fhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking leopk ;i)AV. AUGUST 1, 1935 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA VOL. XLVII NO. 31 Campaign Against Dynamiting Fish Is Xow Underway ;late Official Thank G C Flott ? For njs W ork In Con vict im; live Recently x ..j . ,f the Department of Con- " "' a' .i Development at Kal V, 'vX:M-o.sed their purpose to '"';f.irV.iir.eil campaign against V'...' .; x namite in streams for :;r -t taking fish. "Up 'p. Chalk, State game and , ' ri.ht! a-s commissioner today jr"v-'ij i-ianie- Protector G. C. S3:'.'f Ha wood county, for his t:-c 'conviction of five de-T'JVVreit-ntlyl on chrfres of v)) ':g !ih in waters of this 1 T-iitfcn.ianis were found guilty :,. i-iZrvr Court and were lined ?; tav-h arid costs with 30-day 8us-fc-iJ wtteiww in each case. jiv-amiting. tish is one of the most . nYnes' against the natural -inr of .our State," commented tVwtt:,r Chalk, "and the di v" . f pamc' and inland fisheries is all within its power to check .'ariTtHavtiOrs wherever they might 'Ci'l'tlr. It if HIUSI giavii.J'iiiKr iiu"- tVl,r, ;o r.-tc that dynamiting oi rtatit ;- seldom intiuigea in dui : vvtty case where evidence can be okainci tiie.-e cases are pru&evuicu orou-'y. Btvmtd doubt, public sentiment is . ii i a: a:r.-! stu'-n inexcusaiiwe tpraouces t ,:T.8m:tmt hsh. bucn is certainly :.i Western North Carolina wW'.thi- Department, of Conserva- iott.an.l Development has many years ca!D.(i "V. an intensive restocKiug program. Dynamiting of such streams r,o: !' destroys the natural stock, itc'uiiini! ail types ol tiish large ana :mal!, but makes ineffective the long restore eood angling. Dynamiters, in addition to destroy- .mil- , ivn faculties lor nsmng. :r.;Vifl iK, n,,rt fnr rttViprs and de tract from the general attractions of the' commtinfty." Pure Oil Station Has Formal Opening The t'ermal opening of the new J.l.fmii 1'uie Oil Company service atvn next to The Mountaineer of fice: N inti announced this week in he aiiverti.-itig columns. The f-.a-:!!, is of the English type, "t'rr f manv wbifh the com- "par.y V- ' v r the two Carolinas. The a:: !. . . r ( . i being operated 'by Kadi I t atherwood, and Jack Leath ft'NV'i' tl' manttnR; .: .r.vra: jany features in service ati-i:- ,i ; been included at the wr(. one of which is the in- I; i:e ! aek, and equipment for .'h'.v. ',v,iV r. Nvji.a;4ii(r. eiiuipment has al iiaiy lyvii most popular with niuF.y : i r s . in the community. l-.t l'.sii (ill Company has as local 'ii'-'Hr, r. .lai'Vi's Campbell. Mr. ta:iijilr,!i V.'.-n the distinction and a P f 'tf " for. having led in the a'f Y -ires in the two Caro- ! .itta-'uti! a recent contest, Delinquent Taxes To Be Advertised Xa'v i.! k's issue of this paper will ? ' delinquent ;.taxes for he 1.1' 1.1. ar;, all prior years, aeeord 'fs a:; '''li"iincement made' yeter '):' ':',. A. Hi) well,' tax supervisor of ' !,:'t being posted today. af the m hon.t. door, but he and his staff L::"::--Vitit'l tiobn Monday to those aiipear tin .'eon to settle T'-TnoM ,,,,,(; jiayintj bv that time r.;V, '' .;l,:!Vl"'i;;ise(i;. The list must be 'j ho n.-tttas -. of the printers not ' n,t!iatt that hour for publication. "BEYOND EXPECTATIONS".. TJiat is what W. R. Wood a'i said after checking up on ,h "DIRECT" results of an advertisement appearing in last ek's paper. A new Ice Cream was ad ;.er,ised for last Sunday, and he for the Cream were 7" more than "we had hop fd for- he stated. c 'th the circulation of this Paper, j our message goes over I 'territory as no other med- um can,; Wedded Sixty-One lears L ai t This is Mr., ami Mrs, S. I., ir ill st WfdditiK anniversai.-y.: till ml ehililren ami I'li tivat i;rai.l ill :it his himie in Hazvlwi'tiil. Australia Hears About Haywood Via The Special Edition Evidence that the special edition of this paper, which was published last April, went around the world, was proven this week by a letter received by Mrs. J. N. Shoolbred from Hareourt, Victoria, Australia, The letter, written June Tth, read in part as follows: "the last mail brought in 'The Waynesville Mountaineer' so kindly addressed by your husband. We have enjoyed so much the paper. It has given us a splendid idea of Waynesville. In fact, I feel as if I knew Main street quite well. , "It is about the same size as Castlemaine anil the country very similar, but you have higher moun tains and more waterways than we. That always make a place very beau tiful, doesn't it ? "I enjoyed the article on the Hay wood County Hospital by Hilda Way G wyn. What a splendid hospital it is. So well equipped and maintained. Our hospital (I am on the board) is about the same size, but not nearly so, well off. It is maintained mostly by charity voluntary giving. "The Barber Orchard is bigger than any individual one about here, but our orchards extend for miles and miles." The letter was written by Mrs., L. Thompson. York Expects Three Tons Of Tomatoes U. I). York, who acquired the title of plant king la.t spring, is now seeking the title of "tomato king,'' in that his five acres are showing, up fine, with alT indications that 'ho . will get about three tons (luring the sea son from them, Mr. York planted his live acres late m order to ne ao;e ui swuiu.v a late market. On the five acres he has about 5,000 vines thi.s beii.g more than usual, but he is experi menting with "close planting" this season. . .. . . In the spring he grew a million and a half : plans, having supplied the Land 0' The Sky Association here a million. .:".' Special Musical Program Set For Saturday, Aug. 13 ; The Waynesville Music Club , will pr esent Dicie 1 Iowe 11,1 y ri c s o i r a n o , of X ew York , a n 1 Frank Go ugh, ba r -itone, native of Lumbertoh, N, C, in a concert to be given on August the ,13th, in the court room of the Hay wood county court house.. Miss Howettl, also a native of North Carolina, needs no introduction to a Waynesville audience., She; has just completed an active season in concerts and other musical activities The program to be given here will bc full of interest and variety. Mr. Gough will appear in a group of tune ful Spanish songS.: The two will sing operatic duets and arias. American oamm will olcn hp included.. Miss Howell's career has been de voted to orchestra appearances, re citals with -symphonies, under the direction of Frederic Stock and m Chicago Orchestra, in the Spring .field Festival with Paul Allhouse and Sophia BresTan of the MetroP0h" Opera house, and other equally well known groups. She has Pa vidual conceits all over Unted States and Canada. Frank Gough who now teaches in 'Asheville, was the .staff artist on station WBAL at Ba timore and has sung overradio anci television from Xw York City. IMiss Mary Ray, who has heen itin? her cister, Mrs, George Semmes, in Jacksonle.'Fla., returned to town on Tuesday. , y Miss Emily Patrick of SteWo. Ala., is the guest of her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. PatncK. , TO rntlvi'ivootl'. wlni reueiit K i . l. hi , , They have three liviim i-in 1.1 i n li i 1 il i hii Mr I n,i..ru . l i.. 31iss Ruth Hampton Again In Charge At The Hospital Miss Ruth Hampton, who has been on leave of absence for eighteen months because of ill health, return ed to the Haywood County Hospital this morning to assume her former position as superintendent;. For fourteen monthi- the place has been tilled by Mrs; Millie Harbin. The board of trustees in a letter to Mrs. Harbin last week stated: "The Board .wishes to take this opportu nity to express our appteia tion . of the services you have rendered the hospital; you have filled in for us during a most difficult and trying period and you' have handled . the situation exceptionally well." . Miss Hampton has held the place as superintendent for four years. Records of the institution show a most encouraging report, it is learn ed from the trustees, and several improvements are being 'planned. Among the improvements is a new boiler in the heating system, and repairs on the sterilizing boiler. Rufus Siler, of ICazehvood, is chairman of the board.. Henry Reunion Is Held At Marie The' .reunion of the Henry family .of this section 'was held on Sunday, at the home, of Mr. and Mrs.. J. A. .Henry, at .Maggie, (Ira.dy Henry was chairman m arrangements. , The chief address of the day was made by (". F. Owen. Oilier s making talks were the I ln. YY: T. Lite and ( '.hiude Allison; llliiitm the busiiie.-.- se-mii .(ii'ady Henry was le-rlccted rhai.niian anil Mrs. .1. K. Tciy was elected to seie as secretary. F.xtehsive i)tan tire beine' made fur the reunion -of next year. A1 noiii . a I'outit if'ul luneir wa erve I picnic .'fashion eii the lawn.. Signor Cappelli Is R o t a ry Speaker . For forty minutes Signor . Mario .('iippelli, of New York, who led. the singing a Lake J unaluska last week, held the local Rotary Club 'Spell bound"; with bis vivid; descript ioi. ( Italy and the life of Rehio Mussoliiii. .Signor Cappelli W!'v.-:-'iOst high in praise of this section, poiiring it ' as, the most beautiful -f:r.g '.' r a singing village, like the one wlvch opens today ill: Michigan, of whii h he will be director. He plans to - return here again next yeai to open a -imi-lar one at the lake. .. He has lived in Jiiost of the capi tals:; Europe, and i.- a musician of international renown. .. At the conclusion l his talk, no gave three, . vocal solos in a most pleasing manner. He was acccm panied by Mr. Thompson, of Birming ham. ,'' Besides "he two guests; almve, six others, from five sta were present. Mr and Mrs- Xoyes Long, of Old Hickorv. Tenn., who have been - visit -ing the latter'? mother. Mrs. AV. L. Hardin, left Wednesday for Marion, where they will visit relatives, after which they will return to Waynes ville. for. a brief visit. Circulation Figures for July Soar To A New High Mark When the fsribj-cHption books t The Mounlaineor wero ii" k"! yesterday afternMin for the niontli of July it was found that the rec ord for the month had soared to new high lovclf a total of 179 having been received during the month. Forty per cent of this total wore new subscriptions, wl.icli also s't a new record,- City Tax Rate To Remain 1.60 Total- Of !?.lt;2 Set Out In Budget As Heing Kt'quired For Coiuing Y tar T'be tentative l odge: :',; T,.mi 1 f Waynes viile fill tla cni.f,g vial' Mts the ax rate of 1.0o p, , i un ilTed valuation, thv a:iu . a.- last year, awrding ;o a puK-Al.e.i ini.igct in to.layV paper. The tn;a'. budget icqti ie!iint arc set out at if'.io.lt'iL'. Although there aic -l c hi changes in la'.es tor the ,i.n ii ir t'ur.ds of that t'f h'.st year, '.iu '. a! rate re intllns the -ailie. Tin- deta lid '..udge; on tile at tile iity b.ail and 1- epeti ta in-pcc. t : n of ar. one, .t was staleii. The large-, single item i- debt -ervice. totaling i:l,o"li for all funds. The light fund conies second with JJ.''1I and ;lre general fund comes in lor Sle.liSO. The -licet fund is set at ,110 while the water is low est at tfa.ooS. Champion Fibre Co. And Ohio Company Are Being Merged The Champion F.bre company, op erator ef one of the largest pulp mills in the world at Canton and the "Champion Coated Paper company, of x Hamilton, O,, with which it has been closely associated for years, are being merged into a single company in order to simplify their financial structure. The new .'company will be known as the Champion Paper and Fibre company, said Reuben B. Robertson, president of the fibre .company, yes terday upon his return from Europe. "Operations of our plant will not be affected, but the ollicrrs of Hie new company have not boon selected. The merger involves about $ll,u00, 000 in securities and the refinancing will include $.",f)00,000 worth of ! per cent debenture bonds aiid $t'i,()0(),- 000 worth of fi per cent prefeirei stock. Large Crowd Heard Ginsv Smith Last Night At ME Church A good .crowd greeted (iti-y Sniifll, .Ii'., ill hi- init lal seivici' at the Moth ndist eliurch la'-t night. The .meet ings Will be hcio al s ii'cloelv i 1 1 M evening, with any ehaees in the i!an being; amioiin cil at ' he' set viei' limn night to n ig hi , ' Special lull -ii- w-'dl 'niluic- '-each si i tret' T he rigular .Tioir Of the church will be ... - u:te(l by llle lilelll hei's ,if ' Mt'ie'i r led r . . a nd by v i . ,'lo'r in town. T'onigir Mr-. Ndnlme ( o A U . . , t New ( Allege, 'will H1S-' -Oil T'i:e-d i el lieM Week tile A. ap pel lit-' i'!'o;i; of New College l l'l be mi t ho-pri g ram. At some! line during i he meet ir g a 'dun r- f rom "T'.li.iah" till ile r tile Vlireetion of . Lawrence Xil,-on. wi i I- he present i.'d. If he ir;'cj-est of la! ( vetting i indieat iv-e. of he. a : I endaiue- a! 'the mi'et iiig . it may l a-ily In- p'rrd I.'! i d v'igi; : ii' III i i - ; -Uei'-sl'lli revival wijl. be held lie tlie ; Rev'. Mr,; Smith. :' Sam Leatherwood, 1( Died Tuesday Night Funeral -ei vices wore he'd .' In -morning at I I. i'el.e.k -fur Sani I.e.vh ei wood, .' 'ii!, vvh ) died Tuesday Might at : 'J oYloek af'er ati i hie-- of two years. Intel mi nf wa- in t he Leaf h erwood eemelery ne;ir )o!lwood. i Surviving are his. widow, and nine children, Mrs. John Janes and Mrs. f. '('.. Dunean, both of Balsam, Mi-. I Kdi'h Messer, Ralph, Huston, Anna Ilee. tiirtV, Kinma l.ouise atnl .am, Jr.. all of Waynesville; his father, J. I). Lea'herwood, one brother, Seaph,, two sister, Mrs, A. I). Hill, of Hendersonville, Mrs. M. L. Messer, of Cove Creek, two, 'half brothers, John. Leaf herwood, of Hendersonville, WoodrOw. Lc ahtrcwood, of Cove Creek, and six half -sisters, Mrs. Glenn Messer, Mrs, Mamie Hannah, Mrs, Mary .Lea' therwood. Miss X.Susie Leatherwo"ol, and. Miss Jessie Leath wood, all of Cove Creek, and Mrs. John Holland, of Burnett: Cove. The month of July Is usually consideri'd a bad-' month for subscriptions, but without any special sales effort or inducements of any kind. The Mountaineer succeeded In breaking former records. As far can be learned, this figure for the month has never been snrpassed by the paper, even during circulation campaigns. . . -'.'. ): "' '.'.'' Coming Here Soon 4 s n ; Si . ojsmfe. ' SXXd 4 1 ratios M W.i) li ck. ( "In ii ni, i n of Hie Slat,' Highway t Nun mi 'io n, and ther inemlieis, plan to come here al n e.uli date ami personally inspect the , Intel mi roads, and proposed I-. M.. ill I Ills unnieil i.tl 1 e I en it ol The eoinim.s.sioTi is especially mier esie.l ill Highway No. ,'s Va. lies- lll- lo I ll e . I rd - .1 n ,1 lis let.itl.oi to ill' 1 'a i U u a . Almost 100,000 Pounds Of Haywood Green Beans Sold Haywood county treen beans have literally covered the ' Faslcrn hart of America, according to figures giv en out yesterday by the Land O' 1 he iSky Association, l'p to July .'.I'.l.riS.'! pounds of beans had been .hipped out of the county.': The bi'iins went to buyers in St. J.ouis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Char lotte, Atlanta, Mobile, Memphis, 'and rinanv other points. Most of the ilea ns .were. --shipped by truck, with some being sent bv rail. Reports coming from the cannery at Hazclwood this week showed that approximately 100 persons were now employed there and 'thai up to July 7 the '-following 'had been canned: illHli Nil, 1(1 cans of blackberries. .i,"lil No. 'J cans of blackberries, 5,178 No. 10 cans or beans. 12,000 No. 2 cans of beans. Plans are underway in.' begin can ning tomatoes and huckleberries at an early date. Aniiouncemenl made in' this week's paper is thai' four cents a pound is being paid al the can ne ry for buckle berries, while I wo and a half cents is being paid', for .blackberries. .1. I Dolson Huried TuesdayMorning .i iv i ii.-i - ii,' ft i. ;. .i-r.a lii ka, mid at '.I oVlork Siindav night a h i;; h"iue, al I .a Vr. J 'liw in- ka: lie i in viv ed bv In - W'idow and ; lie f, l!uu nig children-: .Mr I .. I, l.eatb e ew' -. (".- A: Hot on. Mi-:. Mali-oil I 'abTw el!. I ;t ' I ',' (.lot,- "ii, M .r .1: 1 lot en, ;Mr-, Jit 1 1 Alii! -,- Had', ii Hot -on, M t C'a'-'i ev S in :i 1 1 1 1 i . , M i -. ' Robert ( art. r ,'iid Mi . T, M, Hen .nit I-'llla-'' ill- 'ervice ' tvli: eolldlle! . d at I ! '.,'. din k In.-. I:i v. in-.ri i in:' a' bin. b !' eh1 pel "A i ' h bl-l I I a 1 ill tile elllU ,'l.' ceillel eify. 'Mi:. Iiol.-iin vva - a ni.-inber of I be .Me hedisl cliui ' h and 'be Ma mic lodge," no e; i i on stii.i. ( i (.in- m:ak iikui: .'John Keily and !:':. bav .p i a .i;n-g.-:!:!'ii t.l ill en blti gle, cv-t ' lie 0111 -: t lull l b : -Wi ek. N o beer (,r iiia-. b vva, I'oUJid. ' ''.- : : The:' olli.'ci - bell. lb.- laid .e niilde in A " before- -he - h;ne.l'. , started to lifepare f'-r a "::in." Hiking (Jul) Going To Eagles Nest Sunday . T'be ".organization, of the H iking Club was completed on Monday even ing whet, the members held a, meet ing with ..Miss Daisy and .Miss Har riet Boyd.. Balsam Mountains Hik ers Was chosen as the name. df the group, , a constitution and by-laws .setttng for: b the name and object were adopted. I;. I.. I'revo.-f, Mi.-s Harriett Boyd, Chai Tc-s F. Ray, and W. A. Bradley weie chosen to serve as council mem bers for the club. -. The second hike of the group was enjoyed' on Sunday afternoon, Under the "leadership of W. A. Bradley. The party rode up the Hood Road and then walked several miles toward Jones Knob. Next Sunday the hike will be to Fag'es Nes:, under the leadership of Cilin Mclnnes, Anyone wishing to go is requested to meet the group at the Country Club promptly at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Jessie Massie McCracken, of Rock Hill, S. C, wa,s the guest over the week-end of her mother, Mrs. T. N. Massie. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hardin, Jr., had as their guests during the week Rev. and Mrs. John AV, Braiueomb, of An cadia, Fla., -who were en route to New York City. Massie Awards J. Liner Contract For New $10,000 Show Work (Jot I'lHlcrway Yesterday. Huildinir To Ho ( onipliltd Hy Decern bo r l.")(h J. F. Massie yesterday .awarded Jerry Liner the contract for build ing the new . 10,000 theatre on Main street here. YYork got underway yesterday afternoon -in clearing off the lot iiiep-iratoiy to actual con struct ion. The eontrin-t call,, for the build ing to be comnlote by the tif'.eenth of llcccmbei. Mr. Liner' wa the succe-sfttl bid der of six, the others being from Charlotte; Statesville and Ashe I 'Mr. Massie stated that s. -fhanges in the plans would make ' building nmre cxneiisive than i ' first planned. An air-conditioning apparatus which will change 21,000 cubic feet of air a minute will be one of the .several outstanding features of the new building. A super-wide range shak ing outfit will be installed. The heat ing plant included in the plans is of the latest design. being operated elriiely by thermostats from differ ent "sections of the building. Henry I. Oaines, of Ashevillc, is architect, and will spend the great er part of the time here while the building is being constructed. Arthur Justice, 18, Killed Last Thurs day On Canton St. CANTON FuneriiT services for Arthur Justice, 18, of the Bethel com munity, near Canton, who was-almost instantly killed' .on. Park avenue here Thursday morning at H o'clock when the motorcycle- on which he. was rid ing collided with an automobile driv en by Mr. Abbott, Brysoii City auto mobile dealer, were conducted at the flcthel Methodist church Friday after noon with the Rev. High fill, pastor of the church, officiating.-.-' . Young Justice,-an employe of the American Knka corporation, had re turned to -Canton On a regular Fnka passenger bus. He had parked his motorcycle in Caiilnii for the night. AVghling I'ly'ln the '('us, .In-: ice mounted his niofonvdo and wan headed in tile dire, lion of lit., home in the westeri' -i.;, . n- ,.f awood eoiifily when be aliempted to pass the bus, from which lie- had' previous ly .alighted, under I he : I ra llic light in front of t be ( 'anion post idliee building, and inn he i.lon into, the iia.diii.e driven by Mi Abbott. The Ill.'loVeVele - i l l.lek I he left f i"ii : w heel of I be Afdiot t c;i r and -wiieil to the rigid nf the highway : with llle . i 1 1 1 1 ; i . -1 Ihrowiiig .lulice ap, pi o- i .mat i ; ."ill fee' to the pa Ve men'. : .Li -1 it v i - In . a-long .'ow.lv whin Wi! 10' - i- .le l.elieil llllll I'llt lle it re gain, d e-'liscioll Mle-X and died several iniiitites lal.-r. Young Just ice, it w.ls le.-iiiii'd l.i. re Friday.- wti - '. planning, to Xliseont imie hi- work -wii b the Fnka eoi po ra ioii I hi -if ill he.llth. A oling Jllstiel dent of I lie llet b by his parent s, Sat u -da v on a. eount . a wed know resi I section, i surviceil Mr. ai d Mis. Larry Just ice, of Hot bid Holier', a iid If r i y mid two Til ' .1 he I s, 11,-t I' -o of tl-.e Be! hi. I si-el iiill :' Yit ne-- -;i ui Jf -1 ing-; at a high i".i)e i I'agedv oei-iii r.-d. , Th ige. was travel jfu'ed yhi- n tbfi ! speed indica- 'or-on the niotoreycie stood at alien i M0 mile- per hour when it: wa- taktn ' i ..in t hi' -I reel , w it m s-sc -: a" !. T be ir cideni was iroiioui:c('d tiiiayiti'labbt .tiiidi-r the circlimsl ances, i; . I. (J. McCracken Ilonored Al Slate Convenlion .; S.piii'e Robe rt Q. Mc('raeken.. wig. t'epi eseiited the !o -il C uiit 'l . f t.he Royal. A i eatiiint, at he 1 1 rand.-Council, meet ing held in YYihston-Salem las week, w.as given recognit ion. The. Siiuire has been a member of thin f i-i'ornal order .for 'if: y-t wo yetirs,. and is the oldest liie.m' er. rated by. yttai's, of membership, in the sta'e. MASONS TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT '. B. Hosaflook, nm.-u r of the local Masonic Lodge, announced that . reg ular communication of the Waynes ville lodge ..would . be held Friday night, August 2nd, at 8 p. m., at. the Masonic Temple. He stated that ail Masons passed are admitted during the month of August make a special , effort to be present, as this meeting has been planned especially for their anniver sary,. Visiting Masons are always invited. - THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Date Max 25 S7 2i'. ,X .':'' - 84 . .. .27 '; '.. M.- :. 28 'i - 77 29 - 84 20 - 84 3i ' : . '; ': - 85 Min 64 62 1 46 .v. 52 60 58