THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER ' ' I V all. V : . fv. " M '7! v., "f j x ?v1 I 4 ' THKOL'GH STATE CAPITAL KEYHOLES liv: liess Hinton Mlver r of Sr. .,'. el Hoev o the cal ic. n for hv Ser Jh i the pr p.-i;'-- creut j : car. frier. :. pit I'd:. the ik- lan t Mop It Hi.nniau- in , Udt .-f Ha.-. Improun Their Minds - ...aKepeai'e's "H rn aim c:ia.; r.e ei e ottei i W nt that he e -e - t, r.oW he U oiev, in lJ., nr.ach ;:.:... c : Mo-t l.:e;. :.vr.- an-; .a: !'. let a :.e-n:ni .stanu :n na.n, ::vtt; minded were much ev I. ea.ii.'. f? the parade of r.ota-Uc-hoKiers was Govei'r.or ni.x Then came Senator W. Bailey. Fourth District Mate a rather confirmed opinion Kaieitrh that, Clvde R. Hoey v. has been running for for some tin-.. If Mr i.-r.'t been doinu that his uve beer, staging for him a .Many of his cloe per. vi. h in the Capital City are . hi, announcement to follow 'tee Is of sine die adjournment ..mir.g session of the Legis- ea.-t - J'ge Nc lanf.'tr .situation ba ui f.': " too k'J'eat wou.i: a high.-, a: mur.ufac:' farmers port- are i'a:t -.. -privt- r:?e pel P.i r.. r. that to. - : against :' erops that f. unprecedented L-.-.'t mean the u friends of the that tobacco ex- the increase and that h. ? :een potent in neipir.g tne r:-i. Foreign production i.- not ,uji a with cotton hut many : ious as with cotton but many :o who have studied the tobacco i.n . j em tx-iieve price.- can ye boosted to the point where it will be more protitabie to grow ar.d buy the j wee ! in .and-, fcixiy per of the toiiacco grown in North Car- olina is exported nd a big dcr.t in! that trade wt ubi be a ca!arr..;y. I r r.rr...niaa Harold l. Coiey, i'u; ie i i tin miss i oner, Edwin X .1 M. Bro-jghton. of Rileigh. a ' .a:r.-tiuter " and many There wa-r:'t mu.-h opportunity ' o.oitit- out it a good p.. -hake harL- with a lot of tht xn(, wiel l -oli.e eonirDi -.,ver ;i. i"tinjc in .-urrour.'iing bailiwieK. of the rules of the game.- n". Ji is never mi.-s a trick, n mat'e little it counts, ar.J that doe-r. t that tiie ooys present iidr.'t -a rea! love for the immortal IJ. A v. Knows His Stuff a 1 e W State Democratic chairin..!:, ha a tew stars i r.hl c.vwr. ui a or ganizer ar.d ec'ii 'irdcal opeiator ot camp.igr... In the two State-wide cn.'np iigr.s Mr W'ir.i'O! ne has man. aged uj.pp.rider.tcd majorities have bee:; pile.! up r h.. party and with no (i'livit. In fact he has the office fun,.ture (,ut of hock . i.d a few dimes to jingle in tin- party pute until it collie .j pass the hut again m llCW. cenng Winds Times have changed .-iiu't mother was a girl and- in fact, ever, mre re cent! v. Two years ago K. T. Foun tain, "of Rocky Mount, was Lieutenant Governo.- of North Carolina and lead er of a Democratic minority that only lacked a mere 7,1'OU votes of making him (ioverl: ):. During the recent campaign he made only one speech, at Ga-tor.:a, and it is reported here that loss than one hundred people w..:e ut to hear him. Two years ago the. very name Fountain would 'iraw a crowd, campaign or no cam paign.. Does that mean the Mr, Fountain's reat personal following has gone to sleep? Prolonged Job In n's no hope of completing re :r. .t -l.rg and fire-proofing of the d tire-trap of a prison here ..- winter. Prison officials had ex : . es-eJ hope that .the job could be or. pitted befoie the heat had to be t .uned on but that's now out of the :e.-tiun. Because the walls of the -t i JLture are beir.g preserved the a . rK is progressing slowly anu will require many months to At the rate it has been going remodeli ng may not be completed by next .v inter. Poisoned Bait Will Keep Down Damage By Mice Field mice are an orchard pest that most fruit growers are unaware of until it is too late to save their trees, says H. R. Niswonger, extension hor ticulturist at State College Most of the mouse damage, he says, occurs during the winter months in orchards where a heavy sod covers the ground. The mice work just beneath the otieed until the lUIiaee o" --- -- - . trees begin to di or fail to bud in the spring. At first the damage may be slight, out eventually the mice eat I away the bark from tne trunK a iew inches below the soil so as to com. ! p'.etely girdle the tree. i Te common meadow mouse mi i grate- to the orchard when their food fields becomes ca'-cX The .short-tailed pine mouse i, mVn destructive, doing worst damage to orchards growing near timber areas. I N'iswonger urges orchardists to I t-vamlne the areas around their trees. Wkirg for mice runways and inju ries to the trees. Tf ovU . - .ucuce of is found, they can be de-rr,jV(. putting out wheat bait ;yv.l been poisoned with strvchir. 'ne tailed information how t,,"m; bait and place it around' the" I may be obtained free from the i ticultural department of ,va j lege in Raleigh. As a supplementary control j ure Niswonger suggests the di; up of grass and weeds under trees. This breaks up the tu and runways and causes the to seek their food in ares fa from the trees. Money Ka-y many pt from m I i ij tne gar view taxev m North oiine tax I i- no, ea-v go. is the way . collected Carolina. jf six cents on the gal!on is collected Without a whimper and the license tax .without much scpiawk many of the ciuick thinkeir Would cut' other taxes and use the money piiid by farmers haul ing their produce to market to-, lur Not I nexpected The slight increase in Republican representation in the General Assem. bly as a result of the voting last week wa.-n't any surprise to the po- litically-mmded who hang around tne State Capitol. Rumblings of dis cord had been coming in from more than one bailiwick for some time, much to the cor. ern of Democratic leaders. You wouldn't have been forced to look far to get a bet that the Republicans would have twenty .members in the next Ix-gislature. Shining Star Congressman Frank Hancock, of the Fifth District, is viewed by many North C. rolina 'politrk-ians as; the most promising member of the North ( arolma delegation in Washington. They point out that in his compara tively short .service in Washington he has attained high ranking phce on the House Banking and Currency com mittee and although he has taken tome bold steps in voting on meas ures his di.-trict continues to give him handsome majorities in prima ries. He was unopposed in the gen eral election. alor And Caution Some political observers' are won dering if the overwhelming endorse ment accorded the New Deal in the National election will have the effect of toning .down Senator Josiah W. Bailey in the next session of the Big Stick Tne Mate School Commission has a club that it uses to get the most fav orable bids for hauling coal from cars to schools. Last summer the commission had a number of untility bodies built for trucks at the high way shops near Raleigh at the cost of thirty dollar a throw- If bids for hauling coal are higher than the com mission thinks they should be. then 7U msmUr! say: "Alright, we'll just hwtll dur own coal," Uff come the passenger body on school trucks and on goes the utility body all .-et for the sooty job. Or in other cases the bids are lowered and it. isn't necessary to change the bodies. Which just goes t show you that there are still many ways to bring death to a feline. ni If T Hardwick Parlor Furnaces BEAUTY OF DESIGN, combined with GOOD QUA LITY, make this Circulator GREAT VALUE at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE. New type arched top. WALNUT ENAMEL FINISH; FIVE CONVENIENT SIZES. PRICED FROM $24.50 UP We also carry a full line of Wood and Coal Stoves for houses, stoics, garages and churches. T. S. MORRISON & CO. 39-41 North Lexington Ave. ASHEVILLEt N. C. ther their own political end.s, 'There's Congress. The Raleigh Senator was just one liv in the ointment many quite outspoken h.i.s criticism ot some wheels are .-pinning in the mud in New Deal policies in the last esssion Nortlv Carolina these days and for every spin some tax is paid on gaso line. If ' the country roads were in a& good condition as two years ago the politicians might get farther -with their plans. and incurred the displeasure of many Democrats as well as the praise of others.. Announcement Coming One aftermath of the recent cam- .Sleepless Nights Lite i;s anything but a bowl f cherries for State Parole Commis sioner Kdwiri Maurice (ill!. Capital punishment eases give him the most trouble but the pitiful old ladies, mothers of prisoners seeking release of their sons, make ,-omt of his deci sions mighty hard- Recently he wa.s called out of lied at 2:'M in the morn ing to go to State's Prison and receive the confession of a man convicted of murder. All .. -manner of pressure is brought .to bear upon him in every capital case and he must weigh the facts carefully. Often his decisions are not . popular-for the simple reason that lawyers have guided public opin ion in another direction. 4 Big EFIRD'S DEPT. STORE ASHEVILLE, N. C. Floors ull of New, Winter Merchandise, for Men, Women and Children, at Special Prices For all 19 Counties of Western North Carolina SHOP AT EFIRD'S Get your Million Dollar Trade Coupons And Save on Your Purchases FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Are "Two Coupons For One" Days At EFIRD' S MEN'S STURDY WORK SHOE Double streiiKtlil Double tann ed leather and double sole. Moisture resisting, 13-nail rub ber heel. BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRT $1.00 Gen uine Hercu 1 e s ! o f pre shrunk cham- bray, reinforced at elbows, col lar and cuffs. Triple stitched at strained points. -mi. m "qgaTTrrTTIinr rTTT inr' 1 ' "rr' i JT i 1 JP 1 lnnnl UNPAINTED KitcJjenChair 79c Wide, restful seats and com fortable backs. Well turned legs. Made of hard wood, all sanded and read j to paint in your favorite color. Three Government Jobs Are Available Three positions' in the alcohol tax unit of the bureau of internal reve nue ire open, according to the Civi Service. Commission. The three jobs pay from .?;!,, 500 to 86,-lDO a year. Applications must "be filed not later than November 22. Complete details may be had at the local .post office. President' Wife Not With Him William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, died before Ids wife was able to Join him in the Wlii.te I! mse. He hi d been mar ried In at Nortii ltend, Ohio, to Anna, daughter- of Col. John Cleve byrmues, Itevoluiionary statesman and soldier., chief justice of New Jersey and founder of the Miami Settlement, 1 hc.v had six sons and four daughters. -Mrs. Harrison was ill when her bus baml was elected President, and -was unnble to nceompany him when he went to Washington to be inaugurated March 4, lS-Jl. He died April 4, one month later. The. President's widowed daiurhter -in-law, . Mrs. Jane Kindlay Harrison, acted as hostess at the ex ecutive mansion during his brief ten ure of ollice, his invalid wife remain ing at their honie In North P.end, Firt Horse Can The first horse car line was opened in New York city November 14, lS.'ii. The cars resembled stage coaches and accommodate) from eight to ten pas sengers. The line Was operat)')! by the Harlern Kailroinl Co. and the tracks worn laid on - Fourth avenue between Prince ' nm'-'Fourteenth streets. 7 AUTOMOBILE! I VEN AWAY By Asheville Merchants checks COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES in 30 minutes mti id Tablets Salve Nose Drops 666 Long - Used Laxative To be bought and used as needed for many, many years, Epeaks well for the reliability cf Thedford's Black-Draught, purely vegetable family laxative. Mr. C. E. EatlUf Trtte3 from Hlnlon, W. Va.: "My wife and I have used Thedford's Elack-Draught thirty-five years for constipation, tired feelln? and headache. I use it when I feel my svrtm needs cleansing'. After all thes years, I haven't found any thing better than. Black-Draught." Bold In 25-eent packages. Tbedford CIACS-DEAUGirr 'CHILDREN LIKE THE STBCP" Seven Automobiles being given away by Asheville mer chants offer you a chance to win. Each Asheville mer chant participating in the Million Dollar Trade Jubilee is offering you unusual bargains if you buy in Asheville Friday and Saturday. Thrifty shoppers will take advan tage of theas two days to buy for Christmas. Automo biles, pictured or thJ&age are those to be given away. Shop for XMAS NOW! This Pontiac To Be Given Awav ' '. '- f '