V i 1 I Li iu- I THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Till RSDAV, DECEMBER 13. 1934 PHONE 137 Mr. Joseph E. been vi-iur.g h Cameron Rey rvh: returned to t.-wr.. M : M tr.e ''. mu ht r h :iv 1 Ksan. :':;-ieh his SKKA WELCH S1'U. , u c. i . with which tht wa.- ball in Canton. boys of-the W-UuVrVN:KSVlLLE TEAM Willi a. . , f tbillI past ?a d to senj TW.ir.MV 11 1 LT " on o. ..-eh ehool asked to 1 1.- taM 'H 'y -! The local team fv! -:Wekh. M. aI!;rn party i Prevost w, re gue.-t-.a. a " intermission m nu'-'i '"t-n.m the vuriou ; in during " the spoasi" us.. . T. ; f "lis LoistHarro. i -p. iin Asbeyillo a- 'he at tilt week, gao.-t of rc! :1k V 1., :',; ea :s ); Choose a i gmjen for him! ..'.A Trim . i . good lookup.. . men's ; wrist watches ot Tr- smartness and distinction !"Ji"-;' ..by,the Gruen Guild. Known the world over i for artistry and accuracy .. . for precise workmanship, 16S , our -ild-made G.Tuei.s u were never so superior in Talue ?8 they are now with Iprices'as low as $25. f , T ' -'2!. P ADDF.MTFD Cb I -'MATTHEW (J laUUraf ' tof.l an,. ration Ave ume-fe.;,r r igranct .ype in MR BEX Sl.OAX HoNOREU WITH PARTY FRIDAY Mi... Ben Sloan, the former Miss E.oanor Bushnell. who : now ivsid ng hi Sylva, wi- the honor truest ic Er t'ay afternoon i f a ciehirhtt a! utfair Kiven" by Mrs. M. H. B.nvle. The Chiistmas cu!.;-s of led and wn lent a festive air to the 1: .!: where contract was played. When the caids were pat away Mr. Ralph Prevost was found u. h.iu tiu higll icore and Mis, Francis Massie cut the consolation. Ami, those in vited ue!': Mrs- Richard K. liarber, Jr., Mrs. Tom Ue, Jr.. Miss Wilda Crawford, Mis.s Mary Strinjrfie'.d. .Miss Catherine Ray. Miss Helen Ray, Mis." Kranvcs Jiav, Miss Marv Barber. Mrs Ralph 1' revolt. Mrs. " Alvin Ward', Miss Hct.sy Lane Quii.lan, Mi. . C. WaKcnfelit, Miss Mary Quin'.av: and Mrs. (lin Mclnnes. 'At. William Shoolbred mot,. red to K!izalv.:thton. Tenn. on Thui-.i.iy. His aunt, Mrs. Horace Frost, return ed to Wayncsville ith him and will spend sometime with her Niei Mrs. John N. Shpolbred. Mrs. Kr st has visited here on several occasions and has many friends who will be inter ested to learn of her Immii in town. Miss Carrie Hunter, attorney of Klizabethton, is also the guest 0f the I Sluolbreds and will be with them until after Christmas. Mi.ss Hunter i.-' a ! nit1-c of Jlif. Sh(Hlbred i Mrs. James Wood Reed has .-eturn-i ed t Waynesville nfter an extended visit to relatives. She a. litst the truest of her son and daughter, l.t. and Mrs. Minthurne Woolsey Reed at S.i' f l'idvre Field, Mich. After some time spent with thorn she went to Charleston where she vi-ited her .son, Mr. Jimmie Reed, at the Fort Sum ter Hotel. En route home she visited in Sumnlerville and Columbia. She was met in Asheville by Mr. Reed and they spent the Week-end there with friends, returning to Waynesville ori Sunday night. Ileal Christmas HfilF l S at ; Mtercnis! . ;en Ourf Store is overflowing with ...''serviceable, allractive. Jble gifts for the honit, lCv :nable prices prevail ushout our Store,' and we offer the best terms J carrying charges; 75-mile free deliv- aunt :'iah. .Mrs. !;...: , i ftii u i; h i K' lii'evaui. !... viile and S Kuth Ray --. Miss i a:. u eek for ( ::u 'o: will spend !:,. , ems. Mi. ar.o M ; Johnson, who has s dauphter. Mrs s "i Kaleic:!-. h;J I r.o l'a I'll !l Mis. 1 i, ui:':as Ed-M;-s Els',. Sn...:;i t H..;tv . Fh, . and Sni::h. .V Sa ' tv. :v. ' - t:a- w, Mis.- .!..., Strinplield. a!, .-pent the w 1 1 k cuets of M-l'.adirett. Mi - ( , I c.i.-.:. ..' i' ti k : h i ki . c i :.' i-, ".it I r. :'t .ot .. Vl Hli:::i!,! w) h ie 1 i.'Oiv :-e: i-.- -P If MARRIAGE LICENSES i v rytn. lc ' ' 1 ' 1- I'. i: , M : Mi.v- ' I'i'i. in Kim id M: ' :::nik thi, :, ;,.;.-,!., ; . Sis,' say s ! ha: 1 -bo;i', liih- than to o. a mar the nai' Marv a le:-i.!a Radgett ' ! ..ve ir. e a? the. i. ,.;ke mo phtci and th t riarlc. had ai y .hara.ter hi- woald !... ,i. I - op; ;!. nu'ivv. Now ; i.- n..t t'a I n;."icy : hui 'Ho; her objects, to. i,H Mr l'a: Caiii:1., f KlizaUjn City.v!u' wai.'.- n:,. to hae a irood t ine who siH-nt -vn(. lime here .a-t ,-an'i-i she .-.. r. ,.- the principle ..f tin mer, arrived, tr.e lirst of the we. k and lh!"v-'- is the Kue-t of Fa t h. r Howard land Ho (, 1 am a -(r.nui,-- ot St, John'.- Chanel. ci. -attire" ihh: M Mi.-, ll- 'iry U .c.; a'r, uh, t.-idme: n A.-hev :'.lc, .-p,-rt :n town w ith her fumih . M. M;. An-wo! ; !, rady I think,- you tnd tin- ounc man hae uo.ko.) out Mis. S;, rah Sloan and Rohhi,- Sloan I '! !""' ,,!a"' 1 anderstand it. youi Were Ashiville vi-itors on Saturday' ! 11 i,'n'1 o. ti'.d not afford to take you out j Very often ,' he bad to foot the bill. Mr. Joe Welrh made ii luines to Raleigh the first of the week. -; M r t rip Frank Forini.-o.n no,! Mi-- Maiy Ruby llavis were ;nnoiig those motoring to Asheville on Saturday. Mi.-- Million Roite.-, who ha- been on an extend, d visit in the middle 111 l" 'u ' ' ! f he . bearing lu r part We-! has returned to Wavne-ville i Willie i! y.'a pay your ,-haic you pet to po to tw.ee as many place.-. Another ; Ii ng y ou -ay. y ou are not in love and that al-o work- well for jour arrangemen'.. I say this. In cause wlu-r. :i man is in love with a ear! he u.-jally want-- to buy tbimrs foi he, ;m.i he ha-n little i e.-ent nunt I of the bill. He max i ; .. kv.. v ledge .t but he likes to fee! oe is the oig heiir'.e.l !'.. w w h. - i sponsi ble for the lttt'.e gir: '. . aie and tii.it he is tile sour, e " ' ;,.;, and ileii.-ures Hilt you '.wr- an e:. a 1 :.i:..ro, ; ..s. a:',d 1 .-ee i-.i'lhi'i; w ha - c r 'hje tio'iabie to your p'ao. I;l :f veil were in io e 1 -h.oaid ..t-,. i ,,th :v.g .ihjtl-'tionable, !' -.o'.cd j v.;i a'ui : he young matt. Your mother ooi.a: -, ! e, ue .-he is , f a e.eueiatio,, ulriili , oni.!cr. d mi. U ..'i arrangement .-caudal. .us. Hut her l-i tu'i'iit ion also thought it was ah--olutely right and proper as soon as : i.c marriage ceremony u a- oer. for ..'. niii,, to take possession of all his w le's money or properly and do with .'. he wished without even ashing hi r permission. film - change and customs which would have been unthinkable twenty var- aeo are considered perfectlv tod. IV. Yours. i. or ISA. .loan W: Ma.at.r A-: ::-Sa- ... t, ry Ann:!. ' !Ti '1, 1 1 1 V " Mc.-i an a - ii. . . ,''ii. !...: . ' y euttg ma i; .! - :;. i ;. ' '.em inaniif a" ui e! H :. '. e .: ..- -:-tant saicUlanac r ,,; ... ahiiy and expon.-c allow ai r , an: must lie . ne rgt '. :c iind'O : . .-, 1 h- ne-t an.! mn.-t be in pv. .'. n .,. i;i i - i)00. (Hi. ( n!y l iio- ! is : -t ,.; i " : i . i and are willing to make t:se r r",, t;o'! peiniitnent are asked t 1 1 1 y. i'ur.o.-it.y ,-eek.s looking tor a soi': snap .-hoiihi save their time and oiii - hy r. t rnswering this :ul. Re I'lv 1'. " l!o L'Oo'd, Winston Salem, N i'." He In the Orient 111 III.' Ci'leat the gin sling ! . ron -..lore,! a name ilrjiik. eolie.tcteit ef .In, ' . berry brandy. !'re-h lliue-. -oitr, water and siiL'ir, nil well u, i .! wlti. :l Sll i?. le s! iek. Mr. and Mr.-.' Carey Page of (ireensboi o, ate moving to New York City the lirst of the year. The tex tile olli.e with which Mr. Page is conne ted will he t nnisf e rr'ed at that time to N'ew York. Mrs. Page is the former Mi.-s Martha Moore and -has often been the guest of her mother, Mrs, Andrew Moore, and her grand parents, the late Mr. and Mr- l.uciu, M. Welch. ' . t.rj on any purchase of $50.00 or more. - :....-.'. . -i Gift Suggestions Vj Copper Clad Range Grunow Radios Grunow Refrigerator ABC Washing Machine Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Circulating Heaters Cedar Chests Secretaries Desks lied room Suites Living-Room Suites Lamps . Card Tables Lounge Chairs Occasional Chairs . ' t '"a just hundreds of other items for the home too "eros to mention. Buy early.' make a small down 'L'nient, and pay the balance next year. Open even 'SS lill mas. "..-r'' shop Early We'll Deliver It For Christmas STORE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Itefehi-Bros : STORE INCORPORATED . IQ UA LIT Y PU R N ITU RE -56 Hiltmore Ave. Phones 4436-4437 Mr. and .Mrs, R. C. A. Campbell, who have- been visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. John J'hlopv in Atlanta. have returned to their home at Mag gie. . Mr YV. T, Hentoii attended ihe Ten nlissee ami Louisiana game in Kriox ille on Saturday- While there he was the guest of his ihuighter, Mr.-. Charles Radgett. I Mrs. (). 1). IkickiR r had as her guests am Sunday her daughter, Mrs. O. C. Howell, of Asheville; Mr and Mis .(S. Fite and Mr, Harvey File, of FairvieW- .1 - Mrs A. F. Edmund, of laimherton. ai'iived on Saturday and is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Han nah, for a visit of several weeks. Miss Fr;in'-es Robeson, .Mi-.s Mil died Crawford, Mfs. Lucile I;Vy,.' and Miss. Alice Quifilan' ,w ere among t hose motoiihg lo Asheville on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. ,1. , Siioolbre.il had as their, guests' (he past week their daughter, Mrs- 'Robert E. Wood iind Mi.-.s Mary Wood, of I'lli.iibeihtotii Teiiiie.s.-ee.. ... - ' ' ':' Mr Irving W.'irshiiw, ot lb :!!, Miii-sachilsoJ.s. :'iles i-efi e-entafive of the I'nagusla Manufact u r ng Com pany, .'ind Mr. Harry Hreininer, also ijf P.o-ton. representative of the In d.ipeniient .('hair (ompaiiy, .spent sevel al'dav s ip town ihe fir. i 'of the weekv ,'.' Mr--.Kenneth Ferguson' and Mrs. Hubert Liner spent Saturdav in A-he-ville. ' . ' Mi- Rufus L. Allen ami Mrs. Cradv Hardin -pent Fridav in Ashe ville. .; Ml'.;. and Mis. W. F. Hartzog and young ,-on, Teddie, - f. Mont .-eat. -'who formerly lived hi Wayne-', ille Were gue-ts on-.'.Thursday of Mi: and . .M rs. '.. W. Curfis and family. , Mr-. Rufa- II. HliU kwcll . 'and - a ' flinty of friends were Asheville - vis-; it..r- mi Friday. ' BAPTIST MISSIOARY Six liil'V mfetixg postponfi) ; ()n arco'int of the werither the im-u-t.; jng of the llaptist Women's Xlis..ion-., ary So; iel.y.': "which yas to hiive. i.e'.-n held' oh Tuesday, nee.. 11th, has. been po.-t ported unfi-1. Thursday, 1. ",t li.1 . The riie:nT:er,- iire asked, to meet at. the home of Mrs: W. ;('. 'Allen a: . " :'M to 'Kht',.', ' . '. '.'' ;.'.''i Mi-- Ruth ('alhoiin, 'daughter of Mr. h.iai- Mrs.. J. 'A; Ciilhoun, bd't '.ri Wednesday' for Xew Y(rk where .-he will': join- her brother who is employ ed by- Raff's Stores, . Miss, Calhoun will also' work', for the. same ef.miany. Mi E. W. R. ,1. .of Spartanburg, is s.peii'l'iig. several days as the gticst of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hardin. Jr., the latter is her daughter. .: EAST WAYNl.SN 11.1 F P T II I i ll K IS I'M AS MEIU'lNt; The Ea-i Yaynos die Pa rent 1'eacliers' A --o da I ion held the regular monthly meeting on Tue.-day night. Miss .Mil.ii oil Crawford, .secret ary. hi the ilk-olio ... I the' president and tin vice prcsid.- nl, presided In - pile ol the weather a fair nuttibe were n atleiuhlliee. Huing ' (he hus.iiie-:. session Mr-, Herbert Burnett thanked the teachers and the pupils for '.their theiiglifu!. ne.-s aim generosity in giving me cafeteria a shower: She ,-talcd that .-he received a- many di-lies it-, the afctcria hid i . i . r to the showei. .After the -transaction of busines-Mis- Ctawfoid turin-.i the meeting over Jo .Mis- Elizabeth llenrv,. chaii man ol the progi am com ni it tee. She inliodiieed Mis- lla Creen w li'o le.l the group in asseinidy . ii g.eg of fa o. ite Ch I 1st ilia- carplsl Miss Norine ,owe gae tw.t much a ppic.'iuled readings,, 'Tattle Mainly'-Chri-tmas." and "Just Before ('hri'st-ma-," both by James Wliiteomli Riley. Creating much ::iiiusenien( was the leiding by Mi. I la Cveen of Cbri"t-ma-, hlteis from the teacher-- .of. the s.'hool to Santa Chins. 'They were a ( lever take oils on the interest.-, and hobbles of t he group. In the contest for attendant- of the friends iind piii'euts of the -pupils of the various gra.ies the second grade taught by Mi,--' ."a Palte'rsou, won the coveteil half d;iv holidav- award: 1 J-'(dlowing .ad ioui nilvent an . inform.il .-oi'jill pe.'io.l w.as eiijoviid. v. .CM RIS I'M AS. PAirr.Y TO BE (. IV. I THE MASONIC TEMPI, E The Wi'iyue-ville Chapter O. E S. l'i" Will liaye a short niceting on I ; ci mher the 201 h. 'at H o'clock .at tin Ma ,-i: . 'I'.-;.-,! :, . Thi.s will be follow cd by a .Christina- party honoring the husbands ot the ' mem1". : . of -tin-'hiijiter. 'Ihe proyiam . iiinmittei.- have the enlerjainment features in charge 'and ;i delightful evening ha- been planned ('') t he ipleasure of the men, .. t ': VTIFT Ideas for a Man 's Christmas -X- I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -X I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -X- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -J- -I--J- -I--J- -j- -j--j- -J J--J- i- YOl'N't; WOMEN'S ( IK EE TO TO MEET The Young Women's Circle of tin Women's Auxiliary of the Methodist chui ch will hold a meeting tonight ill the home of Mrs. Paul Hardin. ; As. so-into ho--t esses wit h M i s. : Hardin will he Mrs. Robert I. Coin ami .Mrs. Tom Bee, Jr Mr,; Mack Miller, who has spent :t he lia.-t year 'and a half iri the- State of Washington hits 'arrived and will be ihe guest if his jiarents, Mr. ami Mrs.; Edga i Miller, for the presen'. I-I- 1- -! -! 1- -: r-i--i- -2-I- i I- i- i-i- t I- -What he needs - -What he likes I- ri- I- I- !" i Jv ' I-I '! S--I I- : -That's it . . Shop Now : I J -i- -x- -x- -x- -i -t- -s-- -For the Best Buys I- 1 "I "I- I I "I 4" I 4 r 4- I- I n im nibi.v of 'our dear brother E. Jm K ' l':,'i"on: " who -departed this .lifi-I- Thank giving Hay Xov..: 27,, 10:3 1- ; 1 J. - Hi ndr-inn v,' over among us, A;:-! ; he erow'irng day had come. ;he Jeff this vvorl'i of.troublp,' Pi r a . new life jvi.'t, beyond. ., V:e.:.-hriuld rejoice,: hut we sorrow, . . j :,- one we'll no ni'Oe. !e:Vw dwells with his loved ones, U 'i,.o have passed t'i . that lieautiful .j' -horC'l ' ',; :. ,. ; I .'.'.i d to go on without, him. Wo ve grown so.use to him here, , II.it we hope siime day to mc'-t hiio, .Bey ond this Vale of. tears, , MISS S. A. JONES HAS SERIOES " :.' .FALL :' vMiss S. A Jones is a 'patient at the Haywood. County . Hospital suffe. ing from the '.effects M a lai she ha : on . .. . , . . . , , . .',': Tuesday- . -('onsidering her I fri'ju. ier-1 . -il.'l I.'tut h,m- smile - aga.n her condition ir- reported as mo-t fa-: " xw 1 , . 'r W , : , .. vorahle: though she will be conhred t that he is dead, to her bed for sevoralweeks. ;' h(' ,ay. - ". ,"' , ,. - ' 1 MISS N'AN N'ETTE JON'ES IX j ?(oii(h day he'll come smiling, back 'o Al'TOMOBILE WRECK , m"'. V , Miss Xannette Jones; wh.. w: in ir-'-at diyale, an automobile wreck while mVitoring Together we 1 cross the crystal sea- with a oartv of frienrls in Long Heach. i . r.''rr (,lnt;1 s u'i- Cal.., is reported as much imiroveu. Miss Jones has hern spending some time in California and plai,s if well enought. to go to BingharritOn. X. Y. for a . vi'f it next! month. ' . Ry Y'essie Pardon Henry imi Mr?., Frank Read The Ads GIVE; A. man something he can wear. and you're "hitting it tit-hi." IIADEKDASIIERV . . jrood-lookinn . . color ful . . and in st vie . . that's the answer to "what to give him for Christmas?" See this Early Gift Array of Ours: Smart Dress Gloves CI fn (I'ig-kin. ('a ne-kin or Kid) , . pi IU yLi.OV Fine Linen IIandkercIiiefs9CrfnC(lr ( Fancy Dordered or Iftitialed) . , . , . . , , ftPl lU.tlyt New Silk-Wool Hosiery 0 a CAr ( a riety of wcii V e pat terns) , .... . . . UU iu w. v w 98c lo 1.95 Latest Silk Neckwear ocp in CA (Striped or figured weaves) ; ..... titll IU l.clvr Wool and Silk MulTlers r a . n rn (F;ioied for every occasion) ..... DUC 10 , JtJv '- . : - Hath Robes $5.00 to $8.50 l:t. . . i McGracken Clothing Go. "OUT FITTERS FOR MEN AND liOVS SI10KS IVJK THE ENTIRE FAMILY" t White Broadcloth Shirts (Dressy Point-Collar Types) . ... . . t -1- - 4- t 4- I" 4- .j. , . ' j.-: .-.'. ' -h v. . r i- ' h .. . 'r ' !-4- f " r f : -T t ". :'V - - 1 -5 '