WTrl -v-r)A Hi ; ! ; ) The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLVII NO. 30 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI RSDAV, DECEMBER 12. iy- U If I l III I M'il ) Right-Of Way For Barkway Is Being m I j v n v v Sought Of Indans Route Would Be From Soco (Jap To Cherokee Indian Reser vation. Decision To Be Made Today Negotiations are being made with the Cherokee Indians today by mem bers of the state highway commission, the Federal Government and Park Service regarding tle granting c)f the right-of-way for the Parkway from Soto Gap to the reservation, a dis tance of some 11 miles. Last May the Indians flatly refused the park service the permission or the grant to bring the Parkway from Sueo (Jap to the reservation. They claim id that it would take too much of their farm lands, as the route passes down the valley. Since that time park officials have agreed to cut the right-of-way from i.OOO feet to 8000 feet and keep to the hillsides as much as possible, in stead of through the valley. The surveying of the route from Soto Gap to the reservation has been completed, and tfio contract can be o. by the first of the year if an agreement can be reached with the Indians today on the matter. The state highway department, ihrough Secretary of Interior Ickes, notified the Indians that a price, as set by a jury, would be paid for the land. It was also suggested by Mr. Ickes in hi.s letter to the Indians, that the Parkway could be used by them n every way except as a commercial1 road, and that this rule would pre vail over the entire 400 miles of the t'arkwnv. would be built from Blue Wing church to me reservation, and paved with crushed stone, making an idea! road for trucks, teams and school children to travel over. Prank W, Miller, member of state highway department, W. Sheltoii, and R. Getty Browning .ating engineer, of the highway unrt.mpnt . ennrit Voflii,n.-litr - the T. , lo de the reservation going into the matter wtih .ne leaders prior to tne official meeU lit' ndnv. Secretary Ickes pointed out to the t,j: iL.i .'x ... "11 v . . ., . , inumns Hint 11 wouia oe to tneir au- vanf-fltrn tn lpt- tVip Pq.1mid,t .vwn through their lands, as it would bring .nousanas pi tourists tnrough there annually, and enable them to sell their handicraft, as well as other things. Frederick Nichols Winner In Reading Contest Here Tues. At chapel exercises in the high Mhool Tuesday morning, Frederick Nichols was declared winner of the readers' contest, and will go with Miss "fcthel Caldwell to Mars Hill Friday to 'represent the Waynesville Town '!iip High School in the district meet . Jig, The contest for the girls wa.s held tveral weeks, ago and was sponsored t'y the Community Club here. The contest Tuesday was under the .iuspiccs of the public- sneaking club f the high school. .The winning reading Tuesday was .' "c. ouui. oi .-American soldiers. ' Others taking part and their se est ions were: - '.. ,' ,- . .'. ""'"The t.tfffllTon" ah World Peace,'' ' Johnson. "The Minute Man of The American Evolution," David Stentz. "Hickory Stump," Howard Collins. "The National Flag," Paul Miller. EnkaTo Spend" $300,000 In 19M For Machinery The American Enka corporation spend approximately $500,000 on formal replacement in 1936, it was announced by Vice-President A. J. L. Monta, last week. It was alftn Pan s tax bill for next vear will ap proximate $300,000, including local, state and federal taxes. i he replacements, Mr. Moritz ex Piained, will consist largely of ma. pmnery made obsolete by usage and unnroved types. : rhe American Enka Corporation is , fTk.T,b. county's largest employer a.laoor' 'ts bigges-t property owner, f"1 Pa?'s, m"-e taxes than any other -ndustml plant in the city or c'ountv. Pour From Here Taken To Prison R J,?;6 t,shoriff"s department carried to naiugh Sunday, four prisoners to 'hi nVer - the state offi"'ak. after ne December term of criminal court W-'t -as Pres'ded over by Judge dan "arlick adjourned last Thurs- urT.0f? taken to Raleigh were: Jack "nr fetenced 30 months for steal-'.vi-'n" ,car; Laura Jones, connected wy the same case, for 18 months; j ; on Caldwell, second degree mur- mith0 SerVe S6Ven years' and Corde11 ! Tobacco Prices j Average Over $23 i ... j On Asheville Floor Acc:ii!:iig to r-!'v:scir of tlu MarKet. over .1. i a ecu have been selling day- of ci aging $.' per Th: .ecoid is la.-1 ;, ear. Loth l.iWSCIl Joi Vhtvilk. 1 pounds baceo if lo- first l, av- s.iid during the .he 1 '..'," Mason, hundred. far above ;ha n tJtai Pounds am- ai.-o th Al, th:ee price. w a re ho u h.ive been Ii.'ed to .apacity during the rii snci indications were tlia Wt t'K, "full e end not house.-- would bt kept until the of th's week. Although definite dates have befii dc-.ermiiu-d for. closing for ho;:e;.ys, they have been tentat the t and giv- set as closing on Decembei opeit.'ig again on Decemhtr Ins :: ten-day holidav. losing on December L'lltli ;oth, Haywood Farmers Organize Land Use Conservation Unit Fifty Farmers Meeting" Mere Tuesday Hear Discussions 01 lerracinn And Pasture Improvements A group of leading Haywjod t'arni ers and business men met at 2 o'clock Tuesday in the main court room of the court house and formed a "Land Use and Conservation Association." Frank Davis was elected chiirinau. Vv . 1. Rainer vu huirnvm . Mitchiner, sei retary. The program which ha-; been un tlerWay for some time was , dis.-ussed by W. I). Smith, county agent. Tic called attention to the gioun of some of the ileveloiimenis that had taken place in dairying in the county in tile last year or so. He also touched on the steps taken on the "Rural Electri fication." Attention was called to the vegetable program which got un derway last vear. Rov (rouse, nssistnnl - I'lirm . l who is supervising the 1-H Club work and the .demonstration farms, selected by the committee m the various com munities, brought in his talk some interesting facts about the TVA furn ishing phosnhate to these furi,i-v The only expense to the farmers is freight. This phosphate is used es pecially on legumes, grasses, and nor- manent pastures. Thirty-nine farm ers have been approved to date- ham Mltchiner. alun nauisfant 1., Mr Smith, who IS in fhnrir.1 nf 1 Ik. racing, made an interest mo- slmrt tl on the erosion problem. Tie brought out. the fact the teirn.tii- miiMvmn Iml already done considerable terracing in the county and applications for ter races had been tiled with h im "Hint iirp taking considerable time to complete. Much interest is being shown bv the progressive farmers. Mr. Mitcliiner stated in the terracing problem. He brought out in his talk that terracing l.s not a cure-all to the erosion nroh- lcm. but with terracine- and the nee of good farm 'practices, the .erosion' prob lem can be greatly reduced in. this county. It was brought out in the dis cussion by Mr. Mitchiner and: Mr. Smith that when the -terracing .'.ma chine had eomn eted thp 10b t.lui' the proWem of erosion is not. solved, that the out-lets to the t.errar-es and wp.nl; olaces in th( terraces should be fol lowed up by .some one who has had experience in this type of work, and tin i iwi ' is eonside'nv nuite a .problem is inexperienced foi . in the this nier as re type of Work, Winners In Essay Contest Will Be Given Next Week Judges will begin todav yoinir over the several scores of essav-- tinned in to the Chamber of Commerce on the subiect. "Whv It is finiul R To Trade At Home." the winners will be announced in the next issue of The Mountaineer. A five dollars Dnze will he p-iven tn ihe be-st essay turned in by an adult ; a five dollar prize for the hpst essav from a high school student, and a $2)0 prize for the best paper from an elementary school child. Officials of the organization have been gratified at the response, and the material turned in Was far above that received in similar contests Time did not permit accurate judging in time to announce the w-in- iiers in ciKiay s paper. Almost 25.000 Visit Park In November Estimated travel to Great Smoky Mountains National Park for Novem ber, 1935 was 24,637. A traffic count taken at one of the six entrances to the park resulted in a count of 7.f75 automobiles carrying 20,531 people. Estimating that 20 per cent addi tional people came into the park at the five other entrances, a total travel figure of 24,637 is estimated. Automobiles from. 46 states, the District of - Columbia and 2 foreign countries were counted, with 16.7 per cent of visitors being from states other than Tennessee and North Car-olina. I About $80,000 In Taxes Collected Bv County Since Oct. Drive Bein .Made lo Collect Delinquent Taxes Heforo Suits Are .started Since (Vtolu ::. t a! of : in taxes tor and 7!,- ille s ti 1.17 has been ,n! 'K Jiii.v bv tax ;iei v;scr, . It. .M.-t-racken, accord :".g to .he report presented' to tho baid of commissioners recently. 1'hc delimiueiit taxes represented J.i.Sti.i. Jti of the above amount, ami !S-I.0.),).17 was li;sr taxes. The report eovering the period from .November -1 to November ,10. inclu sive, set out that back taxes as far as 1 ".-!' had been collected. The report showid : liC'H taxes . S 220.i2 ll'-'iO taxes I81.-IA lH.il taxes t.2ij taxes 1.121.21 l'.'.i;! taxes 2.!I82.72 Hl;;4 taxes l'I.S!IO.-)4 Mr. McCracken ami his assistants, have completed their schedule for go ing -inta every township in the county to make collctions. They plan to spend a day in each township al some central point in order, that those due the c.iunty taxes cair conveniently see the collector. It was also pointed u: that suits wili be started soon against those owing hack taxes. Committee to Make Index Investigation Tile following,; who 'made up a committee to 'offer recommendations for a new index system to be used in the office of the register of deeds; Kd win Haynes. hugeiic Allev. Jr.. I'.dwin Fincher, Weaver McCracken, and J. K. Morgun, are spendine' several davs this week in Charlotte, (Irccnsboro, and Win.-ton-Salem. .They are mak ing a study of the various methods used in xitne of the- larger counties, in order that the most practical and elli ient system may be adopted for Haywood county; Florida Man Takes Lease On Property Mr. I.. II. Stewart, of near Jack sonville, I;' lac recently made a deal with Mrs. -Maria Head and husband, of tbe I-ranci.s ( inc. whereby Mr. Stewart will take over by , lease all the lands- of .Mis. Head in Franci. ( ove. except the house anil a lew acres adjoining, and also (150 acres in Cecil township. The Cecil tract' -is that formerly owned by the late. -Dr. Wm. (J. Francis. Mr. Stewart. it is said. '-has had long and extensive experience in the trucking-"-business in . Florida,' also in s in kiaising, and that is 'his pur pose, in leasing the Head lands here. He intends c dn t ruck-fai'ming at the Francis Cuvc place and use the Ce il tract for stoekraising. Mi.: ..Stewart will sleek up gra.d- iniily withnative cattle as he ian n itain: tliem. At present he is occuiiy ing the l.iner Fiailv house in Francis I' ive. Averages 32 Cents Eo-Tohamrtfp J. S. Fr,: .r.ght ait-; F. I). IJrad diM'.y, two Haywood tobacco, growers, have sold their crop of 548. pounds, and are all smiles. They sold their entire crop, which: was grown on. half an acre, and averaged 32 cents a pound. For the crop, thev received clear, $17(3.80. . The tip price of -ii cents was paid for . 200 pounds, .'if cents, for 1 70 pounds, ,i2 cents for 128 pounds and 7 cents for 50 pounds. The tobacco was grown in Iron Duff township, and was sold at Asheville. 3 Men Who Held Up Local Station Caught In Tenn. Tennessee officials arrested three Madison county men this week, and were identified by hvn Leatherwood. local filling station operator, as being the. ones who held him up early Sun day night at his station at the Way nesville city limits n the Asheville road and robbed him of $41:- The men are charged with stealing an automobile in Greeneville, Tenn., and also holding un three stations in that state before coming into AVav nesviile. -' KING HAS OPERATION In Iondon fast' u-pek kincr T onnnlil of ihe Belgians, undenvent .1 nlastic operation for the removal : of scars from his face: The . - v. s. ! irom injuries puffered bv thp Kinp- i . " dent near Lir erne. Switzerland, which Queen Astrid was killed. The COst. of eiPCt.Viritv tn thA nnmn: of the nation is less than one-haif its cigarette bid and less than its cos metic bill. Filtering Plant, To lost 500,000, Being Built By Champion I irst I nit. lostint SIOO.OOO To He Keady I or Operation li January 15th i AN 1 tN. Work is well mulei w; litre mP tne nist unit ot a n.v ti ! ;! plant for the Champion Fibre com pany to cost approximately J,r00,(HRl. .Move than MOH.OOO is being spent on th-. tirst unit, which, i.s expected to be in operation by the middle of next mouth. Ihe new !i,ter plant is locaied on a mountain almost a mile from the fibre company plant at Canton, the cost of the present filter plant does not include equipment nor a building to house it. ami -him- nimiumv ntii- cials were unable to estimate at this time just what tin' total cost of tbe first unit will be. The old 'filter' plant of the company is located m the mill proper and lias a capacity of approximately 28.000, 000 gallons of water per day. The un:'. under construction now is expect ed to proide for an additional 10, 000,000 hi ir,000,000 gallons daily. Wliep all units if the new plant are eoinplefetl-in discussing (he lime Fibre company utll. iaU say "ultimate ly" addit ional capacity' of -lll.000.000 gallons of water per day will lie pro vided lor. The new plant is a reinforce con c.ro(e and litis been under construction tor about two. months. Officials of tb company said il should be in operation by tbe middle ol January it the weath er pi'iniits. It is not possible to "iour" the concrete when the tern perature hovers around the freezing point, t hey explained. Read and Abee, ol Aslieville, arc contractors for the work and, when operating at full speed, have arouiK To iiioii on the job. 'the 'reinforcing .steel is being 'furnished, bv the Dave Steel company, of Asheville. Asl;ed whv the now filter plant is being constructed, officials ot the I-1 lire company said it is necessary for a higher iiuahtv of paper to bt manufactured. Ihe better gradi paper need more washing than the others, it was explained, . "The trade is getting fussier 'every year about the fpialitv of paper inaiuit actured. one official explained. "If we don't make it somidiody vvill." Drive Being Made For Christinas Fund Attention is being called to the shopping public of the boxes placed about town to receive funds for de fraying Ihe expenses of the Commu nity ( 'hi is: mas Tree, which has been sponsored by the Woman's Club and so 'generously assisted each year by Oscar I.. Hriggs, of the' city fire de liai'imenf and (ilhei's. .for "the' under pi icileged childi'en of the town. lioxes will he found in convenient places . in Ihe following shops and .-lores;: l.:idy Fair ''.Beauty Shop, A&l'. Snii.h's. fliilg -. 'Store, Sutton's', liaiber Sho), !i.irgin liroiheis, Massie's lie pa I'tment Stoic, KailF.s. Waynesville Cafe, Food Store, .Waynesville' Phar macy';' City Hall, and three in the C. K. P.ay's. Sons 'Department.' Store. Mrs.MattieTo3L.72,. Buried Last Sunday Funeral services wei'o helcl on Sun day afternoon at two o'clock at the Maple. Crove church for Mrs. Maitie Toy, 7L',; who pass-ed liwaviiii Saturday afternoon following an illness if six weeks, kev. I . I.. Roten. jissisfed by Rev. II, D. Jessup. conducted the ser vices. Interment was in dreen Hill cemetery. Prior to. her fust: marriage to the late Joseph L. Hirchfield on April 2. D-sM Mis Io was Miss Mattn R Henry, daughter of John A. and Marv F. Henry. Un Sept. !, 1917 she was' married to Mr. Van Toy: I'allbearers were: ; Homer Henry Frank ilenry, I-red Henrv, Frank i ho)s ,Kk Ma -( and R M Fie. . Mrs, Toy is survived bv her hus band and one sister: Mrs Maiissa Teague, of AY est Asheville. and sev eral nieces and nenhews McCracken Is To Remodel His Store M. T. .McC racken, ; proprietor of McCracken Clothing store, announces a 15-day remodeling sale to begin Fri day, Dec; 13th." Modernizing and repainting of the store building will begin in January after the present stock of merchan dise has been reduced to a minimum. The entire stock of quality merchan dise will be offered the nublic at dras tic reductions. Mr. MrOarlron haa ecured the .services of Sullivan Sales . fi- "vv. "J. MUilltOll tJOICO (.orr. . nf f'hnrlntto Hfnf and adjust prices. A full nae-e ad ' w ..., . v vs. , v w i i v v vi nn- 01V vertisement will he found on the back page of this issue of The Mountainpei'- Pneumatic tires are now built six feet jn diameter from tread to tread with a tire diameter of eighteen inches and a weight of five hundred pounds. Three Attempts Made To Steal Cars On Sunday cmpts Weu M!..ie lure it tn stea ;'n:ce .i.it.-.no-1 th were !'utii-. :igii-g :.. .1. il. ii.iy,:. Jr., til. i!!aiui-ll Apart vl'ed cut of :hc garage street from the ariait whe:: the attimpt.; o Keel iiK'i of tile . .;r failed, :heivis pro, c. , led :-i gii im r : . w a - i nun., and hri ak t lie io. t'r.e wo u Id -be Miua-'h the light to the cm. During t he : chinch Sunday Peved with the otlu r dantag.' - Haplis! one tanl- seivue at ti night, sunn ignition of th. he church. Rev cai of W. the the pastor of II isaueom. it was tliouglit that an .empt was made to cross the wire start the car while he was in It i . ... pulpit. A car belonging to John 1.,. Davis was taken from his garage and ilr.ven off, only to be brought back several hours later with a smashed fender. -No clues have been found as to any of the three attempted . make-awys. Unagusta Plant Is Beimr Painted Kiijiland-Wallon Company s linishiiig Their Painfull I'rouram. And !linor ( hannos In ()lha Huil(hnjL Th,. swisli (if the paipt h i u-h is a familiar sound in Ha.el wood at this lime, ib the I'nagu-ta Manufactur ing plant is having the exterior of their entire plant painted,-- The form er red color, is being' changed to aluminum, giving a bright, and more cleaner appearance. The cost of the job will be above ,$(ill(), it was learned front officials -of tbe company. llls( UM ss ll( u , 1 nK ,d W u ton Company, are putting the finish ing touches on their ollieo I The entire plant, was ie.iinli.,1 rids summer, with nio.re than 700 gallons' of paint being used. Several changes have also been made in tbe offices of the company, with several private office..- Iinine' in- Htallrd. Stolen Car leturn- ed With Smashed Fender To J. Davis John L. D lls deserve, his part his car ieli( yes that ope another, and is i.V the person who from the garage good deed ready to' do borrowed ' Sunday night for sever Hour: ami then returned it wit h a mashed fend er. 1 he "biirinwei if i left of ' ul ton, . p( i haps in is u-.(n' while using ' her tlia 'i I he . iiiyiinnt. ille car. smashed tin lie t lie v.'or -1 1 ne ea r .coined n for his af, ind Hie h.iap." Mr. Davis i ai '.. d it in lock S ti ii i lav garage about live o'clock lei noon, and between th; f time !l:i.l(t it wa l)iii'riiwil !in,l returned, lie is off el As a matter of courtesy ing ;i admit. dollar to the I hey brought person it buck ho will ltlimigli parking it he left it. lia in. tile gar, wlieri IIulF Was Rotary Speaker Friday W. T. Huff, meiMber of , the Ro tary Club. was . the speaker on last Friday. Il gave an inlnrnst imr nt'- line of the duties of a Rotarian to his club, community, and-country. Mr. Huff, went into details with his address, using the . four, points of Koiary as his basis. The Rotanans arc. sponsoring- the only Scout troop in the community, and brief reports were given bv Scout master LeRov Davis and his assistant. L. X. Davis. : Football Display On At Drug Store hoi the seventh consecutive v.or the Waynesville Pharmacy has given a window over to the display of the record, of the local football team, us ing pictures of individual players, and also of Coach C. K. AVeaherbv- The miniature field in the fore ground, and the records and -pictures, together with .some football equip ment, makes the display complete. The display idea was started the first year tnat Coach 'Weatherbv came to Waynesville and has been continued since. Hub Burnett, of the Pharmacy, de signed and made the display. old ac;k PENSION MEET GROCP TO The Havwood conntv cvnnn- nf tVin Townsend Pension movement.- and all others that are interested, will meet at the courf honsp Vievp at tier. nvwi on Saturday afternoon, it was an nounced by R. Q. McCracken. presi dent of the local feroun. Plans Being Made To (Jet Power In Rual Communities HH) I ai mers He;tr Distussum, And N;iine ( ommithv To Work Out Dcttiils Of V 'Use '.it '('0 fai here I'u, ii'ts "I llll ;-s day v u r;i I ie court o form cat ion." th, pre ing !-,' mi Set h "ting I 1. Smi -ion In all l.v with ( siding by D. vice i All 'ounty A gen and the .1 I". Joins, of f State Co phrases of si U tne t ge lira elect ci:ication Ai re disc'ii-s, financing and d. oartica .'lily as to the Ihe building; of !i the varioti ty, iHid al- omniuriit ii ; of Ihe cinin and minimum the rate. rates. A commit' e wa. delogation to rejioit -Mr. Smi:h and his sible piograu; fc iminit.ies. file comnliliee is appointed by the .'ind work out with assistants a fea the vaiious ,oin- is follows: Rat. . lift' Cove. .1. K (I! i,n Sma.: In i Cru-o. 1 1 ;i ( , 1 1 ii I ls,: ni K.uiicr; -'lioii Fran, is ( 'o e. Medlord ; Dutch Cove, Hinooli, (J. C. Hall; on I i, Jona Matt illicit Stamey Cove, ban Creek, Tom W. C. Welch; Hoom ; Heaver olles Cove. F.l K, Kay Allen; ; Maum v t 'ove. dam, II. C. licu.i; (ireeli; Allen'- ('! Tliickely. Itov lla n Kanion Swavngm M llensnii Koa.l, . lis. . 1.. Amnion: : ''e-eon V a ev. Mrs. Welch Singleton; .liinaluska, U . II. Met lacken; Km,.., Crck. D- Reeves.'. Xdlaiul; White Oak, Men right; Cralnree. Jennings McCrarv. This-committee consists of W. T. mediately after the ad ioiirminoil tin1 mass meet ing not. having informa lion as to the proposition and part that tb,. Carolina Power and l.igli. Company would make and fake ill the undertaking-.. '-a committee was ap pointed to confer with the proper au thority of the power (oiiipany.. This committe eonists oi W. T. Rainer, Henry Osborne, Hen Wright. Frank Davis, and W. D. Smith Just as; this meeting was nil paring: to adjourn the representative of the Carolina Power and Light ..-Company, Mr. Woodcock, ioified the meet ing and expressed the ( aroiina Power and Light Company's i oposition pertain ing to the .construction of lilies and minimum rates. 1 he f iininiitlnii m":l hi ,m-v, .nl- isfactorv state ot mind and adiourneil in a inter date to meet again alter some details had been worked out in the various -communities, and with the proper authority of the power com pany. Dr. J. F. Pate Is Named President Of Medical Group Dr. J. Fi-'ink' Pate of Canton, wa the 'Hay woo elected president of County Mr-dicii'l Sv.i-t.v December meeting, win the ho;- pital here. at Un ii was i n M u; Dr. Pale, pa ' 1 lit"' !f i". Ill r.ingfieb.l (.. !'. of I president, of C.'inton sue .hi.- coeds city. wood Dr. re-eh Il'l- wa V. eted I Thoma P v riaiiK d I (' II. Il'.i. k. c. a with secrctar.v.t rea, Abel. of v'ayi,e delegate ; the u rii Dr. J iiamei 'vifl". Iiein Sta'c M( J- ical Societ ind Dr. J, il. .Met i en. I m .annua, here (,n Tliur Duriii'i" th Dr. J. l. inlcre '.; ing u.-i baiMi.K't day, .Jar: ;-o:u;m ( 'ttl':: :.! ' iil Im 'held i- in-eeting, -i'!iil ;n u y 'Ihit Allen's Book On Count Oil Press "The A: i:a'. t.f Ha;, v, Count v.' a dod-page book, pjii-tshed by W.'C. Allen, is imw iieing de-live'reifv having just ' come, from the or ;-s last week. The book represents 'many years of Work on th" part of tne author, and contains the hi.-tiirv'-of Havwood coun- ty to date. toge of the th histories of some '.i'f.'lil s ot the (ounty..: . .The i'ooi i i.'i i:n fami ab'iat :;o i!'l-us- t rations, aim of each of t h 1 'of. tlie spon onu or . 58 families .have ;h(i given iii the 1 ook. I his is I lie- fmirtM author has jitio'lished of present xa:e-' :. i . will be.HKt; jiopuia' well as throughout -h liic-of ies fully book which tin and indication that the book , ii-the county state: i s Mrs Levona Green, 80, Buried Thursday I-uncral services were held on Jhurstay alteinoon at ihe Fines l reek 'Methodist church for Mis Levona Creen, Ml, with the pastor of ir of Cffi- me cnurcti. Kev. A I .. .-Ravin citing. Mrs. (.vein n-hnso , I. mil, ... -. v ni,ii (III UJ R'U ud at tne Haywood County Hospital, been ul for the past month and had her passing at tins time was not unex .f 1a- p-.-cieo. Sne w, tie uaughter of Lo renzo am K:'iie run-,,! f Fines J. B Green. Creek. Survivinc ate five ehilitron. (rreen. Nathan Creen finlwrt r:.,.. and irs. Agnei Cireen. all nf F ines Creek, and Mrs. Mitin'p McCVirv of Kannapolis. i of ..'1 ft 1 ! '' J ' I