The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County- Published 4t Th Fqrn pfr,n. f t, c , . IUO,ls,nea A' me eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -Read by Thinking People " " hoi- xLMi NO. 23 SFS nunwniT- id. ? wimjw ji o ee i3 1 1 41 WAYXESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI KSDAY, MAY i), 19.53 Dent On School IB Kay Announces Elaborate I Of C Program For '35 gijrht Projects Are lieing Given Attention 01 Organization For This Year Via it :t-rmel the most elaborate ''.im'tver undertaken by the local jr.jnibr ei commerce was iormany fritiUlKfU mis ween uy i icsiuciu )ai. h. Kay. mere are eigni. mam s set out in- i ne program, wun ; visions under each group. Rav's formal statement and ell . . fcieiam is as ieiiows; n'f.-nuiu ox uie tnamut-r or luinm-rce, -i is my -impose 10 ouuuie ,me uf the major proposals in tne iij jiri'ram as approved by the arJ tf Directors and the several :iim;:t.t's. These projects have tn adopted as being measures which laid materially in making 1935 year of substantial progress in trv it'spe - ' inur support ana cur titration is essential, and your sug- Istions will be appreciated. In addi- m if these major projects, many her .activities are uemg engaged in. tact' limitation will not permit their Kit tm-muir.cti, .. TKIMARY PROJECTS ;. .-a V! -i-: ;tiii ': h:' advertising and b'i.i:y je.-.tyncii. to promote trie m.n;u:i;-'.y :r,'in notn a tourist ana. in.-. .r.a. !!.!:: of view. .'. Kiii; va- -t" unsightly buildings iicr. :ia' .r passed prohitable usage Ian - it : : imontal ui the community :.-'l'Hvi'i!W:t of the city owned v oil East and Howell C. Of C Drive For Members Will Get Underway Tuesday PnH.lun tf'll mm v uniiiiiuct'j, in .ieet r or Breakfast Meeting And Make A Quiek Thorough Campaign plcsl- Irk'. n:ui" :.-. 4. H.-a.i: a. in at ion of the rul clean-up community and paint- laBusVaiijnsr of unattractive . pa.r:ica!ariy banks, adjacent to '.n-ci- mid highways. I'p.nn.ti'on ui' shrubbery planting i uiiiispiea.d scale, ', I'icvicmg uf recreation and. en ,:.:j:i;tn: of a public nature de- 4':- i to make the visit of tourists re cn.inyabk', and thus to enhance tjit -rf-Tnita: ion of the community . as the annual drive for memberships ior tne nanvter of Commerce will get underway next Tuesday morning immediately after a breakfast meet ing, it was announced yesterday by J. W. Kay, general chairman of the drive. Placards have been printed and will be given to each firm taking a mem bership, and small individuals pocket-cards will be given to each per son taking a membership. 1 resent plans are to make a thor ough and quick drive- on the opening day of the campaign. 1 he committees as named 1 dent Kay is as follows: 'General chairman, J. W. Kay. 1. Individual." I ilix IStovail (.hairman; Edwin Ha.Uics, EniineU liallentine, Oliver ; Shelton, Chict George, J. I!. Slier. 2,. Professional : Barker Cay, Chairman; Harry Hall, M. H. Bowles. 7 3. Industrial. Group': E. M Kich eson, Chairman; Ralph' Prtvost, Hill Eampkin. 4. Commercial Group: Guy Mas sie, ; Chairman; C. N-. Allen, Albert Abel, Hurst Kurgin, George Brown, Jr. ;1. Hotels and Hoarding Houses: W. C. Russ, Chairman; Hugh ..Massif, Paul M'artin, IE W, Woodward. J.ILWay Elected Mayor. Sam Jones LeadsThe Ticket T. L. Bramlet and M. M. Noland Win Places On The Board Of Aldermen In Quiet Election In the quietest city election ever held. J. H. Way was named maVor ot Waynesville over Walter T. Craw ford. Mr. Way polled ,12.3 vous, and Mr. Crawford 432. i he votes for aide; men Sam H. Jones, p'esmt the board, led the ticke lowed by T 1.. H ram let t Nokind. The official vote gave a oidates. the follnwing vote: -Mavur J. 11. Wav W. T. showed that member of , being ful ami M. M. nine can- Howell Collects Over $16,000, For County In April Less Be Than $75,000 Remains To Collected In Ut.U Taxes From individuals .tateinoiit is in ses- Craw ful d Al.i Sam H. Jone . T. 1.. liramlet; M. M. Xol:;nd . W. E. Hardin, J, W. H I.iner . O. S. Rhymer . Homer Havis . . .7-13 .715) . o5!t .412 2t;i : it In his ruila! iiionlMy t the Hoard of Commission sum here .Monday, 'lax Collector I. A. Howell lwed that during the past month almost Slti.OOO had been col luted en 15)34 taxes. This siirpas-es the collections for March bv about $4,000. The final r, port vhows I hat a bill in ce of l(''',2(Hi u mains to be col lided on l!i:U taxes, Mr. Howell ex plained thilt of this iii'.iount on'y about ,S7o.0(l(l was due by individuiils. He attributes liMinigs HEADS COUNTY SCHOOLS PRE 'OST II AZ E I AVOO I ) MAYOR In lhuclw ...od Whitn- r l'n vest was elected mayor ovi r Clyde Fisher. Hot li candidates were inenil-ors ."of .at y .iu's boicrd o' ali'ernu-n. ' I Ire results of t'le tioli is a.- follows : Mayor Whit rivr-. 1'revo- t . .. . . Clyde Fislu r A, ill-rillc 11 Jimoum cidlcctei! fact that he 'aw to attach' tin- in if person for tin This scheme is b -over the coiin'y ,. the i, v trtasii.i lars. 1 1 is t Mtelllcn! !t was a fidlow : a . portion if the list month to the has t he right' by ilaiy of .any ork navment of taxes. ,,,it 11 1 it I Rock Hill, Allen's Creek To Have New Buildings By Fall A Ten-Room Addition Will Be Made At The Local High School Included in Program Jit a joint d lip is bringing. ! undicds of into dol- a 'v w, . L.-.4 1.13 .Mai Apr o tin iVmi-n be" t'.i oi of i:r nil' r . ua i 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 i-h . . . lloi.o; .,i!e sioiu-is :(' llbitlit 1 tae cc C. Allen -I-'iank Conip Sun Knight J. P. Scales on .342 .2S0 . 2251 11 I'-'-'Ji-,-: -center. ; 5'. iV.-m.'tt- cooperation between ii-stiii parties - to the' end-that a i lianccs may be developed ' c cieihtabk' and enjoy ft.! i 1 '"I'titie with the Waynesville ' cliii' in onlev that the course may successfully serve and enhance them as ': :iv: i act ions, hotels, boarding houses bu.-cau of information, 'ason progresses, other pro- eonie timely and will be i nose mentioned con- ci-j':.. ii 4er run !.mur.;n ::..ur.; lAs-h.- r- vviii i iiiitaki'i; J-J.ea termidable program and can :' srn tonvard with your coopera The attendance at the Annual qui-t tvuienced a most remark- -'(li'positinn to work together, and rr f"' -.feel greatly encouraged. re .uiuier support is solicited, and J' emphasize; the absolute neoessi- -"r iiDt-rat provison of funds, if the Jvrf,.',;n 18 t0 meet your needs 1 vH AMBER -ra: t. we solicii $1,000 Damage Done When Blaze Starts In Theatre Here aril v. T. ' V.: OF COM your suPDOrt. ' HAS. E. KAY, Jr., President. iHiectors: Ralpli Prevost, . '. H. Howell, Guy Mw Massie, L. M. Richeson, i-aunston Hardin, E. L Long and Mrs. K Ja-!res M Um Wr.-ci n, Ay i; mose speno- ..-lit nit on snriirnav Lnexpected eXciiement was added to the showing of the picture "Se quoia"' at the Waynewood Theatre .on Monday evening. .During the fouith reel of the picture, which was about 8:30 o'clock, a flame burst forth in the projection room. While there was considerable hurry by the three hundred people in the theatre in mak ing their exit, there were no accidents. Miss busie Fisher, the cashier, gave tne first alarm to the city fin. department. A number of persons realizing that there was no imme diate danger tpjietly waited until the rush was over before attempting to I get out. According to Mr. James E. Mas sie, owner, and his son Frank Massie, operator, 5 reels of the picture were burned, the machines and projection room damaged, with an estimated loss of around $1,000. Workman are now busy making necessary repairs, and it is expected that the theatre will be open again within a few days. SHOOK IS CLYDE MAYOR John W. Shook. was' elected maycii of Jyae i uosday .witliout opimsitioii. He liolled '7.1 otes. The race for iildermen vtis rather hard fought throughout. The results being as fol lows: t.iover C .v. Roger.- ltil IE W. Ensley , 1 1.1 E, K. Stinnett . . .14.1 (ilenn H. Hrow.n ..... . ....... S7 Hugh K. Terrell . . , . y E. M. Green .'.'...- 71 A. ('. Downs . ,-;..' 21 ). G. Carver ....... 1' For iiolice judge, D.M. Cagle 're ceived. 1.1:! votes over -his opponent W. H. Tenell, who got (',;.. ..'. 1st and 1th Anion lit co:!tcte. '" Cathcy . ,.- 7 Totit.: ,' . Tolal. Taxes . . A mount collected i lice on tax i he hoard Monday e Hoard of Coun 1 1 :t iVooii Collll to you my col as follows- S.Ci.Tf.!... is . 7. , . 2!'.. -I'.S. I I.S lo.oo ll.7uii.lir 1 ' .'"".T T i . SM'-,;?7.r7 l,3S.r..27 Mr. Sl,3ii2.S-l .121,513 ... . . 2o:i,"oo. $31 1,. 10 1.01 2"!1, 300. .13 .M.-ssi Sv Iv.i ilenl. I'll, .l i: i Ii M.-s i 1 1 1 1 . mil I in so or emu- -r i:.i- here I .i K .(li.- ill-ls II.O I P-rtOil . .11 loll M. .11.1.1' .ic .- . .1 Sll ir Nli t I-!- 'IV Mis OlMjl !he Mi li ,-ni i ti ll-, book.- .$102.2111.1 1 Mrs. J A. Francin (iiven Burial Last Monday Morning Hospital To Have Open House On 12th found .' 5-eek the fnllrm-inr, a. JW, appeared in the want 77'iuinn; . . -. 1 ; .", '- i l11 Uain Street, or l ee Aexander,s Kf ?ay's a pair lk blue;kid w ,CalSn. Xational Hospital Day will be ob served on next Sunday, May 12, at the Haywood County Hospital. Open house will be held at both the hospital and the nurses home. The public is cordially invited to visit the institution during the hours from 2 until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Harbin, superintendent, and the nurses will receive the visitors and escort them on tours of inspection over the buildings. National Hospital day is .'the anni versary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, a iurse bora of English parents in Florence, Italy. During the Crimea War in 1854 the Eng lish people were shocked by the tre mendous death rates among the Eng. I-sh soldiers, and Miss Nightingale was officially sent to Crimea for the purpose of bettering the condition of the sick and wounded. During re cent years National Hospital day has been widely celebrated in commem oration of her iplendid labor. CANTON VOTES A(i A INST SI NDAY MOVIES C'anton The voters here Tuesday voted against Sunday movies and Sunday baseball,. : The vote was closer than had been expected, how ever. Ior Sunday motion oo.i were lor and 014 against. ror Sunday baseball .10K for and 04i against. Dr. .1. E. Reeves, mayor, and the board of aldermen were unopposed in the election. The race for police court judge showed that Chester A, Cogburn, the incumbent, polled l.llCj votes while C. F. Smathcrs received Judge Felix Alley Is Holding Court Haywood County Superior Court tor the trial of civil cases convened on Monday morning with Judge Felix E. Alley, presiding, The docket is the lightest, it is claimed, in several years. Only about 50 cases are listed and some of these are, not ex pected to come up for trial. A mini--ber are scheduled under the motion docket. Judge J. A. Rousseau, of N'j-rth Vjllkesborp, was expected to hold thi session .of court, but iiu exchange was made with Judge Alley. In July Judge Alley wi,l again preside, hav ing made another exchange this time with Judge Wilson War.ick. Mrs. .1. A. Frani is passed away at. her liioni in KalclilV ( oe Saturday evening. May 4, at seven o'clock. She was sixty voats and some months o age and had been an invalid for about seven inoiit hs. HomiIos her . Iiii.sliand. she j.' surviv ed by live children; Mrs; J, II. Dyer, It. N,, Kay, llennan, and Mai,, all of Katclitr'c'ove; two in-other-, .1. A. Justice, of ( 'bapiells, S. ('., and'M. ('. Justice, of Clyde'. She is also sur vived by the following step children : J. M. Franci.s, (,f C anton, K. 2; II. iii'eliivei;' an'' Charles, of liat.lilf Cove; Mrs. - 1 - ' ' t - i in...... .. r ii i ........ i . t . J,, iiiaiuoii, oi ii(i.c-ivoniii, nioi Mis. (). J. Smith, of lIendersniivil!L'. There are 7 five' granilchildreli and fourteen step-grandchildren. : She was a member of the liiitclitf Cove. Hajitist church, having united with that church in 1H5I5). She 'was a consecrated Christian woman, a lov ing mother, a loyal companion and sympathetic neighbor. r uneraf services were held from the RatclilT Cove . 'Baptist church Monday at ten-thirty a, m. Rev. Thomas Er win. assisted by Revs. A. A'. Joyner, of Canton, W'. M. Pruitt and H. W. Baueom, of Waynesville had charge of the services, - F'alitx a rers were Glen and G rover Francis, Albert and Eloyd Justice, Sherman Young and Joseph Francis. Flower girls were: Ruth Dyer, Mar garet Francis, Mrs. Sherman Youg, Blanche Dyer, Lois Finer, Nora Mae Francis, Maggie Blanton, and Hattie Underwood. . Interment was .made in the Ratcliff Cove cemetery with .Mas.sie Funeral directors in charge. (Contributed.) Number ,0f .Fires Raged In Forests During Past AVeek 'I he lire alarms that liac .'been' coining from the 00 loot loukoul on Chanilioi ,-. :Mimn!;iin lieii r 1 CI ile ha e lieeli keepi.ig C. C. I'lott, i'Jaji wood CO u nly chief, fit est warden, busy day and "night lor the. past si'cra'. day-. He lias bein. in 'deinaud in ,01111111 nities I'roin ariou- m-cIioiis of the county. I'leginning last Sunday. Mr. 1'loM ha-"pad a -1 ri'ii ui'us week, (In :ln,; .lay In was en I led . .a t L' o'clock to a foie.-l liie where 20 ai. n - m-ii- bui ii t o ov er. : ( in Tuesday, morning lie Wii-.- -iininioneil to 1'lotl s ( reck where a lire blazed" on the lands, of .1. li. Mor gan aid John I'lott. (In Wednesday he wen! !o SiiM-n Clock oil the h'llie- Cioek -ide of the J'lgeoii ..River to (hi Redmond .est.ilc Where loll iicre- were litii ned ove 1 7 (hi ' a lire, which wa- -con: from tow n raged on I In- land- of J. lb Hyatt ami If. I-.', llyal! in the; Eagle- Vit -ei (ion. 1 1 11 c Ml acto-: of good 'limber land 10 n- 'miih-i1 over I before the mi li could gel t h.- !iu--under conlrol. It is roporli Thursday was A o'eei.-ion Was reach session 01 tne hoard ol education the. county commissioner.. Mnmli, spend $.10,000 for three school be ings in the Waynesville .school 1 -t rid. Plans weie agr.ed upon and ha,c been forwiirded to Raleigh for formal approval by the state hoard. As soon a- approved work will get underway, it was stated by Jack Messer, counly superintendent of ediient ion. The pliins call for an eight room building at Rock Hill to lie erected of native stone, including an audito rium. It will tie equipped with a modern heating system and com pletely furnished. The seiond building will be at Al len's Creek, There a four-room build ing, of native stone. Will be built. This school Will be furnished of modern equipment and will also have a heat ing plan! . I Ins h;r' wi 1 be for the first four grades-.. The: largest, single improvement Will be made a) the Waynesville Township SYhoel, whole an addition of leii toonis will be made lo the high school. This addition will be built of Link. The new adiihion .'wilt pro v nlv l-.r a junior high school and gym. The pi, sent linild.iig now used for used a gynimi:-iuiii will bo u-ed ural 'building. The plan- of the Loan! common ccbor ! nun far a.- . io.-il.le. Ti -S ,11,0011 "wolilld be. lii.oor and niali rial-. ''Mr. Mi'sser slaii.d Unit buildings would be ready ft I school in tile fall go t hi oiig li. Rock Hill building w new -ite. from where ing 1 pla n. Th oil a en 111 ago. old olle. building I .'ng .ua.-. Some 1. building' of 1 In st rucl ion ca fit 111 ei) opcrat big hnvi iig i hi nt pi ior to I hi lhal 'tin lire on ail-cd from t lie do-1 I ill w hic h had beeii ; Iti. er-c willi , those : taken t be -t ill with; arrival oi l he- offi-1 The Allen'-ll.-e .will In- 1 building built . Mr. Messei ea-e of lieces: of Ihe -chool quale. facilitic .ng th pa.-t tiavi- tieen instance of high ( 11 .f 11 ell a- an ngn- boa ui' al e , o Use lit,- t-ellel rolls as ie, .: v ol' i he -nenl for skilled 1! I hid. all throe . 1 he opeii if pre-ent ill be built 1 hi- pi es- ' -land-. The old interlined sometime :e inalei iaf in the: be u -1 1 1 .n the new u Iniiloing now iii 'low n aild t he new he sto.. -t.-i'i d ily and I Kill id t s tor ;!.,. yeai -"tin 'hot it was a also ihe policy 1 firovide ade students. 1 lu: ' i.n e schools al over crowded -and in Ihe vocal.ouiat teaching 111 the chool, both the stale and rers. They left, however, other evi dence-' .of I he outfit and it is thought; thai the lilockailers revisited the place j after the otlicers left and set fire. ., Mr. I'lott has had orders to have the lookout on Chambers. Mountain.' closed on the 10th, as that date is con-1 sidend the end of the seiison .when! li res. are most likely to iieellr. City Thanked For Courtesies Shown Tenn. Motorcade tedei ii! government had died the ollieinl- o cutting, ott jheif part of the -instructor's .salary if ample fa cilities were not provided. This is the largest single building program .for the school system in several: years. During the past year two additions have id rr made to other schools- l ines t re. k ;.nd Bethel, 7 . Tax Listing Time Is Extended To 15th received -the Hugh E, Stanley 'hiitta-pnssid County To Purchase Terracing Machinery WANTS SUGGESTIONS Or. S. P. Gay, chairman of the en tertainment and recreational commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce, has requested that any person having any suggestions to make to the com mittee please get them to him im mediately as the committee te plan ning for the coming season and are anxious to get all suggestions possi ble before final plans are completed. 7 An order was made this week foi the purchase of a tractor and a ter racing machine by the board of coun ty commissioners. - TTie equipment wii! be used by the. farmers of the county who will pay for the use on an hourly basis. The project is to be a self-liqui dating" proposition. The equipment will be in charge of County Agent W. D. Smith. Chairman Wr. D. Hyatt cast his vote in favor of purchasing the equip ment after the other six members tied on the matter. Those voting for the purchase were: J. W. Ray, Albert McCraclsen, and J. E. Henderson. Those against were: J. H. Allison, Lee Ferguson, and Edwin Fincher. Forty Men Working On City Park Here According to Oscar L. Briggs, street superintendent of the town, forty men are at work this week oh the construction program of the city park on East street. Last week zo men were engaged in getting the grounds .n shape for laying the foun dation work of the wading pool, rest rooms, drinking fountains, flower beds, rock tables, concrete benches, barbe cue fireplaces, and other features. Those in charge estimate that it will take around 60 days to complete the work, in which case the park will be ready for use in the rush of the Summer season. Mr. Briggs is giving all the time he cani spare from his other duties in pushing forward the work. Mr. Humes Harte. member of the faculty of the Western Carolina Teashers College at Cullowhee, spent the week-end in town with his fam- iiy- :. - ;...' .Tl Ma yor ( . H. Atkinson following . let'er from I hatcher, president and Eachman, '..chairman., of thi hoiiga motorciide which through her e on .the 27th.. . The letter reads as follows: Hon.. C.. H. Atkinson, Mayor Waynesville . C. , 'Dear Mayor Atkinson: : We want to thank you -Tor your most cordial reception of our motor cade last Saturday. : , Every member of our part., was most enthusiastic over your cordial reception, and nothing was left un- done all along the line that would add to our comfort and pleasure. Will you pie :se Convev our thank to all of those who contributed to our most pleasant trip. . With best wishes, we are Cordially vours. H. L. THATCHER, President. STANLEY EACHMAN, ( hair m in Motorcade Committee. Mayor Atkinson in commenting on the motorcade stated that it was indeed a isnlendid group, and his only regret being that they could not have spent more time in Waynesville. He said further: "The people of Waynesville did extend to them a warm welcome, and I believe that we should encourage that morp than we have in the past. A warm wel come will go farther than anvthino- i stranger.' The -.-ion Hoard of Commissioners in here Monday authorized Thy Supervisor George A Brown, Sr., to extend the time f,,r the listing of taxes to May 1.1th. 7 Mr. Hrpwri stated yesterday that alb persons not listing their , taxes by, the 1.1th of this month would be imposed with a . penally of aud liable to prosecution. . , Because of the laxity on the part of the people in not listing their taxes the officials are determined to carry out the law to the fullest ex tent. - It wa- top-T'cd that already some .$2,.10O has been collected from 15(34 taxpayers in the form of fin'- ior simple ... reason that no was made. listing else with ROTARY GUESTS Mr. Earl Lancaster, supervisor of relief in thia district, and Mr. Crosby, district supervisor of rural rehabil itation, were guests of the local Ro tary club last Friday. C. Of C. Getting More Inquiries Than Last Year Ernest E. WHhtrs, secretary of the ajTiesville Chamber of Commerce, stated this week that the inquiries so far this year exceeded those of a year ago by two to one. "The inquiries are of the nature that leads me to believe from past experience we are due for the best season in years. Places are beirig' taken, and never in my life have I seen as much painting, renovating and general improvements being made as today. It is encouraging." THE WEATHER OFFICIAL Date 2 3 4 5 6 7V. 8 ' WEATHER REPORT Max. Min. ' "1 i .':': !' 42 V6 R!) : 64 82 . 67 , 80 50 78 . , 40 - ' ':. 75 :-' -. 59 ',": 76 59