THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. l9. SOCIETY PAGE Society News Local Items e est Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor Phone 137 f . - ti THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER th m ) '1 3 , j 4 'V Si " ' ' - a. . .i k .-OS f MRS I! I'll ' S .S1LKR HONORS' Mn'i'IU.R WITH Ll'NCHKUN ! Il i l '. JIUT of tilt M.'VelitV-fiXlh T. u mi : l- : -a: y of tile birthday of her! m I t-; . x John K. Boone, M:. ' !,r Kuf.i- S.ier entertained wit!) a fa cel. '..' int-silay- Ft the " ca-i--iij t'r the I. . was decorated in a i-.wbi-J ho jii.i f yellow fiowers. Lull heoii wa.-, -erved f; one laige tahe that w s ceiiten-l vv:th a eiy-'a! i.t,wl of nV.vor- a:. ferns, th.e n.otif of yellow ;.!)'; was brought ou' j;i many ..f '!.- party detail.-. Ka -h place it .rkeit with an rive f iv'ii. I- .il-wintr lunch eon the ue"- .-pent a delightful af- te! '' . eliilllN. 11 if. 'I lie fa,-' I .1 .-ncluded: Mrs. R. O. Mr! ,:,. V... II Ci. West. Mrs. Ji. I . .-! M r.-. I'inknev L. i Tu.-hvtil! Mi-. T. N Massif, Mrs. J.I I.. Uea-. r. Mi-. Feli.x Alley, Mrs. D.i M. K. i.a::. Mr-. II. I. M.uFavi- i. i Mr.-. J. li .well W..v- Mr.- Ma'e D. ! ,: A-heville and the Misses' .:.:. i ! ,.rrie Kerr, of A-hevi!le.! M.-. lioiti.. whose f. ;ii;ily have heeii , : oiiineritlv identiti(;d with the .soi-ial a.! leliL'iJ- life i,f this section foi'j n.oi than a half century has nuni- erou reiai. ves in the conin:uiii;y v. co !. ;i!'..-i-'.e,l in the vui,;v i I- K ilG L" S O N -BOL'It 0 U S 0. U I E The fuilowinjf account from the iMl'ii-aunne of New O.leuns w..' .-Jiecial interest he.e where ide and her family have a w:e niily connection and circle : ends. .'she spends every -ummer re with her liirents at her irrai: i- father's home. "Society met We trie--day niorninjr; at the chu.'eh "f Holy on upju-r St, Charles Avenue when it attended the mar- raw "I Miss Allele Alexai. Kuson, daughter of Brijradu i Hurley lia.scom Ferjru.-on a Fe:jrusn to Mr. ( liarle. HouiloUS(uie, son of the late Mrs. C'harles K. I!'.udou-'iu hrateil at 11: ;:;i o'clock '. Joseph A. Butt J. Tali palms decorated either In Fashion Now An llel Al -a! Mrs. Kucrehe Mt. and ie cele- . Rc tile ce.Mti l'oniiinir ; pjrtv a;;i tail 'p:,!n,; wh:te side ! church the hridal were also dusters of eh of the ; 1 i ripie? Kl? ' -. ia;, he i oc a-:on. !!: a Ille ' - at. j , . i: ... : mat e I'll i "iaUe an i'av d sht aisle a r. ii wa n the c and trim anthetnuin.- his ilaujfh was lovely e -nine wedding jrown that ' wore at her wedding of i trimmed with exquisite and falling into a short i- hodice made with full the eloow wa.s fashione . liplirpie lace eep U-rtha of i When Dame Fa.-hion changes her mind about things, she really does just that very thinjr. Not .so many nitons ago women were trying tv be as near like men in looks and actions as they possibly could be, and everything masculine-looking appealed to them. Now, however. Fashion has turned right-about-face and we are going ju.t as far as possible in the opposite direction. And, alter all, what woman is there who iioe-n't like to indulge her feminity to the limit ? C lotne.s for all occasions are -tiictly feminine, even strictly tailored frocks, .suits and the like hav.i.g ,-nftell touches a'oout them that harsh lines and effects. d l .f p. inot her" e it ll ,r hi j l:ii' ' Mi; ;ll Y '! - M N A I. Il ' i I Club r rubai '0111.- M : -AM is "' I : i v i .Mi Lirtred I.oui-e Frye 1 ( i " in lie pre-eiit. 'a- in place by a cap of -lo.'i t illumed will mange Tiie oi :dal bou.piet was 0f -e- nd lilic.- ,,f the valley, f ' .'u-oj. hail a- her maid of " i .-: - t i . M Virginia Fer- i;t ., noiior, Mrs. K.I-' .i;.rk.-. i! and a.- her 'en i . M : Klean r Kemp, I- M -. Iloiiahl William O H i Mi- I'm. thy An.hy. the coa-iii of i he b.'iilegroom. w i' autumn fro k- o'' ., " ' : -n- crepe fashioned n i Nowhere is this trend more ap parent, however, than in the bou doir wheae underthings, negligee: ; m:l h: ie.- li ve ' l:en a decide' turn toward feminity. Mr. White Mease, principal of the; Central Elementary school, spent the , V Mem WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS NOVEM BER MEETING The regular November meeting of the Woman's Club was held on Tnurs iiay at the home of Mrs. Rufus L. Allen. Hostesses foi' the occasion were: Mrs. Homer Henry, Mrs. Lau- riston H-.rdin, Jr., and Mrs- Alko. The president, Mrs. Grover C. Davis, presided. Extensive plaas were made for the December activities of the c!uB. The club will again, with the cooper ation of the other organiations of the town have charge of the sale of Tu berculosis Christmas Seals. Each member was asked to bring a toy to the December meeting to oe used for the distribution of toys in the com munity. Much credit was given to Mr. Briggs for his collection ot toys which is given out each year at the commu nity i. hi i.-tmas service held bv the club. Miss Robina Miller, as chairman, with Mrs. J. W. Killian, Mrs. S. P. (jay, and Mrs. Geoitre Ander.-on were appointed a committee to have charge Saturday. ot the Christmas stockings. M.-.s John , M. Queen. Mrs. Home;- Henry, and fMr. Dutch Knight and Mr. Herman .wis. N. M. Medfoid were appointed! Wacksmith. of Greer. S. C-, were the to solicit candy for the tree. Mrs-J quests during the week of Miss Ha Horace Keener will serve as a chair- j Green. nun of the committee on Chr.simas) week-end in Havesville with relatives . Mrs. N. D. Smithson, .secretary to I Congressman Zebulon Weaver, .spent Sunday in town with relatives. i I M.-s. Muriel Hallet visited her son j during the week in Hendersonville j where he is attending school- Mrs. Zeb Alley, of Sylva, has taken : n apartment with Mrs. G. 1'. Briggs for the winter. Mrs- Alley is the mother of Mr. D. D. Alley. " -Miss Martha McCracken. wdio is a student at Brevard College, is spend ing several days this week as the guest of her parents, Mr. an I Mrs. W. L. McCracken. , Mrs. Hubert Liner, Mr. Tom Reeves, Mr. Frank Ferguson and Mr. Clyde risner, mane up a party motoring to j t napei tiitj to attend the game on Waynewood Theatre WAYNESVILI.j; THURSDAY-FRIDAY. Mi. 2W Elissa Landi and Robert Donatj "The fount of Monte OUto" airols. M:.-. Jack Ian vi lvet foi y .-iiown -te-s the chitl'on and .uncrushabl night :e. are being wide iralaritv of th returiiitio lace-i u!!'b if the the I'" own i il it Im.. mil na in - urn ml I i. i ia A 1 1 .1 acr ii:-!ai:.v-. : M ii i-i ts SKA' n: Willi Ueitll! ill Ci C ll'l qUui cut with the -costumes they -e lilue slippto-s and velvet - hats trimmed -hade find brown t I I. '. 1 1 e The A nox "VOYAGEUR" Goes Places!'s a T'AT tliat Vnu'U "go" foi in a ii.e vav. It lias a stvle all its own, It looks fine and feels fine because -t's made in '"Ovul ie.l Sixteentiis" that assure a . liiaile-Io-r.j-a-ure fit. 1 he new Pall rolnrs are smart and the felt it,s,.-If is mended in two tone: it's a diio inixiui of rich texture, unusual yet conservative. T.a : M.ik In Addition To KNOX TS Several -Models in the Famous Dimlap Hat And a Large Showing In The Imposing Byron All of these ( ompanies Associated for the common purpose of giving the Ameri can public Outstanding Hat Values The Byron $3.50 C. E. Ray s Sons i "; ,un 'Hi. idle of a matching .' : 1 braid. ITiey carried ii'i'.- of pleated net (ive.- brown taf-: ;a ( rimmed with trohl braid and loviiy clusters ot .Johanna 11:11 roses.; "Mi., r.oudou.squie had a-' his best man his cousin. Mr. Claude Andry, and as his jr-'oomsmen and ii.-hers. ' Messrs. Charles, l'aul and Harold Andry, also cousins ,,f the lir'idir.'nom. i llarley H. I erjruson, Jr.. Ccoru-,. Aiidiy, another cousin of the groom i ! . . . . i , , . . . " - I "i"i i.ooe.i aim i ari i ouret- Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was 'given" at the home of (ieneral and Mrs. Ferguson on Jeticr son Avenue for members 0f the hridal party, the immediate members of the two families ;.nd the out of town guests here for the wedding. Mrs. Ferguson, mother of the bride, wore a stunning gown of dark blue lace over crepe trimmed with rhine stone clips, with which she wore a black velvet hat and a corsage of i a 1 1. man rose.s. The wedding was among the very interesting nuptials of the autumn and claimed much interest in the social world in New Orleans and elsewhere. The bride, who is a grad uate of the Georgetown Visitation ((invent m Washington. I) ('., made her debut in Norfolk a few seasons ago. Mr. Roudousquie attended Spring Hill college in Mobile. Ala. His mother was before her marriage Miss Martha Andry, of this city. The young couple will make their home in New Orleans, lifter a motor trip. Among the out of town guests here for the wedding were: Mrs. William Blaylock, of avresville, N C an aunt of the h'a.e, Mrs. Rufus L. Allen, of Washington. D. C, and Waynesville, N. C .. Miss Jeanne Bou. dousquie. of Houston, Tex., an aunt of . the groom. Mis.s .Marguerite Iioudousquie. of Mobile, Ala., also an aunt of the groom and . Miss Emily Roudousquie, of Mobile, a cousin, anil Mrs. UoliVer Kemp, of Amita, I.a. - JOINT IIOSTFSSFS H W'F LUNCH KON On Tnursdav moinmg Mrs. N M. Meilford anil .Mrs. Alvin W-iid' as sembled a group of friends for con tract at the home of the former on Love Lane. A color motif of- red t;nd yellow lent an attractive and cheerful note to the decor. five ef fect and. was also used in all the party -sories. At twelve-thirty , a -he in was served Tile gUe'st list included: Mrs. Janice .-Mlian, Mrs. Horace Keener, Mrs. i-. rd V Rarber, Jr., Mrs. Gradv li- Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Eu ' '.; Allev-, Jr., .Mrs. Lowrv Lee, Mrs. .- tld ( olkitt. Mrs. J. W" Seaver. -'. ( h rles Burein. Mrs- C. J Reec, Mrs. Rov R. Campbell, Mrs. I.auMston Hardin. Jr., Mrs N F. I.amaister. Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs. C -M Di-us. Mrs. James M. Long, Mrs. Ren r olkitt, Mrs. Marguerite Ration, and Mrs- T. Lenoir Gwyn. Joining the group fot- luncheon were: Mrs. Paul H-Mm. Jr. Mrs. Dewey Stovall, and Mrs. Rov Martin m was hulil. .in i 1 1 M la. .1. owe!! mark en.ler III ve ( haptcr a! li. Amer.ean Revolt W'edni-.-d ,v aft . i V Seaver. Mr, pre-i.-i.ed-. ami t -li Willi- Keen illt-'f :.;-. ai t-eriioon, 1 y I.anier :.n . part .a', luminal ing - a Lit hoi, rcc illci'l. lit- o't t b . .- o '-, 1 1 -' - ll- hr - iqie 1. Ill the lit :le -y. iee::e.', -.ia-tei- W tia.l -u! We 'I h, nia rl-a Rev ill order, . Julius the of-'- WM .'dell i.k wa Id a large alte'ndan e. !'; gelll anil iuitccd th a t he 'i- lor the giave of Mis. Annie e, ,'i former -member, had been 'd and would lie - placed .-north- apjii opnate ceremonies. A imi, Hon u-a- in ale and can led to give lour eitixen-iiip medals in the ( an ion and Waynesville High .-chools this yeiir. One to the boy and girl in each senior class who was given the honor by the school. ll w. s voted , to give Mrs. li, J. Sloan a past regent's pin the chapter having decided to give one each year until all the regents have been pre sented one- It was decided to send a money donation of $5,00 to Croc-snore as well as to continue the send ing of bags. The chanter endorsed Mrs Talmadge 0f Athens, Oa. for j fice ol Recording Secretary of the National Society Tiu. ,.,,.vlil invi tation to attend the tea given for Mrs. W. H. Relk by the Kdward Buncombe C hapter of Asheville wa.s read. Much regret was expressed over the fact that the chapter could not attend. Motion was made and carried to send' $1(1.(10 toward the payment or the debt on Constitution Hall. Mrs. W. R. Matthews had the paper of the afternoon, her subject being, "The Outlook for America's -National Defense." "Mrs. Matthews, applied National Defense to all phases of our American life and brought to the attention of her audience r.onie startling facts about the present day problems and their ' far ' reaching ( t.oet.s. Airs-. W. I.. Hardin reviewed the national magazine, giving some of uie nign ngni.s, as well as the presi- i dent general's message. ! The members were delighted to have with them the, chaplain, Mrs. R. P. Walker, who on account of illness !:. ; b id to miss s0 many of the meet Special guests '."of- the afternoon were: Mrs. R. R, Campbell. Mrs Oiorge Anderson. Mrv (' Sik, Mrs. Richard N Rarber, J :', Mrs' Dewey Stovall, Mrs. John K. Roone Mis. . H. Rushnell, Miss Anne Jones, Mi.v I. W. etoe, ot ( anton, 'and Mis l'aul Hardin. Jr . Mrs. William Hannah and Mrs. J Wilford Ray returned on 'Monday from a visit to friends in New York ami Washington. I). C. While in -New i oik they were the guests of Mis. Lula Raymond who often visits in W avne.sville. " s Mi.-. S. A. Jones and daughter, Miss S. A. Jones, left on Saturday for a visit to relatives in Abingdon," Va and Chattanooga, Tenn- paper 'J '- -' t nellig: '.'.li-its." In . I gave a of the life many for est m tile southern of he I pail-, popularity Shi' a:.-, i -poke rary world if. "o:p,u?;ed ny j ,ang. "In o Hie ' I t ' v v. Svdnev I Dr. : nd Mrs. Sam Striiiglndd, Miss M irtha Stringlield, James and Wil liam Stringfield and Mr, William Mid ford made up a party motoring to Chape! Hill to see the' Duke and Ca l-olina game ,,n Saturday SATl'RDAV, NOV. 21 Buck Jonesi in "McKenna Of The .Mounted" MONDAY-TUESDAY, NOV. 2- hirlev 1 cnipltf, Gary ( oojH'r p'i Carole Lombard in "NOW AND FOKIAKK' I- W ' 1 le : r Mr-. Kenneth 1" si-ter Mr. b'ilde'l'hia. M 00: I w. jcon'u a - an ae-.jve. men; ' '-'" liltern' oii Sobth. -.f ( loVe, I-'rank Davis.-! ck Mi,. ,CCn a! ilit-i toe. clan! H I', Sjtei'::-;i gy, --,s Wei e: Ml- la .iii-e ! loim D i'- game an '. !. A. R:a i wind VII on all-Hie. li tllev vi- !'' IM). I! ' el'gUS Charles 1 1 : 1 w , 1, s I 'd: . Wh' liie Mo n 1- vis Fergu-i' t:ng 1. in 01 wa R leigh. . el , and i l l g lile hi;: -.1 :y in ii thi.- sec- -0:1 Hatch- . WEDNESDAY, NOV. : etti (ialiiini and Spencer li "..lARi;; (JALA.N'I : Shows at 7:15 and !i: Admission 10c and 1 acy-11 a X ami .M rs! RAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY' TO HAVE SUPPER SATURDAY NIGHT The Missionary Society of the Bap tist church will sponsor a supper at the Western, Carolina Cafe n Sat urday night. Thev will he ready to serve from 5 o'clock to Ot'iO. Choice of oysters or chicken anv wav de sired m ay be ordered with tempting ? ; d e : d i s h es a p p rop r i a te f or - e a c h , f 0 r the sum of thirty-five cents for adults and twenty-five for children under twelve. M r. Leo I-, Gebo, visiting relatives ni i oi k ork, is now Wanoca Radio Shon : Rev. Paul Hardin. Jr , Shoolbrcd, and Mr W spent Tuesday in Clav hunting. who has been Rouser's Point, back with the Mr. William L. Lanipkin county bird U Y. !.. li '.K Ml'Sii; ci.l'l: To AlKI'iT A !' . I 1 b' :!:.,. 'idle 'ayii.'-vdle 'Music Clin will ta-ild i.-gu'a r Xow-mlie.' nieeLing wilii M 1 -. ( ii 1 'ie.- Gullcy, teacher of ".,'(' al the 'i -tein Caiobmi Teat'-h-er.- College at Culiowhee on Saturday afternoon at .'! o'clock. M rs. Hugh A. Love.- president, will pro.-ide. as' .Mrs. Charles Gulley. who teaches voice at the Western Carolina Teach ers College, and her daughter, Mis Jane- Galley, a student. were the guests over Sunday of the former's mother, Mrs. Enez Gulley, of Clay ton, who is spending the winter at the Palmer House. Judge William H. Smathers, two soils, J, li. and Ben. Mr. Albert A. Abbott and Mr. E. A., Higbee, of Atlantic City, are spending this week as the guests of the former's par ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Smathers V Mrs. Carol Bell has returned after a visit to friends in Washington. D. C and New ork City. '- Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Russ spent Saturday in Greensboro. The former attendeil a meeting of a committee ap pointed by the North Carolina, Press Association to work out certain prob lems pertaining to the association Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Baucom, Mrs. R- .. Barber and -Mr. Rav Morgan have lreturned after attending the meeting 0I' the State Baptist Con. vent ion held last week in New. Bern. Before returning home the Ba'ucoms and Mrs. Rarber visited friends and relatives in Wilmington. Mrs. Sydia Ray and a party of lj'ieluls were Asheville . visitor's iivp Saturday - ',--.'-. Mis.- Alice Quintan spent the week end in Chapel Hill as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C, C Crittenden, the latter the former. Miss Janet Quinism Mrs. J. W Killian and a party! of friends : were Asheville visitors' 011 Sunday. FOR THE S! H FOR THE WANT-TO-BE .S! ;M There'. s really .nothing like a Vassarctte Foundation . . . ior all fig. f ures ami for all aes. They-never distort nature. They simjih 1111. 1 prove oti it. The famous Vassarctte flexibility gives you lithe. Ii- lines and a supple silhouette. The amazing .Vassarctte ict.n! a f distributes your pounds evenly and controls without confining. ! can wear a Vassarctte with everything . . . and we'll be delighted to ; fit you in a Vassarctte Girdle or All-in-One Foundation at any time. Mr. Ralph Hunter, of Sylva, Monday in town on business ;pent Mrs. Caroline de Neergaard left on Thursday for Bristol, Tenn., where she will spend several weeks before going to New Y ork t ity where he will spend the C'hri.Sjnias: holi.lavs with her son and daughter, Air- and Mrs. Gould de Neergaard. In Bris tol she will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs- Reginal Arnold. During' her absenr-e from town Dr. and Mr O T. Alexander will occupy her resi dence on Walnut street Dr. S- P. Gay attended the meeting of the Dental Society of the Ei-t District which was held in M an on last week. and His New Silver Slipper Club Revue 23 rEr? r . TmJ ' Foundations jjjjj " Jjjjjjj jl . ASHEVILLE Thurs., Fri. & Sat. This Week A Great Show See It! J'" Hie same prosram. th-it C.avei,i "Tliat s Calltuc," .. MUIftS NK.ltis 25c 35c V ASS ARE TTE FOUNDATIONS In Addition to the Vassarettes, Supreme In Their Class We.-arc. showing distinctive models from G0SSARD -and- MADAME GRACE I ncler apparel from low priced staples to the daintist garments known in feminine circles. Thej may he "unmentionables" but LET US SHOW YOU C. E. RAY'S SONS

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