Haywood County Booster Edition Pages 48 Pages fhe Hest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great 'Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People WAYXESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA TIU RSDAY. APRIL 25. 1933 linn Isfsra CD) LVII NO. 21 IUW , ' ' ileafosis Point To '35 Season As B development Of City Path-Started I iiTmi F I s a rr , ! ; : ' , irfv Mm Will Be Given Work Build ling Modern Park oinds OM)onars.Will Be pal On Park On East Street Jeautilication Program I Launched ffrk re dp . A;t ' i- .at 1.1 :r . at li . ii 4,.. Ifcv.. !' k u- U-'. J - ' ! cri!-.';:. .own- a.- a i'V' e,lcwii uv.'i irf nf v ji"ay ani amty. A -i ...nkiloi) to begin this loping the city park, , ' three and a half .cited between East , '. - here, .iutif fifty men from i e given work on the learned from offi T i.ilicv. a. mi dollars will be : wOnMiMvnt,. in both ;,' , it was said. ' ! (lowers will bt . ne n ituial beauty :" i,"''J':'-. A b;ir . iu, fountains, ; vi! and a natural a'.cit. in the. pio- bmU'r the .direct ' I.. ISl'IgjiS, su it y water depart- est Se Years Survey Shows That Season Wi!! Last Longer Than Usual Optimism Keynote At C. Of C Meeting: Here Tuesday Night One Hundred And Sixty-Seven Attend Annual Meeting. Rest Ever Held Here Mayor And C. of C. President Joi;: Gov ernor In Inviting Visitors To Waynesviiie GOVERNOR I . With an auspicious beginning tire l'.i.!5 program ot the avtH.viHe, Chamber ot Commerce was launched on Tuesday evening with ;i liannuet. m the dining hall ot the Masonic Temple. One hundred and .vixiv ,even were in attetidamc and it was generally conceded to be one ot the most representative gatherings ever, assembled ill the town. I he un:i:c-! tmn of eommunity interests ..and a! keen stunt ot co-oiieration prevailed as the meeting progresse,!. Charles h.' lvav, nrcsHlcnt d . me Chamber ot C uainn ice, pic- voi-ali'ii was Hardin, Jr., n ( nuiviiv evening was I ol lb V i nier; 1 1 hoW lullK it WOUld, lt V'l'f k, but every eilortl l.V,'aly.,( ' .''A o! K ,) :vd.-i tue worK as rap- . it was learned. - . it!i this development ere will be some twenty en work that will be uit dication program for i:; miminity. The major .oik will be on strebts, vacant lots of the com- ceial committee named r Sit Vayue? ille Chamber of Com J!e in it eieration .with city offi i, will supervise this program. . His .beu-nt itifcat ion program will get formy the early part of the week, ' , announced. Hi divelupnient of the park is be jln'ki'il upon by citizens as filling it.'ef the greatest needs of the com JBty. I, as; summer ..a small park ttf.-tal'lisi ed and sponsored by the airier of ( Y.mmerce on Main street The. -anie park will be used W. this -uiiimer. Two shuffle wti-.e liuilt, and a number of jyprnuinl jixiures for children con- ractei!. 1 I ' .:. :. . ;' : ' 'TlRDAY LAST DAY T0 FILE FOR ELECTION f HIM II llV licV. I'.Ull !- 1 I ' I l V M.I I - 1 I, 1 1 lie ( ' liitioouied b seciciai'v ol the .".a l ie; kdlewing -oei lnliouuced. bv 1 wsiiieia -ecu ot wlioni l..cr in l he eveiung lirouiit tiom their respective towi:-.; owan, president, oi me .iu-- villo (handier ot ( 0111 me ice ; . 1. lireeee. vice president ot the l'.revai d Chamber ot Commerce; Mr. I'attoli, Mr ('- M. Douglas, .and Will Cash, all of Brevard; from Canton, Dr. A. P. Clint, president ot the Canton Chamher ot Commerce: Heuben li. Robertson, Jr., . K. C rule, and Dr. .1. L: Keeves, mayor of Canton; anl from ' Svlva, H. A. Mills and Huh Monteith, secretary of l--tht- Sylva r t? f- 1 cnamoer ot comn.cc-. ,! witli tho no In his address .Mr. Weede traced J Oi-e-tt smnkv Plus ael ii o i i v & w rt MAYOR C. of C. PRESIDENT fen i t " ' , c te. ? '' x V' - I s i i J ' Jf J. ' ( I Jr Highway Travel. And Presence Of Eon 'gn Cars On Si eels Is Heaviest In Years V.jivn. -vi"o .-irl W, to n N. I i o' :r.a w :!l 'i ivr ! h. bi v! season 'rail', ,p, :o-ec,i;'i',g to n pott from !!'.o..o who ;nv ;niia !y ontraeeil in the ton i is! ! UMiie-s, si in 1 t rum all i n,h. '.'Hion- I rom e.tnns t nun where vis itors come. i ! e "aiM ! ' e )o i ili.-i i, n it. t he .inie. I ,-. e who haw bei n in I' lori da ', r the ii.,. ; sea on stale thai alt 1 1 1 . i . i ; i i . i s ;,iv ;i;it i In-' III..,) season w ill pa -s ail evpeetat runs V hiii i:n season in this si'etion de- peih! lo .i ce dee ! i n t he sue- v ol the pit i iciis seaMin mi I'lornla, ihein: a'-o weld eoininw t rom other ,-eet mil-- ot the i'ounti'V llial- limnlreds ol v is 1 1 w ho ha.ve I0ei bei'ii in tills i ' ' ' 1 1 1 , . . ' , nere t b i.s ll' Ii i:u ( .,:'.' e I 1 1 i 1 1 e 1 1 ; . tot-el lie' r II ! lie HIM II I Ol!l III III! i t l( s i! .( he; : .'i. ha v 1 1 ' ' ; a 1 1 tleoo.ed ; in lui . v . ' i I.:. : n i e and i r ' : ' i i . . ; on Bi fHUUk.k...uf 'fe.:-'M I. ('. P. Ehiini,h.ui- ('. H. .lkinson ( I. ii'. , E. All 'I'll Wi l w. W". " lies I. I ii!e M X. '. IMh oi in ,i: Mi, I .1. IT,' 1. u Mi I , t I a 1'preela If o isinu hip that oi lal oil oi l In end u tlx-n' vaea t ion i n .orlli ( iiarl iruliirlv- !" .(eirainl :ul- re ni.i k niu a smi -Holii.sts (o sielii. rolma ami themselves i a ml the I i ' i M i i ni.U ,, our ion. Is. vale IliillH'f a inn , I a ml I V ea ,1 111. ,11 i ril l m am in has he I I , isls lli : li. . n-. L-tllO'; la lie. s i I la i.alele 1) iK' ll lo assiiia i ml i n lei I a i n (Continued on back PWjj Sll!'it 1. noon at six o'elock Is ti.iiuite those seeking an ottice city .j-U-uori will have to file, B, AtkifiM-.h; . nil' ii'lini; to file will have IM'lii.itiori nt the city hall lerk. AD 1 TTEM) PARK MEETING R C..: Wijil,.n- wh has. charge of . 'th( e-!-linii uivlsion .of the ' "''Ar-M'OM'ntains.Xatlonal. Park '"t,?.-ill attend 'UUl. a meeting of the h Alr,;ilnrV,o, cc . . ' ' - ". -in nrrai rwcieij. "'eh Wi l.r. v,0,, . . ., ,-uuurt lu nrtpr. Will h "' '"e of Burnhant TVn Bmnirire .Forest. - - nitiii t the X nasi been invited to t Ac r, "'" -n Carolina division iMtir;- X t M'jupxsm- Prior to the Mil t,7 ' f:"',lllis Colburn Museum inspection. SEND COPIES OF tHE BOOSTER EDITION Yr Friends la otkei: t Sections . " PRKE 10e EACH ED AND MAILED 0U Supply the Addresses ' We Pay the Postage - vupies tarly Motorcade Of 150 To Arrive In City Saturday At Three Group From Chattanooga, Will He Guests Of City Short Time. Bringing A Rand A motorcade from Chattanooga, composed ot 150 people and a large band, are scheduled to arrive in Way nesviiie about three o'clock Saturday afternoon en route to Asheville. The motorcade will stop here for a short time and the band will render several selections, it was stated yes terday by Ernest L. Withers, secreta ry of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Withers and Frank W. Miller, and possibly . others, will meet the motorcade at the state line and es cort them to Waynesviiie. Plans are underway to clea all traftc frrr- the b!o'.ct VT"n A'.. ?(' der's Drug Store and Burgin's T epar ment Store on Main street rid. route all traffic via Miller street wh-'e the motorcade is here. A large banner will be hung across Main street at the postoffice welcom ing the visitors, The Chamber of Com merce will distribute several bushels of apples to the visitors, and each will be given a copy of this issue of The Mountaineer and some Chamber of Commerce folders. -' The motorcade will spend the night in Asheville. iintain seen .Moll n la 1 lis. meet s w 1 1 h I lev lull a inoval anil .1 sineeielv hope lhat von will Ire alilo to l.ioaileast tins invita tion an, I I-tills! the s mpa t liet ie ami lavoi'alile ei itisiilera t ,on nl all who are nieliiie.l tu travel. I en ,r i nl v 1 hev can tnnl mi ni'-re lieautitul spot in the v.ei lil in w hu ll In spi-ml then vaea Iion than the noniiitain seelioii ot .North larolma. 1 ln v mav he assur ei of a eiuillal ' leollli- ll'om mil' hospitalite )eoile. as well as an oi pui't unit v t ' i observe the bea ul V of this, woiiilerful section. With all 1401.il wishes. I am. Mneerelv vours. .1. r: i;. i;h Ki.xc hac.s the utmost in ocniii mint. .Not olllv ll.lA'i.' We I H' I '.I. lift ' 1 1 1 1' the toiiilsl. l-IM lllo.se ;l llllel pa 1 1 lie I reel l ll,. him niilaeriii'in;: plants or am Ivpe nl busine.ss sh.nild bv all means invcsti KH Ie ilie oil lis: w ... have ahum- Ibis line. Main ii' vou have spent: .some tune Willi lis beloie. anil W'' repeal we en-Ji-.y ll,lim; loll. . i ml ,,i, I, 'I'll a i il to mi in our eoioiiuiiiitv ai-ain : a mi 1 loise nl on w lii. ,la n ten' the In st lime this ea I . sure i,u lhat a mosl eoiihal a mills vml in A N I lia vi im llus Ma to eiiiiii let us a Wi'leomi ii. 1 1; When vol it a i h i vi h t lilt oruia t ion lor ihe oiim serviei W 11 lull will le.l 1 this Oisiiler ell lor si - lk- I,, . ! . u,l i.h,. p., al. .,,ii' :. . e it . w lo u v , 1 1 at : - 1 I . , I b I ' 1 1 1 I I I , e e , , I i i . I 1 1 i a , I ' llieree In. i. Meml a on.,: t , 1 a I tun 1 "r v..ii i 1 1 ilnrini; 1 bo vi-. i ; W e as. -ore ,ai t ha i ' ,.,i, i lli'iilll weleiiliie. an, I it v 1 I be mountains an aleal a Ilia! oil w I II I a 1 1 III hive lli'SVllle. ! J t I IV ls'. ei ilOlllllllll . I I Ii ,el hi lllllil a Vliesx HI,.. I aelu in, : .1 11 ll.'l lllska . .coll!' I.' m ills I i , c lll' IV ibsliiisial I,, ma I,. 1 lilea.sant. I .' As liilks' w e .mav n.,: I,, than no a, : i,,)P.s , s,.u p, , , seel ion is nal lire cliibin.il siauiip.uiit ol i.i.iii ! ma I e. u e a re u leelc lo I lira I ia rli eon in i v ha s been reeuj; nlzeil 1 ot llie (ii eal Sin'iKv llobal fill k. l:lsev hel ol ihe .bi ii n la liner i l.i il ill i NIC il II., , i am; In ,.i i u inc' hoa- : I'.I Mill, 'iiarliic U ill ii iiiiv year.-, e i. e 1 1 1 in I e 1 1 11 g ailil lone' el h'!e". I .ia n a (- any ol her repel! tlTiit p.'ltnt I I lie ii; I ye.'i 's I .- in I' l.:i K 1' a OJi a,, 1 1 ., ml i I: I 1 1 is am; l bo- 1 .ii l i -la bl l '- h mem .M oil nl .11 lis ;e e in Hum eiliiooi il w ill ti'ml ilia I (Continued on hack page.) Elaborate Program Outlined For Town Much Painting And By President Ray Done In Waynesviiie Says Fred L. Weede Commencement Program Schedule The following is the program in brief for the commencement exer cises of the Waynesviiie Township High School. Friday evening, eight o'clock, the Senior Class play: t'Rebecea of Suiiny brook Farm." Sunday evening, at eight o'clock. the commencement sermon, by Rev, Broadus A. Jones, of Hendersonville. There will be no church services at any of the churches at that hour. Monday morning, at ten o'clock. Class Day. The theme 'being, "The Rainbow Trail." ' Tuesday evening, at eight o'clock, the commencement address by Judge Felix E. Alley. His subject will be, "The Hour of Opportunity." Diplomas will be awarded the 74 graduates im- I mediately after the address. Chamber Of Commerce Head Says Prospects For Coming ''c .son Most Propitious In Years In his splendid talk on Tuesday eve ning I'resident Charles E. Ray, of .the Waynesviiie Chamber of Commerce, presented in a detailed but consice form, the projects that will go for ward during: the coming year under the Work of the organization. In his openine remarks" . he voiced his : gratification, . over : the, re soonse from every contact in getting his plan? formulated and that the presence of so many repre sentaive citipens of the town at the banquet, be felt, gave promise of the accomDhshments of the coming year In stating that the prospects for the coming season were the most pro pitious in years he based his claim on the following reasons: First, the profitable winter season in Florida which from Past experience i. indica tive of one for this section. The pub licity kiven through countless medi urns of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Parkway will bring thousands of tourists this way. The general improvement in business will encourage people to travel more. With -the greater opportunities also come greater responsibilities, Presi dent Ray ppir.ted out, , The town of Waynesviiie must prepare in a more thorough manner for the expected season. Among improvements urged were the following: A beautification program, with not only a vision of what may be done in the immediate present but a vision of what may be worked out with an idea of perma nency and growth, not only" for the town but the surrounding country. (Continued on back page.) W. N, C. Slated For A Cleaning Up Is Being Good Tourist Season, Ni'ier liel'ore in the history of I lie low n Im-, Iliore Ik'ii us much pa inline niiil Cleiiiiiii up us ibe Hliwiis (if (Ills om i in ii ll il y Iiimc dune (Ills yeiir. I'rlK l ir.'illy Cyerj business plan' ill loun lias liail a coat of puiiil wllliln I in- i!i-( year, niid Ihe inii .jnrity tliK spring, lliilcls mill Ix m nl i ne houses Iuivp Ih'cii i-wiimeil lhis jenr, ImiIIi inside anil out. for I lie fjrsl (ime in M'venil years. There has Ih'II a general clean up camimign, and indications are lhal it Mill coiilinue iinlil (he (ourisls arrive. All of (his assiii-es visitors of One of tlw Cleanest places In (he seition fr (he coming; Fiiinmer, Breese Urges The Early Completion Of Highway 284 Would Make A Direct Route For Southern Visitors To Get To Park, Says Brevard Man People of Section Ready And Anxious To Push Further Dexelopment of Area William E. Breese, former state senator from this district, urged that the citizens of Haywood county do all in their power to push the completion of highway No., 284. in his address at the Chamber of Commerce banquet here Tuesday night. Mr. Breese went into detail in de scribing the1 scenic attractions of No. 284, all the way from South Carolina to this city. "The road when com pleted," he said "would offer a direct (Continued on back page.) "I believe that we have a 'people nving here with the ability, i. e en ergy, and the will', to develop the material, natural, and God-given pnsr sibilities of this .section to our ad vantage and our profit," said Fred Weede, manager of the A; .'hev ilk? Chamber of Commerce at the annual banquet here last Tuesday night it the Waynesviiie organization. .. .: Mr. Weede's topic was potentiali ties, and he di.scussed agriculture, stockraising, the TVA, tourists, ihe eat Smoky Mountains National Park, and the workings of the Cham bers of Commerce in Western North Carolina. . , "The process of developing this section began long ago. The pioneers had faith. They had spirit, and the will to do. We of the present gener ation are heirs of their endeavor, and I trust are heirs of their spirit as well" ' The speaker then spoke highly of the work being done in the section along agricultural lines, and brought out the fact that "we should entour age more stockraising." "Our industrial potentialities of fers a rather enigmatic problem. Western North Carolina constitutes fourteen per cent of the Tennessee Valley Authority area. Our future is not wholly divorced from the fu ture of this vast enterprise, but what the TVA future is, nobody knows." "One thought is that we shall see developed in this area the farm- factory combination. A number ofi relatively small industries scattered in a number of smaller towns, with' (Continued on back page.) lam-. I , in. I in in i ! ales exceed tlro-c I liv a large per cent I I he ( hiinilicr nl ( oniniei ; e. I hrottf.' h s.eveial ol the in.iir, i inn a: i! i ecs. have unilc'i taken ;i const! net n o pioerani for ntertaiiiineiit ami icciealioii lor the visitors. Woilv i- I" liemn imuiciliiitelv mi several pioje, Is ;ill o which will al io;, the vi-,:lios more wav ol M'i'ii" alioii ami ;iniisenii nl hail ever helore in the eonimunitv. Many nnprovi meii-l s have lioon made at the goll coiir-e by . 1 :otip In ehi'cklllg over the entire list ol lensoiis. why the coming season looks Uiiglitwr lliaii in many years, it is the geneial iiirinon .thai liic Pcom will also lie longer. With the ad'1' tmn if the (Xtra itinl hellet I-, lilies and the increased hotel am' uoanlin house iiccoiinnoilal ions, it is xpectel thiit scores of visltois will remain for longer perioils. Plans' are already underway for .the annual dahlia's.bow, .Hel also the, .(lower shew. Hoth c-l' Ihe.-e .'e vents will attracl hundreds o visitor- as usiiiih An ollicial repnrl . fr'uii the slate .highway cotniiiis: an .-hows that there is inoi e . t ra vel, of , foreign cars Uioll the. highways in Western North C'aro-. liriii. this yeai' than at any other time. A survey conducted lu re in Waynes viiie. during the past week showed' that mere foreign .cars, were parked on the streets than a'e sometimes seen in early summer. "Mr. James Atkws, mai.ager of Lake Junahiska, made the statement tliat from information he can gather, that the best season in years will be cx periencel at Lake Junaluska. Several families have already moved tt the commurity for the summer, and rej Jrt that others plan to do likewise... soon.'..'.-' PARK COMMITTEE TO MEET IN ASHEVILLE On Fruiaj Ilr. H, C: Bryant, Assist an' Iiiicto'- of the National Park .Service will he ihe honor guest and chief speaker it a luncheon meeting to he held in Asheville at the George Vanderbilt I'otel of the Great Smoky Mountain.. National Park Museum Cornniit.ee. The following members of the com mittee from Waynesviiie are epected to atten-1, H. C. WiiDurn,' who has charge of the Norih Carolina Section of the P'rk Musr-im, MiHS Margar- Stringfield, J. RJ Thomas, E. L. With ers W. C. APn, W T. Shelton, and F. W. Miller. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL AVEATHER REPORT Date . Max. Min. 18 67 38 19 (!9 - 36 20 76 39 21 ' 67 . :- 43 22 69 36 23 . 64 39 24 72 - . - 38

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