THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER iHUKSiJAY, DECEMBER 13 19J: I. v ; 11 I 4 f : - -t '-i : 1 . -. .tv . 'Jt ) ' 1 " .-. ". ' . ' 1 .'- 1 ahr fHmmtainm Published By THE WAVNESVILLE PRINTING CO. I'hor.e 137 St rev? Waynesviiie, N. C. U . RUSS . U'. ( . I: j.. and M. T. !!.-: . Editor pjb:her5 Published Everv Thursday .SL'BSCKIPTIOX KATES Yi-ar. In '0 jr.-ty Morrff.-, I:: 1 jr.?y . . Year Out-? it H..yv. i '"'.unty -.$1.00 .50 --J1.5.J Jin t ,.1" M . r. aavanoe t.:!;-.-v at Waynesvij:;, . C, Matter, as pravivit-j unJvr 7y, Novembc-r 20, 1&14. 1 1 - PPtS ASSOCIATES ' , THL HSDAY, DEC E.MHKR i i, I. I) A(,E I'ENSIO.N 1 :u' rr.atUr AdITATIO.N' ill! 1 bt- cfrtain t c.'ai.'ti a. t.n ' I ( '-iin-s.- at 1 1 .uinl J'iaii -to !i a-. ....:r.f the jutcn ; - " 1 ' r 1 - Tau 1",'!i , r n: rt- C''insi(k-ra:-i-n than a:iy Th.'.- I'.an would put all j.fupif v.-r ;" ut' ajTf "UL i" bu;n-.i and .n a I '!:.-: -r, :' i2w a ni"Mh with thv jit:puiati:i Hi at t::c t-n " :ia- iiiut In- spt-nt in the mont:i. Tr.i- would put an immense aniunt uf nvni-y in circulation and wul 1 jriw pfjplc appr' a'c ii -iny 1. Id ae a fei-lin -f ,-ecurity and would take lji;:n'-- out of the , - -' v. of the old people and -leave ,;: with the younger ones, providing ,:oh for many now unemployed, and give the peopl- wh' have labored all the years the hooe of recreation and travel and amusement in their fieelining years. Of course, there are many pro-; and emis to a big question like this. We have so far read many more pros, than, cons. '..'The first reaction to such a proposition is that it would not be practicable good in theory, fine to think about but not workable. If the bill comes up for debate in Congress, it will be one of the 'most interesting discussions in many years, interesting not only to those debating but more interesting to the people back home. We are fearful that a plan that sounds so good and appeals so strongly to the great masses will be found Utopian or fanciful and abandoned. If it can be shown that it is at all feasible, all the weight possible should be brought on Con gress to at least give it a trial. It seems to. us no more experimental than some things that are now going on. Instead of spending billions to put young men in CCC camps, why not let those boys have the jobs the older people now have and let the older ones be kept up by the government? Instead of destroying needed commodities coffee, corn, wheat, hogs, cattle, cotton let the government buy the surplus and give it to those not able to Work the feeble minded, the blind, crippled, diseased. Such a plan would reduce the number of insane, would abolish county hemes, and could increase the number of real homes, where children could have home training and home life, thus making lighter the burdens of the orphanages. So much is being said and so much more can be said that if the plan is impossible, that fact should be made known in very plain language so that false hopes may not bo aroused in our people. If such a plan is possible, then let's adopt it Marshall News-Record. ! ; MAKING USE OF TIME r "It's no trick to grow old," says Edward A. Guest, popular American poet. "Anyone can do it if he has the time." Behind the humor is an implication which Mr, Guest invariably hastens to make clear WHAT KIND OF HUMAN BEING ARE YOU? A the year 1934 wings towards its close and the new year beckons with hope it might r.ot be a bad idea for the individual reader of these columns in The Mountaineer to take cr: a little time from the daily routine and think about 1'i'e and" some of its problems. Many of us .have been so engrossed ir. the tasks impelled up' n us by the economic r.eces ity of earning a livelihood that we have drifted a bit in our tl.::iking and lost sight of the en- curing aims 0: warped in existence. We have been .r judgment by the huge dollar t j mark that ha.- been hung on everything in this country. It ir.ight pay us to revalue the opportunities of life and ' eg:n a more orderly existence that depend- upon fundamental and enduring activi. ty rather than upon finances that another de-pr:-r. may' wipe otf the books- It might pay -u.'r.e : the families in Wayne.-ville to reassess ;.i:!.a.'! contributions to genera! welfare and to strive to take some pa ft in a program that -:."U,i improve social conditions now, rather than hereafter. Let's do some straight-talking. Quit kid- (iing yourself. Look carefully into you:- par ticipation into the activities of the race around y u, and decide whether you have been an asset tut- community or a form of human shark, preying upon others among whom you live. Analyse y .;r hu-i.-ess. social, cultural and in- BT LAWRENCE HAWTHORN & From which our joys we borrow Sweet memories of yesterdays, Bright dreams for each tomorrow; We cherish many happy thoughts That bring unending pleasure Romantic little souvenirs Our hearts will always treasure. . yv A baby s tiny shoes ... a pool . . . A party invitation . . . ' A garden wall and hollyhocks . . . A lonely railway station . . . r 'Tis things like these that memory . TV . . . , , 1 , ... rtu aurrounas witn recollections i That grow more precious through the years And live in our affections. ymsn'i 1 ... ti 'slL A word of praise . . . v -r 1 a sprightly song .JtZ An unexpected meeting some dear friend of long ago . . These things, however fleeting, r-sriMu oih.i aims and purposes, vour metnods in the pa-t and the possibility of reaching a suc cessful goal in the future. Then get busy and do what you think you ought to do in li..'3o. ifc df &$'Z wm Dn&men 311 xne aay witn cheer; fITF zt And w'hen the stars are gleaming, CQ. ' tUfiK That linger in our dreaming. tA I ; . : ' ZZZ! 1 . .J ith cheer; gleaming, C'-l ning. WJ A mm 1 22 Years Ap m HAYWOOD HELP FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS. The sale of Christmas seals, sponsored every year by the National Tuberculosis Asso ciation, is now going on in Haywood County and should meet with hearty response here. More than 650,000 American citizens are said to. suffer from tuberculosis at an econonvc cost of around $350,0uO,O0o a year, and despite the progress being made in control work the disease still kills more people in the prime of life than any other malady. Early diagnosis is vitally important for the recovery of individuals and extensive eduta, tional programs along this line are being car ried out. When the disease is diagnosed within six months of the first symptom the chance of revovery is much higher than when treatment is delayed and the cost of the patient's care con siderably less. Once every year, at tne Christmas season, the people of almost every community in this country have an opportunity to help tight the scourge that afflicts so many persons. It is the privilege of every reader to participate in this great battle by buying Christmas seals Cr Health Bonds which will aid the national and local associations to carry on the campaign necessary to win the victory that is desired. Random SIDE GLANCES By W. CURTIS RUSS joking- ir'a.-.-. uw I juDDOse I .hall have seven years' bad luck. Mrs. Brown iVm't' you believe it, Mrs- Jone.s ! A frien.I of mine broke hers, ar, .1 .-he didn't have '.-even years' bad iu.-k. She was killed in an au ?om'i:iie accident the next dav. 'I''urir.p the past few days the eas iest conversation topic, to engage in has been about the cannery and the shipping out of the state the cattle that was shipped here from the drought-stricken west. ' Of -course there has been many pre. GOLDEN' GLEAMS There is no fear in love; but per fect love casteth out all fear. New Testament. No one love; fears. the man whom he Aristolle. Let them fear bondage who are slaves to fear, The sweetest freedom is an honest heart. Ford. (Taken from the file of I 1&12.J The Ha y wx i .s ; r. g : . rr.eets tomorrow. Dr. J. R. M l ra lotte the last of the w,-... Miss Minnie Boyd sp,r. Asheville. Attorney W S B City has been here th:., a intv-s. Mr. George Brown , whose daugnter won the " some parlor suit in the c -.i paper, came for same on There will be a box -u Camp Branch school hvu.- night Dec. 14. The pur,: invited. Miss Minnie Gosset: winner of one of our dia came for her pr:ze last w. On Nov. 29th a box given by the people of Ea ville for the purpose of indebtedness on tne new -ing. " The proceeds f;. brought 5-00. Busy Housekeepers -Gi a little holiday. Take y to the Singing Convent!.: day, Dec. 14th. A good k ha 1 right in the si.hoo! bu: The "Spelling Bee'' -. Waynewood by the court proprietor for the b.eneti: , Chape! was a success i:. The "Get rich quick prize -. Troy Wyche and the pr:r.e len.-e went to Miss Maud -. Dear Santa Chus: V:.: bring me a doll, a can . stove, and some more 1. Please bring me some c oranges, banana- ra -fruit and confections. G'-i, i Crawford. The people of Wavnesvi'' by thanked for their j:tr contributing to the Libra: The sale as a whole was ; the town and S75.00 was r the library. The tea in cor.r. much enjoyed- On Friday evening, lk-v 20, the high school ehora: sisting of 60 boys and girl: a Christmas cantata. Tr.t assisted by the best musi.a Waynesville. I p receive k Vu- j ana wis 01 tnmgs saia That fear is. like a cloak which old vii uwn oiutT ii liik que&iion, uui men huddle luun imiwc uawuro 10 put xne About their love, as if lvmiics vu n, wnen saiu;i warm They sent them from the west to spend the fall in the mountains and now they are sending them north to see Santa Claus. maybe " to keep it 'Wadsworth- GERMANY HAS ARMED FORCE Paris. According to reports, Ger many will have in 1935 a military rriA Li . . . 1 Avac ui o ,ow men a ya liable- iot Jle J y?,. th.e we.ek, oes ? action on a few dav? notice GOVERNMENT WILL FORECLOSE Announcement that the government will foreclose on property under mortgage to the Home Owners' Loan Corporaiton unless interest due is paid, made by John II- Fahey, chairman of the corporation, gives notice to all those who have been under the impression that undue len iency may be expected. The government, in making vast sums available to citizens as emergency relief meas ures, had no intention, so far as we know, of giving away money, but only sought to relieve distressed debtors who otherwise might have lost their property. For those succored to try to take advantage of the government would be poor gratitude and if there are such in the coun try then the sooner the government Cracks down the better. Uncle Coot Allen, janitor of the court Douse Uacle Coot said once there was a man who didn t know the name of a thermometer, and while talking to his gin inend called it a ' zerometer." The girl didn't understand his mean ing, go she inquired for further de tails. He said: "Land sakes, al, that is a little pair of scales that you weigh cold weather on. NEW PLANT ROBOT Berlin Operated electr - ji urauncaiiy,. tne ' autopilr.. 1 t self flying apparatus for '---' has been successfully - tested w .". flights and is said to be able vi? a giant airliner at a given heig-'.i speed without human control i-t given length of time. If the x fails, it automatically puts the s into a glide. Do you remember the time when a woman darned her husband's socks Well, that same woman has a daugh ter wno soc-Jts ner husband. That airplane that passed over the I town last week broadcasting got myl cuxiosuy as weii as lots of others) ..I'd give most anything to get hold of a contraption like that and fly over a negro settlement on Hallowe'en nignt. TRANSPORT PM.6T. Mavict Him, Vnn4 A Lioct piloc, taytx When I oouce tbat 'all in fwhng, I pnfl OK 1 Caroel and Lgbc up. My oarural tnerjry flowj bade. 1 irrdnesj 11 ruickly relieved. I moke steadilv. Cjmels never upset my nerves-' Mr, Camnbell told me aftprwards that some old woman up the street iaugnea. at the people craning their iietMs towards the sky when the plane was passing over. She said: "That ere . a. King air. t from the skies, that's someone jest fo.olin' you." Later she saw plane herself: and remarked: K-et if it ain't.'' HOUSFWITT: "lorn knew bow much a at renc amid mean is tJ I Mnoked Canxli, ariMrs.FobenSiTKi. ' I wis anraatd e j Camels because ifxr . bare such a mild . or. And I find tit when I smoke a dra. I bare snore eceirt. FOOTBALL REFEREE. Tom Tborp sa-s : "The lift' that you get from a Camel sure is m mighty valuable thing to anyone whose 10b requires fast action. And I know I can smoke them any time I like. ..and they will 5 never make me edgy or nervous." It will be somewhat reassuring to many ,' Pat :& "heer' now if that isn't turn- I ve certainly had my share of it this past week. ; Last'- issue I wrote that when a boy I had my head in the horn, of a phonoeraDh when tho main spring broke, but instead of setting the type as I wrote the Imntrno man Time, of itself, is nothing, it with that counts. It's what men fill ' Possibly the loneliest men on earth are those who have lived many years, selecting for the target of their efforts not others, but them selves. They are the men who have regarded their vocations as merely means for profit, not as a trust for serving society. They are the men who have had no ' ne, in the words of wise old Dr. Johnson, to eep their friendships in con stant repair, "hey are the men who have not learned the delights of a hobby nor the thrill of a majestic sunset. They are, in. short, the men who can not say, as Robert Louis Stevenson shortly before tu berculosis ended his days, "During my life I bare not been bored. All experience has been to me interesting." The Rotarian Magazine. citizens, who have wondered whether these loans, and others, would be administered in a business-like way, to know that the govern ment is ready to proceed vigorouslv against V those who can pay their obligations but attempt. to evade their responsibiliies on the assumption that-the government will take no action against them. - Jig . me end for .-r.,1 TV! 1-t-o what .s and all the folks that have joshed me about it don't believe it wa.n t my error. ..... .Oh, well. I think it did some good all it made .Uncle Abe feel o good that a boner wac pulled, on me he. went out. and bought himself a new hat and overcoat ; If men's shirtsleeves are to stop at the elbow, as a fashion expert advocates, what : to become af the good old custom of writing it on the cuff? Sacramento Bee. . The most misleading sign I've seen .n: a . long time is the one about a mile east of Car.toR on Highway No. ivtj Att,.Pt f'laiV jt looks like CAB i-b. What makes it so queer is a picture of a weeping-willow tree be tween, the words. About the only thing a modern girl takes any trouble to hide is her embarrassment. Sam Hill in the Cincinnati Enquirer. The g aral belief that fish is "brain friod' is now declartd erroneous by scientists; They probably armed at this conclusion by Mting that fish is eaten largely on Friday and observ ing the fooliel! tthtgg people do on the -reek, end. Mobile HeyisUr. Speakinz of wppniTi.w-Jii they always looked sad to me. With .ine urnos orooped over they reminded me of the l:ps. of a mad person. ... husband spends his evenings." J!eIr,d"""R:al!yT B!on'ie r night and there he was." oman -what if it iB. Ifg Mrs. Jones Ther! Broke Again We Say "CALL YOUR DOCTOR" It is a sensible thing to call your doctor frequent!; enough to preserve health as well as to restore health. Faith in your doctor, and intelligent recourse to the knowledge he offers, might mean the difference between a bed of pain and continued good healthbetween a pre mature death, and a pleasant and usefull "three score .and ten." '.: . ASK YOU R DO C T O R ALEXANDERS DRUGSTORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Off

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