The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The tireat Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLVH NO. 3 WAYNESV1LLE. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. DEC EM HER 20, 1.1.51 Homer Brown Is iln "Pen" Again 5 After Escaping , Wife-Slaver Caught In Greenville And Carried Rack to Raleigh. Carver Begins Sentence Homer Brown, 30, who is serving a life sentence at the penitentiary - in Raleigh, is back behind the bars after being caught at Greenville, S. t . , ibout ten days ago. after his second scape from the prison. Railroad deetectives caught Brown ' for hoboing and suspecting him got in touch with Sheriff Welch who went to Greenville and brought Brown back her The wife-slayer was kept in jail 'here until Monday and then car ried back to Raleigh along with Roy Carver who begun to serve his 10 to 15 years of abduction of a Ki-year-old girl here last summer. Brown was convicted of first Ue. n murder, but was found to be insane and was given a life sentence by Governor Ehringhaus. Schools Of County Close On Friday Attendance Is Far Better This Year Than Last Year, Sup erintendent Messer States The school? of the county will close Friday for' the Christmas holidays, it was announced '.by Jack Messer, superintendent of education yesterday The work will be resumed on -Monday, January 7th. 5" The Central Elementary school closed. Monday of this week due to a new plumbing system which is being installed in the building. "The attendance thus far this year is much better than last year," Mr. Messer said. "We have been behind the attendance and the welfare de partment ha aided greatly in the work and have been a great assistance Thi establishment of lunch rooms in practically all the schools also ac counts for an increase in attendance." . C. Miller Injured In Fall Thursday the condition of W. C. Miller, who p a fall on his way home, for lunch Ihursdav. is much improved. Mr. flier ''followihfir his accident was talc- I to the Haywood County Hospital id .spent two (lavs there, but was ale to he removed to his home on turday. While- his; injuries have been very infill they have not been considered ,ngerou.s and his many friends will glad to. learn that he will be out the near future. RONZE TABLET TO BE ERECTED TO LATE REV. R. A. SENTELLE 'At the meeting of the Haywood County Teachers Association held in the Central Elementary school build ing on Saturdays a special committee was appointed to -solicit contributions from the teachers of the county for a bronze tablet to be placed in the Hay vood county court house, in memory ClN- A. Sentelle, who was the first c-'finty superintendent of schools and J Jed the office for thirty-three year, lne minimum of $75.00 was set for ti total pledges.. T.e following; will compose the com Hittee .thiit: will obtain the necessary : '-- K.... J.. Robeson, chairman, - 4ss Hariet Rovd, Miss Bonnie Fran ;. Lois Harrold, C. F. Owen, U -.Hanson, and Miss Pearl Justice, vsno will serve as the treasurer of tt.e grouii.- tocalllrm Gets j State Contract L , ;..'' ' ' ' ' . ' ' t-uartin Electric Company was re cently awarded the contract for elec trical wiring in the new state prison emp that is being built in Transyl vania county at Rosman. r or the past two weeks thev have na, three men at work on the job. "d expect to have the woik finished January ,.fijst, 5 the local company made competive against several companies in the V e- The Weather Or Da FICIAL WEATHER REPORT -o Max. M 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .'!( ' 4(i "' j . 47 42 Make Your Shopping List from The Advertisements In This Paper It WAX INFANT USED WHERE CHRIST WAS BORN This is a photograph of the centuries in the Christian service Bethlehem. Teachers To Get $11,000 On Friday The teachers of Haywood Coun ty are sure that there is a Santa Claus. Sometime Friday or before, checks totaling $11,000 will be given teachers of the county for the past month's salaries. This was made known by Jack Messer, superintendent of schools. Veterans Receive -Semi-Annual Pen sion. Check; Gifts Haywood Chapter Of C D. C. Entertain Veterans And Widows Of Veterans At Luncheon The semi annual gathering of the veterans and the widows of veterans of the War Between the States was held in the oflice 0f W". O. Byers, Clerk of the Court on Saturda. Mr. Byers distributed the state checks which are paid each July and De cember. The Haywood Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy served a lunch and presented each veteran and widow present a Christ mas gift with fruit and candies. Mrs, Leon M. Killian, as chairman, with the following committee, had charge of the arrangements fur the day: Mis, R. R. Cmpboll, Mrs. 0. R. Martin. Miss Naiin'v K.illia'n. 'Mr. W. L. McCracken, and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. While all the veterans and the widows could not be present Saturday the gifts and checks are gradually being sent for and delivered to' those, who are unable to come for them. Ten of the following widows were present: Mrs. Rachel Clark. Mrs. M. O. Hoglen, M rs. Martha Hovle, Mrs. L. Y. Jolly. Mrs. .Rachel Lewis, Mrs. Laura Owen, Mrs, Jane Robin son, Mrs. Jessie Rogers, Mrs. Lorcna Rogers. Mrs. Jane N.: Towns-end, Mrs.: Sallie Trull, Mrs. Martha White. Mrs. ; Arty Reed Arrington, Mrs. M. L. ' Birchfkdd, Mrs. J. W. Blanton, Mrs.l E, E. Bovd, Mrs. Lucinda Brashaw. ! Mrs. Barthany Cabe. Mrsi S. C. j Chambers:, Mrs. Cordelia Clark. 'Mrs., j Amandy Cook, Mrs. Laura Curtis, i Mrs. Sarah Ferguson'. Mrs. W. It Ferguson, Mrs. .Mary C. Fie. Mrs. Ellen Fowler, Mrs. Martha Jones, Mrs- Hassie Killian, Mrs. Mattic Littlefielrl, Mrs. Marv MacFavden. Mrs. O. E. Mann. Mrs ".Addio Mancv, Mrs. N". V. Mills, Mrs. Ella Muse, Mrs. Laura N'oland, Mrs. Mattie Plott. Mrs. Douisa Scott, Mr-. Mar. gret; E- Sharp, Mrs, Margaret Smathers.. Mrs- M, A. Thompson, and Mrs. Lucinda Warren, . The following veterans of the thin gray line that grows less each year, were present to. receive their checks in person: J, H. Allison,,!. H. Pax ton, A. C. Singleton'. James M.. Stam ey, James Swayngim, . Merrick Trantham. R. L. Underwood, (now of Asheville ) . J. I?, Wyatt. W. A. Yar borough, W- II.' . Rathbone. . Those wl o were unable to attend were: J- W. Caldwell, ( J. A. Collins. Alden Howell, Sr.. who is in Los Angeles, California, W. L. MasseV, -Daniel Levi Mathis. Andy West, J. M. Wood, and John Hoyle. Play Will Be Given Sunday A Christmas play will be given at the Methodist church, Sunday, Dec. 23. at the regular vesper service at 5 o'clock p. m. The play, "Where Lies the Child." will be presented under the . direction of Helen Med ford. It will be, under the 1 auspicCo of the Fp worth League. "We are all very enthusiastic about the play, for the theme is such that it will touch each and every one of us, . whether old or young, man or woman. It is the story of a plain ordinary' family on Christmas Kve and the message brought out in this ivay is worth, fully, the time and at tention of everybody,'', a member of the church soid. ' wax infant which has been used for at the place of Christ's birth in Special Service At St. John's On Christmas Eve Public Invited To Attend Special Mass At Midnight. Rev. H. V. Lane Will I'reach (Contributed.) Plans are , well under way Cor spe cial Christmas .-erviccs at St John's Catholic church here. There will be a miuiiight ' U-g riming at 12 o'clock Christina- eve' or ( iiristmas morning. Special ( hii-tnuis music consisting of tlie ancunt ChisLmas carols under the direction - of Mrs. Matney with several' friend,-; of the community assisting. The sermon preached bv Father Lane, the topic of which is "The Desire of AH Na. tions." 'A tine Christinas o. ib is lieing arrangeil for the church, and the children and their parents are in vited to virtue and see it- The church will 'be opn every day until the end of the Christmas season, which is the 1,'ith of January. We get our term, Christmas from the service itself Christ-Mass. , Cer tain customs and practices with sing ular appropriateness attach them selves -to our principle chuivh feast. One of these is the popular association of the rib in Christmas. One rnrt hardly visualize the Christmas Mass without- including 'the. crib. It sets before us in a most vivid manner, the scene of Christ's birth and the at tending circumstances. It 'expresses in a tangible way 'the central 'thought, of the Christmas season- The asso ciation of the feast and custom is so natural that it finds a -pontaneous response in us. Hence the." crib ha.-, become inseparably) linked w't b j Christmas. Very pndiabh place of Christ's was ;i cave. At -church is ei'e.tei in the grotto the the ii a stable, the birth, lit -Bethlehem (lie present time a over the. spot' . and exact location where our rsavnir wa a silver star ; sniifl.ion in I - born is marked by urroundcd by an in .at in : 'Here Jesus Christ was born of the irgin .Mary. Tradition tells us that, the -place of Christ's birth' -erved as a .-belter for beasts of burden, so the usual repre sentation of the birth-plac-e. of our Redeemer as a thatcheil stable may not he very inaccurate; The custom of crerting a crib in the church for the : Christ mas cele bration has long ,bcen universal, but we are Indebted to St. Franci.-. . of Assisi for jiopulaidzing the devotion St. Francis conceived the idea of re- ( ( "(Hit i 11 Ued: hack page) Fannie Howell Wins Santa Claus Letter Contest At Ray's Fannie Howell'.- to Santa Claus in the letter '."contest staged by C. K. Ray's Son-Was judged -as h best of about To letters ; veil by Santa who is spending a (jreater part of his time in the. toy department of C. E. Ray'.s Sons th'i,-'.week. Little Miss Howell will 'receive five dollars in merchartdi-e at -,be. .-tore for her letter. - The next five letters will he given fifty - cents each- They .-were": Win fred Rogers, city; !:..- n ary Her man, city; John Richard .lack-on- city; Donaid : Morrow, city, . and; Frances Patton. route one- The" winning letter will be . found in the Letters To Santa c. :umn this week.- The iudges were : Mr-,' Woodson Jones, Dr. R. P. Walker and W. C. Russ. . :";'-'. PRETTY ELKCTRIC STAR One of the most uni'iue Christmas displays in town is the tlectri- star in front of Martin Flei trie Company. The star w-as made iiithe. shop of the company and i- bghted with a number of red and . white, lights on the points of the .-tar which, is con structed of steel wire, .'.'.'.. ! Memorial Service For The I, ale Rev. Sentelle Is Sunday Dr. R. L. Moore, President Of Mars Hill College Will lie The Principal Speaker Of Occasion Final details have been completed for the memorial services which will lie held Sunday afternoon at Bethel high school auditorium for the late Rev. K A. Sentelle at 2 o'clock. The program as given out by those in charge is as follows: Music. Invocation, Dr. R. P. Walker. R. A. Sentelle. an educator, Jack Messer. R. A .Sentelle a Minister. R. P. McCracken, R. A .Sentelle a Citizen, W. Ct. Byers. What the life of R. A. Sentelle was to other denomination.-, ,1. T. Hailoy.i Establishing a Permanent Memorial to him- Dr K 1.. Moore President, I Mars Hills College. Havwood Farmers Vote To Retain The Kerr-Smith Act The bur ley vote cannot he com pleted by tlie -7 til due tu the fact that the ballot,- i cached Western Carolina two we, k- latter than they should. More lillt) ' votes have iecn cist to date Only two liega votes have been cast. The people of Haywood county are voting W per cent for the present law and retention of the Kerr-Smith Arl.. Fanners who have expressed themselves, say that the-, tax of ' 2,"i per cent is too low They feel that it should be raised to -10 or Ml per cent. They-claim that the contract sigtmers must: be protected as they have -made the sacrifice which result ed in the better prices, it was pointed out by V. D. Smith. Changes Are Made In Telephone Rates Reduction Made Here In IJusi ness Telephones. No ( Jianjes Are Made For Residences W, L- Lanipkiu, managei- of the local unit of The Snithern Hell Tel ephone Company, had' not received ollicial notice from headquarters, 're garding the change In local rates when interviiiwi-il by .The Mountain eer. I be change.- a- carried in an article by the. As-ociaU'd Press showed the bil.-ines,- rate here for'. one -party lines would be cut . from $.'t,o() to .f:i. Two p-artv lini's would be changiMl from $:! ti. 2.M). :- : 1 'I'lli'ie will be io changes in residen tial late.- . Mr. Laitipkin said he expected olli- ial let ici within the. .next. IVw days. Community Xmas Tree Will Be Held Tuesday Afternoon The community Christmas .. tree, which custom was inaugurated sev eral years ago by the Woman's Club of Waynesville, will lie held on Christ mas afternoon at four o'clock in the ebui t room of, the court house- An attractive musical prograifi has -been arranged by Mrs Horace Keener and will be .directed by Miss (I race Crocker and, Mrs-. Lucile Foy. The distribution of the gift- n.iole possible by the generosity of Mr. O-car I.. Hriggs, ami mem bers of the eiub and ot hers, will close the program- : As the gifts go only to the needy of the community an effort has been made this year by Mr.j Hi -ggs to get in touch with all fam ilies who could not' buy toyp. i 3 Local Sportsmen Bag Three Big Deer What is, . believed to be almost a record for local hunters was the feat of W. A. Bradley, W. L. Hardin Sr., and Tillman Powell, who went on a deer hunt last week and each of 'them brought down a buck, each weighing, about 125 pounds. The three hunters were ,bn the Vaynesville R1 . and Gun Club grounds.: The two that. Bradley; and Hardin got had nine point, while Powell's had eleven. ' The deer were so heavy, that the hunters were only able to. bring 'out one that day but hid the other, two and the next day carried a crew of meri back-: with them and brought them out. FLEMINGTON. X- J. Bruno Hauptmann, Lindbergh kidnap-slay-er suspect, has'; gained three pounds n the i.a. ; two we, !s. MEMORIAL SPEAKER p, r-vXl top : MB. tnniMti-iintcwi-hiill itmm Dr. R. L.Moore, president of Mars Hill College will bo the principal speaker at the memorial .service Sun dav for the late Kev. K. A. Sentelle, Special Edition To Be Published Here Saturday Afternoon 1 u ol der t hat Christina.-- greet ings may be piibli.-hed for the many li.rni- and tnisiiii-.-s liovises in Haywood county. The Moun taineer will c.o to press again Saturday noon will a special ed it ion. . That is.-ue of the paper will be .printed on Colored paper and will have much. Christinas news features in it. Plans How are to put, it in the. mails Saturday night. Those having news or adver tisements for the special Christ , ma.s edition will please get them t. this olhrc not later than I' ri , day night, Commissioners In Meeting Monday The board of county commissioners met in their regular third Monday meeting and after disposing of gen era I routine of business made several orders, one of which was the appoint., melit of W, .M. (Ireen a.s constalile of Cecil township, 'providing be could make piopc,- bond. Tlie aimoinf nient came after the egular Ink el. .1 constalile failed to appear bejore M r. ( I i i-i't wa- i.i; was li led wit h t In I he town-lup ri-i named. The hoard also State Itiehwav o t he colli 111 i -siolier-meil a ft er a lief il ion boa i il by eil i.en of le -l llg t hat he be i ecu in uie in 1 1 d to t he In ial.s t bat t In,' road bociiiiiinK at, a point in tin- Ra.tcli.IV Cove road, desigiiali-d as Prank. Leop ard's home iind extending about half a mile to the borne of J B. (iaddy over the old road way or as -the State commission saw II. to be worked on. Jarvis Alli-on. who lias been erit ically ill, was able to be iM attend: aiiee at this meeting Monday. Al though in A fully, recovered, Mr. Allison was !ible: to be in hi,- oflice a short time this week. He is secretary of .the National Farm and Home Loan Association of this county. Bus Station Now In Way. Pharmacy Tlie bus station is now located at (lit' VVaynosville . Pharmacy. It was formerly in the Haywood Carage. The ebang( was made a few. days ago;. 'tickets are sold, at the. Pbainiaey and 'fa'cijilies have been provided, for a waiting room. The local bus line is owned and operated by the ..Smoky. Mountain Motor Stages, Inc.. Visitors Allowed At Jail Two Days Roirt-rt V. Wei jailor of the Hay wood county jail, has announced that visiting hours in the jail will be per mitted .only, on Sunday;.' and Wed nesday afternoons between the hours of two and: four o'clock. Mary 'people have been j making visits at all hours which greatly in convenienced the officers, with their work, so the visiting days and -hours will be. adhered to. Chief Warns About Shooting Fireworks Chief of Police J. L- Stringfield told The Mountaineer yesterday . that all those desiring to shoot fireworks would have to (lo so fifty feet from any building and off Main street. . "All those failing to atlhei'e fo this .ordinance will' be: 'prosecuted," the chief said. Arkansas Sheriff Carries Man From Here For Trial Crint Cothrane. Alleged To Have Participated In Robbery Murder. To Face Trial In February Crmt I'othiane. 4. m the custody of SbenlV A. C. Ibright , of Jackson County, Arkansas, i- en route to that state where he will on trial ;.n February for hi.- life on charges of participating in the murder and rob U'ry of an old man there la.-t May SherilV Allbright arrived in Way-. lHssvilh' Wednisday morning from, Raleigh where he obtained ex' ' -(ion papers Tuesday for the re of Cothrane, who was brought to Haywood county jail about ten ago and turned over to SberitV We for safe ket ping after l.'ffng arrested in Clay county. "t ('otbrane's brother, Paul, L'S. i.s sen. fenced to die in the electric chair January '-'Mil for his part of the murder and robU'ry. SberitV Allbriu'ht, a young, ener getic otliccr, told The Mountaineer in an iu!eriiw Wednesilav morning iut befoici hi. deo.irlure for Arkan sas, bov he had -olved the mysterious m u rder robbery. "Hack in May," SherilV Allbright began, "an old man by the name of P, F, Mitchell, who was respected and liked by - everyone. was found beatelied to .death -0 h '; led in tlie f, rmboiise In which he lived. Hi' is leputed to have kepi -eve.i.l thou-and dollar- :n bis ...homo -iihc be had lost beavilv in hank -failures;'' The house was broken into a-id the old man was found by bis daiighti r who lived across the road from 1 1 i "A f I er si x I y day.s of endless search ing, we found that three young men who lived about seven miles from the scene of the muiib r had plenty of money on them. I Uestioned the boys iind Paul bad about six hundred dollars -on- him. He finally made a confession lis to tlie ndibery and murder and involved bis brother rii'.t. In Aikansas the boys go , by the nailie of N'i'1 on I undirstand they (diaiiged their na nifs because of sione froubh' thev got into lx-forc leaving .North Carolina.-' "Two week- In fore I ai rc-lcd Paul, (he boy I'm-alter here, left and canio back to North Carolina..' Paul ,w;m tried in November-and found guilty and .sentenced to -die. .January ib"th. When on Irial lie denied tlie confes sion, or the i m plica t ii oi of Crint. "The money we found on Paul was I ill hod o c- l o I he estate." SheiilV Allbiighl said he did not i- :'e ! any I rouble with the boy go- :e I. ovei: I lie o(l inile j rip as i- fa nl of the -herilV drove the car and Colbtane rily haiidculfed (N'-Imn) was see ti- f'ol hi a ne W.. shall Pi ad h.iw. !en day- up, an, -ale keeping. l -i week The vii will 'o' b raiie. stiong denial: of I hiiig about I he told . of niinliti ar re.' ted by Mar of ( ie0'gia about brought here for Mountaineer 'inter a nd he made ; a vi'ii knowing any-ca-e. but later details, C-ith- raiie and his family previously lived in Clay count y. ....-' .fie-f In fore 1,'aving .Sheriff. Allhrght said he wished ci i cums-tances would pel in it him spending sonie lime in this section, as he had "fallen in love witli !." Purebred Stock Has Arrived Here Ready For Sale A carload, of Guernsey heifi and cows; have lust, arrived from Ches " r. S- ( Ibese animals were hand picked by F. R. in ham. dairv ex tension specialist- ami V. I. s'mitti, county agent, .during' tin- pa-' two weeks. These animals have f )!. 1 1 tested, for T. H. and b-uigs disc before: they left the farms in So Carolina, 'fbey are ail bjgh gra or registered. These animal - will be -old j lion Sat urday, Tieeeml.' r fUh Tb. auction, will be held at Rianib tt'.s St. able nil I lepot street , M .-. Fai n ham and. other dairy '.-; a-lists .'-' '' he here from State -College.- - M C. Bates of the -Ciuernsrv Catfb C'u will be the auctioneer. Any farmer or. dairyman who is in terested ip seeing thex1 'aniiiia! - r . fore the sale can do; so by. .si irr '. ' e county agent, dr. any one who i n charg(; at the -table. . .." Fa nHV'.' should ma!-;o' plans t i get a- inai'V. of these animals, as po--'-t :e as there is a- sliorfage "f milk -.cow-: oyer ! e . entire United States. . The . is harticularly bad iii thi-;.- ' ' :. ' "The Oairymen .ate coming ho-. . " . this sale front all ; tiie- sU"-r..iiv-'.:"-:,v. counties. 'We . wan! our t'cfo ,: ro be alert to the -it uai : oi .i rid '.kt r . ' of those animals in hh county need . olio ; milk i'---:-'w-'; :n now to '-uiiniv "o "er- We will hav-- IV..1- : det;: ' -Con 'about '-t'H.-'-. - :! 'V, iiS'ie." Mr.' S:;rit-'r,-a:rl., m i i - "l ': 'lif: next: v Will Pay r or

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