W'aynesnlfe, North Carolina, ifot later than fifty days from the 20th day of M'ptemoer. jip.i-i, ami nle answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the eomolaint. W ITNESS mv hand this the Sth dav of Odihf, 1 1,4 V; G. BYERS. . . 1 Clerk of the Superior Court NOI M I! OI s MMoVs STATi; ul-' XnKT'll C.lltohl.XA, 1 a il'XTV 1 F 1 1 A V '( x i. i Tin: sci't:i:i(ii; I'ui u'r HA VW'i Hifi rot'NTY, I'laintili vs. R S. I.enoir and: wife, Mrs. R-.S. Leiio.ii, by whatever name .she mas he called: and a II other persons teresi in Ihe suhject act ion. The al.ove named take notiee that an eolnilieiiee.l ill lile claiming any in malter of tiiis tJefenilants. defendants will action has been uperior Court of Couniy eiyitled as aloVc. tor To purpose of foreclosing a tax. Hen and tax sale certiMcatc which w:as is Mieii l.y J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of llayuio-d County, statini; that lie sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of :he taxes due Haywood -County, which were levied against said: land foi Un- ears 1II3H and lu3f., in the naine of the a I i.l" named defendants, and that Uaywo.Ml .1 oijiity liecame the purehas liailllil'f Mrs. (.'. she may NOTICE OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HcYWOOD (OLN1Y, P untitl vs. C F. McRorie and wife, Ellen Mi R01 k Ineli. land is (lescril.eil as T'olTows: Being the same land, described, ill a deed 1 earing date of December, 1005 from Thoiiias H. BatTa ai.d wife. Haseitine Babb. and being- on: Pig eon Street, colored Town and . run ning N. 25v K, 1 , pole and 2 links to a stake; thence S. 25; W. .1 pole and 2 links to a . sthke . in the north (dge of I'igeon Street ; thence, with the said.stmet to the Beginning, con taining olHi square rods more or less. The said lefeii.Va nts will 'further i,.,v- lino.-.' inai...niey are requireil t.. appear before the Clerk of the Suiier ior Coot t ! I lay wood County, Nor h Carolina, at his otlice in the Court house of. said County, in the Town 01' Waynesviiie. X'orth Carolina, iic.-.,.-.;.'i- than titty days tieav tha 2 tl tit o .... S. ptemliel'. 1H34. and nle .ansu , '.' -,' demtici-er to the complaint filed 1. re.a. 1 1 or plaintiff will -apply to the Court relief demaiiiled , in the eomnlaint,; I , U I IM-.SS my hand this the .sth da of Uctol, er. l:i34. ,. w. (.1. i;vi:us. ( 'U rk of the Superior t'ourt other persons claiming anv and all interest in the subject matter of thi action, Delendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Havwood ( ount v entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax li"n ind tax sale certificate which was 's- MMKI: or SIMMONS .-I ATT. H- Xoi;ni CAUOLiV V ( (H XTV (IK HAVWOOUi IN THK SCI'KKlolt COfltT ll.W (i(n COCXTY. I'laintiff -,. vs: . 1. Grastv and wife. Mrs Y. T Giasty, by whatever name she mav be called. and a 11 other persons claiming any . in terest in the subject matter .of '.this 'hon.. .'-... ",; ; D.fendants. The. naiued idefendants will take, notice that tin action has 1, em, comiueneed in, the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as al.ove. foe Ihe piirinise if foreclosing a tffii lien and tax sale "certificate which w as is sued .by .1. c. Welch. Tax Collector of I laywoed County-, statinpr that he sold is the Law' ilirects. the hereinafter le-.-erilied lan.1. for the. nonpayment . of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the MITK i: or SIMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COCXTV (if HAVWOOD.. IX. TH-: Sfl'KKloR COCU'I HAVWOOD I'lUXTV ! I C P. Snell and wife ! 11 I,,. .u 1 iiii'i- l.HU H'l II. .lilt called. and all other persons claiming: any in terest in the suhject matter of this action, Defendants, The ahove named defendants will take notiee that an action has been commenced in the Superior. Court el Haywood County entitled s above, for the purpose of foreclosini; h tax lien and. tax saile certitieate which was is sued hy .1. C. Welch. Tax Collector ,,!' Haywood County, stating that Tie .sold! as the Raw ilirects, the hereinafter dc- serihed land, for the nonpayment ut'i the taxes ilue Haywood; County, which I were levied against'. said land' for the ears 1:1.111 and 1:131, m the name of the al.ove named defendants, and that Haywood County became the iiiii-ehiis- er, which land is. described us follows: Being the same land described in a deed bearing date , of 1, June, 19211, from C. P. Snell, and wife to S. W. Walker, said deed being registered in the office of the Register, of Eleeds for Haywood 'ounty in book 70 . at p: ge. 1, to which book and page ref erence is made for a more complete inscription of the said lands and being lots 11 ta 10 inclusive in block 5 of the Southern Assembly recorded in book of map.s "A" at pages 1, ;!. 5, and; 7 to which book and page refer ence is made for a' more complete description of. the premises. The said defendants U fu-.tbo:' take notice that thev, are require.! to appivir before the Clerk i.f the Super ior Court of Haywood County.. North Carolina, at his oMieh in the Court house of .said Conifty, in the Town ..T Waynesviiie. N'orth Carolinaf,. not later than fifty days from, the '.2uh- day of Se item Per. 1 3 4. and -'i. tile., answer or . ,..u:Tcr to the coniplaint filed herein. -will aiiply to the Court for iiyf denian. 10d In the complaint. W'lTXKSS tiiy hand this the sth lav Oi ... er. 1 !(34. (. I -i 1 1 clerk of the Superior Court . (14, to which book am lice is llcreby niade I'm .. ::; Complete description 1 : which is as foiiew: j;, , , ami ,'i,j of the Lincr-Coina:. '..: ; near Lake Junaluska, N. a ., ; survey of J. Wh Seave,-. I . ii tuny i iinil February. H12.I. -'.., ami survey being duly f lu' office of the ilaywoDil County in Index "L.'1 . 'This par conveyed tu W'. p.:. deed elated 12. Augu cul'ded in Boole -Jeriy Line.- and J. (!i:t;e Cornan. to which' in page reference is hereby ma; nuH'e perfect ileserintiou.. The said ilefeiiilaMts w i'i t;i lie 111 it ice that they are 1 e,, ci ppear. l.el'ere the Clerk of tin iiu- I'oui-t of Haywood Oouni '.1 riilinii. at his .ollice in th. liK.use of said County, in the ' "a nesville. N'orth Carolina. 1 than lifty days from the - u : t i St'pi-'rnl ,.t-r, 1 IKil. and tile an ' .1 1-1 1 1 ui'i't -1 ' te the complaint lib.'.i i.l plain til! will a pply to the 1 ' i t-li'T' doiiiandeil in the comph. W1TNKSS my hand this th. of, RI34. w. 0. i:vi:rs. Clerk of the Superior I NOTICK (IF SI MMON'S 1 I Ol NOR I 11 ( Mail IN l Ol N I 1 O I H nop l.N TIIK SCI'KItl O R C( il'RT 11A WOOD COCN'TV. Plaintiff . VS. ' Dewey Patton and wife, Mrs. Dow ey Pattoii; by whatever name she :i'' y be called.; ind all 'otlief persons claiming any Ini terest in t lie , subject matter of this action. Defendants. The , a.' nye named, defendants .Will take notice that an action has been conimeneed in the , Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for ihe , purpose- (if foreclosinB: a tax lien ami tax sate certificate Which, was Is sued by J. c. Weli-lv Tax Collector Of Haywood County, stating that be sold as the Law: directs, the hereinafter de- j scribed )and. for the nonpayment of the taxes duei laywood County: which I were levied against said land' for the ' years l!i3n and ;131. in the ivinjo ,,f, the above named defendants; . .hai NO TICK OF Sl .M.MONS S I All OI NORJII ( APOl I n COUNTY OP HAYWOOD. IN 1 III 'sLPI RIOR C OT 1 1 im wood coin n, pi i r vs.. Floiilina Skyland Estate,--Busliiieil, President, and all other persons claiming a interest in the subject matter of ' action, . Defe:. :.,:: The above named defendant Lake notice that an action ha- :'1 Jommenced '.in. the Superior Ci Havwood County entitled as ab the purpose of "foreclosin.i;' a I and tax sale certificate which sue 1 In I ( Welth lav ( 11 Haywood (T unty, stating that ;is . the Law directs, the her I'dcscribed land, for the nonnayi the. taxes due Haywood County . were levied against said land years I'.'.'lu and 1031, in the i:; the above flamed defendants, a; Haywood County became the p. er, which land is described as : UeiiiK the. Mine, land de?cr a deed made the first day of Ft HI2t. from (ieo. II. Ward ar Carrie Sue Ward, to Florilin.i a land Estatej Inc., the said dec : feg-isteted in the Office of the. teir; -of Deeds of Haywood Cou: Book 03. at nan'e llT. to .whici and pasre reference ,, is hereby for . a full and complete descrip'. the .same. Beinsr the same land eed bv T I te and t 1 garet Lee, to.H.. G, Stone by dee.l:'1 I'd the Hh day of October, iM'X" being 8 tracts of land containing Four Hundred., acres lying on H.i." way. ;Xo. 10, near. -Saunook,,. X'oi't ( rolinia and known .. as the: W . ,1 v place. .' . ...'.''.'.'" - :.'..- The said - defentlants will fur. take notice that they are'TeiTWRS'-' ; appear before the Clerk of 'the ior; Court of Havwood County ;N;,r; Carolina,' at his. office in the (...; ; house of said County,. . in the Tewn Waynesviiie, North Carolina, net tliaii Biftv days from the 2l'th ii:0' 1 September, .1934, "and', file- answer0 demurrer to the complaint, file l b1'":,' or plaintiff will apply to the Cou the relief 'demanded in the toaii - WITNESS my hand this, the t of October, liio4. C, inFRS . Clerk of the Superi ir ( J.-. Iliad-. Ifl ii .yon- II. I '.'.' ''''"''

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