rhe Itot Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 25 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 2.5, 19.i Commissioners Vote To Continue Health Service . ..ZTZThn Work In r;t li tan."" - Co-operation mm - federal Service , , v ..mmjssioners in their VX'r? Holiday session this ."i' to four for the con- "'" '.i. appropriation for the jaiBit.iM . The district U&uA V jiavwood. Jackson and yr'w', ith headquarters in v, ,-.i.-t h,,usc here. . , ri'-' wrt of the budget paid by the l!" V.-ih) with the towns of cCJ1,1V m.i'Wuvru-syille contributing Uf i'tch- '.rinV'inK the total from ;,,.v t J jt:j,7UU. :Vvu,;,i 'events- became a part of , .... .,.m, fiirfpen ,v!k ii i he service was in- .jlJ.ul ;l Health LS aml'tlV State Board of '. , ,, iu ,i;e. The bUiif-'f. loi ,-. n 1 tti vnoC with the - tiiro counties paying, a i i- c ". unit nnn n a v. 10 LJII ninti'lUUte's ft,.'ou, umreu Sic Health Service $3,750 and the Indian Service. $2,400. Besides making a cuntrwuuuu w. (j'lol the United Mates rumic HValth Service tVovSdes an tassis- Unt health officer. . . n,., .u.rumM.'i i)f the service, .that work 'in -Haywood county is .as fol lows :" . : ... . . ... llr. t . N. Sisk, district neaitn oi- fieer. ' . . Jlrs. Jean Dillon, -supervising nurse. Mrs. llai t, held nurse, nlirr .ifliccr will - be named at an early dale, 'Dr. Sisk announced. This was, foimally filled Jby 1 Hinton. .Miss Kd..jMh Kitchen, laboratory technician. Mrs. Carolyn Hyatt, clerk. , The' record of the commissioners showed that the' following 'voted for retaining -.!ie district health service: Eisvm 'Finchcr, Albert J. Mcdacken, J. V. Rav.. and J. E'. Henderson. The twr! .!iC:t.'M-t were.: .Tai-vis H. Al-I li.-n a i.i ! u l-'e.guson. Mr. Allison f express!: n:me!t . as being fayora- Boyd And Noland Give Statements Regarding Bank Two Officials Make Clear State ments Relative To Federal Grand Jury's Action The federal grand joury in session last week indicted three Waynesville bankers, and later in the term th trials were set for the November term of court. The indictments named J. R. Boyd, Sr., president of the bank; D. Reeves Noland, vice president and J. R. Boyd Jr., a former clerk in the First Na. tioniil Bank here. In a formal statement, both Mr. jBcyd and Mr. Noland stated the sta tus of the events leading up to the in ctietment. Mr. Boyd's statement was as fol lows. "On January 1(5, HKJ4, I had oc casion to borrow for personal use the sum of $40,000 from the Chase Na tional Bank of New York. 7ust a short time before that date a law was passed making it mandatory that any bank official seeking a loan from any bank must make a written re- ( Continued on back page) Funeral Services For Dr. W.CFrancis Held Monday Here Physician Here For Fourteen Years Passes Away At His Camp With A Heart Attack tie i to I, w'ork iHspecti-m -rrvi fJrn!t-d. if the public milk as formerly per- 51,600 Subscribed To C; Of C. Campaign Rtini.; eibirts for completing th ( haniiii i .,( ( 'nmnier.ee drive will get un.iti'w;;,- ids, week-end. Every ef f"!'.t iiiade to reach a goal of over .i.ni'i.".. Something like $1000 .already been subscribed. A nun;: , ,, iif individuals have not keen -v. n. but a committee will call mi their vithiii' a few. days. . The -.'rive ,hus far is about $300 ;ve-r -of-'tast-. ear. The increase VMpe.-twt :i be a third better. 1m- !.;'.': of 'directors' of the orga-nt:...r.-:i.!v scheduled to meet Fri liay :i :;n-i jro over the plans for the year ami make out the budget fnr ,;.'': ; i I n r in on t . Th ' '(" I:r:L' station operators will meet lon1:; at nirie o'clock for the pui-T .i-, ;: i L'anizing into a '"'coUrt- y .siiTM.-i. ( HAMiiKK OF COMMERCE MFMHERSHIP DRIVE :!HOO im 2100 :ooo lSOO 1600 1100 1200 1000 800 ; 600 400 200 2900 2700 2500 2.300 2100 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 508 300 100 Funeral semes for Dr. William O. Francis, who died suddenly Saturday at his camp in the Sunburst section, 14 miles from YV avnesville, were held at the home on Central avenue Mon d.v afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. 1 he Rev. Dr. R. 1'. Walker, pastor or tut First Presbyterian church, ofticiated. Interment was made in (Ireen Hili cemetery. . I Dr. 1-iancis went to lib summer! camp last Wednesday afternoon foi an outing aueniieii oy javior ivnooe.-.. He spent Wednesday, 1 hursday, and Friday nights at the camp. On Sat urday, Mr. Rhodes left him ir the camp about !i:ll0. o'clock in his usual health, and when he returned about 5 o'clock, Dr. Francis was dead. He had died from a heart attack. He had been a physician here for about 14 years. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina anil the Jefferson Medical college. lie practiced at Coatsville. Pa., for two years before the outbreak of ...the World War. He volunteered for ser vice, and was appointed captain in the medical corns, and served 18 months, in France. ; After the war he continued his practice in Costsvijle for two years and then came to ay-nesville- and, had practiced here since. He is survived by his widow, who was before marriage. Miss M,u Doan, of Coaisville, Pa., and one daughter, Betty, age !). He is also survived by . one brother, Dewey . Francis, of . Wraynesville; . simf two sisters, Mrs. Belle Collins. :.f : .lack sonv ille, Fla.: and Mrs. Maria Head, of W aynesville. Duties Of County Welfare To Go To Messer July First The board of commissioners voted J Mondav to discontinue on and alter July first the office of superintend ent of public welfare and transfer the duties of the office to the county superintendent of education. The office is now filled by. Homer Henry. Under the; procedure of the. eommissioners, the duties ot tne oi fice will be turned over to Jack Messer, superintendent of schools. It was the opinion of the commis sioners that the federal relief agtn cies would make all investigations necessary for the information of the board in dealing with relief cases. Massie's Funeral Home To Open 30th Final, details are being worked out this week for the formal opening of the new $20,000 Massie Funeral Home. The date has been set for Thursday, May 30 at three o'clock for open house and for the formal opening to be given in next week's issue of this paper in a special section. Watch for it. MRS GARREN BETTFR Mrs. J. F. Garren. mother of lr. F. 0. Garren, who underwent an ope ration at the Haywood County Hos pital Tuesday night was reported as doing nicely Wednesday. Library To Open First Week In June. Miss Messer Named Library Hoard In Session Yester day Formulated Definite Plans Foi Opening At the second meeting of the newly arpointed lil.rary hoard, which W held on Wednesday morning, plans were formulated to open the Library during the tirst week in June. In the meantime it will be necessary to ob tain funds for the purchase of ma terials for repairing some of the books, with the work being done by ERE workers. Various civic organizations and in dividuals of the town will be asked for donations. As several pers.ms in town have signified their desire to! contribute books, which have been: published since the closing of tlu Library, or books not in the collec tion, a canvas will W made and as many books as possible added with out expense. ' It was decided to have the Library free to any person in the county without fee, with the exception of the' latest adult fiction, for which a small fee will be charged until it can be placed on the free INt when the Ten- tals have paid for the volume. It is interesting to note that the Waynes ville Library bas been one of six left (Continued on back page) Teachers Named Fur Schools In District For The 1935-36 Term Majority of Teachers Re-elected To Same Places For Coming Year. Swift Hoard Chm. At the me.-ting of the school com mittee h, ' uv. Monday night, Ma 21st, of District Number 1, of YYnv nesville. which is composed if W. F. Sw';. Earle Ferguson, and Medford l.catherwood. Mr; Swift was elect : d to se-ve as chairman, and Mr. Uath erwood was elected as secretary. M. II. Bowles, was re-elected for the third time as superintendent of the W'aynesville Township Schools, 'I hose e'ected to teach in the WuynoS ville High School were: ('. K. Weatb erby, building principal, coach and i es,E. J. Kolu-son, mat lieinat n-s, W". (': A!f.-n. bi-toiy. Miss Evelyn Under wood, English and Enoch, Slis Mar tha Mock. English. Mi Anne Al bright, English and History, Miss Ethel Craig; ccninieivial. Miss Mar garet Ashton, English, Mrs. .1. M. Kellett, Latin and mathematics, Mrs. Lucy Tate Jones, mathematics. Miss Mary- Barber, biology, Miss loiiise Edwards, home economies,' Miss Bes sie Boyd, English. Those to teach in Saunook are: Frank Ferguson, principal. Miss Eleiie Fisher, and Miss Ruth Allen. Work On $40,000 Theat To Begin In Next 2 Week Building Theatre (Continued on back page.) J .1. I;. Mil !, lie-in iiU lm- iiu-liiil4ly on (lie new $10,000.00 1 1 lea I re. Clean-Up, Paint-Up Campaign Begins City officials stepped forward yes terday and offered their co-ouperation in the L lean Up, Paint Up campaign which will get underwav here 1 ri dav. 1 he movement sponsored by a com mittee representing the ( hamber ot t ommerce, met with heart v response from the citv officials. I he neces sary trucks will be available for the removal of trash and rubbish, and a proclamation issued bv Mavor J. II. Way urged all to )oin in the move ment to make this community ''Clean, Healthy, Thrifty, Safe and Bea"' ful." ' HIT Mavor Wav said yesterday, "Al though I never remember seeing the commuYntv as clean as it" !-now, there is plenty of room for im.ovc nient. There are some icdiv lual. Ufa nr.t joiiHJ'i mi the niovement and we hope that tnev will rornr through during thv course of the campaign. I knew of nothing that is more important to our community than to make it as clean as possible.' In backing up the Mayor's state ment, I. L. liranr,ct, chairman of the sanitary department of the citv pledg ed his undivided co-operation to the movement, and assured those spon soring u that he would personalis' see to it that the facilities of the cits were used to the fullest extent .in making the campaign a success, l'rior to the anilouncctv.ent of the cam paign, Mi. Brainlet hal niade plans for a ampaignto begin Monday. He whs iloing tiiis in accordanci- with his own observation of the need of such a campaign, and "in his capacity ai. chairman of t h': i.'epa: t ment of the city. IDC piaiis nil' Hie: ciiiiinif , i... ... been turned over to Mrs. Orovev C. Davis. Mrs. S. 1'. (lav and Mrs. Har den Hosvelt. Several others have been devoting time to the campaign. A representative of the committee stat ed that anv suggestions would be ap preciated. 'I he campaign is to last iiidchnitclv : and constant svork tosvards the goal of a. cleaner, and more iH-autiful town will be t be n It imate aim. The paint dealers of the coiiininnity arc co-operating to the fullest, ostcnt. 'I hev have supplies on hand, and some are fi'itnring special prices on paints for : l b . a mpaign, I 'ract ieally eveiv mint ihaier :n town hs rt-pirt e,(l a nml.eiial increa e in the sale: of paints during the pasi l two lllOMUIS. .Mill IllOil ,1 I I'o.f .11' ' niii. b moi e paint wili lie '-uei.i bcfoi I tl, (1 -IM1 I.' . lijisroclainatton f&HI CIEAN. UP-PAMT UPIX UP PLANT UP -GIVE JOBS .1. E. Massie To Huild Theatre Rack Of Place Now Occupied Hy Martin Electric Company Work on the1 excavating foi ti. new $10,0(1(1 theatre is due to get un derway within two sveeks, J. E. Mas sie sta; d this week. Mr. Massie was in 'conference yes terday with an architect Working out final details prior to biting the con trait for the building which Mr. Mas sie hopes io have open by Sip't I. tirst. The new theatie will be bu. the vacant lot back of the. bu nosv occupied by Martin Electric l ... pany, and Massie Fiirnilinc ('oiiii.. ny. The entrance to the theatie will be through the pj'cso d site of Mar tin Elect i u Company. A new front will be built, uud tbw stairsvay svill be dosed. A modern lobby svill be built from the-street to the main auditorium, which will scat anniiAimatelv 70(1 neonle. Thoiv ! svill be a IL'5 foot entrance to the auditorium. It is his purpose to install a .mod ern .soda fountain, and confection stand in the lobby. Besides the elab orate lobby the new theatre will have a lounging room, mezzanine, and re.sl rooms.. A portion of tlu- balcony svill by devoted to colored people. This sec tion svill be reached by separate en trance from the back street. One of tilt features of the, thea tre will be the 'modern stage, which svill 1h- large enough to accommodate a vaudeville troupe of twenty-live-people, and all modern stage atlrac t ions. Mr. Mas.-ie stated that his nesv l beai i e w ould conip.in favorably w ith The -Imperial in .A.-lieville. It will in- laigi i. and better than I he Colo nial in ( anion." !. said. Larking facilities will be better at I hi new location, wi n (lie back lot being aaiiabk. Modern lighting etfeefs 1 1 1 also he a feature of". the budding. !a ., ,.,-r!, I lb,, ihra'i-e -lnl -in-.- '- h.-. u- :n It':''; v. hi ir In luinuht (I... u,, ..,. ., ..) i (,-.. , ,,. i . i. ..... i .... Later Jie ilo-i o ine Capiiul, -and ha oiierated tin- aynevvood In dale. When the ' 'in-w ':ilild:n;' is ei inplele I lie naine .svill ;.M- ' i hanged froin ' a mi u i iod, lie- ' a al. In f l-i ie-ir , I : in pure based an i I in , rial it re: in m ;y ' .; '?i' i 7 v Jjj KnoU) ititit, donuit ant) (Ctjilurcn Cljfsc Pre smts : THAT Whereas the NATIONAL CLEAN UP, PAINT UP AND FIX UP CAMPAIGN has resulted in many advantages to community life throughout the United States, In Safeguarding llkAL'I'Il and SAl I.l ; In promoting I-M PLC) YM&XT and THRIFT; In furthering II RE PRE VEX TI O A'; In promoting BETTER UOUS1XG; In stimulating CIVIC PRIDE; and In mahing the "HOME AXD CITY BE A UT11UL"; NOW riii:Ri:i ORi:, 1j it Known that pl.uis hai 1hii ixrf(ci(d I,, tioioujrh ( LEAN I P, PAINT I P CAMPAK.N in Waj neviir''and Community, begin-ins the ,2-lth of .May. This date to mark the opening of a real campaign of pre.-tent and con structive effort in cleaning up, and KEEI'JNd IT UP. In thin Twrthv moement o." Cleaning, Painting and Planting, e urge each citizen to do his or her best part to. make our cemmumty Clean, Healthy Thrifty . Safe and Beautiful J. II. Way, MAYOR OF WAYNESMLLE r ! M V -to-, c" Jf . ':-. r C1EAJT n 1 w -I II Tin : ' a mi given l.y". M r. Massie '..i, 'he new and -larger I heal re builil 'V Uiiit it wou'd 'he in keeping a ,- ii i la- ; , -c I . . 1 1 1 n i nt of ' he c'liniiiiu :. a n v . In' i nci:-- a.- in 1 1 1 i nc.'f --. (iCO Brown Intends To Develop Kaolin In Fines Creek Area Former Delinquent 'lax Collec tor does Hack 'In I arm As lax Ofliccs Here Are Merged (ci'-ig. A. :'r..i'.vii, J-'i'., who for th' pa-t In in '...and a' half months '.'..has ni.V-l- :i- M.eX-. - uiiei ,a; , ,. t in ned ' . !i:i - '!' i i ill on Fill' c ( 'roi-.k. "The of ''' "f .ieim.pienl.'tax i-'cla ct"- being a' "oi-h'l .by. an ;:.:! ' 'or. ; the"' legisla- ' Mil-' ,' and tiri ' under be- supervision; of Ii, A., Howell, v. I" ",,v nanu.l tax" s 1 "ei s'i'soi and ml Ii i ; or. "'" .''.Ii.-. liiowri; ii iiiai'ned in o.llice unlil. Ma;,: loth listing .faxes.' and collect ing 'lelinijiietit taxes. hen he left hiri ''.'lice on :the .l-T, h he had collected nice liic-emiur l:h, 'the'" -sum -of fc.l,s2:. Sum, of 'his Had been d;i he -county f-.r four or live years, he said.. ' in going !,...k h's fan,,, Mr. 1'rosvn intends fi -ake a.n interest in :he niosneet.s in hie community of rleveloiiing kaolin 'leiinsits, which are Tiientifui there. Although L'.'i miles from here, he believes that- the (Ual itv of ' the' 'kaolin' and., the nresent priee svo-i'd svarran. trucking it out. It is his intent ion . cf seeuri;.g inte'testc tp work put some plan for, developing the products. ' "Since I have ("en in the office at the. court house I have not, given it any thought, but since the pros pects there are so good I m going to do my best to develon the place." he said. TEARING DOWN" STA LI E Work is now in; progress in tearing, down the liverv stable on ( hurch Street, next to the Masonic Tem-ple. It is expected that it will be down within the next few davs. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Dat 17 18 19 20 21 22 Max. ,74 72 r.r 72 71 ' ' 74'. ,' 68 Min. 54 5S 48 50 39 58 40

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