THE WAVJJESVILLE MOUNTAINEER .THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1931 Haywood Grid Champions LOOKING RCK the worst depression panic of nil1 , ... time. :,.,.l u-.f .. I dl.'! "l,r- nations th. OVEROLD 1934 , Iv A Franc .-. e :av,. parsed th.-ach another t4rni"11 anii appart-ntly on the verge WVl. ; i , ot m:!:tary conflict. ! v. . r piesident oxpir. merit. " 4 "d'tr .v- p-m.t: t wt; :h,;;;:(T!;atfu, tht "'i, i 'a..-; .. :':;.. :'r:'7 ;:"r.;v: ' '' serious epi- .-' ' g J'eri.'J nr..: :1.e now , , :V'-' -lls:!"g .'I" the war 1!:4. k ;'-g' b:u'k ar:.; t':tsi'f iin ' fi rs, Jrs W 1 - ar. i cnanfs that h;w r:a,v ear as i!v "".vnig iiis pol-c, ,.;rec: which ; .'- I; N'' '-tractive ;ias I :;.c li'.ere i h : :r.- a'l i x the long " . :W' x I run may o.- ma -a.,- .... :, , liu, !u..r ! ; 1 :. a'-.'.1 -a - , ,.:,K w" nxi of the peop:,- !: tnut !..- h!, ;v,'n n "'''''' tf-.l. r ,. , ",:r ir !!!)!, v.: when AlU'r aP. v.c ;:,w ,.,.ry thing U; ' t. un.le.i .v:i. er. : .!'!! . i- i .1 '. t h:.r.i. I'ai t',.; a- t';c !n ,1 g , t-rn:r.. :s; The--,. .,. AMie-.,ar. aM j,, I rr.any ;::a: u ..'",,;: T.'hto ha !ve!: -r::rc cmviv.:1. ' .- . i ; i w L - : '' "' ' !V ! at the time ;ha V !a-; . , -l,: .., 1 i . . 1 , 1 1 1 11 a; 1 ..1 ... ,..1 1 : More Acid in Blood When the I 'ee,: li, c,. ! k ' f I. .,-.v ; e a"H roMn ries ,, ; a ai e a c elm Vir ile if. .un vn-uiii oom ill' 1 .n a'aiiiiix. Hut our government paM-.i :!! . uc!i m-. v ' and still !ar..:. a- of' the ' as a 4l?s k .-ah tit V& fAiV a ll here's Carlton Weatherby's Waynesyille "High gridders who have completed another mcc-ful Mmpeign, losing only to Asheville High in an 11-game season. The team, shown above, includes (left to ngnt. DacKuem --a--. Vi,e, tiyau, roteat, latherwood Fran eta, GiUett, Ferguson and Ross. Garland regular right tackle, was absent when the above photo wa. made, Cut courtesy of Asheville Citizen. JHB CHRISTIAN HOME teriutloAal Sunday School Lesson '.. for December 23, Golden Text: rheat; and on "Glory to God in the earth peace among fax! Up Strength ),t By Taking Caidui SerWt her own account of how Jtr. T. W. Hardin, of Greer, S. C, vas beneffted by taking Cardul: fl Buffered great deal from weak liest In my Wck and pains In my Ida and felt so miserable," eho 'rites. ; '1 read of Cardul and de cided to try It. I felt better after took my first bottle, so kept on faking It as I felt such a need of Strength, and It helped me so much.. ' Tbnnnndi of to uen testify Cardul tnlii4 them. H It does sot braeltt YOU. oaiult a LrdoUo. men in whom he is well pleased Luke 2:14. (Lesson Text: Ltfke 2:8-19: 6:1-4.) Eph. Our lesson this week is the Christ mas lesson and uses Luke's account of the anunciation by the angels to the shepherds of the birth of Jesus to direct attention to rh o -------- VHV. t-UliVaO of the home. Joseoh and Ma from Nazareth, where he was a car penter, to Bethlehem, their ancestral 'Job FHnting EXPERT WORK i The ountaineer PHONE 137 I . . . we offer Dependable Insur ance . . . Distinguished Service . . to Discriminating People Bradley-Davis Co. Insurance Real Estate Rentals PHONE 77 FRUITS NUTS CANDIES Everything For A "Delicious" Christmas THE LARGEST ASSORTED STOCK IN TOWN 1 vl I he Lowest Prices I AMERICAN FRUIT STAND FELIX STOVALLy Owner ! K&&m8-i S Camels btcause fhcv ' ';,, ' 12 '"ied. I w my oervcj HOUSEWIFE: "Inever knew how much a cig arette could mean un ' til I smoked Camels," ays Mrs. Robert Sayles. ''I was attracted to Camels because have such a mild fla vor. And I find that when I smoke a Camel, I have more energy." FOOTBALL REFEREE. Tom Thorp says : "1 he 'lift' that you get from a Camel sure is a mi'shiy valuable thing to aavone whose job requires fast action. Arid I know I can smoke them any time I like. ..and they will never make tne 'edgy' or nervous." home, in order to enroll under a census u.ucieu uv ine Koman Emieror Au gustus. Because of the crowd which was in Bethlehem they found it im possible to obtain a ruom in the inn consequently, the Savior of mankind was laid to rest in a manger. "No single incident recorded in human history has so gripped the imagination or comoelled th auen men the worlJ over as this wholly picturesque and utterly homelv scene," says Bishop James E FTee man. "If it be true that the great epochs in human history have been marked by the rise of outstanding personalities, if now and again a single individual has been the means of ush ering in a new era of human achieve merit, how transient and ephemeral seem their accomplishments when con trasted with that which is witnessed in me person of Jesus Christ!" The appearance of the angel to the causeu consternation but nis.nrst word was a reassurance airatnst tear. v-mh. iol ( ti... mat, me savinr hn- ... u.. founded on nvu 0.1,1 t . - 'm uui. itar as in uie case ot heathen and pagan faiths 1 he ennd t.iiiifiira : ,.. .. for "all the people" and consisted of uie news mat uie . Savior had been ourn. directions were given the shep neras now to find him. Then, human ears heard flivino . : Uod and desiring ieace among men d.lTl e shepherds went to Bethlehem and rnU urh.i v,...i 1 - "wmv nau uccurreu iu Liiein. 1L IS an nmbvin,. n .1 . - OIlu a glorious """S tnere lived n th.. litu,, cuuiury on tne eastern shore of the Ureat Sea a young woman who could ue trusted to im tho mitiin t t ...v ,Huwitf vi uesus. says Lvnn. arnM n..,w .t r U4. i """s11' rim ine light in her eyes and the expression uv ittcc ne learned first the mean ing ot life. And a rare and gracious personality it . h,vh ..i . u. Liustea with that priceless Child. uut we cannot stop with that. We . i .i wnai. a mar velous thinir fin.l ,ioo t -o) v. vwvo mi tTcrv wo man whom hf al U,.o . u..i i i .r i . , , nuiu nrr own . iiio in ner arms. We may be sure uuu JUVI'c inn A ' r r- J , J .... I a , 7 "au,l:' lo come among us And as loilif as f h llni art mlU.. " r "'v '"""'US WHO u , ,lnL" experienie of niothei "wu win me nob e i,nmn. -.. m great and good sons will grow up fj wjuos 1,1 h worm " ... T i ill OUT so Uini wm f.. t.ii. . f.P?uS ehJldren nd parents S0UI"i r V. lormer to obey and the latter to ; i ' j u UL "Tu. : ; ,. ,"'.c ul,o- oi wrath. . L k Ded.ence to parents s the basis an. ..,.. i- , 1L , , "'tvluo1 muse oi uc Ui tne lawlessness and anarchy in romp rVinivk j i. v " H s m',-11 ' . V"le. says, i'rpf " ."""'"v- uur prisons and refor oren who werp novai. j : . KUKilt UDCQ H-'I1C nr. hAma Tk I earned obed.ence in, the home, and "vunuc (juoa citizens and elli , ""UI -iney Knew how to bm' . . K"v"' wn the " uie staxe leu. ' nut irritate your children, bv - uj. j,uur aumonty vo d for one hour nf o,n... . . lu Sretful of the f8ct hAt you were chi dren once, and shoula farryhe uU ?reart in forever," y says --."'' ". v.. vi. mouie. "iNevcr claim iiKiit ior yourself where you are not manifest v minif.ti e .!.. . . .v,. ui uiu sacrea right of your son, and daughter to ti, u"scl"s'i anection. Your hut IOr, your gratification DUt Tor thru. innJ - - kuu . Hri n ctim 4nw "r" l" yur guardian hands." John Rnskin in a-:.i- . . i r , . viouixuiiiir- nis own home, pictured conditio ,h7v. . v... exist in every home but which un- taught the perfect mining rrpece, in thought, act and word I never1 nau nea.rtl my lather's and mother's voice once i-jurmI in ... ... ,.a, h 4u""on witn or even sjicht ir k.i -,.,. :. . i "J o' oiieiided e,-.1- "ie eyes ot either. I had "-vC, L-ara a servant scolded. I had never Seen a mnmonf'f. i i , - 's livuuic oi dis- order ,n any household matter; nor -.j ""OKvcr oone in a huiTVi 1 had no conception of such a feeling n ' .. ... j . i . iVCXt It) THIS nllltn . . .... ,i)in.ciuas Kill ot peace, I had received lh, m.-Li understanding of the nutnn, u...i ience and faith. I oho,, "I iiAi.u.iiiii;ei- ui iar.n(1r npmnii,nn iy as a shin her hp)m not 1 . idea of resistance, but receiving the direction as a part of my own life and force. And my practice in faithiwa--soon complete: nnr.hi promised me that was not given,' noth .! . . u me tnat was not inflicted, and nothme- ever tr.1,1 u- was not true." , Spanish-Chinese Dictionary A , Sp.'iriisli-Chinese d'iction.-irv lias ty0 MIL'I'S, W.'IS nrinrnrl In anil . hhs Hlout ;00,000'. Ch'lnes'p .-t,rei-' sf.ins: translated Into Kn.inisli. It was compiled by a Jesuit mlsslonarr. 8. :3L H-JH' I it 1 '' ' i?';'v j -.L" "I -P.:' THE CltSlfT FIVEI A Now .Tory kaa ova auy Am rw. ojiiua of f.nriu , immu (vu.d cmU. Ikn a iwiiii ts-ImIm apviMtonMlyM with Int. Iwtan. LkMl I priiied luv. UM km IMtoe calk. A wsim alia nakaa, . . . AND I'LL GET Yt,u THE WORLD!" "BUT I ALREADY HAVE A CROSLEY I" A l ucky Rirll Ixtiulon, Paris, Berlin, Moscow . . . thu whole glumorojiH world of radio nt Iut tingertiw with this sensa tional Crowley Siity-)no Aiiii'iicuii-l'oreiBn nvcivur. Do YOU want thn Hilxrb tone (idelity, sharp tuning, wonderful DOrforainiHN fJint cjtn milv I'nmp with um'li u ,fii-i-i,ki,a IV. tiilx Htsi 1V YlWl 1..,..., :.. ' eal)inrt rlffligning. Do YOU want tho oulntandiriK radio rnhie of the day. Then, Uere it is the Cronley Sixty-One A. F. THE CROSUY SI A. F. 1 kr tmi Nrw mi Psrproi TEE CC3SIEY 814 F A ALL WAVE W Thf nhfaaaln la all w.t. ranna w final Kmmiivm. fureicn. ikx Koa, nutw Hid ftviatioa Lroad ata. Um all th. laOat (aatura. Mngaaa a beaut, aarfunaaau. mmi WANOCA RADIO SHOP DEPOT ST. ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION L. V. GEKO S. A JONES, Owners PHONE 25.1 ' TI11IM1 IMlaWa-baftaa ' f I l it tt tt tt tt t tt t tt t it t f tt Before You Do Your Christmas Shopping Read The Ads in The Mountaineer It Will Pay You! II tt H- 4. H 4. 4. 4. 4. t 4-4. ti li ?! tt t tt tt ti tt ti

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