Page 2 Section 1 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1933 Utye iflmmtainrrr 1 Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Phone 137 Main Street Waynesville, N. C. W. C. RUSS Editor W. C. Run and M. T. Bridges, Publishers Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year. In County $1.00 6 Months. In County J0 1 Year Outside of Haywood County ... $1.50 Subscription payable in advance, Entered at the post office at Waynesville, N. C, a: Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under re Act of March 3, 1879, November 20, 1914. North Carolina -A MISS ASSOCIATION , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26. 19;" AN OPEN LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS Waynesville, N. C. December 22. 19..j Dear Santa Ciaui: Sii-.ce it has been .'!02 days since you were in our community, we are taking this oppor tunity of giving in brief some of the events of the county, in order thatvou mav know what In ext Tuesda I'!.'-', of ail, in muck vcar it: ou .tr.ake vour! vi.-i whei. tiic Keoplu of this i-ountv ar. hotter spirits than: they Wt-re la-;t fao', vvt- are feeling better ovi-r eco nomic conditions than since 1929 And 'that. Santa, is a lot. : So many tilings have hap;:eiu.! that we are afraid you won't have time to read all of it before you start out on your annual trip-of-cheer. but a.s this is a letter of information, rather than one asking for gifts, you might find relaxation in reading it. First of all. right after you left last year, our state legislature went into session, and from that came the order that our county board of commissioners be increased from three to seven. Well, we got four mighty good men, and the board has been running as smooth as could be. A lot of people didn't like the ida at first, but little is said about it now. except a few, who think it will be repealed at the next session of the legislature. But that's in Jan uary. 19-T7, and this is still 1935. There has been a lot of building here since you were in the county last. The Champion Fibre Company is spending another half mil lion on a filtering plant. J. E. Massie is open ing his new $45,000 Park theatre. His brothers opened their $20,000 funeral home this year; the Baptist folks here are opening their new Sunday School building next week, and two school buildings have been completed and work is underway on the new Junior High school building. .And, Santa, you might not know the place wheil you et here Tuesday. Last spring the folks started painting up and haven't quit yet. Why, there is more painting going or. now than there is sometimes in the heart of the summer. Among the big paint lobs were the Hotel Cordon, England-Walton Co., and painters are now at work on the Unagusta Manufacturing Company changing the red into aluminum. And among the latest things to happen in the county in a big way was the organizing of the Haywood County Bank out of the Bank en' . Clyde. This new bank will have the main of fice at Canton, and maintain a branch at Clyde. The W'PA is spending some money in the county, giving a lot of folks work that other wise would be out, although, to be frank about it Santa, it seems that this county is being held back on by someone. 'Course, things like that get up our dander sometimes, but we under stand that will be ironed out within a "short time." Several new roads are being built in the county. The Cove Creek road is splendid, and When you make your trip down Jonathan Creek Tuesday you will find that you can make much better time than you were able to make last year. The road at Bethel towards Springdale is about half completed, and by next year this will make traveling in that section easier for you. Frank Miller and a few of "his associates are working night and day on road matters, and this Parkway situation from Soco Gap to Cherokee seems to be giving a little trouble right now, but that will be worked out. And before we forget it, the Haywood farmers are much better pleased with prices this year than last. The potato prices and to bacco crop are making them feel lots better, CONGRATULATIONS I. K. Massie is to be congratulated on the modern theatre he has provided for this com munity. It is beyond all expectations, and would be a credit to a town many times larger than Waynesville. The fact that he has provided every known convenience and improvement in the theatre world proves that he had the comfort and in terest of his patrons at heart. We believe that the increased business he is bound to receive at the new theatre will make for him a profit on the large investment which such a modern theatre costs. He has done a "swell job." DOING GOOD WORK Next Saturday the Baptists of the com munity will formally open their Sunday School Annex. The building is a credit to the church and fills a long felt need for better and larger Sunday School quarters. The Pastor, Rev. H. W. BauCom and Mrs. Baucom, are celebrating their silver wedding anniversary on the day of the opening, and have requested that the "silver be given towards the building debt. Such a request on their part did not come as a surprise. It just shows their every-day attitude towards their church, town and friends. They are doing a splendid piece of work here. . and some are able to pay their taxes for the first time in a number of years. And speaking of taxes, the county is away ahead of the game, and her bonds are above par. We are glad to report that crims in Hay wood is much less than it was several years ago. The record of a dozen murders a year is a thing of the past. More people are being killed by automobiles than anything else. Of course there is still some drinking and maybe a little gambling and the such, but for those old nasty straight-out murders, they are very rare. And when you get to Clyde Tuesday night you will find the streets there have been wid ened and improved. That town of Clyde is go ing to make all of the county take notice pretty soon. And you know, the cattle sales held there this past year have been the means of hun dreds of farmers disposing of their cattle. The sales closed last week, and paid some mighty good prices. Out at Hazelwood, the factories are run ning "in high" with as many men employed a-? were employed back in the "good old days." And before we forget it, plans are under way to open the old Waynesville Furniture plant. Don't know much to say about this now, but by next year, we hope that when you get to Haz elwood, that "smoke will get in your eys" from the stack of the Waynesville Furniture Plant. Of course, the tourist season went hay-wire this past summer, when some of the folks "down east" got out the information about the paralysis scare. But anyway, everything work ed out very well, with most everyone ;:t leas; breaking even, except Lake Junaluska, and they broke a record for crowds. Those Methodist-, you know, just seem to (lock to the lake re ardless of whether they believe in much water or not. Now it is expected of Baptist to gather at lakes and oceans, but at Junaluska the. Metho dists have gotten the habit, and not going alone, either, but in droves. By the way, just a tip. James Atkins is the manager at' the' Lake now, if you want to put an extra cigar in his sock. Gracious, gracious, here this letter is get ting to be rather lengthy, but you must know about the Creamery. Those folks are buying milk and cream to beat the band, and paying out some mighty, good looking money for it, and does it help? As we said in the beginning, everything is much better this year than last. There is a lot more to tell and all good, too, but will close with this, the Chamber of Commerce, under Charles E. Ray has gone places. You know how Charles is, believes in organization, and then making things hum, and he certainly has led the organization to the satisfaction of all. Of course, this might be out of your line, but the Rotary Club has bought a $50 pure bred bull and given to the farmers to start pure-bred herds. Yes sir. Santa. Old Haywood has gone places since you were here last Christmas, and if things continue, as much progress wih be made in 1936 as was made in 1933. And keeping our promise, we are still not asking for a thing, but trust you will linger longer in Haywood this year, since you have a little of the 1935 history. Your faithful admirers. Haywood County Citizens. , P. S. If you're not too busy next June, you might come down. We are going to have a good time in the June primary. THE OLD HOME TOWN fey STANLEY hi C NECK TIE - VtHooPEE:', rC.' ( I ALVAVi KNEW 1. hineva;are ( MY NEW SMEARS ? up THCe - on ' I Random SIDE GLANCES Hy W. CURTIS RUSS cember 24th and Christmas -25. The holiday on the 24th in order that eve. ryone might rest up for a merrier Christmas. If I had my way, I wculd have groups of real singers go over town just at du-k singing old Christmas song-, ar.d ban the radio bunk during that hour. If I hsd my way. it would be against the !uu picture Sar.ta C'aus with prwmra-nt tal-e teeth. ll 1 Jiaii my way. uvefyu:-..' wou'd be 0'.)rt!ji--ilui. to nad on Christmas Hay, the .scripture' of the first Christmas ( Publisher! elsewhere in this paper.) If I had my way, I would place a heavy fine on any person giving the .wecrets of Santa Claus away to a child under nine. If I had my way, all Christmas dec orations would be down and out of sight, on December 2Cth. If I had my way, trees on lawns would be decorated with colored lights for the benefit of all, just as James Atkins and a few others' have done. If I had my way. I would ston this idea cf making children believe Santa comes down the chimney. If I had my way, I would revive the old-fashioned idea of hanging stock if I had my way, I would give the children a substitute for firecrackers to make a noise with, If I had my way, I would put chil dren's clothes on every adult caught shooting firecrackers and parade them up and down Main street a whole day. If I had my way, I would have a reserved section at all toy counters for adults, in order that the children could jiecp at the playthings meant for them. If I had my way, I would employ a crew of trained men and women to canvas the community and make sure no child was forgotten. . If I had my way, there would be nothing but noiseless fireworks, and every community would have a free night display of the- most Iwautiful that could be made. If have 'vt :i 'n ; too i rev:-, 11! way. every aduit would attend a public Christmas tree here children were given gifts, r tbat tho e who have grown to get tlie spirit might have :f If I in:'! my vtay. it would' be- (Ustoin to take at iea.-t five-minutes Christmas' to visit among the sick. on cs would hi' If I had my way, chim played elf and on all day. It I had my way, every' person would get a greeting card at least a week before Christmas, as no cards would be mailed after December 20th. (Note to postal officials, if that idea goes across, I'll be looking for a pension.) If I had mv wav. reference to Santa Claus would be Santa Claus, and not St. Nick, or St. Nicholas or anything else. If I had my way, all ChrLstmas cigars would have to be smoked in the open. If I have my wish,' everyone of you will have the best Christmas ever. 24 Years Ago i in HAYWOOD (From the files of December 1, 1911., Miss Margaret Stringfield sper: Thanksgiving in Asheville. Miss ilattie Wharton, of Cruso, wu. the house guest on Thursday and Fri Friday of Miss Annie Shoolbred. Don't put off your Christmas sho; ping any longer. And don't forge to buy at home far as possible. Miss Anna Lee, who is a studen1 at Elizabeth College in Charlotte, spent Thanksgiving here with he parents. Little Mis Harriet Boone and Mas ter Roger Boone are visiting the;r aunts, the Misses Kerr, in Asheville. Mr. Robert Osborne spent Thurs day in Asheville, where he went U see "The Girl of the Golden West." at the Auditorium, Mrs. Jennie MacFyden and sma!! son, of Canton, spent the past week ia town with Mrs. H. L. MacFayden. Waynesville is the place to do you; shopping. Dont go anywhere eLs when you can get the same thing at home. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burt, of Ashe ville, spent th past week as th-j guests of the tetter's parents. Mr. Earl Tate, of Canton, spent Monday and Tuesday in town witr friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Way left Friday for Havana, Cuba, where Dr. Way, a- p resident of the North Carolina !stat iioartf of iieaitn, goes to auena in American Public Health Associatior The pupil;; of the Waynesville Grad ed schools made a Thanksgiving of fering for the orphanages of the stat in keeping with a most commendabl. custom now in vogue in many school The Haywood County Singing Con vention is to meet here in Waynes ville on Saturday. The contest hen last July was one of the greatest suc cesses in the history of the organi zation, and it is confidentially expect ed that the attendance and number of contestant will be greater on thi occasion. The movement heretofore known a the ''Booster's Organization" complet ed the incorporation of the "Greater Western North Carolina Association Land of the Sky," at a meeting held in Hendersonville Thursday and at an executive committee meetinff held in Asheville on last Monday, a fund to advertise Western North Carolina, of $15,000 is to be raised at once. "Dad, what part of speech is wo man?" . "Woman ain't part of a speech, son She's all of it." Head Clerk: "I am very sorry to hear of your partner's death. Would you like me to take his place?" If I had my way, business would be suspended for two days on De- Women's Coats Reduced FurTrimmed . v.. . . . . . 50 Sport Types ... . . ....... .25 Children's (8 to 14) .. .25 BARGAINS FOR YOU C.E. Ray's Sons 3 ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE WAYNESVILLE. C;".'';V;:' In business, perhaps, sentiment has little part. But at Christmas it's different. At this time of year, we like to think back of the friendships we have made. Of the pleas ant contacts established. Of those whose confidence has meant so much to us. At this time, then, it is only natural that we should be thinking of you. We want you to know at this time that we ap preciate a great deal our pleasant relations of the past year the continuation of which we will do everything in our power to merit during future years. It is the sincere wish of myself and every member of our staff that your Christmas may be a merry one and that all good things may be yours for the New Year. Sincerely, ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE