1 TIUTKSI)AY, DECEMBER 20, 1931 HIE WAV t. i: Vivi' I'Al.N EV.ll Real Estate Transfers S i;., i . j.. to w.u: rrox chime BIG IXU'MK INCREASE 5t I ! S I s T K N CK 11 U M 11 S 1 E A V S INI. I-' FINITE BUDGET TO i.l l.-h THE XKA 'MX ESS 1IELI' v ROLE WJFi. Sinim.s Mountaineer's Spe- I' T. II. I, r , .f l ,t,,.. ( '.o-rtwmin.h'nt. l)nL-:iii; the four-day com ere nee n-mif caiU-J 1'V Attorney-General .Vminc,. l're,idVut Roosevelt call ed for il.-e ..'o-ojieration between state c.-untv, ckv and town admin istration, in onier tha every crime : BitveJ.tinc and law etitomng agency xnthv coiinltv might work together to rdi ate the 'symptom of social diiorder." ! end of li'oo to show the full improve- . 1 ment of many of t he lower income classes- I j The Subsistence Homestead l'ivi sion would like to get a half billion i ! dollars to expend its activity and, in 1 its annual report, declared that a national survey would be under-1 taken to locate proje.t. which will' hereafter be originated by the divi-i sion itself. Up to June 001 pro posed homestead projects, seeking! loans of approximately UO.HOO.UOO, hed been approved as "in some de- ' gree worthy '' Due of the chief aims' of the projects is to decentralize in- -, dustrial areas and rehabilitate unem ployed groups by combining part-time1 wage work with part-time work on small farms and garden. , to . v.cr :'.1U Sarah Ann's Cooking Class!Sx.iSr - , t'oni lua: u..; a :r iiiath:nal!c 1 ma:i . a Tew c i ' i ! !euj. Mix sug.i id milk all l!i, W.i OH'. l'u: F. li, i; W i:.,.,: F,mc- 1 Kti-c'.! Mc F t -i IF. t air 'V Ma A: kins F 1!. !' G , I. .! i.c I :i:e I n row!ihip ;.o S. F. Fr., T w n-ir.p to V. (' .lu.-tid o William lientr ' Townhin : Fiiaiu v F iF of bom e troub : ve gift .te candv I i.'c iatc.i.l .Wi ets - iTeine Ica: we.!, add nuts, l'ouy :iii,i a well one inch thnk. Cut when linn T! id : ni- ke I vV i vanilla an greased pan into squares ever fads. Fi-.i: 1.W! h I :ir, and be P. Ilay- I, F if i: -'. ;.i i. i: a i ! a. r i.ee .. .niple! e li.,111 dated id in Leeds 1 -a:d hereby e.-ci'ip- ;ii' rr i a a .F Nat. Ka Ti ih P l.'.lcv Iel! Fll, 1 1. G F T. -"I)e7lariiig that government cannot enforce order alone, the President nrged that home, school, church, eom ; TOUJiity and social agencies work in common with law enforcement agen cies to "substitute order for disorder. Other speakers included the Attorney General and Henry L. Stimson. Sec. letary of War in the Hoover cabinet. J-.V: Income Statistics for 1U33, which include ten months of the Roosevelt Administration during which New ' Deal policies were written into legis lation and put into action, show that I h h,n.i.r income" and the number : "of. Vdiose reporting them increased Bharplv, while net incomes in the so- called lower brackets dropped oil as compared to lU.'ilF For example, those .-ectiving incomes of $1,000,000 or more increased from twenty to forty-six. and the number of indi viduals who received incomes from $26,000 upward increased, while for these receiving incomes under $25,000 there was a drop below the 11K12 level. The general expectatien is that the President will submit an indefinite budget message to Fongress and, while authorization i. rthe expendi ture of large sums will be requested, there is no certainty that the funds win ne actually useu. nils means that the Administration will tusmess a chance to increase employ j ment and to demonstrate what it can no in me way oi co-operation during the economic emergency. Evidence is not lacking that business men real ize that they are "on the .-pot" and that the best chance of reducing the emergency expenditures of the -government is for private initiative to do something which will relieve the rederal Government of it burden for general relief. F. IC.MI 1' F;-: e. .. F. C re i n Pigeon Haricy Chamber Wayne. iile t'laude lvh nehart . W oodward. J. K. .Morgan, Trustee, to Haywood Building and Foaii Asoc:a;ion! E. E. Alley, Trutev, to K 1. Ingram gm tieorge D. toria J. Slivrr V.Mhlp ; o Walker Peown Tow n-hip a nil wife tii H l. ,a .! Willie cap Mit.ii. nr.'. :! -yrun Km nut. '. '.king on; aying on e w : . : IFo ant iy ii'Illliv Paper. Shenill ti Vic- excessive 'yCritics of the New Deal made the 'point that this indicates no trend toward a wider distribution of income S a n suit. of the .steps taker., but New Deal defenders 'declare that a fiqflirient time had not elapsed by the ,--..'.'.' : J.OD.'-:-. 1 ; Printing-i The 'I':: ; c -, .;.. . iiii.l.;; t'liul! v. ; ; . -1 : 1 1 1 is a :n w i "i puru'a'e-x Relief otliciais admit farmers and their familu at least a livable income 'ii lelief rolls, and indicate check-up will be maiF io Something of an outline of want the President is apt to jiroposv to Fon gress regarding the NRA indicates that he will ask that the recovery legislation be extended, with some modifications of N'RA procedure. This will probably, include abolition of price-fixing and production control beyond those now in effect, continu ation of provisions t0 prevent unfair j many state.- there price-cutting and the divorcement of where farmers labor relations administration, al-1 have ccopt into th ready accomplished through the Xa tional Labor Relations Hoard, : EXPERT WORK The Hlountaineer 1'HO.NE 137 It is understood that consideratblo progress has been made, along the lines listed and that the .President will probably be able to inform Con gress that the. NRA is already on a peace-time basis. The general atti tude is that the flambouyan.t tactics which introduced the NRA should be supplanted by the dignified adminis tration, backed by vigorous and in discriminate enforcement. at her .Ve Hill er cei:i;:i p'llllslicl that many ; who have have crept that a remove them. I livoret ica ! iv. :! is. impossi ble for the undeserving to obtain re lief, but actually -onie manage to get by the olViciais in charge. While some doubt may vv.sl as to whether there are as many s l..'i00,000 farm er:, re, eiv.ing relief, as some assert, there is not much doubt, but that in ave been instan datively well-otl', ranks of tnose en relief M.ir-hniallow Fudge Falls - m1;1, .res ulisw i eteneti cho.ela'.e. 1 cups cvMidensc.l null.. ?kJ af-Ii-m:i!,.- s- halved Nut Uleat- chopped. Melt i hocolate in double boiler, add condensed m Ik and stir over boiling waive foe ." minute- until it 'thicken. I'.'ep pieci s- of maishmal'ew ui!e liix'.'ciic alio lift out covered with c'i c.'laie. Droii into lim ly chopped mil meals ivllmg uulil well cowred. Fan, Fed Grapefruit Pee! Fu: the gr.pefiuit p,vl mt, strip? I ! o'l F'lieer, changing I be water -i vera 1 t i ir.e- Drain and .-mi nie,' m 1 1 2 cup,- maple syrup until it is iiiai. Keniove. from syrup and inch piece in granulated sugar. rol T I checks COLDS FEVER first day HEADACHES in miniiloo lid Tablets Salve Nose Drops With the bankers, manufacturers and other business interests pledged to co-operate with the Administra tion and to present a unified front for the new recovery drive, there nat urally ensues something of a pause in all activities to await the results of such general participation in the present efforts. Leaders of private in dustry believe that much improve ment can be shown by March and they look to the President to hold con gressional radicals in check. Incidentally, the much publicized necessity for balancing the budget is being solfepedaled, with emphasis on the idea that when business re covers, the necessity for government expenditures will be lessened- More over, there is quite a general belief that the President will automatically lessen governmental activity once business shows that its pledge of co operation is being translated into I accomplishment- The retain of Vice President Gar ner to the capita! convinces most observers that he plays a more vital role in ! he adininist rat ion circles than many people suppose. While obvi ously . living up to what he 'considers the duty of his ollico by keeping out of the limelight, 'it ..is generally rec ognized that he has tremendous influ ence' -Upon Congressmen,. He has sev eral times acted on the request -of the President in dealing with legislative matters that -needed attention. Be sides, Mr. Garnee has lately been elected to represent Texas on the Democratic National committee and his duties will probably give occa sion for expression of definite opinions. Peach St rips 1 cup dt ivd peaches. Granulated sugar. Wash peaches, steam f minutes and rcneve skin. Flatten halves as much as po.-sillv, then . u t m e.y tlnn -trips. Roll I,, s ur;i i . IV an Mints 1 1 flip rnndensvil milk. "1 11 cups sifted confectioner's su gar 1 -2 .teaspoon pepovrminl extract Slowly add the cud. used milk 1o the voided i, mei - , ugar. lilemi lh..e "io; in.N . .'inn I lie p, ppvr and continue iniiii: until creamy. Form into balls, of pecae .meat on ic Rat r. ,. S:i,ee .". k 1; ;!iC "ill's. I in ; I; . ' cl In c, "Lilt!:' l'.arhailos. ii . froiii the sen. is , ly populated sp. I flv IliiLtliinil," t' .- tracts v sU!li ac'i-rii ed n a deed ii -!. i ui'.niaeried) I! 1 i, -en. wife of i:-d October 12th. I in I'.o.'k so. uaire IF. in II: NOTk'K OF TUl'S 1'Mll'S SA1.K On Monday, January ,, lii.'io, at' eleven o'clock, A. M.. at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, North Carolina, the undersign ed will sell at public outcrv to the ; ion FFlNtl ill.-,. : or parcels el' Ian I': oni F.rin : F 1; : Mar.e .le-eidii F. F. ludiin- n, FCJP. and eve. id .0. Recoed ot Deed- IF.wvood County, to whi.h said dee .1 . and re coed reference is heieby made for a full description Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon the undersigned i'.v virtue of a deed of trust executed by V K Robinson, et al., dated No vember IS, LP;::!, and recorded in Rook "I. page S!. Recoe.l of Deeds of Trust . ! Ilaywood Countv. Ill's the Tib dav of De,.- . 1!VF1. A. T. WARD, Trustee. No; 27TS Dec. 11! 20-27-.!an ;!. cl ract moot U and ress a luilf XOTICK OK SALE 3 CLOTHING For Men and Boys C. E. Ray's Sons A COMPLETE CLOTHING SERVICE HOLIDAY FARES HOLIDAY TRAVEL Spend Christmas and New Year's At Home 1 Vi cts. One Way and Round Trip Coach Tickets : Per mile for each mile traveled, 2 cts. ROUND TRIP TICKETS I'cr mile for each mile traveled return limit 15 days. Gmd in Meeping and Parlor Cars on payment of proper charges for space occupied. : .'-'-. Vi cts. ROUND TRIP TICKETS l'er mile for each mile traveled return limit 6 months. Good n Sleeping and Parlor cars upon payment of proper charges for space occupied, 3 cts. ONE-WAY TICKETS l'er mile. Good in Sleeping and Parlor Cars on payment of proper, cnarges for space occupied. No Surcharge . "nd tr,P Eckels are sold daily to all Btations on the South ?rn Kaiiway System and te many points on other Lins in the South. Hound trip tickets are good on all trains. W,.u-H?Iidaar!s re mailable to destinations in the East, -North, West and Sonthwst. See Your Agent r. R. H. DeBUTTS, '' Assistant General Passenger Acent SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM STATK OF- NOHTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN tup: SUPKRIOR COURT GFO. IT WARD and J R. MORGAN, VS. I.OVK U. GILMER. Pursuant to an order of the Court in the above entitled cause, appointing the undersigned Commissioner-, and authorizing the sales and per sonal property hereinafter de- pcribed, and undersigned vrill offer for sale at publie otitkry to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, January 7, 1934, at eleven o'clock, A. M , at the court house door in the town of Waynesville the fol lowing described property, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the cen ter of the track of the Southern Railroad at its intersection with the Southwest margin of Depot street! ane runs thence with .said margin of Depot Street. .),; feet to an iron pin in J-oh II. Smathers corner, (formerly Uavies) : thence with said Davie. line S. 26 13' W. 43.1-6-10 feet to a stake; thence S. 19" 37' AV. 143 "feet to stake at the East margin of Miller Street; thence with said Miller Street N- 68 40' W. 600 feet to a stake in the center of the main track of the Southern Railway; th'.-nce with the center of said railroad, N. 46 25 h about 780 feet to the BEGINNIGN EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a certain lot now owned by Mrs Josenhine Chape, -fully -described in a deed frm R, D. Gilmer and wife. Love B. Gilmer, recorded in Book 53, page 1 6, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. The above described property known as the hotel and residence property Also all the furnishings and equip ment and household goods in the ho tel 'on said property, known as Park way Hotel, except the furnishings and personal effects- and "household goods belonging to Mrs. F. G. Rippetoe, and not including the furnishings in the Gilmer residence property- The sale will be made subject to the prior lien of an indebtedness due the Haywood Home Building & Loan As sociation, and subject to the unpaid taxes; and assessments, which indebt edness aggregate about. $19,000.00. This 7th day of December, 1934. A. T. WARD, -. Commissioner, No- 277 Dec. 13-20-27-Jan. 3. I Clips JUg.T,-. I i-tivk iuiltei-. r tablespnotis i- I tablespoons, v. 1 p-ink milk. F-. Ige H'oa. lite Km Yule-title Family Reunions by Telephone Families and (ih-ihU Iu'iiiimc scattered with the ycais aid we miss their smiling faces and cheery voices more especially at Christmas time. Probably you are 'wishiug now that vmi could visit them this Christmas. Why not? Are they too far away? You can't Kf'l away? Or is it that it costs too much? '1'lien why not surprise them this holiday -eason "V i I It a telephone visit instead? You can ii.icli lu;n anywhere by telephone. Distance doesn't matter. A voice visit by telephone, you will find, has the personal charm of a face-to-face visit, is ennve nielif and cost little wherever you call. For exam ple, by using Station-to-Station service you can talk with folks fifty miles away for about 35c and a hundred miles for around 55c, and greater or less distances .at correspondingly low cost. If you can't po in person, go by telephone. Southern Bjell Telephone and . Telegraph jf An Go. 4- 4.4. H- 4- 4-4- 4- HERE'S THE ANSWER To Y our GIFT PROBLEM An Easy way to decide the tfi f t that the whole f a m l I y will e n j o y and ap. preciate during all of next year Send them a year's subscript ion to The Mountaineer. The y'l J enjoy and appreciate your though tfulness. We'll send them a Christmas card telling them of your gift, in time for them to get it along with other Christmas gifts they receive. It makes an inexpensive useful gift HERE ARE THE HATES One Year .. . , Six Months Three Months ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of L. Cry me., deceased, late of Haywood County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit thfm to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C-. on or before the loth thy of Novem ber, 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per fcm.s indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of November. 1934. ROBERT H. BOONE, Administrator of L. Crimes - Estate : Th - ' 4.4. 4-4. 4.4. I I- -i l- l- -i-" !- ! ! i ! "-I- J !- j j r 4.4- H 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. f 4.4. 4.4. 4-4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. l"b 4.4. 4.4. 4-4. 4-4-4-4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4 4-4. 4.4. : -M 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. M- 4j. 4.4. 4.4 4.4. -1-4-4.4. 4.4- -b-b -bb b-b b-b b-b b-b b-b b-b b-b -b-b b-b b-b -b-b -b-b b-b b-b -b-b l-b -b-b b-b b-b b-b -b-b b-b b-b -b-b -b-b $1.00 .50 35 e Mountaineer "Prints The News of Haywood County" rttffittttfflttW TVTVVTTTTTT?TW'I"l"l'T,rT'l"I1 No. 270 Nov. 15-22-2 Dec 6-13-20.1

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