THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER sir ate NOTICE OF SUMMONS OF .UKin LAri.ULa.v-i, CP tv nu HAYWOOD. V-Tur qttPERIOR COURT HY.YOOU COUNTY, Plaintiff. 1 vs. ii- x Cole and wife, X .'.. trover name she may all i-tereM m - Defendants f The' above named defendants will lhe u c action has been in ine ouycuui Cole, be called, other persons claiming in the subject " t it- Court of mmenceu above, for Hii)".-. ou 80 1 H . i i.ntv .if tOI'eClOSlIlK UIA "t" .1., .rOTieaT.e which was is "V c. Welch, Tax Collector of "',) County, stating that he sow . .ids the hereinafter :"Ld land, for the nonpayment of desiriixu ia , rountv. which tf la, - T,roinSt said land tor the 7 'iVro anJ in the name of .'J1 , 1:,".;,1 defendants, and that UU0C """ tk- nlir.haS- Havwood Couniv o-- r- - k-nTVn he As I inmduska. X. C aembiy, i- - j d f M;ips . o ' Southern Assembly, and c Alls Book A, patf iThe saw take notice e 1". ... defendants will that they are required to , 4S, in further w or before the Clerk oi the Super ,pear baore North his oflice in the Court ier toui i;.. .. -it 5ro - j the Town 0f ff........iu North Carolina, not later Seutember, lyo-i, aim i" imurrer to the complaint filed herein, cooler will annlv to the Couit for S, relief demanded in the complaint. T WITNESS my hand this me em uaj Uit .btr, 1934. T VV. G. BERS, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS ATI." (IF NORTH CAROLINA, fln OF HAYWOOD. II. VY WOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. Miller and wile, Mary R. I.. A indUa'il other persons claiming: any Interest in the subject matter of this tiOll fUllUMUVi L,Wie' above named defendants will take notice that an action i.ias .. ommenced in the Superior Court of F .... ..ilil.i.l .. . nliU'O T lav wood County enuueu us he purpose of .foreclosing a is 11 nd tax sale eertnicau.' which fcued bv J- C. Welch, lax t-ourew" v, Havwood County, stating that he sola is "the Law directs, the hereinafter iesi'nbed land, for the nonpayment of the tuxes due Haywood County, which ere levied against said land for the eit, 1 ' o and 1U31, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: ISetfinning- at the N. W. margin of Montgoriiery St. and runs thence N. 68 45':' W. 184.1- feet to a stake in the South margin of Haywood St. thence With said margin of H. Street 5.9 45' fet. to stake, S. 08 45' E. 26.9 eet to a point in the center of the nd of a brick wall, of garage and plumbing shop, thence continuing with the brick and rock wall S. 08 45' E. 150. (i f t, to a stake in N. VV. margin laid n Mi ft. N. 21 15' E. from margin if said Montgomery St. with the mar gin of Miller St. thence with the afore, laid margin of Montgomery St, N. 1 15' K. .'!: ft. to place of Beginning. I The said defendants will . fuitncr take notice that they are required to appear biiore the Clerk of the Super-, for Court of Haywood County North I'-arulina, at his oflice in the Court Louse of said County, in the Town of iVaynes ilje,. North Carolina, not later han fifty days from the 29th day of optenrbcr, 1934, and file answer or emurrer to the complaint filed herein, tr plaint !tt will apply to the Court lor lemanded in the complaint. my hand this the 8th day Clerk of the Superior Court vs. and wife- Oscar Sharp Sharp, by whatever name she may be caTTed. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. 'Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the. Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land' for the yeai's 1930 and H31, in the mime of the above named defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as fallows: BEGINNING on a chestnut on. a ridge in the Fanner and Bass and l-'ouque line and runs with said line S. 8J'l' E. 4'-'1- poles to a stake in the Allen line; thence with said line S. 4 Y. lu'i poles to a white oak; thence S. MS W. (I poles to a Spanish oak; thence S. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD IN THF: Sl'I'KRlOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY. I'laintirT. vs. iv and wife . whatevif name slv mav Mu: !3 Y. thence 1 1 '-z poles to a Syan -N . .i v . 0 poles is!i oak; and 1 , lmks to a Spanish oak; tnence N. Jil W. 17 poles and 7 links to the BECilNN'ING, containing 3.375 acres, more or less. The said defendants will l'unhcr take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood County North Carolina, at his oflice in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 2iUh day of September, 1934, and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled heicin, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the .complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the 8th dav of October, 1934. V. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court vr piainim win the relief demai i WI1I mv if October 193- NOT1CE OF SUMMONS STATE -OF NORTH CAROLINA. COl Ti OF HAYWOOD. IN THIE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff. . vs. .-... K. J. Green and wife, - Green, whatever name she mav bp called. on ail other nersnno nlaiminp- anv NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Plaintiff. Vs. W. W. Russell and wife Russell, or whatever name she may be called. and all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendant s u-ill (take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court vt' Haywood County entitled as above, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued by J. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood County, .stating that he sold as the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the years 1930 and 1931, in the name of the above named defendants, and that Havwood County became the purchas er; .which land is described as lollows: BEGINNING on a stake 29 poles W. from O. L. Allen's dogwood corner and runs N. 12Va poles to a stake; thence V . i poles to a stake; thence N. 2 E. 100 poles to a hickory in W. P. Gordon's line; thence up the water shed of the ridge (i0 poles to a white oak; thence S. 2 YV. MS poles to a stake; thence S. 88 E. 48 poles to the iihOKNiNl.Mi, containing ,j; acres more or less. The said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Haywood 'County North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said Count v, in the I own ol Waynesville, North Carolina, not later than fifty days from the 29th dav of September, 1934, and file answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff wifT apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv hand this the 8th day of October, 1934. W. G. BYERS, Clerk of the Superior Court V. T. Murray be calk and all interest action, The abov take notice commenced September, 1934, and tile answer or demurrer to the complaint tiled herein, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv hand litis the 8th day ol October 1;34. W. G. BYERS. " C.evk of the Superior Court XOTIl'K Or M MMOXS STATK OF .NORTH t'AROI.l.X.t. I'Ol'XTV OF HAVUooD. in Tin: si i'i:i:iou ooi'r.T U.U WOOl) Col x TV, IT.imtMY 111'! in persons claiming anv !H' sui'ject matter of this Defendants, name.: defendants will that an action has been n the Sunerioi- I'mi'l ounty entitled a.- aU the purpose of fore and tax Sa!v cert:f:, sueoS by .1. t . h -Haywood t umy. t as the La .v dirivt? describc;i land, for t the taxes due Hayw were n weu againt said lan years lti:;u a:i,i tiu, tne it novo named deli as aoove; tv i- fir.g a tax lien c w !t ich w as is !'a t ollector of 'H" that lie oI,i tiu hereinafter iioiijiayment nf vi County, hic'h ants. for the n .M:e cf and that puivhas. follows: Pigeon of lot naywooii i. ouir.y U'came tin er, -.vhich hind is described a in a stake m River, S. K. Felmet's corner No. ,i :iiid runs with his line S. 73 20' K. 41 pedes- to a -take at tho west margin of the concrete Pigeon Road; thence with said margin ef said road N. if 10' 11. 7.1 poles to a stake: geon lie p 1(1' W. River; thence X. stake in l'i River to t ( ontainmg t wo acres, The said defendant lake notice that they ; appear before the do 43 poles to a thence up said BKOINNING. mole or less, s will further ire ,-enui'sed to e of the Sillier. interest in the. subject matter of this . Defendants. Ihe above named defendants will lake notice that an action has been Commenced in the Superior Court of J'"ooa i ounty entitled as above, lor he purpose of foreclosing a tax lien nd ' t ,de certificate which was' is uul In I c. Welch, Tax Collector of lav,o(Ht (ounU-; stating that he sold 2s lhi Law directs, the hereinafter Jed land, for the nonpayment of T" . l"s Hue Hay-ood Countv, which levied against said land for the yeais 1930 .,; vi'.i -v, or.,a the above named defendants, and that r'.oou L-ounty became the purchas er -which land is described as follows: I Lemg Lots 23, 24, 25, 2G, 27, 28, 29, c and aLo tract not numbered, bound a a, follows: Beginning on the corn fP ' L t 14 and 15 and runs N. 87 L. 1(10 font t. - tl.. fkanno M V'W feet to a stake; thence S. W. fo the Rpo-inninp-. contain- Ftr 1 2-200 : an,c -5 tr -pi - ' v -' 111UI C III JVJiJ, I 1 uvivutiaULS Will XMiWi.. RKe, notice that they are retjuired to PPPear before thf. ri.-i- tliP SurPv- ' t'wt of Haywood Counti North f-arolina, at his office in the Court ?;u f -aid County, in the Tovn of ajnesx-dle. North Carolina, not later r1"" It; days from the 29th day of l'ln'jei, 1934, and file answer or Ot-niurrer to the compiaint filed herein, Plaintiff will apply to the Court , for I n.'tJf demanded in the complaint. I f WITNESS my hand this the 8th dav 1C October, 1934. f W. G. BYERS, . Clerk of the Superior Court .T , OTICE OF S MMON'S iJ."M.K OF NORTIC AROLINA, ' i OF HAYWOOD. IN 1 HE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTY. Pb.inti:)'. NOTICE OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HAYWOOD COUNTV, Plaintiff. vs. Mrs. C. Queen and husband Queen, by whatever, name he mav be called. and all other persons cdaiming any interest in the subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named defendants -will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, for the" purpose of foreclosing a tax lien and tax sale certificate 'which was is sued by J. C. Welch, lax Collector of Haywood County, stating that he sold as the Law ''directs., the heninafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land forthe years 1930 and .1931, in the .lame of the above "nsjmed defendants, and that Haywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: Beginning at . a -sour wood, corner of J. C. Qceen-K'insland tract and runs with his line N 13 15' E. 4 poles to a stake at the S. W. margin ol the Henson Cove Road; thence ; with tht said Road four calls as follows: S. 72' E. 9 poles; N. 76 .30' E. 9 poles; N. 71 30' E. 9 poles: ,N. 877 E. R.S poles to a large : W hite Oak on the east, side of said .road, Walt.. Am nions corner;, thence With his line S. about 40 .30'. 15:4 poles to a stake in fhe south margin, of the said Henson Cove Road; thence witH the north margin of cleared field and V 17 1-3 poles to the Beginning, containing one acre and 5 sq. rods more or less.. The said defendants will lurther take notice that, they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior .'Court of Havwood' County North Carolina, at; his "office, in the Court house of said County., in the Town of Wavnesville, North Carolina, not than fifty days from the 29th day of Scjitembt", iy'1, and file an-uu c demurrer to the complaint filed herein, or plaintiff will anply to the Court for the' relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS mv hind this the 8t.c :av of Odobji. 193i ioi- (,'ourt x.i t Havwood County North Carolina, at his office in the Court house of said County, in the Town of Way nesviuo. North Candina, not latei' than fifty ibys from the 29th day of September, 193-1, and li'e answer or demurrer t o Ihe c.iniplamt liUvl herein, or iilaintill" will apply lo the ("ourt for ihe relief iein;;inled ill the complaint. W1TNKSS mv hand this the Mh day of October, 1934. W. G. 11 VERS, Clerk of the Superior ('ourt NOTICE OF SIMMONS STATU OK NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THK Sl'I'lvlMOR COURT HAYWOOD COl'NTY. .Plaintiff, vs. Raymond Queen and wife- - Queen, bv whatever name she niav bo called, and all othei' persons claiming any interest in the .subject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named' defendants ".vill take notice that an action has been commemisl in the Superior Court of Haywood County entitled as above, fnr the purpose of foreclosing a tax', lien and tax sale certificate which was is sued bv .1. t . Weleli, lax ollector of Haywood County, stating thai lie sold as. the Law directs, the hereinafter described land, for the nonpayment of the taxes due Haywood ( ounlv, which were lcviel against said land for the yours 1 930 and 1931, in the name uf the above named defendants; and that Hiiywood County became the purchas er, which land is described as follows: NO stati: i rot' N'i'i in Tm: 1 I A V l l n i: or si MMos Xi'liTH i AKol.lNA, !' ll.WWooli. St l'KKtol; i oi i;t O I'ol'X'l' . l'l.iioiilf M. L Cat hey. b I'athey and wife bv ailed. ;.!! oilie: si 111 lilt n. whateer name si pel soils sul. 1 I Tin in II.. 1 1 ; I , n 1 1 e c i .i , ,o,l I ' , V VUlpes, ol l.iV sal . .1 l.y .1. ,l U -. o (1 I' Ihe i.ilU lll.e.l I. ill, lo . s ,1; , 1, o il ,:-. '.:. ...1 I ' natio-.! o Ih. II .1!) .1. m Ihe Sui u in cum Ol' I'OI.'CIO- et'rlllic.lle Wei, ! r. ' mil . s; .i 1 ii hi e, i s i he lor I lie 1 e ll.r. Uo.'il .1.1111.-1 i tui i'.i;u li.iloe.l .del' umy I I . i : i n 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 r 1 I liel'ell.l.i in, u Ii.,- 1 el l, r 1, ,1 ie may r.- lll 1 I His ..t. nits. -' will eon t o! for u 1 1 , i , , ; Oiol hel lonpay i i 'on m 1 1 : t n in I lie inl.i nts. .line llie u Im h la ml is , -ei l l.e.l pui io; itNNINt l-t bank llvall- HF.t the l'i; T. R. her line S. '. stake in t he R'A e,- coiicrel loa.i S. 13 i vo ner lot No. 2 ; of lot '' two calls t o a slake ; then i on a large bilcke e oil of Pigeon riei, Mi-, corner, and runs with 30' E, 122 poles to a u-l margin of Pigeon o I' n. a.i; thence with saio 12 poles to a stake, thence with the line in the down -la i ii ii i i i ' i,p, ., ; 1-osl l ,1,1 11C1 Id :l, aci - ,. lll'i, N. It e'N. 3- ink o f to r.iit I'igi on ; INNIN't; 3 1.-11 poles 99' n poles tile 11 (. 'on- ih oh , ,. i he will ,n,, 1,1, ol. nit ho o I o l lie I , kH , I ihe. I In ; i:i;s. Sll el IOC NO I H I 'AT I . ' !' N" i TY ei' 1 IT I I . S ( I A N i " 'I il s MMOs I'll ( A KOI.I.NA. I 1 A V Wi o ill. a it;i;ioi; mi i;t i i.'i '! NT V.- n.iiiilil'l H. 1 ill, I ol 'en t n.' I 1 ' , 1 1 The .ihe I ' o 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ( lai k and Wife in ; In ,i Mlhje ho no il hot on ii I In -in HECINNINO t.n a post oak, a corner of 1 Oscar Kirislaiiti land, said Kinsland's line N poll's In a stake in the sun : I iii'f Road; theiic said road t wo calls as 10' W. 11, If! poles to ; S. 11 " 15' W . 9:4 poles ner lot No. I; thence wifh the divisoil al line . bet ween .-aid lots I ami 2 to West HI li'oles to il stake in the outside line. then to a siiiall forked ,. N- Pinner add and runs with 7 !0 I I 1 "i center of lleli e up and wit h follows: S. 27" i stake; t In net to a stake, cor. I o w ot'il l ', llie iOI'lost I lltl la sol .It- I ll, .1: llaywoo.l. r lllllv elllll ,,l t'ole.h col l i Ilea 1 1 '. Wefell, Ta V I 'till unity, sl.iliin: thai (leitie Clark, iliiiihi; anv in-,-iilei- of' litis I h l'ellil.l ills I .n.l.i n i s. will lion Ice. I, evil l ii i t "mil t ol 1 ins ohoct me. a .i v which wo cl he . Ioi I leu ,is I 11 setll", llie I w ere . e a i f llie : II; oh I.OW illli fls. Ihe hel-eiltallt 1 .It' ,1 land, for Ihe iiwHiiayiiK-tit ol' t-s tine I in j u ' . wliieh I. vie, iioinva sanl laml ioi ihe 1.H ;tu anil Hi S I; in Ihe name ol oliove iiaineti .lei elnlo ills, anil lhal ywtioil t'lillliiy heeame llie iuieli.ts wlin h loii.l Is tli Henlietl as "i ist Tract: liegiiilling on a stake a ridge i -aid slake standing S.. 10 Central lnv ami ol lei . -I act loll The I.Uxe I coir, h; lla w , ot her a I he est il n r.t Jiels, I. s , sut.1, . . al.o lice need ml I' .1 a. the Iilllpo ami lax s. sued l.y .1 Hay w in ,1 as the l..i sci'il'.'tl la Ihe taxes were lev n cars n thai on in ihe .-i. llllIV . l.'.il I se of fi.lf, ;, lie eellilie.,1, I'. Welch. I'ollllly. sl.n; , .lire, Is. I h. ml. for ihe llie Hayw n .1 against -a ,ii, I. (. orporation, laimiin; .on in inatter of this 1 iefcmla n. - el'.iiilallis will lolion has neen h eiior I'ourt of - .1 as ;l!lti c .01 -nig a la .len w hu h wi . is l'., I'olleelor of ii;g lhai he soltl he: a no f I er ile r.enp.M nietii of I i'ou!il . w hieh 1,1 loio! ioi- ihe 111 liie Maine ol ills, an, I 111. U .1 me Ihe 1 li l . !la s iTlhe.l as follows North margin ol liberville Jioad, W. W. Mitchell Soinh west corner, and runs N. 3" K. ITl.o feet to a stake on the South margin of Park Avenue; then W. with -aid Avenue 12 feet to a stake in the corn er of said Street or Avenue; then S. 77 W. loo feet to a stake in llie Has margin of Fust Avenue; thence with ihe Fast margin of First Avenue S. I,', 4.i W. 4S feet to a stake in the North Margin id' Fibe thence with said margin Road three calls: S. nd 1 S. 3 7 30 F. 7o feel ; S. to the Htginiuug. ' -a 1,1 ..lei elnia III - Will lltl I lie null, i' 1 h. . 1 1 I ;e ale I e. 1 11 1 ! '. I V 11. in Index .Map srmbiy as lots Records He ami l;i;i the al.oe noiiie.l ,lt ll.ll uo.ul l 3m in In er. w Inch la ml is .1. Heginning in the e Koad; of l'lbervilb K. o'2 feet; 311 K. Co It el I'h. ,l'i. o r l.elm e I he l Mel k , i t'uurl of I l:i w ood t'uollna. ol his olliec h,oi-e of said IVunM, II W a in llie. N ol I h 'fl I , 1 1 1, . n ni l y da - I com 1 h of I he 'e U HI , in the i Ihe I 1 1 n a . - m e .'it III i Ol. lilher. I'.HIl. and hie ai till llll er 1 o llie i o m I a I n I lib' 1 da l n I iff will apply I o Ihe . lief demo llded ill llie , ompl I'I'XKSS ni hand On- tin I I, loher. 1 '.hi I. . 1 1 i: v I :i;s. t 'h i Iv of I he 'Sll perlc I 1 Miper .North 'ourt - w n of l.llel ay of it or eltlll. il I'm i im M h - t da Mini i: oi' si iimovs I' A IT: ol-' MilH'll t'AKol.lN , t"l N IA OH I I A V l it 1 1 in tiih. sr i h i ; i o i ; our i; r I I A i M ) l 'I il NTS . I Ii i ii I il A. by -III Fred Carter, called. and all Ici est In I I act ion. The abov laUe notice coin llieliceil I la) w t ', Ihe plllpo-i ami lav sal sued by .1 Ha) W ood O is l he I ,: -el il.ed lale Ih. ('alter and wife, whatever name she .may lie claiming an) ill mall' I of this I lel'enda Ills defetnla Ills will ': It : i 111 I 111 llli Ol II I V t of fori ' eellilic '. el. I a. I lo -'llpell ha iil.ll led as i e. losing le w hi r Ollll)". Slillillg dll eels. I he to I. lor the no la es due I layw ood t vo i e lev ied aguin.-l said v 'ea I'm I'.'lln aiid I'.ell in Ihe ohnve named delemla Ha V w ood l 'on ill y heea ine ei:: vv hu ll land is tlesei llit fh.i be, ('ollll til (hove. Ioi i lax lien b was is- dleelor of I be sold I ellla I I . loll' Il ia v no II I of on nl v . which la ml for I lie Ihe n .t im' ol Ills, and lhal the poll ha?, alms follows: With . to pi boundary 'line, of the I'loll tract; will) said line X. -V E. 20.3 poles take. ' I.. N. Pinner's cornel ; then said Pinner's lines !'' F. 34 pole aic of. RK(iIN.'!N(7, Containing- icres and 1 1 s'l- roils, in ore 'or less. The -aid defendants will further tako iinlice thai thev are reiUired to ippear before tlie Clerk of the Stiper or Court M.f Haywood . t'nunty North "ai'olina, at his ollice in th( ('ouit- ln use nf snid ( oinily, in the 1 own nt Wavnesville, North Carolina, not later than lifty days ;f nmi the Z'.ah -day ol September, !!31, and. file answer or demurrer to the complaint liltNl herein, or plaintiff will, apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the namplailit. ' WITNESS mv hand this the 8th day of October,. 1934. (, I'lLRS, Clerk of tie' Superior Court K. 7S',n poles from an -old established corner on .-another ridge, and running N. 3S 1-1. 0 tob's with a road lo a -lake; then S. Sll K. 3 poles to a stake; then S. ii7 F. 1 1 poles and I I links stake; then N. S3'. M. 7 poles slake; then 'leaving llie road N. abmit 120 poles, to a si of a ridge ; I hen N. s7 a .-take; then S. 4d W. : lakt ; link. ilel ( .-, 'I'l'ie: - .then S. Ill 17. I he Reg inning lie ..r If--. to a to a I ike on Ihe lop . li poles to limit I 2li. poles pole and iiilainiiig Units 2S, :. 40. II. and 42 and 13 I of Itlnek I'.l of the sumo ' -lieinir ill the Town of Southern A-seinldy, W:i,,lie-. ville 1 ownslnp, N. (1. The said ilel'.'ndabls will lilt I her la.e lioli.e Ihiit llley ale lei 1 1 1 1 re, i o appeal helole llie fieri, of Hit' Sllpi'l im I'ouil ol Havwood t.'iollllv. N'ollh (.'.II oli.ii.-i. al bis ollite III lilt' I '( nut house of said I'oiiiily, in the .Town of U a v nesv ille, .N'ollh CyroHiiiir not afer Chan' lifty days from Hie L'iHb day of Sopi. min i'. lfi.'M. ami file answer or , ihe , .oo I'll i Ml lili d In reiii. w ill o ppl.v In I he 'ion I I III Ihe colli I l.i llll . - my lialof I hi'i III. Mil d, 1 1 1 1 It I t I 1 1 plainllll lief il. loa I T.N !:.'-" i.'i. I :t:i w I K , ,1 Ih, l I I Sup' 1 1 1 mi I I . il 1 1 ill 1. 1 1 . a 111.' I lei k ollll I Ol 1,1 v . Ill I ! eilll f I III' ; 1 1 n I v , Hie I I'll I I I I Ii , III J ;n h o i h i: oi- si .mmons STA'll OK ORlli ( ROLIXA, COUNTY OF HAYWOCW). IN IHi: sLI'I RH)R ( OKRI II VW( )( !) ( )1 NI Y , 1'i.tmt ill. . . VS.' I ). I). oi k an wile- ; York, by Whatever iuime she may be called, . ;ind all other persons claiming any interest in the subject matter of! this action, , Defendant-. The above named defendants 'will take notice that an action has .1,. - commenced in the Superior Court Haywood County entitled, as above, f'.i the purpose of foreclosing a tax li -n and tax sale certificate which was sued b I C Weill, Tax ( . ' ' ' ' Haywood County, stating that lie .-old a-; 'the Law direct-, the hert'inafter described land, for the 'nonpayment ' ot the taxes due Haywood County, w hi; h were levied against said land f.r- t"' ye.iis l'J30 and I'J.'il, in the name' of t h e q bove n a mod d e f e nd a h ts , a i ; .4 t ha t Haywood C'ountv became the pj'vh.'ts er. which land is described a- follow.-: . J.viiig and being in Pigeon 1 own- n. Iil.I-NNINC at a -ta n , oi-ni-rl S. 60 E. from col :n-r of ; No. 1 of Block E of Hyatt- -uiyey fo.-. the towii of Woodrow; tiiet'c c N.' ;;n K. l.'lO feet to a stake; th' n-c S. on K. 110 feet to -a stake dii'..margm 'f State Highway; thence S, TM'it u feet and 8 inches to DEOINNI'N'G. '. The said defendants 11- further take notice that they arc. .: '''od to appear before the Clerk .. i'-- ul)l-'r-inr Court r.f Haywood Ciuh'y North Carolina, -at hit oi'!-e ::t nsO '.Court -h"ti-ti of said Countv; in the. Toiw'r.. '? -;'' . V,.' 1-. C !'''!' '"""; lit. i, in ii i i - i j , la 1 1 1 1 1 1 do I ii w :t .Vi ; I'.ICli.hi I . " Ill Will I. f I , I I I :S Mi' 1 1 mo I h' I. Ollll Ille ill complaint life a t I v in 1 11,- i in i ' o i.i no pi; .1 Ibis Hie e,l !' Mlln l -Mil h I oil I 1 I W II III 1 laler 1 1,1) of vet , oi h I lo r onrl 1 1 1 1 1 . St 1 1 lay ,i ;i:i i Y. i ik ol 1 hi v l : I : Sapi inir Mllll i: (l SIMMONS r vi i. or M'irrii c koi.ina, i .1 -.Ti I il-'- li. V Wool). i tii i: sr i'i;i: Mti: i ( o ); r 1 i v i 1 1 1 1 1 (Mil TV. I 'la in I ill' ". VS.' Fd Styles ami wife d a ; i , ,i her Jiel solls ., . ;: in l.he Mibjc'e I M l l ll i : I ) ' s I M Ml IN S STATU oF N'OliTH I'Aliol.lX.V, , til 'H til' llAVWdoO. I ti 1 1 : si ri :i; i ii: o r i:t 1 1 A V 1 ml' col' .N'T V, I 'la ml ill vs. Charlie (iaddis and wife, Caddis, by whatever naini' sin1 may be called,' a ml all ol her persons '.crest in the subject o l ii ill . . The a bnve named tabe null. lhal an emu nii'Ilei;i ill Ihe Sllit'l i I lav w (iiiti ('ounty entitled a Hie purpose of fnreelosifii-; o.e lacs tine H.iywootl County, which Were levied against said, land for tho v.ais 1H30 and 1S31. in the nam?- cf Ihe above ii. inietl tlefeiid. nits, and that Havwood County bee. line tin' purchas er, which land is described as follows: A certain lot or parcel of land in the Iowa of Southern Assembh C. in N. C. described vif land of Southern Asse No. -l;;, -II and 45, Hlock of Oee.i.- A. Pages 1, J. ... 7. The s.,1,1 ,1. ieiidanis w,1; i;niher take Hi'! 1. . thev are i . ,, an to appear l..eioie ihe Oleik cf ih. Super ior din i ,,f ll.ii ii i . im!) North Carolina, al his cilice m ihe Court house of said County in the Town of Wavnesville. Moth t atohiia. net later than lift)' .lavs from the .i'th .lay of September. I '.CI I .u.d til, au-vvcr or ii fin il i rer in llie comp an:! hi. ,1 In rein, or planum will opplv i,, ito . , i.i i for relief demanded in ihe ., on i la 110 . W'lT.MISS mv hand lu- the Ml, day I' o. lober. v. ii. i;vi;i;s. (Telk t,f the Slljur.oi Cull NOI K K OF SIMMONS S I A I K OK NORTH CAKOI.1NA, . Ol'N l'Y OK U..W V(H). IN I UK SUPI'IKIOU COl'KT 11AVU OOH COUNTY, l'liiiiitiir. vs. 1 I ' I '.'di .1 nd w lie. . Fish, "I W hal, V . I I... ine she may lie , ., lied. and all other persons claiming any interest 111 the .-abject matter of this action, Defendants. The above named deleiidiinls. i'l take notice 1 bat an actum' has . commenced in the Stipeiioi ( oui , Haywood County entitled as abow, the purpose of foreclosing ii tax 1., , and tax side certificate which was is sued by .1. C. Welch, Tax Collector of Haywood ('ounty, slating that he sold as Ihe liw directs. 1 he lu n dial'ter described land, for the nonji.iy incut ol' the faxes due Haywood County, which were levied against said land for the yeais I'.ioii and l:t;il, 111 the name of llie above named defendant-, and that Havwood Countv became llie purchas er, which land is described as follows: 1 l'i inn 111;, .1 1 Ihe colli, r of I'ljieoll Fiver and line, vv ii h Sophia ('owan line of lol N,, ;: ,. I he W I' Ford la ml- two .all-. N I :ln' ioi poles Willi old 111,1 I I e.l I ille 1 , , ,1 Make on 1 he '.oill side ol a 11 ,!!.,..:, Ihelice N. I'.l' w. :' s I pole- 10 a pine , m ner of lol X" ;' of sold Fold land; Ihence with line of said lol lour call-: as lollows: IN'. SS" V. 'I..II polos to a nick on top of Ihe ridi,. . , 4::- If,' Y . J;i poles In :l :i !). while oak i, hi corner S. 71" . IF V. Vis pohs oo.-siiiK small branch lo a .'taLf near two lailie maples; X, . ','.' ' !.(i' . .'is .poles lo a slake . '(lid s.oirwooil pi'intcts in Kohinsiin'M line; ilniiee Willi Koldn son's 1 hi 00 .a lis li- follows S ' 2 LV 4.'." -V. Fl judos In a sl.'l I, c . , TS' '. l.'l.l! poll's 10 il sl. i.e. S. V.i' 30 loin. F. VI S poles passine, Hohlllsiin '.- collier al. Hit' branch with Mis (I II i'oh loil n's line (o a pine sliitpp, tbeliee colli i 11 11 i nr. vv i I h. .1 i s. One. Ioi 111s Una. N SI' HI mill. 1:. Ml indes In a while oiik si iiiup in Ihe hi'llovv : tlienee tlow 11 si;i id hollow and I'liini b as per Ti 1 rell's . null. V. 0 s. i " :in :.:i lotii. I-:. 1 ,0; poles; s III' it u . - : ' hem e .aid ' Iv or; 1 1 , 1 in Ihe Olhllli; 110 III. I l.'e Oil .III Vi .Pol- initi. F. II, poll S.- I nun. F silllie e I hello. piae. .-, at 11-. 1 l s ;,;: s . S. to on S pole Hi r up i la inii nt; a n v in mallei' of . this I le fenda Ills. (lefendaiilK will ioi ion ha'..- hei ii 1 'ourt ol bove. I'm lax Hen Ti Kutlr Stylos, laimins any in il.ttttir of 1 his I iefcmla ills. .'above named defend. tuts will iioiii o ; hat ail. .''notion ha ; been a-iiecfl in (lie Superior Court (d -, io. I 1 'ounly Cnl H I'd. -is a hove, for in piiS" of foro I0.-111C- a lax lien a x sale ci rtilieill.e w lin b was i:s hy .1. 1 .' U'cli li, Tax ( 'olle. Ioi- of . d County, stating that hi' it'dd .1 la (tin i ts. the id. for till' d lie 1 la y wood ( ' . ie levied aiiainst said ., 1 -' TIClii and 1 !ili 1', in . a lii.Vf Hit Ineil tod'enda 1. vv Ootl County became . whieh lilll'I iS (lesi'llhe Heginning on the : S. i-.-ii, aft.-r de li payini til of mint ... vv hieh l..i d (w t b" t ill; Hit me til nf-. and llS- pllleha ed a- ).!;. w V. corner of (, uivert on Ugly .Creek and runs "with Highway 2 4 approximately- south lit ;,o.' K. 425 feet to a stake in the west -ide of road ; . thence S. 114 W. S JU I'eet to a stake in liurress line , and Sinerest Lumber Co., line; thence vith said line as it calls to Ugly Cre-k; thence Wdth' ,-aiiL line as i t calls do wn aid creek to the beginning, contain ing 10 acre- more, or loss. The said (lefendiiiiis t. ill . I'i.i l l,"! lake to. tiee that they ate r -f u i 1 1 n t ' iji";ir before the Cl-rk of the Super ior Court -of Hay wo. el . (' triity, ; .N i ,1: i Carolina, at Ins olfje'' in rl,'-" '.mn'' hiiufs of said 1 'punty, in . ' 'I o-.t-o .of W nesyille. North Carolina, act lo t' 1 than fifty days-; from the iMoh da'.- ol .-'etdeiiiber, '3 it 34,'. and i;i' nsw ''."' f,i b uinrror t the eotiiplain' fi: d berein. : I'l tii.'.iff '.vi:. apl'ly to ti Court fo: n li.-f .Ima ui'led in .tin-. , mnlairit. WIT. VF. is my hand 'ids 'if Vth ' e "i Ottola-r. iinil lax sal" ei'ilil'ic'ite Avhieli was is snetl I'.V .1. C. Welch, . Ta X Collector of Haywood Coiinly, slatlnit lhal he ..sold as fhe l'iw directs, the iTeroiua fl or do se ri I kmI la ml.; f or the nonpayment of ilii, faxes due Haywood Ooiiiily, which Were levieil analnst saitl land for the vein's IJ.'IO aiul Hi.'M.. In the. name, of (lie II bove.'ina llieil 1 1 of ell d a 111 s. ,1 111 I lllilt I la yw ootl; i 'ounty bet a me I he purehas- r. which land. is described iis ftdlovvs: lieillf lots 170, 171, 172, 17i. 174, 175 and 17t of the Liner-' (inian sun-livision near liKe .1 iiiiaiu-iva, North Carolina, as per survey .'am! map of snid sub-division ri'corded in .Map Hook '"P.". page - , Index ' I.', lo which reference is herebv made lor a more perfect description of said land. Tin-' sii'l ' ilffi'iiiln nts .will. 1 111 1 her lake iiotiee thiit they .'in' ri'iiiiriil to a ppea r hi fore . Hit'. ( '.' k of I he Super ior 1 ourt of Hitywood ',,uiity, .N'orth Candiiia, lit ibis olliee in Ilii' 'I'uuil- bdii.';i;' .of said ('ouiit.v, in tire Tiivvn of V'a tie-'vi lie, .N'orth ( 'in dliiia,. not later than .lifty days from llie L'tit.h day of ,-epi 1 tii her. 13J4. and hi" answer; or il' iniirii i; l'i the eonipkiint lib-d heroin, or plaintiff x ill 0 I to the ('nun for telief ilem.i'ri'Ii'd in fbe complaint." WIT.N'KS.S mv hiiinl this the. Mh tlay ( 1., V.i'M. w. y,. iiVHits. ; ' 'l' i k uf llie .Sujieriol (.'oiii't follows. S I S I'.l' F. s pole ties; S "IS;, I a linn F 1 : iv I'Mtic-i o I 'If em, Ki I' lo, i . .1.1 1 i.i of til.' eelll. I Of S llllllll!' 'oil 1,1 le-s limo Colli:: I- CXiepleil ,'i I- I VM ell .": io i ' s ben 1,'lm i ; old The s.'iid defenilnnis will further lake in il ire I Iki t t In y are required, to .ippear before the Clerk of the Super ior Com 1 of Haywood ('ounly North ( '.aroliiia, a.L his ollice in the t'ourt- liouse of said County, in file 'lownof W'tiynesville, N'orth Candiiia, not later than ifly days from day 'of Septeiirbei', I'.I.'M, and file answer or deniurrer to the cotnplainl lileil herein, or plainlilV will apply t" the. Court for the relief demanded, in the complaint. WITNKSS my hand this the Mh day of October,'- v. ; UYKRS, f'lerk of The .Superior Court OTI II ll' SI MMONS STAT'fl OF .N'OF.TH ( 'A It o 1, 1 A . I'Ol'XTV OF IIA VUO0I1 IN TIIF SFI'FlilOH COl lil' 1 1 A V V'( 1 ( 1 1. 1 " If ST V, T 'la 1 nl of e.'illeil. r.v in I this hus-l'.ili't, he' may l'C' s tiaimilif; I t 1 ' I lefeudil Ills. (lefendallls : will I iielion. Tlil' " lieefl; Superior . 'ooi t of Mllll I. Ol' SIMMONS T . Ti.' ( ..' .N'OHITI ('A IIOI.I.N'A, . , 'Ol NT)' ol'' HA V Wool). I N. 'IT I F SFlMOlHOIt ..( OFIIT '".IT A V Vv'ooo ("OI'XTV, I'liiiiitilT .; ' ... vs. ;. . J. A. Hull and wife, - - Hull, or whatever name, she may be called. .. and .ill other persons claiming iiny 'in terest in t he ..subject iii.atti 1- .of this 0 Foll, " iJefelulant.S. The iiliove named defi ndahtS: will lake nnfiec an action has been eoinmoneod in the Superior Cotirt of Haywood County entitled as alioye,, for die. pu iTose of foreclosiiiit a tax lier 1 ml lx. sale eertifie.'ito which was is sue. 1 hy .1. C. AVek-h, Tax Collector of Ifayv.,." d County, stating that he sold .;-'. r ...... .0 , lo.reinaftt r de- i'-r the t.oitpaymen! ol Lizzie Welch an by vvliatt ver liame a nd a il ot her per- . tel-est in lire Sllt'ji o'limi. The ii l.toye, 'im mt il take li'ifiee Hint, an eoinnienced ill I h Haywood (.'ounly tiililled as iibove; lor ihe'; puriiose of f m'eelosi iii: a t.ix lien and lax sale; eel tiliea to which is sued by .1. ('. Veleh, Tax .( '(.lb elm- of I layvvoed. County, .'.laliiiK that, he -.-'lid as the Ha w directs, the hereinafter '1''; seiilied latid, for the nanpnyiiioiit of the taxes due ll.iyvvoOil ( 'mi ni.v . ;w b ieli were levied .'igainst s.'iid la 10 1. I or I he . veil i s 1 '.) '') (i nil j.HIi 1 . in I be Mia in f' 'of the abov "named .-defend ml-, ifll'l I htl't llavweiid ('ounty bccoii,' -Hi- pun bas er, whieh land is- des.-.'. 1 h. ,1 us I . life i 1 11 1 i Mi al. of ( '111 1 0 1 i eol'li'i'.'d' I )Vil.ll I lo ee IS i'ollV'U sll r.'i link-;' M. . a ; sii;ike:' I li d '.; ) I :'i lid.' .1 it N 1 : 1:1 rbe'.n llieil.''-..l'-L'l4 ;' -lake ':' N... w. i .', i I '' w lire- S. . a link si 1 ell . iS. vv s : a I 111' ' e.'-'ll) ,',-,. e riol'i ll west runs thence i.'H.l tW,,.: eiills. V, L 1 iiiiins; i ins 1:1.1 links si; j is nun. ,. n hi ako" at ellil ins' ( ii west corner of the lioine trii.ct with Ihe line of sai.l trnrt . S. loin. V.. 4 e.haiiis it links to a it the' north. .i' ciirnt.'i' of tot , llicnt.'i" with, the line of said lot cliiiiiiS ' il" links (o t lii' .. Iieszin- iiing. .eont.'iininc; C .".S-.l Oil ;i i; res, nioro. "i'- less. ' ' '.; ' The sniil ' nefend.'infs . w ill furtlnn take riiitieo that they are .'((inired ts ippear before the Clerk of the Suier ior ('milt (if ilayvvood County, Xorth ' ' ii'olii: 1. at tiis. ollii'o in the Court hous" ..,f siaid County, in the Tovvli of Waynesville; Xorth Carolina, not later than lifty. days from the ','tlt day of Septi iiiber, 1934, and file answer : or . di'liniri'er to the complaint .filed herein, , or plaintiff, will 'apply t6 the Court for relief deruandetl in the complaint. WITXFSS in" hand tliis tile Sth day f 1 (. r. I'J34. W. (i. iiYUUS. - Clerk, rjf thy sjupet'ior "u. t i

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