'A i1 I- !.' v.. , 7 v.'i. v if ' I ' Li ' t ! tip - 1 'l I, THE WAYNES VILLE .MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEMlto ! THE BUCKEYE GAP" x I.O.N. , hV-ACKMKM r : - -ey Sn-1 IXAIIX 'ISAIiLE i-. ::: 'U i" to A pt-at .T.ar.y : tier- i rr.e n". 'u. re the same k:r.-3 of t)'-'1 react-;.- u.vj: .".r.g . !.'.:-:.. -.-.c-r.-.y-rlve that we d at vV'T'liip'rl I sba!. try :.( ar.--.ver tr.em a., a: - many vt t.'.h wh "-"-"- time. " ;ar.i women of today are tr.o.-e -a :.o.-e ;Tht-r- an- ar.-i .:ro.-:a.'.-,-.ir:r.vr have fa::c-i :'j irr''-.v a ::'-':a- ccs whicr, .-naK-- a 1- r.g era-::.-r: ,:r.ce their h:jrh sc.-.o.:.. -;ay-. nece-irv. It is Jtr:aj;:v B-it if ' u are -id er.--ugn ' ish for ::.vo vour..- r-op.e ':o ...... t rr.- :, .irr:(.-j an. are making er.-uj- to fortabiv v.-::'h tr.v.r owr. jnr.j-Iv b-t, -imp;, for goouness s&Ke. g-j on wh-j coai r;.t . r.-c--:i.-:y .-t.-.:.-h t-.'ar.-i married. It is eipec:a..y un supp..rt a home, n'.aT.eJ. Trty,-a , t a your.? woman to .-ta;. en- are on!v a-kin? ft..r :r, -biv ar. : jM;. f. r vears and years, sr.fc pets has to'U- v,.-v . t ra.- : battle - , ;.:wc -Ah- r- ,he .- r.eitner with pove.-v ar.: r a."..-' t.-.e -::.h ,,r f..w!, rx r tr-wi re'! r.ernrnf. very u;i.j..r.K :' rj.ar'.u-. J:. :-u -h a ,,f ver frier. are married and sne case, I sav v t-:.-'a-ri-: by a.! . .,- (Jf n-.arrie i .-et. tr.e s:njrle mear:-. ur.:.:i ..J ar. -e..- your a ay .... ,.; y ur.-.-r .-'.- and clear f. at i.a-t -u:-tvrt ytur;eives. i ;y,.t ar,j -,Vor.-t of ail. everybody seems Another a-e w.vr- I approve of ... Vetrar J hi-r a- a verta:r. y rjr.t' man's Jonj? t-.nav n.tr.-- .- 'Ar.tr, the ?iri ; llT,, ,,vr v an. r.c ;.- :,..r. on hand for and Wi a.-- very yjunt'. They are'.v,.:.v J.-.-a.ivn ..ht. ieft to twiddle not rea'iy X; --:t..- down to the ;m-!,.r -'r.ur:-.b-. A lr.; ena'ement aet-ms portam bi.-ir.i-.- of making a home;.. .-Kf. -n,. hioom orf of marriage to or rear.nir 'a fatr.ii v. Their education i .,' ,:n i-'ent. The man and woman. is no: crry. -.n :r.ar.y ways. If they t0 ta;:i. each other for granted. po.st;.r.e rt.atnm. ny, they w:ii pos- irreat deal of money is not neces- - ,y---:-; ! .. . . .. . ... . . . . I SANTA SAYS:- 'ToH-ifts That Please Go to' AN OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF TOYS Skates . . . . . . . . .98c Washing Maehines . . . .98c Blocks .... . . . .. . . . . . .89c Teddy Bears . . . . . ... . . . 98c Sewing Sets . .... .89c Chest of Games ..... . .98c Doll Trunks ....... 98c Saxaphones , . . . . .... 98c Trains ..$1.09 Table Tennis 69 c . aoc i tucks ............... sot , tv-.e coziest haunts enjoyed Xy. man ;.-:hab:ted or v;.-ited by tribe or can, Tr.H Buckeye Gap" is my fav:r:te thoic-e : Ar.i to proclaim it's virtues I niv voice. ::'r. an aititu :e on:n r.:n an i Ar.-i the fairest camp in a!i t I W ater trur.e fortn from a : .-pruijr. An i the wild rlower.-; bloom Dir.js sin. crysta. Dr. Dafoe Tells Of Birth Of The Noted Quintuplets When The Dionne Quintuples Arrived All The Famous Doctor Could Say Was "Gosh" Burlev Producers May Sell 10; More Than Allotments Of celi:i'jus fovj i-e.i-nej ov men From :ield or fore,-t or garden or b:n, The weil known ramp rank- eeriest of a!!; And it grow noith c-f trie Craotree Bald. New York The birth of t..e Dior ruir.t uoiets. savs the man who brou. Fiesh air pine, V.'afting vine. The chipmunk And scamper.- coat. breezes tr.r. aurel anu fragrance of busn and Vo.t.es bv in r.:s merry note, a bright brown The saucy jay in grand attire I'rances ga:".;.' by with song and lyre, Hoing his song of great renown To those who laugh and to tnose who frown. r.em into the world, was a "modern fairy tale with a medical flavor." A!! that Ir. Allan Roy DaFoe culd -ay as each baby arrived was "gosh!'' Th? obscure country doctor who achieved fame for his successful fight : Keep the five little sisters alive -t' ol before an enthralled audience of 3,000 in Carnegie hall and told in simple language the story of the .arr.uus quintuplets. Early in the morning of last May 2 he answered a hurry call to the Dionne home, he related, and found the hou?e in confusion, with no prep aration for a confinement ' e.vc-.-pt a tea-kittle boiling on the stove." "I was astonished to find two babies Burlev tobacco growers who have simH adjustment contracts are per mitted to sell tobacco in addition to 'their initial production allotments in 'amounts not to exceed ten per cent 'of their allotments, provided they 'agree to a reduction in the rate of 'he second adjustment payment, J. B. Hutson, chief of the tobacco section of the Agricultural Adjustment Ad ! ministration announced- Contract signers are required to render unmer chantable any tobacco produced in ex cess of their'production allotment un less it is srld under this administra te ruling. The reductions in the rates of the , adjustment payment are so that be fore it will be profitable for a con .tracting grower to sell six percent in excess of his allotment, he must re ceive approximately half as much, net per pound, for each pound of the ex , cess as he receives for each pound of ;the original allotment. In order for ' it to be profitable for him to sell an additional 4 percent, bringing his sales squirr.-.-: lock b0U Th h, And engages his I rr,u- His shrill barks As he shrieks to les tortn (.! a hem- world in a friendly cut the morning air, all his every care. un bath will make him Old Mr. out. He thinks stout. In front of his den he slumps down in peace, While the sun bears down on his griz zly fleece. had already been born, and a third m a total of 10 neroent above his al was arriving. Two neighbors were lotment, it will be necessary for him acting as midwives and doing excel- to receive more than three-fourths as lent work. The father had disappear-1 much for each pound of this excess i i. I scrubbed up in the best way as he received for each pound of the available and took over the situation." original allotment. In effect, this He told how the last two babies . means that relatively few growers will were born with an "angel's veil" or I find it advantageous to plan to sell :au! covering them and remarked that 1 toh.q..m in of thei- allormpnt.s. was Thp administrative ruline will facil. The camper mood In .-earth i.f His keen u-o boulder When sudden shoulder.- in olden times such an incident Ground Hog comes wobbling supposed to bring good luck. He said he had been sleepy from a previous obstetrical case that night and the whole incident appeared to be "unreal and dream-like." but he at tended to the babies mechanically. "The attendants told me after-v.ai-ds," he said, "that my eyes were bulging and with the arrival of each ..any my only word was 'gosh' with a-cending inflection." 'Hi didn't think the babies could live so he baptized them and then, alarmed at the mother's condition, he hurried away for a priest, a dis tance of two and a half miles. The aun ,-rs bv in a cheerful port and daily food. scans each rock goes and his the rest of F lien d s , y., u c a n g ui- s this story. The hunter hurries back and is civ ed - with glory. comrade- greet him with glad prise, loud his 'marksmanship to skies. the more of "Buckev Can" vou wish -to know Pack your grub and get ready to go Up C'abtree (.'reek and out the Long Level. Cut a good stick and walk like the . Devil. - . Hugh Rogers itate the marketing of the crop, since it is difficult fur.many growers to de. termine exactly the weight of the to bacco at the time it is taken from the farm to the market. Growers with production greatly in excess of their allotments who have tobacco which is of good quality may find it advan tageous to exceed their allotments by as much as ti percent, and some cases as much as 10 percent. A tabulation of the allotments to an uncle of the babies inquired hesi tatingly of a North Bay newspaper trie cost of a nve-in-a-row birth no- mother improved so rapidly, however, jt it e," the doctor said, and from that contracting g:o-.v.: win sell not -v . ; pounds of Burl-v marketing .-t-a- f.. receive non-t.-ar.-:'-' warrants !-.. -. "1" them from tr.r ro under the Ke-rr-s'r-""'" Present iniica:. sales of non-cor.tra - - not exceed 50 mill;-. j "l it is estimates that" will be covert i - v -VT rants issued to r. 'r.- " l ers. Total sales ;:' a. ; ar-; not expected t ." lion pounds. V;.. ,v: wi.l be rendere i :. : . consist chiefly ,.f -.. r". the crops of gro.vc.-i - tracts and wh t the, j- allotment-. 1." of Burley is est;n:a,-j , ly 2bC million ; or. ' mrrketing year. that within three hours she was of danger. Dr. Dafoe a hour- the babie gotten, but their out . time on equipment and supplies kept ' I luring into the Dionne home. ; that during these) Dr. Dafoe said that early in the fall j were almost for- taeh. baby in turn developed a severe Iltten-like cries re-ltvne of intestinal tnvin 'ivni,.h 1 minded him of their presence. They ; gave me many anxious moments, but Timely Questions And Answers On Farm Problems Skates . ... Blocks .... Sewing Sets Doll Trunks Trains Filling Stations We Have Beautiful Christmas Cards FOR HER 10-IMecc Cutex Set . . $3.93 Evening of Paris .. . . . .$2.25 to $15 Cara Nome Sets . .$2 to $15 Perfumes . . . .... . . .$1 up Stationery . ... .... 50c up Toaster $1.39 Mix-All . . . . . $3.95 Compacts . . . . , ... .50c up were wrapped in heated blankets and placed in an ordinary butcher s basket. "The first week was a night-mare," he said, "with frequent alarms and innumerable trip- sandwiched between my other calls- The babies needed constant supervision and frequent stimulation to an use them out of their attacks of suffocation." Xows of the now famous birth was lirst given to the outside world when when the babies were removed to the I ny hospital especially built for them ! they showed decided improvement. ! "One would hardly recognize nmv tlie babies of two months ago," he ' a jit. "Their faces have filled out, their; eyes sparkle, their legs are straight j ..r.d plump, their tummies are in goodi proportion and these happy little souls are taking on the rotund appearance of little puppies." W. T. Kirkpatri; Gets Good ft ForjfeT, "It has been ta;-1 tention that another.-, citizens has made at . good sale on the Toot;, at Morristown, Tenr sale is for the vr,p ,-; Kirkpatrick of Way;-.-.-, and was sold a: Kan.. The company opera house have three war-:, are able to give the::, every other sale. The following an-:.. and prices' of this c: be of interest : ilr rick's rr.ar.;- V' . I'ttUIUl. 72 140 218 256 144 24 (paid adv.i Area of Manchulni Ttie area of ManrSia 400,38."? 5Qtiarc m'. boundary -is nndefi!;..i! The: Is more than 34."-i.tvi. : t II?1nkins.. Question: Htw much land should be set aside for the home garden? Answer: I hat depends : upon the number of folks in the family. One tenth of an acre will produce an abun dance of vegetables for one person and w-hen multiplied by the number in family will give the proper acreage required. Where cantaloupes, water melons, Irish and sweet potatoes are grown in the garden it will take a somewhat larger acreage but, as a usual thing, one tenth of acre is suffi cient for each member of the family. Fountain Pens . .$1 up FOR HIM Cigars 25's $1.15 Cigarettes Carton . .$1.20 ,1'ipes . ....... .... 50c up Shavinir Sets . . ... ,60c up Razors Flashlights . Clocks ...... . Pocket books Lunch Kits . ... .39c . .81.25 .98c up . .$1,00 . $1.39 Christmas Tree Lights ... : . v . 49c GIVE CANDY THIS YEAR Question: What is a full ration for a dairy cow ? Answer: I he full ration differs with each individual animal and means that each cow is fed to her full capacity for milk production. 10 determine this each animal is given all the roughage, including hay and silage that she will eat. Grain is fed in proportion to the milk produced and one or more trials will determine the amount that is profitable to feed. A gradual in crease of grain to the ration should be continued until the milk flow reaches its peak. If there is. no increase in milk production then the grain ration should be decreased.. In tnis way the herd owner can soon determine the exact amount of grain necessary. Question: How can I cure colds in my tioultrv flocks? Answer:" The first th in cr in tin I3 n isolate all "birds showing symptoms, of a comi. as xnis, trouble ,js usually caused bv noor ventilntinn .mw,.,'i infc', or poor feeding the cause should be found and ciirreftPfl fW. fully on the feeding hrogram. and give uie hock r.psom salts at. the. rate of one-half ' pound to- three callons of water. ..The house should be thor oughly cleaned together with all drink ing and feeding, utensils, Slight cases may be, treatei by the use of a ten u I ar-yro1 solution a drop of this being placed in each eye, each nostril and in the slit in the throat. ncre the tnsea.-e is well farn'KhbhcH it is not pin'omiral tn t.at ;n,i;,ri duals and these should be. destroved.. Whitman's $1 to $5 Joan Manning $1 piest couples are those who start with a fair income, love,, faith in each other and trie will to work together. So I say. to those couples who ask about, king, engagements,! don't stay engaged too long if you are -sure you have found.- the right, man, or woman LiiciL is, unless you are vorv or too poor to. be comf.rtable." ' Yours ' LOUISA. young Great Lakes Tidele Thp Great I.:i!:cs arf rtrncflcally tide iess. Some iver flaira to have found true , tidal pupations said to mount to three r':cs p.t spring tide at Chicnn. ..Spr-tir.'dii'ry iH(:i!ations of a few mintites In period ninRin? from ne to fcrir Inrlies srt well marked. anijoiie it ill appreciate ! Table Stoves, single or double 1.50 -Toasters, chromium finish $1.60 to Si Criers......... :..75ctoS: Waffle Irons $4.25 to Electric Irons $1.00 to S Heaters, sunbowl type , ; .$1.00 to Heaters, fan type ... .... . . J Corn Poppers . ... . . ...... , . . . . $ Percolators, chromium finish 5.95 -! Cigar and Cigarette Lighters . V Jl 'vFIashIig:hts " . " v.- i :. 59c: ito , Royal Vacuum Cleaners ... $ Maytag hashing Machines . $' Christmas Tree Lighting Sets i 8 Light Series Sets . . . . , . . . j Waterproof Sets . . . . Martin Electric Compan MAIN STREET V FH0.

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