(he Bet Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance f The t.reat Smoky Mountains National I'ark Read l.y Thinking IV.-se NO. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA M-vn IHI RSDAY, MAY 2, 1935 Novelty Inlaid Wood Plant To Increase Production Mountains Industries, lotthrd Hy A. M. Steely, Mov- In Two neeits i" Jmoky ins: 1 arjrer Quarters ii. lis-, the Smoky Moun formerly Walls Novel . into their new large hw.iy Nv, l't near the intry Chili, it was an v Walls, manager of -. .-.erday.. i.y is now owned l.y A. M. 'illi.unshurg, iy., ami u ,, insi..ll about fif'y per a 1 modern machinery :!,. increase .ia business. . i tii i v wiil enable the , , up production, ar.it Mr. W alls. "Onl Ts. are ,, l ister than ill livery T.ie arders art coming - t . i . Where we for ; Thi fi.st of June we . ' h iftx'cl ince the first 'he . C M ,ns: w; i!s in d;v.-s Vein: ntrv tr. U I- fr) -'.i. ,!.- jr.t t MX '" J'tV ft..1, in:. ; I. ml 1 i . . . ...Miecti.' - A I ;i- i l' is being and large the retail t with the erected displav of the vvhole- present the goods to all parts of the !-. ml that a number of 1 i. civen work when the Hies its new quarters, but ,., f how many additional n,.. y d. At present there kitm full time in the plant. , ..,i ; y manufactures inlaid wl'.ies, with book ends, ! '- .I .-.ste'liuskefs . leading the j- K.irlit .iiiiereni RiiiuH ui huuu um.Y ..p. the manufacture of the t,r.r..-'.r .',. son of the owner, lie nv-.istuRt to 'Mr. .Walls in the it.'-.. i f iSe enlargement of Walir. stated that the enioyin,; the best biisi ' years combined, and k is the brightest in riii's. The demand for increasing each year, 1 .! K;it l-kn.'.. M ' hn is i. - in' any thr. the olllloo lllliij l' cf yr il I", "..i. I- m.. r. W.t:;- - onrill.it- i nts- i.n ,t ' r.-.'s fur tin !.e s.m uf the man he I in . and has, three lie has been in the past fifteen years. ethodist District onference To Meet In City Next Week (IP V. i i is: rift. Conference s: I -l'i- er.p.ii Church, i'M. here on Tuesday f i . - t yrek. The Rev. 'i-'.-si.linjr elder of the "sii.e. . ...!:. , ,t i . ';,' s,, .,..; v.;,;.. ; ; 'i-'"'!i''.T',.-.'-'.!:,v l'-. ':..., ii,,,. ! '"-i; -',,." :) ilade to take care of U s ,vh'i will come 1" district which uihiin .Methodist ifi'l'iding Canton o .lie state line, il! . .begin at two t be seventh, and i-r.c next afternoon. conference will ii (i s-, church here, -"t.f'i'rsnce is taften ' ''!; i ... iness mattcis and i - :r iiiye'r.o.iun- is -offered .- ' ' t i ts froni t ho pas--.1: Vm inhlresses from who" usually attend, 'ijiuk; jiastor of. the 'nr::: '''ir vri, will preach n "in si; .y evening, and H i ' -..1..;!. of Brevard, ' tiie -inie Wednesday 1 ii n 'C'viifei ' H.: !;.i-Hy:;.- ... ; i: Wi-man's Auxil. h ai the n.on. hiinr x s.tieiul invitation ' -nu ni n.v ses hct ' iii..iel frc.r i'he iocal '.'v,'(st follows: Hugh :,"v,i-Momer Henry; ' i-;rr..:st '.Vithrf,i .'n.ickwell arid J. PS Students Win SJ"? I " Recent f,ate Music Contest Ma r . '"' r...i-!n McprranV H Pot Ant 1 -.4. Irh Z School M 'i"! h Th v Ll Greepsboro last "s wj v.t contest. KP!ac7 " " they T".; c i. Hitir nice-. ("-r.s;,r.;' ayn"viUe, and tied Hi.,;. " ,c,r e Lrnon f- - u...vc mere Th, ere from 11 . e more c,,lea and over the than 100 . urnie aj , - '"we man Vl I"!. Attend- Dr, contest Road To CCC Gamps From Cove Creek Is Given Approval Major 1'.. It. Maynard. Di-uict Surgfoii. of Fort Orgli'thoi'i) anil Captain .bdin (). Ijih rencc. lis trlct ( oininandcr of Fort rgl-lh..iM- made a finul iiispt-ction during the ivk and approvel the road from Cove ( reck into the CCC Camps at Cataloocliee. An advance detachiiicnt coiiixscd of one oflu'er and one foreman vtith 20 mi'ii ('lull will move into the site of the Cataloocheo Camp on Tucs-diiy and prepare the camp fur the t nupanv of two hiindrel men Who will Im' sent next month. This miinlM'i- will also he sent to the Hlack iap ('amp. whicH since its use last summer, is ready fur occupancy. PRESBYTERIAN REVIVAL BEGINS SUNDAY, MAY 19 Rev. John K. Williams Returns To Waynesville For Second Revival In Two Years EVAXCELIST i-' t tic list. r 111. Ke . will i Site For $250,000 Sanatorium Being so, nil. iitnr in ;w i Vint lohn 1 1 W.IIi.ims. evanci onduct the revival s. i vi. t :it the l'resbyteriaii ihuii h bfie b( ginning Sunday, Ma; U'th. and cot tinning through Sunday, May l'nh Kev. . .Mr. Williams was here 'tw years :igo this nmnth. nnl !'..r ten da preached to. ;i pm kt.,1 hnisi . In- 1 f. Walker, pastor uf the church pressed hiins. If l.y stiitim;. "tljnt M the greatest 'meeting and thy bct stilts in many years :n this church I lie visiting ev ingt liM Ir.s tin pillar man in church ! .L.!her tatinli uf being the i in the Southern I'r today. lie has a i nd brings practical ex repu s. id. Hid Ml. Ir. Walk, r s biniself fortunate i secure Kev, Mr. Will week, illusion, h , mand all over lie . I that he colisi,). i. 1 . heillg urns for ,.ble t'Veil su,h 1 '.;;;:V'RlS ''N-'K' ' " ! f m I Nine Candidates Enter Race In City Election 1 1 : . .nn i:. 11.1 1 m. 72 RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AS Souffhtin Count) iLQCAL SCHOOLS FINISH A SUCCESSFUL 1934-35 TERM Governor .1. ('. 1 ".. 1 ;hri n. 1m un has named a ojiiimittec to sohat , site for the J'Jfid.d'to tuberculosis sanator ium which is to be located in the western par' of the state. A mini be ef communities are working hard in trying to induce the committee to select sites near their respective towr.-x, Sevral weks ago a committee was named to niake recommendations to the state groii) as to locations in Hay wood County. The connnittee for the county is composed of Dr. V. H. Duck ett, or Canton, Frank W. Miller and L. N. Davis, A'ayneHville. The requirements for the site )u about 1 nft acres of reasonable level land, near a highway and raih o tl. Lights, water and sewer facilities must be available, and the price of the property must be reasonal le. It has been stated that approximate ly $100,000 would be expended an nually for iiiaintainetice of the insti tution when opened. Officials of the Chamber of Coin merce, through I 'resident Chas. K. Kay announced that any suggeHtions its o the location of (he sanatorium in the county would he appreciated. The general committee working on the pro ject together with the th'-ee named above inelnd". Dr. C. N. Sisk, Dr. R. JI. Stretcher, W, T, Shelton of Way nesville and W. It. I'rutp .'mil D H. Harris, Canton. Mrs. II. W. Woodward Passed Away Early Wednesday Morning Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Minis Wood ward, wife of H. W. Woodward, of Waynesville and Colunib.a, S. C, passed away at 7 o'clock in W'dncs day morning at the Citarvle'w.-. Sana torium' in Davenport, Iowa, where she was a patient. Though Mrs, Wood ward had been ill for the past 'our' years her - death- was unexpected at this time. ' Mrs. Woodward was born in Clear endon, S. C. Sue was married on January 14, liM.0, to V. H. '.Voovi ward. They resided in t'olun.bia and have been spending the . unmieis here since 1916, when they purchased the Adger Kouce, (Surviving arc her , h'tsband, one son, Robert Wooawar ', of Columbia three sisters: Mrs. I. E. Grifiir. of Hendersonville: Mis, Minnie T. Gol-t litis, of Columbia; ;nd Mrs. Charles Thoma, of Miami, Ela one broths: I. E. Minis, of St. George, S. C, two nieces. Mrs. Marguerite Barron, and Mt.v C. E, Hamilti :1, of Philadelphia, and three Xenhews, John Griggs, of Hendersonville. RoS .V'nis, of Florence, S. C. , and Alvin Mints, of Sumter, S. C. Fureral arrangements hav" not teen completed, but interment will be in the family cemetery neat- Man ning, S. C. v; I- A&P Store Here Gets New Goat Of Paint The entire store occupied by the A&P Tea Company on Main Street here has been repa:nted, both inside and out. Homer Owen, manager, stated that work would soon bein on painting all the fixtures. Two-tone green will be used which will give a "cool atmos phere" to the entire store. RAMP CONVENTION SET FOR SUNDAY, MAY FIFTH Tuesday marked the close of the 1M4-35 school ytar of the city schools, with seventy-two receiving diplomas. This being the largest' class ever to graduate from the local high school. Besides being the larg-j est giaduating tlass': the school iu- thorities reported the best school year . . .j Judge Felix E. Alley was the speaker for the graduation exercises,' and spoke on the "Hour of Oppor-i tunity' His message was timely,' and well expressed and ..undoubtedly) made a Jeep impression on the grad-' uates as well as the large audience which packed the house to capacity.' At the closing exercises Tuesday night several awards weie made.1; Miss Mary Willie Rotha delivered the valedictorian add'ess, an.i Miss Mary Medford the Salutatory address. The I). A. R. Citizenship medals were award by Mrs. W. F, Swift to Lachlan Hyatt and Mary Wii.ie Rotha. 1 The Rotary awuid, which was a beautiful waf.ih. was presented by, Ir. K; H. Stretchi r, piesidt-nt of the club, to Miss Martna Wa;., for' having the distinction of being thej best all-roun.i student in school.. , Superintendent M H. Iiowles lire f rnttsl Lester Poteat an 1 Barbara Brandt with medals as winner's', in.' the recent ilecc'amation and iicita-' ton contests. .They were declared wi'inci's o' the Haywood contests. j Mary 1'enland McCracken and Ed-; win Poteat were recognized -for. the, h nor they, recently won in the state-1 wide music r-ontest :n Greensboro. I Mai-jorie J-'lott graduated with a rcord of eleven yehrs: perfect at tendance, being neithei :iisen' nor tn -(ly during ? ei ehtiie school life, . The comniencet 'ent Sunday night sermon was (lei.ivcrcd by the Kev.. I'.r .ii.iu A. Jones, pastor of the Fir t INp'ist churcfi in iieo.l. i s n ville. . Thp shaker's thought being to j go out into the world and makv it a better place to live and not fall into the usual anil easy ' . trends of the world ''as id is today. . The class day exercises of Mon day were both unusual and interest ing. The theme being the rainbow trail. ' The senior class play on Friday night was well received bv a packed house, The play was under, the di rection of .Miss Betsey Lane . Quin tans After- the performJim i Mrs. S. P .Gay presented V'"ss .. Franco Howell with the Woman's , Club award for the best acting in the play. Miss Myra .' Phillips . and William Turner received 1 movable .mention-. MM)V s IKMII. Ml I Tl; The Haywood l:.:i-r' Sund.-iy School. Association will nieej with the T'anther Creek congregati n at two thirty on Sunday aft'-rno. n '..for--; the regiil.".r r nthly m etinc. . I, Hy M. 11, BOWLES) I wih to lake this opportunity to thank every otic who has in "any 'way cont-ibuted to', he school progs am in Way nnesville Township during the school yea,- Hi:U-;i,V 1 feel that we haw had a successfu' year in spite of crowded conditions iitid la-'k of funds for instrnctior'al niaterial. Ad ditional room space properly nd better library and classroom ma- Uiiai must be our goal for the com ing .school year it the schools lire to operate clhck ntlv TL 1 , , . . , i ne elementary sciloois in the tlis t ritt ha e -enrolled .upils in comparisi'ii with '.'272 for 'he school year 1 .').;.-a gain of 42 elementary pupils over lat-t yea,)'. The hgh i-cnooi .- enrolled -loi pupil" last year and has enrolled al.'i tor the. school yei.r just ended, V.KU-'Jh, a gain .'of (12 pupils over last car's enrolment. The above tiguri's for he past several yea is -how a sUadv gain in the; iiuinticr of ciiildrcii ( nroLcd in the public ..schools' of . the district. It is the aim of schiKil otliciar -. to otrer equal educational advantages to all children. .To ai.omplish this aim, room .-splice, must lirst be provided and then the schn ,1 program inust lie broadened so as to reach cvi.'y eh '.Id of scfiool age and to train every talent ..represented in the children of this district and county. It is im possible for, all of our. )ii,i's and ijirls to attend college. The ''majority of each grad. Kit ing ;las's goes ii.,ine diatcly into the busir j-s channel of bur column, lity and count .v. These young .people., r-h'Hl!d he able K, get training in the public high . school for e';eiy trade or vocation practised. this si ct lot i of Hie country. 1 ntil tliis training is oll'ired the . public high- school is, not meet ing the needs of ail children. The . faculty of Waynesville t i ' trict is deeply, appreciative of the support -given bv -parents and school friends in the school program foj school vcar l!KM-35. Work On City Park Is Being Pushed Work got under way on the t'iiy pack on I ji-t Slnt't M..iida inoining. ami ai proem uImiiii -o nu n arc bu-.il eiigageil in getting the ground in liapc lor the lull rtviv uf aliout 40 men vdm uMI he given work M mila;, . iiminl ng lo Om'III' I.. Iti'lgg-, V 1 14 is ill It.ll'gC of the work. I'he work K lieing don illi I'cliel' liilMtr. and ecil i hiKi-,aiiil-of dollar-, he v. 1 1 ; oil the inojcit. In. luileil ill Hie im, -iiicnls. and e-lahlishiiiiiil nl an Ideal paik will In' u wilding m h I . est room-, drinking Ion main-. Inii'Ihiih' liii'iia.e. Ilnwer-. giii-.-. and ail outdoor ihealitv Mr llriggs -laled llial It wniilil lake approximately lilt la- lo mmpleio llie rojcl. Steps Are Taken To Ke-()pen Library Hy Officials Of Town Itoard of Managers Namt'd For The Library Hy Mayor and Hoard. -.To Opvn Soon Way And Crawford Out For Major. Seven Candidates Seeking Place On Hoard Mori, fuel has been licimcil upon the the under the political pot, as t he last minute for tiling by candi dates in the city ilection brought the number to only 2 for mayor and 7 for places on the board of aldermen. This is about a third less than two years ago. .1, II. W;.y and Walter T. Crawfoid :: e seeking the oll'ue of mayor, and according to nolitic.-ii observers c'titc-! will be bard fought. The oa:d. dm. metnnci will. Ii ' !ra !i! : l!tl '!',. t o am - of irhl.i 11! .1 1. til pi'e-i nt member- id' II. Jones and W L. Ii e -eek ing r - elect ion . t he bo. 1 1 ii and live ot hers, ic.l V. M. N'ohitid. T. I.. W. II. Liner, O. S. I'oirci Ihivi-. ti a '.. hn- licr !; -t I 1. VI II i , '.!a.-( l'. Federal funds may be available to help in the operation of the Waynes ville Library ;ind in -order to make this fund available the mayor and boarii of', aldermen have taken steps with thfl' Aaynesville Library Asso ciation for the leasing of the Wnyiies- j ville Library building ami library to the Tcwn of Waynesville for a nomi- located "al rental, under which - arrange. ments the library wnl soon be opened , again for tl e ue of the public. j Ibis institution has been a gnat asset to the Town of Waynesville and the people ha"p greatly niis.-ert it during the few months that the li brary mis been closed ,uv t lie pen pie will rejoice at Ihe prospect of the reopening of the library. ffhe mayor and boar'.; of aldy nicn have appointed a- a board of managers for the library the follow ing person., who will complete the plans fill' opening the 'library- and have clui'-ge of it s management under the t: ncivision of the inavor and hoard of aldermen: Mr. M, H. Bowles. Mrs. T. L. (Iwyn, Miss Marv A. Barber, Dr. S. P. Gay, Miss Mar i th;i Mock, Miss (liace Bowles, and I Mr Win. Mcdfotd. ! 200 In Motorcade Made Brief Stop Here Last Saturdav kc! this year is about . I ban the total lium when three sought, the . and nine aldernien. B. 'Atkinson made the ollicial statement yesterday that with the ratification of Representative Bailey's law Monday which abol ished absentee votes in Haywood and the towns therein, that there would not be any absentee ballots in the city election which will be held May 7!h. (Thus fur, there has been little campaigning by the candidates, al though it was not until Saturday that the final list of candidates was known. Several who had expected to lie in the race failed to file. The voting ulace will lie held at the court house as usual. R. M. Leathei'wood has been named reg istrar anil W. ,L Campbell at tl Henry Gaddy judges. Haywood Farmer To Have Over Two Million Plants a mile froir. 'on Id rightly Km" in this t o seek such . I'. I. York, who live: Bethel High ;, School, c'aim the title of "Plant sect ion i f be would , a re a title; - This year M r. -. Vol k will hove i-vcr two .million plants grown-tin ihs farm; Me has contracted with the TVA olli cials to grow them a million tomato plant-, and for commercial use he will grow about a million of miscel laneous plants he said. Sonic -1(1,(11)0 square feet of splice is required to grow a million tomato plants. If. the beds were six feet wide, -they would. extend a niile and a quarter long. Mi. York i- inakii g nlan- for -n-Iviring his plant growing farm this ;i machine with which If. ant- li;i t hi "lie. -a'f th. I.OCAF- I'EOPLK TO HK ON K A 1)10 PK()(iK.M i Over 2IKI citizens wcie in the ino t.or'a(le which stopped ; ill , jiViii -vilie a . few minutes Saturday after- j noon eli route from Chattanooga, to, Ashevilh-, There were, over forty' cars a'rid a Large''. bus rcotitalning -I!'.- -Main street between Church and i Miller 'streets was roped -off -.for ' t.-he ! motoi i a.ic, -and during t heir brief slav heie a.tiple- wi-re li;!i':'i-! uted to tin- riiembers,. Several state ed that the apples wi re t he best t in y i had ( yer tasted. Togethc-r with the) apples i Ham ner ot i miimt i . . t ii." k -lets: and copies of the special -d:-. tion of I'he : Mounta ineer were given put. - l,e li bit v SPII - !. ,-oW i .idv ;; ma . ket . -f itii' k. hi he'- -eed, and li'e loot." .f the b-d ji-rt'i I i' i ;j,er ,-''l e f ' '-, L- r: ! :.e i I -ist yen r .f be'ins. all hi- plants in i- covered -I, -olllii ISfl s tv i i. v p'.-i nts -fit; 'si- mi He a he cjrew over Tour Made By Park Officials For Pro posed Motor Road Mi. ( ha-. K. Burnham, well known voice teacher of Asheyille,, will prtv -cnt, his Chorus on Sunday afternoon ovcr WWNC as a special feature in 'aunching the observance of National Music Week. The Chorus is made nr. of nine well trained voices, in cluding Mis. Fred Martin ar.d Miss NCl.hid Crawford "of Wavnesville. The exact hour of the broadcast has! not as yet been announced. Mr. Colin McJme.s has returned after a week's land, Ky. business trip to Ash- Copies Of Special Edition Went To Distant Places Some of the leading citizens of Tennessee ci.y. were among those in the motorcade. The group made the trip into this section; in the interest of getting a stretch of. road about '10 miles 'long paved. This would short en, the distance between Cha ttanooga and Ashcville about 2d miles, It is isa miles from here to Chattanooga. The streets were packet! when the motorcade arrived in Waynesville. and a genuine wclervme was extended them by the crowd. ;.. Garbage Truck To Run Three Days The steady downpour of rain Eas ter Sunday necessitated the post- " . i MviiiiiciiL ii liic Mini ani iwi"K - K,;f0. diTwtn;!'2?! UT- tion until ' Sundav. Mav 5th. accord- rf the 10th con w inff t0 a statement made yesterday "o seen 'w- The meet ntr w 1 be held at tne same place, Betsy's Gap, he said, j . een. The ref-iKm-- to ttio forty-eight page spet-ial rli(ion which wa ptihlisliexl last twk a- liryonil all exiKH-tation. Dozens of ixipk ejilled in per son and over the 'hne- about tin' edition. Scores of tlie edition wore sold and mailed to all parts of the country, and a final eheck-up showed that almost every stato in tlie union was representl In the1 mailing list, six foreign countries and every one of the hundred North Carolina conntles. The Chamber of Commeroe dis trihutod copies to the motorcade from Chattanooga last Saturday. In all, about fifu-on. hundred extra copies other than the n-cular subscribers have been maileyl out. i A few extra fpies liave be-n rctainel In the ntl'uv and arc available to anyone Ik wish-s them. The price is only ten cents, and that Includes wrapping and mailing. A representative of a leading manufacturing concern of the country was among tt.ose who mailed a number of copies away to officials of the company who are contemplating making some changes. Sam- H. Jones, strett department nounced yesterday truck., would make en of Monday, Tuesday and xt week, and would chairman of the of the city, tn that the garbage regular schedule Wednesday haul away ail garbage pi'i.! oh the curb on those days. , ...Particular stress was made on ; h fact that in many places there are vacant lots -where trash has ac cumulated and the truck will be in structed to haul away any and every thing that is conveniently placed for them to get. Ihe truck will make trips all over the town. '.l.'ini.- the week a group of Ciov ei iiinetit. officials made a tour of in vesti'g; tion of the proposed motor way from Round Lot torn to lilack ' iap nam in drder that it may be apfiroved. for construction . The party making their, head'tua rters' h.cre; went from Wiiyne.-yiile to lilack (iap ( amp and hike.! In m that - sectiion , into Round P.ottom. I In the party were the following from Washington: I'r. H. ('. Hryant, Assistant -lhiector of the 'National' Park Service, in -.charge of the edu cational work of the park, Olive (',. Taylor.: Chief Deputy Kngineer who ( is in. charge, of (-ngineering in the Eastern Parks, John I), ('off man, - ( hit f Forester of the National Park I Service. G. A. Schultz, Assistant j Fjrester,; and W. IL; Horning, Fire ! Control Expert of the Park Service, j From Gatlinburg were R. P. White,: Smoky Mountains Park Engineer, R. A. Wilhelm, Assistant landscape architect, and Joe T. .Maniee. Join ing the party from Bryson City were J. T. Needham, Chief Ranger for the North Carolina side of the park, A. Inskeep, Forester and . i. Svvope, landscape architect. The officials had no statement to make regarding their trip pending the formal filing of their reports in Washington. ... 1 - TERRACLVG DEMOXSTRATIOX A terracing demonstration will be held Friday at the farm of Albert McCracken, it was announced yester day by W. D. Smith. All farmers are invited to attend. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max. Min. 24 72 oR Clear 25 71 41 pt cloudy 26 77 42 pt cloudy 27 S2 48 pt cloudy 28 : 76 48 Clear 29 71 48 , Clear 30 668 42 pt cloudy

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