RSDAY, JULY 11, 1933 THl'B fHE MOUNTAINEER, WAYNESVILLE, . L LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 !:-- '' : -. ic. i Tit. :; ;. ... I,,. as her guest '"he Clevewill for the ,V her sister, Mrs. ' of Windsor, Ontar- . ,f the Wayside Lodge, : !n" .Mr. John S. Carr, ! Yi.ghlands and other nvsf on Monday. n ..1. ) ,-. tllis mim a"" 3lr- ii!",. v,f Raleigh, arrived th-'' ': ' '"k and were the guests i::'- V,;. v. T. Lee over the f M?. m, and Mrs. Smith were eti!"': ''. . ' l o- Angeles, where the r"a:i ' ' it tend the American fcffff vv'-i which meets in an Br, A'"''!,"" -here. Following the s,i '"Mr And Mrs. Smith will : '' traveling in the htv are away men . rlf: ;on anu sinaii uousu- vVl.-t- will visit their grand f';V:" M," and Mrs. W. T. Lee. ,rni". Mark Killian, Jr., of MrTa 't. the week-end in lfS th, former', mother, Mrs. it- Fred MurWy was among those flV1 X Hut .-vV ! tt a-- i iirj'' il'i ,s. N. ' jit. V; r 'tit Lee Page, who has been , her sister, Mrs. Wood, and Mrs, J. M. Pruden, turned to town on Fri .tu n.l :he summer with --'. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee. v Badgett and a party , w i f Asheville visitors on -,, :; Stler has as her guest mi .I" h'-i' parents, Mr. and a. S:!er. in Belle Meade, ("raft, of Wilming- guest..; at the Hotel V: all. I Mrs. S. C, I'ren- ' l :er.-buig, and their .1. . Pickard, of i i.;-.., who is with them for M A. K, Thomas, of Suf v. !,.( niece is a eounsel ';. d- Camp; Mrs. Frank Jen imeth'mgHas Been Done About the Weather bv the Southern Railway system Air-conditioned Pullman Cars ad Southern Dining Cars are now in service I Travel in Cool Quiet. Delightful wniori, tree 1rom DubI, Smoke a unders . . . A miracle de- loDment of lomnenlnu fnn. M lot the convenience of the traveling public I 'CtntinerM;uie n ?: tnvtnlinM:i.c u il.ii i ! r. i'iui-i 1'ionini unui btnored In sleeping and parlor I ," Pymm ol proper eharqei iot Je Way Coach Fare IVzc Per Mile V.. Mandel, of Tampa, Mrs. J. K. Rozier, of Savannah, and Mr. and Mii. E. P. Fergenbaum, of New York City, who are here to be near their son, who is a student at New College. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. White, the former of the Park Service, with head quarters m Uatlingourg, spent .uon dav in town. Miss Hester Ann Withers had as her guest over the week-end Miss Marion Calhoun, of Midland Drive, Beaver Lake, Asheville, i Miss Mary Stringrield .-Pent the week-end in Sylva with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan. Miss Vera Hosafiook and Miss Jean Rourke returned Friday, after at tending the district conference of the Intiimeiat.e Christisv' Fndearvor societies of the Presbyterian church es, which was held at the Farm School at Swannanoa. Mr. and Mis. S. H. Bushnel! have as their guests' the latte-rV sisters, Mrs. J.; D. Bivens and Mrs. C. I. Batten, both of Albemarle. On Saturday- they will be joined by Mr. Bivens, who will spend the week-end. Mr. C. G. Pfeiffer and sons. Milas and t'. B., Jr.. of Syiania, Ga are visiting relatives in the county. While in Wavnesville they visited lr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. McCracken, ar.d Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Kirkpatrick. Mr. (',. I). Hawkins. Jr., of Candor, spuit the week-end in '.own as' the guest of his sister and brothel, Mr. and .Mrs. Jot Howell. panied home by his sister, Miss Kdn.i Hawkins, who has spent the past six weeks with the Howells. :.- Mr, -ami - Mis'. ; Hugh Massk- and Mrs. Charles K. Ray.' spuit several days in Charlotte during the pa week. Tht-y went to be with Mrs. Bonne,. Ray, who is a patient in the Chailotte Sanatorium, following a'n operation some weeks ago. .Mrs, Harry Frehn, Vf, Kansa City, the former Miss Mary Black Avell, arrived on Monday and will spend several weeks a- the gm st of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itufus H. Blackwell, at Beechwood Hall. . .it t: Dr. ami -Mrs. C. C. .Anderson., of St. Peter-!mi g, are guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Angus (-. ('raft at , the lo'el (lonlon. Airs., Anderson Was Miss K ileen M ast e is, of Ta m pa , before he r marriage to Dr. Anderson on June 120th, at Tampa, and; both have a number of friends here, having spent last summer in Waynesville. . BIRTH AXXOUXCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ferguson, of Fines Creek, announce the birth of a daughter, Regina Gwen, July 1th. Mrs. Ferguson is the former Miss Lucv Jame.s, daughter of Mr. and Mrs". N. C. James. Mr. Ferguson is a teacher of the Fines Creek school. They Say M. J. McCRACK FX This county is going to come out all right our farmers are doing better work and are taking more interest in stock raising; then money is more plentiful all We've got to do is to work. W T). MILLER I've -never seen a weekly' newspaper-with so many local columns as the Mountaineer has in this respect it is unique. I like your paper. -' f v Ashnille F- Cincinnati Af. ('hii.'?tr' r Seville h washinKton ?r.New York 6:40 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 11:59 p.m. .Wormattoa. CaU or write : . . I- H. DE BUTTS 5S,s,ant General Passenger Agent MISS JET A STEEG, director of the School and College Bureau, of the: Chicago Daily Xews:-"I have traveled over , the greater part of the country, but. this is the one, spot where I. would enjoy, living most." BOX SUPPER AT EAST WAYNF.S .' VILLE - Box: supper and ice cream .supper to be given at the East Waynesville church . Friday night, at 8:00 o'clock. Everyone; invited, :. Value of Spanish Doubloon : The old Spanish doubloon varied in value. From 1730 to 1T72 It was worth about 53.24 ; from 1772 to 17S0, $8.08 ; 1780 to 1S48, $7.87. The coinage of Joiihloons has; cpiisod. ehoc-ks 66 T Malaria II in 3 days rncoLDS fiist day LAXATIVE TONIC and Liquid Tablet Salve Xo-e lUi'l"- SEE US FOR SHIRTS i THREE FAMOUS BRANDS Ar?jv Piedmont Tom Sawyer C h e a Per In The Lon g R u n C. E. Ray's Sons Work Shirts 49c up Air Show Will Be Staged Week-End i i ., Av"t'-:c i-uis will W given a treat '. r.:s week-viid with air jn.nv whtv-'a , WM. IV .tace.i : M1-(-r-,.-k..-,-, ti.. at Ha-iwo.H! by the Good Will Flier's' w!-- an ;V, .i at re eariy this week. J- i :..'. r, wh. ; ..i,. , ... i ..... .e I " "A statvd that darini' riint nvii-u. at;.- . h.:.t:,.n of ribbon' cut ting uoul.: be am.-ng the fvatuies of tile e!'te!'ta. r.lllt n t . Joe Mu-k-';. .' titer. U . - u ' ho:'' s ' 'av w ith ait .;in-r r.ane. .:: .., ; Mr. i o-.i wii! engage m war-time living. The ship mat is oeng nown cost Ss.'nH). he said, and the parachute $."ti0. The Pibrs and s),M au. ivnvA n. ,ht, L . S. government. Passengers wii! e taken up dur tng their stay h ie. Rotarians MeT At Gordon Last Friday The members of the Wavne.--ville Rotarv C-!ub iere the guests of Angiu c. (afi at tho Hotel Gordon last F'idav for dinner. The meeting marked, the beginning "f the new year, and iu w officers toik charge. W. Curtis Russ. new'y elected pres ident, was tendered the gavel bv Dr. R. H. Stretcher. Mr, Brown, ef Greeli-boro, of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance CompaiiVi Mr. T. G. Willis, of Wash ington, Mr. C. E. Burns. of Charleston, and Mr. Craft, were guest at the meeting. After the meeting a tour was made through the hotel to see the improve ments that have been lmtde during the curing. Frederick Ferguson , Heads D. V.A.Here I Household Hints At a ' nueting June 1 V.ct Un-e-W ::liams Chapt A- ' -. ' "'' t'oi-owir.g me lbe.a'rak V i-,-: . :V henna i:,.wi!. fvr...i m.iud. r. Joe S:aii'e. iur..,.v Sa:n Janes, .haplain. i'":Ul'i.- Me.'ia't. s-'i!e: Boyd Cody, of -.'n. K.lwaio Grein. ad.iuta! AH future nu-vttiu:. w . :';e Haywood Count C-.i ne :a-t .Monaav e! eac 7:110 o clock P. M. "Many important mat: d.scusse,4 at our next, t members urged to attend u-itn vou anvone who m b e to become a mem'u Green, Adjutant, jaid. "th. of the of the D. m'.ers were isu'ing year: . a nimander. ice com- c atmander. m' at -Arms, c eay. :: b.- held iii i t H.nis. on '. m -nlh. at el-s nil! be nee: in g. all ; and bring av oe ehgi- r." Edward SUBSCRIPTIONS Allgi a .Food.. Cake is best em with a strong silk thmtd. Ink spilled i.n hardwood lloors .-hould hi wiped up; immediately with -teel Wool moistened. with warm water. Wax tin- sp,,t when dry. In making fudge add ;i ua.siiooti vl' cornstarch to each cup id' u'gar and the candy will be -smoother ami creamier. A very little salt add' d to ,ii ied fruit when cooking' improves-' the llavor. Add a little sugar to sauerkraut when cooking, it improves the- Ui.-te. AjMily stove ink to tops . of cook stoves, when cool. It does not rub iff- and the hotter the top gets the blacker it gets. -When .'stewing' prunes, add a slice d' lemon and u f i w cloves. It is a decided improvement. Grass, stains can be lenioVid by covering spo's with, corn molasses ,!!d rubbing well into the slain. . Tile following persons have renewed their subscriptions to The Mbuntam iar during the past week: Donald Dunham, city; Mr.-. J. F. ("abe. City; Mrs. ,1. X. Peacock, citv: .Mrs. Nettie Mehatl'ev, ci'.v; Mis. Paul W alker. citv; Mis.' . K, UatclitV, city; Mrs. W. T. Lei-. Jr., city; J. E. Henderson. Canton, Uoute 1; Way nesville Hardware Co.. city; Mi's. .1. K. Barr. city; David Turner, Route 1; Harry Rung, city; Mi. Lloyd 1'own.s, Uon Dutf; Root. Welch.' city; (has. C. Sinatlicrs, Canton: P. F. Campludl, Canton: Mrs. W. S. .Mc Cia.keti. Canton; Burgm Bios., city. Mis. John HoMt, city; lied Saun-dcr-,cil; Mi-. Roy Robinson, 'Hazel wood; W. T. gileeii. Ha.clwoo,l; U. I'. llobaiMiii, Ha,,, Iwood; Mrs. ( . A. Scruggs, Ha.trtweo.i; John . Shook, ic; J. E. Massie. .city; ,l;s, I. Ill ecu. . citv ; !u. , F, l-'e! gu.-oli, i rabnei-; Mis. J. J. Ferguson, city; lletbeii Wriylil. city; C. A. lii-oige, . :!) ; 1 r. Ira I'liiickst on, vily.' Jim W hili-.. Cove l rick; Judge Win. 11. tiiiniball, i haileston. S.-C.; Mr-. E. 1'. Camp, citv; S. 11. lUishui'll, city: .1. W. Parker. Cecil; Mis, D. M. Kill mi. ctt y. I he foilowni:; in u -iio.-l ipiious li:ie -been recciu-il during ihc past w-eek : Mis. I'a: i'ri --ley. ci'.y; Liwrciice ki-i I. y, : , it v ; Dav d Cnderwoiiil, Jr., tiaiita; Mr,-. 11, c; Ferguson, city; J. ti. Kin - lau 1, Pie eon;. 1.. K. Strugs-, c;l ; D,:,.I. NcJand, County Home; U. II. Fry, Noiris. Ti nil.; Drl 1!, S. Rf b er-oii, Ha.elwooil ; John i. Wrrglit, I In:'c!yobd. . WANT A1)S The Honeybee Since earliest times the honey bee has been recognized as the clever est of preservers ami man long tins coveted her ample store of sweets. It Is only In recent years, however, that he -'came - to understand that In her visits to the (lowers slie gave more than she received. Xw we know that the gathering of Imney, the primary objeer' of her visits, Is incidental In her role of pollen distributor. It was not until man lame to plant single crops In largo areas and found to his sur prise that they were unfruitful, that i he learned of .the services of the honey liee. . Honor "The Pied Piper" Ilamelii, Germany, Is certain some Important event'" Is responsible for Its legend of "The I'leil Piper,"'! who sup posedly freed the town of rats arid, iu revenge . for not being paid, hi 1 n,'iled Kio of lis chilitren on June "?. 12S-1. Not only are there .numerous records from that year and several monuments and,: a building to com ino'morate the episode, writes 'I'. W. M.-ii'donald. Washington.; In Collier's Weekly, hur the. town lias- held annua Jfiemorial celelirations for the past Go'1 years anil still nm tit a ins nieehanical lignres on the! city hall which -.enact', the story every hour. ' FOR SALE -Jersey cow, -cu-n, $'-nh S, Sandorson, Sunburst. I'd. LOST A small ' brown .coin imr-e containing .f.i.lll). h inder plca-c re turn to MoUlltailleei ollice. Iiewaid WAXTED -A girl or middle ag d woman to -stay, on place. Mu-I be a Me to milk and do washing. Phone Mis. W. A. Hyatt. d HOW AIiOCT having your dug vac cinated against raJhics by a li censed veterinarian, only $1. II. 1!. (Isborne, Clydu, . C. ltpd WAXTED: Man to start in business selling wiilely-known. product.s to sati-ilied i-ontimers. Corn l:b to' line. I.arges-t rnimiiiiiv; '.s-abli-hed lssp. l'.JG EARNINGS. Xo caud al ir ex perience IU'eded. Write for free tiart icular-. Jt.-ivv-h ighV. Box X;G -'lo-l, Richmond, Virginia. LOST Inn; Lo-l, strayed, or -tolcii, a f.ot ti i-Tild- dog! (wliite. with black -)nt. ) full, grown f i oin tin- lionii- of Mrs, . C. E. Ray. '.Monday, Jul v. I. Infei iiiatioti. will he a ppfei-iated. ( H S. E. RA Y. Jr. , Ohio Grew Own Tobacco ' Nearly e'-ery pioneer f irmer in Ohio raised tobacco on his fnrm. not for market but for his Own pipe; , ( Hie ex ceptionto this was . Ashtabuli i-oimty. where surplus tobacco was made info cigars by the women in. their homes, and exchanged at the.. store for gro ceries. Later on when line.;. -ye tobac co was produced for market, it was 'packed "into hogshead; 'and' hii'dcl over the national road to; eastern points, ami some of it found--its' way to Kii: rope. ' Read The Ads Job Printing EXPERT WORK );:''', The:' Mountaineer PHONE 137 Alert Property Owiuts Are Taking Advantage Of Our I 'eat u re S e r v i t o A n a l.v si s Of Their Insurance Needs. Why Not You? No Obli-iration. Bradley-Da vis Co. IXSI HA.Vf i; ItMAI, MSTATi: Itl-TNTAI.s; Telephone 77 Women Who Have Pains Try CARDUI Next Time I , On account of poor nourishment, many women suffer functional pains it wruln times, and It la lor these that Cardul la offered on tha reoord of the relief It baa brought and the good It baa dona In helping to overcome the cauae of womenlr discomfort. Mra. Cole Yoing. of IeTllla, La., irrltaa: "l was suffeiing wltn Irregular . . . I bad quite a lot of pain which mada ma nervous. I took Cardul and found It helped ma In every way. malting ma regular and stopping the pain. This Quieted my narraa. making my health much better." ... If Cardul does not benefit TOO, consult a physician. RAY Groceries Mean Savings Ffour Roll Call . . . Yukon Western .... Yukon Rest . . 85c $1.10 !1.19 Queen of the Pantry Flour 1.20 Rio Coffee. 2 lbs for 25c 1 "THS BEST PART OF TMFMEAL " Santo Coffee,; lbs. for 50c J.F.G. Special, per lb. 29c Snowdrift Lard 61b. Bucket $1.00 Lard 8 lb. carton 1.05 Bulk Vinegar per al. 27c Libby No. 1 Can Hart let Pears . . . J Tomato Juice, .'5 for ...... 8 Apricots No. 1 Can Sliced Peaches . . Coined Reef . .i:c . .25c . .2."c . .15c . .17c Blue Plate Salad Dressing Sox. 10c Kiox. Kic 32oz."29c Blue Plate Sandwich Spread, 8 oz. 15c Fruit Jars Pints, per doz .... . . . . . . .75c Qua Hs. per do. ..... . .85c L (Jallons. per do. . . .$1.10 (iood House Brooms 25c JJ0AP K. 1 I OCTAGON J ! SCOURING, Octagon Soap and Powder Large Sixe (i for 23c Super Suds large size 17c Octagon Cleanser 2 for )c Pahnolive Soap 2 for 9c FROM OUR MARKET ('poked Boiled Hani per lb 39c Cooked Spiced Ham per lb. 35c Cooked Lunch Tongue per lb. 49c Cooked Chicken Loaf per lb. 49c Cooked Cheese Loaf per lb. 35c Goose Liver Cheese per lb. 35c Pimento Cheese per lb. 32c Swiss Cheese per lb. 35c American Cheese per lb. 30c C.E. RAY'S SONS Heinz Demonstration Next week a demonstrator for the Heinz Com pany will be at this store with equipment to demon strate the complete Heinz line of food products. We invite you to witness these demonstrations showing the virtues of Heinz foods and especially their ap propriateness for hot weather

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