The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The C. reat Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 15 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA kO tCC CAMPS 10 BE BUILT IN THIS COUNTY .11 . 1. '., Will Tia Established At An Early Date In fit'' .. of the inclement weather ;-o.-v,or,t ami Ptivlr par-. , ox uu"v ' - Ti. -alio.- ;i no rtrijicsciiLotivca Ul Hit J"iv Highway Commission which met I nv-nesville on Tuesday to make a f ...nn',, sanre of the Cataloochee 1.0,,,, for the establishment of Ci'C ;3ti)ps maae tne erip in me ineuii- fhf locations wnicn nave Deen un- L,r loiiKlt'iaLiuii eyr scvcioi wtrms V 1 . l:. tL rri.n e apurovca uy nie giuup. xnc -used' tamp at Black Camp Hap be established at once The ii at Bis Creek will be established May provided the State Highway iviisirui-t the road to Cove Creek ., a distance oi nve mnes, uy mat lice, ana trie remaining nve nines wm a; iv the government, ine ,. , ' l l I'ate ill ,nway c.ii.eitus i.ttve anrco have the road completed by the fiitt' siJUian:u. jn the party were (&ifain John D'l :ivrence, iJistnct Commander at Oglethorpe. Major hi. H. Mav- r.i liisi-u-t burgeon of hort Ujrle- ,,rpe, John T. Needham, Cruel ranger rh. N,.rtti Carolina Park service. C. Walker, Engineer of the Ashe lv livisbn of the Stae Highway ..i.n;..:im and Frank W. Miller. State Highway Commissioner. I The ii-ual 200 men with fifteen or f-.u-m? 'officers and others supervising: the n-mfc' will, be' alloted to each lamp. While the men will engage . in fl-r rh'. '.m forestry work of other f'i;ps -of ineir type, much of the taw will he .spent in road building - i .-ecu and Black Lamp dap. I " : Raymond Hyatt, 47, Was Buried Monday f I jn.i ui -ii'viec's were held oil Mon .v ii!i"i iiiiii-i at il o'clock l rom the Jf.rst Methodist church for Raymond 'Bvan, i". who died in an Ashev.lle be-, eta! at ,x o'clock on Saturday ii.nt ke' . Paul Hardin, Jr.. pat tor Of the chureh, conducted the services. bncn.ii.-iu was in Greenhill cemetery fith the Masons in charge of the Service th?re. I Mr. Hyan had been taken to Ashe ie three davfcs oefore his dea.h. Ee had been in ill health for some time., xle was the son of Mr. and l.-s. .1. J. H 'att and was born and Sued a' their home near here. He fas i graduate of the Northwestern Piiiversity of Lvanston, Hi. and wae fc. a nu.-nU-r of vears in the employ flf ;ti. Bethlehem Steel Corporation of Je.hjeK-m, Pa. Following tvhich he ?a- i m- manager of a box manufaet -riK company in Iowa until his health "I .-evcral-yeais ago and he was fci'H m krive up his work and return ip!o. Sine i-cMdiEff here Mr. Hyatt has ;'!t in the poultry business and has 'i:e;ed. a successful poultry farm on -luimjuska Drive. He was a highly RpeiteM citizen of this section. ''ne jiallbearers were V. A. i 1 i 1 met J IIatt, C layton V'iei, Km Lee, Jr., Grady Rogers, h ..em-ge H. Ward, of Asheville. I ,Mr. Hyatt is survived by his par- vt uid Mi. J U Hatt, Ju-..u.hll--lnve, his widow, Mrs. Ma 5"" 'irr Hyatt, two sons,. Hobart Li, and Wavne, 13, two broth--. Wduani h. of Santa Monica, Cal., J" iaul Hyatt, manager of the r, ai,. Mt Hotel, and one sister, Mrs. I- 1. Turner, of Dayton, Ohio. Robbers Get Away With $100 Worth Of Goods From Store Police Investigating Robbery Of McCracken's Clothing Store On Last Tuesday THURSDAY. MARCH 11, NOT A CANDIDATE Police are investigating the robbery 0i MCLracKen s Uothmg Sfore, which took place early Tuesday morning, with aoout $100 worth of 'merchandise carried away. The. robbers broke the glass il. the front door with a heavy locust stick and reached inside and turned the right latch and walked in. Among the things that were missing, according to eociore MeCracken, a suit of clothes, hilts, half dozen dozen or more ties, a quantity some rid- a check-up by 1 owner, included: an overcoat, two dollar shirts, half 1. 1 1 ! proDaoty a couple ot caps, of underwear ami probably ing pints. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Miller who live on the second rlour in the ad.ioiirug building savl they hoard glass oi cak ing about ::.,), but thought it was the wind olowing out a p ine of glass a.s it did some few weeks ago. Police fou.ul the door broken open about 4:30. The robbers made their escape through a window in the base ment at the back of the store. Police have several suspects, but no arrests huve been made. Mr. MeCracken said the robbery was do-no by someone who was ac- MAVOK f. It. IKso quainted with the : doors were fastenei tore, and bow th; "Bright Eyes" Will Be Shown This Week 15 Tickets Offered Shirley 'lemple Picture With Several ( .lose-1 ps Ot I rcddie ( rawlord At avneswood .M r. throu i r. A1 kliifon. h :i s 1 tu ii.i s. that his Li mit lo seek le-eleetl mint: eitv eleeiioii in .M n-i .ni'-c.l seru plans ii in the i v . Atkinson Decides Not To Enter City Election In May J. H. Way, Jr., Seeking Mayor's Post. Hardin And .lom's Out lor He-flection poht icni dav, le- '3av Applications Can i I5e Made Here At Present I Stt'earimren rlistnet manntrer i.e llationnl A-pmnlrwrtYinnf spr- announced this week that his of- -"jid receive applications for col J ' 11 attendants for the U S lAi-i.'.auons for other branches of -ervice can also be made with Of "All imlicat'ons aic that the pic ture, 'Bright Eyes' featuring .Shirley Temple and several cioc-up views of Freddie Crawford, formerly of Way nesville, will attract capacity houses for the -three showings here," iaid J. E. Massie, owner ot the Wayne wood 1 heatre. 1 he show comes here lhursdav and Fl.-dav of . this week, with a special matinee on I ruhv at ;i:l.r o clock. The picture was shown in Carton to overflowing houses the tret two days of the week. In connection ith the picture. there is being off'.red KH'TELN FREE TICKETS to the Th details ol this onr will be loun.l in a page advertisement elsewhere in this paper. Ii is very simple to win one ol O.o just r"ad the ads carefully that appear on the page. No strirgs ar attached to getting a free ticket. Nothing to buy or sell, lu'ii to the page now and read .he rules f hey are very simple. I'oiimied is (i;tl.e i.b-ihties Mrs. Thomas- M. Fer guson Passes Away BEGINNING NEXT WEEK . "Legislature Doings" b y Oral L. Yates Mr. ates is now working in e Senate and is in close touch -ilTairs of interest to our i11 i,nd cunty. He will give 1 ldr and unbiased wat's account of going on. Mr. ates is well know n in ilia r!u"t. and his column will be tf0tk fu, of facts. beginning Next Meek An Exclusive Feature In The .Mountaineer Mrs. Bar'iar Yct Ferguson, wife of .he late Ihomas M. 1-eiguson, pass ed away at her home r.t trabtree early t nday morning. Maren . ldo.i, at the age of 7!) years. .She had been in ill health for a number ol years and contracted double pneumonia which caused her death. Mrs. Fergusons life iva,. one of great usefulness in her home, in her church and in the community.. She was always thoughtful of others and helped those who were less fortunate than she. She lived her life for oth ers and made, their burdens lighter. She made life's pathway bright by pointing out the good :t hings along the way. She: was loyal to her church, having been a member since childhood. She was born m ( ampobeilo, b. (. ., and snent her early girlhood there. She was married to Thomas M. I er guson on March 11. 17.. They lived to see their fifty-lift h- wedding anni versary as Mr. lerguson passed awav throe vears ago on March S, V.);2 To this union were oorn ten children, nine of whom survive. Thev are-ihe following: W. Forest, C, Taft, -Millard H., and Miss Ruth rerguson, of Crabtree; Mrs. AV. J. Campbell, f Waynesville; Mrs. T. L. Kirkpat rick. of Clvde; Mrs. W. C. Russell, of Candler; Nathan A., of Newport News, Va.; and Mrs. George l ew, of Greer, S. C, and two sisters. Mrs. eorcas Rhinehart, of Spartanburg S, C, and Mrs. Margaret Golightly, of Inman, S. C also 21 grandchil dren and 15 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at barker's Chapel at Crabtree at 2 riev. W. M Robbins, pastor, otficiating, nth the Rev. Paul Hardin. Jr., of the Aaynesville Methodist church, as listing. Interment was in the chap--! ."emetery nearby. Active pallbearer were six c-an-'-ion, Lowerv Ferguson. Leon (. anrp-. uell, -Harry Lee Ferguson, i eampbell, Harold. Few. anil 'an rereuson. The eranddaughters ae;t-o. iS flower cir!!. Honorary pallbearersWere:: G.eioi ' d - Palmer, -D. R. MeCracken. I"'. A. u. Walker, Toninue Noland. -Iiwif-ii .trown, T. L. Green. M. M. No:anfi,: vV. IL Noland. Vo-ler Ha. -. John. 4 AlcClure C R Fran I T Hi tips, R. L'Messer. am. W. Kitk-I natrick. i . ning-s ..iv Ui'l au.iig tne frunt here as less thaii sixty main lieloie the city .election; Lx.ecit for a si-ore of ui ruirois g(,in aro-und, thei. '.al': or di -cussion of tin- 'p,. (C the ol candidates. fir the only candidate to dei liiteiy -say m- wn.s iu (be race foi niay ;n is .1 II. ;iy . .r,, i: eseiu meiiv bei' ol the board of alderoie-n. .Mayor t. Ii; Atkinson, through, his friends, said it - was almost definite that he would neirlier bi in the buiy ors race iuir the race as u 'mcmbei of the board.' Mr. Atkinson has othei plans and the- ollice would conflict. It is known, however, that a number uf his friends are urging him to toss ins nai in uie ring, nut as latw as yesterday he was not so in lined. At least six others have been men tioned as candidates for the mayor's pes;, but wi.en app reached by this paper (lerred the rumors. W. L. Jlardin, Jr.. and Sam 11. Jones, presei.t members ol the board, A'ill be on the ticket foe re-elecLion. As. far as could be lcarr.ed thev are the only two that have definitely made- it known they very in the race. Mr Hardin is now chairnan cf the light -.lid water department, ami Mr. Jone., neads tile ..treet: an., p dice depa. t ;m tit. Ch'se poli ica) obi ei vers state that the coi'.ling caiiip.'iigl will not bo as hard fought as four in fhe past. .No outstanding issues ,eie evp-cied to en ter the contest. One reason there aiv not more iondidates seeking the four posts Wii; saiii bi cjiu.-e the heavy in debtedness of trie makes it al most in.possitle to do anytlrng e-xcejit to collect-taxes 'am!' pay bills. While this situation ..does' exist, it is believt-ii by others that the u mal numlM-r will oe in thi- race. In V.tH'-i .hero wen- .'i in the mayor's race,, and i il- .sought places on tre boaril of al dermen. 'The registrar anil judges for the coming election will be named at an early date. The' ion will be . on the seventh of May. Governor Offers To Help Open Market For W.N.C. Potatoes (iownior J. r. . i-htii.-!,-,,,. til it lollor ,i (lio ,,i plt. MoiiniaiiKi-r Uil .(,. .i.,imi Wtf-u-rn orih ai-olina ih.,i he would do an.Mliiii- iioihh- lo ii-au- in i:ii--n-iii l aniliiut ,i ihiii-k,-( for )oliii,K- grown in ilii MMiioii. HK letlci- leads follow.: "I-l me yon ihui I am niiioh uueix-sinl in join- iNliim-inl it-fei-eui-e o aiil- mid poiai -h-.v. r.,llahl ou rtt-uil tluil I nlls ainiuiK i hi- lli-v, J,, pm foi-wnrd lliln id- .1 lo sell woslt l-ii ki-ohii sittl ix.liiioos to ilu- raniii'i-s of Noi-lli ai-olina and 1 mve no opiioiliinliv Hi pi-.-iieli this Siosp- of -liall cllld to ,lu lllll llliny ullll l-v.-l ). filing' iHissihle i , ,id in ihe ouier-I'l-iso of. oM-iiing a inaiki-l for in. ui hi ji in grown sii-d polar, -s in ihe -a-..-rn (.-i-ritoi- ." The ediloilal' l liilng- luiiis oii'iillone,! nin ihe one pull lls l last wevk In wliieh Hie i-dilor iH.inletl mil llial ihero c, LV..IMIO l.iish. ls of s, ,., poiaiot-s In H.IUiX., lollllM. tlllll -IM I l I iioiisiiiui l)ii-li, U of apple. an open ninrkt-l. i n 1 1 1 j Want Reemployment Offices I n S t a t e To Be Kent Open Would Require s7.".()0l) Prom North ( arolina To Match I vderal Appropriation the estiibhsli. d' eniploy'niviit . b C'aiolina are (,'aro whi. f.i which appro- Those inlercsied m iin'iit ai d ,na ntenain e dl'iei's ihn.nigluiu1 N'oi urging ru-mbi-iK of th- Xorti. liua leg si dure 10 p;i-s . hill -v n.ld oio' itie for .it 7,", .Dili I wi!li to iviaten : tile $7."s,I.HI0 recently iiy Congress. It seem from those i.-'i 'close'-micli with ihe situation, that the iippropri at ion made by Congress will nut be approve.; unless the state of North Carolina niakes a . similar appi opria tion. A re-emp!oymen) ollice has hcci miuntamed here for some time. HI v. M. L. Sweat inge-i. manager, -announ ced this week that he had had nu n- calls for domestic help thari he had been able to Ho urged all per- .sots inleH-led in doin de-ne.-itic wink to register I' lth In ,i at once. Reports from Raleigh slate that some -1(10,00(1 ju-e now reg stored- and that li.n.OOf have been found job; through the 'e-emplovnienl oflii the s !.-!(-. Four Additional Members Put On Board Of Commissioners As Bailey s Bill Becomes Law Many Changes Would He Made In Court House If Tax Col lector Hill Is Passed It Representative changing the otlic. of passes the lor ishu ure se era! niii jor cbaimes house on the hi st ot The bill has passed is now in the coai::' counties and cities m bill pats in l.l. pelvisor and ci A pi i the ittee the : Mouse, uiiii on towns otiate. The . Howell as ta sti-lectiii- and does awav to seven anie ,;nv t; .dVu-e now beKl by Sr.., ol collect, iiir delinuuciit It would also make the slier e and the collector's ollice two . fol!ow: if North .'d is inblv by ,1'eateo r lor Hay f Conn. d only shall on on flu. niie 1 boils s- vporvrs the lfoa b II in Aldermen Seeking '-To 'Keep Town .As Clean As Possible uf Ih sville. board oi' -aldermen it i ; ) f rotir I be ( 'bamber I Hh last F'nday n.giit I h itiiitig up a few sputb tearing down nf City Installs New Svstem Of Billing Lights And Water The Water and Light Department of Waynesville recently installed a Burroughs accounting machine which Will simplify .the office work consid erably, it was announced by W'. L, Hardin, Jr,. chairman of. the depart ment of the board of aldermen. . : Under the new set-up each .. -'. .ni er has an individual account, sheet carrying twerttv-four months servic records, showing both credits and debits. The system further employs the use ot a postal card which eliminates. the former ' three-cent postage.- Mrs. Hedwig A. Love, town clerk, is receiving special instructions froth an expert of the Burroughs Company. The new machine js accurate and cora nlete in every detail. A general invitation is ex endef; the public to inspect -this' 'machine. The Wi... II. heard a deleg ( iiiniiii n e regard to i t wti, and t he . several ol I building The- aide) men offered'"!' heir ro-oper-' atiori aii-t poinied out that they too had plans underway to make certain improvenicnts ih the- Way of city b'-autirication. The fact was made by ' -Alderman Sam Jones that .an average of Kl loads (if garbage was lieing ..hauled away monthly from the town. The garbage truck is now lunning three davs-a week, he reported. ( onfidential. ieports were- hiade re-. garding the removing f several buildings in town. It. is expected (hat work oh these Will get underway the latter part of this week, or ih.- hist of next. with th Hrow ti, taxes. I'fs olli distinct ollices. The. bill as inlrodu The Goi-.-ral Ass iii olma do enact : Section 1. l';.eie is here tin ollice of Ta Superviso u ood I ouirt y. and I Ik 1 ,mi ty I 'oiiiiiiissioiiei-s ol' said ci app.-itit some suitalile ier; lirst Monday ill Jieceinbcr, and nine bundled ami thirty six who has Hie ability to keep proper records id the otbee, and othenvwi- iiua'ilied as Ta -. Supervisor, ,uid w ho, before eiili riug up ilio ilutH.s of his ollice, shall lie approved by the laical Gov ei n tne n I ( 'o in niss ion of No it b ( 'aro lina as to his Illness ami technical Knowledge; sin ! appoiti'llK t' t,i, lie made on the Ii is t Mondiu in 1 h-e'viii her. on- Ib.uisaii I nine hundred and tlni y s , and ihe T diall sei e at t he wil ol ComiiiisMoners, ,,m shod d-iaw salary, sot , rom t im- to t in Ikiii - I of ', " 1 1 H 1 i ; . . 1 1 1 J I , - , uf than eighteen hihuliv f:' ($l,Siioi . iars, .-uid no; men- lan ( -vent v- I hundred :($L',liKi) ijoUars per y payable in imnit bly. jiis iilnu-nts. shall employ a sullicieiit. inn diet assistants, upon apiniiMi1 of Hie He of ('oKimissioners, who shall e draw such ci mpciisatum as . the i of ( omtiossiiuicrs may in escribe from time to time, ami each assistant shall give bi id j:! a sum of nol less f han ten thousand .,$ 1(1,0(10) dollars, payable to Ha wood County, which bono shall bo in a bonding company legally do ing business in Norlh Carolina, and which bonds .shall lie approved by the Hoard of ('ommissioners. See. Il slm'i 10 the. duly uf the Tax Supervisor upon his appoint mont, to iiiimeilialidy lake '.-charge, of; ail the fax books of the county aiiill i-idlect all taxes duo Haywood County , ineliidiiig t lie ta xes paid mi est im.-ile Ii. fiii'i- the books ;i(- completed, for ' the "ol!owif,,r yi-ar. ami his bund for I Continued on 'i.-ige ) Miss Ollie Wat( Is Laid To Rost R:i. Fincher, Henderson And MeCracken Are The Pour New Members Of Hoard Ruloy's bill - Haywood will have seven members tax i.illector ol the board of commissioners as scan men will le as the four members take oath.' ' in the court i Represent:!! ive li.-i il.. '.. i ii'.., ... ......... . , 1 . I I io oi- : crease flu board I rom throe members was rutilb-d avid be mis lasi .uomiay. I he to-ir ni'w members as appoii i by Mr. Hailey are: Wilford 1. . Waynesville, Edwin lYm-her Civ E. Henderson, ('anion, and Albe.' ic( tacken, Lake .lunaluska. 1 he certitied copies of the bill had not reached here yesterday but ate expected In re piohably. m lime for th. lour mem be i. s to take ollice ,,n the lMh, wlrch is fie regular third Mon ,da nicotine fur tbe board. lia ratilicaliou of the bill brings to ii eloM; a mailer thai has Ihvii tbe souice of mucli comment during the jiiist lew weeks. At ii ,st Mr. Hailey's bill hamoil nil, ..mniissionors, and only last ueek w;ls it cbangiai to four. I be lolloumg. ; i a true copy of the bill unnli was -at.!i,.,, which also set out ilu- new voting plan by dis tricts. 'Hie loll was.' eceivul by The .MouHI-a.n, er Weiliusoav from Mr. Hiiiley, togeti.ei- with word that he bill bail been atilhd: W ( 1 HUM Kl W hi mi m I'l'-I cf TII K li( ) A K 1 1 OF coi'X. I I'O.MMISSIONKKS OF H V- WOOI) (Ml NTV FROM T1IKI.I-: Id SI-iVKN. I be Gi-neral A ( .1 1 nbna do enac S";! i"ii .'1. That t he I t oiiiuii i be i i- 'ubly of Nertli i-d '.ise our ear, aid a.h iaul -I'l-IOl v inert 'ii.i'iiiDei s, . That Fdwin lay, .). I-:. Ilemlci t v M' e ll - Sec liv.l Kay, .1 lc( i acken in-, and 1 b apli'-'iiil. .1 niembe; s of ( oiil' y ( 'ommissioners County to ser e until tlay in liei-embor. one -ix ioard , iv woo 1 1 'in I CiUlll I Cotl.i hroe to ' mi r. Wil- ;'o-n and Albert ey are hereby the Hoard of ol Haywood the first Mon ! i'.ou. nine iiumireii thirty, six, and until their ! successors are .-locte.l and iiualilie.l. Ihe coiiipensiitron of the additional members hereby appointed and their successors shall bo the same as that m-cived by members of the present Hoard. See. :. That .-il the Mevt general election to be held in Ntivember, one Ibousanil nine: hundred thirty-six, 4iid biennially , herea tier, . t here' shall be elected -.-oven members .f (he Hoard of County f oin.hiissii.ners of Haywood C n'.y. -M'c. -.(a .- 'I h.-i I Haywood County be, and the same is hereby divided Hit" five district.-, for the purpose ot eject nig t h,. ( omit y ( ommissioners ,; ." Na.-, mjii I ( ouiil y, 1 1 - -t i id nu nib, i one i iioaM i .lain anil , ( lyiie i i-ii.-i i i,-i numlci- t iv lis follows: coin posed of iwiisbips ; ( urn posed of i ii if. Iiir i i . I I f II I Mi.- VVv; ii i.i' ii i'ni- ; r " j, III. led ' I . I.TVS M. i). ll.-l- : Ilu- t ...dist Choi l Of It. follliW illl- : th .lnhn . Wyjiti.. I, oi, U v n. ejurtioil W; lilii- U':,lt .,.1 .,f I M i s. V ei lion Wini I M : i, .l.i'i rt.-.'l s. v. I,,, in, illni -"hla. i; .-It Viees ft 111.- I lit, file's . Ml ! ii ol lo r h.ek U'v: att. :i ;il i- '.. i-sici; '-i.ii -n s'u -it tin 1 1.. i Mrs. . ii lor M 'i: s.i i hi I. I" 'onlv I h i K.-fv All Ml-;- ; - .I ll Mil U .pa I- t-liis . I. .Mil si' I l-l.' I.i AC in''' M i s !' un.-ilip k:i.': .1' II i I W' riet-oii. I .a -1 I oi k .:,m,I I v..., i T slues; I )i.-tr.iet number hr..o is cnni posed of Waynesville. and Ivy Hi lownshiii,-; llistrict, iiumlk r four i i o..-ipo.sei' of Jonathan Creek, .Whitt Oak and Cataloochee 'l'ou,-nsi. i o.i i . . , .. ' ' i 'is l net il ll tn in- ; 1, Crablree, lines Ci Townships, ; S.-f. '.. ( bi. That be M-iOei-l of I Ij (oniposed of lit 'lt-N.!,ii ; ha! a I i.-sid cotripo;-1 Ceeil composed uf rid lion I )u If Or, James To (iive Illustrated Lecture On Cancer On 19th Mrs. Nathan West Was Buried Sundav to Closing-Out Sale At Outlet Store To Begin Friday Friday morning will-.mark the open ing of the closing-"'-' -a'" of Raiff -s Outlet Store, on Main street, accord ing to a large adveiti-ement in to iav s paper. . . the store,- has a '"tre stock of ready-to-wear, dry .'.' -I.--, shoes and work clothes. Mr. KaitT. stated that prices had been cat i-i. the items for the sale. . I'r. W. R. James, of Hamlet, will )Jive an illustrated: lectuiVi at the court house here Tuesday evening. Mirch 1 th, at 7 '0 He will di u the popular topic, of "f aneer.'' . Dr. James is being brought here by Dr. C. N. Sisk. of the district health office, and the meeting is being spon sored by the Waynesville Woman's Club. There wil! he no admission charges. Those who have seen the illustration and heird Dr. James' '. lecture , havi been most complimentary in their re marks about it. Mrs, Xiithiirr Wi-sl. ; 'CO. .(;..) , ,. . me .in - K-rn m'-is : ;iiv early ,S:i 1 11 n).-i ,- ii'n illtitss uf s.-M-riit i" . vi. 'M ii i-iT ci iml in-i -mi- nil Sun-lav :i!'!i-i. 'k ,'iiii.i Ion ia I Wa v i ri is nftfr f 'lllK-l .-I ). il ih- ! i.n -at i 'ei ' K.'il.-IifT Covr. liesiil.-s her htmli tlie follow-in s V.-st. IJufuK .;iys. ed fr Ih Wo mi mlx-rs shall t riot n umber one ivordam and Clyde. ; mernrier shall be it! ul. tnct numlK-r two il uf l igeon, -,ast l-'olk ami (!wi-hii)s; (lia; two nirai's shall be. 'residents,: of District number three, composed of Waynesville ami Ivy Hid Townships; that one member shall be a resident of . District num ber four., composed of Jonathan ( reek, White Oak and . Catalooebco lownships; that one member shall be a resident, of District number five, composed of -.Crabtree, Finos. Creek -(Continued on. page v ' 'liui f-ti .Cent cli i y: i ml slii- is surv'-'O ' ills . ami tl.i in-lit. i s. West, anil ltoiin-r COLNTV TI ACHI RS TO Pr IIP 1 1) Ml FUNG The last meeting of the school year of the, teachers of Haywood county , which, Will be the fifth for the pres ent school term. -will be held on Sat urday at .10:00 at the Central; Ele ir.en.ary school. .. .':. The principle speaker ... of the ses sion -will be Miss Nancv ODeveis. representative from the State De partment, of Public- Instruction. v :. ; -e '' I West i f 'a ih-s-v-:).-. Mrs. Wil.-v I'.- i rik tin, .Mrs, Hilly Kelly ah il Wat N-r V "f! .; 'if Kranrfa Cove. . . Converted Jew To Sneak At Baptist Church On Sundav v. .Rev. Jacob Rosenthall, Baptist or d i - ' " i ' r, of I adueah, K will p;rach at the liaptist church of Waynesville next Sunday night, March th.- 17th. " -..-' Rosenthall was nrdainet! I-eb. 20: Ki2: by the First ehii,-f-h of; Abiiine, Texas, where Dr. Mil'ard ; Jenkins, is pastor. Some of the con-i gregation remember that Dr. Jenkins . was one time pastor here. i "Many in this section . have heard! Pev. Jacob Gardenhnuse and have thrilled- a.s vou "listened to his stm-v. i We believe vou' will emnv th; f -pe "k' r as w i ' p H W I i j i com. pastor said. . .1 Weather Of All Sorts Tuesday Tin- weallier man Ins s-i tuples Uvrc. Tii. mI iv wIh-ii i-i-r.v kiml or iiniliiT ni fuld iliiaginc ,is rivoril.-d al M.tiii- linie ilu ring- Iho lav Olio niiniiie there would 'In-, a li.-ird shower, followeil ,v a li.-ird kiisl or wind, mi l shortly (lie sun would ' alinosi - h-' through tin low hariginir clouds. -Mmiiii .-, o.l.Hk there wns sotiK- halo for n few miriiiu-s. unit In less than nn hour II naa snow ing anil slotting. , t. satno (inn- 1 ho depth of the niinfall was th- greatest in mt-r a venr. Ix-ing 1.07 nit hos. acoording to iho g.. ernmeiii wi-ailu-r report THE WEATHER OFUC I W. W nATIIKK RKI'OICr D iu 7 8" o It) . n Max; Min. it'.i :m ."ii ' . L'-'. :,.s 2 .r.: 2:i 'l :-.' !