I 7 i 1 t . r f 1 I THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNK5ML.cE. N- C THLR AY. Questions and Answers 1. What city first, observed Moth- tr's Day .' 2. Who wrote the words of the hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers?" . 3. What great sea disaster occur red on May 7, 11H5'. 4. What is an apprentice printer called? 5. What is the meaning of legal tender? ft Who invented the linotvpe? 7. From what material is steel wool made ? 8. How are radio wave lengths measures? J. Who is reckoned as the great f.t thinker of all time? 10. Jn the Bible who said, " Thy people shall be my people? 1. Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. 2. The Kev. Sabine Baring-Gould. 3. The Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk with a loss of 1108 lives. 4. A printer's devil. 5. Coin or other money that may im lawfully offered in payment of a debt. 6. Mcrgenthaler, in 1885. 7. From steel wool or mica. 8. By meters, one meter equaling 39.37 inches. J. Plato, one of the greatest Greek Philosophers. 10. Ruth, ALONG THE SKYLINE With the Rambler- Seen and heard here and there. . . , of any chamber of commerce--Charles Watermelons in front of Saovall's i Ray. Your Horoscope JF YOUR WERE BURN JUNK It. or 12. You are energetic, proud, veil turcsonic, and ready to light when oc casion requires, ou are affection ate, demonstrative, with high ideal. You have enemies as well as many friends, but are not uniu.st or nuui nous m vour dislikes. Hu have strong spiritual leanings, and deMie to understand the hidden workings o tvervtlung. ou are musical, and. of a somewhat happy make up. Aou are sensitive, willful, shrewd, harsh at times, but generally kind and lov ing. JUNK '13, 11, 15, -You are very close in money matters, but some 4 1 im' s very generous with a friend. You are iaithlul and loyal to what you consider duty. You are very re served regarding your affairs tx cent with your very intimate friends Wfhilc strongly inclined to have your. place . . . also Joe's . . . and across the street at Rose's . . . you can take your pick. . . Jack Pero, from Flori da .. . wearing white shoes, blue check trousers, blue shirt, white tie and white linen coat ... we locals will have to step up a bit. ... 'I he "Camp Dellwood" truck in town . . . won't be long before we have lots of young people around. . . Lawyer Bill Medford and his pipe . . . and if he only had the proper cap . . . presto . . . Sherlock himself! . . That Pure Oil station is actually going up. . . . County agent Dalton Smith in work shirt, denim trousers, boots and big .straw sun hat . . . really looks like a farme,. . . . and seems to know his job. . . We miss Mr. C. W. Miller along Main St. . . Checked ears and tags between the batik and the post office . . . and found nine states rep resented . . . which isn't bad for the first .of the season .... but we'll double that five weeks from now. . . Lots of deorgia cars . . . including that of Mrs. Carolyn Miller. . . .Bob Hocrie, with a preoccupied look on his face. . . A colored man drops a banana skin in the street in front of one of the town's busiest stoics . . . ;md a colored girl walks up the street with one of these sport jackets on . . . it has "Gibbs High School," St. Pe tersburg. Fla," on the back of it . . . we're positive that the summer sea son is under way r.veryuony yet? . . . Curtain! Sun glasses are much in evidence inning the tourists this year. They are of all colors ami kinds. Some are very inexpensive and others, es pecially those with special nose tit ting attachments, run into money. The glasses are a big help in pre venting headaches from the glare of the sun but I can't say that they add I 'much to the looks of the wearer. Or that not important: I I've been wondering if the girl in the twenty-nine model Chewy road ster who rode down the main drag (with a cirgarette hanging from the Vomer of her mouth thought she looked nice or if she just didn'tcare. own way, you will sacrifice your own 'those tilings, desire for the sake of peace and the welfare of your iamuy. . J UN I'M, 17. You enjoy luxury I The Rambler is all set. fov a ride ion that ferris wheel which is going (tip at Belle .Meade, so hurry the work .along, boys. It's a sight to see how Nonchalant 1 can look when I'm ( topped at the very top of one of Quite a number of Waynesville po- i.h. went down In h. r the linn .lo- and ease, love home and kindred. You U,.phus Daniels when he talked at the arc very lond ot music and poetry, but are inclined to be impractical in business. Y'ou have manv warm, de voted lnernls, and are a valued friend, but you do not understand lullv how highly you are regained by those who know you. Isn't It So? -By POLK DANIELS According to Darwin: scended from a monkey; descended from a tree; family t ice. Man de the money hence the Many a man would have a better life if he were not such a poor husband. "How many the point in lit their enemies'.' Now, don't all hate to be the people have reached where' they can love ' asks an exchange, ita'nd up at once. I'd nly person .left' sitting. Lake last Sunday morning, Mr Daniels has spent so many summers around here that he's looked upon as somewhat of a native, which is some thing of a compliment Registration at the Duke summer school this year shows about a fifty per cent increase over last. The school now has around a hundred and seventy-dive- enrolled and this will likely grow to (wo hundred during the week. Much of this increased popularity is attributed to Paul N. Garbor, the new Registrar. The Rambler' nomination for one of the most wide awake presidents Household Hints It doesn't take a woman long to decide what her mission in life ' is. after the right man appears, on the scene. If Led Ganeway ever gets to heav en, wonder if he will be snooping around and looking in corners to find a; spitoon ? . . . The man who holds down a good job, especially if it's a government job, '.is inclined to argue that the de pression is about over. Read The Ads If .'.,i v'm c clothes have turned yellow by .being packed a way, or from any cause, just place a slice of lemon in the water in which they are boiled and .note. .results..' J. onion is a wonder ful bleaching agent, and perfei'tly harmless fo the; clothes, which is more than can be said of niiny bleaches.-. Try "'greasing potatoes with lard or bacon drippings, before baking and you will be surprised to see how quickly they bake. Before trying Uv break; a coooanut put it in the oven and warm. When Ever since I saw in Editor Russ' column that a certain Waynesville gentleman is offering a dollar and a half to know who the Rambler is, I've been torn between two fires. 1 don't know whether to tell him and claim the dollar and a half or to resent that as a just appraisal of the value of this column. No, never mind, don't tell me what you think let me guess! NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE UNDER and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by H. C. Flrguson and wife, L. F. Ferguson under date of 7, March, 1032, securing the in debtedness therein described, said deed of trust being recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust 20 at page 105 et seq; default having been made in the payment of the said indebtedness therein described and at the request of the holder or holders thereof, the undersigned trustee will, on the 20th day of June, 1935, at the Courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, to the high est bidder, the following described real estate: Beginning on a corner of W. R Fergu.-on s W. B. Morrow and J. S llarrell land and runs N. 13 W. abou 100 poles to a cartway, running 1-ji the public road to the Morrow tract then with said cartway to the publi road; thence a west course wi h th said public road leading from Pigeo River to Jonathan Creek to a stak by the. side of said road near trail; thence S, 73 W. 40 poles to black oak stump, Nelson Ward's corner; thence S. 38 20 poles with th Ward line to a chestnut on top o ridge; thence a southwest course along the top of said ridge with Ward's line to a black oak corner o Miller and Morrow land; then S. 6 W. 42 poles to a Spanish oak (gone) then N. 3 W. 4 poles to a pine condi tional corner of a 50 pcre trac known as the Ilollen Kelson land then a near west course to a chest nut near the forks -of a branch air near the public road leading fr"m Pigeon 'River to Jonathan Creek then up said (oad to the top of th ridge, known as the Miller Gap; the a south course with top of said ridg to a double chestnut; then a south west course to a .i-ock cliff in Davi Nelson line, now J. T. llarrell; thei south 10 east about 45 poles to hickory; then N, 72 K. 40 poles to chestnut; then S. .UK E. 20 poles t a chestnut; then N, 72 K. 70 poles t a white oak; then X. 4 E. 50 pole to a white oak in W. R. Ferguson' W. II. Morrow land; then with th outside line of a small tract know as the Lebo Medford tract to th W. B. Morrow line on ridge; then dow the ridge to J. M. Dotson's line; the a north course with J. M. Dotson' line to the Beginning, containing tw hundred and fifty acres more or less This the' 5th day of June, 1035. M. M. NOLAN I), Trustee. No. .'153 June -13-20-27. ' u Fan. and recorded in cook page -too. tier s) line to a st ... . " - - - , f D d for Haywood Coun .y, ' celt's line; thence South 21 degs. Kecoio o j, q 97.5 feet with raucett s and A. L. gtone by deed from W. T. Lee Herrin s line to a sta ke in V .. J. wf Mai.garet A. Lee, ,of even Hannah s line; thence North ,1 deg. " 04 feet with Hannans line io cir:H TH TRACT: Beintr the the East side line , nllvpvP(1 t,Vv. T thence North, same i - ;- -y " L.ee uy uau xv... -- w. a stake in ,.f Havwood Street 21 degrees East 07.5 feet with the East side line of Haywood Street to the BEGINNING point. Being tne same lot of land conveyed to Lilly S. Harrold, by deed dated April 2U 1020, from Maggie E. Moody (Wid ow), and recorded in the Office of th Register of Deeds for Haywood Countv, North Carolina, in Book No 55, page 300, to which record refer ence is here made for a more perfect description of said lot of land. The above described land will be sold subject to any and all taxes and assessments against the same. This property will be sold for CASH and the highest bidder will be required to deposit five per cent of the amount bid with the Trustee on the date of sale. This the 5th day of June, 1035. W, R. FRANCIS, , Acting Trustee. . .No. 352 June ti-13-20- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Laura Noland deceased, late of Haywood County North Carolina,-this is to notify all persons having claims against' the estate to exhibit them to the .'under signed i't Waynesville, N. C., on o before '."the 20th day of May, lOIld, o mis notice will be pleaded in bar of their "recovery.". All persons indebtc to said estate will please make settle meiit before July 1. l'.i:!."V. This the 2Sth day .f. Maw 1035. W. II. NO! AN 1 1. Administrato!- of Mrs. Laura Nx land, devested. No. a;:,v ::ii..i,.H July 4. On Monday, June 24th, 1035, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Haywooii County, North Carolina, the undersigned Trustee will sell at pub lie outcry to the highest bidder fo cash, the following lands and prem ises lying and being in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as foolows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Southwest intersection of State High way No. 10 and Marshall Road and runs with the West margin of Mar shall Road, S. 34 (leg. 34' W. 151 feetl to a stake in the West margin of Marshall Road; thence S. 88 deg, W. 02 leet to a stake in the 'Mcf adyen line; thence with the McFadyen line, N. 2 deg. W. 150 feet to a stake in the Southern margin of the State Highway No. 10; thence running with the Southern margin of State High way No. 10, 105.4 feet to the BEGIN NING, being lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 of Block "A" in Brookmont as survey ed and platted by J. C. Crannon, C. K., in Aupgust, i02.S, and being the .-iitiie lots conveyed in a deed from Maggie E. Marshal! and husband, Harry (' Marshall, to John R. Cars well, et ux, by deed dated August 22, 102H, and recorded in Book 77 at page .'ill Haywood County registry. Sale Is made pursuant to the power id sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. R. Carswell anil wife, Annie Carswell, dated Jan uary (i, 1033, and recorded in Book 32, at page 74, Record of Deeds of 1 rust of Haywood County. ; This May 21st, l!i:i:i. A. T. WARD, Trustee. No. 315 May 30-June ti-13-20. wife, Elizabeth B. Hyatt, dated Jan uary 8, 1916, and recorded in Book No 45, page 183 Record of Deeds for Havwood County, N. C, and the same land conveved to H. G. Stone by deed from W. f. Lee and wife, Margaret A. Lee, of even datee herewith. Re ference is hereby made to the above r. -nerds and deeds for a more per fect description of said lands herein conveyed. This the 20th day of May, 103a. W. R. FRANCIS. Trustee. No. 347 May 30-June 6-13-20. NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPKRIOR COURT MARGUERITE BARRON vs. WILSON BARRON. The defendant, Wilson Barron, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, by the plaintiff, Marguerite Barron, against the defendant, Wilson Bar ron, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce on statutory grounds, of two years separation, and the de fendant will further take notice that1 he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the court house in Wlaynesviie, North Carolina, with in thirty days after the 20th day of June, 1035, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 22nd day of May, 1935. W. G. BYERS Clerk of Superior Court X0. 3K;iMay 30-June 6-13-20 siaKe a: ;-lt , on Railroad T i ?t runs N. 44- w .B is known a to Richland ..'..'"'''" Creek to a tofore sold tu Pany; then, : to the " ' oouth V! 40 f':r ', I A ' t'-l Ac 4b6 30' U r.ivviw- ' -SECOND TRVT lands of .r.. ,V." lot, and bdui i '''. a part of w;a. : cpoi proper v DrvV: J li on the' rtauroaci Stree- a- ? of Warehouse ' :nt',;"',J:'s; scribed abov,, iir .J,:'r' :ir W. 12 feet to a S., ieet Jenny Henrv k.'.v.' ..: Creek; thence (Wb.';?-U to the corner (lf .v. "''-! nun me line .f i4 teet to tht lr ,;.:.' (1 taining mm UnMn1 less. ' ", tJ THIRD TKAt 1 a stake on ru. c .. Dellwood road ''""-tii Nns. i an.l - .t' . heirs nroni.pt. ,.i 17- sir v . :V a stake hpt U.r ti thence with th,. vt. ?s stake: thpriA,. c o.'.'.,ri&: a stake; thence with -he", lots C and 7, S tiV the BEGINNING "u 01 said A-iwM heirs -: s Vr survey and plan- af gan, made August 29. wi corded in .Man U,iflk R NOTICE OF SALE -1.3-20-2 heated a slight blow wilt crack easily and the shell, will. Come off. it Read The Ads SEE US FOR SHIRTS THREE FAMOUS BRANDS Arrow Piedmont Tom Sawyer Cheaper I n The L o n g R u n C. E. Ray's Sons Work Shirts 49c up . EX 10 I Ti;i NOT UK .: Having ,H!;i.;iiie,l as executrix o the: .e.-iate;'- of r. V. Miller, Sr., de icasvd. this is, to- notify all persons i.aing. .nanus- aril mst '.the'.' estate of the 'ilec-ase,! . io. file the in with - the l It-I k ot the S in- r-:,.! I'n-.ir! pf Ilav- W'Hiti i oun' y hcfoi e the 301 h ;l;iy ot Alay. )KU, or this; notice will oe pie;i,i,Ml !i b.ir ,,1 thi'k t-ecoverv. Any per.,.-:- indebtod; to said es tale ; win- i,t ue make settlement . at once. -.' This:2Si!t v of May. 1035'' ; '.. -. : KOKENA' MILLER, . Kxe.-ntriN o!" ' '. ". Miller, Sr., E tate. Xo. 340 May 30-June d-13-20-27-July Royal Typewriter Co. I. A. AKRIDGE, Aegnt J . Standard and Portable Machines SALES RENTALS Repairs, Ribbons and Supplies Rebuilt and Second Hand Machines. Room 118 Arcade Building ASHEVILLE, N. C. Phone 2142-J NOTICE OF SALE L'n;lt'f and by yirtlic of :he author ty given to . the undersitrned Trustee in ay certain deed of trust executed by LII L S. HARROLD (a sin"l woman) , dated September.' Is;. . os ar.d of record, in the OHice of the v YWr C -,S tor Haywood Coun ty, Aorth Carolina, in IUL- v,f n.t gages and Deeds of Trust No at page 252, default having been made in the payment nf ti, ;nju.j H,.i - ''"-uieuoess thereby secured ami the holder of ..uiea secured tnerebv havinir re quested the Trustee tn &J,l "t '! inafter described premises for sale ... ...iLwuaniy witn the power oon tamed in said deed f tvot L. to the highest bidder for CASH, at -.v v-vuH nuu ooor m Waynesville Haywood County, North Carolina, th uescnoeo land at 12:00 BEGINNING on a stake or stone in he East side line of Harwood Street aid stone beiner thp R w J of J. P. Swift's lot (Now O T ai exander): thence South 71 a' 204 ieet with Swift's (now Alexan Under and by virtue of the power and authority; by a certain deed of trust executed by II. G. Stone, and recorded in the otlice of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book Hi, page 112, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured as there in provided and having been request ed by the holder of said note, the un dersigned Trustee will 0n Saturday June 22, 1 !):, at 12:00 o'clock noon otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Haywood County the following de scribed tracts of land lying in Wav- nesvillc rownsliip, Haywood County, North Carolina, adjoining . the lands of James McClurc, T. Arrington, and others, and made up of several tracts of land, -bounded as lollows- FIRST TRACT: Being the same tract of land conveyed to Vv.. T. Lee by deed from the Champion Fibre Company, dated December 15, LH7, and recorded" jn -Hook No, 51, page lit), Record of Deeds- for Haywood 'Countv,'. v., iuui uie same tract of land conveyed, to II. C. Stone by W. T. I.e. mil mic, .largaret A. Lee of even uaic herewith. 1.' 'iW'll 'I'D WT . ... .. ' jiv.av i:. lieing the same land conveyed to W. T...U'e by deed uom.iv. i.. i,ee, trustee, dated Oc- o.-er ...... i',.i, and recorded in Rook "..No. i.l. page 48;, Record of Deeds" of uaywooo ( o.iiiuy, N..C and the same hind .conveycu .to II. G. Stone by deed it om . 1 . Lee and wife, Margaret A J;J)( l,V('n iate Tiere'Wifh. r 1 HRD TRACT: Being the same trac - of land conveyed to W. T. Lei by deeil from Sarah E. McOlure and husband,. II. P. : McClure, dated No vember 4, 1015, and recorded in Book -1.', rage loo, Record of Deeds for Haywoo, -County,: X. C, and the same ti act of land -conveyed to II. G. Stone by deed front W..T. Lee ..and: wife, Margaret A.' Lee, of. even date here with. FOURTH TRACT n..;,,.. .u. r.ii bind conveyed to V. T. Lee Pripn v I it - -Morgan and wife .mo r'11, Morgan, dated July 2ii ' o o c ecord..in Book No. 53 page 304, Record of Dao,u i.i wood County, N. C, and the same .cu.us conveye.i to 11. G. Stone bv deed from W. T. Lee and wife, Margaret A-TLe of even date herewith; f .FIFTH TRACT: : Being the same trait of land conveyed to W, T. Lee . ueeu irom . w ill L. Arrington and Vi 90 lecoroeo in COOK U'J' peJW, Record of Deeds for ,n,u .ountV. J C and the fame lands conveyed to H. a Stone Mao; . r iee and wife, .-i. ix'e With, of even date here- sum 1KA PT vvv .i i:w iam ,.. "Ig ine same rir'i' ?turaay,. July 6th, from a n ' Ipp- "' A ' e by eed K,.' ol.lowinS described land V Ztn ' n an(l wife, Lizzie lying and bemir in tu AM'ngton, dated 1 arA n m ,. St.,, , Xh C.li, r"l,ed.in - '. 31 ' 437 conveyed to H n c. c from W. T. Lee and wife Margaret A Lee, of even date hev..;i, B Tel A- SE"ENTH TRACT: Beinp the me tracts of land eonveyeT?0 W T. Lee bv deed from W P ni m (unmarried), d.teT.M.'4 '19U, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE NiORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by W. C McCracken and wife, Mollie Mc- Cracken and Abida J. McCracken, to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust is dated August 1, 1927, and recorded in Book 20, Page 68, of the Haywood County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions therein secured, the undersigned trustee by instrument recorded in Book 90, Page 483, Hay wood County Registry, will on Sat urday, June 15, 1935, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the court house door at Waynesville, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the fo lowing described property: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land containing three nun died and eighty (380) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being: in Wpynesville lownship, HaywoOd Haywood County, North Carolina, about two and three miles from Waynesville, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to plate thereof made by W. A. Shool bred, Civil Engineer, dated May, 1927, now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: FIRST TRACT: On the North by the lands of Ed Browning; on the i-.asi, uy uie lands ot U. M. Boone; on the South by the lands of Bramlett Bros, and on the West by the lands of Medford, said tract containing two hundred . and , forty-six (21 ) acres, more of less, see deeds . re corded in Rook 47, page 465, and in Hook 4o, page 454. . -S ECO XI) TRACT : On the North by the lands of Ed Swavngim, et al; on the East by the 'land of L Crymes; on the South by the lands of G. II. McCracken and II. McCiack en; and on the West by the lands of t. H. McCracken, said tract con taniing ninety-six (96) .acres,- morel or. less ami conveyed to W. C. Mc L rat-ken by deed dated March 19: I'ecoied in i;0ok 53 at page tir. . ' 1 HIRI) TRACT: On t.lu. V.n-th hv the. lands of Pink Gray; on the East by the lands of J. Fitzgerald; on the ooum oy tne lands of R. M. Moms and on the West by the lands of J. A I'lner, said tralct containing 21 acres, more or less, and conveyed to iucracken by deed dated December" 21, 1925,: recorded in Book .o, page ztio; and Book 55. nage 571 book 5., page 115; and deed recorded in hook :i. page 491. l O LIU 11 TRACT: On the North oy tne lands of J. T. Ferguson; on the : East by the land of G. H. Mc Cracken; on the South by the lands ot George Love heirs; and on the i est Dy the land Of Wiley Bolden, et sum uact containing 17 acres more or less, nnnvpvorf tn CoU w r McCracken by deed dated May 23, rno n ',c,-ulu ln -BOOK 63, page 602, Record of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, all of aboe mentioned and referred to books and 7r s j aue a part of the description ot lands herein mnvom,, terms of sale cash and trustee will require oeppsit of 107c of the amount ot J bJJ aswevidence of good faith. JOSEPH L. CtkKERSHAM, j, , . . SubsHtute Trutee. Robert einstein, Attorney, x. , Raleigh, N. C. .No. 343 -May 23-30-June 6-13 Register Countv. FOURTH f I'ted- EJ NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, June 17th, 1935, at eleven x clock A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, N. ., we will sell to the hio-hpot cash, at ' public outcry the following lands and nremises. lvipicr o.j i;nr in Wavnesviba Tniirncl,;., U. l' 1- Vorin Carolina, and more Par'r,ydewribed as follows: rinoi ikau: BEGINNING at RACT: Mr- at o .(.I . L . . " oiai.1- (in i:n llii!);.!; n; t.J "venue hi in,. 0Wn 1 p, corner of let No. n.i, Ki ' the margin of said avenue ' 65 feet to a stake, comer i- ; ... ... j,,., Iee, t0 . coiner oi lot l i; thi-nee S. k ieet to a stake, n.rner n' thence S. 2 W. HV, f,e; ,1 line ot lot .No..- 2, to a mqfrln r. f L' . a.... I. ""'fi... r. em ucKy .;t'i iarAiliN.M.Nt, corner, be;r,f 20, of Bfookwood Place the second lot described it i irom t . rouue to J. M dated. September .11, li'il'i, anVl ecr in i.ook .j,. pairc is.- FIFTH Tl:.t T: BEt;iXN the Northeast coiner uf th, by J. 31. Palmer on the .Nj side ot (.oiiinierce Street,- k the Southeast corniT of the i ot the party ol the first p;j runs mence with the margic J meree btreet about 4ti' point in the center of the br J on the Southwest side of til wood Supply Co. building, ii thence with the center line wall about N, a3 32" V. to ot said wan and containing .:J course to a point loS feet ii street; thence to the XorthvJ ner of the J. M. Palmer to; with the line of the lot of J. I mer, S. 43' . '.2' E. loll fee: BEGINNING and being the conveyed to J. M. 1'almer : wood Supply Co. January lJ and subject to the excecpti.l reservations m aid deed. EXCEPTING, however,-f:J above described land, the, fol described tract or parcel tl BEGINNING at a stake at:l of a sidewalk mi Railrc (now Commerce Stueri at tfc-l east corner of the lot owsecl parties of the '.-ccon.i par:,.' thence with the .-aid iiw! said . street. X. -Hi M t. i to a stake; thence .V .! iV to a t ll l I lr 4 1 creek: to the v1 "or of the of the pa i-.:-.- the 'if thence with 'their' Hnc, . feet to the I .V.XING. Sale ma-i r.rD.r -;i.in:'.. : : ale contained in a: (vr. of trust exfcui'-.l. -j- J. and wife, Annie' V.!fc',.& tobu 2 1 1 28, page - Keoorf Trust of IIayv..,-d toait.:- : Sale also inadc -ruri'-power of sale 'c.'.n'JainWB. tain deed of '.i'."-t 'cx.-fjtw Palme,- and . ',;:e-:,A dated .lanuarv ; - ' J' "t: in Book 31, nae :A of Tiust of Hayi-od-fes- Bo'h v f i i of trust Imm.c -v - same indeinei;ne'. . . This the i;!'V. H. i J. K. MO No. KXl-M'TK'-N N- Having iua..:..l ; ' estate of Jev.e I 'a' to no'it 1 against the c. . . file them w TJ L ' perior Cotr t et ..da.' or before th. -: ... this notice w:.i their recover;.. .. All: persons w: will please n This the :n-; ."q Executrix o Dei docct ' No 321 v ' V f AD-MI.NT'MrA:( Ho Having iid-' of the esta.tr . deceased, -la-.t ', .. . North Cir" i . ,trrr Cii.'- persons n a ...... pstate to eMi.-- before the -'.r- this notice their recovi-r. v t V t (i .' ' ' This the --iilia'FrKo-- Administiao. n . . . MaV'iW-V vnenn. deceases- 7..; c- xe. ctt

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