The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance' of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI RSDAV. FEHRI ARV 7, 1S.5.1 o increase Board of Co sioners "TTivn NO. 10 - - - - - - - iilepeeks . mmis m , JI. Long Building $6000 lob House at Golf Course i Lern Club House Will ;av Lockers Showers and Every Convenience OF MEN WORKING 0jj GREENS OF COURSE ,i-,.-n betfan first of the di the $.M( stone cluD bouse hM Win? frt'rtwl at -the Waynes, (try Oub golf course by J. I,onl, owner. e dub house has been torn y j tho new two-story modern 'mj will be en the same site as old'hnujio. '.'''' t jL.iiir said that' dressing rooms Wtr bl,th men an women dibe installed, together with !r oums. A large lobby will be of the 'main features of the build nd will be suitable for dancing. e tuil'ling will bp about thirty foliy feet and will be at least stories high and also have a base t Mf. i-oiiK said it 'was ' possible the third story would be added 'rejL- linisiml !u' building. With ral,, weather- conditions' he ex j have the building complete nj-ji .jays. Monday morning he :5it-!)..osi..vng the -old building pt3Hr. the site for the n"w linn t" the club house he has gjttf men wiirking on the golf eJ .Tik- 'indier on the edge of coin-e has been grubbed up,, and ra mi-ti are busily engaged in .-ttilg ir:a.. .. the old roughs, e fc iie;iiL! ' used on some of the n and .Mr. Lung, stated that he have the finest greens and bat; all-rnu!id course in the sec tMs year. m'v he his nut contracted for ,ttiut is ib-contact with several. nft every mail brings encour T$tjvirts about the coming season. i Jay he received a letter from ,irney general of Florida who ies himself as being very anx '4 pit back here and play golf i this yii :. r. iLong has sent several states 1 framed group pictures of the ef and has received considerable jit from this advertising. Over $45,000 Taxes Collected Since 7th Of Last December Tax collector D. A. Howell in his formal report to the board of commissioners Monday showed that since the 7th of December until the fourth of February he had collected $45,731.59 in "l934 taxes. Mr. Howell has given formal notice that he will exhaust perso nal property before the real estate of a taxpayer is sold, lie said: "I don't want to be hard on any one, but my job is to collect taxes and I'm going to fill my job." New Directors For Chamber Of Commerce Named Brief Reports Given By Different Committees. President To Be Named Today 4 REGISTER IS COMPLIMENTARY TO FORMER LOCAL BOY he )ukf Alumni Register of Jan 1 contains an article about Lieu ntimhorne W. Reed, who Li a k glut f;;r the U. S. Army Air "s.fMint" as he is known to .liis ads' here is.--.the son of Mr. and Wyies V. R.-ed and the grandson ie-(. t . and Mrs Minthorne 'Isey of Waynesville and New Wtkle tells -if Lieutenant Reed's M record, while flying the mail spun? firm Ne wark -to Hartford "'ph.. He made the first flight ' we mad over that route after Amy .took over the task of carry tne; mail. finanr .Reed is now stationed 'eUtt-ce' Re.M, Mt. Clemens, Mich. marr,fM on last April 29th to I rs? ry B ra neh Cator of New s uty who was a member of the ffi las...rf . Duke. University ;fit(r,ant !ed has to his- credit ' Ulan 1 M-ifi 1 -e : I Jim nours oi nying lime At the annual meeting' of the mem bers of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce last Thursday night, the new directors for the -coming year were elected. Those elected were as follows. R. J. Hvatt, J. M. Long, Guv Massif, Curtis Russ, E. L. Withers, C, E. Ray, Jr., L. M. Richeson. J. Harden Howell, W. A. Bradley and Ralph Prevdst. The new directors are scheduled to meet tonight and elect a president for the coming year, and to make definite plans for thR program for the coming year; The president will be named from the present membership of the brmrd. At the meeting last Thursday night, a brief review of the year's work was given by E. L. Withers, secretary and Mrs, T, L. Gwyn, assistant secrftary. Hugh Massie, chairman of the play ground and entertainment committee gave a report of his committee's work, and W. Curtis Russ reported im the publicity committee. W. T. Shelton was chairman of the roads ana park committee and Frank W. Miller gave some interesting points on the plans for this irhmediatp section. The meeting voted to make Mr. Frank Miller and Mr. W. T. Shelton honorary members of the board. to date an excellent oeing followed with in ''tends here. um TKAIN SPEED RECORD A!I:!.PHIA.T1. Flying 1 J5 a stiearaline train streaked an hour in a test run. En- y jX' t the train to reach a ihe4 ' ' before final work is ' '' ' " ' S" V VPTVTe rT rpATT n SM:Q Mr- and Mrs. Dionne 'n i !-'le amous quintruplets, "..'leatrical career thi week. ' td rtiern' cities i rical career this week. vlC .-i.iir. on .me . stage in ccuIation Facts "ne the first of February he Mountaineer" has received I 31 ' iptions Making a total . of 153 -.-' nce January First Over Three Million In Sales In County During Year Of '33 'Haywood County is credited with a total of net sales made in 1933 of $3. 031,000, according to 'figures given out by the University News -'Letter reoent- 'r-.' At that time there were 198 .stores fn the county, and the annual payroll was given at $292,000. The total sales for the state wn $363,111,000 for the 27,652 stores. , . This county ranked 29th in tb state. The authority for the figures havt estimated that a gain of 3S per cent oner 1933 figures was noted for the first seven months in 1934. ' BREWERY WILL OPEN IN GUIL ' FORI) COUNTY HIGH POINT. The Premier Brew ing Company approximately a half million dollar company has- been or ganized this month here to manufac ture and distribute beer. J. Berge von Linde master brewer and foremost authority on brewing both in Amer ica and abroad, will serve as presi dent of the company. : Farmers are urged toj grow barley and hops commercially.. DUKE POWER COMPANY ; RE DUCES RATES RALEIGH The Duke Power Com pany has voluntarily filed a new sched ule of rates effective March 1, for power consumers whose primary bus iness is the resale and distribution of electricity an d to towns for resale for municipal power purposes, Stan ley Winborne. commissioner of public utilities, announced on Saturday. RALEIGH. The supreme court Monday ! denied Dwight Beard an ap peal from the electric chair. Beard is from Burke county and was found guilty of killing a Valdese merchant about three years ago. He is senten ced to die February 15. Fifty-one other casea ' were handed down by the court. i Proposed Bill To Increase Board On January ;!lst House Bill No. 2 Hi was introdtu'ed by Representative J, T. .Bailey "To increase the members of the Board of Commissioners of Haywood County from three to five." The bill passed three readings in, the House. The bill would appoint two new commissioners to serve until the first Monday in December. lihUi. At the general election in 193G, five members of the Hoard would be elected and one of these, so designated, on the ballot, would be chairman. The bill appointed the two members to servo until the first Monday in December, llWli, naming Edwin Fincher, of Clyde, and Weaver' McCracken, of Waynesville Route two. Haywood Representative Said Last Night He Was Determined To SeejJill PassThe Assembly Proposed Bill Is The Bill To Remain in the Cause of Consider- Committee of Sena c able Comment Here; Until Senator Gets up Criminal Court Convened Monday Big Crowd Here Sentences Handed Out 15y Judge J. A. Rouseau.- (irand Jury-Named The February term of criminal court got underway .-here- Monday tnorninir with .ludge J. A. Rouseau presiding A mmilier of minor matters were disposed of on Monday after the selec tion and charge of the grand jury was .'omplote. Those named to serve on the grand jurv for l'.l.'if) are as follows: Carl Medford, R. H. Meser, Reeves Kath hone, (ili-nn Tate, Charlie l'axton, J. B. Hill, John Russell, J. X. Teague, F. M. Byers, R. C. A. Campbell. Oas ton Burnett, W. A. Moore, Joe Howell, D. II. Turpin, Fred Gibson, G. G. I.eatherwood, C. Z. Noland and James RatclifT. Among the cases heard and dispos ed of Wednesday ''included: Roy Dills, 92 days on the road, J. M. Keener, eijrht months suspend ed sentence for having contrivances that might be used in making liquor Hugh h. Wright, ifined $"' and cost for driving automobile while drunk. Mack Caldwell, fined $25 and costs for operating slot machines. James Chapman two years on the roads wearing stripes for larceny and receiving. "Will '.Ford, 60 days suspended sen tence for false pretense. Ernest Early, nine months in jail for violation of prohibition law. Lewis Camisli, two to five years in stat,. prison for house breaking nd receiving. .Sam McAbee, eighteen months -on road wearing stripes for breaking and entering. Dewey Mucker given 15 to 18 months on r"d and Maggie Be.t eight months in jail for adultery. A true b'H was returned against Bob Jones by the grand jury for mur der in the case of Thomas Edwards. This bill was returned in open court by the entire body Tuesday afternoon It was unofficially said that the grand jory will probably complete their work either late Thursday or early Friday morning. The usual large crowd of spectator were in attendance at court. The fact that there is much flu and sicKness did not decrease thl attendance. This Year's Crop Of Tobacco Was Best In History Average l'lice Paid Haywood Iarmers Was IS Cents A Tound For ..).I,),S;M) Pounds Ofli ial ligunV given out yesterday by tin- cuiiiity aecnt'.s ullice here .-howid (hat llavwiHiil farnier.s re ceived over twice as much per pound avciage for tlieir lil.'U hurley tobacco .'op as t hoy did in l'.i:;:; Last year the average price per acre y.-is $lili.,V.. This year it reach ed a figure of $liMI.'.lS. In summing up the tigiiu-s as sliowii lielow, Mr. '.Smith ' stated that from these facts we know that 1H:(4 i rop was the best quality ... hurley ever marketed out of Haywood county. Our contract producers are convinced 1'hat the old statement of "-produce less and' get more'" is certainly' true, STATISTlCK ON HAYWWol) i;i:M ni Rl.KV ( R()P: Tiilihacco acreage grown under con tra, t, fflO ut n s. . Total pounds sold under ltl.'fl tax exempt warrants, ,.ril"i.s:ti; puiinds- N'et 'sales if'n.7,. :(!!'. 51.' Average price per pound, IS cents. Average price.: per acre, $1 '.in, Averagi- poundage per' a re I .(170,2. Poundage sold by tax paid war rants, 25.76f. Gross salt's bv tax paid warrants, $.i.!t!t.'i.M Tax paid total, $!52..'2. ;riss minus tax paid, .1(M(l.!l'2 Average price per iKiund 12 cents. STATISTICS ON HAYWOOD H):C! BI RI.KY CROP Total Atreauc grown liy lK.M con tract sigrif-rs, 1,442. Total' s:il-s for iiXV crop, $'.)7,02H.4:i ..Total pounds sold., 1,070. (144 Average price per acre, !?'!(!. .!'. A yi-ragp pri, e per pound, .091!. Number Wire In Protests, While Others Send Railey And Ramsey Their Approval Few, if any, official acts in thi.s county has ever caused as much cont ent among the general' public as the bill which was intivduced by Repre sentative ,1. T. IlaiU-y last week in the (general Assembly, which proposed to increase the membership.' of the board of coiiiniis.sioners from three to live members. The news first became known hen last Saturday and since that time the interest n the hill lias been getting keener and keeper all the while. A number of long distance (-alls were put in for Mr. liailey and Sena lor Ralph Ramsey; and nine separate telegrams left here on the matter. On,, of the. wires, 'had .seveiit y I wo individual names protesting; tile in. crease, while two others carried names, the most 'of which wete loisi lie-s firms here. It is unilerstood that Avin-s both pin and con wer,. .-.cut. from other ;ila. es in the county. Weaver McCracken, one of the nun named in the bill, w:ircd Mr. liailey that it. would he impossible for him to serve as it conllicted with other plans. Reiriesentative Ibiiley Seeking Someone To Take Place Of W. McCracken Kcprcsentlitivc J. T Hailey told The Mountaini-4-r over long distance tele phone from Raleigh late Wednesday night that he had no intention what soever of giving up the task of put ting the bill through the Legislature wliob he introduced last, week Hiiich provides that the memhersh.i of the Haywood County Hoard of. Commis sioners.' lie miTo.-.-cd r -om t hree mem bers to live, lie named in his bill Weaver 11 McCracken, former regis ter of deeds. of this county, and Fdwin Fincher, prominent business man of Clyde. I iiiiueilia! ly after learning of bin Paine being one of the two new meirl wired it would TVe ,s ' lice In r W. REPORT ROOSEVELT FLA.NS lo VISIT MEXICO I.AIil", DO, Texas Rafael A veley ra . Mexican co.Un.sul herP announceU : m bad received a dispatch, saying that President Roo.sevel-t planned to vu-it president LaSaro Cardenas of Mexico in July. He says the announcfnient was niadp. by (U-neral Abelardo liod r';n frnr Mexican president who visited President ingt'-n. and was White House. Roosevelt in Wash entertained at th J. It. Latham Sent To Larger Field Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Ivitham and family will move the latter part of next week to. Gasfonia, where Mr. Ijitham has been given a larger ter ritory with th,. Standard Oil Company.' Mr Huff, of Asheville. will take Dvi-r the place here as genera! sales manager for thi.s district. Mr. arid Mrs. Latham came here uv'f five year? ago from Greenville, S . .and have affiliated themselves vnir the different civic organizations i.f the community, and have been ac tive in the work of he First Baptist rhurrh. .' For th,. past year Mr. Itham has hoen secretary of the Rotary f lub her'-. .. HOARD CNCONCFHNKI) '.lie hoard of commissioners in rcgu session, slated iiiroiign ( nairman A... Hvatt, regarding the .bill: "This board is working in h:.ii'inoiiv iii 'every .-way, and we . an work w ith t wo additional mvnibeis or twenty t' it is inmaterial to u-." The member. of tin- board al-o lal ed that they knew nothing of the bill ulilil after it had been iiassed by the House. It was also int imated that they knew of no reason for such a measure- being put through. Temperance Meet Will Be Held On Monday Night Here Dr. J. C. Owen, of Asheville, Will He Principal Speaker Of The Evening; MiCracken Hailey that for him to plans. diii'--da.v night Mr. signified whether h plac - hi- ii'-t, Mi epru- ' i lit her. would I !;i i ley On Monday night at 7::iO o'clock :i county wide Temperance. "meeting.: will be .held in the courthouse. It will be for th(, purpose of reorganization and for discussion 'if the temperance prob lems existing in North .Carolina today. The leaders for the dry forec.s in the Vcounty : feel that since definite efforts are being made to loosen t lie b;irners of temperance . in the state that, t he meeting should have a vei v n rt iiH-pt meaning to the jieople of Haywood County.. Dr. J. ('. Owen of Ashi-ville.. repre sentative of the l)ry- movement i,: North Carolina and associated, w ill) Kale liUriress. of Riileigh, the head Mi si -lit at iv- impossible bad -ol her I -a:.- w , had not :l i. -pi ihe .-i!. . "Siin e M : .. McCracken saw !il not to .'!.- i ii! th. ilini' oii tin- board, l'v- got U dind -someone to take the . place, and will ,t hen proceed wilh the bill when Senator Ralph' Ramsey , is 'dde to be up and at. his desk." fteplv.sen tllt i e I! ;b- -aid. Si liafo.- 'Ramsey . ha.-., he- n i. the hospital, ami is now'- confined l i hix ho I roiiiii. and a cording to l!"tire-M-nlat i've Hailey it might l.e a week or, t'-ii days l-efo-e S' ri I ' j- Riinu-ey will :be. nut again Tin inll will he kept :n the s nate cummitlee on citie-. town.-- and coun ties he said. Il has been m thi.s com mittee ever since il lof1 llie. House, after i;r sillg I hi" c i).)d( r I 'ie su,-pell-.' s ion nf t he rules There has .been considerable p're-vun- brought to bear opposing the bill, while those favoring the bill have also pill up strong nrgunientK, it was lea rni'il from authoritative m. Hires from the caiitol Wednesday It was lea. lied that the oppo sition, to the hill is asking for a com niittee hearing- Whether this bill vvill he giiinfed has not been (lei ided. Approximately a half dozen from thi.s county have been to Raleigh since the bill was I'lrsl introduced wl.r b was last Thursday, ' .: . r- tr.c- LUCKY POSTMAN WASHINGTON, D. C-Jkhii ! Songster of Derby, Per.n., wa the nostman chosen , to deliver to., t.he President tne o pounu uinnua.v k; in? card since his birthday anniv sarv coincided with that president. : , WOMAN OF 73 WILL HANG FOR MURDER BUDF.PEST, Hungary. Mrs. Jul ianne Nagy, 73 year old gran-i 'moth er adiudged the principal in a plot oi "mass murder of relatives." -to -acquire - their property was sentenced to hang. The poison was adminis tered by arsenic taken from fly paper- EXPEDITION HOMEWARD BOUND , j NEW YORK. Admiral Pyrd and Ivs party of antartic explorer. left Little America this week for hon1' after spending two years in tne re gion of the South Pole. CONTRABAND I.KH'OR Washington It. has recently been .. mated that about one-half of . the ''ouor" drunk, in the. United . States is still contraband. This means that the Federal Government lost an esti- mated 13fi billions in revenue during the calendar vear. lMl. The total ederal revenue from all pot's of drink ables during trip year was nearly Ai- millions, which includes the tax on beer and wines. These have not been extensively bootlegggd since repeal. ONE WOMAN MEMBER OF STATE LEGISLATURE Raleigh Mrs. Charles Hutchins a Democrat and choice of the majority rif Yancey County's 14,468 inhabitants to represent them in the 1935 Gene ral Assembly of North Carolina doesn't feel out of place because she is the onlv woman member. She has mixed with business and politics so long that she says "its just as easy to deal with men as with women." She took the seat occupied in 1933 by her hus band, a Burnsville attorney. of. the dry forces, will b(. the .speaker the services of the evening. Every person in Haywood, ffiunty who is inU-ri-sted in the cause of tem perance ;is invileil . and urged to be present for. the, meeting on Monday night. ,-' Special Service For Scouts Sun. Following the annual custom of the a:l :. t roup of the Boy Scouts t hey w-ill nave a sjiecial Sunday service, tin- chiin ii select tnl this var for the i iori being the Met Cuurch. The regular Sunday morn nig ser vice Will be for. the" benefit of the t went y or more Scout s who w i 1 1 a t- . ti'nd church in a hudy. Rev, Paul Hardin wjll take ns his- .subject "Loy alty" and as a scriptural background will tell the fife of Joseph. All mothers and fathers ot l!ov Scouts are especially invited to atleti'ii CITIZENS J5IHLE CLASS INCREASES M EM HERSH 1 1' The' Citizen's Bible C'ass which meets every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the-offices of Morgan, Stanl ey and Ward is steadily growing in membf-rship and interest. Ist Sun day thirty men were present for the lesson;. '''','. Thursday night the class will meet for a special song service at 7 o'clock to which all intertrfed persons are invited. Officers of the class are teacher J. R. Morgan, president Jarvis Alli son, and secretary Rufus Leming, with H. B. Freeman director of the music. ATTEND I T NEKAE IN SWA IN COI N T V ONE TICKLE COST $8,000 St. Louis. Because somebody tickl ed James Blane, 70, his employer had to pay $8,000. A jury returned the verdict when Blane said that the tickle caused him to jump back and throw Ijis right arm into moving machinery. Ftineial servii-e.s for Mrs. Emma: Ferguson, HI, who died Monday at th home of her son in W'hittier were held on W'elnesday afternoon at 2"'. o'clock at the Shoal Creek '.Methodist. Church. Rev. C. W, Clay conducted the. .services and burial .was. in the Thomas .Cemetery. .' - : ' . Mrs. I'erguson is survived by two sons Glenn and Paul Ferguson, ten grandchildren and several nieces and nephews-.. She . was a sister of the late Mr.s. S. J. Shelton of Waynesville. Attending the funeral from here were Mrs. Charles Ray, W". T. Shelton. J. W'ilford Ray,. Mrs. E. J. Hyatt and, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shelton. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL VFATHER REPORT Date . Max. Min. I : '' .'-.-.-4.1 -.'-.' ;'":.; 19 2" -''." '. - '44.. " . -'.21 '3'" -'' -: 44 ' ' -..2iJ 4 - "' "-.' 57 ':''' : ' 27 5 :i.i is 6 ''.- ''! . .'."" - : 23 "'.-v.

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