c$0 From MB The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking IYople VOL XLVII NO. 52 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2(i, 19.13 England-Walton Co. Employees To Have 10th Annual Tree Over 1,000 Yards of Tinsel and 100 Lights On This Year's 33-Foot Tree The tenth annual Christmas tree -e!i' Ration of the England-Walton I'ompany, will be observed Monday night on the lot near the company's nice at b:l; o cJooK. This year's tree is a 35-foot spruce ant) 'is the most elaborately decorated n the ten years which the company na sponsored. 1 bis year s tree will have over 1,000 yards of tinsel; one handred 4U-watt lights, which is the wjuivalent to 800 ordinary Christmas tree lights. Many other decorations will also be used. Io give some idea of the vast ..mount of work it took to decorate the tree, it required three men two Jays to complete the job. This year's tree was erected under the instructions of L. M. Richeson, superintendent of the plant, a week earlier than usual. The entire community looks for ward to the England. Walton tree in tact it has become a community af- tair. ; Each, of the 250. men' at the plant and his children, are given bags con taining fruits, nuts and candy. This year over 700 bags have been pre pared. Four hundred pounds of candy, four hundred pound . of outs and eight hundred oranges being required to fill the bags. Santa Claus will be there in person - io deliver the bags to the employees and the children, Besides the Christmas tree pro gram, the men of the plant are paid for Christmas Day, although the plant is closed. Many Christmas Apples Are Being Shipped From Here According to the owners of the Barber Orchards, the aDDle cron of the past season was only a thirty-three .mil a inira per cent crop and the poor est in several years. The dry weather "t June materially reduced the size of np iruit, but has not impaired the delicious .flavor .of the apples, nor "-ntnvise taken from the extra tine jiuahty of the fruit from these well viowu orchards. .. itigardless of the crop to date ;J'e than 1,000 Christmas baskets voiding . one bushel each, have been -hipped to places covering a wide , area. They have been sent from Briton, Connecticut, to Tampa. Fla., and from Amanlla, Texas to Richmond, Va.. in- udir.g the following other states: Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Geor gia, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missis sippi. The apples distributed each Jar by this orchard are among the best advertisements of this section. ' -ans are now under way for ex-tensive-sprayintf- in the spring'--as -u.r Barber states, that it is necessary to take the same care each year of the trees, regardless of how little or much they bear if a desirable aver age crop is to be obtained. Stores To Remain Open Evenings Announcement was made las night that the stores in the com munity would remain open on Monday -anj Tuesday evening-; to accomodate late shoppers. The stores here reported good crowds Saturday, in spite of the extreme cold .weather the of ficial reading for h'rMay nigh: being three degrees above. Special Services On Christmas At St. John's Church Ila-vs arc all ready for the Annua! Midnight Mass at -St'. John's Catholic church according to Father Howard V. Lane. The Mass will begin 12:01 on vnnstmas f,ve, December 24th. The cnureh with the Crib and many can Ala.: ...ill l. ii'l . , . vv-r, i-.ui ue preiuiy- oecuratedi in evergreens and holly. The musical program , will be under the direction of the Choral Club of New College, a ; follows: I'rocesoional Krie f rum (he Mass in rJ. Flat. Introit It Came Uiion a Midmirht ciear Medival. Gradual 4) Little Town of Heth- lehem Redner. Offertory Hark. The Herald An gels Sing Mendelssohn. O Come All Ye Faithful 17th Cent. Anon. Communion Silent Night (Iruber. O Lord I am Not Worthy. Recessional O Come All Ye Faith ful. iMasses will celebrated on Christ mas Day at 9 and 11 o'clock. The churchy will be open each night until New Year's Eve so all may come to see the Crib and bring their children. Little souvenirs of cribs will be given to the children. All are invited to these services. New Sunday School Building trr Mr; Gill Named Head Of Electric Power Company h$ fe ....... . -.MM WJU 'frht wv v IK .. ,V.M :r-if .; . tH vv' v :7ti i rHi -.3 : ; i- 1i ' T?- 'i iT ' . 2 In Jail Charged With Fatal Stabbing of Man Photo by SluTriJl'fj Ktutllo This is the front viow of the New Baptist Sunday School building wlifch will lie formally dedicated on Saturday evening December 2S. To Celebrate 25th Anniversary Christmas Tree Held In Big Bend The Big Bend section enjoyed their pC0.nd Christmas tree of the week "'day, when the adults and children ot the Bend assembled at the school and received gifts and Christmas good- RJ" ' had 1,66,1 sent in through wert H. Gibson, welfare worker. n last Tuesday Mr. Gibson and ss Ida Jean Brown assisted Miss wj,ian Odum, teacher in the Bend, in vhnstmas tree program for the """rn.- inev DrovidpH the rh IHrMI A 1'eceiit copy of "Time" carried the story in. the Business and Fi nance section of the maL'azine. which announced the election of Joe Jlenrv Gill, of Miami, as the new head of Electric I'ower and Liirht Com nan y. Mr, Gill was a former vice president ot the .National Power and Light Company. summoning a repair crew of Texas school of Engineering of the State University, was th head of the Florida Power and Light Company during the 1926 hui-ncane which blew aw;ay his home, leaving him stranded in the waters near Miami. The hurricane also blew away 1,500 miles of transmission' line, leaving ou.uuo customers without service. Summoning a repair rrew of 3,400 men who slept in thevr trucks, President Gill rebuilt his syetem in oO days. Mrs. Gill has Epent the past several summers in Waynesville, renting each year the apartment on the property of Judge t rank imathers. During her stay here she has made many friends, who look forward each year to her return. WjJ I-.HMII;. r mi f S 1 HI A I ' lix 1 1 bv . Luni; It. W. HAK'd.M MKS. I'lmto liv Shcriill ii, a nvrco.M i: mil Mrs. liaucom will eflebrate tln'ir L' .j 1 1 1 -wedding iiiniiwvkiit '"' th.'-nnd- at th- 'same time th.fl new Sumliiv School anii' x will Ii" Tin- pastor and ru wife have i'i-iU'-st'd that tlii'v be .tiv nu that the money be ijiven to payinn "ff thi- debt of builduiK the S: 1 1 u I'd a v . dedicated Kifts, but annex. All pastors of the citv, and their wives will be in the receiving line, is well .in several from out of town. Mrs H N Harbor is general chairman of the prKraii, and announced that the general public and friends of Rev. and Mrs, Haucom are invited 1 to attend. SUBSCRIPTIONS The following subscriptions have 1 been received since last week:' Nathan Rogers, Route 2, G. L. 'ith candy and nuts sent in by the Hampton, City, American Cafe City, feundav seimi . r i I J. H. Carper. Lake JunaluskajMaeene Siler. ' ss U1 Mls- 1U E. Burnette, Route 2, Eva FcJrgusSn, Baltimore, Md., N. C. West, Clyde, Joe Browning, Clyde, D. I. L. Smath ers, Clyde, Dewey Snyder, Clyde, Mrs. Sallie Duckett, Route 2, Rufus How ell, Route 2, Delia Freeman, Route 1, Ada Calhoun, Lake Junaluska, E. N. Messer, Cove Creek, Mrs. C. R. Byrd, High Point, Noah Hajrison, Route 1, W. H. Noland, City, J. B. Davis, Clyde Route 1, Dr. I. B. Funk, City, W. R. Blanton, Hazelwood, W. T. Queen, Hazelwood. ' J. W. Crawford, Route 1, Julius Williams, Clyde, Route 1, The Misses Semmes, Chicago, 111., G. V, Howell, Route 2, W. T. Wilson, Route 1, R. I.. Davis. Tove Creek. F. D. Brad- Blessed shaw, Route 2, Will Spicer. Route 1, New Park Theatre To Open Christinas The second section of today's paper is devoted to the opening of the 15,000 Park Theatre here Christmas day. Some interesting tacts about the new theatre will be found in the second section. Annual Christmas Tree Will Be Held On Christmas Day 11. e annual (.oinmumty flu intmas lice which is sponsored each year by Omui- I.. Uriels, the Woman's ( lub, and other public .spirited oitiwhs, v. as placed on the court house grounds on Friday and. on Saturday was light ed up. Aside from the hannines it K'ves each year to the vhiUbren' In the town, it adds, much to fostering me k.nrwimas spirit on ftluin street as it can be seen troin one end to the other. I he program and distribution of gills will take place at four o'clock on Clyi.stiiias Day. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., is tne cnairnian ol arrangements' from the Woman's Club, and she and her committee have been at work during the past, week milking the final nlaris, Mr. Kriggs, who takes as his year round hobby the mending of toys for the tree, han bit'u busy since lat January at work on broken toys, that now look like new, anil will bring untold ( hristma : nV i the children re i -vine them. Uiflord And Clarence Moore In Jail. Hubert Stanley Hied In Hospital Last Night Hiii'cii Stanley, : the "Hi, aliiu.' 'nine ( "iintv Hospital !at hi nu, lis the result ibcuit .'t.'i, ,ieil on ' the llavwood i' Jsaturdav alter ol a Knife stab J" THANSAt THINS IN Real Estaie ( s l!i i ni ili il in Morula of I Iti-, Week) Niniii s; I'ciow the heart. K. . Welch and Noble hergus'on, ineinbcis id !lie slienlf's ollice made an immediate investigation, anil ar ,iesteu Clillord Mnote, an employee ot the Unagusta Mamilact unite; Com pany, at Hazelwood. Hie tragedy took place on Highway No. 10, near the Belle Mead,. Service' Station. Seine line ater Moore was arrest id, Ins brother, ( la lence, gave U) to. Deputy iiul iis Hall, stating that he understood lie was wanted m eon luvtion with the affray, bill was jii noeeTi!, Only .meager details could he oh taiiicd last night. It was said that Stanley was i riiiii Sylva, and sold shrubbery..' Ollicers r ported that he had been arrested lor being drunk some tune ago. It was also learned that Stanley and conic ot the .Moore laiinlv had hud Koine trouble, over a dog. A num ber of the sheriff's department said indications were that it was a "drunk en brawl.' Clarence Moore had been on relief, it was reported. A hearing will be given both men on Monday. ' An official of the Unagus.ta Man ufacturing Company told this paper Saturday night that Clifford had been with them tor about two years, and had made a good workman. Library Benefit Ball To Be 'Given New Years Night By HILDA WAY GWYN Christmas is almost here in the time worn phraseology the saddest sweetest time of the year Yet true to-day as it was when first written It is a time of entertainment and of family reunion a time when one remembers how old one is how quick ly time is beginning to pass and the vacant places at the family table seem more vacant at Christmas we find ourselves thinking back last Christmas and the year before. WPa5" A- Hyatt sent from the . A,s"ig room many useful gifts Nothing. The entire settlement was were for the program. The 45 chil dren were sent away happy. Father Lane Gives Town Large Wreath The large Christmas wreath in the "Lnr of the voice street at the Post And yet to the tender world of childhood Christmas is a mil lion miles away but as we grow older time's circle moves more rapidly and Christmas will follow Christmas almost too fast to keep pace with our pocket books One writer has said that "th3 mere space of yesterday is between the young heart that yearned for the filled stocking and the old feeble heart that may never throb another Christmas Day." -lleavordam 1 owiishrp' Mi... ( omeha U .,.,.! to I i,,., 11 Maim; W: 1. I iinlcy to .lames ( urleV A. K. lioberyon to-Uobert H. (hiwen H. .1, (larren to H. W. Holf.claw. . ! oster Hargrove to Mr. and .Mrs . . llorton.. .Mary . Martin to W. 1!. Stanley. Ll.ura .1, Hendersdn to Moyd Hen rson. K. V. Lane to 11. 11. Lane. Clyde Township ('. Ii. Jones lo (.'. A. Mooney. Fines 'Creek -Township A. I. Duckett to (L N. U'dford. Iron Duff Township J. M- Dotson to Maggie Chambers. Jonathan Creek Township J. S. Hiifrrell to James Franklin. l'igeon Township K. C. Idbetter to J. Jl. Owen. AVaynesville Town.shtn T. C. Abernathy, Trustee, to Home Lrwners Ixian Corp. . A. T. Ward to W. H. Hurgin. Nicey Bermee Mills to Harvey MiUs. Lucy .White Hyatt to E. J. Hyatt. T. W. Ferguson to D. L. Haney. Metropolitan Realty Corp. to R. T, C. Liquidation C)rp.s. W. E. Wilson to Swan Hendrix. Margaretta Hahn to W. B. Council. Wa3 pHven rt U V.i TTit-l, r 'Mne in memory of thp first lof thl"3 Uask. G?d to bless all L. Davis, Cove" Creek, ' F UlIlfimas.,, "A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" These are immortal words they suggest happy firesides lighted trees the babble of little children the repeated handshake of friends the ready offering of good will a sign from some. friend" who' still remembers a neighborliness that warms our hearts a season (Continued on back page) Miss Babbie Way, who is attending the State University has arrived from Chapel Hill, and .will spend the com ing fortnight a the guest of her )a rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Way. Mil- sii ..iii annua! .'ev Yrai'- Ball, or- the benefit . of the Vavnesville .ihiar.s, .iiniiMiieo by j he members .j .the Seven ( lub, will, be . givefi on v'eu .") ear s Day, in i!ie ball mom of the cltlb.--.hoa.se with the homvj t nun 10 t i o'clock. Elaborate seasonal ili.ioi aiioii -.ate bejinr tdatmed to- the occasion, ami inusif will he fiiinish- d by tli,, .lluci-aneers ol A.; le villi. . A v.roiiT) ol the .youngv se' of the town will sell ticket anil evervhody ill : the- (.mimunitv will he urged to buy whether' .or not they iiHend the ball, since it is a means of . giving .vonie. assistanie to this deserving cause, tor with the exception of a few rental books; the Waynesivlle I.ibri'.ry bonks are now circulated tree of charge. Each of the stores in town will have a sponsor, as well as the various or ganizations. An (novation this year will be the out of town sponsors who will be invited lrom the neighbor ing towns. Keen interest centers in the -affair, which will be the outstanding social even', of .-the Christmas season. Mrs. R. J. Caddis and Miss Wilsie Stanley left on Thursday for New port News, Va., where they will spend the winter. Mr. Davis Rogers, student of Em ory and Henry, has arrived and will spend' the Christmas holidays with his family on Route 1, near Clyde. Mr. Mack Davis, who is attending Davidson College, is now the guest if relative mHorida, but mtiII ar rive on Christmas Eve and spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Davis. Mr. John C. Murphy, who is a stu dent at the University of North Car olina, is in town and will spend the vacations as the guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Murphy. Mr. Tom Taliaferro, of Raleigh, will arrive on Tuesday and ioin Mrs. Taliaferro and you son, Walter, at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Maria Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Patlrick were called to Franklin during the week on account ol the illness and death of the )atter's mother, Mrs. J. B, Pen-dergrass. Miss Helene and Mrss Mabel Coffev arrived on Thursday from Carson and Newman, where they are students this year and will spend the Christmas holidays as the guests of their par ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Coffey. The Weather Hate Max. M;n. 1; 53 3.1 lr ;. 52 . -iti 17 34 K 33 5"s !f 44 2't 20 40 13 21 23 t fo f l! ' - 1 . ( I I

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