,4V U SE 20. 1935 nnoth rora . on From Plant THE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE. N. C. V-8 t 1UT Mk.h Lnder the eyes 10 ?:J two millionth V-8 otK -: Voffth final assembly line driKC Plant Friday. It was tht h''f -Vrd millionth Ford to & '.he' last 32 years. V ' ".' car was to be started I T. " " :oo-mile journey to '' '' Ca"' where it will be Stf :ri!Hiti'n in the California V; ,,nn.e-national Exposition. .J- ;"i':pth V-8 Ford was pro- Waynewood THEATRE LaTiTnd Friday, June 20-21 t ' uri "George mines Scandals Of 1935" All Star Musical Saturday, June 22 "The Lone Rider" With Buck Jones Vondav and Tuesday, June 24-25 "Life Begins At Forty" With Will Rogers and All Star Cast Wednesday, June 26 "Car 99" With Fred Macmurry and Ann Sheridan Thursday. June 27 Shadow Of Doubt" With Kirardo Cortez ' and 'Vir ginia Hruce Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 Admission 10c and 25c State's General Fund Paralysis Cases In Red Over Million RALEIGH. Though the state of North Carolina had a cash balance of $16,762,488.11 on June 1, the gen eral fund was in "the red" by $1,794. 118.40, it was shown recently in the monthly statement of the auditor and treasurer. The highway fund had a balance June 1 of . . 17,515,9iy.o6. General fund receipts for 11 months of the fiscal year were shown to be $40,126,045.16 but an overdraft last July 1 of $2,601,372.28 plus expendi tures of $39,318,711.28 threw it off balance. The highway and special funds have received $64,252,623.61 this fiscal year which left the big balance after expenditures of $58,916,268.46 and ad dition of a balance of $12,176,564.21 which existed last July 1. The state debt June 1 was listed at $170,598,000. Estimate 340,000 Saw Rhododendron Festival ASHEVILLE. More than 340,000 persons were spectators or partici pated in the 12 major events of the eighth annual Rhododendron festival which came to a close here Friday night with the Mardi Gras events. This estimate of attendance was decided upon at the Chamber of Com merce today following a conference between parade chairman. Chamber officials, marshals and others who at tended every event. The figures also coincide, as far as parades are con cerned, to estimates . made by motor cycle patrolmen who were on duty all week. At Peak In N. C. S. Constitution May Receive A New Home RALEIGH, WASHINGTON'. June 13. Amid ill '.ho talk about the Constitution .md whether it should be chanced. considering joX'U- wrether t.i move the original ni of. itsc.f to a new homo. Tin quo::,n i: Should the Con stitution and the Declaration of Inde pendence renviin in the Library of Congress ov !;o enshrined in the ,uv. National Archives r.ui'.dir.g when it is 0'iimilot i d' now fall '.' previous '-T-"'T-' -T- T- -T- T-' Indicted For Threatening To liomb White House DON'T BUY Any Refrigerator unless it has THESE 2 ESSENTIALS- I tIf!IIi 11.0 VASHINGT()N,-Iiit Has!iein, who was graduated from West Point two years ago, was indicted today by a District of Columbia grand jury for threatening to bomb the White House. The former army otlicer, who is now serving time in the District jail for disorderly conduct, has boon pro nounced insane by alienists. His in dictment, the first one here for mak ing threats against the President, presumably was returned to facilitate his commitment to St. Elizabeth's hospital. Secret service operatives turned the case over to the United States at torney after Bashein wrote the fol lowing letter to President Roosevelt last May 30: "I, West Point grad, June, 1933, will bomlb your quarters. I have been seeking job. Am desperate. Will commit! ' desperate deed : to secure economic security. "P. S. Notify newspapers." Centering in the east ern :ar: of the State but slowlv show ing u, :n an increasing number lio'vrnment officials ' a pitujiioiu ami western counties, int'an-ti-e pataiysis is occurring in Nortu taroima. with greater frequency :hvs year that has ever before bee'n it cordeu. Nine new eases were lifted by the Mate board of Health today to give ? !,.ta' ot 134 111 exactly rive and one halt months and exceed by one case she previous high t.-al for any cal endar year since the disease became reporiaaie in ltUT. The high was 13,'i in liit With doctois admitting thev know little about the disease poliomyel itis warnings were reiwated to keep children .vay from crowds and public places and steps were under way for a vaccine preventive experi ment in Guilford county. Eighty-live per. cent of the cases reported through Thursday occurred in children under 10 wars of age, heajth department statistics show, and only rive cases reported since May 1 have afflicted persons over 20 years of age. Ihene have been 119 cases in ttie last 45 days with Uii of them in chil dren three years of age and 31 in children between rive and nine years of age. R. D. V. Connor, the archivist who will have charge of the new $12,000, 000 building, declined to comment on the question, saying it was too ticklish." He supplied, however, a copy of an address President Herbrf t Hoover made when the corner stone was laid. "There will be aggregated here the most sacred documents of our history -the originals of the Declaration of independence and the Constitution of the United States," Hoover said. Miss Elizabeth Kitchen, of the Health I'n't, spent the week-end in Mills River, with her family. Tobacco Warehousemen Vote To Stay With NRA ASHEVILLE. The National To bacco Warehouse association, at the closing session of its annual two-day meeting here, voted to recommend to each member association that they adojit binding agreement." carrying out provisions of their former NRA code. Read The Ads Tf -' c' -y- Cs Whiskey Still An Issue In Slate RALEIGH. A week before, sched uled 'liquor elections in Wilson and Edgecombe counties, whiskey, the cause of more than one political and probably physical as well headache during the 1935 General Assembly still remains one of the major sub jects for discussion in North Carolina. I I nloss stopped by court order, void.- ot Wilson and Edgecombe coun ties will go to the polls Saturday. June I'L', to decide w'hether or not county-controlled hiral liquor, stores shall be set up. The counties are two of the IS authorized by the last Legislatuie to hold, special liquor elections. Organized drvs have asserted that efforts will 'be. made in each of the If counties New Hanover, Pasquotank, Wilson, Edgecombe, Franklin, Moore, Rockingham. Greene, Pitt, Carteret, Onsljiw, Craven, IenoiiJ, Heaulrl,. Martin, Halifax, Vance, and Warren to prevent the holding of the special elections and court actions have already been instituted in Now Hanover, Greene and Franklin cohn-ties. Household Hints If you haven't trays for flower pdts, cut pieces from inner-aulies, seallopping or painting edges. These protect varnish or cover. If oranges are put in the oven be fore- peeling,"-the thick white skin comes off with the outer skin. If lemons are heated before .squeezing much more juice may be extracted. To remove mildew; wet stains with peroxide, pour boiling water over and repeat until stains disappear. To remove varnish or paint from Window pains, rub with steel wool wet in hot vinegar or soap suds. If chickens that are. picked- and singed immediately after being killed are washed with a cloth in warm water to which quite a little soda ha been added, seldom a pin feather remains. Rinse afterwaiiis in clear or salt water. To make house plants bloom dis solve three tablespoons Epsom salts in one gallon of water, let s-and one day, then water the plants two or . three times a" week with solution. Isn't It So? By POLK DANIELS An eye witness will occasionally lie about it as much as the lellow who didn't see it but claims he. did. Lots of fo!h.s lie about their kin. If they don't brag on them and flatter them they abuse them and exaggerate their faults. MARRIAGE LICENSES (As reronleil lo Monday of this week) v . , , y , W. Wade Johnson, of Robbinsville, N. ('., to Connie Halicy, of Canton, Elmer Mosser, of Cove Creek, to Texie Price, of White Oak. Henry Wyatt to Mary P.i rchfield, both of Iftizelwood. Orie E. Monteith, of Sylva, to Cam) Alberta Shinn, of Concord. iStua.it A. McDowell, of Kridge iort, Conn., to Dora Rosalie Curtis, of Canton. John Kane.. of 1'itts.burg. paints box cars for a living, and pictures for recreation. One of his pictures won the Carnegie Institute, prize at an exhibition in. his home city. r7 r. c : Mohawk Carpets Were Used Exclusively -I N- Massie Funeral Home FOR IJFAF I V AM) DFRA.ltllJTV IN HIST. ON MOWHAK CARPETS SOU) IN WAY.NK.SVILLK HV Massie Furniture Co. THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT ';y..7fil gidaire '35 doei these things v. uup;i rreezer. 4he Sun te rei Wakinir ,v ' ' 1 ,re'ng for IHFr. Hnpete ' , 'v "tr S'ves you " avi.ac ill . cube, and d;V t ;n storage for meats anrf irl v. extra cold ',, i gets olde 8 "eserve M,nr 8e I husbands ni.Se,. . C5me supply of ice J o fift - :normal "ge rins i d v t8"" for food 1011 letuT0'41- Come ta "U i r? f arrangemcnti to : own. 8'dilre '35 (or Jour When a girl loses 'confidence in a boy, she almost invariably at once hunts up anoither to place her trust in. If you have to try hard -to be agree able, you seldom are. Making love to a woman when ou don't mean it is one of the surest ways of making trouble later on. So many girls and women there are who can't tell when a man is joking. A little man trying to look impor tant is as funny as a big man wear ing a little narrow-"brimmed hat. A irl who persistently makes eyes at other e-irls' sweeties will when sne gets older, flirt with other women s Notwithstanding the onwara march of civilization, one form torture has come down with us irom the dark ages; The one-sided love-affair. Q9QC03p X You'll enjoy motoring better in a BALANCED CAR! C5a 1 j ftIT I f fy 11 41 it -41 1 iwwww """"v - i 1 i i I w .v .. . .' ' -l ,wY A ' ") . K ft 'Wy44';4: 11 "'"""r"" 1W o J V'' ?ii&Z'M ;&,:'-' it A w y SX, ';, ' , y, , ' , P , V. W W!H''' .... - : v s rtir. Electric Co. With so many government inspec tors snooping about, it is rather ea.j, for impostors to pull their stuff. 1" Nashville a bandit armed witn a i- ,rm o-ainea aamis lane searvn f , , . u0ni sion t two homes and robbed them of several hundred dollars- o The new Master De Luxe Chevrolet for 1935 brings you all good things? in equal meaiure, You will he conscious of its finer balance when yoxxlook at it and note; its well-proportioned lines . . . when you ride in it anil experience its buoyant comfort and Blue-Flame valve-in-head H'rform ance . . . when you buy it and figure up what you get for what you pay. See and drive this finer car today! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT MICHIGAN" Compare ChenvUt't low ddivmd prim arid eaty G. M. A. C. term. A General SIvtart Value CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR QUALITY AT LOW COST DtMJLn ADVERTISEMENT WATKINS CHEVROLET COMPANY I