: R h t U I U YV V( LXI I AVf.l III IKal l&ll i'Yl feiK f AiTSTTr TVVYTTT ATTTvTiiT7l TTttl up.. J he Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published t The Eastern Entnm'i. nf Th I'roo c . m . v. , ., , , .. 11 uc7 l Iue lc,n "iranie ot Ihe t.reat isnioky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 36 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1933 fPA Projects Costing 3 Million Being Sought In This District r Rreese ., . -,.,S AIIU A-"""" Enter Piect Re(luests At Once Urges To . more days are left in Ot-J m,e, .nnlirations for Works 0 ,':m;ni5tration projects, ac- Wrtii.: ' ,pnresentative from the , i office wno i"'e "Lumber 10th set as was here has been deadliw lor receiving uu- "LL;r" tmvn. county, school. :.. wrrpation or other pro- ' nature that come un- IT Lilt tie scop lit have been put into 1 , .,, mil. oriH sATit. to the S office before the deadline fsuch units as hope to be aided klk V8t lunos amuuiimin i" v.n Billions of dollars allotted to the JS district will be barred from (KHVing aia. n. Acting as a repieL: r ' wiorW. E. Breese, the vvrA omcim wTuf iav afked The Mountaineer tress the lacr mai it.c iC .... u.,1 WPA ornntn. tTifs attaciieu ' ...--. Utrosmiateiy ? uul ui tvc-j i a WPA project costs is a direct rii; from the federal government -hat trill "not have to be repaid in any wt hy the beneficiary public unit. Farm to market or secondary roaus 'aon;he preferred list ot projects, i, pointed out, witn ; sucn ouiers uo en the accepted list as street ana wa'lc '(.pair? and construction, Ttpairs and building of schools, court loass, jails and tuner puonc uuiiu- water and . sewer construction ud extension, worK on puonc records, ii recreation projects, ; Ike relief agencies now existing user tee iederai setups win uc uuacu at entirely within a few weeks, it was MM out - oy trie vvrA represema- ive, and. unless , work projects are && for the needy ' by various XT . i 1 twiauimties in western rsorin varo ina, the burden of caring for the Keiv ar.d unemployed will fall on ie towns and counties..; The WPA iis for its principal objective the placing of unemployed people back into private employment aftc'r the relief agencies have been closed out, ad for unskilled labor will pay ap proximately $21 per month, and up to maximum of $00 per month for skill- wisoor. Only a little over one million dol- iti m project applications have been Mdved :n the Asheville district of- Sce,:tAva sirevod by the WPA rep ssectr.ive. ami unless enough pro- are 'turned in to the office be- September loth to take up the im.sions of dollars allotted to k-t comprised of thirteen tw:; the- funds, will bp 'returned tfc.-ftdera! treasury and in turn to .th(.vt.--uitncts- and state applied for more than their m qunn of the four billion fund K iip bv the last coneress. ' Etiftinrt-r hflVn no.'n nnnninffji lr 1nl sutions nf thp district pi and assist .' ill preparing the i-Hatiyns fur projects. However, t !''S'.i;c- -tmrineer cannot, be Mediately !ova:ecl,, the governmenUl f';.ts are .'requested to take such and data -i-- rha'tr VarA 'avail.' ItCt to thp AVlpviltp nffinp thev wilt lio lia,iiD k., .f ' I'ujtuitu corp :(,f engineers ' AAA Payments In Haywood Reach Almost $28,000 Increase In Farm Incomes Help ed By Recent Payments. This County Benefits Farmers of Haywood county who are co-operating- jn the agricultural adjustment programs received a total of $20,857.27 in rental and benefit payments during the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1135. Other counties in this immediate area received the following: Bun combe, -16,707.68; Henderson, $3,075. 42; Jackson, $248.09; Macon, $1,413.40, Swain, $61.50; Transylvania, $2,985.15. These payments together with the increase in prices paid to farmers for their commodities have been re fleet ed in the larger income being received by farmers, said Dean I. O. Schaub, of State College. From 1932 to 1934, he pointed out, the total income of N'orth Carolina farmers increased by approximately 155 per cent, or from $104,362,000. to $260,449,000.. The .Idialt i.neome was $194,390,fX)0. The total AAA payments to farm eis of the state during the past riseal year ran to $14,732,147.51, divided as follows: Tohacco grower? $8,015,380. 21; cotton growers 85,945,844.43; coni-hog producers $719,363.20; and wheat growers $51,599.67. During this period the .expense of administering the programs amounted to $1,147,290.71, or approximately seven per cent of the total AAA dis bursements in the state The administration expenses Were largely payments to county and com munity : commit teemen who were se lected from among the farmers Ho assist the county agents locally with the Crop adjustment programs. Masonic Official Warm In Praise Of Western 'Words Have Family Reunion & MedfovJ : ir. ...... . j -o w.o a reunion o.i last Sunday , . v ,vle oj wayne Medford. in e, the latter having tof. , vv""i irurn eastern . ; ''(' Justness , session. e fr t iieiu next year .'IfcUIpiTc ''-X fir n.vmv. Mrs . 4: "twnoon dancing clas, eek m toentember at place near Clyde. CLASS K I'Uilding at thp niwl bonr :!"d of at the Hotel ' Aug list 182 Ralph L. Hebbard, of Washington, D. C, Grand Master of the Grand council, nf the District ti Columbia, one of the distinguished'' visitors at the Labor .Day. Assembly of the Grand Council of Xorth Carolina, held here this week, was high in his praise of this svetion. Since Mr. Hebbard is the water works engineer, in charge of the water meters of the District of Col umbia, the first asset he named for this section was the excellent water supply of the town. He', expressed great surmise in the progressiveness of this area, and spoke at length of the comfortable accommodations and the food he had been served. As to the scenery, he. 'Stated., that, as this was his first visit to this sec tion 'he was .not prepared for the wonders of nature he observed on all sides. He complimented thoee . re sponsible tor planning the meeting at Soco G?.r, and of the imnressivene of the beauties of nature as a back ground for the summer asseiiibly of the Masons, Hp snoke of his work for the Ma sons, takihe him in everv state' of the Union this year,' and of the in terest "he felt, in each secticn. While all the states have a certain aniom t of local color and problems that make them almost s small separate country, bp aid he had been forcibly impressed with the national spirit, that existed throughout the land. . -When asked, about the political sit uation and how things were around Washington he .raid:' "In tb.e District of Columbia where we can not vote we have no politics, but I will say that now Congress has adjourned the city has settled dowp. to real isork." LARGE SPIDJEK CAUGHT I One of the largest spider ever caught in this section .is on display at The Mountaineer office. : It was caught by Sam Melton this week in a pile of several discarded auton9 bile tires. While it j not of the "black w idow' species, jt is evident that the spider, which measures about three inches from tip to tip, is of a "ferocious species." ..' Cleveland Wins Sweepstakes A t The Dahlia Show Marked by exhibits of fxceptional merit, the Dahlia Show., sponsored by the WohianV .Club, which was held on Tuesday, set a new high standard for this annua! t-ver.t. J. Z. Cleveland, of Zirconia, who has been specializing in dahlias for the past eight years, was the vinner of the sweepstakes prize, a handsome -ilvor loving cup. having won 26 points more than the next high competitor. There was every type ef dahlia on exhibition, from the small old fash ioned variety to the last word in a decorative. Noticeable were the seed ling which are being grown exten sively by J. B. Ivey. of Lake Junaluska and Charlotte, J. Z. Cleveland and W. T. Sheltoh, which have been given recognition by the American Dahlia Society. Attracting the attention of all visitors was a floor basket of pink dahlia, seedlings, entered by Mr. Cleveland, with .stems three feet long. Next year the tubers will be sent to the testing grounds of the American Dahlia Society. Another seedlinir produced by Mr. Cleveland a fiize winner in class 4, was called Cam Virginia, a light yellow mcuivd c.ietus. which received a certificate !;.. yi-.ir from St'orrY The Poinsett Paragon, a decorative three years old, which' .has also re ceived a certificate of merit from the Dahlia Society, will be introduced at the dahlia show for Mr. Cleveland, in New York the last of this month by the Rush-more. Dahlia Farms, of Long Island. Other seedlings exhib ited by Mr. Cleveland "were the Lady Fair, Joel ..Poin.-ett. and an exquisite white decorative tinted will as yet without a name. . A large basket of decorative (Continued on back page.) Civil Court To Convene On 16th Trial Cases Few ini The September Civil to nor court will convene h' September 16, with ,h; Warlick presiding. Tin , the term is lighter than only forty ca-es on tin- aim nine or. t!ie motion docket. The cases for trial docket are rrr!ed elsewhere in this ismo, Tin jurors for this term of court are as fellows: rir-t Wi-ik: .I.H. S.mmi.v ('!v of upe- :e Monday. -'e Wilson ..i iitviar for usual with trial docket r.-t J. E. Smathers, B I V i .-eavel'dam ; J. K. , l!ea- K. C. , Wor- Wbv-sville; Willi .orchid. lah- Queen, rigeetr, A. 15. thveiiby verdam; Albert Justice, Clyde; Messer, Jonathan' Creek; V. K ley, l.eaverdam; C." X. Howell, r.esville; H. C. Kohin.-on. Waviu L. S. Stanley, Clyde; Posey Cogburn Fast Fork: John I!. Medford, Wav r.. -v.'.le. George Sutton, .Lnathan's Creek ,1 d. Iveter, lieaverdam; K. H. Mease, Pigeon; Jonah Llrown, Cecil; L. B. Li atherwood, Jonathan; T. J. Davis. Iron Duff; Edward Jayne-s, Clyde; Wayr.e I!. Smathers, Heaverdam; W. C. 1 ii kpat rick. Fines Creek; N. A. Kobin-on. Heaverd.im; Robert Hogan, Ir, v. Duff; 11. E. Wells, Crabtreo. Second week; L. M. Davis, Way-ne-villc; L. A. ilurnett, Heaverdam; Keller Gaddy, lVaverdam; W. M. Gieon, Cecil; C. M. Moody, Jonathan's Cieek; L. A. IL.-diins. Cataloochee; T. E. Reed, Heaverdam ; E. O. White. Cataloochee; J. A. Parks, Jonathan's Creek. CI C. Moody Wright, Heave r. Wavn:sville ; C. Fork; O'ti.s Alio J. I Dav $221,000 Sewer Project Is Tentatively' Turned Down Local ERA Office To Be Liquidated On November First Some 430 to 500 Will Become Charges Of Local I'nit After November First avncsvi mi; W, W. le; T. L. Buchanan, II. Kuykendall, East n, Jonathan's Creek; Comptoti, Waynesville; Thos. J. . Wavnesvilfiei John Myit. Cecil T. J. Harkins, Heaverdam. The local EKA ollicc will be liqui dated by November the first, accord ing to those in charge. Those who have been on the Emergency Relief rolls will bi given priority for work in the new WPA program when their certification of eligibility has been 'es tablished under (lie new administra tion. Under the new ruling all mothers, either widowed, or deserted, or hav ing invalid husbands, who naturally would be classed as the employable heads iif the family, with children un der 16 years of ago, cannot be cer tified for work under the WPA. Af ter November the th'st, they will be come, the responsibility of the local welfare board. In Haywood county there are S9 such cases, wdth women the only de pendents for work in the family. The case.s average from 5 to 6-. children each, which means that between 450 ami 500; persons Will be entirely cut oft from any relief. "Probably the reason for this new set-up is due to the fact that a Moth ers Aid was included in the Social Security program, for which Congress elosol, without making any appropria- Two-Thirds Scales and Pumps In County Found To Be Wrong Hundreds Perish In Florida2 Storm (A Radio Report.) . Three hundred and eighty-one are known to have perished in the hurricane which swept over southern Florida and up the west coast late Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it wn learned late last night. Aviators. flying over the storm area reported that the country side looked as ii a giant steam roller had passed over the terri: tory. Rc-por: s wt re meager, as communication lines were down in the area. , , A liner. Dixie, grounded with .'572 on board early in the storm. ..irwiVtrai -mjiji.s w eie soiiiuui ui to render aid if needed. Legion Officers To Be Installed Installation of the newly elected officers of the American Legion at the court house Friday evening a; 7 : 1 " o'clock. This meeting i,s open to the puidic ar.d every one interested in Legion affiirs, and especally . all ex-M rvce men are urged to be present and or: tim las our out-going state ; oomniand pr. Olive, and commander-eicct, Jo-i - Sonle-. and Kasiillnc iiiilii" In IaywHtl Couiily liavc Im-cii olli einlly rlio'kril lor coiiort ucIkI'iIs and iiH-iiMiivs. ii nd s'-nl -onc oiil of every hundred were loiind 'lacking." aoioriliiig to (lie ofli- ial reiNtrl liled liy Oral 'Yules, Male ueiglu and measure lii-io'e-r, hi sMJ)l llie ji.'im eleven days lieie. of lliettlo 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 in die couiily. 71 per iH'nl Hcl'c giving sliorl measure from 7 Hi :t" euliie in clies per Kallon I here heing 231 ouliie inches to the gnlliui.' Ihery inimp ii i i tin ineorreel ineasiire ia- eilher eoll'i'eled in' i nlldenill etl. rump condemned e:ni ea-.. ily I"' -poled a- I hej are ealed- il h a red l.'iit. The pumpx iiiim i mititI ini fi--ui'tt: liini" hail a; while a- -enled upon i In in. scm'IiImii oaU1 were ciiiili--e.iiid li. Mr; ,ale. mill ;i iniiii her eoiol' iiiiieil. H i- I'eiioi i -how -thai (i7 -p. r mil t 1 1 n -r;il - in Hie rolling wire iiini; ae;ii; iliK from half oulii e lo four on ne- - -hori per pound. In a low in--laiiee- llie .ilo- ere. auain-l ihe -lo,... 'Ihi-e were al-o tor l ei I' ll. - !l ;ii'loed -ale- iiae a i;reen oal on ihi in. 'I lie eoii d iiined -ales bear a i d taa. Iiidi .iiioii. are thai lieiient in-jieet joiis will he made of seales and pumps ill the -lute, aeeord iiii; lei reports from ollii inls in K.ileuh. -. .. Atkins Finds At State .Meeting That "Pressure" Needs To Get Project Through turn availalil suits is a local we fan was stated. e at tins time, erious problem agencies to It for handle, the Progress Is Being Made On Two New Buildings In City Wayncsville's two major building projects, the $411,000 Massie Theatre, and the Baptist church". Sunday school annex are progressing along with schedule. . The' walls of the theatre-have been about completed, and ihe- large six ton beams have been placed on the ., .1,,, ' v ' 1 ' ' ' I iriiveil. Brick la vers -on the ..Baptist church ,- ... job ate aiiead of schedule Willi . 1 lie brick 1 wall slcadily. cli iiibing. I-t 1 ha : been estimated that 'within sixty days the work will be vcil ni the way to , iilll .'l le! ion. - "1 believe if we get In behind the project and exert enough pressure, that tb.e towns of Waynesville and Hazelwood will be granted the $221, 00O loan for building the sewer line to Pigeon river below Lake Juna luska," said Janies Atkins, Jr., who returned yesterday from Chapel Hill where some 'seven to eight hundred met with state officials to disuess PWA projects. The application was recently ' with PWA otlicials, but was "t. .. lively" turned down on the gic . that there not enough families :i Haywood county to warrant nppro.d of the project. It was also stated in the rejection, that the cost per man hour was too much. Local re cords revealed that some 600 families are on relief in the county, however. The prokct has been estimated would cu-t' SJJ 1,(100. Of this, under the PWA set up, 100,000 would be piovuled for by the government or l.V , , Those w ho have been interested in the project believe that the towns would never lie able lo get the work through for $121,000. It has been .intimated, that "sooner or later the sewer line would have to he built." Numerous f:i clings and Conferences with the local boards of aldermen have been held with state health ollicials on'. the matter in the past several years. Mr.. Atkins reported that at Tues day's meeting, the fact was brought out that less than a half million pro jects hail been .approved, although some' twenty million had been re-' quested by the state to' date. . It was al.-Vi pointed out that the allotment for this state for PWA and WPA work should amount to .fifty million dollars, . Last year North Carolina paid di rect in federal taxes, 265 million this being 'second lo New York, and according to a statement by Governor Khrinebaus, this state pays a greater "tut" total than does New York.-' At Tuesday's meeting, a committee consisting of Governor Khringhaus, Congressman Hob Doughtoii, and. Senalor J. W. 'Bailey and Robert K. Reynolds, Was instructed to go to WjishiiiL'toii immodialclv. and investi gate the conditions tiler. i bis slate could not get pro p. in wny i t s ap- At prior nice! .nigs-. f wio h iei'ineii of Waynesville and oil, it n il- suet'eMcd t bat a excod lo loots per 1,00(1 r lie It vie, a ', 'pll't Friday Evening (Beauty Contest To Be Held Friday At Waynewood Theatre ef have i.l In n will give a b Arrangement. e radio in-tta or this program. .( i n rather inact ;.ve two year? snd- row .is . neeciea. r.very hat- ; ,--.biv cat!, i ..-le? Le Roy Da vis lifts fit-) before the we received Zhis paper ( LASS OF 1925 HOLDS REL'-VION AT BRADLEY'S CAMP the class of 1925 of the Naynes- v;il Tnw-nshin High Schorl hen! a re union at Bradley's camp over week-end. The member motore nrt Sntiir.lav and retui r.rd Sunday afternoon. , . The members making up the h.u-e nartv were: Miss Marguerite Mass.e. KoTa Sue F.ancis. Mrs. DeBrayda Fisher Liner. Mrs. .'Pauline'. Noland. Davis, Mrs. Winnie Price Schu hofer. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Allen v- Mis, Jo, ephine Coman Ferguson. M.ss war Het Bovd. Mrs. Mark Galloway.- Lt. Lk Edwards. Mr. J.- B. Clyde Fisher. Mr.. Henry D.:.5.iMr. a .i pli hftfer 1T. 1 i dii'" - v- guson, and Mr. W. Thoma; Reeves. the out town on phus laniels. Jr. over the radio, been made to ha the court .. room 1 'Our post has for the -thf pa-: is .the time '-ex-.'-ervice fo 1 '' j make. '' a poti '; I ntie'v e:ec'c-o ; irof ti-'-g and ; ny -jr. hi- dues so a good i-eprrt can be turned in to the 'State pH.arii'int. Yea can get in touch with him at Hyatt atid Company's of ice anv time between s-nO A. M,. an'l StfiO P. JI." one official sa;r!, "Now. is the time for every one to ge t behind Ma jor Ho well, t 'in m'?.n der. nn.l bpln him ntr the Lesion, over tnis year. We reed your s iir'-or.' continued. , . A beauty contest, sponsored by -ten .firms of the. community, will be held at the Waynewood. Theatre here on 'Friday evening, between the first arid second shows, ''.. The winners of the contest will be awarded a. -large" loving cup, it was announced by Mrs. J.: II. Allison, di rector. A week later a vaudeville act will he pre-ented at the theatre by the'-piiiti-tipants of he contest. .. Tie' oi ct are, " Wo ni aft':-': -Wanted.' featui ing .Maureen Sullivan, Joel.M.c Rea, Lewis Stone, Edgar Kennedy and Adreinne Ames. It is l.-ald that this is a Very ' , interesting and amusing picture, which the" entile family will enjoy. -.- .".. , ,,,: 1 A news reel and two-r:-el i'-omeoy will be also shown. There will be no advance in price. . . Those taking part, in - the. .beauty contest are as follow?:- Ila Greene Ray s hiower htiop Almost 2,500 Will Be Enrolled In The Way. Schools Soon "I In enrollment .of the Waynr-ville Towns hip schools' now. totals 2,117, i Kit count tig Hock Hill and Allen's Creek -cIo.jm'.-,. wliivh will open ii -ni ii a- the I -a . ' . . the r i v ,1, II WPA I'flbiiil pay off we i- line It f below ''.In ay va ; n W' i ie d.-iv fib. m !.! ee !,',,ACd 11 .1. ' in aids of Hazel ia not gallons he CO-t II IZI'I do-; . 1 1 wi! b I "' lie 1 1 1 " Freddie (jaw ford Played !n Came new I'lii'dings nit' c . Supi rinti ndetii .M. ever,'- est ini at ( d l hat i he c. ; 'n s'cboiils' 2 and fid at Allen's id Tlio em oUment; as ; he bica I s. diools was II igh -cliiiol - . .. Ilaolw i.iud. ;" ... Centra! ' Heh-mentai y Past Waynesville Lake Junaluska-' Maggie :l..y, Saunoi.k , . . . : Del! wooil . ' Total ilipleled. II. Howl. .'! to Wo ub !2.1 ,it, K. how oiend t Hill eke,. . :', if yosterday as follow:-:'. 1-- :;vo 1 2: i Idti , I (to .10 - e.) .1 1 - t i av i.'1 -inh a: i:i w a i ; dm; i i r s . in; !;- ! : annual ua me t he . I h:c.a::o '" Ad- S' ars in Ch ie;; ioi,. on !'a-i 'l loir day evr tiitig. . Mo enlerod the, loiine during the' liir.J- ,-)i J ill '( i uii'i! the " la.-f' few llii'iu'es' of 1 be gailH;. . 1 '. II, hur; his hni.i in ..pi a T ice . sev- New Patrolmen Busy The n w h i g 1 1 w ay pa t ro I m en recent ly stationed in this 'sect-ion have been busy for; the ;.a-t week in. checking on drivers, stiiiiing niany for various rea-ons, . Tuesday- night the patrolmen hecking lights, arid . stopped a r and (ii'dered i-iianges -be made. . r. were -rjuinln Revival At Bethel he Small Mouth Bass Season Has Been Extended 'Til G. C; Poott, county game warden, announced yesterday that woroj had been received from Raleigh that the season for small mouth bass had been extended until October first. The season was scheduled to close the 31st of Augu-t. . Louise Mo: dy, sne ?rril!'s- Studio. Joe Cabe, American r rutt Manov Fannie Pear! Felmet, D. 3. Howell's Esso Station.. Lib Henrv, Wavnesville Laundry Ruth Green, Lady Fair Beauty Shop, Louise Stringfield, Parkway Service Station, A, D. Smathers. Marie Plott, W. W. N. C. Cafe. Sarah Welch, LeFaine Service, Sta tion, Claud Woodward, managei. Margaret , Walker, Central Service Station. - The demonstration car will be furn ished bv Watkins Chevrolet Company. Much interest . is, being, manifested in the meeting. which is being held a the: Bethel auditorium, w it h Rev. Mc K "'rid. rid -Rbbbin Ixmg, of Statesyilif ., ennducting the. services. Each night -liecial music. !S - arranged , for the iorvire. and the attendance ha.s .been en the '.hr.'i ease. each night. : . i ra, w ;. - ,'iiay day's hcHoe tite- game,. :ho.ut:ht he Would, not lie in, the lie a.i-s' first t.aiiio . a.n abl e to MrsBushneirsilalf- Away Sister Passes 1" Mi.-. S. H. H;i-i,!:e.: U ft Wi-dnesday. for Sali.-bur',. to attend the. .funeral of her half sister, Mr-.. R. I.. Matiney, whopass.ed away early ye-'i-tday morning,, followitig a Htrtrering jlln'es., . Mrs. ..Mauin-y h -i made '.several visits to Waynesville (:;n ing the past number of wars. LARGE CROWDS ATTEND LABOR DAY ( KI.EIIRATION TWO CARS SIDE-SWIPED An e-'irtiav w a- made that !- twt-en -l.j.Ooo and 20,hi(I people at tended the Labor lav. celebration, in 'tinJon, Monday. .. This being one of Jho lortrest ciowi's ever had at a sim i 'a:--. Celebration.. ' .'., ' '1 The nrogram. under ,.t.h". direction of Dave II. Harris, went eff a sched uledevery n,;nute being fil'ed with . ;n 'of the many activities of the day. Reports were that dt'tle. . cr no I trouble,, w-as had in. handling the large crowds..' ,. '.' Two leafs side-swiped each other on the curve in East Clyde late Mon day afternoon. Although the cars were damaged considerably, no one was hurt. The drivers- of the cars were not learned. - THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT Mr. Walter .TV Crawford and Mr. Eugene Alley, Jr., spent Tuesday in Robbinsville, on business. Date Max - . Min 2!: . " ' 75, - 5f 30 ' ' :S0' :w .II--.'-' " : 7-J " .... 16 1 '. 76 V- 50 ,2 : -. ;$. ''' ''.,' 40 '3' : , 81 10 3f 4 71 50