1 t I rT ULI . rhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National ParkRead by Thinking People NO. 32 WAYNESV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, Jl'LY 11, 1935 Violation Of Liquor Laws Jn This County Termed By mm A AW Judge Alley As Alarming Iking Made In Day Time nn .Main .nm' " ville and Canton, Judge Says i vc- lavii told by reliable citi hv county that liquor sales ,,'r made in broad day light Main street, botn in way- isd Caiuon," said juuge renx : , i r- A ill nis cnaise iu uic vjinu Monday morning on the f I lav-wood County Su- it tilth'. i E. A..V.V Jury r.c-re (.0111- H'l L HE n ia li.-jr. w:;n.T. turf L'ina i tl'L wrucii lasetrei uvci o 'C-i't-.i several instances, where last lew weens several , u Snails'" had been cap ivu o to Waynesville. He . , J. 1 , 1 A J. 1 i ; mtriiticuHil the tact, tnai me wwn l.if captured oi ganons oniy -s::v ri'h: here in town. ft-e information coming to me in catfi .hat Canton is just as bad Yi- ....111., .,r,A V10 cmollfir nnTYl- IJ; l m ill's v ine-, iiiiu y ...... niuti::: nearby. Those who want tht Viw-i'iitniveii bring me tne iacts ha: iiqui-r by tne urinK or in tiuan- Mifv is avanaiue even em uui waui . a: streets nr m trio county, ne coiiun- d. .Mire -Alley told of one instance which ha-; been tola mm by a re- I sph-tal'V law-abiding citizen when a salt- ;b made on tne vacant, wi between the bank and the laxi btancl. The- L'"ixN being delivered, and pay- men: made Hi Court Moves Swiftly During First Three Davs. Sev eral Sentenced Local .Man Sub-Lets His Relief Job At Profit Of SI Day tOUllel ie eou.,i "in his job doing any testimony '-in-law in pail'! ifivc-. forbid tec i t- jury te duties author "The cor.tiiiatit, knew there d(-r- e I among I tien- i cm in W "If invi'.-t them; fuvth, en u: ,!...: -ight out in the open." mphasized the fact that, the iurv investigate for them "'He pointed out that the law )u vr 'be solicitor to be de . but appealed to the grand art ..-tat tug further that their being two-fold, as a ludicial ty and inquisitorial power. situation is alji.iming' he t-ii, "and the first thing we ill he a number of mur M.un streets and feuds ootleggers. The viola-iaws--hquor and traffic e than a 1,000 deaths edina during 1934." oil search warrants to places, vou can get e you to do so. And places are not brok expect the worse our he' 1 tVVo (' The first three days of criminal court moved along swiftly, with Judge Felix E. Alley presiding. A number of minor eases being dis posed of during the three days. There are still a number of cases on the docket, but no outstanding ones. Among the cases disposed of until Wednesday, included: C, P. Whitson, UVckless driving, $25.00 and costs, Cromer Rathbone, non-support of child, sentenced to 12 months in jail, suspended sentence on payment of $300, $10.00 each month for support of child. Clifford Manus and Ernest Stroupe, 3 to 5 years in state prison, suspend ed sentence on good behavior for 5 years. J. B. Shook, driving drunk, $25,00 and costs. Ed Hampton, disposing of mort gaged property, (! months on public roads. Eil Hampton, forgery, 3 to 5 years in state prison, judgment suspended on good behavior for 5 years. Walter Ketner, driving drunk, $50.00 fine and costs. Forfeits right to drive car for ttO days. Jim Banks, possession and receiv ing. For possessing, off on 'cosds. For receiving, .6 months on public roads. Judgment suspended on good i behavior for 5 years. Glenn Clark, driving drunk, $50.00 and costs, (i months on public roads. Road sentence not to go into effect in case of good behavior on part of de fendant, etc. R. H. Nally,, Quinton Blaylock, ( ha- Spui., V 1) As to N UK $25.00 and one-third of costs. Blay lock and Spears, S2,.00 each and costs, also i; months on public roads. Road sentences suspended on good beha vior, etc. . Manvers hrovvn. A, I). V., and (( ontinued on back page.) Veil feci irate the atul 1 u . if the- ! y dwelt more on liquor tuied (in back page) . COfC ToBerin Advertising d :h, 1 ht l A li'vi; i i iiui: i ttr:.; wrki' The, Cha-. ; tar.t ' H:-.. V M. Prevn. the Chamlber of i't i.'n. a' dinner session at r i 1 uesday night, as Angus C. Craft. ii ulii -.tsion va time it was decided to re J. ert isn Vi; approprV napers, and an addi ar.ottid for radio ad Jacks(fiviHe4 These to begin immediately. r . important . matters nider consideration, and "e.iii'ei- of the board are ;R :henr at present,. present at the meeting were: K. Ray, president E. L. With rr;aiyy J. Dale Stent, assis i-.ar,. Hugh Massie, Curtis 'u.V Massie, J. Harden Howell, louie-on, E, J. Hyatt, Frank A 1 Shdton and Ealph "Soda" Bank .nuiKe a ilol.ar a da : 'with relief without work, ac.ouitr.g to :h given by hi- mot he court here Tuesday. Banks, who was on trial in a liquor case, had a job at $2 a day with relief. o his mother-in-law said, but later found a man wil ling to do the .-ante wuik for a dollar a day. so "Soda" up and made the trade collecting 2 for the day's work and giving the man doing the work ha'.f of it. Forward Strides Being M a d e By Building And Loan Report Is The Most Encouraging In Number Of Years. Many Loans Reing Made The Home 5-Year-OId Child Killed By Auto At Hazelwood Sat. Funeral .-e:ices for Vivian Cun ningham, ;'ve. 'aught, r of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cunniiie h:: ni, of Hazelwood, who was f it liy Injured Saturday af ternoon w H ighway ham ho mi afternoon a: Allen's (.'reek. oniciateil. nana ( reeK cemetery. Besides In r parents the little girl is survived by a sifter. .Mattie, and a brother, lluinphrty, 7. Juke Amnions,, of Jackson . county, was still in jail Wednesday noon, be ing held as the driver of the car which struck the girl. It was under stood that he would be released mi a $1,000 bond shortly. Xo hearing wa- held in the case, as Solicitor Queen turned the mat ter over to the grand jury Monday morning. boar f diiecte'i's the ll.r.'.dtt.g anil lAan Assoeia- de the statenieu! ;h: week treasurer's riport made at the ! -' ri'ieting was :h. m.w. etiour ' ag.r.g -n several years, show ing cash on liano ot 52!'.Oitti together with $7.-45t in 1KM.C bonds The report also showid that ?12.700 had been loaned since ti e April series opened, and that- 'l availab'e f Iiv.m-c ;i ("ins are 1 log n aeb 'heat ,!. ai tile el. ma tor - that opened a i mer yi nr.-, with July l'u every Hire Indications Are That Tax Rate For Haywood Will Be Slightly Higher Next Year 00 w as now it e 'can-. The as fast as ap- Oiu- ,.f :he ri'a''.ial :. r. year will be with t w ii ,ii iV 'ii. beginning w series will open b.ani four the es ill series a compared From lnw si, a new e' mem: lis. Indians Refuse To Let Scenic Parkway Thru Reservation Indications Are That Road Will Extend From Soco (Jap To Smokeniont Taking Over Of Canton Charter School District Accounts For The Increase t lid n -tru.k by a car (n 10 nea r t he Cunning were c del vie t cm I Sunday 'he !:;'. ist church oil 1 ! e I ( y, I . i.. Allen was ill .Allen's James A '.he diree'tol- ;if audit recently, tiim was in ". 1 The directors to me the olli tei Use the' clliee of ; -tale In I). J; Howell Home Damaged $1,000 By Blaze Wednesday A blaze '-believed to from a spark on the of the home of D. J. Wednesday afternoon. have startoi! dry shingles Ilvirti'li .early caused dan. 10,000 Folders To Be Off Press Sat. By the last of this week the thousand ten-page folder for Chamber of Commerce will be oil' press. The folders are made up lar of new .pictures and scenes, of community, several of which made for the folder. This year's er is printed, on white paper brownish ink, making the. pie show up to the best advantage. The work is being done by Mountaineer. en tile he rely the were a . ures The Ik Organization Of Band Is Started -T. or. he r r J V A X: J'U: t: 'sa.htauon of a band or ,-r" ."! , the Waynesville High 'i ' being sponsored bv ' and the Chamber of d''dev-.ihe direction of A. c 1 "'e Lake Junaluska H ,t.n -r;' 'Kettinsr .underway.. ' :',''"'' K'rts who are interest . -n...i. ,iit. gi0Up are aske(i to n wi;h .Miss Grace Crocker. c have daily practice for uii'h'r the direction of Mr. an ra "f ' band director .of " 11 ind has had many nee. as an organizer of u -: r. h(,tras. IoigP.JimisonTo .Pend Week-Here Expect 1,000 At Lake Conference lAbout one thousand are expected to arrive at the Lake Sunday and Monday I to attend the churehwide pastor's, conference, which will open Tuesday evening with an address , of Bishop Paul Kern. ; Some of the speakers of the conference will include: Dean Albeit C. Kundson. Dr. Gains Glenn Atkins Dr W m S Sadlei , Bi hop W Ainsworth, and . on Sunday morning, July 21, Bishop Fid win D. Mouzon will speak. Pastors from all. pa its of the South are expected to attend the conference. ages amounting to about $1,000, ac cording to an estimate made last night by Fire Chief S. H, Stevenson. .The fire was making good head way when the' flames were discovered, but in short oi'ib;, the tire department had the blaze under con: rl and con fined the conflagration to the -upstairs. All furnituie wa - saved, M -. fbuvidl reported, several tiieres vb'gbt'y dam aged in moving'. The hoi.s( is owned by (lenrge H. Ward, and was formerly occupied by (". I!. Atkinson and family.; Just as the lir.- apparatus was lvi' ing the Howell home the second alarm of -he day vanie. iii, tluie Ixinir a small blaze at a house in 1 1 azelwoud i xaminer, tolel 'tor completing the that this organi'.a- coiidition. recently decide d not . and will continue .01 the second tloeii e Morgan and Ward building, The' Mountaineer. the advert: rig columns of to- elay's paper appears a statement of the association, g ving in detail the exact financial .-taals of the organ ization. The oflieers ,:f the association are: R. I.. Prevost, pnsident, K. J. Hyatt, vice-president, and S. H. Bushuell, secretary treasurer, 1 i reset o i s are : J. Iv. Bovd, U. L. Prevost, F J, Hyatt, C. N. Allen. L. M. Kicbeson, W. 11. Biiigiu, L. M, Killian, .1. W. Kay 11. Bushuell,' and O. II. Sheltoil. S. Thirteen Tried In Mayor's Court For Drinking Too Much own evils no ,( d by out 'w a mage C (ii en l".hii ' ruck reported. This is the. t bird time few years that the seeum come in while the truck another fire. The blaze arrived and in the past I al.i rm has was out on Last Rites Held For Lonie Green To Hold Memorial For Ennis Sentelle I he weekVeiU -round-up by clt.v polie'c icsiilted in a tw'odiour sessiem of mayor's court here Monday after noon, 1)1 which time thirteen were faced vith charge s of being drunk, . The 'iiumder of defendants must fiave been iinlinkv lor Mavnr J. II. W ay, as he was only aide to collect .$11 from the lot, all hough he , gave j -everal a tew days grae'e to pay .up or bid tlo ir families good-bye for ::o to do day-. l.a--.t nr nth few failed to male I'i'okee Indian.- an.-wcrcei with an emphatic "no" when qucs tioiuel abeitil running the Scenic Parkway through the reservation, and plans are underway to adopt an al ternate' i-oute. aevording tei eli.-patch-e- t rom Washington. It has been hinted by ollicials of the park service in Washington that I the' route will be selected from Soco j Cap to Black Camp Gap, up Hunches ( reek on to Sni ikeillont . This route would not touch the liulian area anywhe-ie (.e-e pt at Senvo Gap. esterday se'Xeral lure who are fa miliar with the section which the new route will puss .-aid thai, the scenery atfejrded up Bunches Creek and in the i, in:'. y of IMack Cinnp Gap could int be .-iii'ivissid anywhere in the park area. They were of "the opinion f lint the new route would be much more satisfactory. Dr. Harold W. Foglit, iiseivation .superintendent, said (lie action of the Cherokeos in declining (o accept the right-of-way proposal was a .justified one. in that Ii'iOO acres of their best land would be used in the Scenic Parkway. "In addition," Dr. Foght -aiel, "re-(uirenieiit- were made for casements nil lirai'tically all the tillable lands from So o (lap to the approaches to the national park lands. ,. ."Kurt he rip ore, t he p lire ha sis Would have included the 'Cherokee boarding school'- imporini.it' tillable land-:, the island in the Ui'nnaluftee river, and the nimroacbi Likewise, en : I lie are: ist hotel 'The the pail g-ielable, tor Die : ban i In to tie boarding sclnml. easement's, were a-ked on sc. aside for 1 he tine t oiir: idaniKil for the reservation. I ho proposed budget for Haywood county as will be presented to the Board of Commissioners, probably oil Monday, will call for a tax rate for the coming year ranging from lfl.25 to $1.40. 1'his will be slightly higher than the present rate which is The' budget estimates have -ecu worked up by T. J. Cat hey,- co-a.y auditor, who explained that the l .v ing over of the Canton Charter school district by the county neces-siUited the increase in rate. The former (.'anion Charter district has a debt of ;il!VNKt;, and this coming year f-.'.i O.Ol.S in interest and priiie'ipal must be paid. Another item which held up the late was the .school building pro gram. It has been proposed thai JoO.000 be spent for new schools during the year but it is not likely that this amount, will be spent, accord ing to some of those in authority. H is probable that Hie Jonathan's Creek school will be built . Mr. Cathey hajd not gotten the ro'Iiiiretl budge t lio.ii school au thorities this week, and'wa's unable to make an accurate calculation, but did not believe the rate Would vary much from the estimate of JfL.'iS to $1.40. The rate' is. based on a valua tion of $22,400,(100. The rate for Catalooehce township, as was the case last year, Will have an extra ten cent tax, which will he .used' in retiring some road bonds which the township voted several years ago. The itemized budget as will be pre-, sealed to the , oiiimissiuiiei s . will call for: the following cstim ited expendi tures : !f!.'iK,2',-.xr.. with the i Ins be:ing I he saint i a II ea-h (II ami f.i hi.- w di link I- the tola! pay hi d -. May ee rm ay ment , whii h net ted a : i.i. J-o ( i a-l liel able : i d t h , r - out on t he ': i ! t lie lb ji ti en up before .M'in..i.V, only tin ve w ie n .eh ' .whites including a im.n and haiged with boilig ;e given Ll I I i i u i; -:' : X t v d'iv- in j .-1 1 1 - - thai sill' l.fi. '-. -nt.- have ii i ii up , and 'face t'evel a I id-. . higinvav I'l'y laier iii t o ilo lnllais, ee ccesslt V of the be e ause sio'llilic.' I mi ia ii -i a ill pie. av ti:ii ' fi In, I Hi' nn i ,r this act ion a n e 'ii"i ;1 :- r body re'iilize- In ; of lir :.l'li, on t hi nifolv i with llii: Ueh ' I he ' slim of moii. Liu n,lr, d's nil hav e ho i i r nn I a ri if uiiinit' ot : i al ion i inining liu.ii-.'.i.iid, : floral fixed his ve: pom- iet at .I I iii rate. The rat, bopped a I final ively !. J.ai. 1 -. li ft he d, ' V' a r ! h fund at tie i . fund 200, for elO , et is been th the tentatively same five - p , I -V, I St.-1 V i, I ale- In, I he liae inj' at I n ,. li.i fui . building been tie on' to ' W C" land de eati'. ill -'. : I.e.' Iinlh , On- gill, : 'own oi M''i.;. Is ru ral del-'Iit ! tinif .he for . i n ill. d ,.b, -Tie ,f In. Ind i!l . in. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -iclu, and a I ),. , : -el at oil ,-i ill, . 'file hiiii;.' t;.i i ai l ' in ii f i ,r i. ii.' c V. air i v;'"-.:et. it :it SI til ,2oHo. Siii.-e I Ii. .-cI'mi.tI mil horn i,.. II o J I -1 1 t r d : lie . ! I IN)o:T , 1 til n. .' I" 'ii- e ,,i'i-.,',l ,..ii : . 1 a - t e , ; -.--', .ot fund 1:1! , d I'ot .a I ' Vent in I a - l. I this lolal". nun'' na ve ban' i' : ho ra. in ir.al a:-!', A memorial service Will be held for the late . Funis SetiCff.e, Ilayvvood lawyer, who passed, away on May 25th. The service will be held at t he convening of court: next 'Monday morning... . ' . William T. Hannah is in chaige of the program. Th1 Haywood Bar As sociation will sponsor the pi'pgranH S. C. Liquor Law Is Step Towards Control, (irimhall "I'rom ail api araiiee, it looks a if the South. . C.irolina liouor law which Went: '.'into ' effect about a oton.t h ago .is going to -be about, as -at i. as any liquor law fan' be, Judte W. II. Grimball. of toil, who arrived 'here .this i "spend about two month-, law is a Corn iiro in isii beivveeu lee lb, IV, t ispia v a-k. ,vi,!,', ' i .:it- nil i.-b id. I to, tile I lloll'- -Hid if -MM ad'b . - hii-liW lA lii, ii in bad 'I Ii niii'er met Pf' i-r i.i I oihI feel ,, el I :i il to I ton nil ii Ie I a I i' ,11. Cannery-Ready. For ('aiming Berries i .v fact said Gharle vvei k t "Th. ;aid. d,.'-al ii n i step t.O- not have TRAVEL IN PARK SHOWS INCREASE r.,i;,ot,i ,.i ... e,,,ii Latt rites for Lonme Green, ---. -,,,.,:, Vn1 i.n,,.. f,. .i1ir,f. who died in the Hayvvo,,,i I .-unty j..- w;iJ ,;.-,,.;,, ,.,.;,.,.,..,! to' Hospital, Waynesville, .unaay .nioin... 4S r,02'' .f01,;junr, i:i;m. or a gain of :12.: per ee::t. A traffic count taken C; : '. u'f "ere yesterday from .-ertlOil tit.,. T n - . n 111 'um f Jimison, M "ar- iW nar'iotte Aews, ; -.me. . ,. -"inia.y 10 spena tim, a- .rson spend most y-'isi- !ura:-V.lara''ito:r s conference KEt-af1? ?re t0 have binl as n j-...! rkr at the- Rotary ing irom injuries sustained mr.ee weeks ago, when he was allegedly struck in the head with a rock by Buster Caldwell were conducted at the Micadale .Episcopal church on Allen's Creek Monday afternoon. Rurial was on Allen's Creek. The Rev. Albert New, rector of the Way nesville Episcopal: church, ' officiated, assisted by Rev. C. L. Allen. Besides his widow, Mr. Green is inAA- 'Kir Am hiMvpn. Dennis, Alvin, Ralph, Thomasine, and 'ba Jean; a brother, Lawrence; four sis ters, Mrs. Baxter Paines, of Ashe ville; Mrs. Robinson, of Georgia; and Mi Will Mcdforu ard Mr- Gtoige Mull, of Canton. RAISF S20 FOP. PARK (Approximately $20 was raised from the barbecue held at the city park on East ctreet on the afternoon , of the Fourth. The funds will be used m providing p'lumibt'ng "equipment lor the vest rooms at me ram. ... j of .17.100 au:omnhi!es carry ing 54,19.1 people. Estimating that 20 ..per cent additional. people came into the park at the .five other entrances, a total .iravef figure of ;'l!5,0.'14. is estimated. . Automobiles from forty-four states, the. District of Columbia, and one for eign possession, vvei counted. ; Twenty-seven per cent of the visitor's were from states other than. North Caro lina, and Tennessee. There were more cars from I than from North Carolina; Ohio running, almost 400 .-..more. i not?' witn t he. two fact ions," . In though not .perfect, it. wards ('orilrol which vve hereto-fore.'' .The South Carolina, Jaw. known a the na- kage law, iirovides that li quor be, sold only from licoli.-e-d s n.vr'es in packages. The stores open at sunrise arid close at sunset. Have only one door, and are closed on all holidays.. . '.i drinking is permitted on the premises. A twenty-cent per I'liart V receiv ed by the state- A, eoi ding lb I'roin the .illi. e . Sky Murual A vvh ieh t he I laze rat es; t he plan.' handle anywhere t oris of berries.. Tit, y vvijl pay a pootnl for I'd. eipiival.'nt f llerekb berrii infof niat ion lecelv cd ,f the "Land ()' Th. ocialioii. Inc.," wit h Iwoot! ( 'aiiniry ! i - . : now ready to from t Iii i:'y to forty two kb. ind a rai. fifteen cents will' be I cell! half vvhieh is . a gallon, ought for :' a ri in lint - W2 hav, ie.) u Menu ii ; lie w.iri'd L' tn lb,1 tig In red to b, lob it Wil .- V o l I-,. been vvhieh -ented ' the In Titles To 57.000 .Acres Being. Made w. if l it I . Sided ' ily. a i know n Tilubei become I I. th. ng fei yv a i ll on it lie ah- itbs lor, the land-', m- Slierwood Forest prop Scot t ish land s, u: lierw ise prove ! when t I.i re o cen'is a Hound, vvh I to tweiii y cents a g-al'oh. .'Ilio ( int' ii'-ted in selling heriie to the eailri"iy are asked to gef in tnuilr with the idalil, -o- that-they may be furrii:.s In d with t he fo.ur ijliari li;i-ket , ' vvhieh ai.' being: iirnvided in which to pick arid us, thereby adding to of handling and the. fiesher condition of fur the picker-, illi liver t he belt t he eon vi iiienee I'o'airimeri't of ; the berries. -'.'. ttof In Auditor's Office Speaal Music At iieinoaisixnurcn tOI I FGE HF ADS HFRT Dr. Thomas Ak-xander, head, of New College, of Columbia University, New ioik Civ an 1 Di Ag-(- nvdrr, also . of . the University, spent the wppk-end at the New College Com munity Center , at : the Springdale Farms. . The personnel of the; auditor's of fice in the court 'house- are now en gaged in inaugurating . a new ."record system, which will simplify the book keeping to a great degree... ' . A posting machine has beer- added, aid evcrv a.count will be kept in a system similar to thoje. of banking houses. Each budget reouirement being, made , up into the different departments.- ' T. J. Cathey. auditor, explained that this Would eliminate the old way of making entries with pen and ink by hand in large books. The balance? . of each department : will be known a: all times. It is a much faster method than the one now used. It was. announced yesterday .that Gounod's ''Gallia" would be s'-ingat the Me: bod ist church .,, Sunday n j'g.ht., Mrs. Fred; Martin will do the," solo -.part and the loeal chorus will be augmi nted bv voices from the Lake and New College. . Mr. Lawrence Ni!--on, director f music at , the Lake, will direct and also play the organ accompaniment. In addition Air. Allen, tenor from the Lake, will sing, a solo, using the Twen v Third Psalm in an original composition of Mr. Nilson's. Music lovers are assured of a splen did performance Sundav evening. The service begins at 8 o'clock. thf Haywood I. ami and in e t , i h a t. w j I e ve ti t ua 1 1 y part of the Pisgah National The option has been, an- . . by govei hnif tit (iflieial. ar.d t ran -fei red to 1 he . giivernnieli' , V'.il! be .'used for general forest service-. The aeieage of Shi'rW'.ood Forest js at' lev lir- 'y ."O.oiiO n-J i , whitf-' the Scot 1 1 h lands' are in the n: igh borh'iod of 21,0(10. The wmk 1- be ing done under the siinorvis.jon of the U. S. Ilepartinfnt (if Agricult u re. lAceiirding stractor f(ir . : he property and R. (), working On the Sen be several months I. Alexand S'bervvbod . Florance, rtish lands, before -.the ib I i who' !. il will land' will legally government. be t'lirned .over . to tin. I! S I II I KIM lOI s The first ripe tomatoes, of . the, son to be brought in w'as by Dr. H. Liner on July I-ourth. The, tomatoes were as large as average, and were fully ripe. . i the: THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date i Max. ... Mm., 4 . '-':8f '" 10 5 "' ' S2 :" . 51 t, -, 42 7 ' - S4 , , 4H 8 75 41 !) -.'.-' ' . ;'02 . i,. '. " -40 10 K7 04 ''Eleven Months In The Big Bend" by Miss Odnm, Begins Exclusively In This Paper Today

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