nurRSPAT. FEBRUARY 14, 1935 THE WAYNiSSVILLE .VOl NT AINLER PageS If the Colonel Ever .'words a Medal for Usefulness I Mrs. C. F. Kiikpatii.k had as her rjc-ts dui.t.g th.- week a I -s. Walter Damtoft, of Asheville and Mrs- W. G.'.irisun, of Canton. to 1 e S. tr.r.H -. the former Miss Anna Ray. ,,f Jacksonville, Fla., has air.vid and will spend sometime a-s the jriHsr of lie:- patents, Mr. and Mr.- I ' H. Kay. t jr.- m if A FELLOW WHO DESERVE MORE RZCOGrttlTiQki. V1TJI THESE SCTAIST NEW SHOES Exquisite yles to go with daytime frocks. ..or glamor ous pa tterns to wear with evening things. ' V :;!.:.':. Kouvue re ' !': m a week' t:::ne! ,. v:s:t to no nts in Florida J SIM X-:. ' --' - . I -''V This Spring . .'.more than ever. hoeii dn in keeping with the costunu J I,,, iv-tume is smarter tn tht shoes, tlui ucent it. Let us help you complete your wardrobe . . . smartly and economically. You Will Save Both Your Feet And Money Buying Shoes From Us NEWSY NEWS ON NEW DRESSES Folks We Have Them Coming in Every Day ()Um Prints SeersuckersSilks Sport Fabrics Crepes Troublesome Large Sizes Ladies We Have Them in Both Regu larimd Half Sizes Half Sizes from 18 V2 to2'2 Regular Sizes from .'5S to Hi Alihouyh Large they will impress you with their Smartness lioth solid colors and prints. Roth straight cut and jacket Opts, ihey are pretty, ditsinctive and they are outstanding values. ttl; ADVERTISE THEM NOT FOR THEIR PRICE JU'T FOR THEIR QUALITY $9.95 $12.95 $16.75 SPRING NELLY DONS REINCJ RECEIVED ON EVERY MAIL. - ... i jii" i i . IvMITEDS IN NEW STITCHES. COLORFUL AND ATTRACTIVE. i - f - L - y i - i j-mrw ii i r - 'ii in i IN II M ICE TO YOURSELF INVESTIGATE OUR HOSIERY CLUB W E WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE THE NEW COLORS ARE ON PARADE! Humming Bird's new colors are here. These new models for Spring bring new life to old costumes, give inspiration to the planning of new. Colors that match fashion's every newest shade. Be color-right. . Buy Humming Birds. fjumminq B?rd FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY C. E. Ray s Sons Fifth Avenue Merchandise At Waynesville Prices. --'p I i i -: ! citizen in v H-rli . ' .. i : 6omoh)iTiJIMi kl Adapli'd from cartoon in Nhvillf llanna Itii llllv THROUGH STATE mmW KKv holes At The Churches V. A.YNKSV1I l.K u. i I'KKS-ltYTIvKIAN 1 I lil 1 Pi .1. atnr t'ruiii C! nil t'u.' limn (it tlii' Mali' Ji.- urk l Viiii, ui.- tm 'F. Hui ru-, -Si'ii. . thinks tin- I'lian I ihy..y anil I'u!)- !l'M and t ill' ( 'dill i':timiU ( 1)1' vc J Vl'IK'S. -and ills in V licit. spcinl -1 nn ciilcr that yi'iU'tal m' hclll: tun i' :sicii niay cun- missiimrr.ol' lu'vi'iiu.' shuul 1 lie cli.'i't cil by tin' jit'iipli' iiisti';td ul' appointed liy the (iovci iidr ami luis bills ii. temlcil to make u h a ijiany:e. lut the llih I'ciiit iloetor isn't Iv.-ft riir ai.iy Inn stakes that hi.s. projiosul.-f will beriiin. law. (Iii the other hand lie is inclined tu be resieneil to rheir (leiear. M'naior liurrus it-l t : l 'U t'apus M.; Waytiit-k; present chairman nf the hiyhuay biiily: in the I . rnn i'r:'.tir jiriniaries last J ink'-. (i.S l AM'.S- - 1' loin this .iint it liioks like everybody anil hi.s brotricr is tiyinf to get his hand into the pri'ket -of the auto-mobile drive. liy diverting hiKhwar fuml reveu'ues. Mutorists and link nunur.- have expresscil in no tin ortain terms the opinion, that any surplus nasoline taxes should he applied -to ' N'jtf.iring leads o;- redueinir thy cost of license ta-;(s. Yiiu will not be able to tel who, win.; until the (, cru ral A.ssem bly adjourns sine (lie. . S.M.KS TAX Tin: taic r-llt'-ral retail sales tax isn't ed yet. Opposit ion appaiv ftii'aler than in the early day sc.-s!on and. opponents hac ic 1 - r'.'ii; i celiac! ally if s of thi silbst b thai, appeal to many legislators, administration is still vonlidi ni 'en.actment of thi' sales u- but I'vemie bill hasn't been ratiticd. i inetty safe kui-ss that you'll the privilege of payine; the sales keep the s hools open anolher it's but not i f I'l'iiresent at ivc Forsyth, .-md Represent. I. of !' i ,-i 1 1 J. 1 in . cm stoii y have proposal.s. which Ihey I produce needed money but p("p!c doubt their est unales. 'In- I n past, aioiriiial ivi uirmi': thi' a I he bouse i. Ii .''. vi,njr. nloie si" ice than know it not helps (he chu or for yini .!,, the yiar. I'l est ell'orl I, .'Ull'ib Host oil .',' , . I u te. The of r I he It's have lax to two vi McDonald, .: ;i t i vc I.uiiin it. s:i v i U Th wil TOLLS This General Assembly came to. Kalcitrti iliterniined to make i iu'i Ikcs ' f've as. the roads- and it (lulu t take the members- lotiK to remove the tolls from hrUJiffs across the (.'howan nca.,- Kdcnton and the (apc Fear .at Wilmington. A I'Td TACS ----If ;,1 (roes well y hi will not have to pay as iiiucli for ytl au'o licin-ic plates next year as .v.iu did tbis .1 iniiarv. It's pretty well :L'ree l (hat the Leeislatun.' Will rut 'he ;ost of. auto 1,'ii's ami it iwit; sch.-o ucck 1 ( 'hri i : '. .l.l.i" , l 1111 I i I of I his I'hii. ch is most d the iood I'lingj egal ions robl w 1. 1- cr niont lis No, licit crowded but we arc iieopH at (he . hiirch in other w iiiler.s. You inly helps von, but it l i b, it lii l i.s t he p. cacli att end at this season of ease ma ke a most earn It in your place ill s Hilda v in n ni le;, i Iso invited I o - Stiniin v in Fn-.h day.-, and .la Itii'n ti Will, SI'IMll l e. -ci vice s tin no nit Ii of n Jan ua y ivi 1 1 sen, in. Fi bruaiv W'a Ii : n i; ; on .-in I his,' Ihoiieh:.. lies' Sund.i I I :i li-ieJif. 01s a a!i, attend I vie d' t hi a mi' .-in i ttiid- f (,: ci ! birth l.oi;,'!it of nir thoughts I I ill. olli. i'l Iniii'l, the wi! ' be on 1 1 '---- I'valtelh lo 'ha'i ii you i lui . eh. .IOILN" Lev. id CATIIOI.K ml ' e t lie now linn i mum apjiears will , XOT T(K) S' l( IN T-duesses Am the date fr final adjournment of the Lofif-isla-ture are beginning to vary widely as the joint finance committees contin ue deliberations- on the biennial rev enue bill. LepfcOative pibnosticators profess to foresee unanti-. ipated cltday on-. .the revenue bill in House, and Sen ate... These unouotedwise-nien 'sense unexpected sto;t)is as the result of rapid passage over manv section of the monev bill in committee. ' veais 'air on , " hin:dt" dweifht firme:lv iboiit $:t(IO; huv vour of 10 cent etlt in Atot uiiij; sla-s at 11 A W hy si :,nd you I hero idle'."" .Matt . x :i. HeiK'dii l.ion. of mi n' a I l er t he .M ass I n -triirt ions tor. th lay a 1 1 , rnooii at i:i 'M'KCII , l'a,-,lor. M. .Sermon all the day '.sscd Sacra child i i'ii on Ml I Of MONTY I'.KLT ; ATLANTK' CITY.- -Ravmoml K iRoyal, of Wihlwood. X. J., salesman den) oust rated for iotent,ial en.stotHers hi.s money belt . ipt im ist h iilly dc--c. :be ! as theft proof, While mo toinur home after the denlonst ration he was held Ui dy three, men who to 'k his theft-proof belt and. the $.".00,011 it contained. Toliie. said the r Jell- III Ii I' I frev. t ' isit. 'the. Upper bills, iioiie in the of pa 1m trees 111 the Jordan river. d iy. that palm I p'es :n at die time of i n'ly'iiiiiisual In the probably there were Jericho wan I he cllv tlie low fejjlorl iilon hoi, :-tf l up men lis device had seen him in Atlantic -fit' showing ERROR GOVERNOR Lieutenant Governoi A H. Graham i.n't savinir much for publication but you can make a note on your cuff that he hasn't withdrawn from the liKifi Gubernatorial race. Trf.ading' the even tenor, of his way Mr. Graham is nevertheless the foundation for his campaign next year NFW II RPf'Y. H irold ( Ilolf 'man- 'is 'Governor, of New Jersey, but a certain third Rradc pupil in I'at i ison doesn't know it. ,Aske4 to n me the (jovernor in a recent exam ration the pupil wrote. "Hauptmann " SNEEZES Head an-l .he-t cold just like those down on the farm, havo ';. . en (ii.'.turbing members of the. Gen eral As-sembly. To date, none of the members of . the upper branch of the Assemblv have been in serious cordi tion except Senator Johnston although ' hoarseness on the part of Senator Spehce, cf Moore, delayed cons. leg ation of tie Automobile -driver-:'.;! cense bilLfor several days. WASHINGTON, I) C The na tiuti did k'tter by itself in the way ' f enrars and riearettea last vear ban it did in 1933. The Treasury Jiepartment reported that cipar pro duction increased from 4344,752,.'i.T3 to 4,597,192,588 and ciprarettes iumred from 111,703,441,149 to 125.611,688,759. . RFOKG AN'IZATIOV Mi ni trie present Ix'frislature are in ' f-,r sii.'h a waste of time as Tvi-ed; on the 1933 session b;.;,." Larry Moore's committee, on : '. Ization of. the State jtvern.nii - lm-vjran- BI fK EYE Mi m Gi'W'i a.l.. Assembly : often' with the home-folks iy accounts of short sessions, o and Senate.. N'ewspane: cord the .hours that th- ber spend in ;commi;K" ironing out the knots in-' . in order to avoid leng-thj peneral sessions. Manv :ire members of half ;doz -V :,-of the :n nan aublished H use fail to re--ame mem- meetings' leeislation ..debate in lefrislators r: or more NEW YORK EDITOR VISITS IN THIS ('OMMIMTY A. Ii. Christen, of New York, was the truest of Mrs. He'en B Mattws at Iiroadview Sunday. He is editor of Esso lours and Detours, a na t iona 1.1 y '.-distributed-, monthly . pu bi ica tion of Standard Oil Company.;; ' Mrs. Matthews' writes all the arti cles -pertaining ' to' this , section which appear each month. TWO SHORT STORIES I wo. short storie.s appear every Sunday in the American Comic Weeki iy, tie biy which i oiiies ,eKuiarlj Willi the BALTIMORE SI N HA Y A.MKRK AN, the South's most, iiiteiastiiie; Sunday newsiaier. In aildition to these short novels there i.s also a fa.s('inatiriir; serial and ar lii'les. of inteiest on currtiit topics. Make nufs- of your copy.of 'the Ami'i i.'an W-i kly bvorde:'ine; the BABTI MORI SI NHAY Wil Rl( AN cath week. LUMBER FOR SALE About r-.OOri fect of sound secondhand lumber for sale cheap, in hulk- ; Will take : food note. I). M. ('aide, Clyde, N: C. af CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity to express our appreciation (if the thoufrhtful if ou:- manv friends during our lecent sorrow. M. M. Noland and Family. No Talking at "Dinner" The Shakers of Ohio, now eT'lnct, leaving only the name Shnkcr JMulits to remember them by, In their own way took their mealH as seriously hs the calory-conscious persons of our own day. No loud talklriR was permit ted while they ate, ajid only such con versation was allowed as became-necessary for the servfri; of food. 50 COMICS IN COLOR You'll - like the new ' handyi-sie Comic .Weekly whn h comes regularly w i t h t h e B A LT I M O R E S U N I) A Y AMERK N This great settion carries more than 50 DIFFERENT (OMK'S AND ADVENTURE PIC TURES .evtory Sunday.' Read "the BALTIMORE' SUNDAY AMERI ( AN regula:d. On sale bv your fa vor.ite, newsdealer or newsboy. an I Mrs. Bill Pope, of EnU, were the gue.sts ov-.r the week-end of the hitter's p. rents, M , an.) Mrs F. E. Frye. M: Dev. ev Patton. w ho is attend Da Univeisi'v. s,i-.i several ays durir,'.' the wei k :e iruogt of h: pi'i-'Pts. Mrs. Blanche M.dfor,l stunt the week-end in Ashevil'c as the uest of Mrs. Hattie Doughty. Mrs. Ralpti Fnsley left during the week for Clearwater, Fla. where she will visit friends Mrs. Roy Francis and two younj laughters spet'l the week-end in Williamston, S. (",, where they were the quests f the former's grand. niothe;', Mrs Thomas Crymes. MUiouri't Miles ga With an area of (V.).t'JO murare miles, Missouri Is const, lorably larger than If Your Shoes Need Repairing rni. mi i;iKe inem To THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP NKXT TO WKSTKKM UNION Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer I'HONK 137 ""f"if-"'ia-i-- - you deserve Dependable Insurance We sell only Dependable Insurance Bradley-Davis Company INSURANCE Keal Etate Rentals Telephone 77 Liquid- checks COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES in 30 minutes -Tablets Salve Nose Drops 666 Trptiitntirt wiiih. n bnuintr ania'.um nl ft S!d on irun:tal mtmvy-back truuraniea. PRICELESS INFORMATION Fi- s f"r itiostt siitTertnK from f r-".,i"JsrOMA;fl)K IH ODKWL ''y.lii'VlrH.KRS. I'WIK DUlK.S .VTIIIN. AJ1) llVSl'Kl'SIA, V "3f - SOCK SIIHIlOl, p ASM -NSS. IIK.Ml I III H.V : IV y STIPAI 111V. II Ml IIKfAIH. M.KKPI.ESSNESS OK I1F.A1I- : ACHfcS. HUE TO EXCESS ACIU. j A'k for i fwidt-y nf nUtrd s M3ag. tte . le Aiiltionu-d VilUrd lr.ilt'M. Initrt Dnlv'i Nim Hn) q TIIE CLYDE TIIARMACY Clyde, NY C :.' .

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