r..x" JA Two The Bst Advertising .Medium In Haywood Count y -Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Siroky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLVH NO. 48 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1935 Latest Photos of Jon Lindbergh With Mother 0' "" mnwin t .. i r-im.ii a - i J lass l l.-.....M..,.....,..Jm,M. -nm1,A.AWWS,.S. ft . "'il'P Th Mrs Lindbergh and Jon est exclusive new photos- of Jon Lindbergh, -on Colonel and Mrs Charles Lindbergh, wore taken Englewood. N J , as the tlnee-anri-a-half-year- "Home, James !" old child was driven to school by his mother These are exclusive International News photos No other recent photo has been made of Jon. Fear for Fate of Polar Explorer T I ig. AMtR UlAtfA'tAKt' '' TK- SH?Mj " ' SOUTH 4MtnlD !... f ! SOUTH iPOUE 3 t jL H JL. IMOIAN OCCAM I I . - - - Map of polar flighlj Married in Daze? wag? 1 I .-::::::::; w-:v:vKvX-:-.-X''-:-:: ; ! 5- M3L 1 tlnwiirth ijiiini, Tlar Star Apprehension increased as to the fate of Lincoln Ellsworth, polar 'I explorer, whon no word was heard from him on his airplane dash ! over Hearst Land, from the expedition's base in Antarctica to the Bay.of Whales, after he reached a point 400 miles into the absolute' unknown where his wireless on the Polar Star failed. Mona Barrie While admitting, when inter viewed in Chicago, that she had been married two years, Mona Barrie, screen star, professed to have forgotten where and when it happened. Japan Moves to Annex Huge Portion of China l SAKHALIN V I Aw5f 1 wiINCHUKUQ, : . clash HvJthe five provinces kySag nw0 REORGANIZED wNoAW JMrWPr Russian territorv tMff JAPANESE TERRITORY CHINESE TERRITORY" new Vassal state Japan's designs in North China took definite form Tvhen Maj. Gen. Kenji Doihara, political expert of ,the Japanese army in China, demanded that an autonomous state be set up comprising the five : provinces of Hopei, Shantung, Chahar, Shansi and ISuiyuan, an area nearly one-third as large as Unit idStates. Although nominally an . independent .HANKOVt Map of proposed new North China nation - state, the new nation would be dependent upon the Japanese army. General Yen Hsi-Shan, governor of Shansi province, was reported the choice of Tokio as Japan's vassal ruler. Nov. 23 was given as the deadline for consent to the move by tie Chinese national government at Nanking, headed by Gen.1 jChiang Kai,Shek,. ' " " "Going Up" o 1 I f I . !" V ' ' i Tack Causes $100,000 Suit Lillian Spanbauer An elevator pirl who is "goinp up" in the world is Miss Lillian Spanbauer who was picked as n prospective screen star when "dis covered' working in a New York department store Most Northerly City Nearly .'I(K) miles north of tin: A ret Ir Circle In ICurope, at tin' very lop of Norway, Is IlaimiieriVst, Hie most northerly :itv of the world, which ex ists liv mace of the Gulf Stream; It Is n stranpe. austere city In Hie smne I Ifitituile as Greenland it; r ' V Iff . cv I vn Betty Mclverj Hetty Mclver, movie actress, has sued a Los Angeles carpet company for $100,000 because of a carpet tack. She charges that her sight was injured when the blows of a hammer wielded by workmen in stalling a telephone caused the tack to fly up, striking her eye. UNITED STA TES MARINE CORPS OBSERVES 160TH ANNIVERSAR Y History of Uncle Sam's Devil Dogs Includes Distinguished Record of Service; Major General Russell Present Commandant of Navy's Auxiliary Force 1 v.,-j3v a r- X O i- t4 -. T fr, I f'Wl A II v j ' ' n. 1 - Yi if EL, fl ' I , 34 Maj. Cen. John Henry Russell By CARL REGAL International Illustrated NCws Writer WASHINGTON. D. C Observance of the 160th anniversary of tho United States Marine corps this month recalls the vivid and eventful history of this famous organization. Contrary to popular opinion, the marines as a fighting unit are not of recent origin. More than 300 years ago, when tho heavy gun re placed the ram as the principal weapon of naval offense, the marines came into being. It was then dis covered that an auxiliary of trained lighting men was an invaluable adjunct to the force of sailors man ning the ship and ship's puns. . Marines did yeomen service for the colonies during the American Revo lution,. At that time the personnel of Jthe average crew, often forced into 'Service by "press gangs", was such that the marines were needed, not only to fight the enemy, but also to ! keep down possible mutiny or dis order on the ship. Marine Prove Mettle During tho war of 1812, the naval operations on the Uarbary coast and during the Civil war the marines performed with valor. After tho wur between the states it was proposed that tho marines be disbanded. The argument ended in their favor with tho Spanish-American war. however, when they proved their worth as an expeditionary force to supplement the regular strength of the navy. Tho marine corps is headed by a major general commandant with offices at Washington, under juris diction of the secretary of the navy. Training depots are located at Quantico, Va., nnd at San Diego, Cal. Tho number of marines stationed aboard ships of the fleet comprise about 10 per cent of the fleet person nel. Marines not stationed aboard ship are in barracks in or near principal naval slaliuiis. 1 liev are organized in regiments to (permit ready mobili zation in case of an' outbreak which requires their services to protect American life or property in foreign sountnes. Russell Present Commandant The .marine can lie landed on loroiyn soil without a declaration of war or without the implication of a state of hostilities existing. Major General John Henry Ilussell is now commandant of the marine corps. He was appointed last year to succeed Major General Upii II. Fuller. . Tho marine corps is a small but highly trained organization compris ing artillery. Infantry, machine gun, signal and engineering units. Uncle Sam s "Icvil Dogs" have hafl a colorful and eventful history. They have served in the I'hihppinea during native uprisings, helped to quell the Boxer rebellion in China, and saw action in Nicaragua and Haiti.