Uday SEPTEMBER 19, 1935 THE MOUNT JNEER, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. X9 AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE O'LIFE 'Mt now I'll seet -myself t a i little letter; JfVDell the wurda alrite, feUjo better. . .,, fnkes here in Waynes- fc .. ,-,,,ved back into tneir of ye remember hav P-':. the cellar or Kraee on ' mi the boardurs to whole lot of etn didn't come V the pavrallysU -skeer er " Vt diJn't hav here m Ynrth Karliner is ci": . ..Va'pnvwav: we're al- Aixt up with them East- iwlmonters ... n r - t the wurst of it like r-XeglLr Unkle Abe is : . n- v N. C. a se-seedin' , trooth, I hardly mo what ,;ti:.,U;. week-it's like the &,ei. things to write about air state- U ABE TAKES VAKASHUN Lies Unkle Abe is a Kitten so (gain nuii-.rucu, an nojui oul nc uuu "v "tt'do Ye see it's a Vakashun I ! -j reelv need 10 yeers, but 10 jo. An' "what makes it l0r rhe Editur don't want me to Mi-wants me to keep my hp at the hed of this kolyum iou: cut this nonsense, bo, I m urn to taKe a vanasiiun en.y- " . . .i .a m.. l.rt sj hav me nine ui. '.v a my oi age. mat even git arunK, snooi uui :;rtet lite?, pit arested ier speea- Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 in' an' paint the ol' town red in pin eral. So, if ye heer of enything like this a-goin' on up here endurin' the nex 10 days ye may no its Unkle Abe turned looce. Well, what's the New Deel fer eny way if its not to do sump'm onyoozal :n Everboddy seems to be Kitten a New Deel, if mot, they're takin' one to soot themselvs. Had ye notist, Mr. Editur, that thars bin a little moovin' Koin' on of late? Ye no fokes will moove when they kaint do enything else. THE HUMAN SIDE OUT: Saw a feller movin' up at Hazel wood few days ago an' he had his pig loaded on the reer of the truck with the little slop-buckit a hangin' by the crate. Wise to be takin' along hiz pig theze days. Then I saw anuther man movin' who had stoppt on Mane St. here. I thawt I saw a little hed stickin' up amunK some beddin in the truck, so went neer to see an' shore nuff, they had set a little chap up in the open body of the truck, penned him in, an' put bed cloze around to keep him warm. Ship To Be Floated Within Three Weeks MIAMI, Fla. The luxurious liner Dixie must lie abjectly on the reef that napped her and threatened the nve? of her passengers during Labor days hurricane for at least two or three week more, seaman estimated. The wrecking tug Warbler has start ed unloading passengers' baggage and :he genera! cargo carried by the steamer when she wdnt aground on trench Reef, south of here, during the storm and radioed an SOS. After the ship has been unloaded an attempt will be made to get her off the reef. In peaceful seas, the Dixie was reported to be riding on the reef without material harm. Sawdust Fire Has Been Burning For 22 Years DUBUQUE, la. Du'auiiue has a fire which has been burning for 22 years and has defied efforts to extinguish it. In 1913 the Standard Lumber com pany, a million dollar industry, was stake on top of ridge; thence with the top of said ridg-e. four calls as follows; S. 65 15' E. 235 feet; S. 50' E. 220 feet: S. 37' 40" E 350 feet: S. 10 E. 240 feet m , corner of the Turner lam RarcliffJ Medford land and John lnderwood land, and runs thence vith the Rat cliff Medford land X. 4 E. 1670 feet to a stake. Caddy corner; then with his line, two calls; N. St W. ;os feet; -V. U8 E. 242 feet to a stake at the end of said street opposite the begin ning: thence X. ,! -. ;4 ft?et t0 the BEGINNING corner, containing 24 8 acres, more or less, and being part of the Turner lands, as per survey and p!at of J. XX'. Seaver Sale made pursuant . the p, w, r of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R E. M;!!er. 1) J Howell and J. C. Xorris. da:,,! Juno ' 1"27, and recorded in Rook 19. at !'.': e 272, Record of Heeds ,f Trust of Haywood County. Th;s the 23rd day of August. 1 93i GEO. H. WARD. Trustor No. 3 S 4 Aug. 29 Sept. 6-12-19. from the 10th day of October, 1935,, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION and answer or demur to the com-1 PARTNERSHIP plaint in said action, or the plaintiff OP ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of R. E. Sentelle, Jr., de of v.-.. u ore wnicn neased, late of Haywood County, raged several days on the Mississippi North Carolina, this is to notify a':; river front. i r .,,,.. ....... . .L Lioiuia aga.ilM Wit estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned a: Canton, Bob Davis, of Attn Duff, walkt up to me tuther day down at the cattle sale, lookt me rite in the eye and sed: "Mocus, Hocus, Pocus." I thwat Eob had gone plum stark krazy an' told him so; but then he eekspand. He sed that verce wood kill the witch's spell an' fer me to tell all the witch-bleevers up here the sekrit. When the shades begin to lengthen,. An it gits reel kool at nite; The summer sun's mooved south'ard, An' the burds air on the fl ite Then. we jist as well git reddy, Get her crops, an' pile wood high; Fer ,ummer wether's mos' departid. An' ol' man Winter's drawin' nigh. Since then, fireman frequently have been called to the former site of the company to extinguish flame, which break out through the ground. Fire officials said that the plant had been built on sawdust beds, which be came compressed with the passage of years entril they assumed a steel like consistency. The fire reached these beds, and probed deep into them. There the embers smoldered. With atmosphere ie conditions just right the flames work their way upward. WORK TO BEGIN ON LETHAL GAS CHAMBER -V C. K. r. U., No. 2, or at South purt, N. C, on or before the 2oth day of August, lt35, or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said R. E. Sentelle, Jr., deceased estate will please make immediate payment. All persons having unfinished legal matters in the fikv of the said de-cea.-ett will please notify the under signed. This, .ho 2()th dav of August, HVt.v R. E.SENTELI.K, Sr., A iministrator of R. E. Sentelie. Jr.. Estate. No. 387 Au; 22-2'.'-Sept. 5-12-19-2(5 RALEIGH Material for the lethal gas chamber at states prison will be1 ordered immediately and construction J at eleven o'clock, should start in about 10 days, YV. L.I the court house door Craven, bridge engineer of the high-1 ville, Haywood County, North way and public works commission, i olina, the undersigned trastet said. It will take H) to 90 days to com plete the work and the cost will be .Lose to $5,000. Craven said. The 1935 legislature authorized sub stitution of lethal gas for the electric chair. Yes sir-eel Fackt is Unkle Abe orter a tuck hiz Vakashun long b foar how. It's gitten purty 'late now to ware white pants; but of coars, to be in stile on v akashun 1 11 hart to wear em. 1 Bill Blaylock sed hiz children had bin a-wantin' to see Unkle Abe, so he brings em up to me on the street J PHONE 4 R. L. Lee and Co. 'TENSE lat 1 HOLDS FIRE LOW ASH QUICK IGNITING Sao Paulo, in Brazil Sao Paulo, In the heart of the : coffee country of Rruzil, covers about 14 square miles and lias h population ,,C l.lHH'.kkl. tuther nite an' pints me out. . "Now, children, this is Unkle Abe stamlim' rite here, Seegyar an' all look at him," sed Bill. Mr. Editur, I'm jist not a goin' to stand fer sitch as this, bein' pinted out on the street like a wild animul in a zoo ye'll jist haff to git sumboddy elce to write this. So. good bye. ores trooly, UNKLE ABE. XOTICK OF TUI STKK'S SALK On Monday. September 23. 1935, at eleven o'clock, A. M. at the court house door, in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry, to the highest bid der for cash, the following lands and premises, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of a new street at the end of f ill street. 1100 feet from the South niar of the Ratcliff Cove Road, and runs thence X. a W. 54S feet to a stake in the Dnvi.1 Turner line; thence with his line. S. 4' V. 1256 feet to a rt1- : ...... : - Are You Preparing Anything to Exhibit M The Hay wood County OCTOBER 8-12 VI BIG ? Days HAZELW00D4C, Hundreds of Dollars in Premiums Poultry Industrial Pnntrv Siiimlies Merchantile m. .. j ri Arts and Craft School Displays estoek fid and Fden Crops Mnned Goods iFancyVork Sheep -Hogs Horses -Mules N'OTICF. OV TRUSTEE'S SALE On Motidav, October 7, Ri.'io, a. m., at in Wayncs- l ui - Will .sell at public outcry to the hij;hst bidder for cash, the following lands and premise: FIRST TRACT: nEClXNIXt; oh S. E. corner uf Ma: -Nichols lot, and on X. V. side line ot public road, and runs thence X. .1;$' .30' V12." feet1 with .Nichols -line to stake; X. -IS0 15' E. 117.7 feet to a stake in II. L I.eatherwood line; thence S. 117 yu' E. 1I25 feet with line of R. L, Leather-' wood to .stake in line- side "of public road; thence S. 48" ;!0' W. 1S0.7 feet with line of public road to the liEClXXIXG, being the same land conveyed in a deed from Y. O. Rob inson to I. L. Council, dated Nov. 1W. 1925, and recorded in Book, page , Record of Deeds of Haywood county. SECOND. TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake at forks of the street and in Northeast line of lot No. I!, of the Marshall and Miller plat, and runs thence N. 61" 30' W. 300 fee! with edge of street to a stake; thence S. 31 W. 173 feet to a stake in edge of street; thence with street as it meanders, to the BEGINNING, containing 9G-100 of an acre, more or less, and being same land con veyed by J, D. Williams (husband of Nannie E. Dunn William, deceased, and recorded in Book , page , Record of Deeds of Haywood County. THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on an iron stake, the Southeast corner of Mat Nichols lot, and on the Northwest side line of public road, and run.s thence N. 43 30' W. 125 feet to stake in Nichois line; thence N. 4S" 15' E. 100 feet to a stake in line of W. O. Robinson; thence S. 1.'! ' 30' E. 125 feet to a, stake in side line of road, W. (). Robinson corner; thence P. 48" 15' W. 100 feet with line of road to '.he BEGINNING, ting ihe same land sold and conveyed by Mat Nichols and wife, Matha Nich - N, to I. L. Council, bv deed dated the X;h day of October, 1925, and reeord- d in Book, page , Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to . the power .i' f.Vo conferral upon me by virtue f that certain need of trust execut .d by r; V. Waters, dated Jnnu ar;.' 1st. 192i. and recorded in Book If page 1." 1. Record of Deeds of Tri-4 of . Haywood. Coun'V.: t'-e T'.li dav of Scitte'ndx'r, llKSo. .1. R. MORGAN, Trustee. . . . ."77 12- H'-L'i'-O :. will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. I his 6th dav of September, 193a KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk of Superior Court. No. 3S8 Sept. 12-19-26-Oct. 3. ce; A DMTNlS.TRAtoR'S NOTICE; laving tiual'ifitd a'' 'administrator of . t.s;a:e 'of- John T. RhTneharti do sed, this is -to, notify-all persons .-.awng ciaims against ihe estate oi ;h'e deceased ; to rile same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Iiay vv .' i County, on or lief ore the 4th iav uf September, U30, or this no ii'e will be uieaded in bar of such recovery. . . Arc persons indebted to will iKcase make ret'.iement at once. This the 4: h day of. September, VJ"h. VAUGHN R. RHIXEHART, Administrator of the . Estate : of John T. Rhinehart, Deceased. . No. 385 Sept 5-12-19-2'i-(t said estate 10. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. William S. Brooks, Plaintiff.- - '.-Vs. Mrs. Marv S. Brooks. Defendant. . - The defendant above named will take notice tAat an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, N. C, to obtain an absolute divorce ri der the statutory grounds f two years separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the ffio nf the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of said County at the ' d Countv In Way- nesvi!le. N. C, within thirty days No. 383 Aug 29 Sept. 5-12-19. commissioxeii's saij: -north carolina, haywood county. in the superor court Federal Iand Bank of Columbia, vs. J. T. Ferguson and wlfo. Missouri Fersuson. Bank of Clyde. Oalther B. FerKUson and wife, Dollie Fer iruaon, Hyatt & Company. Eva Bol iten ami huslianil, Wiley .Holden.- D ('. Puckett, and wife, Elsie Duekett, Oscar Sharp, XX'. H. Baldin and wife, lessie rialdin, and Haywood County. On Monday. September 23, 1933, it eleven o'clock, A. M. at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville. Haywood County, North Caro lina, the utnlersisned Commissioner of Ihe Court will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and pre mises: I.yiiiN- and beinp in Wayneaville Township. 1 lay wood County, North Carolina, to-wit; All that certain piece, parcel or trait of land containing 72 acres, more or less, situate, lying und beine about 1 ls miles from the town of Waynesvllle, in Wayne.sville Town ship. County of Haywood. State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances ns will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by J. V. leaver. Civil V;ni;lneer. the saine heinn hound ed on the North by the lands of John Pavis. Cieow I.ove's heirs: on the Kast, by the lands of !. 11. Mee'raeken; en the South by the binds of J. W. Turner; on the West by the lands of He. M :;e Love's . heirs. John Davis, J. W Turner. This is the same tract of I.iii'l heretofore sold to the said J. T. I ', i i us. ,11 l,v W. T. Stua titers and wife by deed dated October I'll, lyi'.i. ..nd i i corded in the ( itlli'e of the Icei-ii'I' ,,f )eeds for Haywood Coun ty, m lick r4. pam 218. i:-i'.i"iiNi; tiii;hi:fkim tho 1,,.11,'w inu o described tiacts: .Ml that eiii.iin piece poivid Ha,: of land, vtin.it". l in- and be :iu: in Waynesvllle Township. lli- wo,.. iumty, Slate ot North l aro lin.i. conl a i n he; seventeen ami one hall' I 17'; acres, inoic , t less, bound ed vi the North by County I toad, on ;h,,- I.: ist h lands ol' II, ma ll Mei'iacli in .Mid .1. T. 1'i'iniisnn. mi Hie Smith iinl West 'by the lands of .1 T. Fer mi.'ti, and heii.t; nioi c pa rt ic u la r I y di sci !bed ,'is t'.db'W s. r.t;i i I.NN I N't I on a stake in the cen t"i of a . road leading from I la I'.ohvooil to I 'l anels CovC, w hich stake is r. Iso in 1111' center- of l.oVe' : Itrnnch. and runs up said branch seven calls as follows:. S.: 17-::.". W, :iii0 feet; S..-IH . 282 feet; S. L i W: 310 feet; S. 41 ,1.5 W. l!0li fe,.-!; S. '.'-l- W. si feet; H. 10-10 E. '.II! feet: S. ri'l '., V. Ilia feet to a stake at the head of said branch; theme S. 70 W.".'2.S0 feet to a fence post; thi.'hce S. 71-15 K. 1IU fee! to a fence post: thence S. 41-30 E. I in feet to a fence post; thence N . T'.i-30 E. 42 feet to a maple marked for a corner; thence X'. !! E. Sa feet to renter of branch; thence down said branch N. 21 V.. 92 feet: X. 32-l."i K. '.'II fee!; X, 6-1 E. .lilt feet; N. 1 1 - 40 )'.. 4 I t feet erossitiK the branch about 200 feet from the end of the line to a stake in the Western side of the road; thence with the Western side of said road, N. 4 K. 670 feet to a stake; thence N. 3-30 E. 200 feet to county road; thence with said road N. 82-30 W. 162 feet' to a stake; thence N. R4-30 W. 162 feet to point of BECINNIN'C, all of which will more fully appear by ref. erenee to n "plat thereof on tile with the Fed"ral Land Bank of Columbia. All (hat certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 12.S acres, more or less,, situate, lyinw and be iin,' :il. out l ii, .mile's from the town of V;iyn.esvllle, in. W. nenvllle Town shlii, Haywood I ' u n I y. SI a tt -of North i '.it oiiiiii, beinii ilesci'il.cd as follow's: BEC.I'NNINf i; tit a slake on public road at point .'where same crosses a bi'.i.tii-h, I 'r.i wfotal .Mi l 'r i. i,i n s corn er; tlience til II!; i 11 1: Soil!!: 1 3a' W. 7. f'-el o. a slake in saiit piildie road : thence S! r,2' W. 12H feet to il slake: thence S. Ill'' L I I" feet ti a slake; . Ih.iliee S. . I ' .'In'.' E.- ) s.. reel to a' slake;' .lliclioo lot;. wniL- a, f.-ln . X. ,lo" '. .Mill fee! to .a slake; lli I, ci X '; II 'ot! I'eei. to il Si.lkei Iheliee S 4.!' Il J it T, feet to a. sialic; l, lice X. I-.;;'. (.-. feet to a : de oil- S , id i 1 .1 -i iii I. ; Hie ii. ' follon in- -aid branch ill il XOI il.e.mil.l I . ilileciloll s3l) fl.'Ct I.. . ii s:ake on s.: l public road, . the I :E' ; i Xi I .V ; .oi pi ; ' sa id la lids tie nn -.,; !'. i n the I," said public ioid;.ii ihe South by lands of AV. A. Former, and op tio' ;Vn4 by . Iain's of Join; I'ercuM.n iMid Ciauford Sl?--( racketi :; nil of w liii h ill .more TuH jpp.-iir' bV refel'i in e i,o a plat there ;f a de by .1. V. Se.aver. C. .. .Tu'.y V !::.'.;. v. h eh plat, is op lib- with, the Federal' Land P.ai.k f ' lumb: a This sale is 'mail! i.iirsiialit to, under an I by virtue 'V.f 1 ! ( i wer of .le eohfert .'d . upon tii" by : an order and .fijiltrtiM-m- "f the Sup i Court- (if ! la. vac ii.-id I'oiiill.v. bearing date of ,. u l.' u t l it . 1 -' "I a ndi . rend ere'l I n the .',1... v. cntivl"d. .a.-:i,n, wherein the r.iidercigneil was duly api'cinte.l Com i, i,ssii ner of the Court to se!l the abov'? described lands to satisfy the judg ment rendered in this cause on the lirst note secured: by deed of trust, t.ixe and insurance advanced -by 'the above named plaintiff. . The terms of this sale shall be ohe half of the accepted bid in cash, and the balance 'shall be in two equal an nual installments, with interest from date at the rate of six per cent. The ..jcessful bidder shall be required to ib'inisit $100.00 to guarantee com pliance with the bid. and unless said deposit is made the said premises will be sold again at two o'clock, P. M on. the same day upon the same terms. This 20th day of August. 1935. M. G. STAMEY, Commissioner of the Court. The partnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned, oper ating the Jo Ann Shop at Waynes ville, and at Lake Junaluska, is here by dissolved, and it is agreed that the undersigned DeBrayda Liner shall not be liable for any further debts or obligations of said partnership, and that all obligations of the part nership shall be paid by the under signed, Mary Ruby Davis, the pur chaser. This 9th day of August, 1935. DeBRAYDA LFNER, MARY RUBY DAVIS. No. 37& Aug. lo-22-29-Sept. 5-12-13 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in that cer tain deed of trust made by Mandy Medford, widow, to the undersigned Trustee, said deed of trust bearing date of 9, February, lio5, and being of record in the record of deeds of trust book 33, at page 70 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina; and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therebv secured and demand for payment having been mad ana tne same reiused, the undersigned, pursuant to tne powers aforesaid, will on the 27th day of September, 1935, offer for sale at the courthouse door in Waynesville, N. C. on said date and at twelve o'clock noon, to th highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: BEGINNING on a beech on a branch, -Miller's and Mehatfey's cor ner and runs Miller's line N. t4 west L poles to a stake in branch: thence with Miller's line north 2 degrees east 58 'j polos to a stake in the back line on a ridge; thence tin the ridce and Sam Allen's line north 74 de grees east IL' poles to a Hat stone. Joseph .Mehattev s corner: Old chest nut corner; thence with Mehatfey's line south - deiriees we.- b, noes to the beginning, containing four and three- fourihs acre- more or less and lieinir the. same land as described in that rtain deed recorded in book Til) at page 270. lliis the ,"rd September, 19.'!.i. R. I!. OVERTON, Trustee. No. .'tSi'i Sept. ri-12-l-2ii, oiu i: or Tiu sTi'irs si.i; N' UiTI I I'M Ki il.l.VV IIAVU'IHHI rut'NTV The iin.lcisie.no, I Trustee, will on Mo i.i day the f'.-lrd day of September, 1 :;!.-.. nl Jo o'clock. A M . .it the court house . door in Ihe Tow ii -of Wavnes- villc. I ln w I O.I I 'ollnl y. sell to tin hinhosi bidder, for, .cash the following described tract or parcel of land lviiiu ui.l beiiib- In lliywooil County, iron Iuil'f Townsliip: I'.eeinniii;; on a while oak. It. Il: White's line, and runs thence a North course o a . hickory ; thence :i Northeas! course as "follow- lug ' a ridge to ii Spanish oak mi ii rUlge; thence a Northeast course pass ing a marked jilckoiy to a stake at tin River; tlience down the River to John HnrreU'.s line; thence with John Han-ell's line to a White oak. R. If. Whites line: then-North GO West 4'J poles to a dead pine; thence S' uih Si West 34 poles to a white oak tho beginning corner.' Containing 3 5 acres, more or less. Said sale is made by (he authority given n a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Ben Whle and wife C.lenn A. Whie, said deed of Trust Is duly recorded in Book 34, page 21S, Rec ord of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, and the hoble of said deed f trust has requested ti,-t said bind be sold to satisfy said ' lebtedncsi us therein set forth. This the 20th day of August, 1 0 S r, R. II. whiti:. Trustee. No, 3S2 Aug 29 Sept. 5-12-1!). NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, Septebnier 3u 1935, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, .North Caro lina, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for Cash, the following lands and premises, , to-wit : Lying and . being in ti e town of Canton, Haywood .( otimv, N. ('., and destril.ed as follow.-: 1ILG IN NINfi at a stake in the coiner of. North Main and, Ni-wfriuhtl Streets, and I'.ii,- v.i'ii '.i.c Las; si.aig.n of North ; Main. Street. JIM) feet to a stake; lliel.ee S,: Mi sS E. 115. feet to. a stake in West margin of a 2d-foiu alley; then. '- S. 1 s - 1." We-t with margin of .-ai'l. ;;iley lit fei-t to a slake in .Ni,rhest: margin of Newfound Street.; thence S. ti'i ' 30' W, S7 l'eet to the '.BEGINNING.'.1 Being apart of ;!; I'r. R.W-. S. I'e'jrain -'house tract on .No.-th Ma.;, S:rri t. as per sur vey made by J. C. Hayfies,. (la'.er March, l'.'2.i Also the right, to: '.in- mutual use to a 20-foo't allyw-ay. as shi)vn on said map dated Otobei, 1925, as fully set forth and granted ,tii the said D.H. Clark, in deed executed by Lula Kirk patrick . ami husband, J. ' II. Kirk patrick, by -deed' dated JUnie 10. 1928, and which dee I is duly recorded in the office of the Regis cr of Deeds of Haywood County in Book, of Deeds 77, page 49Hj to which said deed and record reference i; keri by made. . This s.!e is made subject to a deed of '.rust executed by 1). H. Clark and wife, Cenie Clark, and J. H. Kirk- patrick and wife, Lula Kirkpatrick, . to the Jefferson Standard Life Insu rance Co., securing a loan of .?15,'i)', which deed of trust i3 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, N. C, in Book of Deeds of Trust 22, page 44.?, to which said deed of trust and record reference is hereby made. Sale made pursuant to power of., sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by T. H. Clark and wife, Cenie Clark, dated June 20, 1920. and recorded in Book 2'!, page 120, Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood County. This August 30.1935. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. . No. 3S7 Sept. 5-12-19-20. I . .... c V V