mmmm mm V. S3 fc,' i K--al 1 , .O- V JS B "k T I J r B- The Uest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The lireat Smoky Mountains National 1'; irk Kead I Thinking IVcple NO. J:anv Changes Are Made As New Othce Holders Take Posts A. Howell Named Tax Collec tor: George A. Brown, Sr. Is Tax Supervisor The county officials that were elect- : ' Vn. nromntly set to .iork in getting their respective of fices in working order, f immediately after the. board of "immissioners were sworn in they set to work and were confronted with the problem of making appointments, tr reappointing those for several Positions. , Wi'liam T. Hannah was nan ed Jpuntv attorney. Mr. Hannah has gtrved in this capacity one term be fore. ' ' , I George A- Brown, Sr., was named L tax supervisor and tax collector for delinquent taxes. Mr- Brown sue teeds C. C. Francis. This resignation of J. C. Welch as L collector was accepted by the Lard who then immediately passed pm M-- Welch's bond as snenn it Howell was named as tax v'le tor for the 1934 taxes. p J Noland was reappointed sup- nntenaeni oi uie t-uuuvj uumi.. Ihiv janitors for the court nouse re J. v. Alien aim ieivnt . .-- p. K L. Ray is night janitor. The First National Bank of this iity was named depository lur uie f-ounty. Because of Mr. Allison's serious lines, W. A. Hyatt, chairman, and eo Ferguson met at the court nouse nd then'went to Mr. Allison's bedside i discuss the matters of business De ire taking final action in their reg- ar meeting at the court nouse. ti, ,.nmmisinnpi's also received and iassed on the bonds for a number of :onstaWes throughout the county. Sheriffi Welch was taced witn so 1 Ul II viwiiv ... ,.,!, v,.o v,o Vma not named all of his mil. n-.M-b- in ervurr. i.m; hisl ul it deputies. He said he would have the ' Bst completed before next week. .-., . : i Commissioners And Courthouse Receive f Praise In Big Case ": ' . ' I Haywood county's new court house 4nd county officials. 'received' a lot of ; jraise in the judge's opinion in the ease of tnc ( arolina Savings Bank vs. " jjClljs;' as published in the advance meets of the Southeastern Reporter, Tlume 176. )It read as follows: " j "By .consent' of all the parties, the SBse. was argued before me (Judge '. firiniball' at Waynesville N. C, on ;' fugust 10, 1933;. , "Through the kindness and cour tesy of the members of the bar and jounty commissioners of Haywood County, the new and magnificent court louse of that county was placed at 4ur disposal. Our sincere thanks to Ihese gentlemen should be and is here. iy recorded." This case from South Carolina in- 'olved the distribution of an estate if S400.000 and io a verv intprestiner tnse, Circuit Judire W. H. Grimball. f Charleston, S. C-, while spending is vacation at his summer home in Waynesville last summer heard ar fuments on exceptions to the report Of the Master in case above men tioned. Prominent attorneys and parties connected with the case at tended the hearing. In- opinion from 4e appellate Court the rulings . of Judge Grimball are sustained. In de Wee of Judge Grimball Ke-commends tie new court house at Waynesville. . Homer Brown Makes Escape From "Pen" Sheriff Welch has received infor- atlon that Wnmoi. Rrnwn '3P -Thn W'i$ sentenced from here for life in the state-penitentiary. in Raleigh, had a.-sred t;n, there lastk Monday., i ,' -kh-s 13 the second time Brown has eecaped. The last time he escaped he .jro-te prison officials to, come after him. f It is not thought that he is on 'his Way here. . , . . . , .. . ' Hn.wn was convicted of killing his 'fe about two years ago. .. Subscriptions in the last j This is four more than last etk the total now for 'last three weeks is 113. f-' . - J -'. '.,-. ; . ' VOL. XLMI 44 1 Tobacco Averages j Twenty Cents WedJ The hurley tobu.o. nuirktt open in Asheville Wediu sday with an average of twenty corns being paid, it was learned last night from B. I1.. Saunders, veteran warehouseman in Ashevii.e. The price fop the opening date is somewhat higher than that of a year ago. It has been predicted by reliable and experienced to bacco men that the price for the season is likely to linger around twenty and twenty-two cents. Relief Office Is Being Moved To Sylva This Week Business Office Of Relief Work Will Be Done In Sylva Office After This Week Orders have been received here by those in charge of the Welfare offices, that the Waynesville office will be moved to Sylva either the last of this week or the first of next. Because of the detailed work in making out the payroll it is thought that the office will be moved on either the 7th or Sth. The moving of the business office to Sylva is in conjunction with the policy of the state relief department to have only I!!! offices in the state instead of. 108. This district is now composed of Haywood, Jackson, Swain and Macon counties. Social investigators will be kept here to handle relief cases, and in all probability the office will be removed to the court house when the business office is moved to Sylva. The personell of the office is now being made up in Raleigh, Homer Henry, local administrator said, and announcement will be made with in a few days. Local civic organizations tried to induce officials of the state depart ment to maintain the office here, but the officials maintained that Sylva was more centrally located in the district than was Waynesville. Photos Show That Fred Crawford Is Really In Movies A recent copy of the "Collegiate Digest," the national collegiate news in pictures and paragraphs, carries an engaging picture of Fred Crawford, former Duke University Alb Ameri can tackle, matching hands with Claire Trevor during a time out pe riod between shots on a Hollywood lot. If the contest was to see who had the largest hands honors cer tainly went to the football star. It is understood that Fred writes to his family and friends here that he is not in the movies but from the Associated Press and other means of publicity, it would appear that he is too modest to admit that he has made the grade at Hollywood, when in reality, it seems that he . has at least a speaking acquaintance with the "powers that be." Sentelle Memorial Is Set For Dec. 23 The memorial service for the late 'Rev- R. A. Sentelle has been definite ly fixed for Sunday, December 2,'!, at two o'clock at the Bethel High School auditorium, . it w;is announced here yesterday. The 23rd being the birth date of the pioneer educator and minister, it was decided to make the change. An appropriate program has been arjanged. ".. .. ," . . ... Red Cross Drive Was A Success Almost 300 Membership Expect ed To Be Sold Before Final Report Is -Made. The Enrollment in the recent. An nual Red Cross Roll Call has been the best in several, yeans. There are approximately 250 . members , with $275,00 paid in, on memberships and contributions. It is ., expected that there will be a few more names added to the list. Rev. H. W. Baucum, county chairman,, states that if any one failed to join it is not too late, in case they care to do so they may get in touch with either Dr. F. O. Garren at Smith's Drug Store 'or Wil liam -Med ford, chapter chairman for Waynesville, at his office on .Main street.';.- . .The local chapter organization has expressed appreciation . of the splen did response they have met in the work this year. Many of the busi ness firms and industries taking sev eral memberships, the largest number beinpr .: taken by" the"'K"n'gTah(t-Walt9n Copanv. of Hazelwood, that contribu tion being . ?10.00. . WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA I). A. Howell Is New Tax Collector For This County Former Merchant Is Recognized As One Of Rest Collectors In County. Once Town Collector I. A., Howell, who was named tax collector by the commissioners Men day, is recognized as one of the best tax-collectors in the county. For three years he collected taxes for the town of Waynesville. and for seven or eight years has been closely affiliated with tax work in both city and county For a number of years he listed faxes. Mr. Howell posted a $50,000 bond I with the countv officials, and will re ceive the l;i:U tax books within a few days, just as soon as the audi tors complete auditing the looks. T. J. Cathey, county auditor is collect ing the li34 taxes until the appoint ment was made. Mr- Howell said: "I intend to keep right behind the tux payers. Contin ual pressing is what will get the money." Haywood's new tax collector was in the mercantile business here for forty years, and for live years has been associated with C. lv Kay's Sons. He was born and reared in the county and knows almost every llaywiod taxpayer. For the past year he has been foreman of the grand jury. Those Wanting Free Toys Should Get In Names Immediately Oscar L. Urijfs Is Making List Of Those Who Will Receive Toys This Christmas Oscar L Hriggs, part of Santa Ciaus unfortunate children nity each Christmas, who plays the to hundreds of in this commu announced yes terday- mat -he is making up his an nual list of families that he will sup ply with toys this Christmas, and urges all those who have no means of getting toys for their children to make application at the Fire Depart ment. Cards have jieen prepared and will .be filled out at the Fire Station, and then members of the women's or ganizations in town will make a per sonal investigation lieiore any toys are issued. All applications must be. in by December fifteenth- On Wednesday. Heceniber 1, all proceeds from the local theatre will be given Mr, Hriggs and his co workers to he used in. making Christ mas happier for unfortunates here in the community. The theatre and pic ture in being donated free of charge by Mr. J. F. Massie, owner, The -program oilers a variety of entertainment, the feature entertain ment is "You Belong To. Me," star ring Fee Tracy, Helen Morgan. Helen Mack, and Little David Holt, who is claimed to be the sweetest little boy in pictures today.; On the same program will he "Stepin' Fetchit" in a comedy. Also a screen novelty "The Girl From The Country" and a Fitzgerald Travel.. talk on "Kgvpt, Kingdom of the Nile." The regular admission price of 10 and, 21' cents, will be charged. A special matinee at 3 :.'i0 will be given for the school children. Joseph MehaiTey, 80, Buried Here Sunday Afternoon Funeral' services for Joseph T. Mehftffev, aee S'O who died Saturday a'fterrirri :a.t his., home i KiHiaii street, were held 'on Sunday' aftCr f thp Hnntist church with the Rev. -H W'. Baucom. pastor of the'niarient sheets of standard size, and churcR, assisted by Rev. A. VJoyrrf-r. of Canton, officiating- : Mr. MehafTey had been in failing health for the past-year, -' ' Active pallbearers were: 5f - jor J. H. Harden Howell, W. F. Swift, Rov Davis, Alf rreasrrfan, E- X, Moodv, and J- W. Killian. Honorary! nallbearerp included, W. T. Lee, K. Q. McCracken, Morgan Henson J. H N. Brendle, Dr. K. H- stretener, u. i . Alexander, W. T- Shelt n, M. ,vi . Noland, and Lee Ferguson, of Way. ne.sville. J H. Sullivan,. Dick Iland-l,o- P.-oil Smith. Ted Led well. O. . A. Stevenson BilT V hitaker, and J- Cooper, of Asheville. : : , Joseph 1. Mehafley was horn '""Cand js )f,Wfr abused by the methyl reared, in Haywood county and was-use(j tf) hang calendars.. 'I'he toilet 'the-.n-:of John 'and ..latiKla His family-was among the ear y .set - ..... . . -n . tiers of this.; section. He bad been -esiding in waynesville ror-..aiv- v thirty years: , Prior to which timehe lived on a farm on Allen s rf t'Kt "L was hitrhlv respected by a!! who knew ' i. ,,-..c mJdition is none too good. F.fty-nine years ago he. was ; ma - recomnK nded by this rien to. :uiss oaran v vives him. w-ith the lonowind num.- Ciiii.. flaoo-tiero Mrs.-Kii- Briffht ITl'f Mr. Oliver Yount. of Waynesville, Sirs:, John-.. D. Ezell, of West Ashf--flle, and Mrs,: .Jessie - . Smith, of t i. A.: . --il, !i-t ! Ii rhci err a n flw children and thirty gVeat grandchil-i TAX SUPERVISOR Bit -ar , Lmh i mnn iinni'i'iinTnn --- Ceorge A. Hrown, Sr. was named tax supervisor and collector of de linquent taxes by the new tioard of commissioners m session .Monday morning. Grand Jury Makes Stinging Report To Judge Pless Ikxlv Recom mends That Changes Re !l;ule In Courthouse. Find That Ruildinj; Is Reins Abused Tin' (irand Jury recommended to the court and .I'jvige .1. Will l'K's:, Jr., m their regular' report last ' Friday that all magisl i i 1 1 iii Ihe coiir.bou--e be ni'i.ed, aiid !;io ire:-ente.l some other "Kvi' AuieiH i ' to the cour . instead of the usual complimentary reports. After retiring the repoit. Judge l'less highly praised the grand jury for their report and also llieir wmk which they have done since last Feb ruary.:. -They, were told that they had done things that few griino juries ever did - -make "fact finding reports'." The i. p-'i t a.- given Judge 1'les-s is as fellows: Tu His Honor, J. Will l'less, Jr., Judge I'residmg and Holding th" No. veiiilxM-lleceinber ..Term-, W 1 'f the Sujierioi' Court of Hayvioi County. Nor.h Carolina: We. the (irand Jury, beg '. o report our invest igaf ions, in accordance with 11 is Honor's instruct ions. We have carefully considered all bills sent before us and have returned the majority of. them to the Court as True Hills; a few .were cnnlinued for lack' of witnesses. Wo visited the Public liiiildiligs in the County anil Milmiir the - following' j'eport and i ecommrndat uuis on same: County Hoine, Coiiililioiu at tins institution seem to be good. There are IS inmates, Is, of whom ai'e did illeli. The Home is well supplied With provisions, and all. possible is being done for the comfort of the ones there,, One pe.-son in the Home is suffering with tuberculosis. It is recommetideil that she. lie. moved to some other place for the s'.fet v of the other -inmates. The cow barn which was recommended at the July Term' is being built. Fur nace Heat is recommended for the ( 'mint v Home. I'rison (.'ami). .This place was in spected and found to be in real tine condition and wi IF managed. Hospital;. .This .-place, was visited and found to be in excellent condition. The (irand Jury feels that the ones responsible for t,ho property are to be highly commended! for the splendid way in which it is kept. Court House. The Clerk's office is in good .shape. Hooks seem .to be well arranged and well kept ; the same applies to the 'office of the Register of, Deeds., A recommendation wan made' by the (irand Jury at last Term if Court in regard to recopyitig the 'ross,-Index liooks in this oflice; also that record maps be rocoiiud on pec- 'bound in durable binder, to --prevent i t!,i ir loss or destruction by wear. This j has not been carried out so far. ':, The Main Court Khom was found to Ik; clean and well. kept. The Grand Jury room, which is occupied between K'ourt .'Terms by .'Frank 1); ' Ferguson, a Magistrate, is.being ill used- These s are large spots of dirt on the walls and larj;e tacks have been driven intrj the plaster1 to support a calendar. Pencil marks have been made On the walls of the toilet which connects with this room. The rom occupied by Ii. M. 1eath - erwood, anotlier Magistrate, is almost i beyond description; , It is unsanitary, V,-n.-,-.'-'i.conncctinjr thii,- office is filthy ; it is . jittei;e,i wilh irokvn )()tt!es. and com- O.JJ WI II IIVUII (lll'l I - lnofJe js cj,t,ked -with tobacco and other '.rubbish. The room being used by G. C; Bail, :, Magistrate, is somewhat better than - ,.,i.i .,' i.t it. rim. but its con- Grand Jurv that all Magistrate- be J "-I iiyjlll UM1 uuimiiih --' i locality, -'or the protection and ix nefit 'of the proiierty. '... . ;.. All rooins in the building were visit ' i d, such as the small roar: room on upper floor, .County armAgents TUl All Relief Cattle To Be Shipped Out Of State By Dec. :U Cannery At llaelwood Will Have To Close Within Next Six Weeks 1 teen use Of Change About the hardest blow to came t. Haywood farmers was the order Raleigh that "No relief cattle is ti remain in the state after DecemU' olst. except cattle for the Rural Ro ll. hilit at ion Corporation " This order was received this week by Homer Henry, local relief admin istrator.s from Raleigh, .Mrs Thus O'Horry. It . is pcwsihU- that from 700 to SOU head of cattle will lx' kept in Ihe county for the work of the Farm Re habilitation. They are to be se lected in order tlut the better grades may U- kept. Fivf ears of relief cattle have al ready been shipped from this county three to Albany, N. Y , and two to Massachusetts. The farmers were to receive from $1.T0 t ... $:i a month for feeding the cattle, and in many instances sold their own cattle because they were depending on the money from the government.' for feeding the relief cattle Many are keenlj ilisappointod, it learned IVcaiise of the order, the cannery which opened at Hazelwood last week will have to close in about six weeks, according to Homer Henry, local ad ministrator As all the cattle for can long iiui-t be out of the state by the 1st of .January, it would be impossible to keep the cannery operating, be said. Over .$;'i,l)00 was spent, for labor alone in getting the cannery '."eaily for operation, tunnies the new ma chinery and materials that were used, it was learned. Aproxiinately Ml head of cattle are 'being canned daily, and sonic 7,00(1 cans are being packed daily. The payroll at, the cannery is now amounting to about $2,000 a week- What plans wi cattle is shipped nerv closed mil il ll be inade after the away and the can. spring is not known at this time, according to Mr. Henry, Funeral For Mrs. Alley Held Here On Wed. Mornint Funeral services were held on Weil, nesday morning for Airs. Corn Davis Alley, age (i'.t, who died suddenly Mom day morning at N 'o'clock.- ' Services were held at the home of her son, llovle I). Alley on North .Main Street. l;. e I,1 l U 'llLei' n.'isloi- of t he 1'res (bvteriaii Cburclj ollii'ialeil. She died at her apartmenl in the Hriggs' '.resi dence. Mi's. Alley was the .widow of the late eh Alley of Jackson County and the daughter' of .Mr. and Mis. .Moil t raville I iavi- of ( lay 'on tit. v Tliroijgb her mot her who was prior to her .marriage. Miss Violet Hyers, she had a large' family connect ion Haywood' County. ' Before coining fo Waynesville last year, Mrs. Alley re sided at f 'ashlers Valley in Jackson County, Following the brief rites here burial was in the Allcy-l'iekU'simcr family cemetery in Whiteside's ( ove in Jack son countv, beside her husband. At the 'interment Ilev. Frank liumgarner, a nephew conducted the services. Act ive pallbearers were F. )'.. Alley, Jr., Hayes Alley, W. T. U'v, Jr., Walti'r (.'rawford, Kermitt I'ureell, and Robert Melcan. Surviving, are four daughters, Mrs. May Dunn of UyaHsville, Md.f Mrs. Thomas ( bai'shee of lmg Island, N. y., Mrs. Sarah SmTthson of Asheville, and Mrs. Margaret Morrison of Way-1 nesyille and one son, Doyle D. Alley of Waynesvnie ' and two brothers, (). ('. Davi.s of Clay County and Wiley Davis of' Texas. 4 Slot Maehines And Stills Destroyed - One of (he last things that Sheriff' J . A. I.ow-o and his deput ies did: be fore Vi ti.-!t:g from oflke Aloiiday was lo ib-.-'roy eight stills, aiid four, slot machines . whi. h bad been captured during the past six months, ' The; machines and stills had been kept j,'- the v. ult ' in the she'riff's office for evidence'- . . Allison Is Better Jar vis H. sioner, who '-is home Alli.son, county commis. has been 'critically; 'ill at here, suffering from, was reported late. Wed- appendicitis nesd prov :'v afternoon to he much -"im- Note To Farmers Every Haywood County Tobacco Grower should get his Marketing Card before taking his tobacco to tho market. If he .failes to do so Twenty-Five per cent of his sales will be taken out by a government agent. RSI Y, DECEMHEK U. Court Disposes Of Many Cases.. Judge Pless'Left Tuesday Number Of Sentences Handed (hit To Violators Of Law. Carver d'ets 10 to M Voars Judge Will l'less, Jr., who was pre img over the criminal term of Su- i perior Court here, was forced to leave I'ne:-day night and will nut be !aek this wcii. Cp until the tinio of hisi having a large number of cases had i been disposed of. '1 he cases re, ei ing sentences be fore the court until Monday were as follows: Henry Hembree, guilty of F and A. Fined cost. Habe Hannah, guilty df 1 senienceo six montns on nnuF Ken I'enlatid, guilty of Inrcony. .: perilled sentence. Homer Whittcnburg, reckh-ss di :. ing while under influence of liquor. '.'0 day sentence susjH'ndcd ux'ii con dition that he not drive on highways for 12 months. Grady Welch, iola't ion f prohi bit inn law, six months on road. Vernon Ferguson and Wovulrow Me. Kirov, sale of liquor, three months on road for McKlrny. Hilliaid San ford, violation of pro- hibition law. six months mi road. William Cibbs, driving drunk, lined $o0 and not to drive .automobile for I'J months. lielle Jolly, .as u capon, sentenced ault with deadly IS lo L!l months in state penitentiary. J. W. Itoyd ami Sam ing slot machine. Fined of court cost. Kelly $100 operat -and half Sam Jones and ing slot machine John llnyd, opera t . each to pay half loin's lined $ 10. operating' sdol ma of court cost and .1. W. McKay, chine, lined $.'i(i. Fun Howeti, operating slut, inaclliiie, (fined .$.'15. Claude Woodward, operating slot machine, lined $25, Carl Cibson, assault wit I deadly weapon, six moiitlis on mail. Ceorge Rogers and Hucli Kgern, assault with deadly weapon, four months suspended senteni'e for (leorg'a Kogi-rs and that he sever all I'linni'c tions with town of Clyde as an officer. Hugh Rogers four moii'ths suspended sentence. Alonzo Finney, big-amj,. IS nioiitlls on roHil. Kdvva rd weapon,. .' defendant I l.-iyne--, ;- sault wit. h x mouth-, nil icinl. is not Register of I Sizemore, dislUiliiiur deadly (This leeds). l u) t ic Leonard Wors lip, 12 miinths. susiiil'd Ms. telle. (Jrant W hite, disl to liiig;)iiillic Wor, ship, 12 months on roal. sinli-in'e sm pelliled upon payment of cast.. lyoury Guy, disturbing public wor ship, fined cost. Ted Sutton and Frank; i'intr('f, vio- '"ilatioii prohibition law, Finger months suspended sentence afid -flay rnelit 'or half of cost, Sutton si; nitjiiiii- n roail. Ivlwa.i'd Nichols abandonment, six months on road. Fred ('ody, resisting ofTieer, 12 months sUSM'nded sentelle upon pay- merit, of $100, : :..-.-Woiidv Goodson, larceny. 2 to 5 years in state peiiitentliry. HiU Jenkins, Hud .Jenkins and Co r dell Wood, assault with JcadJy Aveapon, fined $10 and cost. : '' "' ;" ( '. ('. . Chambers, . .riisipttnjr otficcr drunk, .'HI days sU- penvlei stnteiicu -and cost iif siii't , ' k .' .' .; .. ; C. V', '. I'enland, abandorunerit, nit-r. ed fo pay '$10 a fyr, fif wife arid child. '' -" ; '' '' ' . IVed VVysitt and- -llfiim WOvxls, hreaking and entering;, ,fou r. , months , on road, : " ' "' ' (jurtLs Ijc'vi -6ctfbirif afsVrawt-with' deadly-- weapon, 'i tj 5- years in ntyile penitentiary. Ifardy Carver and Ocorfjre Pii.-e, disturbing .public--.WfNiiife. -Wi -'lay suspeiideil sentence upon payniept. of Cf-dmcr ( agW, rc.-kiB.' n.riiji Vic.e.r- , ing, ordered that he returned to KWnwall Jacksinr Tr'aiWgch'liir. ;,,iio.V (,'arver, abd(cUin,;, .s:)itnc'ed 16 to lo. years in si ate. pi-pit''Ti' iai'y. barley lirown, vioiatfoft of proliibi law and .driving while h.tmk, fined $100.. - -.' .' . .- Saiii ' ''... .12 moriths' fo!- -lyfeaking.. and i nti.-ring. ' Marvin "she and. Jaok O'li cr, house lo i sikirig, larceny and re'.-eivir.;;, -uriler, eil that Ashe he sentenced to St'ohwall Jackson ; Training school, Od Carver -cut to Juvenile court. ; F. pen, A. West, carrying- Cone fined $o0. : .".',-..- :!t-d vvea. The Weather . '.',.' , ;, ' J official WKATHFR k::j0::t . i Date '-." . ' .' . . Ma--;. - '' -";..' " " .",0 ' , ;:!. -. :'' :. .. -:o I-.- .".'.-' .it : ' 2 ''.'' ' -ii " '.- - :;''' '' . .' -:N '1'". - '"ol.' ' ' .:-,- V: -'.'..; .-':': '":. 'it-::-' ' '.-," "".'-