18 Pages lis;8 Today NO. 51 Local Choral Club To Give Candlelighting Service Next Sunday Service Will Be Held At First Baptist Church At 7:30 O'clock, All Churches Taking Part On Sunday evening- at 7:3.0 o'clock, a; ine first ap:ist vhurch, the Way nesviJle Choral Club will give a Christmas Candlelight service. This .-en-ice will be the only one held in town that night. The program has been arranged by Evander PrelVon, and Miss Grace Crocker will be the accompanist. The program is as follows: Organ Prelude Andante Relig ioso. Processional The March of the Three Kings. Prayer, Dr. R. P. Walker. Carols: God Rest Yu Merry, Gentlemen. Good King Wenceslas. The First Nowell. Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drow sy Sleep. Scripture, Rev. Albert New. iHymm Hark the Herald Angels ing, Congregation. Violin Solo Ave Maria-Liebes-traum Schubert-Lizst, Elizabeth Barber, Jr. Carols: Bring a Toivli, Jeannette, Isabella. While Shepherds Watched Their ! 'ocks. We Three Kings of Orient Ale. A Virgin Unspotted. Offertory Organ Solo The Shep herds. . Solo Cantique de Noel, by Evander Preston. Christmas Message The Genius of Christmas, by Dr. R. S. Truesdale. Hymn O Little Town of Bethle fiem, by the congregation. t arois: Draw Nigh, Immanuel. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming The Holly and the Ivy, Stille Nacht (Silent NicrhM Recessional The March of the nree jvingff. Benediction Rev. H. W. Baucom. Organ Postlude Jubilate Doe, Formal Opening Of Baptist Building Set For Sat, 28th t Final details are being arranged ,ot the formal opening of the new Baptkt Sunday School annex here on Saturday evening, December 28, which will also mark the twenty fifth wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. H, W. Baucom. .The open house program is in charge of Mrs. R. N. Barber. Rev. and Mrs. Baucom have re quested that their "Silver Anniversa ry" be celebrated with the giving of silver towards the debt incurred by constructing the building. More complete details of the plans for the program will appear in this Paper Sunday morning. Post Office Is Expecting A Rush Christina's, business at the Jojwii post office is just beginning to make appearance, but from indications, according to Postmaster J. H. Howell, ;.nts year's business will exceed that of ''st year, The usual plea of mail early has seen issued by postal officials. 'When "he major part of the mailing is left until the last two or three days, the -en-ice is crowded to the extent of causing a hardship on all concerned. Woodmen Of World Elect New Officers -tw officers for the Rhododendron Camp of the Woodmen of the World were elected last Friday night as fol lows:. . Past council commander, C. B. Rus sell. . ; . , Council commander, L. C. Davis. Advisor Lieutenant, J. M. Davis. Banker, J, C. Helmick. Secretary, F. E. Leatherwood. Escort, E. J. Schulhofer. Sentry, G. P. Troutman. )? atchman, V. R. McElroy. . Captain of degree team, L. L. Buckner. Physician, Dr. S, L. Stringfield. 1 Janitor, Sheridan Conrad. Auditors- I T T)A,n V E. . -.. . iim u. i a jir i , a. . iatherwood. and Walter Helmick '. publicity committee : A. B. Schul hofer and J. C, Helmick. 'WIN'S. PERMANENT WAVE . Mrs, L. D. Staples, of 210 North Main street, won the free permanent ave recently offered by the Jo Ann beauty Shop in their special contest. ,,Mr- Richard X. Barber, Jr.. and -'t!"s- Tom Lee, Jr., were among those motoring, to Asheville the first of the k.-.. VOL. XLVII Read the Advertisements in This Week's Paper Before Doing Your Christmas Shopping Haywood County Bank Organized From Clyde Bank New Set-Up Has Capital Stock Of $40,000. Home Office To Be In Canton Officials of the Bank of Clyde an nounced several changes in the organ ization yesterday, with the major one being an expansion, and changing of the name to the Haywood County Bank, and an increase in sto.k. The heme office of the new bank will be at Canton, with a branch main tained in Clyde. No chanees were made in the officers or others con nected with the bank. T1 ... me iormer capital stock was Ml. 40P. The new bank has $20,000 in t 'union stock; fclO.OOO surplus am $10,000 in preferred stock. The Re- construction Finance Corporation tak ing si u.oou in preferred stock. Edwin Fincher, Clyde merchant, an couiry commissioner, is president of the bunk, and T. H. Haynes, is cashier. The Bank of Clyde some eight months ago opened a branch in Can tun, and maintained the home office in Clyde. Under the new set-up, the re verse will be the order, howevei, the majority ot the stockholder zens of Clyde. are eiti- Officers For 1936 Elected By Baptist Congregation Sun. Board Ol Deacons Increased Nine. Jack Messcr Ite Elected Sunday School Superintendent To At the Sunday morning service .Sun day, the congregation ol the First Baptist church elected officers tor both the church and Sunday school for the coming year. The result of the elec tion is as follows: Deacons, three vear term, John L. Davis, J. R. Morgan and W. II. Burgin. Two-year term, M. T. McCracken, H. C. Wilburn and R. T. Messer. One year term, W. C. Allen, W. (V. Byers and Jack Messer. I he board wa in creased to it. Trustees, W. .1. Hannah, 1. I.. Green and J. R. Morgan. Enlistment committee, divided into four groups, John L. Davis, chairman William Medford, Earl Messer, H. C Wilburn, J. K. Morgan, J. C. Patrick J. T. Bridges, J. H. Clarke and Rav Burgin. Finance committee: W, 11. Burgin, chairman, Edwin Haynes, williatr Medford, W. G. Byers, Jack Messer, Richard Barber, J. C. Patrick, and Wayne Rogers. Church clerk, W. C. Allen; treasurer local expenses, R. T. Messer; treasur er building fund, W. G. Byers; treas urer benevolence, Sylla Davis; finan cial bookkeeper, Mrs. Edna McGce; offering committee, M. 1. McCrack en, J. T. Bridges and H. W. Baucom. Choir director, Evander Preston, and Miss Grace Crocker,, organist, with Mrs. J. N. Tate and Mary Pen? land 'McCracken, assistants. Jack Messer was re-elected general superintendent of the Sunday school, and John L. Davis, associate .superin tendent. Miss Stacy Wilburn is sec retary, and Miss Doris Green, asso ciate. John L. Davis is choiristcr. Department superintendents arc: W. C. Allen, adult; Mrs. II. W. Bau com, intermediate; Mi.ss Evelyn. Un derwood, junior; Miss Anna Dee ktrk patrick, primary; Mrs. J. R. Morgan, beginners and Mrs. . H. Burgin, rad'e roll. Mrs; W. T. Crawford is superinten dent of the home department.. Edward Cathey, 54, To Be Buried Today Funeral services will be conducted this morning at 11 o'clock from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Clyde, for Edward Cathey, 54, who died at '1 :4i on Tuesday afteroonn at his home near Clyde. Rev. M. E. Left wich, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. R. P. McCracken, will ofliciate. The Masonic Lodge of Clyde will have charge 'of the service at the grave, and interment will be in the old Clyde cemetery. - : . Pallbearers will be members of the Masonic Lodge of Clyde. Mr. Cathey was a native of Hay wood county and was the son of the late William Kerr and Mary Anne Edwards Cathey. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Eliz abeth Rogers Cathey, and four sons; Walter Cathey, of Canton, and Harry, Glenn' and Mark Cathey of Clyde. 1 SCHOOLS CLOSE The: schools of the township begin their Christmas holidays will day, and will have untn -vionuay uary Gth, it was announced this week. Mr. and . Mrs. Dewey Stovall had as'their guests over the week-end the latter mother and sister,, Mrs. P. W. Tucker and Miss Janie Tucker, of Marion. WAYNESVILLE. Girl Asleep for Three Months Lucille Medical .H-iuico h;i- In n i..''.. , of Lyncliburg. i:n ::- hern a-l t.ttack of infantile ':'.r;.lyM-, a coma of Chicago's i'r? in an! Mountaineer To Be Published On Sunday Morning Every ttlort. is being made to publish this paper on Saturday night, in ' order that the readers may. have it early Sunday moiri ing. This was the policy followed last year and met with the hearty approval of the readers. All new.s and advertisements should be in the office not later' than ten o'clock Saturday morn ing. 1 he: paper will again feature Christinas greetings Irom the various tirms in the community, and also contain a special section about the opening of the new -0frr Pirk T!h a u Mayor's Proclamation Whereas, the President of the Unit ed Mates, ha called on the people to unite in a . national effort to cut down the. rising tide of. desti uction on the streets ways of the .nation ; hereas, the Governor Carolina has pledged thi lion uf this state : in ih leath and and high ot Noi l h co-opera nationa effort; Whereas, the Law.' Enforcing Offi eel's of '. North Carolina, have inaugU' rated through The ..Institute of Gov eminent a systeiiiatic anil continuous program of Accident Prevention and Motor Vehicle . ' Law Enforcement thiough the distribution of 000,000 copies of "Guides to Highway Safety," Now, therefore. I, J. II. Way, Mayor of Waynesvllle, call upon all high school authorities, all local officials anil employees, all citizens' organiza tions ami autunnimie drivers, ana uie heads of all business enterprises, to procure and study "Guides to Highway Safety", without delay, and. to devote the first; meetings of their respective Organizations in January, !;! to, a program, of accident prcyentioh iind motor vehicle law enforcement as the starting point ol a larger program of crime prevention enforcement. and criminal law Tennessee People Buy American Cafe Announcement is being made in this week's paper of the change of ownership of the American Cafe, one of the oldest cafes in town. , The new owners, and managers, are Mis Ida Welch, of Etowah, Tenn., formerly manager of a cafe in Clin ton, and J. R. Richardson, of Knox villc, formerly in the real estate bus iness. The owners have taken charge of the cafe and announce that the policy of "delicious home-cooked food" would be retained bv the cafe. No imme diate plans for . making any. changes were announced. The afe is located on Main street, across the street from the First Na tional Bank. J A Turpm was former owner of the business. FARM MEN IN RALEIGH 1- Cojntv Ac-enit. W. D. Smith, and his assistant, R. H. (rouse and S. R. Mitchiner, are m Raleigh this week attendmc the State Conferen-e for Cour.tv Agents. NORTH CAROLINA " c Hartleit b the case of Lucille Hartleys. 13. i p tor three months since an which promises to rival that ". Patricia Maguire. Laboratory Is Opened Here By Special Funds Through a .special appropriation of the United States Public Health Ser vice, giving to the health unit, of which Haywood county is a part the stun ol .VJ..i0(l ironi .November 1, P.l.'tf) tn Janiiaiy ,11, in.il., it is again possi ble to have-the laboratory in connec tion with the .office,- whi.h has been closed for several months, open for service. This '.financial assistance to the health work at this time will mime it possible to carry on certain work tem porarily ilisioniinueO, until money may be obtained from the Social Secu rity Act. Miss Elizabeth Kitchen has returned and is- again in charge ol the laboratory, and Miss Hurte Oli ver, the Iormer pulihc health nurse in the county, has been called back to work. The ic-opcning ot the laboratory has brought lorth much lavorable comment lroni the medical profession a.s the doctors had greatly appre ciated the convenience and expediency of a local laboratory against thp form, er neiessity of obtaining such service from the laboratory of the public health department ur Raleigh, Paul Underwood Buried On Dec. 5 Funeral services were held Thurs day, December ,'S, at two o'clock at the Rat-cliff Cove .Methodist church "for Paul .Samuel Underwood, young son of : Mi-, and M r.s. Rufu.s Underwood, who passed away on Dec. 4, folluwing an illness of several weeks. .. Services were conducted by K- . II. 1). Jcssiip. , Paul Samuel wa.s the youngest miii of M r. a nd .M i s. Undei'Wdod. . He, was born .March 1!, I'.IL':;. He. is survived by his iiarents, two. sisters, Sai-.a" ,and .Margaret and two brothers. Hugh and Claude. Interment, was in the Ratchir (ovc were The cemetery. Tlu flower . girls' members of his class at school. pallbeareis were: Ben Smith, Fred underwood. Lrnosi Mc( racken. Ra Lnderwood. (ail Jones . anil Hilliar Underwood. Rotarians To Move To Baptist Jan. 1 Beginning the first of the year, the local Rotary ( lub will meet in the new Sunday School annex ot the t irst Baptist church instead of the Mcth odist where they have been meeting for the oast several years. Tentative plans are to alternate between the two places annually. The ladies of the Methodist church have extended an invitation to the club and all former members of the clun to be tneir guests on Friday, December 27. Plans are to make this a big meeting. Mr. Freddie Crawford arrived Sun day from Chicago, where he has spent the past several month.s playing pro fessional football with the Chicago Bears. Mr. Crawford will spend the Christmas holidays here with his mother, Mrs. W. T. Crawford. Most accidents happen when some one does not care enough.. . An empty caused manv train of a wreck. thought has Local Woman Finds mat uut-Ut -Town rnces Are iiigner Survey Shows That 95 Per Cent Of Merchandise Used In Community Available Here One of the chief topics of conversa lon the-.e days in thi.s community is trading at home." Business men are talking it, the sthool children are talk ing it, and the women are discussing it. In fact, its in tlv air. For the past six weeks the Chamber of Commerce has run a series of ad vertisement. on "trading at home, ' and have also staged programs at the high school for thiee win-ks, with 1.. M. Rkheson, V. ;. Byers r.nd V. C. Russ making the addresses. A number of people have mentioned the fai. that they are spending "exclusively" at home thi.s year, in- Meau oi going to other towns, or using the mail order house even ouying i rum pvitdiers. line Haywood county woman last week visited a local merchant after having spent a day ou: of town, and found that the nationally advertise,! brand of underwear she paid Ti' cents no in a nearby city was being utV Jil ayiicsvil,,. tor f.N cents same goods, same .sii'.es, and the merchandise was shipped from mill just a few weeks ago. I he Woman expressed i'lf iM'ing sick of the trip." And oni j hant asked, " Why shouldn't oe? She iiaid L'l cents more foi garment, ami the sad part is bought ten, and then had to asi to excliange two pa l r.s for her." A thorough check on the merchan dise offered in this community showed iliat ;, per cent ot tin' merchandise used ill the homes of the community can be bought right here in the com munity, and often at a much lower price i ban elsewhere- as was the Un derwear instance. Confederate Vet erans And Widows Receive Pensions Ranks Are (irowinp Thin, Onlv 13. Veterans Left In Count v. II I). C. Served Lunch. Fruit i 9 On Monday the ( onlederate Veter ans and widows of veterans received their semi-annual pension from W (.. Hyeis, clerk of the court, in his ofh.e at tile court house- Vcrv lew oi mem came in person, tli major oeing represented bv some the family. member r nun the ranks of tlie veterans two from the list of t settlement was cweri'd the : final names were mi.ssed last June when the la in :de; and have all i 'oil call since . the'ii,- -- A.iii.ly- West and I'hi'i'o were niiss of the willows - laiiies M. Stanley." ing from the nanie Mrs, Margaret Owen, and Mr Sha if), Laura Mrs. I. Noland. lura who aiso have -passed away. 1 hose who were able to come were given a cordial welcome in the clerk's office, and treated with every Con sideration by Mr. Byers. After hand ing thenv their checks he passed them over to a committee from the Haywood Chapter of the Daughters of the Con federacy compo.sed. of ' Mrs. John M. Queen, .Mrs. Leon Killian, and Mr-. W. L. Kirkpatrick, who .served them a lunch ami presented each a gift and some fruit. . . Knjoying ;ihe. dVliiictjon of -being the ohlesL Veteran in the county is J. W. Caldwell, age 1)7. and the oldest 1 widow K Mrs Ra hid M tssi, I t w is. .igi ')! - stt, ol Mi 1 i bo MasM father of the late I. . Massie I he veterans leceiving checks now number onlv thirteen and are: J. A Collins, J. W. Cal.lwidl, Alden Howell who now makes his home in Los An. gtks. (alii L Mas i. I) I ii Matthis, J. H. Paxton. V. 11. Rath bone. James L. Swayngim, Mcrntt Irantham, R. T. Underwood, of Ashe ville. J. M. Wood. J. B. Wvatt. and W 'A Yarborough The widows who are classed accord ing to age in two grouos, class A re ceivmg annually $.100. and class B receiving $100, are as follows: Mrs. M. L. Birchfield, Mrs. Lucinda Hratb shaw, Mrs. Jlarthanev Cnbe. Mrs. Cor delia Clark, Mrs. Rachel Clark, Mrs. Laura Curtis, .Mrs. Sarah I'crguson. Mrs. W. R. Ferguson. Mrs. M. C. Hog len. Mr.'. Martha Ann Hovle, Mrs. L. Y. Jolly, Mrs. Hassie Killian. Mrs. Rachel M. Lewis. Mrs. Jane Robinson. Mrs. Jessie Rogers, Mrs. Ixiuisa SV'ott, Mrs. M. A. Thompson. Mrs. N. Jane Town.send. Mrs. Sail v Trull, anil Mrs. Martha White. LOWE TO ADDRESS TOWNSEM) MEETINfi A meeting of the Townsend Age Pension advocates is called Saturday 21st at 2 o'clock. Mr. W Lowe will address the meeting. OM for W. his subject to be, "Seek Ye the Truth. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 W. A. Bradley Buys I J. M. Long s Part Of Merchandise Mr. Long Also Makes Three Sale Of Real Estate. Will De vote Time To Course And Farming During the week J. M. Long has sold to hi.s partner, V. A. Ilradley, his half inteies. in Long's Store in Ha zelwood on the Balsam Road. About a year ago Mr. Long took Mr. Bradley in as a partner, selling him at that time a half interest in the business. The last transaction of this week makes Mr. Bradley the sole owner of the store. I'wcnty-i igln years ago Mr. and Mrs. Long moved here from Jackson county, wheic the former was engaged in the iumber business, having at one time been employed in the woods depart, ment of the Champion Fibre Company. They bought the .site of the store, their resilience and other property in the neighborhood and established the siu cesst ul business that has grown fioni a small place to the present large department store. During his residence here Mr. Long has had extensive lumber interest!.. ,.,1 ue'iiing irom time to : ime in the man I ufaclure of wood products and lumber. ,,.ai ' Hi' ha.s been om of the largest and mo- lICCcssI ul as been I i s in real estate, eais i. ue ol the of . this section. Ii ive been prom : only with the this section, but pari in the re- and Ik leadini! otisiness lllell Mi i in I .Mrs. 1 ing in of ! iiicntly onnectei act ivit it busine: have taken a I llge ligious, social and civi allairs ol the communit v. Mr. Long lias always been one of th.' leaders in any pro gressive movement for the develop ment, ul this section. Mrs. Long has I o: il active in the work of the Daugh ters ot the American Revolution and is a former president ot the Communi ty Club. J lie past year Mr. Long has built the avnesvillc ( otintry t tub house, on the edge ot the goll ionise of which he is the owner. He plans to devote his time to the operation ot the goll course, ti uh house, and his various farming interests which are located in Haywood and several other western counties. Other transfers ot property made bv Mr. Long during the week are as follow.s: I he sale ill a !! adjoining the goll course to Aaron I'revost; a house and lot: on Allen's ( reck pur chased by Mrs. Luther Allen, and an other house and lot m Vinegar Valley sold to Charles M.-.Manus. Fred L. Safford Is Named Head Of Local Duke Alumni Fred I.. . Sall'onl, Fines 'reek high ' piTsidi n of t he principal of the .hool. was elected Haywood county it Duke Universi- aluniiii association ty at the Duke 'Day baniiuet here by the association in the LeFaine Hotel here Wednesday night. VY. Thomas Reeves, of Wayncsyille, was elected secretarv t. .lie associa tion and .Mrs. DeBrada Liner, of Way nesville, .was chosen counselor. The nomination committee was Von IHised ol C. L. VVeatherbv, Dr. I nomas Stringtieid, and V. Thomas Reeves. , Twenty-live . men and women, all f(, ririer Mudcnts of Duke Lnivei'.sity, attended 'hi-baniiuet which was pre- ; sided over by Frank ..Ferguson, Jr., of Waynesville.. ..Mui-u: was furnished by the Stentz iUai;e: of Lake. Junaluska. accompanied on the piano bv Mrs. J. Dale Sentz. Hersche! .'.Caldwell:, head" coach of. freshnien football, .basket-ball, . nd baseball ;it the university, was the guest ot honor and principal speaker. Mr. Caldwell described the growth of the university and told ot the work now being done there,;. The student body, he. said, represents . 40 states-, and the faculty members, number 300. He spoke at some length on the ath letics program at Duke, stating that football is only one of 11 kinds of sports being emphasized. Miss Webster, And Miss Wilburn Win In Essav Contest Miss Mu r Webster won first place in the essav contest lor the ad- units, which was taged by the Cham I he prize oing live ber of ( ommorcc. dollars. Miss Stacy Wilburn won the five dol lar prize for the best high school essav- Both es.sav.s appear on the back paee of this section ot the paper. 1 he essat contest was part of the "Trade at Home Campaign'' staged bv the ( hamoer of Commerce, SOCK" SI PPER There wnl.be a Sock Supper given by tho P. T. A. of Rock Hill school Friday night, December 20, at 7:30 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited.

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