Hill IBiHIiBl The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking IeopIe ... in NO. 42 VOL- Commissioners To . jlove Back To First Floor Office On 21st Sumber Of Matters Disposed Of i Special .Meeting Here L-d Friday By Board e.mimrsfionors :n a :: ;;ere l::st Friday, dis l .-m!.tr cf matter in one .,- , - - .-.-: n. . ; , L-ti and accepted the set ; au iit of the tax coilec Hi.wfJI. A resolution was inkine him for his work as ..!'. e the first of last D vt--a' Is ard agreed to pay the tele- wlce charges in the re-em-cfhVe. with the .understand p.U'r.L . ..'..ven r'tr' -hit the Federal government re- .i.c - fun.i them. Eiiv.in flavin's, register of deeds, ."r,.: tin- board with the 1935 ax buck- and . receipts, and also an ;.t..,md summary showing in con Jecsui form what collections and val uations are found in the 1935 books. The rt-nnrt and hooks were accepted, (The summary is published in to ,iav '.inner. ) Beginning with the third Monday meeting . the beard will hold their e.-sions in the old commissioner's f ivii. in the first floor, now occu- r'e,i by the hetith department. The ..n;ei- pas-cd read: That if holding our meetings in that office proves to be unsatisfactory, the health depart ment will be asked to move out." : The voting on tax supervisor and ivi'ivtor for the year was done by r ballot. Three name's Meing (Hestned, with two being duly sec eded.' The result being in favor of Y, H, .McCracken. He was notified to take office as soon as the required .550,000 bond arrived. Masons To Meet In Canton On 21st The Master Masons degree will be conferred, at the Pigeon River Lodge, .V. 38(i m Canton Monday night, Oc tober 21, at 7:30 o'clock, it was an nounced yesterday by C. B. Hosaflock, Master. The West Gate club will confer the the second section. All members of the club are expected to be present and all Masons are invited to attend. The Waynesyille group will leave Alexander's Drug Store here at sev en. Transportation will be provided, Choral Club To Be Organized All members of the Music Club, the church choirs and others that are in terested in organizing a choral club, :n Waynesville, primarily to work ou't a Christmas program, to be given for the community, are urged to meet St the First Baptist church, Monday - night, October 21st, at 7:30 o'clock. . A number of the people of Waynes-, ville have let it be known that they would like such an organization and Mr, Evander Preston, Miss Grace Crocker, and others have offered their service's absolutely free to help put on a program at Christmas time and en other occasions if enough people ?i'e interested and willing to put a ittle effort into it. -. Coan Believes N.C. To Get $18,000,000 ..Washington. ,(i feel confident 'orth Carolina Will get enough money :o five employment to those on relief wis who are willing to work," George Coan, Jr., North Carolina WPA Erector, declared. Settled by published reports that orth Carolina's share of WPA funds "ould be only $8,650,000, Coan went j Washington Saturday to see what ?as gone wrong. He has been operat lnl? under the impression that the f es. quota would be around $18, iW.UOO. . .Asked what chance he thought there 'a, of getting the desired amount, "an said "In my opinion, we will t nearer twice eight million than "T , tentative, quota announced this week." ,. . . Eighteen Drunks Are Given Trial ff ten (lrunks were disposed of Monday by Magistrate C. B. Atkinson. .i..y ,one of the defendants were Lit8 td with being drunk, and ub- to the charges. t ecnte.ns of cost and thirty days rroup sentence weTe given . the lr. Atkinson said the defendants arrpefn . l. - x : - o . 3 .. , Saturday night. Two women wfe included in the group, cur-vf s,leriff's office reported one figbt the t course.-of the fair, and druT,iny o other disturbances being Several People said to have en conmecrbed Wilfr. the carnival arrested. MR. LINDSLEY AT HOME V-v H C Lindsley has returned to home on Pigeon street Monday B;i,I owafter beine confined in the . -tmore hospital for six weeks, fol a serious operation. Warns Parents IIJ. ('. X. SlSk Warning Issued Parents To Guard Against Diphtheria Dr. C. N. Sisk Points Out That Dreaded Disease Of Children Is Now Prevalent By Dr. C. N. Sisk, District Health Officer. "A mother can have no more heart rending experience than seeing her baby slowly choke to death with diph theria. This is the season of the year when diphtheria is most preva lent. Our knowledge of diphtheria is most satisfactory in that we knuw the cau.se of the disease and it's mode of transmission; we are able to click it's spread, and possess specific pre ventatives, a precise measure of sus ceptibility, and a curative agent of great potency. All the agencies for the prevention of diphtheria are of no avail unless parents become inter ested enough to take advantage of them at the proper time. "Diphtheria spreads from per.son to person through the discharge from the nose and throat. It may be trans mitted directly by kissing or 'exposure to droplet infection in coughing and sneezing. It may be conveyed indi rectly by toys, pencils, food, fingers, spoons, cups, handkerchiefs, etc., that have been mouthed first by the in fected child. Milk may become in fected and transmit the disease. "Most adults have acquired immu nity to diphtheria, and infants usu ally secure immunity ' from the moth er which protects them for the first few months of life. After six months of age practically all babies are sus ceptible to diphtheria, and it is dur ing the preschool age that diphtheria is most fatal. "Medical science has perfected an almost absolute preventative against diphtheria which would eliminate this scourge if Universally and properly used. The procedure that all parents should follow would be to have tne family physician or the health de partment administer! al,um precipi tated toxoid to the baby at six months of age. This single dose will protect 957c of children against diphtheria. To be sure it is not one of the b'A not protected by the first; (lose, have the Schick test given after a few months and repeat it every year for a few years. ; "When a child becomes of school age the Schick test should be given and toxoid or toxin-antitoxin given until a negative test is secured. "Once a child becomes ill with diphtheria, we have an effective treat ment in diphtheria antitoxin if given early in the disease. During this sea son of the year when diphtheria is most prevalent parents should not hesitate to consult their physician im mediately when the child shows symptoms of diphtheria, such as sore throat and a croupy cough. Anti toxin usually works like magic if given during the first few hours, but every day of the disease, (luring which it's administration is delayed, increases the danger many times over. "Wise parents will have their babies protected against diphtheria by vac cination at six months of age, and not take chances on possible death or permanent injury to the heart by having the disease." Legion Forging Ahead Un V Jans For Armistice With Armistice Day less that a month away, the American Legion, of Waynesville, asks that the people of this community make their plans to co-operate with them to make this year's program the best that has ever been held. '-,"' , The program committee has ten working for some time, and is get ting one worked up that will be a credit to any city, that is if given the proper support and co-operation. It is hoped that the stores of hay nesville, will close between the hours of 11:00 A, M. and 1:00 P. M. to take part in the parade and program that is to be given at a pla.e to be an nounced later. . c 'ono At a later date, when definite plans are made, a full program will appear in this paper. WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA Great Smoky Mountains National Park Aftninc hull Sf.nc iiiili K Oi Land Area. 2,000 More Than Needed M a i tu ii i ,.lv.. i.e I1 i-tiu- na Devi nai p, in the Ci at lorward w th tl'.e past lew vi i mote and inaeees.:b mane easilv attamal and the horseman ; u 1 1 pan;, i 001111. be i n nviin wavs bordering the ing and entering its been improved and park highway has an'ioss .the grta.t f rom hittier and I anil a sKy.me drive a to l.ati:n;ui trom mis n: way to mar the summit of C'lineiiia Dome, highest peak in the park, rapidly Hearing completion. Make" Camp Given Honors by Team of IL of Philadelphia k. n. eles. as famous ('amp, known in athletic cir ".hike" (amp, who was a football player un the team of the University of lV.nnsylvania ! week-end in town, in.nlr ., Tew i n' back in lS'.H) 1)1'.'-, has returned in thi sc. lion relatise to 1 hu rivet urn i!rom a visit to riiiladelimia. He : .of sonic liighway niaikers. went up to atteuil the game between: - The hist ses.-ion ...f ilie (lemial Princeton and I'ennsylvania, the first, ! Assemldy appropi 4 :eil $ io.tMUl for due to some misunderstanding, to take the liienninni for 1 lie 1 reetion of high place since 18!)4, traditional rivalry Kvay ' ma 1 kurs . of historical places existing between the two colleges. ' throughout the state. These markers The eyes of the football world were ; will give information as in the ilnev focussed on the game last week, -'with I lion ami distances to places of out- Princeton coming out as victor. .Mr. Camp was a member of the famous team, that won the victory over Princeton in lSit'2. The game was played on Manhiem Field, at Philadelphia and was the first vic tory for Pennsylvania over Prince ton in .'!0 years. : ..According' to the papers of Philadelphia, which have been reviewing all of the details of the history, making game in the past two Weeks, it was 'Jake" Camp who scored the touchdown with Harry Thayer's subsequent placement for the goal that enabled their team to score (5-1 over Princeton. Mr. Camp was royally entertained while in the Quaker City. He was one of the honor guests at a dinner given at the Kittenhouse Club, with the members of 18!2-!Ki-!)4 teams of Pennsylvania given by Mr. and Mrs. H. . Thayer," whose guest he was, at their estate near Philadelphia, While away he was also the guest of ex Mayor and Mrs.. II, W, Mackey, of Philadelphia. Havwnod Cows Win ""J " ' . . New ..Hiffh Record Two Guernsey cows Arthur Osborne have owned by H. just finished new otuciai records ior iirouuciioji which entitles them to entry in the Advanced Register of the American Guernsey Cattle Club, One cow,. Cynthia, eight and a half years old, produced 1.1,827.2 pounds of milk and oi l.! pounds of fat. The other cow, Elsene, two-yea rs-old, pro duced 10,'l!l(!.r pounds fif milk 570.9 pounds of fat and CHECKING OX FAIR .RECEIPTS Officials of the Haywood County Fair Association are busy checking Up on the receipts of the event, and de tails will be given next week. Over six thousand paid to enter the grounds. What TOWNSHIP Bcavcrdam Cataloochce Cecil .'. -. ''. ' " Clyde Crabtree East Fork . . Fines Creek Iron Duff Iv Hill Jonathan Creek . . . . Pigeon .- -f " '.' Waynesville . . . White Oak .... -' (Negroes) Beaverdam . . . . . . . Waynesville ....... TOTALS .... rr,, ,hifl,ina rainwilcd by Edwin Haynes, register of deeds and submittl to the board of roiii- lulsMoners la t Friday. One of the Crabtroo, for an example. v a !...- . ,. arta .,; ,-c than loo I'OU a. u -. :!v :v i,Ji:iip . . .... lueit Sni.'kn uvrr li- '!::.' niu nv re- ' . (.t.t.,, pi'ase ut .H vrl p:m nl. l.a..-: iii; . w i . i e m.'H'ri.-i l'e constriu to.i n h.oue : i i.!K ai- Hi,.i- n:mst rat .0:, organ:;:: vn. Museums 1 1 1 h i 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 111 ... .- i;aiv svsienis w-1. !e .n.-ta.u 1 ami .iwtru,-:.l several tarirc teurs vanitung irrounu am .'bill .mil ),,. ,1, -veloneii and p:o:.U.i th I 1 1 . h v:..l m.iki ; hi m , :h -ii the N.'rih 'ar.. -re m.Y ef tin. Nala systems sy aeeiss and Ten l'aik. Secretary of Histori cal Commission is on Trip in This Section Dr. ('. ('. Critirmn n. i.i lia secretary of the.. North fa .'ma :.:ii, II. toiieal Civmniissiun, . win. -iii iil llie standing1 impm l.vire from, a histoiical stamipiiint. While here Dr, Crittenden visited ihe' murker near the llavxvoed White Sulphur Springs, whi.h eoninieiates the last shot of the Confederacy,, with a view to having a marker placed oh the main highway. The first two markers to he erected in Western North Carolina will.be in Buncombe county, the first on the Weaverville liighway to give the dis tance and direction to the birthplace of Zebulon liaird Vance on IJeems Creek, ami the second on Highxvay No. 10 near lila. k .Mountain to give the direction and (listance jo the foi of Mount .Mitchell, highest "peak .cast of the Mississippi river. (In toji of the peak is the grave of Dr. Klisha Mitchell, who lost his life while on the mountain in 1857 and in whose honor , the mountain was named. As soon as the State Historical j coin mission can arrange In do the j work, additional highway markers xviil I lie. placed at or near many Other his- j toric spots in Western North Carolina, j OI 1 let I . 1 pnower r or i.ocai Hospital Ilanned A movement is under way 'to 're peat the-, shower of canned goods g iven the Maywood County Ho.siiila.l last fall. . Individuals, organizations, and communities are urged to. contribute. While the gift of a few jals or cans is. no hardship on iiny onc,: the combined gifts of those interested in the. success of t hist county institution m-eaii.s iiiuch toward the winter sup plies. . ' :;" This sUinort xvhich , is being .-olic-iteil by a group .of women, who have co-operated with the hospital since it xvas established . is a Worthy ges ture, that should not go unheeded by the housewives of the county. The 1935 Tax Books Reveal .o. Of Tax Total Tav I'nlN : Lot- l'ioM'il y I'a.x rs Hue M.ilr I in. Vnliiutioil , :U1 $ 91,U.x21 192; .".G-l 07 $ 0,0 18,1 11.00 111 33,809.31 76 17 1 ; 2,385,695.00 , 223 ' ; 5,566.42 126 : 30 S 556,612.00 563 0,660.32 251 86 . 14 ' 090,249.00 310 9,412.06 179 60 1 086.275.00 339 5,637.61 152 114 27 394,355.00 393 38,005.81 225 133 19 J 2,853,680.00 151 3,406.71 ;:'.':73 :;'. 47 13 243,291.00 363 6,399.52 183 105 19 ' 449,534.00 367 ; 7,152.45 198 126 24 502,530.00 631 11,979.10 349 194 ; 48 839,105.00 2628 - ; I : 08,906.22 : 1074 ; 295 99 5,063,189.00 111 1,643.10 52 42 7 113,169.00 47 ;- ; 337.79 -. .. ;. 34 ' 7 '.I--. :' 19,972.00 : no - ; 893.99 ' 35 ; : 9 ; : 4 ' 61,550.00 9527 5291,315.68 49.33 1629 332 $21,352,840.00 moist Intorcsting compari-ons of the 'County Tax Collector f Vr: - t . was .,,:,,( ff' ' ' ' "j? - ;v:!.-t.r ,f ,1a:., , , ; ,,;: " "'r'1 "f '.Ji:.-l nr. ::i a' '' ': .f" " -"i !it.-t K...ay. M . C, : i- : u ' u e,-, ,i 11. .. ii...v,.::, , fZ: I . .. 'V : - !- "'" -a-i 'V- '-.s t ' ' ' , l f ' ' it...,", muv 1 r,i.v !;, ii "Jl ' ' - '' "'':" t-N-Vt-nal Dank h,-re, f V X- JL '"'"'"''! - .ece.ved. ' V wh.-llur ;,,,; ,!,! anx ,.,a, u.Vs 111 1 1 i's 1 1 n I; t . ! , f t.h,. siaiv ,u, i ' S'l I l'e-r :.. innK M . .Mri u, ken ; si:rr,! as rei.strr ,i' ,,,,k of t!;e , WrWI.K II. M.-fK CkrN ,S,'1,i",'iV- U,':l k""',V" lh,'u-h- . "l" II10 eoiinty. as wi ll a. he km u Haywood 1 T. A. Council Staging Course Of Studv - -- g. Tu l?t'tin Hero Octobei Well Known Kduoators To (iivo Courses SiIkioI 2.")th. very nnu.-ual mg1 oll'e.'e.l the par I'l'or: mi 1 i-' nl of : he county in the iiHirsi' spoiisoi 1 4 by ( oum il of Un ( s 1 11. i v lhat being the llaMo,l County P. I . A. theme . " I'll licit in 11 'today" un.li'r which ii hjei l.s w ill be ilex el- he gem 1 a I ir yvoi Id for Ihe i'oll u ing opeil : I 1 ol'ifMiis l'.ducat 1011 ;" " l li Modern World;" of Karlv Childhood Adolescence in I hi j ami a - 11 1 1.1, 1 1 1 111 1 covering "Safctv for ihe Child, j ".Methods of Discipline for the Child," ami "Recreation for the Child." Among the pinniincilt speakers will lie Dr. Willis A. Parker, director of extension and professor of social science and -philosophy of the Abbe ville Normal ami Teachers." College. Dr. Parker lias served as a member of the faculty of Harvard, California and Columbia Universities, and is an outstanding educator in his part'eu lar work. Another speaker of note will lie Dr. Ilarrold Foght, snpei inlendent of the Chenkee Indian Keservat ion.. Dr. Foght. has won international recog nition as an educator. The first of the meetings xxill be held on I''riday, October the LTith. at .'!:.'!() .o'clock at the Central Klomen tary seliool. While the cotiise is be ing sponsored by the llayxvoml iniiii ty council of the P. 'I', A., the meet ings. xviil be open to the public. Dr. McCracken At Dist, Medical Meet lie fa 1! 1111 e " Medical ! av in -'T 1 vi ! Illg of th. nt It - Dis VI tin 1 ei ii -01 u t ' wa ll, w it h I li J." I! .Mc( 'ra.eken, pre.- iilcnt , Olin I!, Chamberlain; S. ('., x as t he guest Those apnea ring o presiijing. Dr. of Charleston, peaker. the program floin Waynesville xveie: Dr. .1. F. Abel, v.ho lii-cusseil the iianrr, "The Surgical Treat nieiit of Peptic. Ulcers," given by Dr. Paul McP.ee,,of Marion; and Dr. Sam I,. St ringtield, who led the discussion if "A Simple .Method of Hi jod Transfusion," the paper pre sented by Dr.. Roy Monro, of .Canton: Miss Ruth Hamjiton, superinteiidi nt of the Haywood Count v Ho-p:ta!. spent a few days during the week with her family in A-heville. above figures Is the dog columnin TMI HSDAV. OCTOBER 17, 1935 W. IL McCracken To Of Ollice In Week (V.iiiiinVsinrH'rs Nanu MeCrat ki'ii To Succcod i). A. Ucut'll As Collector Ami SupciA ior C s v 11a'.: ! Scltlcimnt was mmle in full Mr. 'Howell, w jt Ii a statement with f loin the auditoi-. last Friday. Mr. He is .remaining on in the oilier, but no! lake oxer the I'.l.'t.'i hax b He is .llecting on the Iti.'i! an. I ail years prior to that time. In making his settlement, lie" gave an allidavit .showing that br had vis ited every household to crvllei!! fixes. 320 Pounds Of Butter Stolen Sometime alioiil ( bree. 4,'eloeL las! Friday morning, a truck Inn ked up to the back of the We.-tiin Carolina Creamery, and .'hauled, i'xvay .'IL'il pounds of hut t ei', whi. li had just been packed that afternoon. Knlrance into the plant, xxa.s made through a -window. D'her than the tracks left by the liuck, no i lues xxeri. found n,s to who the thrives were. W. i. Woodall, 'manager, not tiled dealers in butter as far away as .Spartanburg, but as yet no report, ha, come in of Ihe thirl'. The butter was packed for Armour and Company, and was in parchment number KltP 11. Other butler and products in the same room were .not. bothered. Paul Hardin, Jr., Is Heard At Canton "Y" The hrato! Tuesd Canton V's .Mi ii's ( lull 1 ele I t heir t hird anniversary on ay evening with a siiecial "ladies iiigbt." baniurt in the club room, of the ( hampion V. M. C. A. Rev. Paul Hardin, jr., pastor of the .Methodist, church, drliveiid the fi a tun.', address. Following- the bamiuct n dance xva given at the Canton 'armory in -.011- nection wit h t he regul Canton Cotillion Club, cancer-, of lm;illi -, music. II r nance with tile fin or hill;. f th. Miic- !h. Robber Of Store Caught In S. C. . ' liarle-ton, , ('. oflieials ar rested I lavid Holmes, a 15-yeat -old oil i Us-reared youth last ; week after be had held up th- Cooper. River toll gate; and after an hour's (Uestioni(ig learned that he was the one who had bioken the window of Denton's Hard ware here .Sunday night a week ago and sto!e $('.8 worth of guns anl shells, ihe youth had stolen an automobile in Raleigh, license plates in (ireens boro, and .staged two holdups in Wil mington. STATE OFFICIAL TO HE HEKE NEXT WEEK-END .1.11. Clippard, special supervisor of the vocational rehabilitation work, of the State Department of I'ubac Instruction, will be in the ofliee oi County Superintendent of Education, at 2 o clock on the aiternoon of Oc tober the 25th." The parents of physi cally handicapped children are asked to consult with Mr, Clippard. - .1 . MRS. K1LI.IAN BETTER Vi.:,t. ...;ii v. i,i i . t I i-ii,sS V1.A UC fldU lU l-O. il fc,,u the condition of Mrs. D...M. Killian, .n . .i . who was laKen in ten nays ko, nus , improved this week and she is rest ing some better. THE WEATHER OFFICIAL WEATHER REPORT 1 . " 1 .'urn . : Th... boa id fas,,) , re-eluti.ni ,.f .-..: 1 1 : u t, M,-. ,,well f,,t- 1 h. ';"'" ! . Winch he had Mi'lielted a- ell as l,;lek taxes. ""1 lee. -r,!- -hew that with I lie 1 x " ' 1 ' arvi lax naver. tha: .Man ' 1 i p. . . , n . , 1 ii,., hi m . .. ! . 1 . . 1 ' " 1 ... ' 1 . 1 1 - '" l.'in.'iiii. , i: Hi,, ho.iks imeol- Date Max 10 " ' 11 71 1 " 72 . " 1! . 7K M SO 15 78 16 78 .Mln 35 Z9 40 47 4t? r.2 51