Smart Fall Furnishings that men can AFFORD 3j Missionary From Alnca rreaching At Hazelwood HIRTS In Ihe finer liroudclnthe. New est collar styles. All Sjiades. 98c $1.50 Hose Hr. R. I). Rodirifccr, of Asheville. bcan revival services at the Ha zelwood Presbyterian church on last Sunday morning Services are held each evening at 7::iO o'clock. The service Sunday morninjr will' be at 10:45. I Jr. Hedniffer. who is superinten dent of Home Missions of Asheville Presbytery was for 18 years a mis sionary III Africa under the tittinn Hoard of the Southern Presbyterian cnurcn. For four year.- prior to coming- to Ashevjlle Mr He, I the Founder Pi-esheterinM h,i -,.u ; Jackson, Miss. While there his work i; received state-wide reroimirinn si ml he was asked hv the svnod of HUM. to trave over thi atnlo a ml tell other churches of his work Before the sermon each nitfht Dr. Bedinirer will have :t story period for the children, telling something in con nection with a snake, tiger, leopard, or elephant. He will also tell of some of the outstanding work by boys of the African churches. These stories carry a thrill for the children ami will also interest the adults. l ne ol meetings will eon-, tinue until Thursday night. Novem-; her lirst, The attendance has been good to date, ami people of all de- ! nominations are invited to attend- j Ex-Sheriff Morgan Henson, of Canton, spent Saturday in town on ousinesji. Mr. K. L. Prevost and .son, Mr. Aaron Prevost, left on Saturday for Boston where they will spend a week on business. Mrs. Margie HIaylock. who has been vj.siting her sister. Mrs. John Orr. in MornsDown, Ti'iin-. and Mrs. Aluc Shuford, in Hickory, has returned to her cottage on Main street. Mr F. H. Bngg.s. of Ralegh, is Mrs. George Anderson wh0 has ueen on an extensive visit to rela tive.s in the South nil Fast line ro turned to her home in the Clevewill Apartments Mi.-. Charles Frassier, who has spent sometime as a guest at the Hotel Li-taine, was joined by Mr- Frazier wno was returning Irom Canada, dur ing the week, and left in Atlanta Saturday- MRS. HARRY MARSHALL HAD CITtfsts; Mrs. Harry Marshall had as her ... uiiggo, ,ul ivaiegn, is -wo. uaiiy .uaisnaii nau as ner -pending several days in town a.s the quests during the week at the home ii-llnwr 1 1 f fi' rt II. J .. . li f n. ii guest of friends. -Miss Ellen Louise Killian. who is a student at Brenau College. Gainesville, Georgia, spen several days in town during the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kil- Mr. Hugh Shelton. with a party of friends, motored to Asheville on Sat. unlay and took in Ringling Brothers Circus. Clocked styles in many natty colors. Lisle and silk 19c I,. 75c I I ATS Lightweight Felts in all brim widths. In gray and brown Si. 95 to $395 Easy-sliding silks of new strip ped or all-over patterns 25c to 95c Undefeated Team FroinSwannanoaTo Play Mountaineers Three days of hard practice have put the Mountaineers in splendid con dition for the game, with Swannanoa" here Friday afternoon, which is ex pected to lie the hardest game for the local I'll' Vt'll si M r ' ( 1 ni(t in .r A li,.,r : U " , the first of the season. - Ihe Swannanori Iniim un n.a u Luc- uiny undefeated high school team in West. North Carolina, and it i th e i r in tcntion to maintain their r..,.oi 'u.. taking Waynesville down Friday. T he Mountaineers came fhromrh th game with Asheville School for boys last Saturday in splendid shape, and were encouraged by their victory of - over the Asheville boys. Coach Weatherby is iooking for ward to having his boys in A-l con dition for the game Friday, realizing that a hard game is expected. Miss Wilda Crawford, Mrs R J,. Prevost, and Mr. Whitner Prevost were among those attending the cir- cus in Asnevuie on Saturday. Mr. ami Mrs. E. C. Wagenfeld, Mr, ami Mrs. Colin Mel lines, .Miss Mary Stringfield, and Mr. Jimmy Xeal ; made no a party motoring to Ashe ville (.n Saturday to attend the ball game, Misses I.enora Mae and Gladys Walker were the guests of their aunt and uncle. Mr- and Mrs. Frank Med ford. of Crabtree. over the week-end. Paul Walker. Jr., was the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Walker, over the week-end Mrs. June Kineaid has returned to town after spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Wayne Battle, in j sviva. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Stringfield r. and Mrs. James Ben of Phila delphia, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs- Fred I.. Weedc. of Asheville. Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., who has been spending sometime as the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs V. . Norman, in Griffin, Ga., re turned to Waynesville on Friday. Mrs. V. F. Swift, with Miss Hasel- tine Swift. Miss Emily Siler, Miss sarah Welch, Miss Corinne Wangen feld, Misses Martha and Hilda Way made up a party motoring to Ashe ville on Saturday tn attend tVio trama i and shop. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cole and Miss Oleta McClure .pent the week-end in Hen-:ers.onv!l!e as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. E Johnson. Z Mrs. Nora Smathers, of Canton, was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. Miss Bonnie Brendle spent the past wees-enu in Asheville and Hender sonville as the guest of friends. Mr. C. E a business the week Medford, of Canton, made trip to town the lirst of Underwear Hanes. in long sleeves and legs light, medium and heavy weight new stock Si And $1.25 iHOES Genuine Seal Skin Oxfords for men, plain toe. The utmost in comfort $5 McCracken Clothing Co. Outfitters Tor Men And I Joys Shoes for the Entire Family Support The Needle Work tfUihi NOTICE. OF SI MMON'S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 11A WOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff VS. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this :u'!.!!)n' , Defendants. ihe above named defendants Avill take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superio Court of Haywood County entitled as above tor the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was issued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector ot Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the herein after described land, to,, the nonpay ment of the taxes due Haywood Coun ty, which were levied aiming ..u !.,,! lor the years an.i ni'ii ;.. - hi Liie name ot the above named defendants and that HavWood Cmmtv h,,. ....,, n.. purchaser,. which land is described as i oi lows: I. G. Moody (U. H.) and wife Hattie Moody, Beginning at a buckeye at the Lick Log branch; thence S. 70" 15' W. 121-. poles to the point of a ridge at a 'rock; thence up the ridge with the water shed ,of the ridge; thence north 78 40 west-.-8-V poles; north t0 ' west -o'i ih1cs; north 87 west 28 poles to a thestnut stump; N. 7 ' ;;o' west 8-4 poies; noith 00" west 25 1 poles; north 87 west 28 tn ... .5,,,,..,.,, stump ;: north 78 . ;!0' west 10 poles ; M-uth 75 we: ;i.. poi. s to a small locust, thence south o-l 15' west It! poles to a Spanish .oak on top of a ridge in I). C. Davis !:r.e; thence with the Dayis line between Davis and W. O; Davis line; then.e With Davis line ';itutt d t . i).Ul., , u (i S- east ,15 poles t'tV a double pine; thence. S- ;UJ 15 east 56 poles to a. chestnut stump on the north sid of the ridge tlience S 1 :', J U i ...!... to the top of the ridge; thence down the ridge with I).. C. Davis, line south J": 1- PO.ies to , a Spanish oak. W . P. Davis corner, the dividing line Oavis and Morrow; north 85 oO" 1 11 . . . .1 . . I . . . ,i n , . . iiui, iiwin oii' r., oU'a poles to a white oak stump ; thence E, IS poles to a stake, A. G. .Morrows corner; thenee with the Morrow, line N.. 31 .)! pole.- to a -take at a -pnng, Morrow corner; t.henre. X- 11 E. 7 poles; N. it?.l2 E. .6 poles and 17 links; N. 14; E. 4 noles: X. 55 -1 15' V. i poles; X.. 36" 30'. E. 6 poles and 17 !.nk-, N . 14 E. 4 pou. and 4 links; X. 44 E. 2 poles: V.-7(V V. i N . 41s 30' E. 4U pole-, X V," E. poles to Lick Loc hr.lTlrh? thenea. nn the branch 2 pohv and 20 links to the beginning, containincr . 30 acres. more- or less. And being , recorded i v Pnnt .f Deeds, at page 1 5. in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Haywood Coun ty. North Carolina. The' said defendants will further take noticp that thev appear before the Clerk of 'the Super- nr . ,ourt ol Haywood County, North1 Carolina, at his otfice in tne Courthouse of said County, in the Town of Way hesvi'ile, Xorth Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day cf Sep tember. 1934 htid fi'p nncn-er n- Ao. i murier to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff . will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the roninTiiin W ITNESS niv hand this the 8th da v of October, 10.34. . ( ?:FR Miss Henrietta Bain,, who is teach ing it Maw Creek, in Buncombe county, siient the week-end in town as the guest of friends. Miss Billie Rotha and Miss Thoma- sme .Strmirlie d were Ashnvilh. .;si on Saturday. tors Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jones, who the summer at Lake George, York, have arrived in town am spend several weeks here before going South for the winter. pent New will : Mr. and Mrs. G- C. Underwood and children, of Kingsport. Tenn., ar rived Friday to visit relatives in Rat cliff Cove. The Underwoods form erly resided in the county and Mr. Underwood was a teacher in the county schools. ' Dr. . W. W. Neshit. of the Health District, with headquarters in Bryson City, spent Saturday in town on 'bus iness. Mr. H- A. Osborne, of Canton,-made a business trip to town on Friday, Mi and Mi- Asheveille. were week. Mr. Rickart formerly resided in W'aynesville, with his family who came nere irom Webster I rove. .Mo and lived in Waynesville for several years. Dr. Ernest Morgan, of Clyde, spent r riday m town on business James Rickart, of in town d urine the Mrs. F. D. Ferguson. Miss Edna I Bright and Mrs- J. W. Cole were j Asheville visitors during the Week. . Mr. A. G. Baldwin, of White Oak, was among those from his section of the county in town the first of the week. Among those attending the circus! in Ashevjlle last Saturday were Mr. L. Lampkin, Miss Drama 1 Lampkin. and Miss Myra Phillips. Mr. Ray Best, of Crabtree, was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. Rev. and Mis. T. G. Hightill. of Crabtree.-. were- among those in town troni that section of the county on Thursday. Mr. II. L. Lovelace, of Asheville, spoilt Thursday in town on business. -.-.. .Mr. ami Mrs. C. V. Bell left during the week for Chicago and from there will go to New York-City" for a visit. .- Dutch Wells, of Canton, spent Wednesday in : town on business Mi- F O Ga ien and Mi- M ,i garet Morri.-on were, the guests over the week-end ..of relatives of the lat-J ter. .n Sylva. .... :-' Mr. Oral Yates ".eft on Saturday for Miami where he went, to attend the National, convention of the A.mer. ican Legion. , .Mrs. Bess Lee Page, who has. been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee. : left; on Wednesday for Greensboro, where she .will as sume her duties in the office of the revenue . department. Miss Mary Rav and Mrs. Bess Ray Howell -motored to Asheville on Tues day. .. ' .- . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cale. of Hen- dersonyille., were Waynesville Visitor? during the week. ' Mr ami Mi. W C Ru-.- hae had as their guests this week Miss Claris Ru-- and Mi-s Mitle Bennett of Hendersonville. Mrs. M. F. Albright has returned after spending several days in Mooresville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovd. of Dal las, Tex.,, left Tuesday after spending ten days as the guests ot their sister, Miss .Minnie Boyd. . ''.-,'", Mr. T? V Frl- in'sirred tn Waynesville after a fortnight's visit to friends and relatives in the North. WAN'lED: Representative to look after our magazine subscription in terests in Waytiesville and vicinity. .Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in this: vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Cluaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. In.itructaons and equipment free. Start a growing anl permanent busi. . ness in whole or spare time Address MOORE-COTTRELL, Inc., Wayland Road, North Cwhocton, N. Y. ltp. STEADY WORK -GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WAN LI D to call on farmers. No experience or cap ital needed. Write today). Mc NESS CO., Dept. S., Freen'ort, 111. WXN'TED Black walnu7 keineK ill pay 30 cents a pound. Western I iirolina C reamery. Oct, 25-Nov 1-8 NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH' CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff vs. The . Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. Executors of the estate of R. L. Allen deceased and all other persons claiming anv interest in the subject, matter of this action, ... Defendant The above named defendant ,,ni take notice that ommenced in the Snnerin.. rnnvt :t Haywood County, entitled as above, for the uurnose i.f, .. ... lien and tax, sale '.certificate which was issued by J . C. Welch, Tax Collector of HaVwood Conntv t..iti,. fi,4-.i. ' ...i i ... ' , . - t -o,u its me directs, the herein aftex described land, for the nonpay ment of the taxes due Haywood Coun ty, which were levied against said land tor the years 1930, and 1!)31, in. the name of the above named 'defend-im and that Haywood County became the purchaser, which land is described a follows: ' Beginning, at a. point on the east side of -Main street , i!V the Town . of Waynesville. North Carolina, in the center hne of the brick wall separat ing between the premises now owned by Joe Morminii r n,i tU ... , hereby conveyed and thence extend ,.nY N- . .iy'a east 2(5 feet and three iiicnes aiontr m .,rs :.)., .. . c v...... t" f (il I Mam street and fronting thereon to i.iV ;-euier line ot tne brick wall sep nratmg. the premises hereby convey eu. toeing premises number 6tV Main 5tieet, ; and .the premises adjoining -ii , .ww noi tn aiso owned by R L Allen and thence wardly along the line passing through ls,"F' or, sain lasr mcnt ,in,i MRS. JOHN" F. HODGES GOES TO KNOWILLK Mrs: John F. Hodges and children, .io!in b rank. Jr.. and Jean lett on ... v.itj. , vi.--atu las pany wan,, about south 73 ean and eonttiuiing same-course thedistance Ot 142: then.'fi nnrtk iqi . "i-r. ... .. V. - essi uie uu-mnce oi-o. ieet and 3 inches to a point, and. thence at right angles westwardly about north 73 west and passing .. through the center line of the center line of the said first ' men tioned party wall,, the distance of 14" feet to the point of beginning on east side of Main street , '' The said ' defend.irit.- .;il I take; notice that, they' VuCT' Urohna at h,s office in theXomthoust rL'd (x-U5y:.!a T of Way- fift,- i." , "'-VnoClater than itmn r ran.K-. . t r.. ami tiean u'ir " 1111 oi ui v ai onn;i i ll- 1 V-i i. Ill' V ppnu-t:'imo of the former's parents, Mr. i or plaint jr?. will annlv to tii,v Pn J and Mrs. Jamej. R.Thomas. ..ief demandeVin i " 1 INEfcis mv hand this rhu i . Prof., and Mrs. L. I. Case, of State i of October, 1934. " ""e-Nh. day rllS(Ti t? - T.iirli : cnniif Tnnrsilnv in.' I it ' '. r ' .' Miss Marie Plott returned last Thursday from Statesville where she visited her cousin, Miss Marjorie Plott. - . Miss Mildred Medford, who is a student at the Western Carolina Teachers Training College of Cullo whee, spent the week-end as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Medford. Mr. Boone Sentelle. of Pigeon, spent iuesday in town on business. V Mrs W T. ITarnriu-tin nt Hu'l-orv et - w. .... - .1 , was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Charles C. Hill, of Crahtree. was among those in town from htjs section of the county Tuesday. 4 Miss Hattie Siler Freeman snent the week-end with her parents. Miss freeman is attending the Western Carolint Teachers College this year- Mr and Mrs. E J. Duckett nntl babv. of Clllloivhee ll-iU'O tlm iriliull during the week of the former's par ents, .ir. and Mrs. K. T. Duckett. Mr. Marion Liner, of Crabtree. was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. . Mrs. Jinsie Patton Hyatt is spend ing sometime in town as the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Ed Duckett Mr. Boone Rogers was a-. in town the first of the h," Crabtree. " Mrs. Asbury Barnett, of spent Tuesday in Waynes-,- ;J Barnett is the former y Downey, of Birmingham, ana time lived here. Miss Elizabeth Rogers, r r. was a Waynesville visitor un T- Mr. Grady Walker, of F'-.. spent Tuesday in town on bu.-i w Rev. F. 0 Dryman. of I;,),, luska, spent Monday in town iness. EST W AYNESVILLE P. T. A. TO GIVE HALLOWE'EN CAH The Parent-Teachers' As-U of the East Waynesville Kbit: will sponsor the annual Ha;; Carnival which will be given school next Tuesday, the eveni fore Hallowe'en. Each grade, pected to give a stunt- BesiU entertainment, side shows are planned, and there will be pie candy and cider for all. As the funds from this shown will j. the general treasury of the P. V I S I T Burgin's Dept. Store And I5u .vour NeocN At The orv Lowest Prices I'os,il LADIES AND , MEN AND BOY UilLDKENS Shoes Sweaters Goats Hats and Dresses Shoes Top Coats Zipper Jackets Wash Clothes ARE U)U A MEMBER OF THE NEEDLE WORK GUILD? IF NOT JOIN TODAY. How About A New Fall Suit or Overcoat? We Have A Very Large Stock To Select From COME IN AND SEE THEM Massies Dept. Store Good Place To Trade' WE URGE 0l TO SUPPORT THE NEEDLE WORK GUILD. 1 :n on business. , . ' Clerk-Of .

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