THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 THE W'AYNESYILLE MOUXTAINEtiK 1 Community Urged Park Museum To Mountaineers Run To Prepare Now j Make Collections Wild Over Hender For The Future; At An Early Date sonviile Bearcats i Continued 1'iom page 1) may expect to have mure boarder '" U'lttr business, ihey will lorce v. v,. ives on us whether or not we S.nUve Waynesvllle. Hazel, wood, and Lake Junaiuska, are in lor better times without any particular eil'oit on our part. We should not ue content, howevei. With beintr P-ive in our acceptance J -what we are about u receive. We -heu'.d drive forward to make this community, not only the ;hast ern Gateway tut the Eastern Capito for the park territory. We should create lodging f-cilities which will create within visitors a desire to stay 1 -, , We should create recreational .AK: will make them for- tac:m.i ' . ,., ... .i,u Ett about ili'iiut develop a business center which will provide people with every type 01 , .tL... - nd every native curio, that they miirnt ai u . thi ec' on We sliouiu waumj uie iomniuniu- snd. o.ur highways so that i . will not only be pleasantly nrc-sed, but will be imbued with the ;.!.,., ,,t' building a summer home m our midst. Most- important 01 an, we mow.-, tain'ueis should do these things our selves in order that our children may profit, and our children' children-1 We .should not be blind to the po.ssi-; Miiti, Vw.fore us. We should not be I onditl'erent, even should we see. Should we as local people, leave the job undone, we will see 'foreigners ,,.t ,-fmni our inheritance, and UU.-.'Til . I r-phn the nrofits, Too often this is! v - r r "First' of ::ll we should heed the call of our Chamber of Commerce for an assembly t0 review the work of . . . A ftjp fnmnlimpntlTll? tne past, jcai. responsible for the good work accomplisneu, we neeu 10 i ward- however, rather than backward. We need to strengthen the organiza tion, proportionate to the greater re sponsibilities before it. It must be ,.,, r, totiiW more co-morehen- sive services. It must be prepared for more vigorous action man nab oeei. possible in the past. It must be pre- Waynewood Theatre "WAYNESVILLE T II C R S I ) A Y - F R 1 1 ) A Y , NOV. 15-16 t J'aul Luflas and Wynn Gibson in "I GIVE MY LOVE" SATURDAY, NOV. 17 John Wayne in "THE STAR PACKER" MONDAY-TUESDAY, NOV. 19-20 Mac rtest and John Mack Urown in "BELLE OF THE NINETIES" WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21 Cary Grant and Francis Drake in "LADIES SHOULD LISTEN" Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 Admission 10c and 25c i - 1 , Sale on In ' W.aHli0Hil'IU-WIIII.IH'H)WKIWll MII WWHUlLlillMIMl Ulill 1IHW1LIMIIII It is understood f i m those in au thority .!,:-t a Meeting will be held in the near j'utuie . central point, pel haps Way:., -v:!le. t.f the 1'aik Museum comm. -.tee far North dina, of whic Vx i. b'vrd, ol Cullowhee. i. Chair .n PhUU Will i Mime definite ie material for be made to s fv! HIS of colle the museum. There are no government funds available for the i'U'vhai-r of items and the committee v:!i . dependent upon the inteiest and generosity of the public. Judging from the num ber of gifts in the way of articles ..nd collections tnat have been of fered it appeal.- that the response will be all that will lesirod for this imp .i riant work. 1: -b.'uM have strong appeal ti a:', th citizens in the park area and : ne ...'..n.eiit coun ties, as the exilian- w..i represent the life and back gam; ,,f the pio neers. It is lnpi-d by tin- c miltee that .icieiiti.-t.s and indiv.,-; a:. ; - interested in such will make .-,aa ; ;Htitions to the flora and the faun.. This also applies to the- spec:::;.'.- of mine rills and geology. il. C. Willmrn, gn-i'iuist and sur veyor and Willis K.i:g naturalists -'.'hniciun, on p..rt time salaries. ..ill assist the committee in the col lection of relics. , The following from Waynesvilk' are :: the general com mittee: Miss Margaret Stringlield, James R. Thomas, .lame.-. R Boyd. K. L. Withers. W. C. Allen, W. T ' Shel ton, H. C. Wilburn and F. W. Miller. There are ten -uh committees in the group as follow.-: History and literature. Charles A. Webb, chair man, with Harvty llolloman secre tary, both of Asheville; special col lections, J. E- Coburn, chairman. I. K. Stemes, secretary, both of Rryson City; photographs and maps anil surveys. F. 1. Withers, chairman, Waynesvilk'. Barbara Ambler, of Asheville, secretary; arts and crafts, Mrs. J. C. Campbell. Brasstown, chairman. Mrs. Fred Siler, secretary; hand made utensils, household furn ishings, and surveys of old houses. E. J. Rossi'r, of Smokemont, chair man, Mrs. R. I,, ('real, secretary.; mountaineer occupations, Rev R. W. Frevost. Andrews, chairman. John Earns, Jr., secretary; archaeology. B. S. Colburn. chairman of Biltmore For est, chairman, R. L. Spalsbury, of Cherokee, secix'Lury ; geology and minerology, Thomas A, Cox, of Cul lowhee. chairman. Wythe Peyton, of Asheville secretary; zoology, K. .1 Rosser, of .Smokemont. chairman, with Thomas Alexander, of Asheville, sec retary; botany, Dr. C. S- Tennant, of Asheville, chairman. Mrs. Eddie Wilson, of Cullowhee, secretary. Lieut. W. M. Reed To Participate In Famous Air Races Selfridge Field, Mount Clemens, Mich. (Special to The Mountaineer.) When the famous Mitchell Trophy Air Race is revived here on Nov. 17, after a lapse of four years, a Way nesvilk young man will be among the 14 pilots of the First Pursuit ('roup. U. S. Army Air Corps, who will seek new speed records and per son al honors, in new-type pursuit ships capable of doing 2,'(U miles an hour. He is Second Lieut. M. W. Recti Lieut. Reed, together with his 15 pared; to function actively the year-round- "In writing this letter, I have no purpose other than to stimulate thought and interest on the part of local citizens. Ithink the poten tialities ahead are tremendously en couraging, and 1 want to see our local people profit. . In tnis connec tion. I would like to sec the comment" of others contributed to your column." ('HAS. E. RAY, JR. 11 Wcaihfil.vs EIewn Hae Ens. I ime Si Di iii.u. Second Team Plavs (iood ("ante eves ) Ma;.:.' .'IS '' a'p'.ain : a L'O iirew t w . : p.aye a few a . -Tiien l. r an eM'a A si-, -rt ;; Sum mi i.w lielli.e: i p' Y Jl... ,,.,! :i).t . bt auti .-core (' nieri evtra fail.'d Waynt'.-Ville In t be liiv- -e 11.1 : ' i I: ia: on tVe :ir-t ii.. made tW the day to pa- "a.- the. ended with Si a -rui".- po.nt-. The leading A lalt 1.V0. 1 llVi minutes of the sec-1 ie-:ie scored -I' ! imd 'half points. Sumnu row got a fumble and Bridge drove t;S yards for a touch-' .'own. On the I'olWtng kickoff Hob' lingswo: th, of llendersonville. re turned to hi.- Ill and on their first 1 play Yount picked a lateral out of I the air and raced to six more points J Ilollingeworth returned the next kick- j otf to his 'Jo and fumbled on the' first play and Leathcrwood recover ed. Sumniorow passed to Ross who ran ton yards to score. roteat placekicked one point, failed on one and missed to 1 1 vat t for another Aided In- .i Ott i'.ii-.I n-)t t-r,,i, l-nm ' me row to So:,-c. a first down by Reeves on Hendersonville's 4, .Moore went over tackle for six points. The second string line and some second and third backs entered the fame (lilison recovered a Hondorsonville fumble, on the kickotf. but Moore passed into the bands of Yelton to give llendersonville possession of the ball. Yelton made ten and one-half yards as the third quarter ended In the final quarto;- Hondorsonville tested the second team who lield on the one yard, line and Moore kicked to sate territory, On another occasion Moore kicked from behind hi.s goal la his H.'i where lien Bridges recov ered a fumble. On the next play Moore passed to Shipley, who evaded a host of llendersonville player and raced down near the side line to the iinal score of the game. Moore's intended pass to Reeves was ground ed by Turner. Lineups and summary: Waynesville (47) llendersonville (0) Ro IE Brown Leatherwood 1' erguson Ciillett I'Vancis I Mli at ; Hyatt Sum mo row Yount Bridges Reeves LT ia; k; RG RT RE y LH RH F 1 IiiIkjui au Miller Turner Johnson tlialiakos Page Lampley t .under Hollingsworth Yelton Subs Waynesville Sease B 1'ndges, Swift, Moore, Shipley. Rath- bone. MehalTev. Mears, Brvson. Bin Hendei-soitvilleMa.(well, .1? shop, Wood Gibbons, tiessleri Gianakos, (i. Ratciiir Cove Grange To Have Public Meeting The Ratcliff Cove 'Grange.' -which meets regularly the, third Thursday evening of each nn-Tith to ,-ponsor farmer fellow.-hip ami keep its mem bers informed .about' current i.suca of the state 'and Nation, is inviting the public to the meeting tonight (Thursday.) The feature of this evening will be a debate on the question of a change in the Slate ( (institution The subject, as given t.o the siieakers, 15 lie.-olved: Thai N'n-fth. Carolina shouid not change i!.-c institution,. - Roy ('roil.-:1 and ' . ('. I'd'anei.- will present tlia' i-a a of the affirmative, and County A-'ont W. J.. Smith an I R. (' I-'raMca- will contend fur the negative. ' '' . The meeting -will be. in the (Ir.iiige i Hall, formerly . the . Hat ii:!' ( ,,-,. school house, at 7 aid. : The :. )ja dience will bo. ..'.entertained by 't!K .('range string bati-l. : . race rivals, was selected by lot M-an among, the many ofiiaoi's at t-hi- pa-t 'who' have' from to ,j"jU0 l.oa:- of (lying to their, credit. I. Trie .Mitchell Race cli ii.a.a ti '- day's aerial circus fii- the ia ri'.l'r i the Army Relief Fund, w ill be i tin at an altitude ju.-t high enough tol i lear the tret- tops, on a l H-mi ) l riahular course over a distan e .f l"11 mil'..-- When ;he . last -Mitt iu ii '1 d'a y I'aee was run, in 1'J'jU. fifty li uii; and persons witr.e.-seii '; '!'! 'aiv- ''' neing nianc tnis year lor uou-ua- u.,.c ntiniber. a . ""aDMIXISTRATOR'S MOTI' K Having qualified as tl'ina : a'.rai'ir -.f.'' the estiite of L. Cf.ym -.a, -a .a-a.-ed. a'e of Haywood Citir-". . - - : ii 1 a r- '. : a, this is to no; ify 'a!; . 'i r.-o.ns having claims against tra. estate of said deceased to exhiait : ' hein to the undersigned r;f Wtivr. ;--va,.i , ; X. ' . ' on or before the loth: d y.of. Novim ber, lOUo, or this notice plead ed in. bat of their recovi; 'ry. AH Pt'!' sons ' indebted to sa: a, estate will please make immediate a '" ment. This loth dav of Xovember: 1!34.. r:oi:i:i!T n. nooxi:, Admini.-trator of L. t rymes Estate. . Xo. 2T0 Nov. l.-,22-2!)-Dee. G-13-20- barah Ann's Cooking Class All oer '.-a etui-. iy college stu a.: :.- 1 Uf.i.i.-, n..;., aad women are ! ' -i :'a ; ., the vOie day in -a,.::..: -...:. i ;,, :,v family Hi -::.'':- a:1,- lay. 1'l.e h.eusekeep i :a ,.m' , i' arc bvk.rg to and mak ing p.a:a- lo.- ; ;:c t'a i.-giMag feast. t!a to imiki ,u :::;.;, plans; the .-moo:.; rur.' l'nan.v.-:a ; mg din m r ia peiai.- en can fa. plauning. .Make tnis a la.'.ahle l'r.:-.:.k-g;vinjr in i:,e ai nd- ef yetii faauly. Oi.incc Se.taai- Iblled .,. To..sted t'o.oai'.u; : 1 a. :a. ; h,' oi a::ge ..;(,!.,. i a : yl'ui- 1 . i aiiiov. the w iii'.i -k:a. Pip in : : a : j a i t:a n ::i ;,....:-.. -aiuit l ' : anU ri JuUv C... Im.i,! ..n : lean one qua.; ,-: c..,n- : . - a-ai aa,: t belli ,...a: : of .i. ::a. .o a eo:.. : :a i: . oek . - a; ia:.: u".t ;i the herrie.- a . a cry ! - d.i '-' : ti'i'cc cl.. t - a ar r.g , c .. A.r.j;. U hen mi"; ana :i;u- hy. '.'.- !: ;aiaugh a sieve line eiianali :a c.e a I clear jm,v. Add 'J l. eul'- : s'.U r a;:.: roil tor nuituti--. i Sill .ii..!v;ighl. Seive in c.Hi.lad glares. Almond Sweet Potatoes Pare .-weei potatoes and hail until lender. Mash well, -ea.-on with salt, lupp.r, butter and cream. Beat until lig.'it. Add chopped almonds. Put in greased baking dish, cover top with whole niarshniallows. Hake in oxen dot) degrees until niarslimallows .iie In-own- A v oc a d o ' i t r us Salad Cut a peeled avocada into rather thin slices crosswise, then cut each slice again once or twice the other way. Arrangi in crisp leaves of lettuce alternately with segments of orange ami grapefruit from which all skm has In an removed. Garnish xxith .-trips of i tn ii to and mtvc with I' reiicli dressing made with lem on juice and only :. little oil. Pumpkin FanchoiH'ttes Mix together 1'- cup of sugar, '.i cup of maple syrup. i teaspoon each of ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, cup of melted but: -r, ' t teaspoon salt, 1 cup of milk n:l H well beaten eggs. Line very small 'pie tins with rich flaky pastry, building it up well alwmt the edges. .Fill with pumpkin cus tnril and hake, twenty minutes. Cool, spread .with a thin layer of straw bery jam or quince jelly. : Top with xx hipped cream. Hospital News Admissions Since November first: Miss Clairebelle Sori'dls, operation 1a'ii:i Hicks, medical. John Ray. medical, C. F- McRorie, operutum. Robert Orr, operation. Ruby lloglen, operation. ( harles (iregory, operation. Juanita Roberts, djicral ion. Mrs. fl. Ii. O'Hrian, auto accident, Mrs. Rav Caddis, medical (ii neva llaney, medical, died. Mrs. Morris ochran, operation. Mr. Wallace Fincher, medical, died (pneumonia.) Mrs. . A. Moore operation. (b'lieva Smith, medical Mrs. I.on Rogers; medical. .Myrtle ('entry, nied'cal. .Mrs. Pearl Alexander, medical. Mis. Thomas Murray, operation. Mrs. Sam Arxvood, operation, limn to Mr. and Mrs. Dolphus bailing, bai.y boy. Mr, II. C. W illin n spent last week in 'lciii.ios.see' in the interest of In woik with, the (ileal Smoky Moun tains .Nat .onal park. While there lit1 alti nih il a meeting al the Andrew .Jack-o,, Ibdi i in Kno.vvillo Avitli the .viu.-euni eoiniiiiitee for 'J'enuessee. Long -Used Laxative To bo bought and used W5 needed for many, many years, speaks well for the reliability of Thedford's Ebuk-Draucht, purely vcrctable family laxative. Mr. C. E. IUIliff writes from Illnton, W. Va.: ''My wife ond I have ti:;cd Uicdford's : r.'.u k-Dratight thirty-five years for crnsllpation, tired- 'feelinir and hriarJacho. I xirc it wbrn I feel rnv ryfitcm. needs clean.sing. .After all fhcue years, I haven't found any- , thing better than Elack-Drr-.ucbt." fio.d In 25-cent packnKPS. Thedford's BLACK -DRAUGHT "CHILDnEN UKE THE STBCT" r Want Ads .j : As : Admirii-tr, , of tia- estate-' of Thoma-elit II. Wool.-a y, de. i a-' i, 1 will se" " public auction for ca.-hi ."t the ('ourt h'ouse door on Xovom';1, b3,l, at 1 . o'clock, a Chryslor car. I MI r, W. RKF It, Ad.'inr.i.-t.a'ni ,1 chu". WA XT F I ) Support of . friends.- .' 1 --have entered the contest being held ' rt by; Asheville merch.'inUs. Would appreciate anyone saxdng their '52: . purcba-ing.t:ck'ets fur m". I!ol;,!de -. Sloan. 1 i WAXTKIl Hoarders- - Steam heat, 57a"H'PRV."e.2',rHP,,t N"vt Read The Advertisements im S II H K a ill DC tYMwifttmBri;,tiaBiiM I Silver- V lour (iroat Noillii'in Mit.hijian l'oa Bp-MAkf Haliv Li mas Lbs. T Yellow Kyes j Lor ZjC beans :;:ir iqc Whole Sliced Peaches?: 32c Peaches?;:' 18c Hushes Clinch Dearie No Lli IA Kiver SlrinKless UCCllBd (a,t . . . IUC JMonareh Extra Small Slrintflcss Beans , Rose Dale Tomatoes Tomatoes Sloats Pillsbury Pancake Flour 3 1 r 25c 12 OZ. size . 25 c I 1 to - Suds M n Lyrist x iwar (iant Oclaon Soap and Powder: (i for 25c .Uorl-lc V 1 v v 'ft -"Ji ' L,,'H-tt ::;ChoiceMeat;; ait Good Prices j a 24 lbs 89c 48 lbs 1.75 4 'it 25c i i No. 25c an No. lz Can 2 for . . .. . 25c I No. 2 Can '5 for . . . . . or- lOc I 3 for 5CaajEais?! tgCTAGDjL Orx a t) lnww'Jn: hi iouwin I (omoom m Sl'PKK Sl'DS 1 1 IN ?whsl 1? BnBDHI ffiiKTrioiisrl '' 1 11. .ti' ' i33