THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1931 jlnes Creek News MiUreTlTwiman spent the f,nL' holidavs at Asheville. Justice of Ashevill Nor 339 at week-end with her ,U Jdr. and Mrs. i.. f I...U Col- M,e VVidav in Asheville. V Wilson Fisher, who is a student C.T. C. spent Thanksgiving .it "with his parents J nd Mrs. Mark Ferguson spent tr. Wavnesville. 1 ' ii,-..,i Fisher and T -.,W the Waynesville ion football fame Thanksgiving , .( Wavnesvill i - r he boa tlxt Wilson vs. THROUGH STATE CAPITAL KEYHOLES Iiv: Bess Hinton Silver "Jf-;,tur Kathrvn Greene "J Newman College at Jefferson Thomas Erwin will fill his Skr Appointment at the Fines Baptist Church, Sunday", De- Clyde will be played Friday night i bU game between Fines Creek Clyde will be played Friday night T:30. ' The admission will be 10c '16c 1INT NOW. . or a stunning ELGIN Why.kwp Santa guessing! An inkle bomyoa may bring you ttie gift of S lifetime .'-.- a lim, aristocratic Elgin. These new Christmas models an the finest we have ever seen. Trn4 accurate Elgin through and through. But we can show you better than tell yon, Come in and tee tkrm nil. The prices are mire to girt Jon a start . they're so modest! Aa armrUn n lift Elfin WU9 Tq$ I b smsll deposit will .wrwfr any artiel ntfl V .f Chrlstmaa -'hi " i.V'i! ,-E)ywood St. at PatUn Are. -5 Asheville, N. C Ijfe And Limb sre having to pay about all they can While sentiment for a State auto-i and rule as best they can. mobile drivers' license law is growing j - as a result of increased a.cidehtsi Spilt (iravy taking tolls of life and property, there ! The executive order from Washing is one big obstacle confronting legis- j ton commanding the Home Owiurs lative action. It is money- Senator j Loan Corporation not to accept addi Allen H Gwyn. of Rockingham county, tional applications for lo..ns on homes introduced such a bill in the 1033 j has thrown the fear of unemployment funeral Assembly but it didn't get to! in the hearts of many employes of tht MUlA lured Help will tnul themselves with nothing more to do than twiddle their thumbs without the accompany, ment of pay 'checks. The situation is causing concern among employes of other administration emergency unitd in which there is a sign or two of recession -to normal conditions. It's enough to cause consternation at the federal alphabetical pie-counter. first base, the reason w-.s that Kai eigh, Winston-Salem and other cities u.,..a rlvivurs' liipnce laws for revenue Mr for the B. Y. P. U. meeting urposes. Enactment of a state law Fines Creek Baptist Cnurcn ld have knocked the cities out of Ww changed to b:30 insieaa 01 , mazuma aruj ome of them were jj y then in default. The same situation L ' ,Bt Creene and Francis! wiH confront the coming legislative 3eWargaret Greene ana rters of the tlrivt,rs. .pent ' ' reew, at I license are agreed that it must be poet is beginning to worry a l.t of peo ple who would like to suppoit tuUh men. One Raleigh official has an in. teivsting solution of the problem al though he daen't expect to see the germ hatch- He would have Col. gressman l Knighton run for Oovcrnor ; Lieutenant Governor Graham run against Mr. Hrummitt and Mr, Hoey step aside for the present. In the spring of li'HS he would t rot out Clyde Hoey against Senator Kolvort Rice Reynolds, for the Western .seat and then in l i 4 -I would run Mr. Graham for Governor. Needless to say t-ach man Mid his friends would support the others in their ambitions'- A pretty piece of political checker playing, to be sure, but a game that you ll probably never staged. iWiimcd for safety and without thought of money beyond the cost of operation. Big Question How many eligible voters in North Carolina. You guess. Here's what a brief check of the registration book in one of the Raleigh precincts showed Of 444 names checked '.'. of them were found to be either duplicates or the names of persons doud. The Capital City is to have a new regis tration soon but what about books in other cities and counties of the state? Th' nuestion has been raised in Raleigh as t0 how many persons in the state have their names on the hooks at two or more voting p. -aces and how many deceased persons are still recorded as eligible voters. Out of it all may grow a movement for state-wide registrations at regular intervals.. Money And Mud Advocates of division f highway funds point to the large surplus in cash on hand while farmers and oth ers living on the secondary roads point to the mud-holes, bumps and delapidated bridges over .which tJiey must drive. The surplus c: me about because of limitations pl'aced on the highway department by the last legis-. lature and not because motorists are are paying more money than can be spent in building and maintaining roads. The money was collectea to provide a highway system for use by those who kicked in but as a re sult of the legal restrictions motorists A complete new line of Brown Built and Buster Brown Shoes have just been received at The New RaifT's Outlet Store. Your trial order will be appreciated. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of T. L. Francis, deceas ed, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons havinir claims against the estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belmont, N. C, on or before the btn day of December, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- Lerv. All tcrsons indebted to said estate . ... ... (will please make settlement rewre January J, l'Jdo. This the 6th day of December, 1934 W. J, FRANCIS, Administrator of T. L. Francis, deceased No. 276 dec. 6-14-20-27 Jan 3-10. FRIDAY and SATURDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY .11 PLAZA Pack Square Asheville, N. C. BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE .MATINEE ?25c also Feature Picture NIGHT 35c 1 1 iii 1 1 ii i mil ii p"'"-"1"" f Southern Announces Continuation of Present Passenger J On application to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, authority has been granted Southern Railway for .Extension of experimental period of present fares from - December 31st, 1931 to September 30th, 1935, with con tinued suspension surcharge for i passengers riding in Pullman cars. These fares are on the following basis: JDne and one half cents per mile one way coach tickets. Round trip tickets two cents per mile for each mile travel ed, return limit 15 days. .Round trip tickets two and one ..half cents per mile for each mile traveled return limit six months. Three cents per mile one-way tickets: also 15 days and 6 months round trip tickets and good in Pullman Bleeping cars, or parlor cars, upon payment proper charge ior space occupied. TRAVEL BY TRAIN 1 SAFE COMFORTABLE ECONOMICAL See your nearest agent or address R, II. DeBUTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Low-Down Perhaps you have wondered why airlines are suddenly spending huge sums of money to provide much fas ter service. Here's one answer to your question reaching Kaleigh. You remember that last February Post master General James A- Farley put the skids under many airline corpor ations with mail ontracts. Now the eagles are planing to get back at Mr. Farley. They are establishing the rapid schedules to carry air express at greatly reduced rates and contin uing the post office business on old schedules. Result 'the post ofliee de paitment is expected to lose much of its profitable business am) Congress will ask why The airlines will offer tlie speed to mail with fatter contract.-. That may or may not be the motive but you'll agree that it makes sense. Printing Perhaps you have heard the rumor that the state expects to greatly ex pand its printing plant at the Cen tral Prison in Raleigh. That was one of -Highway ami Public Works Chairman I". B Jeffress' pet ideas but now he is critically ill in his home in Greensboro and not expected to recover. New quarters will bo pro vided for the print shop when the prison is remodeled but a question mark surrounds the printing husi iiless. Mr. Jeffress -was the only of- cial that knew much about it and me matter of expansion is likely to hang fire for the present. . At any rate, equipment will be added slowly by'de grees, like the cat ate the pot-hook. Combination Certain close friends of Governor Khringhaus and Clyde R. Iloey, prom inent Shelby Democrat, have express ed the hope that this potent pair of vote-getters will team up in -. 1936 with Mr. Khringhaus opposing Sen ator Josiah William Bailey for the eastern Senate seat and Mr. Hoey taking on all comers for the guberna torial nomination- Some members of this same group would like to see Lieutenant Governor A. H. (Sandy) Graham make it a triple-threat by deciding to run for Attorney General in opposition to Dennis G. Brummit instead of entering the irubernntonaJ lists as he is expected to do even if Mr. Hoey and Congressman K. Li, Douehton decide to run. The hatch ers of this idea avow it would make an unbeatable political combination. A New One This Hoey-Daughton political pros- Stop Getting Up Nights Make This 2.r.c Test Use juniper oil, buchu leaves to flush out excess acids and waste mat ter which irritates the bladder caus ing, backache, leg pains, frequent de sire, burning, scanty flow and get ting up nights. You are bound to feel better after you get your regular sleep. Get juniper oil, buchu, etc.. in green tablets called Bukets, the bladder laxative- In four day6, if not pleased your druggist will fe fund your 25c- Waynesville Phar macy.; ' NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, December 31, 1934, at eleven o'clock A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, N. C. I will sell at public out cry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands : and premises, lying and being in Haywood County, Worth Carolina.: Being lot No. 13, in Block "C" in Oak Forest Addition to the town of Waynesville, surveyed, platted and mapped by C- E- Brown, and fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in Daley Avenue on the Southeast corner of lot No. 12, and runs thence S. 89 28' W. 192 feet to the line of W, S. Brown land; thence with his line to the line of lot No. 1, in Block "D": thence with that line to Daisy Avenue; thence with Daisy Avenue to the BE GINNING. Being the same prop erty conveyed by J. M. Moody, et al to S- C. Satterthwait, by deed dated September 2nd, 1891 and duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, in Book 2, page 218. Also being the same land convey ed in a deed to Charles Lenoir and wife, Mamie Lenoir by S. C. Satter twait and wife, dated December 7. 1917, and recorded in Book 50, page 182, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. - Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon the undersigned trustee, by virtue of a deed of trust executed by Charlie Lenoir and wife, Mamie Lenoir, dated May 28, 1931, and recorded in Book 23, page 245, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. - This December 1, 1934. J. R. MORGAN, - Trustee. ' No. 275 Dec. : 6-13-20-27. ' Weird Type Of Show To Be Feature Of Midnight Performance Born of the supernatural; weird, un. canny, unearthly; no: suitable fori children gruesome and horrifying ! can you stand a show that tits that description? Then Ali Baba's ghost show will send a chill down your spine. The purpose of this show is to draw shudders and screams from the audi ence. If a grim, ghostly skeleton ten see Voting The Dead Opposition to the absentee ballot', law is popping out in new spots ab ! most every day now ami those who! would repeal the low assert that ! citizens long since under the sod are' casing ballots under its present op.! er.ition. Chief among those advocat-1 ing drastic revision or abolition of the absentee ballot is Major 1,. P. Mei.endmi, of Greensboro, chairman of the State Flection Board. It has tl ready been repealed in many counties and a new assault On a state-wide front is expected in the next General Assembly. It's repeal might mean a few more Republicans; in the I.eir- islature but many Democrats agree that wouldn't be so bad. They claim that with the lines drawn closer Dem ocratic solons would stick closer to gether instead of splitting up into cliques to tight their own Poniocr.itic State Administration. 100 POI ND CAKE Belfast A 100-pound cake tinted ,to match the royal bride's dress, was among the gifts from the Irish to the English wedding couple, the Duke of Kent and Princess Marina of Greece. feet high suddenly appears from no where, tu-xii- by your side and clut ches at ou: throat; think nothing of it. p. maj be a departed friend. This show is for those who want something different. There is nothing on the stage or elsewhere like it. Ladies must have male e-cort. Children will no', bo admitted. Nervous or hysterical peo ple are warned to stay away from a weird picture. show will Ve at the Waynewood Theatre in Waynesville, Monday night December 10:h at midnight. CHURCH GETS $13,092,063. Oswego. Among other bequests in; the will of the late O. Sidney Shepardj is one for $S,1S2,042' to the Presby j terian Board of Nat ional M issions ( and another for .$4,910,021 to the 1'ivshvterian Board of Foreign Mis-' sions. RAIL EARNINGS RISE New York According to a compib aiion bv the Interstate Commerce Commission, the 149 Class 1 rail- w a vs of the United St ates had a total j net operating income for the first nine months of . 1934, of $342,001). S42, compared with $341,457,795 in the NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, II AY WOOD COUNTY. Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mrs. E. 1 Rogers, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersign on or befvue the 20th day of October, 1935, or this claim will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons who are due the estate anything are re quested to settle at once. This the 29th dav of October, 1934. ELIZABETH-ROGERS, Executrix of Mrs. E. L. Rogers, Deceased N. 205- Nov. l-S-15-22-29 Dec. 0. Not Disturbed Ashe is one county that, would not be disturbed by repeal of the absen tee ballot law unless its own private election Taw is wiped olT the bokks. The veteran and vocative Tain C Bowie, Representative from Ashe put through a local bill in the 193' Peg islatrue exempting his county from the secret voting law and eliminating the necessity of tiling allidu-its to secure absentee ballots. The .Ashe county, under the 193.'! law. all that is necessary to secure an absentee ballot is for you to sign the certif licato in the present of one witness. Those witnesses evidently are not 'difficult, to find since the elections board reported 1.500 .absentee ballots were cast in the November election this year- SECOND CP' IP OF APPLES Walla Walla. Wash. -Abnormal warm weather for this time of the year has caused apple' and crab-apple trees to have a second crop. Cherry trees are in bloom and April blooming iris are again flowering. CELEBRATE The Brazel Way This wonderful assortment of Fireworks Only $2.50 Worth $3.00 in any retail store. Fvnrpcc PrPnaid T.,ct thn thino- for t.ho Rout hrrnprs' txPICJa s iCJIUIU bis week of celebration. Don't wait. Name your express office. .Remittance- must accompany order. YVe pay express. Send for Free Catalog of novelties. BRAZEL N0YELTY MFG. CO., 4003 Appla Si. C'mcinnati.Obio CLOTHING For Men and Boys C. E. Ray's Sons A -COMPLKTK CLOTlMNtJ SERVICE a-tj-tnaBflffrff-qnnnui 1 SELL YOUR TOBACCO WITH ro) IT Asheville at Biltmore B. B. Saunders Man Made ;P V Asheville Tobacco Market TO GET TO B. B. Saunders Warehouse Turn to the left at first street south of Swannanoa River bridge at Biltmore

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