111! I 171 III nn Ua .Yl I lN nnWM'N III If-yi irl I If I I ll II I il l TAiK W The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood Counly Published At The Eastern Entrar-e of The Great Smoky Mountains National I'ark -Read by Thinking l'eople no. u i vn WAYXESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI KSDAY. I EMU WHY 11, lit;!." alley's Bill To Increase Board Will Be Aired Today In Senate Set 1 or This Afternoon 1 nuher I'ndecided m I :t 4 1: committee on cities, ::tii will have a heaniiir (Thursday) cm the nresentntive J. T. Bailey st week which provided n the membership of the aid of commissioners . iive members, .assed the house under !' the rules, but was de, Senate' and sent to the .,- past week there has :i!k about dividing the districts ami-having ::ie board of commis a from tliese districts i plan was to divide the - follows: and Clyde, with two board. e and ivy Hill, two I bit and Lis civ o j 'While I :,,. i Ka-i 1 I Ih.;.- '. 'ii o:i K' :; i !"' fi'vr CrabU'ee member. Oak, Jonathan and Cata ,o member. . iv, t'eciel and Pigeon, one PRESIDING JUDGE Fines ; give the county a ners- comprised of board seven U " " 1i". ' -:.'. : .;"...' JL.'.- ftn iay at ft :r...;;e Bailey staled that ,ivi all action until later u v districts, lie said: ... save to be Worked out any situation . thai may "... c heal lug. ' al.-o made the .-talc-:.:,al action on tne inalter . c immediately-. He gave .i; as to whom he had in ;..-iivi to be named in the v,-"ll. Met rucken who was "one of the two members b;ll was introduced .some ago. ' Mr. McCraekeii wired alive Bailey that he had plan.- that would hinder him ak.r.ir tile place. Funeial Services Forl..MassieTo Be Held On Fridav Well Known V;i iuvs ille l?usi ness Man Tassfd Away Weil, nt'xlav Allernoon At Home Here Work To Start At Early Date On The Cove Creek Road About l.0 I.otal Moil Will lie (;ien Work On The Si liU St reteh Of Road Tlu awav This is dudi;e ,1. A. liouseau, ol Xortli W'ilkesboi-o, who is pieielinj: over the criminal term of court here. This iV his .-econd time to h"ll cotir't in Haywood. County this -year. i.M:. Bailey stated that he intended tfimg .throuuh with the bill to in-ti;-e ! iiiard of , commissioners-B-.trt has. iieen. some opposition as 11 a.- af'l'roval to the measure. JThc Waynesville Chamber of Commerce notified ' Representative Ba iley and Senator Ramsey this week t the (ii'ganization heartily ap ifm the increase of the member-f-9. The group, however, has not ifiMstd any individual for a place $ the hoard, they are merely inter- 3i!fii in the bill proper. ; INCH E R UNDECIDED W HETH- 5R HK'Ll. TAKE PLACE OR NOT E'lw.in Kincher. the other man nam- w in Mr. Bailey's bill as an additional ifemlitT to the board of commissioners tjM The. .Mountainepi- vst,pi-dav that he had not decided whether he would p'p: the place or not. I He said: "I've been away for ten BVS and linvpn't TnaA a -Vinncp tn dp- The news came to me like a qouilbur.-t out of a clear sky, and as t I don't knnw wViat it ic nil nlvnit ' Ijwt trot hack Sunday and the news uaamuun.H-cr me.' iMr Fi'm-her intimated he was in , !J. to wait until the bill had be- me a law hefofe he made known his jraial decision. Jones Gets 25 To 30 Years For Murder Of Late Thos. Edwa . .c- -i!.- hvna- o-l r 'J'Cm '; 1 -day iif! II. was - ai iv Tue seemed to i ai! . On , illtl he appeared liiUch his onilition u a- enc a tew minutes bel'o Mr, Massiv was ". 1 St.!J and w:i.n ti ay -rtn o; William I.eU0 M..-: Francis Masie. 1 (eVelnt.H-r 1SNS :'iom! wiiah !iv neilay inoi n inipri.ve.i and .oura.rnnK' until ' the eiai came. birn on Aunu-l son of the late T: ir.i i k iiiy . i. . . .ii..: a i t'ui i l.'iU !. '.ht-ouh ;lu ol!:ce lu-re w .:-. T. i ;.. :;iv t s: s'jo e t : . i- !a-t w It it lo : i i.": c::e empKn uen ta lonal iiei mj . ! t it : : ham 1', l-'vaiu an ; .'I . Masic and in the they moved Ai'te. c a general and Mary Anne ' w as marrieil on to M;.. Mae-L'i,-1 '.hi y lived at t i u-o whei e wa.- encatroil in I'aimnig . mer ant:!e inis:ne.- until : d mi: r oiir.i . hijr. :o. nie ce u, t,. it. a i iH-u o llleiii -:i t:ie lal-.n. vecel e.l .000. Iy , will i i '. lle the -ta:.-! that n to W ayiu-v illc mill);' tore re I in Defendants Enter. Plea' of (Juiltv After Venire of 7.") Men Are Summoned wity Game And hre Wardens Are N amed For County ms .Made To Combat Forest fires J', WnrHpn Plot! AnH His Sixteen Assistants :Hi, of the - ea:-' . Thee.: 'I'lt.'tt,-' county game and fire announced this week that the puty fire and game wardens unty had been named. The ''"h. deputy will be named at i.tte. .'ire as follows: H. L. Rath- es McElroy, Grady Walker, rt . - a tt ti n -.."iiijison, nouerx nuweiii i. S Uavr- 1-eRoy Willis, Ras Robersori; &rk r Hieh.' Ck.nr I' d Stvles. Willip Prfton. .Too Wd L. R. McAbee. t7-foot tower on tojp of 's Mountain will be put into :n a week, and a deputy will ' duty full time for the dura '.he fire season which will be ' l-'-.h of May. Just who will it u not kI,own! but there are vt tka,. applications in, Mr. Plott J,.,"6; :"'Wer on top of the -r',.iin attords ct In. 4. 2 00-foot view of pvp thp M , -V , J " places it- ' VA tetne oorocr. st-;a, of ihe deputies have five as ru. ..:". These are named by the firL J;.:". themselves, ami in cases of TLJtsiders are given work. -las far only two small fires have reported. One burned fifty acre! fM p?fek'iWUh a Ta1 damage. r stated tht there is 1 -n'0d for, nyJe who turns t 'n f T'le . setting out h" and the person is convicted. It W thLT01- that the '"iy two hm J" thls ieason set si vet n "rests have been made After having tlisposeil last Thurs day of the only ma ior case sched uletl for this te. in of ciiminal eouit. a 'number :of small eases were cleared from the .docket, with Judge J. A. Rouseau presiding. Bob Jones, charged with the mur der of Thomas Edwards, former Way nesville policeman, entered through his counsel, W. T, Crawford antl Rnnis Sentelle a plea of guilty of sect, .A degree murder. The court gave Jones 2o to ,"0 years in the state peniten tiary and ordered that he wear stripes. Magjjie Styles, who was charged as being an accessory to the crime, also entered a plea of guilty and was given a sentence of one to two years in jail. . A venire of 75 . men. from Beaverdam reptirtc-tl for jury service before the plea of guilty was entered. Other cases, disposed during the past few days included: Joe Burnett was given a week in which to move some dogs from the City limits of Canton. He was to pay all costs of case. D. L. Caldwell, assault with a deadly weapon, was found guilty of simple assault and received a 30-day suspended sentence and paid a $24 fine and cost. Thelma Burnette was granted. a di vorce from Frank Burnette. . - . : Ruby Wilson was granted a. divorce from V. E. Wilson. E. A.- Thompson received a 30-day .-u.!)i'r.ded sentence worthless check. ' Fi-ed. Mull charged with driving while drunk was given a -lU-diiy sus pended sentence and fined 50. and costs.' , ,'.'', Dwaine Patton sentenced 4 to o years in prison wearing stripes for breaking and entering. Edward Mc Elroy was given an lS-month sus pended sentence; . and then one - n ! 'i ;v he houo-ht o.i; ; .Mo.lford in ;li." Mi Store, the r.:.o:e ,. I'lianged to Ma--a-pany Finn: time u hi:, sons ,ha e ,.; Imsine-s wit I: h in. the -linn opt-ne.l Sylva. ' .hi. -Massif was business ail'aii s of many othe,- i nt ore hi- stoles, an I a all civic un.lertaka aide. -man of ih. I l!2 He w;i, ai-. lieious i i !i ,-,( i in- v a. an inlior .-f : I: Unocal boeil co:il o! -ollle ol ! he clll of town at t he ; in: service s will be i u.'i Fi i. iay at t ir. and interment w .-emetery. Surviving are 1 following twciv Jessie McCrackeii, Mrs. Bonner Rav he in l'.tOT tirst opene.i ay ne v i i !e e:, ' lu 1!22 of Boone Murnituie linn being F urn it lire t'oin tilue several of i-.-.'ciatt d in the few years ago i. ranch stole m pionliiieiit in the t lu- town- having t. hc-ido that of a.,-o a iea ler in V. He eived as t' u n fioiu. U2S .to mi act ive in ll.ie re- 'i Hill 111 II 0 ! y all y ;.: .Mi'! h. n'ilt ell 11 IV i . ai l autii ii:.- ii;.- nave not ! e.l, aw '. i 1 1 ng t he an ival he e 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 who -. (. .l of hi.- ilea Ih. The duet il -olilet line dot hoilist cluireh he in Creeiihill FERA Urged To Build Park And Beautify City C. OF (' PKKSIDKXT i an-. 1 a' cJ. s 'widow and the children: .Mrs. Mr.-. J C. Ueece, Miss Marguerite Massie, ami Miss Mary Emma Mas sie. antl the following sons: James E. Massie, Thos Uuy Massie, Ixdlo Mas sk'i W. Hugh Massie, T. N. Massie, Jr., Francis Massie. and Harrold Massie; thirteen .grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mamlv Henson. of (JainesVille, Fla.; Mrs. Ellie Shook and Mrs. Mtdlie Smather.s of Canton; Wesley Massie, of Crusti; Will and Talmadge Massie, of Hominev. Bailev-s JWI Would' Provide New 'IV Of .Colledinj!; Taxes Ta . ( dliei tor Mut Ti Tn ( oiled Mefore Sellin l'eis;oiial Taxes i (hit en v"n .-.- nt at iv. e.l in I be- tli-n. itle.i. "Ail acl llaywond ( 'oiinty , a better system I' deylllllellt taxes .1, ! : lal A, It - Hit l Iv bil a l i i c lor Miss Anne Peck Is Winner Of Contest Miss Anne Peck, daughter' of Mrs. Helen Peek, of Lake Junaluska, Was elected last week as the winner in the citizenship contest - sponsored by the Daughters nf the American Rev Hition. In each '.town of the 'United States where there is a chapter of the D. A -R. a girl is being elected under the supervision of the chapter. Three girls Were elected by the Home Rooms of the High School anil from the three the teachers had the privilege of the final election. . AH girls '.winning in the local, con tests will be enteYed in the state citi zenship contest and the winner will be given a free trip with all .expenses paid to Washington, L, C, during the week of the annual congress of the organization. Many courtesies will he extended the forty-tight girls among which will be a party -for. -them te the White House. County Dry Forces Organized Monday County organization of the dry fores in Haywood county were perfect ed on last Monday night when. Ir. J. C. Owen of Asheville- associate of . Kale Burgess, of , Raleigh, head of the dry ftm-es in . North Carolina, made a talk on temperance and its related problems. '. The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, asso ciate chairman. J. T. Bailey, secre tary. Homer Henry, and treasurer, John L. Davis. Three members at large elected to serve as the execu tive .committee were Paul Hyatt, of Woodrow, Glenn Palmer, of Crab tr and Clyde, H- Hoey. Jr., of Can ton .' '."-.."' No definite plans were made by the hewdy elected group as their line of work will be determined by the action of the statelegislature regarding -the, bill pending realtive to the regit. a tion 0f beverages in North Carolina. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. The Airship Macon plunged into the ( -:ean 110 miles South of here tpnigh1: and 'navy "vessels responded to frantic SOS calls rushed through fog a"'1 rain tn n nt nn I nmmfl nnpr 1 1 1 ' o- - V. Wiley and the other survive the crew of SO. of Former Resident Of County Passes Away Funeral services were held on Feb. the second at her home near Stuart's Hiaft, 'a., for Mfs. Jane Howell: '''. who passed away on January. after a, lingering. illnes.. She wn stricken on - Christmas Day: and he r condition hail been critical since that time. Mrs. Howell was. the daughter of the late Lafayette Moody anT.MjV. Elizabeth . Mootly, and was born .On Jonathan's Creek on. June -the 1868. and has a wide family- .;on necf ion in Haywood county. She was married to B. P- Howell in !"" -' she and her -husband reside' in th;s county, until, twelve years at' when they . moyed to Stuart s lira t '., a. wheri tbef have sine male their home. For years Mr. H ': wa one. of the leading stxx-k fa.rmr in this section and Mir-5. HowdF was actively identified with, the life- of her community. ' ' She is" survived, by her 'J.irs'nand, B P. Howell, one son, Benjamin L. Howell, of Stuart's Draft and the following step children: Paul and Ethel Howell, of Stuart's Draft- Mr. Jarvis T.. Comarli of Lak- Juna-luska, and' Mrs. J. B, Mauney.: of .Birming ham, Ala: Those attending the fun eral from here were: Mrs. J. T- Co man, and her daughter-:. Mr.s. . Ken neth Ferguson and Mr- Charles Fer guson;,':., '.,,;," Mrs. Kenneth Fers: Felix Stovall were spending the day m Monday. , .... ''"' -on and Mrs. among those Asheville oh M'lll for the. ami to pr oi- t hi' colleet ion of in t he count v and municipal cot porat ions therein:" Sc tion I. That the sale of all lands for taxes" and tax., sales certificates issueu pursuant t Hereto, lor tin. yours prior to l'.:U of -the County of Hay wood, or any municipal -corporation therein, be and the same arc 'each expressly validated as i f the same had been sold in accordaiife with all statutory provisions. . Section 2. That t lie delinquent iax ollector of Haywood Coimty, rmd the tieliiKiuent , tax collectors of any municipal . corporations therein, . or other person '.-executing the dut ies of that office, be and they are hereby au thorized and directed', lit sell for taxes on the first 'Monday 'of any 'month hereafter, any and all lands'- which for any reason have not heretofore ot-en soiti prior lo, t lie year I'.i.f 1, on or before September 1, i;i:!.ri. and after due advertisement ami sale." to issue tax t-ertifi ates t hercfor, : in accord ance with the pt'iieral' laws applicable thereto. Section .'i. That all tax lien notes executed by thi tax payers (if Hay wood County t,., said Ctiunty. iinil to any municipal' corporation therein, be, and the -ame are hereby expressly validated , : Section, 4 ' That before the tax- col li tor of Hay wood County or the. tax ealle tor- of any municipal corpora tion therein ha"tl be allowed credit in his settlement, for the taxes of any insolvent. -person; he. shall file an' affi davit. with tht1 Ron id of ( 'ommi.ssiori !ei s of .Haywood .('ounly or (he govern ing board of any . municipal corpora tion thereof, (hat he or his deputy has pei'soriaHy visited the residence of said insolvent tax. payer in an effort to cojleet the taxes due to the County or .municipal corpiirat ion thereof. Section 5. That this act, shall hot ' he ci.n-trued to, relieve any former tax colli etor or surety, enrnpany (in the iHind .of any .tax collector for any de faulter, error relating to any taxes hereU'fere placed in the, haiiils. Of such tax" Collector. Section That, no tax collector of the. County of Haywood or , of . any muni(;iiat corporation therein, shall, he entitled to any fees or 'other, coni VpenSation other than the salary ior': .(oiTimi-siiirrs of such tax (;ollectors. Section -7. That that part, of- Sec tion 2 of Chapter 22X of the PubliC Local, Laws of H).'i.'!, beginning with the wold, "ami" In line 1. '5 thereof, and . ending with the word, ''taxes" in line.-lo- thereof,, be and the same; is hereby expressly repealed: . Section K. Thiit the Poarrl "of Com missioners of Haywood," County be, and they are hereby authorized -if in their , (liscretion it is advisable, to employ such assistants as' in ' their judgment may: be deemed . to he . nec essary to assist the Tax Supervisor and delinquent tax' collector of said County in the performance of: his duties, and to: pay such assistant out of the general fund of said County. Section 9. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are herebv repealed. Section 10. That, this,: Act '.'shall be in full force from and, after its ratification. I- -.' I . V.' V r, :iS 1 Plans Are Hein Made ti Tear Down u in her of Old limldipo's m ( it rnit n p i i ul .tli, : tret her -etili'd s four e ,1c. "Ih, o 're i:p .- :u w : : h ; n : .1. . ge-ted 1 h 11 M, M i - i i 1 - : 1 1 1 ! - 'e.l i.- 1 hi and bare It wa ce'tivatei icr u n i. lean-ianks ( or. :'e -t.li-nl f ( "onini, k In .-I In on 'f lile ., i- la l .1, W ill' iiral Ion. .ll II,-- I I Oil Kay , a- head (lias. K . Ray, Jr.. Named President Ol' Local ( V01' ( Tentative I'lans I'd- Work Ol 'Mil in Vie IJeino Mad, Oryanial ion Co in iii" War .l.li I'll, ia :ii)r of lb .--,-!i.!o . !,, ih, I: i.- undersl lla.'.-lwoo.l i . t.: ei t t' l ,i 1 1 ac e'. -: ion made - ... - : ; lie i it v pa-t k - .: "-a:- Hrigg-i, of the ' i ,-. : department w as "I .. iln-, work. w .. ! -taged, as the o ti-.eiinr ilewii old : : t -1 thai a i now a. . o - .( . 'I'hc material ' 1 .- u ill hkrly bo - .a a ' - oi of a . ga .'bag,-l.-i ! iie city. fourth l'i op-. ! bti ,1 w as the t rt-et by t be high 1 1 ai iu nod cit y limits, oo.l I hat the town- of ml i-re- ted in paving tb," the Waynesville city o a.- ".i.a t he town I' omo oi buildings; I . 1 1 lii ii t be next few -ii.. a III ) . I' ,l.i bull. . I. II. .1 .i::dp Chailes ;. Rat i Jr.. president 'of" t he: Way nesi of Coniinerce at I lie firs the lieu .board of di recti w a . n:t iiioii .'lie "( ba'lllM-i: iiitiet-ing of s !a-l Week lu-lph I ievo-t was naiiie.l tii - l ic-pi'esi,i-nt and (iuy Massie' wa- elect ed Second vice president. I-.'. 1,, With ers Was elected secretary of ihe or ganization. The directors received t he rcsign-i tion of J. M. Iing, who: found it' wouli: not be able tit serve on board. 'In his place W. I,. Hardin, Jr., wa named. A number f nloje, (' and.- plan, were discussed at. length by I he board, and one of lli,. principal'.- local pro jects being the en-operation with llii FFKA in securing free labor t,, beau Bill Would Allow Towns To Build New Sewer System A l ee of ( enfs I'er Thousand (ia lions Would He I-evied To I 'av I 'or Costs. Iiegl rtei .f 111, node for the I ime formal niembi-r- hip the oniinn t ify some of Ihe town. Teutat ive -idaiis.- were' i annual banquet at which plans will be y ivt n In I hi of the organ izat ion for year.. President Kay is expected to. an nounce the different ci.inni it U-es w i . H in the next few days. Lastweek he 'named Kalph Prevost, J. II. Howell. . Curtis Ru ss and I'.. I.. Withers to niake suggestions, to present to FERA .-officials; - to. scciiie in e labor to inake certain inipi'ove-ment,-. in the town's appearance, The commit!,,, . has made several recom mendations, several of which include t;h'e: tea ring down of old buildintr, from the principal streets of the town. . bill .1, a I Home For Children Needed In County, Says Grand Jury Few Keeonunendutions Are .Made By (irand Jury In He-ular Report To ( our I I- III' i-o, til-1..'. H:. lev I of Way lie-, ,1!,- a I e a j, .jilt t , Ve enerale iio-nd-- ; 1 1 V t'. - to let ilb -- ih tii-s a !lio(.i.-a be eh. I I'l'i-.f t Ii, to pay for t lie system, win beyond l ake evious est imates s .L2.'i,(l(MI ;,, coin II- f de e s e w , -1 Olid be. P st -ie- 1 .1, 1 Ii, g, neral lte ti-sent.a- on Id give the and llaelwunif: :' V'-li 'll, and to ind t,, low tie. -re th. lion I--, a I. a fee of Iif n I (lallons , o-f consumers in const rii"t ion of ch is siigtr, sted Junaluska. how t hat it. will t ) ue t he line.. . In l.hei r report t tlje week, the grand jui y i, that . a s tiaiafe home be . coliuty home for 1 he 2H c are now retmired t.,. .)jv e-rill ft lll-t (lixun, HilciJ iiilt- at' the ildrcn that '. with : the and officials here have, been trying to work on' some s.v : factory ar ra liir' ment s whereby p' F It A labor could In-.ii ,i-i on flu- jo'n. Tlie iiil that M r Itadey int ''oducod i!l,'-ildei : - "'I'bat jn order to -pay i he cost of the ' co(ist,uct ion and maintenance of sai l u at'-r v- toni ami o.- sewerage line or .(!i..p..i,,-it plain the municipal cor li'ialion.,' ;.ire hoiohy given righ; '' lo .fix and; (.-labli-i a , hai'ge as may'' lo. agi.ei-, u it, .it between, the t'oviM-niiiir ' J,-... Ii,., ,-,( said municipalities' against j a!) per-oMs, lirm.s or corpora : ons ! wit bin .-aid municipal cornorai inns ! for t he Use of said water ami or s,-w..,- line of disposal plaiit. s'.l' h i ba' ', to Tn- in proportion" to ': the amouii! of i water used by eaeh person, firm o: Jeor porat ion and disposal plaiit , . which ; rate for sai l sewer line or disposal t-jdarit, in-addition to charges for water, shall, .not exceed t he. .'rat ( 'T fil'teen 1..", ) ceiit s lie, thousand gallons of water s,, u-. d and di-posed, of and after the .'-oitipl, tion of the tia vnient ,.' ,o! her .inmal.es of, the honie, some of w h.oni a i-e diseased and air- d 1'his w-as si miliar -to a report turned in by a previous: grand jury, . A modern barn, is being built at the county home, and other than re c'mm(.nding a honie for the children no .other changes- were made, by the body. ' Th, i.i.iti- Ht'EY LONC AFTER FARLKY. AVASHIXGTOX, I) , C Feb. 12. Senator Huey : Long today in a, two hour speech poured forth man v com nlaihts , against Postmaster General Farley to which Senator J. W, Bailey, of North Carolina, challenged him to produce more than hearsay evidence. grand hiry also suggest.-!. rhriols have." regular fire orth Canton school put lemonstratinn for the that Irills. on a liii'.v- The fire drill ni'-n. A switch hoard was in nee.-j r,f re'pair.-at the elementary s hool hert-, find new;' ba iii -hers neede'l: on. the stH-'rs, the report suggested., ,' It was the recommendation that the small (court -.' room on the third floor of the courthouse be used as a court Com and not for relief headquarters. No- other courthouse changes were made except that certain records in the Roadster of Deeds office prior to the 1923 records be recopied on per manent: sheets and placed in durable binders to prevent loss. F. M. Byers. is foreman of the grand jury for this year. , : : Mrs., W. F. Swift Miss; Haseltine Swift. Miss, Martha ..Way, Miss Nan Hardin and Miss Emily Sile- made un a party motoring to Asheville dur ing the week. . the co-t (, said .-.ewer, i fie i.r ilisi. plant the said municipal r.-rpor'at : niay contiiuie to charge such . r,-a aid,, amount iiot, to . --. .-'-ed the. J h'''''.'in'.ef',re spci-ilicd :.f ' r . 1 hi' o-.-- ..f -;iid se'w-er line on (liso'-.-al plant, . - "That the 'charge or rent's 'niad.' for the use of said sewer, line oroi!--posar plan'. shall be; a lien; uiion uhe property served, and if. any: 'such charge or relit shall not he paid .,-i'th, ill la (lays after the same l.ieeoriies payable, it. may bo collected as; !.i:-f'' "in (dherwise '.provided, or by. suit, in the name of the municipal corporation,. n, the property sdbject. to the lien ' hi"-e-: of may be sold by the m'ini,:ipa!:'y under the same rules,: regulations, of redemption and savings as are now:, or may thereafter be prescribe I by law for the sab; of. .land for unpaid taxes." The measure also would enable the. town or towns entering into the. n'o ject : to serve outside consumers, in cluding indusfrial'planis. run, Feb. 12. AUTO DRIVERS Raleigh, . N. C legislative activity centered a the !ia--;u'- by' the .-e.late. n: second reading .of- th,- state drivers Ik-ch-e-'-biH and subm to the joint firian-e. committee 1 anti sales tn x Moo , of -t vx pro; to replace the sales tax an.,1 ra: estimated .I2..Til ,n'.' i. . -To lav'- Wills ' an -'I if' t' .