The Best Advertising Aledium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People NO. YVAYN ES V I LLE. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1931 VOL XLVI 15 Men Rushing Work On Cannery. Plans Are . "1. win Tt liven 10 Local reopie " 'Work Canning Beef In The Cannery At Hazeiwooa Soon i j i fifteen men are Xr:.d.7togetthe f ,t Hazelwood ready for can ;b7ef by Monday, November 2Cth, . iear tu", : ;;nfid. and When tne taaiiciji r ... , Irn re beef, over 250 people will be jven emi.wn - " nw npinlJ s loca women wnu --- k-en rigid physical examinations to receiving a place on the annery force- The cannery building is being ; re iodeled inside, and several additions e being built. These include a 29 lv 29 foot rock boiler room, a re aeration plant and dressing rooms L the workers. A ceiling is being t n and three coasts of paint will p put on before actual canning oper jtiotis begin- . I Present plans are to have the cattle metered in .Asheville and brought ore daily for canning The capacity tf the cannery will be 3o head of utile daily. It was learned by The Mountaineer that state officials of (elief plan to build a slaughter house fere in the near future. 1 Three car loads of new machinery i expected daily and will be installed in the building within the next few feys. . i The 115 men are now receiving fj-om thirty to seventy-five cent, an itour for their work. All except itbout ten are local citizens. The in were sent here from Raleigh and ire supervising the different opera tions of getting the plant ready for Ipening. : Sit wns said by Homer Henry, relief dministrator, that the cannery will fork four shifts a day and each per on will be given three days a week. $ The meat that will be canned by he cannery will be used by the gov- irnment m supplying iooa ior vne :CC camDs and to the relief families this winter. 00 Are Enrolled In Adults Schools In This County Last Fridnv TVfvs .T. M Tlav su pervisor of adult education in the Wes'tern . District, - met with the chairman and adult teacher osf Hay wood county and outline the pro gram and commented on the fine work being done here. At present there are ten teachers and an enrollment of: approximately 200 students. There are two nursery schools, one here and one at Canton. Plans are going forward to open schools in new centers, and to open classes in homemaking and commer cial courses. The program will con tinue until '.ate spring- It was an nounced that any community, wishing to organize classes should get in touch with Jack Messer, county superin tendent, or Miss Jane Brown in the board of education officers. Miss Brown was transferred from Buncombe county to this county re cently. She has been in the work lor twQ years.. "The purpose of the program is to blot illiteracy so that the men and . women in. that class may be able .to hoHo- i:- .-j .... met'i Llie TapiU cnanK- es in environment so that they can more offl,i. - ... . .t . ... -".viuhciii so mat mey tan more effii' entNr n..:.- , . J hKimzin UIUI1 ow.m .irifT firin . .. . i- - pertorm tneir social civic duties in their respective nrini! I,... " if:: T. i ."".- -uuwes in their respi twenty-five per cent of the men who were drafted in the World War ,v,ere classed as illiterate, because 1;, , d not read or write even a . mple letter. Hsnd ha 1.592 SuSion."01" nt f thC r.;,-';?6! a,te appealing, to the public, " Jf c!ubs- women's clubs, fraternal in tlTS and ctlurches for their support " e program. By making donations vi magazines, books, coat, hangers, ap coupons, and any odds and ends tho! ch, thev don't have any use for in p homes,' Miss Brown continued, splww are underwav to open a fV . 1 ,r negroes within the next weeks. The Weather OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date ' ' : Max Min 3S 33 32 28 27 19 31 67 61 fi3 G6 44 35 .47 To Open Monday, 25th Casket Truck Is In City On Each Election Day A number of Waynesville. citi zens are wondering just what significance the large truck of the Roaring Gap Casket Company has by being in Waynesville on each election day. Last June on the day of the first primary the truck was parked on the streets all day and night, and again Tuesday of last week it stayed on the streets all night. Just what it all means, if any thing, had aroused the curiosity of a number of local people. Red Cross Roll Call Will Begin Nov. 20 In County "Training the public in first ata measures is one of the most import ant tasks of the American Red Cross," said II. V- Raucom, chairman of the Haywood county Red Cross chapter. The roll call membership enrollment opens on Armistice Oay. Sunday, November 11. and lasts until Thanksgiving, but our systematic canvas will be Nov. 20-23, and from its proceeds this and other services of the Red Cross are supported. "We have a class of 40 at the high school, taught by Miss Oliver, a Red Cross nurse, who are studying First Aid. This class is composed of bus drivers and advanced pupils. We plan to have a first aid kit on all busses, so that in case of an acei went first aid can be given imme diately." "Two results have been noted time and again in the groups to which died Cross training has been given," he fnntinnoii "First, there is a marked decrease in the number of accidents, as a result of the accident-consciousness the training has developed; and second, there is a lessening of grave consequences such as death or per rnanent crippling in many cases where tiroaer first aid measures were used by those near the scene of the acci dent. "First aid as interpreted by the Red Cross is the practical applica tion of the age-old habit of neighbor liness in time of distress. .Accidenta injuries have always been incurred by active people, and doubtless they will always happen. Yet, even with modern civilization developing new hazards, the rate of accidents is not commensurate with the increasing danger because of the modern de mand that proper safeguards be pro vided for all machinery and that care lessness be prevented on the.part ot the human beings who use the ma Viinp. "All of us who drive or ride in automablies should also be concerned over the great hazards on Acan highways. Approximately 30,1 u men, women, and children are killed on our highways every year a ter rific toll, a number equal to the in habitants in a middle sized city- An this doesn't take into account the maimed, the many injured for l ie. and the suffering and great waste m- ( Continued on back page.) MitcheHLeads Drum And Buffle Corps To Win Drum Major Robert H- Mitchell, of xt j. .-vt... -r , formerly ot Waynesville: and his drum and bugle. corps were the winners ' ra tional. Forty and v. Eight Champion ...ajh ; tho rPCAnt National American Legion Convention held in Miami. This is the third .successive time the Newport News boys nave m wi-Vi -Fiio-ihilitv for mem- lino iiviui. . . - f bership in the Forty and Eight, group in the Legion is based on uis"B"''" ed service. . When the winners returned tq-Newport'. News, they were met at, the ittpp of . more than a thousand of the : representative rit.irpns nf thp tnivn" Thev were feted ; in many ways and in the .ceremonies j several of the state ul Virginia, . took part. ..Congressman Bland paid a special tribute to Mitch ell regarding his Work with, the corps and his national recognition. . Robert H. Mitchell is the son of Mrs- Marie Mitchell and - the late Robert H. Mitchell- He was born and reared in Wavnesville. For the past 11 years he has' been the superintendent of public works in Newport News, Virginia. Funeral Services For L. E. Green Held Here Sunday Largest Crowd To Attend Fune ral Here Paid Last Respect To Victim Of Auto Wreck Fiiripr;il f(rvii't witm )ulil Snmlnv at the First Baptist church for Law rence Ureen, 4 who passed away in an Asneviue Hospital on last weu nesday following serious injuries re ceived when the automobile he was driving wrecked after hitting a side rail on Highway No. It) near the Havwood-Buncombe countv line. The services were kjonducted by Rev. II. V. Baucom, who was as sisted by Dr. R. 1'. Walker of the I tesbyterian church. The Masons, held a commital service at the grave. Mr. Green had been connected with the Waynesvile post office for 27 years, and was money order and pos tal savings clerk. The largest crowd ever to attend a funeral in Waynesville overflowed the church and .several hundred stood in the yard during the service. All the ears were unable to get in the cemetery drive during the burial, Mr. Green was well known through out the county, and had lived in llay-w-ood all his life He is survived by his widow and nine children: Olive Jane, Ruth, Kmmett, Mack, Merrill, Mary Joe, Thomas. Iisie, and Johnny. lLe ijs also survived by his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Green and two broth ers; Arthur, of Waynesville, and Mc ( Continued on back page) Over 1 00 Hear Of Plans To Better Living Conditions For Farmers Business Men And Farmers Hear Outstanding Speakers Dis cuss Popular Topics Of Farmer's Problems More than one hundred business men and farmers were in attendance at the banquet sponsored by the Ro. tary Club that was given last Friday night at the Methodist church at which time an outline of the farm program and plans that are under way by TVAC for thus immediate section were discussed by officials and specialists. There were four principal short talks, and each dealt with a different subject, but in brief, all. four speakers were high in their praise for the work that is being done in Haywood coun ty, and the co-operation that has been given the state and federal officials .in putting across the New Deal, rmiritv A ire nr. W. I). Smith briefly outlined the processing tax to the au dience, and with the use or a cnari showed just what had been accom plished in the county during the past eight months in the way of increased prices for agricultural commodities. A general outline of the program was given by Mr. Smith before introducing Letter President 1-9 . roin "Our people continue to look to the American Red Cross as the kindly and always helpful good neighbor to whom they turn for practical aid in ' -emergency. They do so with the assurance that this national relief agency, with an organi zation in thirteen thousand American communities, has not and will not fail them. "In the difficult twelve months which have elapsed since last November, Red Cross volunteers throughout the land have worked in close cooperation with the Federal, state and local governments in their humanitarian labors, Their ser vice has not been limited to aid in furnishing the actual neces sities of life, but has extended to the equally important field of safeguarding public health and of training their neighbors in the proper methods of caring for the sick or the injuored. "At the same time the organization has continued to fulfill its obligation a- our agency of relief for every com munity visited by disaster. "The Red Cross is looked upon as the representative of all of our people in times of distress. In order that it may continue its service to humanity it is highly important that we lend our support through individual membership. "I hope every one Who possibly, can do so will respond generously to the Red Cross appeal." , T FRANKLIN P. ROOSEVELT "': .:. ' ,' . President Community Urged To Prepare Now For The Future V. E. Kay. Jr., in Letter To This Paper Sets Fortji What Must lie Done To Keep Pace With Section Mr V. C- Russ, Editor of the Mountaineer, Waynesville. N. C. "Western North Carolina has been awarded the southern terminus,i.f tin park to park highway and we are as sured of having a host of visitors in this section such as we have never known before. The onlv uuestion is as to whether or not we shall take full advantage of the possibilities. ' "Previously our tourists have come larcelv from the south and have been attracted on account of our inter related climate :vnd -venery. Pri marily, they have been summer vis itors with the larger number com ing in August. In recent years we have had the traveler, as differ entiated From the summer' visitor. "This nomadic transient has come from every direction; has tarried only as a section has 1 ecu able to hold his interest; and as he has been able to find comfortable lodgings. He has come in irreator numbers during the summer months, but the traffic early in the snrinir. and during late fall months, has been 'onsiderable. " Wuviiesvilli' ; ltd Haywood county stand to benefit more from the park together with the Parkway, than any other section on the North Carolina side- Without. doing anything, Wc (Continued on page f) Discussion Order For Car Of Pure-Bred Cattle Is Made It was learned from .County Agent V. 1). Smith lute yester Httvthfit order had been received for almost an entire carload ot bred cattle to he shipped purt in here from drought stricken. areas out west. The orders for the cattle are the outgrowth of the meeting held last Friday night in the Meth odist . church' M which time bet- ter dairying facilities were ms-. cussed Mr- Smith said those wanting to place orders should see him immediately. Fred Sloan, county agent of Macon county. . . ' ,, , , i ,i i r Mr. i-iioan siresseo uie vumc i understanding between fanners and business men and also the importance of ! farmer understanding his own problems. The speaker congratulated Haywood county on the progress that (( ontinuod on back page) From Roosevelt XE iBl3SiiS23iI! pin Southern Part Of The Parkway Will Traverse This Immediate Vicinity Frank W. Miller Says Survey Of Parkway Will Get Underway In The Near Future Frank W. Miller, member of the state highway commission, told The: (Mountaineer this week that engin eers of the highway ..department to gether with government engineers would begin immediately surveying the route from Plowing Hock to Soco Gap. The route from the Virginia line to Plowing Rock has already been surveyed ami the final routing will be omplete within a few days. Mr. Miller said. The Parkway will have a right, of way of one thousand feet where; -pos sililo, and a minimum right of way ol 200 .feel. The road bed, or pave ment will lie thirty feet wide. The "shoulders" of the Parkwav will be olanted in trees and shrubbery and will resemble hi every respect, a park within itself. Contracts for building the road will be let to a number of contractors, it was learned, iind in this way work will be pushed forward rapidly. The project is a relief proposition and every effort will be made, to rush the work and put, 'as many men to work as possible. One point that is not clear to a number of local people is the fact that a "loop" will be made within the park of the Parkway; beginning at Soco (Jap to Cherokee, then to New Found .Gap anil back around by Cat aloocliee ami Deflwood to Soco Gap. The "stein" of the .Parkway, however, will contact this inter-park loop at. Soco Gap. Waynesville will be two-thirds sur rounded by the Parkway, The Parkay will cross Highway Number 10 near the tish hatchery-, and follow in general the old Hood road to Soco Gap. When the news was received here lllis week there was considerable com nietit, and much liliusinsm was being shown. Past September, a delegation of ,'iOO Tar Heels Went to Washington to be present at a hearing given be fore Secretary Ickes. Fifty from this county were among those present, Jack Messer Is Named Head Of.. Teacher's Club The initial meeting of the Hay wood SHioojmasXers' . Club' for tl year 1934-:i.r was In Id on Tuesday night at the Hotel U'Faine. MpukpK pdiinfv sunerintendent of school was elected president of the group. A permanent -organization was achieved and a program of work for the coining year was outlined. Oth er officers serving with Mr. Messer are: C- K. Weatherby, director of athletics at the Waynesville High School, vice president; White Mease, principal of the Central Elementary secretary, Thomas Krwin, principal of the Cecil elementary school, treas urer, W. Thomas Reeves, principal of the East , . Waynesville elementary .sx'hool, publicity, chairman., The following, principals were pres ent in addition to those mentioned: S. E. Connatser, Clyde, M. II. Bowles, Waynesville, Frank Ferguson. Jr., of VVaynesville, and., Jesse James; of Hazelwood. : The. next meeting will be held lrt Canton the last Tuesday in November. Mountaineers To Meet Farm School Friday Afternoon Coach , Weatherby , will . take - his Mountaiheers, to Farm School : this Friday to seek their seventh straight, victory. The winning march of thy Yellow: Backjs. has been broken only by the. powei-fiifl . Asheville. High,, and the present eleven, are. making their bid to. surpass the wonderful, record of last year's team which was tied by'. Abbeville High . and , - defeated by Christ School- ' " "'. , Garland has recovered from a re cent sickness and will be in condition -f(i!,' the game Friday. The other, reg.' ulars are , ready and anxious to add another to their string of victories. Only two teams have been able .to -core on. the... Mountaineers. Christ School and . Asheville . High: ; have scofed the ,19 points against the local team, while the Mourjtaineers have scored on all opposition 170 points Canton and Marion , are the next teams to be met in the order men tioned with the, possibility of a post season game w-ith I'ryson City.: Well rileased with their , playing in the IleMersohville game, ( . ,, Secretary likes Renders Decision For North Carolina, Instead Of Giving Route To Tennessee Washington -SeciH'tary Ickes :.n nounced Monday he had chosen ll called North Carolina route for . southern section of the Shenaini, tireat Smoky Mountains Natioi,..! park scenic highway. The secretary overruled the findings of a board of three which recommend ed the route suggested by Tennessee. The selected route runs from Slow ing Ruck, N. C, south of Linville city aUing the Blue Ridge and the Mt. .Mitchell and Craggy ranges near Asheville, thence into the Mt. Pisgah ralirt". bending sharply northwest on a line ,'ong that, rango west of Way nesville, - .eh an entrance into the park at Soco Gi,n where it will con nect with the Newfound Gap high way. Ickes, who made known his deci sion in letters to G';.vt rn-'ir - C P. I'.hringhaus of North Caroliiiin and Governor Hill McAllister, said his selection was inlluenced by the fact there is now a well establisheil. enJt trance to the Great. Smoky Moun- tains National park at t'latlinburg, Tenn- The secretary added there was little to choose between the North Caro lina and Tennessee routes from the scenic standpoint and that other things being eipial it seemed "unfair" that, Tennessee should the sole entrances to the park . from both the : west and east. 'I' he' scenic .'highway, to cost more than $H;,imU,(IO! will connect the Shenandoah National park in Virgin ia and the ..'Great Smoky park which is in North Carolina and Tennessee. The northern route, from the Shen andoah .park to Plowing Rock, was determined several months ago. The road, will be approximately 'HI" miles in length. The Ickes committee which: recom mended the Tennessee route consisted of George Rad.cli.U , of Halt iiiiure, former, regional public works adnun istratoi'. now onatir-clcct of.. Mary land; Thomas If. Alai-I lunald, federal roads chief, and A mo. I'. I'ammerer, national, parks director...' When their decision was announ ced North' Carolina 'appealed to See .et.ry Ickes who "held a hearing on the matter September IX in .'Washington. Ickes. in his letter to the governors said despite the fact the .''North Car olina location was chosen, ."Tennessee would still have a gateway into the park equally, if not more, important than that which North' Carolina will have at Cherokee." "Through Gaflingbug will (low the tourist trallic. from the great west and north west," his letter said- "Some 7;i,000,(M)0 people already dwell in the of the Allegheny mountains from tains, which is tributary to the Gat linburg entrance, while the area east of the Alleghany mountains from which access to the park will be through the Cherokee gateway, con tains approximately 50,000,000 -people. ' "Here is a present disproportion in favor of the Gatlinburg entrance of some 2.'!,000,00() people beside which it is reasonable to expect, that the Ki'iwth in population in the country , tributary to the Gatlinburg entrance will be much greater than in that section which will naturally seek the Cherokee entrance."-. , Ickes said the North Carolina ioute, by. reason of its higher altitude, can. be depended upon for lower temper atures during the months greatest travel'. .' ' ' He said an additional advantage was that for .about C ''miles it. would traverse the Pisgah National forest and .have to cioss only three fajrly large streams, t he Pin vi lie, th, Swan naniia and the French Broad rivers, Oil', the .other hand, he continued the. e route: would, have to cross seven rivers. He said the North Car olina: route, running . near the tops of the ridges as it will, , will atl'ord, a view of the surrounding, country and offer to the eye ,;"scenery that would, not be, accessible to so great a degree if the Tennessee route wer" a'-...ji:e i. Ickes said he w;as reluctant to pver rule the 'finding's'-' of . his board "how ever the state, of North Carolina had the right of appeal tome and since that . right was ' exercised, it is' my , duty to decide the issues in .ao.-o.rd- la nee ; with my ' consciende, and my best judgment." the -secretary's letter said.; "To my mind it is so -clear that the equi t i os ,i n - this -controversy. ' are wi t h North Carolina that my finding must be', to 'that effect.; I regret .that'll caiinot concur in the. report sii':ir;u:t 'ted to : me. by ' the conniiittve i c-ferred to, and it is hereby overruled," : , '..'.Mis.?' ' 'Caroline 'was the iruest of the week-end.. Ward, friend of' ; in

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