JTHRSDAY, OCTOBER I7 1935 1 To Speak Here Red Cross Regional Conference To Meet Here Next Thursday Delegates From Eleven Counties To He Here. .Maurice Reddy, Of National Staff To Speak READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER SEE'S IT THliOO Boice. .erne on! play ball, p'.ay ball fuh baies. . . Have a diink, have a lunch! . . . Yes' sir, they're hot a!) -hot. . . Kite this way. fokc-s have yuh piekt ha made. . . Here's whir yah see (he ailijratur irurl balm rite neh in you own state. . . Hey! hey! this way, see the ir.'.insiei- alive! Ah boo! bno-lxw)! I'rinci-ss Mite, I'rin.tss Mite, fokes, an' her . , . . r..y a uiine ten cent.s a clime! ir.s:i.e noi-at-i Itanir-ilap- b..ys tba: b:i r:uke". nti' l'i e. la. t a p . in .. nv.ni b:.:ia! it-winjr Mioie it broke. bv :.n a. 'k i ci- ranii! . . . ::d make a Ip.a-t sluv j'jm Jones A::' did '.-'.hi-'.'WO' .1 woo 1 lake a j1 in in mv yier: las' y:t. nite alive, It'.- all a-rin Mr. Editur. . , I woke up I'roanin' like the "moniter Euhla-Buhla haz bin aiter me. an' oh, well I kaint t 1! it all; I think I'll haff to k" back to the Bip: Bend in f.rdur 'to e; a rest. Well, fokes, if you've got all the 3ust out of yore eyes, we'll sorter re vew a few of the hi spot.s ami sum that wuzn't so hi, Wenzday noon the Boss, handed me a pass to the prate Event (he'de yoozed the beM uvit ) an' d, sez he "Unk.e Abe, yore pass, an' I want ye hole wurks or bust . . . . up jist as it is Tie stand thick an' thin!" now here s to see the an' write it bv ve thro" "Rite this way, fokes! See i'riiu ess Mite, smallest muther in the world an' her 7 oz. . . Five cen-ts 11 nickel, bc.vs. it's on'.v 5 cents! An' look a-comii;'yan.ier! If it ain't V. I). Smith a.i' Ed. Kuss. a-ridin' t! big bulls! That wuz one of the best free ackts at the Fair, t'ollerd kbee by Unkle Abe's ri le on the Dizzy Dangle. ye not git sKeerii, Unkle Abe?" "'.: -Mrs. Crawford. "No," sez I. but when that thing got to it's ja.-test I iiad an' awful strange - n.-a-lu.n ab"Ut the mid. lie . . . . graceful rider ain't 1?" "Ye shore air.'' c;i cou:r.:e.- win Thursday, Octo o:ia! conference Cross, at the va ainii'uii- 't I' ll n. ti L'nkie hadn't Abe oill roue un nie Ferris m one in iloarv I. We I w o 1 2 p!ace - . I o-: mv nurvc at the Loon-O-I'lam-. ' v tin- time I got ground t.. the iU-mv nii'i-.-tr;:, the wether hn.- -iii'iid waim an I lioue I e ( t in I ' t I ti 1 H jo'-"ev,i in) r-iirve nuff to try tne L'Vin V. en;;, :iv 'ute. at WUZ a-weann mv ru'tt '.u'.oi sum m m;u!e -kooi Se 1 We t' i t - sk'era tn:.r m.- r.oiz ol 'their :iol.enn i 1 it n the 6pnerator. he -e e m to git sorter ur.ei-r.v g- h.e t.'U'.w: tliev wuz a-go;n to taint. 1 r.ev se,1 one of m .-nore nutf ..: ; taut-t ,r the Hex ih'.r.a to it. S- I'r.k'e Alio lost his naive :er iro.i.i ;heii. Wei., thai s too ex.it::. an " inn, at ia ir o: made Kkutu tiet.'ier.- an I r.-ue .Abe. Ti whet long time. An bieeve me. I thawt tha-t man lit ver wuz goin' to let me olf! Aifter I Of dun gut the wurth ot mv munny, air then sum. he kontmude tu ride me. 1 think thev acKs.lv forgot bout me a-bem on thar. an thar wuz so mutcn noizi' I cuodn t make em heer. I hat wuz Wenzdav nite, an a. I hadn t vit changed under cioze. I neer ,v ti.nz to deth. 1 wi.-ht a duzzen times 1 bad sum ot them cloze the kwn nuked off then tne thing tartid to slow uuwn. evir a-irin! ol" t h i i ha -ve er t.noo wit wuz p:tim . an thev ot a ciur Now. sum .' pitted. ' seil man to a crowd ot us her. "but sum ol voir fl than I am. "o can look over oe mat. soz I, thi 1 v. eilen I list had lne a bat I de take this heh tair in. ' seel Wavnesviile culloi.l wonnii niae.e her wav throo the gade. of sett a ser- 1 c J w nnb liii v II inir.ii tne 1 tel ' a 1 v IV : ii.c he : .1 man. nuinnv bat-wing 0 t ke e kee up. Slie went on un to the round, i'dlerd close bv a ciuwd that wanted to see wood ,1.. Out on the I. 1 witne: an : t th keer ot to the fackt u at the veer wuz pre he ntunnv. h that th Iaywo. patra t:i tai- A roo;l numi.tr ot vou wnl also bear ire out in savin thf.t when a man is da".! on his bed m the Loop, its hard to h-l.d on an keep hi7, bat wmg. in an young MOTHERS round, sthn .-non shot her eves an' be gun to laft, 'J'.-t as neer lieb m as she wants to be, ' sed sum one. "Swing low, sweet charry-ot, cum in' luh to carrv me h"me . . .. . Delega : from t .t gatin r in : e on next ber -Mth. for the regi, of tite Ameri an l!ed First l!a :!:. i .huich, ced this week. On., ot" r!lo t',--. t : .. . of lv. . 1 V.awt lie-w ....... w;;i h,. .... !i,...s bv .Mauri. e 1!. Ile idy. assistant direct, r of disas ter service of th; Ked Cl ss with headquarters at Washington, IK'1 has had a long experience in this held and his addiess is b, ing looked, forward to with much interest. The meeting lure i.s one cf the eight scheduled tor the state. Mr. Reddy will use the topic for his address, "Devise and Carry On." referring to the provision In the char ter which gives congressional author ity for Ked Cross preventive meas ure against d'.-aster, accident and disease. "District and l"cal Kexl Corss lead ers will take part in all the programs and discussions. Past achievements of the state'.s chapters, and economic and welfare conditions that have arisen to affect the program for the coming year will be outlined at all the con ferences, and plan.s will be formulated for the roll call which begins in No vember. Last year for the first time in six years. Ked Crass enrollment in North I arolina showed a loss instead ot ;t gam. We pian to make up this less this year and enroll a member ship more nearly commensurate witn North Carolina s standing as the largest southern state. -At each ot the conterences there will be a showing of the Ked Cras lilm, 1 he Greatest .Mother.' Issued during the summer to depict Ked C ross activities, the film has had a su cesstul leception on manv motion picture programs at theaters all over the United States." Kev, J. E. Hannagan is ni-rv;ei .hair nian, and will preside at the meeting. I he formal program has been sched uled as follows: 10:00 Introduction. Rev. II. V l. '.ucom, chiui man ot Ilavwo.id coun ty chapter. 10;lj he. I Cross program in state and regional teiritorv, Mary Camn Spriuk.cV I0:od Co-opera1n n ot Ke.l Cross health -Mrs. alt h unit. Crt n fokes think I m tlie aibga.ter wo- gether.l around air reelv worce crowd an merrv-g o-good-sized what she merrv-go- I" now intedo."Ce ve to the judges ot the feingrn' kontest; Wade No land. Albert Walker an Unkle Gene C orzine. Nuff sed. Well. Clme IiramleU .diore stuck t:. hiz post like the seller he is them cold. mtes. I axt Clme Wenzdav nite it he iiuint want nie to g:. an' git him sum ot the cloze that the clown pulled oft. .-but he lowed as how he ewt lie coon make out. Ki- in public county k 10:45- Reddv. : 11:00 First Alice Benton. 11:15 Roll Aid Call, Jean Dillon, ol beivice, Maurice in Schjois, Miss led by Herbert w.w ' I os?.4. :.'. .. iae no chanc-i. ju' the tunnyest tning wuz the Th f gf4JI are bpc"s CoId3 tl 1 ' 11 m ' h 1 1 h.m . , ht , W S treatcd 1 I i mini 1 u I tlu c i tl u nhut "dosintr "1 1 ' IK i v tu k In i WWinihnn 'JUStJ ) 1 ,1 ll I t I t h hll FX 4fVAT0 n id 1., . ln- k? fi , t u .tv Mun th, , "'M f SMOKING jf FROM EARS OP VJiJ w" A CAVEL I GET rl EXPERIENCE, I KNOW 3 SCi FEELING OF Bjl THAT SMOKING A 1 iQ A&mi$ NcW ENcRGY AND II CAMEL GIVES MY l VJ M BEING. ANoIi ENERGY A "LIFT.' t Mr SN f CAMELS NEVER Ng AND CAMELS NEVER Miff MX fw MY TAS-E fel INTERFERE WITH J& f, ROSCOE TURNER PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR Speed 1 her XJSP"1 Charles Adams that s no joke. Now, look', heres a crowd gcth er.1 ari'uml the ''Iron-puv ' gamlin dee-vi e. ice, that s rite, Mr. Ed itur, if ye want mv wurd ter it; an Em not jokin' when I sav that sitch a thing as that ort net to be allow-.! at our ii. x tair. "Iron-iaw ' is rite , . . cold, li'tiel. Ineartless . I. , . it never failed to lob the childern an liieckspcnenced ll thev stayed with it n 1 y a short while. u in t e.Hv trape. , munkev t ashmial ol how ,wuz them an. wuz a :so in c ier the I- ollies. wmt h ha. ho wanted Lnkle Abe to see an ree-port on. e see. fokes. Ji ilitur wit;; list a leetle bit backenls lb. , ut toon m in broad dav lit-', a:, he a:;u... ii:'.d hi', wifo with him in Tl w. an '.t me t 1 i e 1 it v. u t men' an childern. so till the nex dav. in h h h i out I 1 m i 1 wanted I the tent thawt 1 m . Shurb, so We 1 1.) lent.-, come i u sti I gi i braved 1 a' n i too, it an kont the fan Hat j ke- Hut. summni': it all up, this show crter also no kondemned along witn that. Iron-saws thing. Show; like that have a tendencv to temprt air leed astray ol' innersent men like Unkle Abe. lit UI . on connn . t i. ! . 1 d . lu l i v a I tent v the 1 runt. ' . I! the trooth. that shew wuz Hat. . . uzn t mutch dancu: mos Iv simgestive movements ot the bodv all cep; this an' a lew Lheen, ir shuns lancer; An iiex veer less put the t-xibits m frunt; above all, less see to it, fokes that the Exibits (that s all we have, ye no) air put in frunt of the karmval (Sum fokecj duln t even no whir to find the Exibits this veer.) East yeer the moast we had in the rair wuz the name list loand our name. "Ilav- w-'o-l Co. lair' to the diow men, see But the Exibits wuz better this yeer, an crter be better still nex yeer une inner .uggescnun: Less ingage the oervi e of the Wavnesviile Street COSTLIER. TOBACCOS ; Sprmklin l.iept. nex like this Fall wuz. time, if it? dry Speedy by Abel's Garage THEfici A t-UNMY KNGrKlne. SOUMD SOI'PS-'Y.HT T -g -IPC CC9 I iCKVltt PLACE ABECS'GARAGE I SEEM TO BE I p "'t- INTriE BEAR: I ' tm-. t c ... c i e -sk. ( i i . "T 1 " '."V - IB emf . . r "7 r DID YiDU , YfcH- t-CK A . g3 LOCATE THE 5ECOND BUT KNOCK. NOW IT SOUNOS JcEfcDY'' WW ao-ic DCbu mi mwrnif r.mwjiif &WA VLEl n a itw v-m ir- m Let us service your car REGULARLY. Our expert mechanics waste no time looking for imaginary ' troubles. m i 1 1 Vr MAURICE R. REDDY ih;.pter. Thomas i nun man. Caskev. enairman Aslieville i and iesp'rise by delegates. 12:30 Recess. 12:45 Luncheon with Franks, Henderson county, presiding. Address. "Devise and Carry On," by Maurice Keddy, national staff, W'ashljijt'ton; Also a film, "The Greatest Mother." 2:30 Adjournnu nt. The following- chapters will be rep resented: Andrews, Black Moun tain, North Hunccnibc. and Canton, and the loibwini:' couniv chapters: Hunc.iinbe. ( ,av. ( nep-kee, (tiaham. Haywnii I. Heiitb-rson. Jackson. Ma con. .Mau'.-wi. Transylvania, and an.cv. . ft I 5 Author of ' Kobmson Crusoe" I'arnel 1'efoe. author of "Ii.ibinson - rusne. d.ed in mvei(v in 17..1 an ! was tinned 1:1 liiinhill I iclds. Eoiidon. His pnnc was marked onlv bv a siiia'l lieadslore. hut file EliL'lisli h-ivs and 'irJs who had iea-1 '"Uuiiiiison (. rus.ie -iiliscrilieil ihc iniuiev fur a nioiuiineiil with a stntanli' ms'.-npl inn. Mary Carlisle: "Now sew those buttons on tight, Anna, or I'll lose my shorts." Her maid, Anna: "Not these shorts, ma'am. I'm sewing these buttons on with Clark's O. N. T. best 6-cord thread . . . and you can't pop 'em off!" See Mary Carlisle, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, featured player, in her coming picture, "IN THE BAG." It's a 10-karat gem! Buy Your O. N. T. Thread From Massie's Deoartment Store "A Good Place To Trade" L1 ltl,:? AT RADIO HEADQUARTERS! mil ' N It j ff U'i . tf i.v r j .ii r 4 :m Ail i l' hi 2 GRUN0W MODEL 581 A genuine all-wave Gninow that pets everything worthwhile on the air. Five tubes powerful tpoaker, cabinet of beautifully matched voo1r. lone clarity and volume that 'will amaze you. Sold on Email down payment, fr(A PA with long, easy terms for the J)0 5U balance. WITH TUBES GRUN0W M0DL 520 A little Ix-auty for both AC and DC reception. A balanced super heterodyne radio (tO CA. with full dynamic y Jt.O" cpraker. Five tubes. TTH TUKS 'O. You'll Ic amazed and delighted, at the strides that have been taken to give you a bigger,, liner, more jierfeet atnl more beautiful radio At Less Co.-vT Than Evkk Ukfokk. Here indeed are values such as you have never seen. And what tone. The. (inmow alone has the new invention To iTi;sti:i J i;so atok for perfet l reeeplion of 1 lie voices and speech ol the artists just as they leave the radio station. The Gninow "gets the world." loo. You go world 1 raveling at a touch of the finger tips. Just look at a few o the New Gkunow Fe.vturks. 1. Tone-Tested Resonator Super Hi-Fidelity Triple Speakers 2. Signal Beacon 3. Aladdin Colorflash Dial 4. Metal Tubes 5. True All-Wave 6. Beautiful . . Modern Streamline Cabinets. 1936 Modfcls by the Originator of Streamlining. CALL 33 FOR FREE HOME TRIAL! ' -. A.i Rfesoe f ifliriniutare Phone 33 Main Street j