1 JJivJl'ii isnaDn fhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entra mce of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park- Head by Thinking People VOL XLVII NO. 28 WAYNESYILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 5Urvev Shows That focal Motorists Ignore Stop Lights dermen Plan To Put On Man To Regulate lraltic On Main Street T: , : J. H. Way assumed the role .. T.spertor one day last week hc stood near a stop light and v.te.'of the number of motorists ;;i .,,1 no attention to the lights. ai: hcur's time, exactly 27 drove red light seventeen of the bdii.' local people, and some i-h who are urging "stricter regulations" in the town. i number ol violations were ;.r.g ;n view ot tne fact that the . .,,e ii traffic here is making ..c a serious matter. T:-.e ward of aldermen in special . r. here Tuesday night are se v . ,...,v considering" the. matter, and t'u put a man on Main street to ;a:.y of the reckless drivers, and .... ir.ake drastic changes in 'park- :x -r, Main street. Mawr Way stated that the thirty ,.:'.j:e limit on Main street would . ably be put in force soon. It a.i- aUo pointed out that the raa :,:.: ot' the cars parked on Main -..it; Iteloug to local citizens who a :k. and not so much those of vis-r.- ::. '.own. Ti.e Chamber of Commerce, through u cwumif.ee,- presented to the board ,-e.". rai days ago the following re a.nicrii. atoms regarding traffic i-eg-a. a',. .n the town: '-!. That the police force should be jr,en po.-itivc and definite instruc improve -traffic conditions by eui'ij.ng; .-peedingv cat s, operating ;:!; open cutouts, etc., cutting of vOn-eiVi by requiring observance of .::ac dght and parking regulations. That visitors and strangers be fM-r. every courtesy with reference : parking; but that the custom of parking en Main street for long 'pe riods b immediately .discontinued by meal people; and particularly by merchants who park half a day at a t.a.e. ;ti That suitable regulations be made for the protection of pedestrians en tne sidewalks in front of passing Slling -nations on Main street; and particularly that turns into or from these .stations involving turns across the street! (also aaross traffic) should be discouraged arid if possi ble eliminated. 4. That the unloading spaces of kisses, as marked on Main street, should be kept clear of other cars in erder that busses may not have to unload in the middle of the street. a. That Montgomery street should he designated as an official parking space for OCX' trucks when they have occasion to remain in town several hours incidental to bringing boys into wTi at night and over week-ends; and that notice of this allocation .'should courteously forwarded to "'TM.onaie (imcials at the camps. . ,;- T ha; the police department be ;r-trticted and required' to break up 'he habitual loafing and : lounging areuno the p(iPt office (steps in front and wall to the side); this condition ;ng so bad as to constitute a public nuisance.' . I- That Church street between Mam and Haywood should be used for parking on one side only.. , That Main street be zoned and ha, r.o further filling stations be W-muted on either side between the .National. Bank ce corner. That, a traffic signal .1. --.VVIUl, Wi JlClllIYWa !uepot and. Haywood streets; and one the- intersection of Walnut. Bran " fAve,-a"nd Boundary streets. . 'hat the Hie-hwav Hpnartment requested whpnplror . nncilhlo fa a'old use of Main street bv the uris- rUCKs transnnrtincr man n oirl rom work. . . THI RSDAV. Jl'NK I I, 19.5. People Get, Card And Plan To Come Here For Vacation Just how good the sale of the 5,000 post cards of local scenes did cannot be estimated, but in the case of Lebo Massie, it was a way of finding out that some people intended coming here whether that card was the cause or not is not known. Mr. Massie m iiled some of his cards to Texas to some friends, and several days latter received word that they would be here in August to spend some time. The members of the publicity committee of the Chamber of Commerce who sponsored the movement, were all well pleased at the response. Heads Young DemoslStentz Named As Assistant Secre tary Of C. Of C. Brevard Man Says He Was Robbed Of Car At Hazelwood Lester A. Martin, taxi driver, of Brevard, reported to the sheriff's de partment here Monday moraine that four men in Brevard had hired him to drive to a CCC camp about a mile and half out of Brevard, but when they got to their destination ordered him under the point of a gun to drive them to Hazelwood, where they put him out of the car after taking Sp' in cash and a watch. The sheriff's department began an immediate investigation and search for the new Ford which Mr. Martin said he was driving at the time. No trace was found after a careful search. Mr. Martin stated he was forced to stop in Canton and purchase gasoline. A check-up on that failed to reveal the place where any gas had been bought. Mr. Martin is also a barber in Brevard. l AVI Mr. HiiiiK (lie Haywood recent ly, iiml organize ilil- i:. II. HAKIMS was elected iiii-.uielii of Yoiin- I loin, it l al ii ('lull will lie lino tonight lo Iiih ll-llip. Survey Shows That 34,000 People Visit ed Park During May A traffic count taken at one of the six entrances to the Oreat Smoky Mountains National Park in May re sulted in a count of 11,875 automo biles carrying 34t7U people. Esti mating that 20 per cent additional people came into the park by the uv entrances, a travel figure for the park .for the month of May is estimated at 41,004. Traffic count was not taken in May, Ut.'!4. Automobiles from forty-two states, the District of Columbia, and three foreign countries were counted.-' Eigh teen, per cent of visitors were from states other than Tennessee and North Carolina. and the post be placed be oil Large Bear Killing Sheep In J. Creek What is believed to be a large bear but not "Honest John" has in the past two weeks in the Jonathan's iCreek section killed IS sheep from two farms. J. K. Plot t.. suffered the heaviest loss, with ifive eWes and ten lambs being killed. Three sheep from an adjoining farm were also killed. Efforts to catch the large bear have been futile. From the tracks and the manner in which the sheep were' k UN ed it is believed to be a large bear even larger than those usuallyfound in this section. .Mr. Plott brought the remaining IJ5 head of his flock to: town this; week and disposed of them. Golf Tournament Is Now Underway im' ' '"""u Lnampionsnip .. jo itillK Th'j ea.bv tr.e RmnM. .i . .... , oualifici V UUU Ul" iour nave PWt the first fiKht Aaron Har.iir," t' i6"'8 hamP'on, Paul Cook. '. " Tonjr. Davis, and Mr. In ;.tt,'"- c' ','':" flight D..-Vrs.l P'ay-off in the first v, M.ardn defeated Aaron l,avis and Cook are yet T.ghTt ?r.-,r.. ; play. t Pe; a"d third flights, are : ibon- M u,nd-ay, and it will r'fe are- -last of the week be fer,rn':(fin!te .runners-op will be ROOM OF THR PARKWAY NOW OPEN c'Jni nter,t w-as made this week Parkay Hotel,, that r' om of the hotel is now charge of the trepar als. it was said. o served to transients. f !irr:enced meal Big Bend Teacher Heard By Rotariansl Miss Lillian Odum. teacher in the Bier Bend section, was the speaker at the Rotary Club last Friday. During her talk she pointed out the condi tions of the section, which is seven miles from a road, and the only means of getting into the place is via foot along an abandoned railroad bed. Miss Odum went into the section about a year ago when a school house was constructed. 'She has taught the chili-iron and worked with the fonrtepn families in the community Duriner the course of her talk she passed around pictures showing the pupils of the school and some of the nnrpnfs niirinB- the winter she served hot lunches to the children daily. Patton Assumes Duties As Sanitary Inspector (('111 roiirlr-y ( anion ! -'.niei'in ie( Young Democrats To Meet Here Tonight '1 he tiit tuwnsdin meetine' of the Young democrats of the county Will be held here tonight ;it the court house at eight o'clock, it was an nounced yesterday bv Have II. Harris. anton, president of the county or ganization. President Harris statid thin all the irger townships of the-count v Would be: organized in the next few week.--. A similar meeting will be held in Canton on l-'i idav night t the Citv Hall. Township officers will lie elected, and delegates for the state conven tion which' will be held in Raleigh on June 2H-2'J. Folders On Trips To Take Off Press Five 'thousand copies of an eight page folder entitled, "Places To (lo From Waynesville, and How To (let There," are off the press and now in the hands of the Chamber of Com medce. Some twenty-six differein e place are listed in the folder, with accurate details of roads, highways and dis tances. A map Ht the .tup of the fold er makes finding the different places easy. The .substance of the folder is a ,-eprint of an article which appear: ed in the Special Mobster Edition of The Mountaineer in April. The data Wits compiled by Mis. T. I., (ovyn, now associated with this paper, and who served as assistant secretary' "f the Chamber if Commerce last ve:n.'- The folders are. available for Imle)-. boarding houses, tilling stat i. t, a nd others, who want to lutve 1 hein avail able for information. The large pictoiiaV fuMer for )h Chamber -'of Comnu rce i- s. heduli i to go to press this wi-ek-einl. if spe cial, pictures arrive in time. .1. Hale section, a.. reetary of tent,', we. named a he Wavr.i ktuiwn assi-ta in Tu. ; tor-. ot Commerce boa id of dire Mr. Metitz a the I'tlici yi s.ii.. The board of the session voted lav this lit sec lanii'i r by the amid t illlectol to ado an a i'OUt en ! of aw r m the season, and a ago Ei nest 1.. Wither.-, noiin.ed that the udtim,. initipies was increasing extent that extra help needed. I-, , , i in noaiil tax ot entertainment- d'.n for the summer : s i : . i -. p'an- for t his li! i. later oate. I lie flit 1 1 i llleioiu i . h ;p board xx a- re-eiit for !. 1'uesday night. earlier in ssistant a week i : . an mail and such an a- being stlli. ng the s( l ies sea-oil 1 'elilli.i out a! a of the meet lllg Mrs Toonie Davis (Jiven Burial Here Tuesday Afternoon l : Ha Fllllel ill B'oin.M xter oVWk' 'I'll i' irst Mapt i-t , 11. W. Maiuoio i oe ! Ji ll el f Af: ice Hili ( k, It e the o, Mr-. Toonie iVcle held at -I irnoon al the . with the Key. inline :Ui. Miss organ playing -mij gan, .1. SI, Mr Moiid Hi antler Wi're her Mavis and Term., an. e ! int, rmein , celllel el -Prof. W'. ( !:. ( . Moody an. and F. Ha Vis pa-s, i ay mo-rning at I AveniU . At I xvo daughter Mrs I her 1111 ma, The Allen, M . C. Wither- axx a v essixe sel- 111 tifiell pallbearers .1. H. Mor .Staniey. II. ier at 11 :.M home on her bedside , Miss Sylla M. Silver, of 1 layton, sister in-law, Mrs. F. Ashe Niece Of Mrs. .1. K. I Passes A way In it ham (ireenvillo .Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fatliam, form erly '.of; Waynesville, and now of (iastonia, canie here last Thursday to spend, the week-end with friends, but were called, to (in cnyille, S. (',, Fri day on account of the death 'of Mrs. Latham's : niece, Miss -Alice Jones, who passed away suddenly then-. Mr. Latham attended a naetii ' of Standard Oil officials at liryson City Thursday night. W. I'oindi'Xter, of few close friends. Mrs. Mavis, was the daughter of the late Francis and Margaret Hryson Poindexter, and the widow of the late F. P. Mavis, who was for years, edi tor ami oxvner of the lleiidcrsonville Times, She was the sister of F. W. 1'oiiidexter, of Asheville, who was for many years before bis death, a popular engineer on the. -Murphy Hranch of the .Southern Railway. She was a di'scendant of (ieorge Poindexter, who in lliltl setlleil in (Middle Plantation, Virginia, neyjr Williamsihurg. . She became a Christian early in life and has been a member of the Baptist church here during her forty years residence. She had lteeli- a member of (.he Faslern Star for more t ha ti fit': y years, having taken the de gree soon after her eighteenth birth day. She .was. a most practical Chris-' i as a xv, una li ,.)' wide a lid ll ;s of: on aid uf del anyone in 'rtru !!.- slo- al t In on, I mile." In r I xvo (lane hi ( i s sin vi.vi , lj ..n,.. e l aiid.-on, .lohn We. t, of W'ayne-ville, I he youngest . Lox ell, do- a-i ,1, lii'eces a no txxo nephew.-, Mrs. Chandler. Mr-.. Hugh M Waynesville Library Will Open Doors On Friday Uflle Meade Play (i rounds To Open Today As Benefit to (Ral Institution Local Institution of t l:e mat pen , f t lie prill'. t s eti.c: :a ninent. ibra i v, for t l.e he tl Through the generosity , f the agement of Melle Meade, W..yne recreational center, which will Ih on today, ad pe,. , of certain fea . u re will he donate, to first three days. Tonight t h, , xx ; music furnish, ,! hy On Friday legi;.n:' lasting through , be a tea and dinin small sum chained for each On Saturday night a sipiare will' be vtaenl. Tickets for all .-ilVai's will be sold by the -cliooi st ndetit.s, prizes I cing by tho-c making the best sales Hooks Have Been Thoroughly .Mended, and Kooms of the IJuildiner pointed. ire going forward opening ol the ay- a dunce with "Sky'anders ." at i :.'iii. and k. there Will an, i . xi i! h a laiu'e. dance l hese high given t lau. sym'l t iiat xxav Me Sh, athy with xv en; dd- .d h she fs Uebl, of her : h i . Mary lei, uf Dutc h Name Tulip For Mr. J. B. Ivev A new mi u ty of 1 iilm ha- b, en named t hi- .1. M. Ivev tuhn in honor of Cliailolte's flow i r fancier ami njer cliant, .1. M. hex, j: was- learned lu re. Aniionn, emi n; of ihe honor that has coine to Mr. Ivev xva- made, by Peter Storm, of (lie Severs 1 1 1 o! h N'uici ies, at l.isse, Holland. Tile . I. It. Key tulip is rosy led in color, lighter toward the edge, and is a crossing bet wet n Harxvin ('en tonaiic and Marwin Anion Mauve, which- produces a large flower on a very strong and long stem. .'This new variety was exhibited for the firsl tune last May and received the Axvard of Merit from the Mulch Mulb Asso ciation of Haarlem. Holland. . Mr. Stonn itbo said that he -was sending half a. dozen of the new lvo-y tulip bulbs to Charlotte,' where they will lie planted in the' Ivey tuli giVr dentin Fast .Moi-ehead street and xvil) Jie on display for the public next xeai at the annual showing. For the past three or foil i veal": Mr. Ivey has specialized in the grow ing of tulip bulbs and each year In opens his famous garden to I lie public Xvhen the flowers are in full lioom. Mr. Ivey has a siiniiner home al l.tike .1 unalusli.a and a laige tlowei I'll I'd, n t hei e. Ills dahlias are , oti -snleii'tt among Ihe hist in lire coiin 1 1 y, having -won national prizes several different .occasions.. The above article appe.'iiid ill I h (liailo'le Now.- ,n .Monday of tlu-w-eek. Scholarship To Brevard College Will Be Awarded An ange tin nt tor the forma! nesvillc l.iliiiirv. which ha. U-en c.oseti lor several nuinths, on Fri day afleiiiocn, .lone the llth. The ti it i.tU ami patrons, men. women' and , In!, it-en, ait cordially invited from tliret ;;o six o'etock in the afternoon to visit tne library, and also if they so de.Mlv, to take advantage of the lending prixihgcs beginning at ' ' time. I-', r (In- past few vv, t ks the n I'eis ol'-ihf lioai'ei of managers I... been at work, soliciting funds for o fray ing iho ,ost ,f nialeriaN for ren ovating the looin.-, which have been painted and generally put in condi tion. The books have also been given a thorough mending, and many new ones, added to the collection. I he hooks will li,. f i ( ft circu lation, ililile! the new' w it h t he , vcept iDii of j ! .mng now books, he ft fs .have paid f, be automat i, ally place, list-. I ' h;is not heeii an evolve plans by which ille 1 .ihra I V could be tin.- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 nt the towii ! it is to he .hope, I thai the erally will. . give it Ihe deserves, l:'or more han it has been a iiioiuimerit illilliagelllelil, reiilal shelf which when theiu, xvill on I lie free Asheville of Kaleie A -h. vil!. Oakland, Mil. In .1 I' uf A -in x Mi W 1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 1 I 'i niniiL' I on. . F. W. Poiiide xter, .1 r., of and I- rank ( '. Mooi e, uf Calif'.-, I w o gi and na i e-. Ider and Keiiecca ( handlt r, le, ..and cine giand nephew, .Jack Pennington, of Raleigh. 'Mrs. Davis' had many frit lids, and was especially loved by young people. The many beautiful floral olTeiuu's inilicated the high 'esteem ' in w hid: -In- xx a- held by her many friends iii ;lll walks of life;-.---(Contributed.) Mr-, .lohn M. Keilly N'exv Haven, . Conn., Wl visit relatives. gotle she to At the County Y Mi-thodi,' iiig-hl at -.m1i d :,, xard or gir! chinch for: -id ed of mi ot nig uiig- I 'i i f t! I .hi C l-l an Jonatl i a waul a allege 'I, a iiieiob' in I lie ci c( ion va.s t he I il l' s i i If li 1 leagues, their pastor of the Union and the Hi;v A, Rollins, llaywo...! inn n of the on Monday i k, it xx .. hip to I in- flVlllg I II IV Met li.xli-1 commit 1 1 e d, fonipos- . ; of , the local , the president presiding (d'l' r. who Will. : i rvc iinty, . A apptnnl ra.-y task to the -Waynes-, "a -li open to for Use, and e. public geit support it forty y,,ars to the cul- tun and enteriii.-ing ipialities of the cilizeiis of the town. No praise is too great for the pioneers of the nlox ciiit id. xxho first started it, and to ihe faithful board (if directors, who have kept: the irist j t ul ion in active s, rvii'e.. Mining the calling hours 'on Friday pull h and cakes Will be seixtt). Men For CCC Camps Being Enrolled Here While the local relief office is daily receiving applications for admit lance lo the C( ( ' caippv, hot h for the ex- , perielifed men and the -younger boys, only a limited nil mhei wii ), certain re-trict inns may he soli . led according .,' to Mo. Malts Stelitz, head Case Wtllkfl of the local cilice: The Fine i gi ncy Relief Adminis tration no lunger lias lie responsi bility of s, lt etiiig the experienced men for llit lamps. This has beell dele gal ed by I he Mepai t me nt of Labor, to rhi ti , hiiiea 1 agi in y in ehaige of a X nig a pnrior work e I i oni rest rict ion. marital I. part ol en 1 1 1 1 i v . :at e :i. which he is a 1 1 In t hi' local ollicc only I i inay i -e -elf,' ' ed, low ilic rule- g.ive riling pio.ii f t , ' , i i 1 1) : i n x1, as io ,L- . . tig IK- ' xx ho. fin pi ti, In i t b, -lit W I.I - but. the Tho : . J. W.. Patton, formerly on the po lice force of the town, is now sanitary inspector of the city. Mr. Patton'p du'ies are to make freq-ient inspections of the town and anc' demand that the sanitary ordi nances are carried out. He make reports to she district health office and to the board of aldermen. Large Crowd Heard Mr. Daniels At Lake Sunday LAKE 'JUXAI.U-SKA.-vIoseph'us Daniels, United States ambassador to Mexico, was the principal speaker here Sunday at the opening session of the annual Southern Methodist church asse nvbly. Haywood County day was celebrat ed at the assembly Sunday, and Am bassador : Haniels.' address was the third he has delivered on this occa sion at Lake Junaluska. Mr. Maniels and family have for years spent part of each summer at. their cottage on Lake JJunaluska, and he has come to be regarded as a resident of Hay wood county as well as Wake county. Mr. Daniels divided his address into two parts. In the first part he dis cussed the duty of the church in the program of recovery in a changing world, and in the second part he spoke on . the growing interest in the In dian and his advancement in the wes tern hemisphere, particularly in Mex ico where the Indians comprise three- fourths of the population and are obtaining increased participation in the government of their country. i The Mexican ambassador oecian-u that mora! collapse preceded-' the fi nancial debacle'. in America.' ."It wag the. bankruptcy of character .rather than the economic debacle, that de stroyed faith and spread disaster. Spiritual bankruptcy led the way to the economic overthrow," Mr. Maniels; declared. He said the church should fear a return'" of the sort of prosperity, which brings a mad rush for inordinate pi ofit ',', There; can be no good perma nent social -order that is not based on a sound, mora and Christian foun dation, the ambassador declared. Mr. Daniels emphasized that the church fell short of it's duty when if did not "cry aloud against the-frenzied finance which produced the pan ic" and urged the church leaders and members to stand militantly for the practical adoption of the Golden Rule as made applicable to present day problems in the social creed of the churches, as adopted by the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. "It embraces the most equitable (Continued on Psrf Thrfc) I r hip choice. as t liairinan. ( Tiar'ae Ier, sclio and need will iletermilie. the of t he committee. M was voted to hold tin ni x; infft iug at. Soco (Jap, provided peripiss ion could he obtained from t he owners of the land. The 'members ..Will .meet, at I ' II wood early in the afternoon, and go from there,; in a body, to the tJap.; .where a horseshoe tournament and othe, games will feature the after neon. At the -meeting on Monday night, the Hai inoriv (Irove le ague, won the -tat us' Ins. p; i d ollls -i,b nt, . men f t inn l.S Willi the fol- s ( it f ; ion : come from a lief iolls. a re i ligibh'. . nia y Ih- ell baye bee n ill 1 months, or. month ly dis- batiii.er for the hoi the past mont h. f rom ot her leagui'K follows: Canti'n Chapel, : Me'llwooif, Wayti' svi'le. t attendance for Kepre.st-ritatiyes prose nt, were a Hethel, Clark's Junaluska, and liHKVAHM COI.l.LGK (iKOL'I' FROM IIAYUdllll ML FT ,1,1-t Ixfore leaving Ilrevard Col lege for the1 summer vacation, the Haywood County Club, of which Harry Whjsenhunt, has served as president during the past y'eari met and elected new officers for the com ing fall. Those chosen were: Pres ident, .Richard Queen, vice president, Miss Queen Justice, secretary and treasurer, Mi.-c Frances Roseand chaplain, Miss Carmen 'Plott. The club voted to pledge $100 to ward the fund for the proposed gym nasium at the college. A eofnmittee composed of Davis Rogers, Emily Palmer, and Eugenia Boston, was appointed to have charge of he work of raising the money. Plans were made relative to a meet ing of the club in August when the new .students from the county would be given a welcome. r.very sr let tee must family on tin- public rt hi ly iiniita ri led nu n The forme f ciii'nllf c rolled agiiiti, if I hey camp consecutively for their stay -lias not -exceeded 'I and t hey have- been honor. charged. . The cnrbili-cs. riiust agree to send back-'to their (Iciantlerits out of ti.i '!" they are paid. . , Macon County Joins Dist. Health Unit The county commissioners of Ma con county recently signed, a contract to. become a part of the Mistrict Health .. fit-part mint,, which is. now composed of Hayxyood, Jackson ami Swain counties. Mr. C. N. Sisk, fiflicer in charge, stated, that Clay and Graham counties . had the matter under Consideration of becoming part of the district, but no definite decision had yet been made. The addition of Macon county, will, in no 'way change the 'personnel here, it was announced.. Miss Carr Asked To Speak At Seattle Miss Mary Carr. of St. Petersburg, Fla.j, who with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Carr, have leased the Way side Lodge, has been invited to ad dress the ; National Federation of Rusiness and Professional Women's Clubs, in their annua! convention, to be held Ju'lv the 1'ith. in Seattle, Wash.: '. ' . ' ." .-. 1 The chief line of thought around which the program of the meeting is to be built, i- "Changing Patterns in Women's Occupations." Miss Carr, who has .been prominent in the club work in Florida, has hein asked to talk on . ''Hotel and '.Restaurant Posi tions.'' . se Who Are Thrifty Find That It Pays To Read The Advertisements In This Paper i " '

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