TOE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAIN EER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1931 NOTICK OF Sl'MVONs TVI'F F NORTH ( AliUUNA; COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN I ill -Li I I IOK -UlKI H -WWOOI) COl.NIV, 1'iainiiir vs. V T. Queen an 1 v.'iu. I Queen, , . and a'l othc ' persons claiming. an inter,--! in the suujeet matter ot this .tj() Defendants. "'The' above namel defendants will take nut'. 'iat an action has been commenced in the Superior (ourt ot Haywood County entitled as above, tor tne ut foreclosing a tax lien and tax -ale certificate which was is sued bv J. C. Welch, Tax Collector ot 1 lay wood t'cunty, stating that he sold as the Law directs the here-n a tier uesciibcl land, for the nonpayment ot the taxes due Haywood County, which weie levied against said land tor the !;i:;0 ainl -1 i 1 , m me name -u lelendants, un,i tnat year the above nam Itavwocd Countv became the .elias e:, which lan.i is di HKCINNIM. a western margin u'liMi --.lid sl-Ae i ft tiMMi the UK, feet to a ruck wall; thence with wall V -1-V K. 38 feet to tne lieu-inning. Containing one-fourth of an dTho slid defendants will further take notice that they are required 10 appear before the Clerk of the Super i Court of Haywood County North : ,. . i: . ..... ;.. r.uivt- L.",', l.Tonn in the Tow, ot Scription of the same avncsvi Mitchell', line, then e S 1 ue 1 b JC ' -8 10 W 84 fttt to a -take, thcrce mi . - hennaltc- Mrs. Maria . 12 W. Li 4 a feet to the UL01N N1NG. Containing 7U;) square feet, nioi e or less. This being a part ot : of land as in deed ot March lo. 1921, and recorded in Book of Deeds r.7. p .jn; 2ti2. to which reference is made for a full and complete de- luturi he said ueienuanias win luruiti ,L, North C';thn0ia'a take notice that they are required to .iaysviom the 29th da ol untn,.0 ,ha rwv ,.' thP Siinor. than fifty September, 11):J4, and lile answer or liemu-ier to the complaint filed herein, o ' ilaintiff will apply to the Court for .jie'r lief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. C BYKRS, Clerk of the Superior Court (til n w:;h H" it No. it No. . k 11: ill, Va i: t Mill : NOTICE OF SI MMONS ST ATI-' OK NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK HAYWOOD. IN THK Sl.TKRIOR COLRl II V WOOD COIN 1 V. . I'laintnl. vs. V. (1. Smith ami wife, , Smith !.y whatever name .-he m.y be culled, and all other persona claiming any interc-t in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The' above named defendants will t .!. notice that an action has been J? V.iwii of Hazelwouil; thence L on-menceil in the Superior Court of the' purpose of foreclosing a tax lien an.i "tax sale certificate which was is sue.! by .). ('. Welch, Tax ( ollector of Havwood Ci.unty, stating that he sold a the Law directs, the hereinafter ilesi'iibeii land, for the nonpayment o! th;. i.iim s due 11 i.yvvood County, which wen- levied against said land for the vi ai-s 1 1 1 : ; r t anil 19" 1, in the name of ', hi ; btm nam' d defendants, JLiywi: .! C.iuntv became the it. 'which land i" desenbed a Lot ilf of ribed as follows: a stake in the f Ral.-ani Street, st U 1 J oi: Invest intersection o' Iial.-am Stie.t and Sycamore Lane; thence i mining S. h-r 3u W .- M f,et to a stake in the old c-Jiporatiim lim ii ti with the eu.poratii.n line -, y ,,: ( t i a st ke; .thence N. h" ;d' - 1..H feet to a stake in the west. .1,1 I t ll.'Il.'l' iitsii iii naisaiii e v. ..-ten, margin of Balsam v i; ::ii . 1011 feet to the .i- iSKdlNNINd. mug ,t,.! ih,. lnirtheni h 1 1 , and the southern half of ,.f Itliu'k " . ill llrooK- r -urvcv and plat id" J C !:., ivc.i.aieil in -Map S4. KH-..r.l of Maps Coumy, N-o. th farolina, del'en 'hints will further it they are t'i'iU i .-t-il t) H-..,i- :'h- Clerk of ill.' Super Cm:! f liavwi md Couniy Xorth : i hi.- ' -ollice in .tli;' ( i.-e of s-iid l ouiily. ill the Town of No: ta Ca-i ulina, ii"t later r, . f i . in t he 'day of ! :'., !. anil 'iie an- es or I He i 'iiiptaint lile i iiff-m, vd! a ' li.N to the V-i; t f-.! nnear before the Clerk ot the Super ior Court tf Haywood County North Carolina, at his "office m the Court h -.use of said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than rifty days from the 29th day of September. 19.14, and hie answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or' plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October. 1934. W. G. BYKRS, Clerk of the Superior Court ID 11 .1 U md that .mi'i'lia---follouv: ".1 una 'J:,;i if notice I! in Man I ,- of the I!"' ioi.I County, id ijel'cn'lant -e that they , i o ! he ('!:! k ' A " pat: N'OTK'K OF SI MMONS '-ATI' OK NOliTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THK SUl'KRIOR COLRl HAY WOOD COL'.YI. Dlaini'i:. vs. M. B- Fortner and wife. Lucy Kortner. and all other persons claiming any i'ltercst in the suoject matter ot mis action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been , i niiiieiiced in the Superior Court of llavwood Couniy entitled as above, for tile' i.urpose of 'foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale ceitificate which was is sued !v J. C. Welch, Tax (ollector of 1 i 'i unt v. -l.a-.v d:ie--t 1 lav wo i a- the or ,ei lb. : he la n lovie 1 II: r ! ni. r lid W iTXK ( let, he 1 1 ill t! i tlli ill ill-Ii - ihv h ! i. W. (. iiYKi;. k of liie S t; i ' mi liiaiiit. the M ,1 ( ount; . :n the :,' i ; ! uri ma il u i rod to he Slioer North ( ...111 ! - Da'. V v'. unsl :: an 1 1'.:: l:a. I da ( 'unite I,. d.i- nig tnat ne si.ol the hereinafter nonpayment of 1 t 'utility, which ud land' for the !!l the n-'re of (::a -, aa 1 'ha ine th.e purchas ibed a- follows: described land, I or tne iioii-a.j- the taxes aue Haywoou were levied against said land for the vears 1930 and 1931, in the name o the above named defendants, and that ii.,,. ,) Countv became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: BK.GINNINCj on a siahe m forks of the old and new Howell Mill Road, and runs North W 3d Fast 178 feet to center ot branch; thence North 13' 15' West 203 feet with the center of branch to stake-, thence South 73 West 5- feet to stake in the old Howell Mill Road thence with the old Howell Mill Raid South 12 15' 53 feet to a stake, th n c south 2 10 West 100 fee to a' "take: thence South 28" West 127 feet to the BEGINNING, contain ing 7-8 of an acre more or less. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his office in the C'ourt s,,,oo rst Countv. in the Town at Waynesville North Carolina, not later than Oifty days from the 2'Jtn day of September 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, r plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the i-lief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. J. HYFRFfc Clerk of the Superior Court ' r, nt,r l,t,... ,VU tVl,, 111 l, ,L- i"tn i q 1 1 in the name ol i aj wuuu u."iv i.. v. iHywood County became the purchas- Being the same land described in a ee wheh land is described as follows: deed fiom Cepnus . Colson and wife, Be'ng the s ime land described m alUry t. Culson, to Dewey Patton deed t'l.nii James W. Reed to W. l. wearing dale ui Feoiuary 1., lyio. Grasty and wife. M. M. Gra,ty, Deal ing date of March 8, 1922. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds aid deed being registered in the of rice ot the Register ot Deeds of Hay u.nod Countv in book bZ at oage 91. to Haywood County in book 59 atj which book and page reference is page it, 10 Wiaill oujiv auu p"6-- ence is nude for a full and complete description of the same. The said land adjoin-s the lands of R. Jones. Frank Smith and Tom Smith and con. tains about 7 1,2 acres more or less The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than riftv days from the J'Jth day of September, 1134, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein. r plaintiff wiil apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITN'KSS my hand this the Sth day .,f October, l'J34. V. O BY 13 us. Clerk of the Superior Court OTICF Of SIMMONS STVT1-: Of NORTH OAKOI.IN.V I'ul'NTV f HAYWOOD. IX Till: Sl'l'fKloIt '(.CI1T IIAyAVool) i'ol'XTY. lion.':: NOTll i: Ol-' SIMMONS nTK OF X iHTll OAKoLIN.'.. ot'N'TY of HAYWOOD. IN Till-: Sl'l'KHK 'li ( oiaU IUVWOUU COl'NTY. l'laintitt vs. Ja es E. Room-son, Lowery Ro in. IV m. rtoomsun. omb. iw--."- Rr-onson Robinson itid hti'zella made for a more complete description .of the said property. The said lands contains two tracts and adjoins the land of J. R Thomas, and Mrs. V. D. oung. being lot number 5 and part of lot jiumber 6 as shown by map in the ofhee ot the Register ot Deeds of Haywood County in map nooK lh at page oio. et seq., to which Look and page reference is made for a full and complete description of the said lands- The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk ot the super ior Court ot Haywood Couniy. North Carolina, at his oifice in the Court house of .said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later thffi fifty days from the nh day of September, 1U34. and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the Mh day of October, 1934. G. liYEKS. CleikTu" the Superior Court son Ro unison," mino Robinson. ami all other pel a in tin neirs Jan: ua, m I u- ,- l ove i Ijv what I W'le. ar nam. Mi she may be I.VINI .wn-hii and Ha.'. oliC , Bl'iC hi- i.a.-t n.a ii.r'nir X. s ,'iK-ville . North, . in il tl .;i:t A, Hail, an v Mlns lants. will - been vol K i: OK SI MMnN TTl.' ni' XOlM'll ( AKnl.l i HI N i'Y ol IhVi W'OOI). IN TliK SlTKKldU COL' I'd ilAYW '(.ion ('tirNTY..I,;aii!0" v. .James U . Hall ah. I wi f.c-, l-;:t-a i and all other person.-, elaiiniliii interest in the subjeit matter i action, - I'''"1 The above name I defendant . f:,k,. notice that an action has commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled a above, 1. ir the' -nur'tose of "foreclosing a tax lien and "tax sale certificate which was is sued bv J. C. Welch, Tax .Cull act or of Havwood Ccunty, stating .'that he sold as 'the Law directs, the .'.hereinafter described land, for thv. iHinpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied auainst said land for the years VXi) and l'.Kl, in the name of the above named defendant's,-and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: h IRSl 1 IU( 1 I cin I t-, os 4 and 5 in Block hast V iew Park Addition to' the.-Town, of Wayiietfyille. J, R. Thomas property. BKClN-l N'IN'G on a stake the northeast cor ner of the Albert Harrison lot; thence along Central-Avenue. N. 'HV 30' E. 200 feet to the southeast coiner of Lot No. 6; thence N. iVJ ..'30' W. 133 feet to Sunset Drive; thence along Sun set Drive S. f4' ho W. 54 teet; thence along said drive S. 64. 55' W, 50 feet.; thence S.'X.V 05' W. ;;o feet to the corner of Lot No. 7 (Robert Hodges' lot) ; thence S. .32' 30' W. 70 feet; thence S. 5i' 30' Iv 200 feet to the BE GINNING, containing 5- of an acre. more or less. I The said defendants will fu; take notice that they are required to . appear bif,ore the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County North . Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Wavncsviil", North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 2tlth day of September. and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, . or plaintilT wili apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the ' complaint, WITNESS mv hand this the 8th lay of Oitibcr 1)31 W. G. BYKRS, Clerk of the Superior Court .: WI !' I)a W. G ll-VKUS, he Suliel'i ouit I'm miila'ait. Mh .lav ir Court a il ii t - INNING at a .-take i gin -f ihilsain St rft t, .Iii' I'i. lob feet from ! of the e:i.-f -niargin a V i'tlr the V' th mar- rgia A v. iHU' an. I i ' with iiiaivin ' ol ltali-aai Street Ml' 1-,. T-'i feet to a stake in ; rein : thence-- with the line ol No-. 1" and In S. :o a stake cianer ",; S. S ::t)' W. ,-t ike; Ihenae. N. 7(1 ' to 'the :oint of tile Blati in:r the North portion o e that : .1 ill III' 1. lit II 1'IHl ,1. 1 lv ..I l.v sole eerllllial .1. C. Weleh. l'ouiit-, stal a direels. III lall.l. I'll- tin ' Olio I la ' V. o: hiell o '.'. Toil. a IIS that I. Merelna I'i li' .in : th ml jm NOTICE OF SUMMON S -a TTP Ol NOKIII CPOIIW COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THiK SUPKIHOR COURT UK WOOD ( Ol N I 1 1 mh ill ' .. vs. J. H- Moore and wife, Moore, ty whutover name .she may be. called,, and all other persons' claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, . . Dofcnda-its. The above named . defendants will tulip notice that an action has been commenced in the bifperior. Court tf Havwood Countv entitled as above, for the nurpose of forecl-osinu a tax hen s.n,l Iny en le certificate which was is- --.ip,1 hv .1. C. Welch, lax Collector. -of Haywood bounty, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied ajzainst said land for the years 1930 and 1031, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er which land is described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in Pigeon Road- and in line with rock wall in Southeast side of School House property- and runs with said road b. 49 E 27'i feet to a stake in margin of said road (George Moore corner); thence S. 33' W.; 55 W. to a stake; thence S- 2 30' E. 200 feet to a pine (Gebrge Moore .corner) ; thence S. 61 W 29 feet U a stone; thence N. 31 30' W- 85 feet to a stone; thence due west 100 feet to a stake; thence Nv20 102 feet to an iron stake; School House lot corneii; thence S. 74 E. NOTICK l' SIMMONS i if ()K -'NORTH ( AKol.iNA. ( (il'NTV Or HAYWOOU- IN "Tlli; SIT'KUJOU CO CRT . HAY W ool) ( ol'NT Y, I ' la i n 1 1 tl ... vs. Thomas IS. Stout ami wife,' Stout hvw'.i .lever naaie she may he called, and till other persons claiming any inti'i'c-i in the stihject matter of this action, Defendants. ' The' above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for tl V purpose of 'foreclosinH' a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Havwood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, Which , , . i . t 1 1 u.. weie levieu .against saiu miiu mr mv years VXiO and 1'Jol, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: HKGINNINC; at a .stake on the north .side of a street, corner of Lots 4ii and 47, and runs thence with said street S, 89 20' E. 150 feet to the intersection o f another street; thence with said street N. 2" 25' E. 150 feet to a stake on the west .side of staid st.wt: thence N. 895 20' W. 150 feet to a . stake; thence S. 2" 2.V E, 150 f t t 1 h. I'I ( 1 NI NO bcinir 1 its 47 4S. 49. 50, 51. and 52 of Pisgah Park ;.s r,er snrvev and nlat of J R. Kea- gan- Kngiheer, August, 1925, recorded in Map Book "C." Index "P." office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood Countv. the said -defendants will further take notice . that they are required to appear bef ore the. Clerk of the Super tor Court of .Havw'ood County North Carolina, at his office in the vourt- of said County, in the town of Waynesville.,-' North Carolina, not later thaiv .ifty day's froilv the U'.lth dav of September, 193.4,. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, .a plaintilf wi!T apply to the Court for the r'alief demanded in the complaint, WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of Of. .her, It'.'U. W. G. BYKRS. Clerk of the Suderior Court and Index rV E. 200 of l.o'.s N..--Ih1) i'eet to a W. 2(12.5 ieet INNING,- He ' lots- N-os 1 and 2 ol' liloak Will o! (Irimlxill Park i ...... ,. r I . a V as pea sttivey aim pi.u ol .h.uh Shooilneil Heci-mlier. l! ieeoriled in Mill. Hook "il," ;," Record of M:.a- ol' H'-.ywood County, North Carolina, The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear 'before the Clerk of the Super, ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynes vTue, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief dumlanded in the c-omplaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. : W. G. BYERS, Clerk" of the Superior Court la-i hV'ke': : in! IK 40' W stake K, ii cha: the 1 it'i'i- i 4 chain ', CO :.; -a in i ii -.,:! i'oiiiria a. I led auallia; said land Kill anil llKll. Ill llle Halo' .. na, ,,.,1 'del 'liilanls. and .1 Couniy- hec.uoe the puaei 1 1 i.ui'I is ilesoiilied as loll. n-no- a ..-take in the lm 1 li-.a ae corner, and i 'ins with ce line N. ,-',) ' ..U' W. chains iii:k,- to a sttike; theiKe S-' 2' 4 chains and H7 links to a in thf Kouque line; S. 88" a:ns and 90 links to a stake in ol' iot Na. !; thence N. 1" 10' , 911 links tj the beginnin,?. .cre.s. nil. re or less mi from lot lurlher iiicludin-i c .rtway right nuniher to the old .toad.' he s aid .let'en lants will take in appear before th ior Court Carolina, at his ollice in the l ouri hi.use iii' said County, in the Town of Wavnesville, Xorth Carolina, not later thaii tit" ly days from thf -"Jth day of, 11134, and lile answer or ilein Hi rer to thiT complaint Hied herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint, WITNESS my hand this the Sth day ot October, 1934. . . W. (1. IJYEttS. Clerk of the. Superior Court ,ns elainun:-;- any Hl-,-et inal'e:- ot this D .-feiiil ints. ,-d lleii-l.ll nils wili an action has been a Court ot , a hove, fol a tax lie'! ai-h w.i- is .'..lleetor :' iiat he .-'.Id in after de-'ft.vni -ot i.' 1 Ci.umy, which oaainst aai.l I Hill for llle UI.I 1 '.'I!':, ih Ihe laill.e o'.' ,i I il.-l'. li.lajit--. and tln.l The ahove nai k.- notif that oi. la. -need in the "Supe : vv.- 1 -ounly el.lh h '1 ,' , arpose of f,.;e, io-: ,! a :-: -al" eertilii-ate .. .1 )..' ,1. C. Welell. Ta a -. ..- '1 i '..unty. si alin dire, ! . f las. - olio 11 lie ; l.i ., , ooii I '. .UlllV he'' r. a. i-n i . ml .- '!' - Eying and oe.i:Lu' TowUshin- hay v.'.-.od Ca;olina, Hcjrinnin's' at c si uth side of Carolina Ave wi'st oi' the v.'o-i niaigd Street, ih me coafier e. 9A anil run- Chenae iiatwaen -aol jot.; S. 2 a, a .-take; n e N-.S to a stake ; tlience N. 2 to sai 1 Carolina Avenue the south 'm:.iM;n 'f X'fii NOTICK OF SI MMONS I'ATIa OP N'OUTll CAROLINA. COl'NTY OF HAVWOOD. IN Till: Sd'EKlOU COCKT HAYWOOD COCN'TV, Plaintiff. J. W. Lanier and w it'i l',ul;i Lanier. ia, ,; as iiuii.i-i .-.: n Waynesvill l ojilL.S, No.'th a -taite on the e (10 feet ,t' Atkins lat.s 811 i.n.i th the line W. 1..0 feet W- ,")U feet 1 K. lot) feet thence with same- S. SS Vi) feet io the rie.u'innintr and. lieniff lots 9A : ml 915 in 'olock 15 of -Grim-hall Park. The said defendants v, ill '. f urthel take notiee that they are reitiir"d t" ajipear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of i lay wood C unty. North Carolina',, at-his ollice in the Court house of said County, in the Town Of Waynesville. North Carolina, not later that they ale reonired M than titty days : from the -nil-day of .l,.i-b ,.f I if SlltllT-IDe .U'lU'lt'l, A.0-t, wwv. ...e and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this ii-iion. Defendants. The above named defendants will lake notiee that an aetioli has been i oiilineneed in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as jiloii-. for the purpose of foreelosin.ia a tax lit !i ami lax sale . eertilieate winch was is Mled by .1. C. Welell, Tax Collei-tor of ilaywo.'d County, stating that he sold a- i he lain direels. the hereina I ( or de--erihed land, for tin- -non pa n, in of Co- laxe- line lla Wood Collhiy. whl.-ll w .1 i li vied a.La-.ias: said lar...: for 111-.-nui's. 1 '. 3 U and l'.iol. in ill. la::.:- ,.f t iie a bove na lued defendant.. I iayuiHiii Comity 'neeann: lln r. vhie.h land is described : Be:ni- tile . same land iies-iibeii m a iiel-Ll ualCii -i, Uciooca. 192';, flolli J. 1'. Luathei wood, and v.'i.'e. Maggie. K, Lea.thenvooil to J. ii. Lahier and wife. Lea LaiiK-e, Uung '.tp.-Uvreil in the ofiice of tile Register of Deeds of Haywood County iii Book TO, page oG 1, to which book and page refer ence is hereby made for a full and complete description of the same which l- as follows: Being lots .32 and 3j of the Liner-Coman subdivision near Lake Junaluska, N. C, as per survey ot J. vv seave;-. c. c, ami uary ,iod thai follows: ih . . .l . i..;.-, ?...! l..,.f.O, f Haywood County, M.rtll ueinuiy. i. j i rw ; or planum win iipi'i ii luv -.uuo relief demahdedin the complaint. WITN'KSS niv hand this the Mh day f October. 1H34. W. G. i: VKUS, Cleiik of the Superior Court NOTICK OF SI MMONS STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. TNI THK SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintuf. vs. T- Li Blalock and, Blalock, by whatever name she may be called. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter ot this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued bv J. C. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the nereinatter XOTU'K OF SI MMONS STATE OF NOH'l'Il CAROLINA, COCXTV OF HAVWOOD. IN THIO SCPICKIOK t'Ol llT HAVWOOD COCN'TV. Plaintilt vs. R. S. Lenoir and wife, Mrs. R-.S. Lenou by whatever name she may be called: and all other persons claiming uny in terest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notiee that an action has been commenced ill the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale eertilieate which was is sued bv J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment o NOIK I Or SI MMONS SI T1 Ol NOh.1 II t AROI IN A COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. I Nf THE SUl'KRIOR COURT II WOOD (0LN1 llnntiff vs. M- W. Curtis and wife, Curtis, bv whatever name sne may be called, and alt otker persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, ..... Defendants, The above named defendants will take notice that an action hs been commenced in the Superior cTmrt id' Havwood County entitled as above, for the nurpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sue hj J C Wc'th, Tax Collector of Havwood Countv. stating that he sold as the Law directs., the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the vears 19:50 and 1931, in the name ..of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: BEGINNING at a stiake on the South side of I razier Street, said stake being 166 feet from the BE GINNING corner of Burgin lot at Frazier Street, their '.'o-id leading in Southern direction: thence runs N. T8 .'10' E- 84 feet to a stake on South described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which the taxes due Haywood County, .which were levied against said land for the years 19130 and 1931, in the name of "the -above-nami'd defendants, and that ' l a v'.vooil '-.-'County became the purchas e ,,"w hich land is described as follows: Lying and being in the town of H ielwood iiv.1 BI GINN1 s(, kii i stake in the northerly margin of Main. Street, said stake being (io feet from the easterly . margin of an alley. J- P. Scates corner, and runs with -the mar gin of the -said -Main. St.. N. 72 E. 45 feet to a stake in the margin of the said street; thence N, IK E, (Vi.o fcit to A stikc t i t s 72 S i) feet to a stake; thence S.. 18 E. 62,5 feet to the N N IN 0- contain ing 2M2.o squ..i re teet. The said defendants will further take notice that thev are- required to appear before the Clerk of the Suner ior Court f Havwood County North Carolina, at his ollice in the Court house of said Countv. in the Town of Wiavnesviiire. North Carolina., not later than, fifty days from the 29th day of September, 1934. and file answer or demurrer to the complaint hied herein, or plaintiff will anply to the Court for the relief denvan led in the complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. i; BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court were levied atoiinst said land for iht years 1'JiO and 1D31;, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: Being the same land described in a deed bearing date of 5, December, 1905 from Thomas H. Babb and wi fella.-,:: ine Baob. and being on Pig eon Street, colored Town and run ning N. 25 E, I pole and 2 links to a stake ; thence S. 25s. W. 1 pole and 2 links to ii in the north edge of Pigeon Street; thence with the said street fo the Beginning, con taining .,00 square rods more or less. The said '.efen'.mis will further fake notiee that the.y are reiiuired. t" appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of ' Haywood- County," Nor h Carolina, at his ofliee in the Court liniiM'" of said County, in the Town of Wii iiesvi.lH'. North Carolina, m'.i bur than fifty days tYom the -29th. . .: a September, -1934. and rile nnso detiiurrer y the complaint tiled ' ,o. or ldaintiff Will apply to" the- t ourt m, relief demanded in the complaint. W1TN1JSS mv hand this the Mh day of October. 134; V. (1. l'.VKKS. I Ierk of the Miperior i (mil NOT1CF OF SI MMONs STATF OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff, aa- VS. C- F. McRorie and wife, Ellen F. McRorie, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Curt wf Hav-wnrvd Countv entitled ns above, for Tfl U Ca. o reel i-u- a oi-nv v uu....-,. ., V V ide line of Frazier Street; thehcrlthe purpose of foreclosing a tax lien S 12" E 124 5 feet to 'a stake inland tax sale certificate which was :s- N'OTIt II OF SI MMONS STATF OF XOIITH CAROLINA, COCXTV OF HAVWOOD. IN Ti l K SCPKKI OK COCKT HAYWOOD COCXTV. Phiintill vs. C- P Snell and wife, Mrs. C. P. Snell. by whatever name she may be called. and all other persons claiming any in terest in the subject matter of this tictlon Defendants. The nbove named defendants will take notiee that an action has) been commenced in the Superior ( ourt of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose ot foreslosniK a tax lien and tax sale eertilieate which was Is sued by J. C. Welch, lax collector, of Haywood County, statlm; thai he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land tor the vears 1U30 and 1:131. in the name ot i the aboye named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purchas er which land is described as lollows: Being the same land described ini a deed bearing date ot 1. June, 192b. from C P. Snell and wife to S. VV. Walktjr. said deed being registered in the office of the Register ot Deeds for Havwood County in book 7b at page 1, to which book and page ref erence is made for a more complete description of the said, lajnds and being lots IT. to 19 inclusive in block 5 of the Southern Assembly recorded in book of maps- "A" at pages 1, 3. 5, and 7 Jl) Which book and page refer ence is imaile. for a more, complete descripion of the premises. The said defendants Will further fake notiee. that thoy are: required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, at his in the Court house of said County-, in the Town of Wavnesville. Xorlh Carolin; not later i ban fifty dava from the aiuh day of SepU'iiiber; 1934, and file answer or 1 oiurrer to the complaint filed herein, : plaintiff w ill apply to the Court for relief demanded in the eoniidaint. W1TXKSS mv hand this the Mh day ot. (,, ...1 er. 1H34. a V. O. PVF.US. ( lerk of the Superior Court and February. 1924, said map nd survey '-being duly- recorded in the office of the Register of Deecks of Haywood County in Map Book "B" Index "L." This parcel ot land was conveved to V . P. LeatheVwood by deed dated 12, August, 1924 and re corded in Book 63 at page 270 by Jerry Line - and J. 1. Ionian and Grace Comaii. to which book and page reference is hereby made for a more perfect description, ,:.,.,...,, a The said defendants wi1! further lake notiee that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior court of Haywood County. North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said Countv. in the Town o Wavnesville. North Carolina, not later than flftv dav.s from the i-mh day of September. l'J34. and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. WITNloss mv hand this the hth day of October. 1934. XV. G. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court a NOTICK OF SIMMONS STATF OF N'OnTI CAROLINA. COCXTV OF HAVWOOD. IX THK SUPERIOR COCKT HAVWOOD COCXTV. Plaintiff vs. W". T. (Jrassty and wife, Mrs. W. Htf Crasty, by whatever name she may be called. - and all other persons claiming any in terest in the sub met matter of ihi action. Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the isuperior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was Is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs the hereinafter de NOTICi: OK SI MMON'S STATF OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IX THK SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COCN'TV. PkiintiiT vs.-'- Dcvvev Patton and wife. Mrs, Dew- j ev Patton by whatever name she nnv he called. and nil other persons rlaiminir any in terest in the subject matter of this action. Defendants, The nnove named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Havwood County entitled as above, for thjl purpose of foreclosing a tax lien aim tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch. Tax Collector of Havwood County, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter de scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied airainst said land for the scribed land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Havwood County, which vears 1930 and 1931. in the name of were levied apaifist said land for the the nbove named defendants, and that NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff.' vs. Florilina . Skyland Estate, S. H. Bushne.ll. President, and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior (ourt of Havwood County entitled as at.'OVCy for the nurpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued bv J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County,, stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hei unafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against, said land for the vears l'.niO and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: Being the same land described in a deed made the first dav of tebruary, 192b. from (jeo. H. Wiard and wife, Carrie Sue W ard, to Florilina and Sky land Estate, Inc., the said deed being registered in the Office--of thu Regis ter of Deeds of Havwood County, in Book 93. at page 117, to which Book and page reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of the same. Being the same land con veyed by . T. Lee and wife, Mar garet Lee, to H. G. Stone by deed dat ed the 8th day of October, 1925, and being 8 tracts of land containing about l our Hundred acres, lying on High way No. 10, near Saunook, aNorth Ca rolina and known as the . T. Lee plaee.- The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his office -in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesv-iHe,. North Carolina, not later than lifty davs from the 29th day of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W G BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court

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