1 The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The tireat Smoky .Mountains National I'ark Head by Thinking People NO. WAYXESY1LLE. NORTH CAROLINA THI RSDAY. DEC E.MHER 1).!1 I 11 lyOL. XLVII f : BRIEF :1 NEWS ! ITEMS I WASHINGTON. President Roose velt fired a double-barreled attack on lawlessness and set the National Crime .Conference to work on what is called the latest campaign of its kind in the country' history. ; WANTS 14-YEAR OLD HUSBAND FORTH WORTH, Texas. Mrs. Jfcanta her 14-year-old husband to Pauline Mulline, 14-year-old mother, come back home- The young mother expreased her desire for her hus-retui-n while nursing her three-weeks old daughter. PLANS 2 FLIGHTS AROUND GLOBE LOS ANGELES Roscoe Turner American speed pilot, has announced tentative plans for two flights around the world. One flight will be made around the equatorial belt, and the other fey way of the north and south poles, i MANY ARRESTED IN DOPE RAIDS WASHINTON Over 500 persons were-arrested Saturday, and thous ands of dollars' worth of illicit drugs were uncovered, as federal . officers Struck a staggering blow at the big organized narcotic rings throughout the country. NEW PLANES BEING BUILT WASHINGTON The administra n ade this week to increase the Army's a;r fleet 300 planes instead of the proposed .r00 plane increase. Con tract! were awarded for 50 planes at a cost of $1,000,700. Bids for the other6 230 will cost approximately 8,K)0,000. NEED BILLION DOLLARS MORE r, WASH IN KTON. The adminstra tion has announced that a survey of the home owners financial needs had been made and plans are underway to convince .Congress to make this amount available V -.. . ! -i BUSINESS BETTER ': CHICAGO -The swiftest flow of Christmas spending in years is swing ing in on the Nation's merchants, a survey showed. The survey revealed that trade in many cities in the na tion is at the highest peak since 1929, and ranged . as high as 33 1-3 per cent abovej last. year. . MOKE EVIDENCE FIXMLVGTON. N. J. The state claimed this week that a rung in the Lindbergh kidnap ladder has been traced bv an expert to the home ofj Urunp llauptmann, who is now in jail charted with the kidnapping. SEARCH ENDED NOLl'LU Search for the plane cut. ( harles Ulm and two Aus- i" of ! tn. 1- tliers who were lost at sea iy a week ago has been given The fliers were attempting to fly m Okland, California to Honvj- 111; J immte to Australia. ONE POUND BABY BORJN iNajW YORK A baby girl weigh ing seventeen ounces was born here Sunday. The baby was placed in a baby incubator. . ' '" PLAN FIVE BILLION BUILDING "?"" REVIVAL (WASHINGTON A billion dollar Federal subsidy to pave the way for a 15,000,000,000 building revival was under! consideration at Washington over the week-end, as a means of restoring pea.e in the New Deal housing family. '". I',.. ,. V" '': , MORE NEW MONEY WAS i 1 1 X ( ;'!'() N Federal m i n t s turned out three times more coins in Tmf -r ttlan in all of 1933. j ftn . tmoer output was 77,UO,r 000 cams with a value of $4,976,820. "TAR2AN " FILES DIVORCE SUIT Burroughs, author and creator of the famous fiction character, "Tarzan," nas filed suit f0r divorce' against tmmj Hukhert Burroughs, his wife, lor 34 years. He charges extreme cruelty. ' ; . '! ' ' -" ' .'. lJUiKSI NG, .M tch. - Twenty-two bodiet have beep recovered, and eigh teen lire still missing in the icy ruins or the Kerns Hotel, which was de stroyed by fire at dawn Tuesday morning. Six members of the Mich igan (legislature were turned in the olaze . NOR HIS, Tenn. Army officers are investigating the fire which burned wvreef barracks and caused the death 01 'Wee C.CC boys and leaving four unertng from burns. . EAj.i;iGH.The State Supreme rju,1 'h one of the 22 opinions hand v? fi9vn Wednesday, reversed the "or;9 Carolina board of Dental Ex mniis and the ruling in Buncombe superior court revoking the license w Practice of Dr. J. E. Owen, an '"hefiiie dentist, because he had in serteij paid advertisements in a news paper? and because he had caused !Pns m colors to be painted upon the ouudinj, in which he has an office. -Lart- rT,,,,,, t,.. r . j , 7 ""c ui. uwen was a canai trict " ('CI;Krt'--i;n5an fl'o:" this di.s-j Survey Started On Soco-Cherokee Road Saturday Engineers Are "F lagging" Route. Will Be Part Of The Scenic Highway Preliminary work for the survey of the road from Soco Gap to Ch t okee was started last Friday by a representative of the United States bureau of public roads, it was learned through Frank V. Miller, member of the state highway commission. The link will also be a part of the Scenic Parkway, which was recently decided on by Secretary Harrold Ickes. The Federal engineer, Mr. Haxton. was here Saturday, with Col. W. I. Lee. of Gatlingburg, Tenn., an engin eer of the United States Bureau of Public roads. Col. Lee was in charge of the construction of the Gatlinburg Newfound Gap road. Mr. Haxton, Mr. Miller said, plans to "flag" the section of the Parkway leadng from Soco Gap to Cherokee within the next live days and will make suggestions for changes in the proposed route. The link i.s 11 miles long and the route is through govern ment land. Early in the fall the state highway and public works commission decided to proceed with the construction of the extension of the Soco Gap high way from Soco Gap to Cherokee, but when it was decided to route the Seen, ic Parkwaythrough this section the state commission 'abandoned it.s con struction plans. The Soco Gap road is now paved from its beginning at PellWood to the Gap. With the completion of the Park way link from Soco Gap to Cherokee, Western North Carolina will have another entrance to the National Park. WANTED IT FIRST Organizations in Western North Car olina have urged Washington officials to construct the Soco Gap-Cherokee link of the Parkway first, its the state had made a survey and the right-of-way factor would not enter into the matter because the route is through government property. B, S. Marsh, locating engineer for the State Highway and Public Works commission, is expected to tall in a survey crew, how working on High way 284. to work on the Soco Gap Cherokee link. F. Ferguson Heads Duke Alumni Here Frank Ferguson. Jr., was elected president of the Haywood Duke Alumni at their annual meeting in the Masonic Temple last Friday night. Mrs. L- J. Blackwell, of Can ton, was named secretary-treasurer of the. organization. At the meeting the principal speak er was Coach Carl Voyles. lie dis cussed current happenings on 'the Duke campus and what progress was being made at the institution. Coach Voyles was introduced by Ix'e F. Davis. Harmon Moore, of Canton, presided. Special guests at the banquet were Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Wes.s Patton, and Mrs. W. T. Crawford. Lee Davis was named alumni coun sel, and W. Thos. Reeves was named publicity chairman. 727 Births In 1933 In Haywood County According to figures published in the current issue of The Health Bul letin, official organ of the Suite Board of Health, this county is cred ited with 727 birth in 1933. and 47 deaths among babies one year old or Under. The total for the state was 75322' births, with 4.974 infant deaths. The average for the ftate of deaths per 1,000 population was fitj.O per cent.. Haywood's average was slightly less than the state average with a per centage of 64,6. .;;.' Pharmacy Displays Records Of Teams In keeping with their annual prac tice for the past six years, The Way-1 nesville Pharmacy has devoted onel of their show windows to . show the j records and pictures of the Waynes-, ville football team. : J Ihe display is attracting much at tention, and was planned and put in by Herbert Burnett. .The window' has been put in each year in recognition of the splendid work of Coach C. K. Weatherby and his team. WASHINGTON. Selection of Rep resentative Joseph W. Byrnes, of Tennessee, as speaker of the next house was virtually assured this week. "The speaker will be named January second. Going Strong! The Mountaineer has add ed 28 new subscriptions and renewals since last week, making 141 for the past 4 weeks. - The Mountaineer is always appreciated as a Christmas present. Two Added To Health Service Of This District The United States Public Health Service ha recently allotted $2,400 to the Health District of which Hay wood i. a part with the main office here. The funds are for the purpose of employing an additional health inspector for the district work and a laboratory technician The amount will cover the salaries of these two oftires for the next eight months. The need for a "laboratory technician in the laboratory in the main office here has been realized for sometime. The length of time it takes a blood specimen to arrive in the laboratory of the Stato Board of Health in Ral eigh alters the condition of the spe cimen to such an extent that a cor rect analysis cannot always be ob tained. George Tabor, of Almond, N. C , has been selected for the position of sanitary inspector and has been as. signed to Swain county. The tech nician has not as yet been appointed. Farmers Federation Plan To Build A Grist Mill Here The Haywood County Advisory committee of the Farmer's Federation met on Monday morning, and decided to raise the necessary capital to set up a grist mill in connection with the warehouse he rev The funds to cover this additional expen.-e of the Feder ation to be derived from the sale of common ami preferred stock. During the past year there has been a surplus of coin in the; county, yet. last summer corn meal was shipped into Haywood .from . Tennes see. Following the policy of the Farmer's Federation in developing the marketing facilities of the comity, the committee decided to go ahead with definite .plans to install the Hammer giist mill and a corn shel ler. At some later date when the patronage justifies it they hope to install a feed mixer. The Hammer mill will enab. ' lie farmers to taku their own roughage and grind into a balanced live stock feed. The Farmer's Federation now has five grist mills and Hammer mills in connection with the warehouses at other places that are providing most successful both from the standpoint of the Federation anil the service to the farmers in the areas they are oper ating. The Haywood County Advisory committee of the Farmer's Federation is composed of the following: H. A. Osborne, Hctirv Francis. Glenn Hovd, J. H. Med ford." Glenn Palmer, Robert Boyd, 11. V. Davis, K. ('.Chambers, N. W." Carver, and C. S. Queen. LOCAL 'FEDERAL OFFICERS LEAD STATE IN WORK Roy Reece and John Norton, who are in charge of sixteen counties in this section of the state for the alco hol division of the government have the distinction of leading the entire state in captures of stills and rum runners. The two officers spent most of the mi. nth of November attending federal court in Asheville, and were not in the field much of the time. Livestock Is Some times Poisoned On Acorns And Leaves The danger of livestock lieing poi soned by oak leaves and acoras is increased when undernourished ani mals are. permitted to range in the woods, warns Dr., (.'. I). Grinnells, who is .in charge of dairy; investiga tions at State College. Well nourished cattle . seldom eat enough leaves or acorns to cause -riou.s injury, he said, but underfed -animals . will eat large -'quantities .of oak leaves, acorns, and young sprouts in an- effort to satisfy their hunger. Young cattle, especially, are liable to suffor -serious digestive disease when this oak feed becomes a promi nent part of their diet. ...Loss of ap petite, dcj. reased or discontinued rumination, con.stipation, . lowered milk production and a disinclination to move are some of the more obvious symptoms. It is thought that the tannin, or the substances which produce tannin, is the poison Which affects young, un dernourished animals when ; "it i. eaten in large quantities- . ' Some observers are, of the opinion that half-ripe acorns. which fall from the tree before maturing" in times of drought.; are more injurious than those which have ripened.; Animals over three years of age, ' sheep, and hogs are seldom bothered hv oak. poisoning. D- Grinnells say?, although they too may become sus ceptible if forced to eat too; many leaves and acorns. 800-PAGE IH DCKT . While the budget-will ii t lie marie public until President R vi.-evtlt pre-, sents it to Congress, January 3'd, it is being put into type and will make an 800-page document. Purpose Of The New Highway Protective League Are Outlined League To Clarify Present High way Iiws, Says (ieoige Ross Fou. Of Raleigh George Ross Pou, Raleigh, General Counsel of the Highway Protective l eague of North Carolina, has issued the lirst statement defining the aims and purposes of the organization with which he has recently become iden tified. "We have been asked," said Mr. Pou, "to inform the general public on the necessity of clarifying present highway laws. "We have one of the finest state highway systems in the United States a system that people outside the state admire and try to copy. A system pointed to n.s the chief reason for North Carolina's remarkable ad vance during the last ten years. "Hut it is not completed. Many miles of inadequate roads still con nect important communities. Many county roads, cared for by the state funds, need to be graded drained and surfaced. "Motorists of the Mate are paying for these roads in the form of gas tax and license fees. They pay every day for -maintenance and construction they aren't getting because highway funds are being diverted . for . uses foreign to highways, Highway' money is being withheld from it.s legitimate use in construction anil .maintenance. Why- the Highway Department it self is being -depleted because of lay oil's and low wages. "The. League has for its purposes, (a) the prevention of further legis lative diversion of highway funds, (b-j the enactment of an amendment to the State Constitution prohibiting diversion of the funds, (e) a sound and proper revision of motor license fees, (d) the promotion of safety -upon our highways and (e)the adoption of a rational highway plan for North Carolina. . "It is the 'purpose of this new or ganization to find ways to avoid these difficulties,1 take them to the people so they may judge whether the cause of such difficulties should be corrected. Able men and interested organi zations have joined hands -with all Noith Carolina -motorists to insure purpetuat ion -of the best state high way system anil most ellicient high way department personnel in the land. A partial list of the sponsors of this organiz it ion is indicative of its ulti mate success." Farmers To Vote On Tobacco Act Monday Morning All farmers and tenants who grow tobacco in Haywood county are ex pected to go to the following: places on Monday. December 17th, and Note nil' the liui ley question: Waynt'sville Township, .Court House Ivy Hill Township, Itellwood. -.'.Jonathan's (rick, Rock Hill School. White Oak, Ben Weighty Fines ('reek. Kino's (.'reek .School 'rabtreo. Rock Springs.-. Iron Duff, Manson Medfords. Clyde, Kilw:n Kirichcr's Store. Pigeon, Last I'ork. Cecil, Bethel School. - At each place will be found some member of the County Control com mittee who will explain the hurley situation. Broad Social Work Program Will Be Presented Assembly Raleigh. Nov. 29. -The 10113 North Carolina General Assembly, meeting here January 0 will be presented with a broad program, of - social work for consideration.."' . .Mrs. W. T. Bost, state 'commission er' of public welfare in a biennial .re port" filed with. Governor J.- (', B KlirjnghaUs, suggested reforms rang ing from establishment of a colony for feebleminded negroes, to appropriat ing, an annual fund for the aid of mothers. - The report contained the following proposals: . -.-;'. 1 . That increased appropriations 1m i made to the state charitable and cor rectional institutions for. mainten ance. (b) That appropriations to the ' state institutions include sufficient j funds for sterilization.. , I 2. That the state take over, enlarge J and operate the Industrial Negro f Negro school for girl.s at Kfland- 15. That the state -provide for the establishment of a colony, for feeble- minded negroes at the State- hospital r in Goldsboro. I 4- That an annual mothers' aid fund of $63,000 and an annual boarding home fund of $13,000 be appropriated for the coming biennial. 5. That further protection of the illegitimate child be enacted. , 6. That the state establi'sb a : wo man's prison with classification facil ities sufficient to handle women mi demanants now committed ' to' the the State Industrial Farm Colony at U'inston and the felons now commit ted to the Central prison in Ralei'.'h. 7.. That the state establish and op ( Continued from page 1) 1,228 Given Jobs Through The Local Employment Ollice During the lirst year's work the United States Employment Sei vice, through the local otlice 1.22S men ami women have been placed, accord ing to a report made by Mr. M 1-.. Swearingen, manager of the Haywooii County United States Reemploy ment office. The average placement made so far are more than three placements pe.- day. A total of Mo were placed on C. W. A. projects in the county ; 451 on the P. W. A. jobs and 270 in private employment. 316 veterans were placed on these pro jects. Veterans witli dependants ar given preference. Opening November 2S, ilK!3. the Reemployment Service lias become a unit of the United State Department of Labor. At the outset oflu es were set up in practically every locality to serve civil works projects, but with the close of the administration central offices bci.ame district ones operating over three or more counties m which smaller ollices were discontinued. Haywood county has been fortunate enough to retain its ollice so far. and the local icitizens should make every ellort to have this ollice continued if possible as it's I'. V. A. works are just in the beginning and counties that have no ollice have no opportu nity to give local laboT any prefer ence on t.lu-se projects, as provided by law. i ' The analysis of pirn, emeiits pre par ed by Mr. Swearingen include: odd jobs around hollies, cutting lawns, cleaning up, -etc. 9 ; day laborers on ('. YV. A. and P W. A." propeets and private employment S.'l!' ; truck driv els 303; carpenter.-, M; brick masons Hi; blai, ksmilhs 1 1 ; .'concrete, mixer operators 5; concrete finishers I 1; farm hands 16; tireiilen 2; form set-' tor 11; painters It; shovel 'operators 1; tune kepers 3; foremen US; engin eer assistants 1; plimilK'ts ; road machine 'operators' 4; watchmen H; tractor drivers 1; trucks and drivers 2; air drillers 1; sanalarians !; census takers ; shovel oilers 2; clerks, 1; powder men 4 ; superintendents 2; can norywoi Iters 1 ; -'distributor operators (asphalt) 4 ; roller operators li; loader operators 2; concrete spaders 8. Jobs were 'found for 111 women. The analysis of placement ,,f women were as follows: cook.s 1 ; stenographers 3; house keepers 17; maids 1 ; seam stresses (i; trained nurses H; cannery workers 1; cashiers 1, The active halance of applK ations in Haywood county office is 1,404 men. including !I!S veterans; active women 7(1. 'Ihe total registration of the of fice is .'1,227. Lots of these have found employment for themselves; .others' eaids have been icanrclled liecuuse the applicants have noi renewed their ap-. plication eveiy 00 days a- n ipiired by the nianager. Thrill Club Is To Be Organized Here Next Tuesday flans are. being made to. organize a Hoys' Protective Thrift Club in Way nesville, and formal organisa tion will get under way at a bampiet which will be sLaged at th' Masonic Temple" on Tuesday night, December 18,' at six o'clock, it, was announccil by Mrs. Kdna M'-CJee, who has Ik-cii named; thrift counselor for this: community- Rev. II. W. Baucom and W I". Smith will be the principal speakers of the occasion. Several others are. being placed '.'on the program. The lian()Uet will be for boys be, tween the ages of ten and twenty, together with their parent,.- The purpose of the organization is ; to "teach the rising generation thrift, character . building, . good citizenship, home teaching together with spiritual needs,". Mr. Francis Morey, of Ashe ville, who is Asheville counselor said. S. K. Clabaugh, who is president of the league, will be hi'fe persoiiully to present the charter which will be rium,; I or HO." A program is being planned for slimmer . aet i.vit ies which wi ll Jiiclude hike-, ba - ba ll ti-.uii - and .other sim ilar; events that .hoy's enjoy. Thermometer Falls To Zero On Tuesday ill Man. Winter made his first prolonged visit to this section 'Mon day, .when an inch snow aU'Companied by zero weatner nit. ne.-e. . . The thermometer fell to zero Tues day night, after failing to get higher than 21 during the entire day. The snoAy IV'gan melting about noon Wednesday but by nightfall the thei mometer was down to -0 agiiin- Petition for Pension Is Being Circulated A petition was being passeed in Waynesville the first of the week and had a large number of sign ers urging Congress to pass the Townsend bill which provides for a pension "of $200 monthly to all per sons sixty, years anil older. The money must be spent within thirty days after . receiving it, the bill states. - Those passing, the petition around stated that they were meeting with success at almost every point. Accused Arkansas Murderer Is. Being Held In Jail Here i Youth. 21, Hrought To Local Jail From (Jeorgia For Safe Keep ing For Arkansas Officers Cunt Cotbrene, -4, is in the Hay. wood county jail awaiting the arri val of officers from Waldcnberg, Arkansas, to carry him back there where is is charged with participat ing in' a robbery and murder of an old man in that state. t'othrene was brought here Sunday afternoon by otl'r ials from Georgia, and placed in the Haywood jail in care of Sheriff J. ('. Welch, for safe keeping. The prisoner said hi arrested in Clay county late Sata afternoon. The prisoner talked to The M tnineer Tuesday afternoon from , cell, and told of hearing discussions of the crime in Arkansas about "cot ton chopping time." but that h knew nothing of it. "I worked on my father'. farm and one day when taking u disc plow to a neighbor's 1 heard him say an old man had been beaten to death ill bed and robbed. I never saw the old man in my life," he said According to Cotrono, he left his father's place soon after the crime was Committed, which was seven mil from his father', farm. He came to Clay county, a native, ami worked , of which he is on his brother- in law's farm until Saturday. Hi', has ot her n lat i v adjoining i omit ies. he arrested last in Clay said, but lived in and for A r- tile past my vea, has kans-as. The prisoner says he is. He swer any quest first he denied the crime, then of t wo other looks older than he didn't hesitate to an ion put lo him. At even knowing about later told the names men men who were awaiting trial iM Arkansas for par- i;ipatirig in the murder. 'Telegrams from Arkansas ollieials stated t hey were leaving t here im mediately tq get. Ihe prisoner. It. is understood that a $30 reward was olfered for the Ci', pi lire of t'othrene. Library Directors Hold Business Meet 'I'lo regular meeting of the Hoard id' lliiectors of the Way nesvilli I.i- orarv -ssii, lal ion niel on U eitnesii day, Pec. 3th, at the home' of .Mrs .1. .11. Smat I t - .wit h n ticoid attendance. Kerv meinbt r of tin- board was pres ent in town, 'fen in number, being on h.inil. 'Chi' u-tial routine biisiiies.s u is I : a n -a , t I'd an I at t o'clock a 1 1 nriiitli e from the Kol.irians ainl ;t ii' in e-ent at i ve fi oin the newly orgali- 'Zi'il lioy elnb. ,. -11111' ill to discils the rial issue ol the duv. 1 he nien .rep" ssrs. re. enting the Rotanatis wen Mi Ch trles Kay. Kali!i Prevost and est Wit hers. M ,-. James Rose F. li re p- resent ci "Thr, Si vp n Cloh Tlu men were present to talk over with the ten lilnarv directors pla-ns for re opening the library. , The 'ilitori; m the November 201 h issue of The Mountaineer and Crude Abe "Si-' lent, appeal" in las). week's issue, voiced tlie sent iment.s of a large. ma- .iority of the townspeople, and it is hoped some means of financing the library for trie ruimnc vnif mnv lv found. The president of the library noaril appointeif M rs Miss Alice (juirilan Smathers fir confer meiili orieil men and J Howell Way. and Mrs. J. H. with the afore work out some plan of ai tioii.; Chairman Publicity Gommittec. Man Is Killed In 30-Foot Fall At Champion Fibre ( ANTON 1! P. Haney ' j). f near Asheville. employed as a carpen ter by the Champion Fibre company,. Canton, was killed almost instantly at, S o'clock Wednesday morning when ho fell through a f reight idevator shaft .under;'. 'mirt's-t ruction, in the book mill departmmt of the fibre company. Haney's' skull whs fractured in the ;!l-f;ot; fall. II- fell from the roof of the sf.iuet ')', and strU'k a concrete floor, two: flight down. . Ivrce! -Riley; another carpentor, stationed on the second floor, suffered a slight scalp wound, when he. was struck bv Haney in the fall. . "..'.; ilaney was a. liroth r of Gladstone Haney, of ('antriri. a painter.fo!'eman fit the filircv mill. ... Funeral . arrange ments have not been completed. j ; $'.1110.0(10,(1(10; I A PAY .'"."'. The solid position of Federal credit was evidenced . . the unprecedented; sale; of ; $!IOO,0(ie ''to in goy.rnment securities in a . sir - 'e day last week. The IVeat.Ur Pat li 7 S ' 0 H 1 1 12 M I''. .3 1 . Mm. 11 11. ii . ''' . I i

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