BBiBiEli The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood CountyPubUshed At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains Nat tonal Park- -Read by Thinking People -f r NO. 18 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ill.. XL HI THI HSDAY. APRIL I. lri . 1 1 m ri in-ThirdsOf'34 County Taxes Have Already Been raid Collector Howell Makes Offi cial Statement io Koara Of Commissioners . J J a. I j;Tllr m a statement maue o board oi ''""" ii v; here .Mumiay oy la v-u"--" fHf)wcl!, iht-re is only $119,tW yet the county u" s.--. he statement showed that a total (5191 w7 hall been collected on ' '...rit taxes. The original 1nt of taxes was $311,501. fa-zed statement i ""o ,!,,. $1.J,0.4S w!'ul 1 - OQ COS fiQ uar - ' 11 ucw i. i .. l.v iiivu.- ToMl $67,009.93 ,i!t,;..,i' bv T. J. Cathey ;.;'r to December) ...-$124,987.74 la I collected to (late ... iui.yyv.o Li yet duo aj of lt;!4 taxes 6H.oui.o- d Buildings Are Being Removed In own Of Hazelwood 'he town of Hazelwood through the rj if altiermen some few weeks i bi-'jau a campaign to tear down houses and 'buildings. A number te already been torn down, and le in session Tuesday night they e ' plans fur removing others. I w;i? opinion oi tne poara Co Itinue tin movement until all un- rahie buddings were removed, lans have already been made for erect i. in of several new bouses in fcelwMuil. One member of the rd said that the new houses would used in earing for Waynesville's bfiow of tourists. laywood Boys t Wake Forest kir men from Haywood county are lit -among. Wake Forest College's 10 students this year, according to l)Iatiun just completed, three are from Waynesville and one lorn t '!;. do. There are three fresh- and one sophomore in the group. hey an-:-. .- From Waynesville -K. Burghi, a freshman, son of Mr. .my, r. a. Burgm; C. A. rrancis, freshman, son of Mr. and t. C. Francis; and W. A. ntis, a sophomore, son ol and Mrs. C. C. Frances. All fe of these are members of the eliaii Literary Society, and W. A. .ncis was a guard on last season s hnuin football team. 'ram Clyde Hubert J. McCracken, fshnuu!. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. WeCra.i ken. Mr, McCracken is a iber'of the Euzelian Literarv So- I'v'juh ' -;V,e generosity , of -he(r "J a'.umhi; and other fi'iend's e. I "!. -t has just completed a W building program, all of is paid exeept $00,000, and i-omini' in f , nt'4 admlnistration bu.ildinK V't 11 i.l . nu'fli.-nl hiiildiniT. and :''te '.ad'iuin aie now in use. il io.oiiii gymnasium will be conl d. next nionth and will be dedi- at the eommencement in May. 1L. Hinton Gives Sanitary Work In Haywood County L. Hil ton, who for the past three . nail-years has been sanitary in "er for. this oountv. left TuooHnv .iil. ii,r Lexine-ton whpro hp will .. ' -v same work for Daviel- Uu.T. v. F-t Who will fill .,.. i: 1,1 tire vaiauty ijiauc P s resienation ic nnt humii it fPcted that it will be filled With ' xr lew days, The office is r triP !lnfll-TMr.;- f lL- T' A .A ru yt-partment, with Dr. C. N, "i enartrp niip hpro in tViof 'J a sanitary rating for the coun gamed ftate wide recognition. wowResigns As Vocational Teacher r . . ' : ' teari; vocational agricul ffif, at,th Waynesville town- W e.w'j 'ldnaea ln his resigna- tfe canje here from John I ' Wlth her mother, who is le rlif- C- TO MEET leguiar moot r a. . be held fj , 1 l"e u- u- . of uiFx?df7 afternoon at the I Wtsew Martin assis- They Say """'I' -ii.i.r.i "ii tilings go right, I in swing to have to luz zards soon. A friend from lliarl- vston sent mo two buzzard eggs last week ami I put tliem under a lieu which I sot the day before? Won't tlmt bo a good joke on the hen?" CLYDE FISIIEK "Hnzehvood is the best town in the world to live. The people there got along together and renllj- seem to enjoy living." TUGS. SI'l HLOCK "My wife wont go to betl on Thursday nights until she has read The Mountaineer." R. G. COFFEY "Paint is M'llin. Iw... tor this year than at any time dur ing the past throe years for the same time of year. I( ,,Us like there's goiiij. t i. ,s , ust,(1 this year." JAMES ATKIXS "From uhut 1 .,, I, I learn in Itaielgh last wwk, the legislature expects to adjourn wiih in a short time, probably uIkmii the tenth of April." DK. S. P. GAY "I'i-oir r play eon- .....11.. I ! : . . iroucu is urc iK'st institution il character 'building. 1 hH- to see more and bettor playgrounds in Wa j nosvillo," DK. I). I. I,. SMATIIEKS "I have been mayor of Clyde for eight years, and I'm through. I've got a lot of ersoiial business to attend to. I would li lit- to see the absentee bal lot law repealed, its a useless thing." 1)11. C. -. SISK "What Wuynosxillo ikhmIs is a fool-proof iiiciiioi-ator. Its useless, to haul trash from one part of town only to dump it in another." 1IAKKY IIAlili ."When we uuike the summer visitors feel more at homo, we will prolit more fmin the tourist Professional Named For The Season At Country Club Course George Wilson, Of St. Peters burg, Will Have Charge Of Course, Which Is In Good Shape George Wilson, who for the past few years, has been in charge of a large golf course -in 'St.; Petersburg, Fla., has signed a contract with J. M, Long, owner of the Waynesville Coun try Club as professional for the com ing season, Mr. Long in making the announce mimr ct atofl that he felt -himself for tunate in securing Mr., Wilson, and that indications for a good season with the course was nio.-t encourag ing. , Large crews of wmnen are work ing on the course daily picking out the small weeds, and a number of men have completeil the job of eloar ing out all of . the rough's on the outer edges of the course, The bent grass which was planted sometime back on the greens is growing fast, Mr. Long said, and will make some of the best greens in the state. The rock work on the new country elub house was finished last week. The plans for the club house have been changed, and ' at least $10, 000 will be spent on. the building before it is completed within, the next f ew. weeks, Mr. Long said. Dressing rooms for both men and women, together with showers will be installed, and the large iouuy i be converted into a dance hall ; on .-.t:- ;c -- Tho third story ceitani ui:i-a.-w.-. . .. - of the building will : be occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Long. They expect to move about the first of May. Sam II. Jones will have charge of the club house again this year. Election At Clyde Will Lack Usual Hard Campaigning All indications are that tne com ing election in Clyde will lack the usual hard campaigning that has been a feature of the elections there for the past number of years. Dr. D. I. L. Smathers, who for the past eighv years has served as mayor of that town, told this paper last week that he was no longer a candidate for the rfffa arA wnuM Tint, rlin: At present there is not a policeman in the town of Clyde, smd because, of that reason the campaign is. not ex pected to get as "warm" as previous elections, because the police was usu ally the main issue of the elections. Dr. Smathers stated that he ex pected the new board would take im mediate steps towards naming a. po liceman. Mr. George Rogers until a few months ago was policeman. Hp had served for a period of about io years. .":'.- -'If .- C. Of C. Endorses Special Edition Of The Mountaineer Hundreds Of Extra Copies Will Be Distributed. Will Contain Many Features Of Interest The board of directors of the Cham ber of Commerce in session last Fri day night went on record as endors ing the special booster edition of The Mountaineer, which will be issued within the next week or ten days. Several sections of the paper have already been printed and the entire issue is composed of articles of inter est and a large number of pictures of local scenes, including some of qhe residential sections. A number of special articles have been prepared by otli ials and others for the edition. Those who have written an article for the paper in cludes! Ambassa(r Jusephus Dan iels, Governor J. C. B. Khringhaus, Park officials in Washington, and TVA men in Knoxville. A number of local prominent people have taken a active part in the issue. Hundreds of -extra copies are being printed and- will be distributed in all parts of the country. The Chamber ot Commerce exneo' to use a large number of the papers in connection with the publicity work of the ganization. Special attention or bas for the been made in covering the field facts that wiil be of interest to outside world'. The homefolks will not lie m-g-cted in the issue, as all articles have been prepared in such a way is to give the local people some in- sule laets aoout. the county m wnun they live as to make the issue worth while.- No Candidates In Hazelwood As Yet While in session Tuesday night the Hazelwood board of aldermen had no statement to make regarding the coming election. Mayor J, P. Scate.s stated that no deifinite decision had been made by the present board, and very little talk had been made by others. L. M. Richeson. present member of the board, said he would not seek re election, while Clyde Fisher, and Whitnor 'Provost, the other two 'mem ber's, had no statement to make. DIRECTOR AND W1FK HF.RK Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Harthol omew, the former being director of the Yale Glee Club, which gave a concert in A sheville Monday night, spent Sunday night in Waynesville on , route to Ashoville, While bore they expressed themselves as .being favorably impressed with this town. They were at the H otel Le'Faine while here. The Waynesville Chamber ' of Commerce is sponsor ing a "Try At Home; First" campaign, which will be for an indefinite period, and during Which time every effort will be made to impress the buying public with the im .portance of "trying at home first." ; In beginning the campaign, the. board of directors discussed the matter at length, and the fact was stressed that it was not a point of selfishness in trying to keep the business at home, but a matter of civic pride and good business for the community. ' ' A conservative estimate, based upon a close check-up shows that between $15,000 and $20,000 each month goes out of town for merchandise and sen-ices that were available in Waynesville. This staggering amount going away from the community monthly, is cause for serious thought, one director stated. "If this continues," he said, "within a year almost a quarter of a million dollars will have been sent to other communities which should have remained in Waynesville. In the end our schools, churches and everything in the town will have suffered." Plans are underway to make a survey and check-up on the different so urces through which money is spent in other communities. Each individual is requested to "Try At Home First" before spending money out of town, J Certified Bill Of Changes In Collect ing Taxes Received 1). A. Howell Is Named As Tax Supervisor And Collector Of All Taxes Of County Ihe certified copy of the bill which was introduced in the General Assem bly by Representative .1. T. ltailey making changes in the tax -collecting system of the county has been re ceived here. The Ml' sets out that D. A. Howell, now tax collector, shall be tax su pervisor and also tax collector for this county, and shall serve until OotolnT fust, l!i:ia, at which time the board of commissioners shall have the power to till the office. Auditors will begin auditing the books , f George A. lirown, present tax supiivisor and collector of do-Imiuu-nt taxes, within the' next few days atnl it ,s expected that it will be ten or fifteen ilavs before Mr Hinvell will take over the additional otliee. .Tie. bill'sets fo-M, that Mr. Howell shall ho in. dor a fifty thousand dollar bond and that T.'s assistant sha'l be under a ten thousand dollar bond. Mr. Unwell is at present tinder a o0.(ioo bond but it only covers the HIM I taxes. It was said that this bond will bo chanced to cover the collect ion of all taxes. "The bill also s't! -fatis that a daily deposit be made, :,i.d that a complete and .itemized statement be niado to the board of i onimissionors at (heir regular liionthly 'mooting.' This is now being dune by M i Howell. ' The 'bill also sets out. that Mr. Howell' -shall name tax. listers. The hoard nf coinlnissionci s recently made their appointments for 'the listers, and M ' Howell ' stated-.- that no changes will be made. (ir-'dy N'oland. assistant to . Mr. Howell, is making arrangements to spend much of bis time in Canton. Ho now goes there each pay-day Fri day and every Saturday. DR. W. H. LINER MAKES IX) R M A L A N N O I ' N C E M E N T The fust formal announcement to be made for the town election was made this week by Dr. W. II. Liner, for a place on the board of aldermen. Dr. Liner has previously served on the board, and iwas a inombor during tin time when many improvements wore made in the oil. v. Thole have been several rumors round and about this week that sev eral others would be candidates, but no formal announcement other than Dr. l.inoi V wore made. Mrs. C. W. Dollart and two sons and Miss 'Elizabeth Burnet te of Hry son City, are visiting; Mi Dell.'irt's I mm i.t- ,' .Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ducket!. J Gratitude Last Saturday George A. It-- own made change from his pocket book, and turned around to till out a tax receipt for his customer and left the pocket book containing $So on the desk. When he looked back it was gone, and the two men who had been in the otliee a minute prior to that time were also gone. Mr. Brown made a desperate effort to catch them, but they made good their escape. loiter be ran down a clue and had the two men arrested, they denied having taken the money, but soon found they would have to stand trial to prove they were not guilty. After making the investigation, Mr. Hrown gave them their choice of getting hitu the money or standing trial. They agreed to get the money. In company w ith officers; the young er of the two went homo and took the pocket book out of the mattress and handed over the money. Hut that didn't end tin story. The cost of jail fees and the arrests amounted to $1.'), and as the men didn't have that milch, they sold their only cow to Mr. Hrown for the money to pay the costs. Even that don't finish the story . . . the men involved live on Mi. Hrovvn's farm . . . and how they will have to move. Funeral Services Held Sunday For J ere Davis Here Pornu'r Waynesville- Rusihess Man Passes Away. After.. Long Illness Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for. Joie. Davis, oil, ..who passed away at the Haywood County hospital last Thursday. Services '.were hold at the. 'Methodist church With the Rev. Paul - Hardin, Jr., pastor, ..Hi ciating. Interment was made in Green Hill Cemeteiy. The following served as pall Ix aieis E. L. Withers, J. H. .Howell, Dr. ! H. Smathers, They. McCracken, E. C. Harbin, and James W, Killian. The honorary pallbearers were: M. M. No I. Hid, E. H. Mi-('lure, Hi. W. L. Kirkpat rick, ' G rover ' Smith, W .(', Allen, ('. G. Logan, E. .1. Kubcsoii, In. M. H. McCracken, He. J. I . Reeves, II. ('. I.iud.- :ev, W. T. Lee, Dr. li. I'. .Sjiiatheis,. Itr. . T. Alexander, K. II. Pdackvvi II, K. I.. Lee, ,1. K. I. - H. Atkinson, .1. II. Way. S. II. llushttoll. W, T. I 'eiiton, Oraa Smal bei -.,-' Ku I'aUou, Dr. Pete Jones, In. E. G, Hurefout, Glenn Venn).', and Dr. I Ueli,. Mr. Davi ua- piinniiunl in tin busiin'.-s life of Waytiesviile for- a number of yais as a jowolei. lor tin- past live veal- be bad m i ni'.a ini-o n jewelry ,;o:e ill ant"ii. lie ha. been ill lor iih.iii! li . Sun-v inuiii li ag'.i, be va,-' tn-al' -l a! : tie St. I..l;.a bi-:h ' hospital'- in Hi. liiipoid, -a., blii I en M-i era I vvr-ek s ne had be. n a p.-i Mopt in '.lit- l ..tin' li'.-pi' . I lu-ro. lie was tii.- son -.!' Die late Mi. ani. M rs. .1. M. I 'a-. . . of U ite- -ill.. .Stll'v'lVllig are M r. I.iin 1:, v. lin ! tie'gli'tei'.ol Hie late M r. and M i -. D. L. Ho d, of V'ayne.-v i lie ; .iio- daui'b lei, .Mr.-.. Hryarit S.ini'h, "t t a.nieii; t ,v o . '"brol 'he i ', .Will "'.' I a ,i. . and I Ir.,in;i7- .1. Davi?, ;,f a vn. - v lib ,. -and one sis-ier-, M : -. W. I.. M i.;, . f W .y lies vi lie. . ' . .. ELECTION ROOKS WILL RE OPENED SATI RDAY Mayor ( '. .. li. A tkin - mi '.antiounci -d yesterday that the regiti ai ion book-: for the ((irtiing town -i lect.ioil which will be h"f. ..n .May 7th, would hi open Saturday in the sbeiitr's 'dli.e at the cour t, house, w ith li. M. Li-atlo -iwooil.,: legi.-trar, in charge. . ..All those whir have riot previously legistered for a city election are re o,ues;tod to do so. Old Almanac Is On Display At Mountaineer Lee Scruggs, of this city, brought to The Mountainef'T last week a copy of Hater's Almanac of 1K0. The book is well preservexl. The copies have the imprint of S. J. Schulhofer on the back of them, in which he features coal oil, lamps and Chimneys, field and garden seeds, fine cigars and tobacco. The copies are on display at this office. . LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday afternoon at 4 p. m.. April 8th, at the home of Mrs, E. B. Camp, All the members are urged to be present. .Visitors from the Can ton unit are expected. Hostesses: Mrs. R. R. Campbell and Mrs, M. C. Green.; '.. MRS. GWYN ILL Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, society editor of The Mountaineer, is indisposed at her home. She was taken ill on last Sat urday. Yesterday she was reported to be some better. Chamber Of Com merce Banquet Is Set For April 16th Plans Are Heing .Made To Have Large Attendance Present. Reports Heard From Chairmen Definite plans are being made for the annual l lumber of Commerce banquet oil the evening of Tuesday, April sixteenth. The board of diicetors in session last Friday night named the date, and President ( has. Kay named a com mittee to iornmlate plans and ar rangements for the meeting. "' committo is coniosoii of Hugh sio, Ualph Provost, Dr. S. P. Gav, i-.' L. Withers, and W. C. Russ. The decision vvas reached where, -y a single ticket would be sold for 7.V cents, and two tickets for man and wife for The committee is scheduled to moo: this week and com plete the program arrangements. During the i-vuimg, Dr. C. N. Sisk ilisciisscii the work that had been done tow aids tell nig the $LriO,000 State Sanatorium in this county. . A joint, committee from Canton is working on the matter. Dr. S. P. Gay, ihaiinian of the en W rtainniont committee of the organ ization, discussed brielly some of the plans that were under way to enter tain the vi-it..:-- '.io tins .summer. Plans will lie worked out for bridge and golf tournaments during the sea son. Theodore McCracken, chairman of the coin nut loo oil removing .some ot the old buildings made a report be fore the directors. Other, buildings will be torn down within the next few vv t clis, it was stal ed. Dr.- Sisk during the course of his discussion pointed out that what Waynesville needed' more than any thing else al present was a fool-proof . incinerator. Ho said it vvas false econ omy to haul rubbish from one. place to another. 'That it sdiould he burned, in all incinerator once and for all. Angus C. Craft To Operate The Hotel (lordon This Year Has Opera! cd Hotel Tor Three Years. Experts To Hring '-."'.Trained Stall With Him N'evvv receive. I here this week was 1 hal . Anj-iis l.. ( rift wmild operate ; the Hotel Gordon agon I hi-.- year. Mr. ( rail has opera!, d t he , hotel for i lie pa. t 1 broe yen i s. After the ann.Miiiceinent ,was made that ,M i . ( raft bad been 1,.,-le. I nianai'i r ef the hotel, from a li t uf .ome twisty applicants. In ' that ho. would ".oi arrive and. .bring vv it h 1 1 i in his ' fi'1 !'e .- i' a 'i"'d' force from I'e.'or-burr, vvliete be ha - ' 1 1' r. s I'll I ' V ol.'lat.d till- Hotel Peel--: imill -I H O!'' ' 'i. I.-. .' - nil, M .-. i r:' .o p: .- -e.l l-iin-ell' a i' li.-ll:' I' :'. I opt 1 m i- if uM-r the r.illl--!)'... - 0,11 - in '.-;! w '' 1 he fact t In t :t ,-'.,-. I-'), , i;l , - .'.,' b,i.l be -u bevolld I -V pe.-t. a ' -Mt.l lb v.-a - 'O'eic i . d in b-a i n'inr t hat :!.'', I a ' t-oMif. -m 'be hi. lei ail. I-'-l:,-i: -iiaiiv n '"vv i nijivio; e iy.r-ii'' - wn-ild b. 1 . 1 !e 1 :'o. I - Y!li. ,. i-:i-i'!l mOi-Hs;. heri'. A i. oii-;- i be '- i'p.'-o'.-i in', nt - t hat are li. -iie-- in do, .,tr:lu.!es a rievv aiid niod- ,e.! ij.i n. -jvi'-h the installation, of a , 4e.'i'iii table, dish vv h -h i i i o- otaebiii,., and .' !. t l ie of i ii'i "fator. . The entiri' 'nii'dinL' vviM . I.. . Pain', i d. nipl the perches repaired. . .New . mattresses and .window shades will ho put in iiio,.f of the bed rooms. The work uti the hotel is to be com pleted by the fifteenth of May.' Work To Begin Soon On Hazelwood Park Work will begin sho.tiy on the ball park at Hazelwood, and the erection, of a grandstand which will seat 500 people. The park when completed will Ik one of the best in Western North Carolina. The baseball season will get under way about the 15th of May, and a splendid team is expected to be de veloped by that time. The team will be semi-professional, and will play teams of the industrial league. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Meth odist church.-. will '.'meet' next Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock in the ladies' parlor of the church. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3 Max. ;h: f,2 ; : (15 70 Min. , 41 . n ' :.u 41 41 1 1