The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking' I Vople OL. XLVII NO. 14 WAYNES VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 19:l. MEWS H FROM J State and Nation tLAY WILLIAMS RESIGNS hvHl.VGTON, D. C Clay WU- KA Vlloio"", ... ', i.onH nf the R. J. Rev- Ln, 10. Hlt-l Ji' . --- - ' Lu Tobacco cu., r ids v TT T,J Koon Wednesday. -IU1 . "c VtiV (f.) to serve as cuainiian ui veil " a i i lhn-un as one man iitau i..c daA tka V,ic ii ejjent. luioiiis oivtu luck mo .' ,,. made necessary bv "the crtasingfy urgent call to return to regular work. PASSES WASHINGTON, D. C Oliver Wen- llolmcs, a tieiovea American f-llUin, WOO Iiau uccil jui jxaia ihjprcme court jusuce iosi nis ngni Sriin-t ili'ath Wednesday, March ti. fcmral -services will be held on Fri- iv, his 9-lth birthday, at All bouis (J-'urch hi Washinpton, burial will be h I u .1 -iiiuiiary iiunuis ai .nniii; n Cemetery. The honorary pall- at'l'l'S Will voici justice ii u li,. v.,i aviate - justices ol the United ;t., Siiireme Court. Born in Bos- . . ' , .. , it e till March " 1 so" ot a iauious ft: her aii'l friend of Ralph Waldo JiiiWMin, early in me nc Became a cmimiii; figure in American lite. JJABY BONDS WASHINGTON D. C On. Friday ij .i-';(.' !' "Baby Bonds," a pet pro I !' I'i vsident Roosevelt'', stalled. hi'iu1-.they will extract money from caolmg and give millions of persons 11.11' mffiit'in the government bas- vi!) .-u;,!' ownership or me govem n:. promise to pay. The bonds con-' r. no j;ild clause. .The $25. bond bears l' liivjivr of Washington, the $100 t'-t-vckiiid, the, $500. of Wilson, a.icl ie Jl.Wiu : of Lincoln. Mr. Roosevelt iTTiilvii his interest by buying a $25 rtd fur eat h of his. rive grand dri er, ami uiie for himself. So fi r the le.s have been good. XHEKKST MOVIE OF THE YEAR iNKW YORK. The annual award 'the Academy of Motion-Picture Arts and .Sciences was "presented last fee K lo "It ilappened One Night, pjudtreii t tie best movie of the year. FRENCH CCO PARIS. Convinced that the CCC of the United State were a fod. way of meeting '.he unemployed irobiem the Flandin Cabinet decided st week to try out the pkn in ranee where 500,000 men are on bless mils. Workers admitted to f. camps will plant and tend forests Jtceiving in return food, lodging, Uprnial wages and a daily nation of Wine equal to that bsued to French oldie rs. "' ARISTOCRATIC CABBACS I WASHIXGTONi I). C--The Ir. test W"'n of science to mankind is a cab which, while being boiled will Jot "smell all over the house." It is fc work of Prof. C. H. Myers of the Department of Plant Breeding of voineil University. For six yea "s he i laho-ed to speed up the cabbage "lutionar.v process. Last week he Jinoume.l his success, not only ehra "'l';ng the odor, but also in achlev a plant exactly as tasty as the ! fashioned cabbage, but not nearly iri'ligestibk. ., ANOTHER WET I W ASHINGTON, D. C Two dry fate? considered the question of gp f wet. last week, and one of them the. plungt. The Arkansas Leg ature. informed bv fJnvornnr Plll....;'. . , or laws or find $250,000 with which I w en. ore thei put n end to nine Fn' years', of prohibition. In Ala f ma-- there was a referendum which woo by the drys. The pro.dbition utriT. to date in the United States f-'Ui.s the followinff statps! Ala. Ja, Tennessee, Mississippi. Okla a North Dakota, Kansas, Texas, 5',!'h; Carolina, South Carolint, and IEW ON RELIEF ROLL": IN WY fIIr OMING HE EN'NE.W'yo. Of the Rocky auntam States Wyoming has the J.-'5- tiumber on relief. Only 11.3 Jtcent of the population is on relief. ac-airst 23 per cent in Colorado and f Per .rj in Montana. ; . f'P;LS,URGEDTO7MOKE PIPES t-kv. EfLAND' O. Mrs. Catherine l- et'u ' stats that she is sur-Jj,-e-i .hat the young girls don't lose Vwli!r- talr. smking Cigarettes, fer a C pipe is the on,y fit thing Sre C suwM, sne says. rl , smoknff one since her 'L l Anil- le v. v ('-ho- fers. s jseyeniyj was in t-n .-""".-nenTy forn kw. W. t!?1 '2 hi?h ases for work-'of ttew WMt la?l wek to Mat- W I ' VIce Pres'dent of the A, F. wrote: nave a?t, r. -' """" concerning h gh h gher nVWa?eS Wil continue to f from r, not, al a reult of politics ZTely, ,hWitarian motive! fcore.- lhat enabe men to earn iKea. Triir . - Lancaster Tells Rotarians Relief Is A Good Work District Administrator Spoke Highly Of County Officials Regarding Relief "There is $45,000 out in Haywood County that we are letting people work out now," said Earl Lancaster, district administrator of relief, here this week. Mr. Lancaster spoke before the Ro tary Club and pointed out what the relief had done and the present pro gram. He stated that every effort was being made to make every "family now on relief a self-sustaining family. "The average family on the relief rolls today average six to the family," he said. "The four children have been taken care of in many ways through the schools, and the lunch rooms have been a distinct advantage to the child ren and the relief. A survey shows that the children getting hot lunches in schools show a 28 per cent better grades than those who do not." He spoke highly of the manner in which Haywood County officials had assisted the relief agencies in carrying forward the program since thv change was recently made that all u lem, my able people had to bo taker care of by the respective counties. He pointed out that the of district offices had d -ie n uc'. toward cutting down on the oxi-cu-tive expense. During the course of his discussion he stated thai it Was tinu foe riiink ing people to act and tc. conn-.forward with constructive criticism instead i f ciiticising without first Inving gohe into the matter. Income Taxpayers Ured To "Strike" The "Pink -. Slip" Charges Income Publicity Pro vision Is An Indignity and Fears Results ; Raymond Pitcairr. urged all income taxpayers to j'nn in a "national strike against t,-e 'pink slip'." The "pink slip" is enclosed wit'i your income tax blank. You are re quired by a new law to write on it all the facts about yojr ;r?ome for puMicity purposes. If you refuse, the local income :ax collector will do it for y .u and make yu pay $5 as a penalty. Pitcairn, an outstanding liberal, likened the "pink slip strike" to the Boston Tea Part", and pointed out that if veryone refuses to sign the "pink slip" the Government .vill be forced to recede from itr demand. "The 'pink slip'," hr sid, "will be posted in public places and will be used by blackmailers, criminal gangs i.nd kidnapers." Pitcairn, who. "'as' one of the It ad ers for repeal of prohibition, is na tional chairman of the Sentinels of the Republic, an organization formed "to preserve a free republican form of government." In a statement issued l ecently, lr urged everyone who objecte 1 to what he c .lis "an unj'ust, unfair, un-American device" to "send the .'pink slip' back to the Treasury with a vigorous protest, and declare- emphatically that we are living in America not Russia. ' "Not even a Mussolini a Hitler imposed such indignity upon taxpay ers, and taxpayers, pay 10'" govern "If vou cannot afford the $5 penalty fill in the 'pink slip', endorsing across it ycur protest. "Following up yorr p.otest re, ently n.ade to the STJcretary of the Treis ury, the Sentinel, will present a pe tition to Congress demanding 'pink slip' repeal' The petition will be presented this week. Already there is - bill in Con gress, sponsored by the Sentinels, to repeal the ohjecti'nble provision, which is part of the national ina as trial recovery act. The bill has been read twl.-e and referred to the Committee. The Sentinels this week are- inaugu rating a campaign in Congress to further the bill. A number of Con- gressmen from Pen nsvan.a andoth r Jm Vl-Jd tdrairu iimu.MSas l' ! " promising to try eo get u.e 1'" .- The publicity provision was "put over" at the last session of Congress by Senator La Follette. Lnder it, every person w-ho files a return mut disclose his name and address, his total gross income from all sources, all deductions such as losses contri butions, etc., net income, all credits against net income and the amount tax paid. CITIZEN'S BIBLE CLASS CONTINUES TO GROW The Citizen's Bible Class, of which J. R. Morgan is the teacher has set a membership of 50 as its goal. Last Sunday there weer present 37 regular members. The class meets each Sun day morning at 10 o'clock in the offices of Morgan, Stamey and Ward. Tax Listers Are Named In County Tl, .. 1 .... i t nc- uv.uu oi i onimissnmers in ses-1 sum nere Monday and Tuesday dis posed of a large amount of general routine business, and also named the tax listers for the coming year. The listing of taxes will get underway the first of April. A member of the boai. said: "We took every precaution to name a com petent group of listers in order that there would be as few errors as ixis- sibie. We hope that the taxpayers of the county will oooerute with them and get the listings done right and as quickly as possible." The complete lis', is as follows- Heaverdam h. A. West, Mr Willis and Jack Cabe. Chas Cataloochee Jar vis I 'a liner. Cecil Berry Allen. , . Clyvde Glenn TeriSl. East Fork Joe Mi.lia:. Fines Creek Mrs. X. C. James, iron Dutf Jarvis ChamUrs. Ivy Hill Mrs. Sam Owen;' Jonathan Creek--Fred AUi-on. Pigeon -Ralph Moore. Yayne.sviIle- tie". A. Brown, S;r White Oak Alono Mosor.. Crahtreo 1 ' Williams. Health Courses Are-Bein$ Given Here To Mothers Members Of Stall' Of Health Dis iiict WiM lisu and Teach ProMems'Of Health .A.ncili. tr.i' many ortl.wni'e pro juli un lei ta'. en ,ind. r the suoervisioii ef the I'i'strict Health I'tiit is ',-ie for iation f Health S'udy Club. In struitive cures are "..eing itferci thiough fne ineoiuiii if tin .'.'aient Teacher Associations am! the Farm Women's organizations in the 'three counties- of llavw.iod. Jackson and Swain. The i,npoita'icc of ibis phase of the Health work cannot be ftstimaled in dollars and tents, though frov.t a P"rely monetary stand point it. has much o -offer in the way of preventive expenditures. M.i spite of the boast ed accomplishm nts aW.jr the jne of health wh rk in North Carolina, the o:k has sufTere I much i'l the last .ew years from curtailed appropriations, and it hs r.ot kept pace with many of the other states m the So':th. Nor'h Carolina stands 7th f . oiii tne Imtt mi if the -i". states in. 'maternal deaths. If the women take alvantage if tne cimr;es now being (ff red this per cen'age wj.)' necessarily be lowered. While tin re is a splendid county hosp:taC in "If ry wood riost of. the nursing of thi' sick is still doiie i.i Ihe hone, and through t he: courses off ered alc'"f this line, any -intelligent-' wo man may learn "o care iinilimike more c-')mf'rUble the ick in h'r. .family, and' under the doctor's supervision no r.glect n.ay be .suffer .'d. The impor tance if calling in the doctor in 'he beginning of the itlh's,., thereby oftvil avoiding s long expensive . "illiie.-s jv also brought '..out in the courses. The groups have a. ch -ice if the following study cour es: Home Carej of the Pick;' Communicable Ii;s-as.e Cit,:.l; Prenatal Care; Child.- Care and Feeding;- t'ersonal, Home an I t onm unity Hygiene, anl Aid in common emergencies, jhe-e will, be from 5 to S or mori lessens i i eacii course, with a lesson of "e and a, half hoars, which will consist of in struction, demonstration -nd oractice. A brief outline Is bi'l.ig preser t d to all the groups and each . individual orgsnizaeion has the pri ilege of se lecting the . course desired bv. ihetr community, jt may. prove poib'e to ofei more than one cour e to a group. Stu: Clubs have h en organ i-- I. with the coui ses lieing t'aght by the staff nurses (r the Healtn I'm! a follows: Takinp the i ssois offerc ' in "The Ho:ae Care of the Sic a'e. The Cullo hee Farm VomOn'i ( lub, East Way.nesyil.le: P. T. A., tt' .)'i-r Farm Wc men's Club arid the Sylva Fwrm Womt-r's Club. ' Persona'. Hor. e a..d Comn inity Hygiene," "ill lie .he cou se which the Beaverdam !i:-:ri. t P T. . will begin on the 1-h of , V . y ithe mothers in the Nursery S hool will .shortly begin the course if! "First Aili in Common Emergencie- TO HOLD QUARTERLY CONFERENCE OX 2 ITU liev. W. A. Rollins, me-ioing , , of theWaynesrille H -ric. of the Methodist church, has announced that the second quarterly conference of the district will be held on Sunday, March the 24th, at the Speedwell Methodist church. On that occasion Rev. Rollins will be making hLs initial visit to the Speedwell church since coming into this district. He w-ill preach at the morning service at which time church officials of Cullowhee are expected to attend. Among those on the sick list this week were MrsT F. A. Burgin, Mrs. R. T. Messer and Sam Galloway. Creamery Could Use $5,000 Worth Of Cream Weekly Present Supply Is Not Sufficient To Meet Local Demand For Huller "We are 'ready to pay the farmers of Haywood County $5,000 a week for cream.'' said W. K. Woodall, manager of Western Carolina Creamery, re cently. "Under present productions we are unable to supply the butter demand right here in this county, and there is a large market just, outside of the county " "The butter market is a year'round proposition, amj something that the farmeis can realize cash from each week." he coniimnd. It was pointed out that the rainfall nere an, I tne gra-s made t hi dairying county, with the po .111 Meal sibilit les unlimited. Trie local creamery could no, be re placed for $-'0.(M0. t' was learned, ami i; now paying as high as $-00 a month for hclits and water, besides salaries to a number i'f employes. No eltorts have '...ecu inaii, to ship ici' cream fioni the local plant, a- it is mil. h betto,- to --on ml but;er th!n the bulk . ice en-H'ii. The plant is equipped to take c re of thousands of rounds of butter weekb", and hiin- gallon i f cream. Ottis S. I):r !s, 29, Buried Aednesdav ''unei-a.l ser- ice.- were' lie' o' lock i !( Wednesday f 1 ,nil i Grove . Met hex list ( linn h at for Ot is S. I av is. ". .of Ke ilil, nea r W iyiii .s ille, w il l I at two he Maple I lellwood I'clKvood the Kcv. I'inK Me! iaiki'ii a, id .Brown Cablw ,d' of ayne.syide otbeiat mg. Mr. i lied oil T'lesday inoi ning at. the !lay wiukI ('ou.ity Hiispitai followinc a bri. f illness. Act ve pallbi'-rers wire Frank Rogers, Jack Medford,- lioger Me,l for '. Pansy (.jueen, I'aal ti and Tom Kainor. Mr. Davis is survive-' by his nrntlier Mrs. Rl oda Davis, his W'fe the for rierMiss .Ruth Medfold, and their foi'r yoa- olil d'-ughter. Rulh. four sisters: Mrs Wiley .'rallowav, Mrs. Paul :--,iith, "rs. ' l-orrest McClure, and Mrs. Jess Ross ad of U aynesvillc, and six biotbers, Nuriuari Davis, .nil liis Davis, Floyd Davis, and Wooilrow Davis, all of Wayr sville, Loweiy B. Davis of -lastonia ,-md Wiley Davis of Ta.-oma, Wash. Bailev Is Leader In Defeating. Five Percent Beer Bill HaywcMKl Representative .Makvs Only Address In House He fore Bill Meets Defeat Repri a-rdiM i o .1 dent dry, anil, li adi forces in ihv fall only au-ir.-ss- i.n th T. Haiii-y, an of Haywood a r try f ri'::, irdeii- thi' Ilous.: in' i'ep-e- set. tat iv. s las vote was fak wcek just before the n f- legalize t1"- al -.)- luilic coii.ent if beer to five per Tr.e vote was t,l to pi :n favo- . cen, f th. ,-esent .' etei.t ion , f the Report - comin': out of Hal-itM st;.te that tor vhe present the b er isst'i' is iV.'id. Si on- ..l.'o'f the r ndii tions 'h..t the failure of the higher pcrren age of bier to become lega' tends to show that it will be hard co get the I , resent l:q lor bill passed. ' Last Friday the Senate - as thrown ' if Hi -onf L-ion when a Raleigh'- minis- tei , ih.onii.g th' ipe iint" t rayer d"mr,. ed pending II juo- lep-isla ion. sTf-nator .T,iti (.nfiint Ilill Tlnrhnm ; . ' . ....... j jumped to h's feed and a-saileff the T..;nister for "in cctinf po'iti ; int.) prayr . Andrew J.Morrow Buried On Sunday Funeral services were h Id ai .3 o'cloc'; at the Iron Duff Methodist Churcl last Sunday for Andrew J. Morrow, 67. Kev. F. H. I-eath rwood and C. . f Arrington conducted the services. The I deceased was a native of the county, Rev. F. H. I-eath rwood and C. - having died in the township in which he was born. He is survived by hi.s widow, Mrs. Sally Yarborough Morrow, and nine children: Robert, of Greer. S. ('., Boone, of Gastonia, Jarvis, Wavnes- vine, rtiKJns, no ano cio, oj inii Junaluska, Mrs. Nellie Hal). : Lake hJunaluska, and Mrs. Aletha McElroy, of Saunook. MISS BARBER TO GIVE TALK SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH Instead of the regular Sunday even ing service at the Baptist Church. Miss Mary Ashworth Barber, will talk on "Southern Germany and the Passion Play." Those who have heard Miss Barber on other occasions will be glad to learn that she will again talk on her travels. Bailey Trying To Get Commissioner Bill From Senate Kore.-eiimtlvo ,1. T. Ilnlley Inlil The MouiiliiiiKH-r I huisila iiiorniiiu that ho wtlM triiig lo gel Ille bill liieli would liiiTcjisi- the IkxiiiI ol lollillilsslollors mil of (lie Semite elllH-r Tlnuxla y or Friday. Those- here who uiv In i-lof-e loiu-h wild (lie hill Mint this week Ihnl an effort was Itciiig inaile lo nel Mr. Itjilley lo Ihe Immii-I Willi four new iiioiiitiers Insioiul of hl. oriiiiiil plan of un Whether .Mr, llailcy (iimr inn or fuiii- was tint made piililii-. Inn he tliil slate I hill lie Imenils to see the hill lliitoitli which would in crease Ihe iMini'd ineiiilM'i-sili. I'liim what Mr. Italic) said, it is Kiitlieivd Hint he is iryina i push Ihe hill ihi-ouiih (his wi-ek. Itlllnoi-s tit Ihe inllll house the liil or the wwk was lo Ihe rffct-1 that when Ihe hill K r'ei" it will not 1 1 il o i ii the inline of I dwln I iiu -her. who was one of Ihe Iwo in mil I hi Ihe original lull. , II. Met tiii'Ki'ii reiusiMl the plaeo us the tn her -oiiiniisioni-i-. Mr. lialli y, liowexei-. did not eoiilliiu or deny ;hls in, ii . Martin Sees Good Season This Year -lei ytbing is croudi'i. and run nine over." said I-'n ,1 Ma'-iiii, ot'Mar tin K'.. ; 1 1 : t'ompany wh.) ntuineil i ecently: from a stay in Floi.uia. "V seems thai We will a pood. season liere, since 1 liinc.s i have Ik-oii at a peak." lie s-a Mrs. Martin and .-h i 1 1 r-ii Flo:., la aoe tln t rip wit 'i M r. .Martin. Insurance Men (iet Recognition llilllard l!. Atkins, ;,-, Messrs Boyd and Way Insurance agents of Way nesville, were presented .villi gold signs by I!. 1.. Snauld'ng, -n- w , agent of the Dixie Fire Insui .nice Company in recognition of their agercies having f a it Ii ' ul.'y repre.-eiit I the conipar.y for over a quarter. of .a century. The pros, nlatli n wa.. made by a home ollice re-o..eiitauvo id' tin eompa'iy, who sjioke very higlly d' the ability of t,.ese meirin the itig of the company's inle' e I - in W ay nesvii! and t he sui ro tin ling t : ri it -y . Hoti of these 'agent . s also reeeive.l a ron-natulatory In t,.r from Mr.. ( '. W'esloii Bai'ey, iiresidcnt ,,f . - 1 1 j x 1 1 . who lias takei. a person d iniei.s! m '.be "More important than all" wrote Mr. Itadey, ,s tin bond of fiu-ml 'hi.1 wli -li las hefd- us o. elner, and we hope it nui; grow even ' st 'otiper in the years to cO in- (ii-eat credit is dr you and your a. sociat'-s in thai your busines. has endured and pro p red for so lo.ig a -period und yo ir fiast record sho ,ld he a heritage sym liolie if future ai-liieve. iieiils." The I'oyd and Way agency has re; -r-scnloi fhe ldxie l-'in- s-umo .'urn- k VM and Mr. JliTiard A'k-rr A",-n.y' since J Jl; I, V.HtU. . . Study ('ourst' At ( athoiic ( hiiTh lki,Mns Fiif'av Nihi' the. l.-'tie aim-o.a-es hei-iii n'ng on Friday night at 7 -A'), o'eh-ek there w.ll conduct. -d a stody -lub O.i tin- Bible. such, qi e.-l ions; as Wha. is the l.'iole, wli a wrote .h. Pol Ie. uid the diff-ient ebti-n- of the Bible will be taki n up during hi.s course. T litre i re many non-fat no lie people m town who are i,,te,-, si,.,: U tlii.s course an have nad" their wishe; known., Fvery one ho i- interi-s.ed is invited to attend this study club. AH ar welco me to attenl. METHOLIST WOMEN MET HERE I OR SESSION'S 1 re CeiitiV Zone, composed of the Women'.s Auxiliari s of the Methodist ( hurch 's of f'uilowhei, Speedwell, fylva, Fra icis. Covp, ShHy Crove, Mapel (Jrnve an.! Waynesyille ' met in an all day session at .he Me! ..'uli.-' Church on Tuesday. Mrs. "obert Howjl of Jonathan f'reek. ),resitent of t'le group, f-.-esided '"- ""i nan tnarge , devot.onal part of th- progr Mrs. F K. Bransoi, of Canton, se Kev. f'f.ul liardi.i had charge of ram. tary of the Waynesville District gave an outline of tne work expected of each group, Mrs. E, L. McKee of Sylva spoke on "The responsibility of holding office." Rev. W. A. Rollins also made a talk rei-tive to the work of the auxiliaries. At noon the delegates were the guests of the local group for lunch. . BONUS ': ' '- WASHINGTON, D. C Testifying before the Senate munitions commit tee last week Eugene G. Grace, pres ident of the Bethlehem Steel Corpor ation could not remember whether in the war years of 1917 and 1918 his salary was $10,000 or $12,000 an nually. And the slip in his memory was certainly most naturl for in 1917 the corporation paid in addition to his salary a bonus of $1,575,000 and in 1918 another of $1,386,000. CHANGE IN POST OFFICE SERVICE IS NOT POPULAR Patrons Are Now Frequently Forced To Stand In Line Be fore Beinjr Sered On Moinfiiy morning patrons of the local post office who receive their mail through the general delivery found a laige notice on the window which directed them to the .stamp window. The change was ordered made by an inspector who is spending the week here. It is understood that no clerks will be discontinued from the force. The present, system necessitates all pat rons to go to the same place, whether for stamps, general delivery, nio . orders or to buy bonds. Under the present nirangenient pa . roils have been foreni to stand in .. . befoie being served. The ' former ar rangement divided the crowds. The change was a -subject much dis cussed here ibis week, especially in view ol the fact thai n i k i.... 1 lie post oilier here is showing a gain each month. The ,,,.,i a'""! ll above thus,, of ;i;j.-. The ariangemcni ,,,-ior lo Monday' ehanc has. been in force here for seventeen years win, h added to the reasons which local pat rolls were un able to ac--oiint for t h,. cluing'. Former Wavnesville Resident is Buried According to iii.orniation riceived !'-v h lei Mrs. .,.,,,IM . K,.n ' Ultl' ol' G.-orc- I-'. Kennev, and a lormer .resiil.-nl ,,!' Wayfiei-'ville died a lew .i.i.v.s ao-o ;,, hi-r home in NaLgir, M.,ss. I in.. services were 1,1 f-oni the lesideme ,,r her moth -er and inn i:.-, I wa- .., i. ; v,.iH,,. i i-lnel.-o-y, of I hal- place'. -M' Kenn, was I .... ii, , !,ilUgu.s on -Maich the 7, I.h,;;.- -,Si. uas a gra.l Uate ol th. Suue -Tea, hers' 'College "I Salem, Mass... ; :,t,-'nded I ho Huston I n,,ei sily for post guduate tV"i K. l-'or some .years alter , o..img to Waym-svilh- slu, was librarian of the vVayiesvilie lownsliip Inch school and d reeled a number ,,f ,da.v.s and epei-cllas. .prior to their 'eoiiiiilg to U aynesv i"e Mr. Keniiey way a Hi bead of a sehool in M'ts; acl, use! ts After I .i.g his hearing h v ook up woo l carving at ul.n li .e has eaine V .quite a reputat ion. Yates Spends Few Days Resting Here 'ral I . 'V ti- s, asMslan' s, at arfn. m the Senate,. - pem U. ,,a,, few (lays , W-ynesvllle, follow ,ig and nper.,tio! anoul two vi-i.i U. ;n .Hie Ilex I'os,,,),,! in Paloih appi ndicl .s. .Mr. Vales expe fed ,., I.e I .,, k nis i.i- k yesterd ;y; He made I he predici ion i rt;n Ir di cations wi ri- tiii-t ihe legi.Jalui.- would not adioinn f. . c, ,,. r i r .-1 of Mcv. ( II A.MPION Ri;( FlVKs ;0 FRNMLVI CONTRACT. l He ( liam.noii Week v a.s avya roe I 'l bl l (. ompair- thi.. I he ra t !iv I ho . gov ei nmeut ti ''urnish ;t .li.-lion'- ui a half pounds T post. aid stock to'the jffrt-eriiinent, print, n- office djring .) i coming three months, I The contract was. .awa-deu hy the joint committee p, ii-ui ig of Whi. ' R;-pi-.s-Titative Wall,-. LamlM-th of Ihooiasvill v is ehairman m 'he pai. of 'he House, LOSS OF SB, HI NEW YORK CITV. - In, J ,., .,. Wheeler, en,men ( w York eye speciabbt -vliu in removed a cata et from the left eye of the King ' f Siarr,- has lost the s-iht ,,f h,s own left eye, , it wa- di. !-, d la-t Week afu?r he had Teen operate.' jn for a 'urror. MOKRO ( A S i .; NEW YORK CITY-The master's license of Captain William F. Warms wh i was in command of the Morro Castle when the Ward Liner burned off the Jersey coa.sw in September was revoked last week by the government. At the end of ninciy days he wll be eligible H apply ,for a chief mate's ticket, Pending against him is a Federal indictment charging negli gence. Morro Castle remains, in the sand on Asbury Park. Aboard her 38 member.s of the Salvaging crew are living in a bungalow built where" the main dining saloon used to he. Officials hope that the March storms will be severe enough to sweep- the vessel into deep water. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max. Min. 28 ' - 2 9 1 SH : 17 2 ..1 ' 24 3 ' fi2 ' ' ': .35 4 AS 35 5 -'I , 33 8 ' ' - 63 : ... 47

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