V fhe Best Advertising Medium In Haywood CountyPubUshed At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking Peop. NO. 41 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TH I USD AY. OCTOBER 10, 1935 puion Weaver To "Go To I, . - U iUi najr yyuuu VUuui) lSeek To Get Contract For Southern r-nu 1 ' ". . it p-irlv Date Lei Zehulon Weaver will w-r"Vahinston within a few m to the Dal W1L" u""-",1 " tCfi f0r Haywood county, he Vfchambcr of Commerce com- TueiL , ,,mnosed of Charles Ue coming; r. ... :te?f:r v Miller and W. T. 9DKared before Hon. Mr. Mill, 'V ..l ht atfotl ho talf. r .vr and tirgeu i..v " ----1 lire'v towards seeing: that 'flrEw at Black Camp Gap h rrtloochee are maintained u a" , ..., aa ha been lntl- b':fi I.-n unrnil that the that a nnntrart Liiforthe Parkway, beginning at '.Tennessee Bald. The letting 'L contract would be of direct l.(i:o Henderson, Haywood, Tran. iaria, and Jackson counties, the ..iffisman was toiu. Jr Weaver .ni omiseu u iaiie mcoc ,;;Mr; to the proper places upon ,:,;, ;n wasningTon. aneral For Mrs. S. L Underwood, 78, Held On Tuesday jit rite's were held at the home in lamed' Uie.-Viay auernoon .ior ,, S. L Indenvcoay is, who pass iiay suddenly about 7 o'clock Mon- ; momir.tr following an illness oi week.. Heath was due to a '. attacK. lit funeral services were conducted he Rev. 11. V. Baueom. pastor. of ; First Bapt ir-t church, and the Rev. V. Joyr.tr, of Canon, and former ;:cr of the deceased. Interment ;i made at Green Hill cemetery, artivine are her husband, one son, 'rid F., and two daughters, Mrs. C. Robinson, of Hazelwood, and a'.M. liramlett, of Greer, S. C. Pfifjrers were grandsons of the MKfiW. F. Brackett, Smiley Car- S. H. Kelley, Spauldmg Under. H. C. Robinson, and Cline !n!e:t, a nephew. uderwood remains in a criti- (ondition. . He has been in ill i.for some time. io Places Of Business Entered wtjme between' four and five a Mowhy morning1, , a. six i rock was ,' th rown' through the e fas? window of Denton's Hard- Mo fl worth of guns and am- stolen. is thought to have been the 'rails" entered flip vpnr nf W. X. C. Cafe and took seven 'try cured hams weisrhintr 200 The ham I hinr vnlnpH at :; what connection the stealing fans an-l hams had is not Vanles. the "sang'' thinks so i tne ham; that they want to :" tnem from other theives. 'Police denai'tment: stafpH vps- '" that tin -v have nhnnt four ''ts in m-fh.1 ' v. .nvhla . ........ n.T- iiic luwauiv .bu' r.o arrests have been made m Man Shot Here Saturday Howell, ;2s, of cystoma, is -j. uom a nesh wound in his ,:j Mieved to have been at- j- .oKi.un early Saturday night. "'111. company with Arthur' -t, Vers rm inn- ,1 ..u ,i b a pain iX'Oiil i-wt. back :0f the Purol Service ii-V two men crouching in Jf Xf p(lK0 of the Path i tv Ped the two men to lf their hnnc - W doHpa ',!,;.' .- feofej0 that he hit the rwj.v '"'. over, and as we !ng the Pistol fell hp fired. 4TeVn -the: leg. fi flcVa xay' the alleged hold ;rd;o clue, is had as to Plellold Meet SnEnPle union- .compos- (t rT' Wes of . the ilethodUf 1 Monday evening at ifthe inltureh'ln Ratcliff Cove. - uary groups were pres- .'r;:"dev,.':,.., . ' : - t:lle topic, v'd- ug this v ltle brnD KC"cra' lmprove- .Rented ,th,l attendance ;. e- Afw !Vh MaP'e- Grove :a !n Canton. 1TleeunK Works Months On Fair Exhibit Dies Along witli all the fun ami amuKeniciits of the Fair, as in life always there was a touch of. the IKithetic. Among the uoinrn' exhibits was displayed u iiiili t nu tuining 48 Hiblinil s'enes. tin bi'oidfred on white squaivs. mt togrethei- with ml inuslin. lis Ada Lucas, of ('iitni Uranih. the inuker. had sik-ih months during the iKist year working on it so that the quilt would lo mtdy to exhibit at tho Fair. On Monday afternoon, prior to ihe opening of the Fair on TurMlay. Mi.s Lucas was buried. Donors Of Blood For Transfusions Wanted At Hospital The Haywood County Hospital i.s desirous of establishing and main taining a list of people who might be willing in an emergency to so act as donors, of blood for tran.-f uioii. at the hospital. Such a list of donors would help eliminate any delay when a trans fusion. i,s necessary. Frequently val uable time is lost and not hiIti'mik in ly a life is lost while a suitable lirtiur is being sought. Any healthy adult may give bin i without any ill effect t himself or lo of time from work. Men are prefer able. Those volunteering Wiil reeiive a complete physical i xamim.JJnn iuid blood examination and .'typing a! the hospital without: charge. . The fee received by the donor will depend on the patient's ability to pay.' I'ersOns volunteering for service should be available by phone: Those interested should report to Miss Ruth Hampton, superintendent , at the hospital. James Sheehan Is Hurt In Car Wreck James Sheehan had his back strained late .Monday afternoon when a practically new car, belonging, to his father, Arthur Sheehan, turned over two or three times on the Dell wood road. The car was badly damaged, the top and body being severely damaged. He was alone at the time of the acci dent. No cause for the .accident was (liven. The car had been driven but 4,500 miles. NUMBER OF DRUNKS ARRESTED BY POLICE The Waynesville police Viei.nrtmeiU have been making a clean-sweep on drunks during., the past few weeks, having arrested a number and lodged them in jail. When a member of the force -was questioned as to. the cause of the number of arrests lie stated: "More are venturing out on the streets, and we. are bearing down on ;em." CHIEF STRINGFIELD TRADES HIS CHRYSLER Chief of Police James Stringfiold has traded cars having "swapped" hi.s Chrysler for an O'.dsmobiio One c'itisen remarked, when hearing of the change for the police depart ment, "Nothing will be missed as much as Chief's old Chrysler on the streets. I'm kinda sorry to see lum trade." NOTHING MISSING , A sure enough gang must have been loose here Sunday night. The LeFaine Hotel reported hat an at tempt was made to rob their place. The cash drawer being forced open. Nothing was missing, however. NO DAMAGE BY FIRE The fire department was called out early Tuesday night to the home of John Warren on Smathers street, to extinguish a roof blaze. The fir? .started from a burning rag falling from the flue. No damage was done. TO LEAVE FOR NEW JERSEY P L. Turbvfii:. Jr., plans to leave here Friday for Elmer, N;-he. he will spend about a month. He ha? u orntinir the service star ion m the Haywood Garage for some, time. Among the many persons from Way ville for the game tarday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Alv.n Vard Mr. and Mrs. Dan Catkins Mr. tn g ish, and Mr. William Medford. , Commissioners Change Payment Rules For Stills Two Janitors In Court House To Be Replaced. Another Ses sion Set For Fridav. 97 Years Old The Board of County Commission ers met for their regular first Mon day session here this week, and after passing upon genera! routine busi ness, adjourned tint:! Kri.iay, whir, they will have another session, prob ably an all-day em , w;i; :t..i. rXli. Monday an order w;-, made pving Bob Ray and Meivin K-rKUM.n r.ot.n that their places as ;ar.:tirs :n the court house would be diclareii vacant on the loth of this month. N,. vtw was named to fill the places . l tho two janitors. The third janitor. I'ih'.c" Coot Allen, will remain o:; du'.v. It i? (imuituie mat uie two r.ew i.tii.tcrs will be named Friday, although is not official. Drastic changes were made : -.inboard when they ordered that in future, and beginning last Monday, .1., claims would be paid for captun : stills, unless the operator was a!.-., captured at the time, and that m tl'.i future, the count v will pav $Hl fo: iaoh s 1 1 '. i and operator captured aim t!ie opora'or convicted in Superior court, or upon the capture of a still and sufficient information to stcure inRVii-tiiiii iii Superior court. The argument 'was made that some SI. "ill in claims have In en made for .stiii.-. captured and no one captured at the time. 'It was also pointed out that, in many jn.-iaiu-ts stiils were, captured when Federal Officers Were vvaiiing until the operators went to the still in oriier that an arrest might be made. Another maittr disp.ostd of Monday was the appropriation of to. the Home Demon.-t rat ion agent for slip plii s and: ni ce.-.-it ii s l'o'r: a period o -t i ing x-tio year. All .ntonihcrs were lueriitt .at Mot: .-,;'- m.iting with tin1 exception if hoc I'l-rgtisoii. Touring Party Of Fifty To Be Here Tuesday Afternoon Waynesvilje.will.be host, to about fifty representatives of travel agen cies from all over the country, '.when the party stops here for a short while about three or four o'clock Tues day afternoon, which will mark the second- day of the L',000 mile trip over the ("arolinas by. the party in an ef fort to sell North Carolina ' to the traveling world. The trip is being sponsored by the Carolina Motor 'Club, a, 'rid will be headed by Coleman W. Roberts, presi dent of the organization.. Tin narfv will leave here tor Sylva land thence into, the nark for .'about , .ten , miles, po. l:ng ' the nigbt ?n Hryson City. i The Chamber of t'oiiimer. o. will I show ': the vi-itors -oni" rooognil ioti ! and ther.-. -i po--i:'i'i'y that. HaV i woiiil' aip!i" will hi- given the lar.!y w hile here.. Wol d- i;i'iviing frltl lln'-e in charge of the iour stated 'that 'hi j :nii Would be brief. John Boyd Named City Tax Collector The town board of aldermen on last Thursday night nann-d. John Boyd u-: .'d'ty tax collector, to succeeil W al ter !' t on. n wlin has been tax col lector for the 'city, for a number . of "veal's.. '';' .' v TVitv new tax books are being pie- . . ' i 1 ...... .. , pared and will l0. turneu o er " w , new- tax collector ;n the near future,, proliablv at a scheduled meeting ol the board the latter pa it "f this w. i ... Larger Crowds and More Exhibits At County Fair Sidelights, of The Fair il W . ( 1 lit The fair llus year covers much inure li'iritory ilian it iliil l.isi year. The i spaces, between l be tents ami show s .ire wiiler ami Keep jams from accu- ' mula.uiift There is eon-idei able more eaii eil guilds Ibis year. Soint't liiiiK 'f eei. ailety. that would make a peiMiii Willi mi append' want in least. ! . ol.t, st II. was A ! '-I Li. ' . 1 1 i-'- 1 1 Tlio ,.,-irii i o.t r: i s .no . n! : .. r..l ,iu: I'Iii it Pi ini: ihiriy some ciu-ins Tills -In.w s Oiai tins i o.i 1 1 is a o.o n r i .. u ni v reua ni It ss I ,n w ii.i: pur i: inmhl Pi us. .1 0, L. Ikiguis Named Chief Of Vire. Dept. Clark Is Assistant i-o.ird liric if- I i Thursday n .git: i 1 a'au riiiei. : am a , chief i lie : , ,ii p..;,: to lit!-. t lie ai .mi a 1 : !.y ' !!' nutioii. i v S. I! . st, , ii-oii 1 1 .a R. . 11.. t '.'ai k. . -.rip i i :ii:i u.ieii licli;-, was la.io.d a-.-.-.'.:. a ii: :i I ': ig: ';: la: 1 .a wri n, .;,.' K i v Icy :- I'm, a line whole side of the ivhibi t ii hi I i iii is iliMHeil In s, huol ex hibitsall (joiul ami iiiighl) ui- U'll'slillg. ,W' , i i , .1 1. i noils .1 I he i o u m i Ii . v i .. . 1 1 -1 1 1 . . y s itb;i n ' 'i oi I- It'-llc' I : ,ial i ;., i den 'lei I, Mill Co: . -a liiples of 111. pi .'.In. I :.nie i ami I In- ". ...I" .1' . 'l. ', C ,i.K . p.l. I'lie eoiiKie di-ila of I, reel; I roe Ten Kiioln Is nili i .as'; well a a I'pi 1 iillr . .nop , pp. lav o1: t . ; i tilt ,1 v, en a - 1 o , :o'. -: ( !, in K.:.-;ueialil, .lol-.n l'.ov.l. Udr. t i.V a,':- -Mi iiatli y, lie oifoid M. i:;.'!i. , I r:'.'i;-c:s . Masie. li! Si raiu-e, l':ui. a:'o .-, W. . II;!', .Cm II ;:c:i.-. Cmi oung. and Huh lhmieK. Tru'-tiy, ale J: H. Way, .-eorolaiy tie.-i-urer. ami K. P, f lark chairman.' of tiiialice, 1'au! Walker an'd' I'iranci: ; Massie, An inspection lour will be started! . this weeii I'.v Henry uadiiy. nuioung The.-, t.umy ..u. ties- inspector; Oscar 1., Briggs, tiro cbiet, Uiere to sln.v w h.i't o and R. D. Clark, electrical 'inspictor. :,,.ni'. Tin- lust .-i.,i Where changes are necessary, tbejar. on display. above committee will ask that the ;un legumes. owners make the changes immediately . I Mr Briggs pointed out that l ight I Not many eamlj roasiers are at this time ol yi iir w .is the worst; iai-ueV .ilian ibe one on displa . time for lircs, :is lines in many in- i bin ibe pieei; ol i inecl baimi and stance; became i racked tluri ng t he I the laire X iigiin.i-s(. le ham ju-t slimmer or lilled with leaves and cob- ; Hboie aiuai'i a lot of aiieiuiini webs. I i bat llie i'iim -ciiasier woiilil ha i o Kill say what you will, the bnolh of Ibe I iiiel .'.! in . I '.ol ill Viliiiiiii-li.iiioii is "alioo" tar. I'o see what Ibuse folk 'have iloiie is he.Mind eoiiiji'i. ion: Thc.O'c iinl all "worthless I luie evhihil piiiM's tlial. -til, . ll.O. pi ... n a n.l can' I . I of V eh el. I.oal The, display io l.u r. Two-Story House Destroyed By Fire About' 1 ..'10 Tuesday morning, .1 lie two-story dwelling -house know a- '.he Ma-.-ey ii opert.v, ami bolnnging to Wiley -I n ni" , aboiil a mile ami a' half "'si'. or. t lie J 'elivvooil .iiiii, !', w a oniii jl. loly i'de.s'ii ' .veil bv lire. ; I. Ii. Raine, . an.! family, v, ho livi'-d ,,, ' Ii,.. Jioaso' - a.Ma.1 hii; a verv few p:. v. . of inrm. i.re. A m t,h- f Mr. Kaino . and fimoly hv. o .op I h" .. o. oini Hoor an I hare1-;.' v' ,T bel'-on !";;Og In jaj o.i ' i.v : ' o i .iiir.ii;; I' liia . . I bo l.lii,. .'.ai :'ed" . ii : he , .'oiai :!"'!-. . A l;:rgo qiiai.t .IV ( ailn, '!. - ' wa , 'e -t ro, ,l.i . Xo iiisiii alioe wa, (ai ! n o on eiliier-th'-'-. hou-o or t ii r.ri it ii it-. Mr, -.lames .-itn'ed that :! .'Would co. ;- about. $M,ohO to Ooplaoe the ll U.-e. He had liliiMlied , , , ; , t :'. oi k: oil he -hou-e 'l lii- liiolit.h. at.': sh'M-l ,i.i-i s: : iritit ol v -V (till in lnak ing. ojiuo i Si i ti L'' T'(.e ': Waync-yilie . fire department;, v,;:s railed, bill when fbe.v got .there the - holi-e .v!i- .ablaze all (ivor ani.l t!i. ri was ir il: winter availalile. ;.Tlio tire wmi, (iWnvercd .-.ifter it had ..made. ...V-Idi i aide headway. '; fit ten ni bei wise. V. Call. Vl s li is ic.l I I, ilia I '.' II !: Slliilh p nt. 1.. 1 Io .ooli. nl inl , it'll, .lljj" I' . Till' 4 I 111 Ml llnllle I 1 1 1.l II-1 I .t -liull ge'l.ll. ,lss M.l r M.Mt-ll'l Mnilh bail a -plomliil i xhihii in tlio l aic, -li.'iiili:: Ibe clubs lhal bad lu'i'ii or;:aiiii'il .-cm I lie -o i -4 till 1 1 1 ll ll i I it's in ulm ll she hopes In n i f. i I i lulls. The -III, ill haiiso al l i at leil i no-i Ii in hie ;ni lil '.ii, mil only 1 1 oni 1 i line mi I, ei -. hu t Hi I - pei j e homo lll.ll,el-' lite III f If gills liellli loall. tie leave tin- liooU ill liny eoiibl liinl iiiil lliow ibe plai i' looked on I li inside. Th' Ma in. Hi", i h:.-i .mi: ail lloir ni ni ; ' ,A -' ,i ho n i i . ,. p 'iSl..l'a O-.'i, i ll 1 1 1 : i The display of , a home vege table aaiden by Mr-. Ilini;, Ijan eis, eiiiilaiiied many . ejir ja hie-, ie iiall.v fiilind only in Hie -ii'ing in Ibis seiiiiin and iIiiiioii-i i a nil ibe ,iisjl)ilitii's of a I er. i nl' -nl'iiK I bis i onilllllliil y. Mrs. Doyle Alley Named Head Of District P. T. A. Tuesday Tli .1, :', i'liK'. .. .;' All , , J. exainpl 1 I' ha I'l I la ' -': ilo.y.- i-i nit f..a ,r s 1 1 j iii l.p. ill'l With 300 delegates in attendance, the seventh annual conference oi tae Western District of the Parent an;. Teacher Association was hi ,(t , .w Tuesdav, the sessions convening in- tne First Methodist church. . . . Mr D, D. Alley was elected pie.-h dent of the district; organisation, suc ceeding Mrs., Wilbur Devendoif, of Asheville. who was presen ed a life membership-in the association. . .. Other officers elected at this time were- Mrs; II. Buck, of Murphy, first vice president; Mrs. Guy Roberts, of nnfidii ..i r-rimi vice president ; Mrs. jack Messer, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. J. Franklin, of Bryson City, recording secretary; Mrs, F. B. wat kins,' of Morganton, historian, and Mrs. J. W. Russell, of Canton, treas- UThe election of the officers follow insr the "eport of he nominating com mittee composed of . the fo11ow,n:r members: Mrs. E. L, McKee. o Svfiva: O. ..S. Dillhrd. KTamier; Mr Ernen Walker,. of. Morganton; Sl,x Charles Hu-tehinv PurnsviOlv j r,. w F rlnrke. of Ashevillt The morning session opened itn an organ p. elude by Mrs. W. L. Mafney and a vocal so!o by Mrs. Fred Martin- An inspirational number was given by Rev, Paul Hardin, Jr., ami greetings were -extended, by-Jack .Messer, superintendent. . of the Hay wood county schools, to which Mrs. J. W. Vernon, of Morgiiftoii re sponded. - After a short business scs-sibr. an address w'as given by Mrs. W. Ii. Avcock, of Raleigh, State president, who spoke on "The Parents part ; in the education of the child," in which, she stressed the . vital part of the. I . T. A. should: take in the . life ' -.the palrent. The principal .Kwire.-'? ..'of the morn? ing . session : was l delivered by '' A. Invin, state superintendent of fntb.-.-lie instruction., His ubioct. ivs- ' 1 i;; Modern Parent Krjows the School, While there is. still much , to work for, he expressed . the: thought that North Carolina is again on its. way cdu'jatio'i. He commeiiV'i " Asheville . voters, who had ..recently I a,,..,;. nXciht. for ih.m' iti have a ! ,o ,,,t, n. vy , . i I nine months term, lie looKen lorwam to the day when the state would have a 12 grade standard to offer the students. . Other features of the morning ses sion were: A talk by M.r. Curtis Bvnum, of Ashevillo, on the Katherine " (Continued on rape Five) Tile e.'inneil gonils di-i);iyed hy Ibe Hand '' the sky oilier, of ibe piodiiets, grown in Haywood and s,iiM'd lo many distant points in Ibe I . S. A., weie a -"in e or much pride t all Ibe loyal eili z.ens wlio iewed ibem. The panlryl display I v Mrs. Mur ray J-'iignson ...of; alrticl.es made from tlio pi'iiihiots of the Jonathan Koller -IiII, w ere Isplenilid pri of 'of I how much Mori- th" i it iz' ns of Hayu'iod coulil liv" ;Vt home than, thiy Jo. ' There W ere light arid lluffy I'a kes hakeil fioin Jlaywouil llowei', brarij miilliris from bran, biscuits, rolls anil many Other Hems in which flour is us"l. The two free aets daily always drew crowds from evorjihiiig else 'ven ibe f:in-dane'r, . Soine Haywood w-oiiion have lieen j.iipini: in. uyer-time. on handiwork this past year- 'cause its there, .'and sorii'.' mighty beautiful pieces. : TIm- exhibit tbiit is (-t-'ttin the most attention' is the one of eon si'i'vation and development in which the forestry service and K. 1. llaynes, ttxidennist of Canton, Tlie booth includes a moving pie-' (Continued on hack page) Secretary Smith Sees This Year's Fair Surpassing That Of Last Year Hv Far I he fecund annual Haywi od County 1 loom.s to out-shadow that of a-t cai- in every respect, was the - ant g ven late yesterxiav bv W. ll. Smith, sectary of the Huvw-ood lounty lair Assecint ion, who has beet) in , ha, of mnsl of the ac tivities. Mr. Smith reportial that the inter est as well as attiiulinrc thus far will surpass that of last year. There ti'-e more exhibits, ami ail aic of a better nature than last viar, lie r,' ported. Vcstcrday being school day brought tin' attemlaiKc to a new reenrd, with the total of paid admissions to a ".sa.isfai -tory" t,gu,e. The liarmo l.ua contest yesterday morning drew a large irowd. while flic stunl.s and dances by the .various, schools were well attended. Robert Hill, of Wa. nes ille. was .! via n d w ,im. i In die hai moni.-a "i.:, : , w it I, llomei Snyder, of Clyde, -' en.1, arid i ', i . ( only, of l 'anion, th.i-,1. In tin s;n!f, ?,.-( liel took first I'l.n e and l'la-t aviicsville second. 1'h dan. e team from Bethel al-o 'ok lir-t place, with Civile coming tn foi , oiid; ! ine.s Creek third in: I Wavncs v ii .e i cci lying totn tli. No .Ii-ordi i .was .reported ainong l lie erawal, only one ma u . being I a n ested ui.tjll late, yi-'lci-d.-iy. f'Vw gained i nt ranee ni lie;- t ban t In oiipii 1 he pates. A four ; rand bin bo, I w are !', lie- V n ' i-i nt: I I he , i:t , ia Pan r giound.: I h" o .' n. i . I t he w m.'i ng ' alio c : , :l i.o .ia ... ... . a follow : . I : ai.iCo - l'"d. in : j r:;-. : .ll.m. hay , , oi..l i'l -o : .1,'hti liic. i , lliii. i ; I i;t ol Sin. i ! i . I'o-i ' I h ; CI . ( , I 'il l in. i .1.1 I .;' h l'i li . I I! her i Mhiin; or.. n ; ho . ui.g .: if v i - : ' I ::i! lyle .laiiir , J( I'alm. , Ilia and llelep ll:pps. I'l , y li,- mi Uliok ill, and Mary- Joe i low ell. Will lie Is' HI .1 he el.nor el; , f exhibi tion weie: .lobu Iii ii,,, In: I ail, I -i.v-oiid prize'; '-Jack linger, third; .bo Palmer, fourth, and anu" Kay, lifth. fl'.vners of the winning entiles, ill the fat. pic, show wi io .loliii Kngei . and Bill Leopard. Todtiy the oil. nrs lioiil liilfeteht i i Tli 1)1 nil il it's -"will compote. I hi l-'riifav .a special i. h i bil inn i f cattle Will be shown, ami on .Sa I tj i da y interest wil i nli i an mill lior-i ;md lit i il Fifty Attended Inter-Cily Meeting -A 1 1 n ' -: ! lifly al 'einli , the .niero: : ,; llll i llllg of the Boo- ti I Cliio;. II.1ZI ! wo, i, a n,1 iho Koiarv Chili,- here ia ; I'l-idiiy nigln. Ton! P. ,1 nni'oii, form or lliiywiioil ,. I: 'en, now" a new.-. pap' r man of f b.u loll'-,- wa.'- Ibe o no -i j.i I peake,- o l ! lie' i:-i IlIMp, lb w a . h Mi 'till, Ki- pi I-I Iii .d. 01 of ni.ir.jiiv;; K ... alii io of Hi, Mr. A! . . ' ni - t i-odu, i d 1, -Wc.iiaiii M, .If, -!, 1 il l V of t he Rir'Jl hy' I M l in I i ,, f : i a II, ill! I'oluoo.j bv I,. M. C.ha i !' . I'l. Kay ii:'i , Nil lis ' aiiol giiosl :-. Among .the viilor.: Mil., (i're'el.1, vii.i' - in ( - l.a wi i in e . . (.cat hi i ' Iloobai!,: of A Cla Jh; .Brei-i; lib., iin' p.'ui.v. . .l r. (ari i ii, ni a li-.v liiiri.ito . i li! !ille,:- I lie polo u- of. t lie cotnpaiiy -war. I I heir employer,., am., also tbelr a'. I ;f ude lowaial the. i inn m un it.y ' at ia rgi- . Mr. Jimison, lifter .'recalling '-m'a'i;'i i'-.m: mi no tli .. of the "old days'' in wliich lie in i.t iom-'i the iiurnes. of some of. those present,, he iioiiifi'd oiii that, the world .was trying to "live ahead of itself,, inl th;it . "I he; "'majority, of the people were living ahead of their mi'tnis, and that was the great est trouble with the nation of today.". The speaker In. l.idi 'l .quite. '.a bit of wit and humor in his address, end ing with a dramatic and fitting story. A numbi r of those present were called upon for brief remarks, aud i' was. the gen'-ral opinion of tlie-e present. to make the inter-city meet ings a semi-annual' affair:-. At the conclusion of the meeting, numbers were drawn for . prizes ranging from a shirt to shaving out fits ,ten of these were given out. . Mr. "Van" J'resto.n, accompanied l.iy John West, gave two solos, and also led the group in ii number of favorite songs.- Dr. S, I Gay Heads Dist. Dentist Unit At the loth annual meeting of the First District-'Denial Sociity of Xorth Carolina which r.vem . in. Hender sonville, on Monday of this Week, Dr. S. I'. Cay, v.". elected president for 1930... In' ad'iition to this rcoogrd'mn Dr. Gay al-o had an, important -t on the program, of the meeting, er officers . who will sei Ve , with.' Or. Gay are: Dr. S. E, M- -er, of Gas tonia, vice-president, Dr. Charles S. McCall, of Forest City; fecrotar? '.reasurer, and Dr. Davis Abernathy, cf Hickory, editor,

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