THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER Judge Warlick Is sues Warning To Drunken Drivers Judae Y.'it.-.on W'aiUek. who helc the L'tfjiiilit-r term- of cuuH here, last week in Chariot e urave warninjr to tho.-:e convicted in his teurt.-, of drivinar While drunk and M;etd.i:K, respectively: Judiri- Wr?.'i: definite'.; promised chain kuur ser.UJ.sces for i.U convict ed of dv'.vu.s while drunk. "I have .n: o::e Warlic!, "un rich a:;-! I'w thev're li.W.x Santa Claus Swamped by Mail one : ue, a:n J uili;e that rule ajjplies l r.eRr.. ai:d vh:U- x x x iret sent t- the road :tti in my court of Mi'iith i)at he said, it a rule to srive aj: , convicted in his court roads, retfurilios.-,. He f a well-kncwn phy si- county who is now sentence on .he if they're eon drunken dmim For eveia! he had made drunken driV'-r. t!() days on the cited a ca.v.' i' cian in a mountain sen'intf a ti(-day roads. The judsc iiete-i that the North Carolina LegUIa'.uro is jroinK to find itself shortly er.actnx a law which will comnel every' judk'f ''o s-othI drunken driver., to the toads, x x s The way to make a lav. con cernint? drunken .driving is to maki it mandatory and with no ex'.eptions. The Legislature ouuiit . to'1 judtre, to seatenc.' those convicted ' ' iirunken driving to not le.-- than ' days on the ro'ids and to : evoke drivers' s. for a period of not less than one year. There i.s only one cure fur the malady and that cure is prison. It ha reached an awful pas in Xor li C arolina when drunken driver- arc i.-: off by pay ins S.10 tines. f fJfeJ,v. ': ', yfOior Philipp ' S. Christmas is a busy time for Oscar Philipps, new postmaster at Santa Claus, Ind., because of the huge volume of mail relayed to the small postoffice by individuals and companies who wish their holiday letter.3 to bear the postmark of Santa Claus. 31 Annals of Haywood County BEING DISTRIBUTED AT THE FOL LOWING PLACES: Inland Press, Asheville. Leader Department Store, Canton. Clyde Pharmacy, Clyde. Waynesville Book Store, Waynesville. Woman's Exchange, Waynesville. These books are sold this week and next for $3.00 per copy. After that time the price will advance. Persons holding a receipt for part payment may get the book at either of these places by paying the balance of price. W. C. ALLEN FIRST GRADE Fireworks The Kind That Shoot The Loudest The Most Beautiful For Night Displays And COST LESS :.. ' 1 . : als o Candies Apples Nuts Oranges Tangerines Raisins Bananas Coconuts American Fruit Stand FELIX STOVALL, Owner Letters Pouring By Thousands To SantaClaus I 0. Postmaster At Santa Claus, Ind., Expects Mail To Reach Million Mark SAXTA (."LA US. lul. "Santa iflau.-" i;. in a nrwiicaMen;, It's.-tin nu;' - thousand.- and thousands of let ter.-. Ami he. doesn't know how he is iroinjr tn xtt dolls and bicv.lcs for all thr- ' little eirls and hovs who have written for them. "Thi- is niv first vear as Santa Clatls," says Oscar I.. Phillips, post "nias'.t , at Santa ("!aus, Ind.. "and it s a lot ( f fun for many of the letters are happy ones, hut there are , many hea.' taches, too, in my mail." "Froriv all over the United States, from Ireland, Germany, New Zealand and Kim'land I have had letters from children. I am trying to answer as many a possible, but -1 cannot get to all. "It makes my heart' ache when I read the letters from the poor chil dren especially when I tannot do anything about it. I believe I could use a million dollars just in meeting the children s requests. Boyg and girls are getting old fash ioned, Postmaster Phillips said. "Why, I don't believe there ever have been more requests for bicycles and dolls." he said. "At least 90 per cent of the girls want dolls and the boys are almost as eager for a bike. Phillips, the father of three boys and two girls, takes his new job seriously. Twenty-two thousand nieces of mail came to Us on jost one day last week. ' he said. "From now on, we will bo swamped, for every one wants us to get the mail right back on its way at the proper time. I believe we will handle a million pieces this year. Phillips became postmaster of Santa ClaUs t-arly this vear following the death of James F. Martin, who had held the position for 2(5 years. He's a practical fellow, seriou.v. minded and el assured. Al! around Santa Ciaus, Ind., pro- lects -.dealing with the old hamt . are being developed. One, when complet ed, will be everything a child ever dreamed Santa Claus s: home to oe. It will have an eskimo -illage, a work shop, a wishing well, a lake around which reindeer will be free to roam, and a paradise island.. A great statue of : Santa Claus will be foremost in the park. The devel opment is the work of the Santa Claus Good Fellowship club, a nonprofit or canization. It will take a year or more to complete. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Long asro a babe vas born. 'Before the years began; In a manger he was cradled. There in Bethlehem. In the sky a star was shinin?, Over the stable bare; Thiough the night came Wise mel bringing. Gifts to offer there. Thrnno-Vi thi nir a sone was sinsing. "Peace on earth good will to men," It was the voice of angels singing. Of the babe in Bethlenem. HENRY FOY. FOR SALE Four thorough-bred white giant breeding roosters, Walter's strain ; also 15 raixms for Christmas trade. Preston Poultry Plant PHONE 293-J waynksviij-f:, a. r. Chemist Claims He Gets 2,000 Bushels Of Potatoes To Acre DETROIT. It begins to look as if the Government might have to look into Arthur C. Pillsbury and plow under every third idea of his if they want to curb overproduction. Exper imentator Pillsbury can grow 2,Ol0 bushels of potatoes to the acre in stead of a measlv 80 bushels. In Detroit, Mr. Pillsbury told of his extraordinary experiments with potatoes. To grow 2.000 bushels to the acre you don't plow the ground at all. You build a shallow tank on the" ground, fill it with six inches of water, cover it with wire netting, cover the netting with a layer of excelsior anil plant the potatoes in the excelsior. Hut there is one other thing. Into the water you have to place a special chemliai diet for the potatoes. Elev en of them are enough to supply the cu.stomary sustenance potatoes draw from the soil. From then on all that is required is that the tank be kept filled with water. The excelsior car ries the moisture to the roots and later 'he roots protrude down into the watir. "All the plant energy ordinarily devoted to gaining chemical food and moisture from the soil now may be devoted to creating foliage and pota toes," Mr. Pillsbury explains. "The resu't is that the plant produce 10 to 20 times as many potatoes as u-uai, by number and volume. "Think what this will mean when we work out the right chemical for mulas for growing our usual foods he About 20 cents worth of chtmiiaU and a tank 20 feet square in the back yard will produce enough food to keep any family a year. In Japan, in Italy, even in England the saving of -pace would be revolutionary." GOP Convention Will Be Held In Cleveland In June Dce:.-ion wasj made Mcnda.v to hold the national Republican convention m Cleveland. Ohio, in June. The selec tion of the largest city in Ohio is leoked upon by some political observ ers as being a shrewd move for the G. O. P. leaders, as Ohio is in the doubtful column this year. Another reason for the selection of Cleveland, and an important one, was that the Cleveland committee planked down $150,000 to help defray conven tion expenses. And the third reason, to those who are superstitious, the last time a Re publican convention was held in Cleve land the candidate chosen was elected Calvin Coolidge. This was in 1924. Cleveland is easy to get to from the centers of population in the coun trv, and as this yearV convention looms to be a "hard-fouffht ' battle" this will mean a lot. Just who will be named is very much undecided, in fact but few will venture even so far as to guess. i THE FINNS ARE STILL PAYING Once again Finland has kept he slate clear. The Helsingfors gm -ernment informed Washington ia week, that the war debt instal'.'iie;. due thi? week would be met. It . 5230,45.'!. Twelve nations have ,: stallmt r.ts due. for a total includir arrears, of Sif.d 1.177.54, but e.e'.c aren't payiig. Watch Our Window For j? Christmas Suggestions Come in and see our new & Unusual Gifts kt 1 Aiken Gift Shop Plenty Of Money In State's Banks Gurney P, Hood,. State bank'. reporting the pas', week on the- condition of- State banks as reflected, m their November 1 state- ments, pointed out that loans showed an increase f $6,000,000 during the past year, "which is a good sign. ' .nn,wi) u'fiiit. nn S5fifi00.0(M) be- t.wwn .limp 29 anil November 1. cash on hand increased $14,000,000 during the vear and 'investments in bonds $.'54,000,000. Resources of State banks increased S.V 071 nrill Hurincr the vear. to a total of $:n:),109,OOO, which "was only S28,- below ttie Brevious aii-ume high record of S:S4US2,000 set in October, 1?20. announcing CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP of American Cafe We have bought from Mr. J. A. Turpin, the cafe, and w ill continue to serve DELICIOUS HOME COOKING At Reasonable Prices MISS IDA WELCH J. R. RICHARDSON Owners wn.nto a pif irivpc price SACRIFICE ir5F("nnRirr?n nri! blvyvWl,lLUy try JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS This is not just an excuse, it is a real bona fide SALE. We mean we have slashed prices to unheard of figures. Come see for yourself. Our thirty year's experience and guarantee is behind every item sold. No Junk. Our Regular Stock of Qual ity merchandise. We are NOT OFFER ING ANY "BAIT" BUT REAL PRICES. No game of chance, as every customer is a winner with the prices we are offer ing. DON'T BE MISLED. ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's Clothing GOING AT 1-3 to 1-2 Price $7.95 to $16-95 Values to $30.00 Men's No-Wilt Collar Dress Shirts Assorted Fancy Patterns CHILDREN'S Shoes and Slippers 48c Sizes 2 to 10 Big Lot Of Men's Overcoats AND TOP COATS In tan, grey and all wool 4.95,- 14.95 Values to $37.50 Sale Continues All Through December Boys' "Faultless" Outing Pajamas 97c Values to $1.73 BOYS' Winter Unions 38c BOYS' RED LION Overalls 68c Slippers For men and women. If you are looking for a bar gain, see these. Ties Here is the place to buy his Christmas ties. Our Prices have been Slashed. Beautiful patterns. He Will Appreciate Gloves We Jiave large assort ments in WORK DRESS DRIVING Mufflers Just what these cold days call for, and at our prices you can now get the best for just a little. McCracLen Clothing Co. OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. 1 I