I THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 Page 2 THE WAYNESViLLE MOUNT AINEEK Utyt? fHmwtauiffr Published By THE WAYVESVILLE PRINTING CO. Phone 137 Main Street Waynes ville, N. C. W. C. RUSS --- ---- Editor W. C. Ru and M. T. Bridges. Publishers Published Every Thursday SLBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Y?:.r. In County $1.00 6 Moti'.ii-,. In County ., .50 1 Year Outvie of Haywood County $1.50 Subscription payable in advance Entered at the poat office at Waynesville, N. C, a--Jy?ond C!aA3 Mail Matter, as provided under r,e Act of March 3, 1879, November 20, 1914. i . j .North Carolina THURSDAY, JANUARY 1', l-ifi DISREGARD FOR PUBLIC PROPERTY As a general rule, the public has little or no regard for property. Some take it for grant ed that they car. io as they pk-a-e with it, since it is for the public. What vv havv i;i ir.ir.d i- the carele.vne-.-of soir.t v. he; a; tended the opf.-ning of The Park Theatn- Cl.n-trr.as. After the .-how. it was found ti.u'. ;r.;ncht- had ti. thrown on tlu expen Uii-j.'t in the iour.ging rom. Prob ably tiif.-. ;j.ati :h:: '.: re out wiu-n thrown' on the How, uv.il i ;.t'-is they were not,- any way. it just .-!. . : l.v'.' .-ona- disregard tile golden rule when i' coin--.- to using other people's property. The management of the .theatre.' has not mentioned the incident to u. Thi is of our ow ki:Owledge that such things did, happen. Not only has the theatre suffered damage done by people who are thoughtless, but every other building in town to which the public has access, "he court hcu.-e. ,;ntil. recently, bore mark., on the walls that indicated the building was ten years old, whereas it is only three and a half years old. The Masonic Temple has received its share of rough treatment along with the others About the only place that we know of where the pub lic has a little respect for the building is the post office, and probably this is accounted for by the fact (hat a 'man is almost constantly on duty in the lobby keeping an eagle-eye for persons inclined to damage buildings. It is time to change our ways if we are s"ch. a .person, or some day it might get to the extreme that the managers of the buildings will begin action, and make it hard on someone. FORTY- EIGHT YEARS OLD TODAY Today's edition, of The Mountaineer marks the beginnir.if of the 43th vear which this paper has lieen serving the county. It is with much pride that the present publishers look back on the 48-year record and find the p'sition the paper has taken in the community. In I' "king over the 'files of the past we find that th present paper is larger than ever be fore, and i., earn ing more features and news. We say this as a matter of record and not in a boasting manner, although we are proud of the record; - The circulation, which is paid, and secred by means other than high-pressure campaigns, is the highest of which we have any record. And as this makes the 48th birthday of the paper, we are taking this opportunity of promising the "best paper we are capable of giving for the years to come." COLD WEATHER WELCOMED (?) While the cold weather of last week has been disagreeable to many, it has pleased the fanners in that they look on extended cold weather of this nature as a sure way of killing bugs and insects that cause untold damage to crops each year. From some leading farmers, we learned that long spells of cold weather were certain death to the destructive bean beetle. This winter has started off similar to the winters of long ago, when snow stayed on the ground from early December to late February, but if the bean beetles and other pests which 'cause much damage to farmers are killed, it will be worth all the cost of discomfort, even to those of us who are not farmers. Our idea of a perfect imagination is when one can look out on the snow, believe it is Au gust sunshine, and begin to perspire. BUSINESS SHOWS INCREASE A general survey of the business houses or this community showed that a general in crease in business was noted during the Christ mas rush over the volume of last year. On every side we have heard of families that stayed at home to do their Christmas shopping. One family reported that it was the first time in many years that every item for Christmas was bought here in this com-m-nity. There are many other families that did likewise, we have been told. There is no dcubt but what conditions i.i genera! are far better than they were last year, yet at the same time we cannot but feel that the "Trade-At-Home" campaign staged by the Chamber of Commerce added much to increas ing the holiday volume of business. THE OLD HOME TOWN by STANLEY PUBLISHING THE RECORD County and town officials this week are giving reports of current expenditures that for the past several years have not been published. Each year when the annual tax rate is fixed there are many tax payers who look at each other in amazement as to why s-ch rates are necessary to carry on the local government units. Many a candidate for the various offices has made promises of reducing expenditures because they did not realize just what was necessary to carry on the business of the town or county. The two statements published in this week's, paper should tend to clear such wrong conceptions. The county is giving in detail every- voucher issued by them during the past 12 months, the amount, and for what : was paid. : The statement of the town show- under each depart men. jut what expenditure.-' were made-, and the balance in each department, whether surplus or deficit. For several years we have .kept an ear to the' ground, so to speak, and are confident that this bit of information will be welcomed by the taxpayers of the county and town more than any official statement in main- vears. v ' YOU HAVE A SuSHT ) YJ SAY SHi ycASe OF CHW1STMAS ) -sxixzr f SS".K TUl V awHU-eV I vvEAROPP W TIME-- V avvwiue Q.J.CK action of -me SJ rflT Jiy V police SAVED US FROM S J U ' 1 CONGRATULATIONS, MR ALLEN After about five years of tedious and pains taking efforts, W. C. Allen is delivering his 650 page " Annals of Haywood County" which is a credit to both the author and the county. Mr. Allen has filled a need in the county's literature field that few counties have. He has given the county something worthwhile, wheth er they appreciate the amount of time, hard work and financial undertaking the publishing of such a book demands or not. The book is complete in every detail, and will be one that will be read and re-read for many years to come by citizens of this county. lie is to be congratulated for "seeing it through." and the high standard of the finished product. ':' ' NEW DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY I I M I.F. AUK- I..i-t. ri.l-nii.-ht ttio el-l cto..r -.f .Iff 3." c!o.-.. Ami.l.-t lit-- "u.u: i'f iuimli eiU i.f , t-.iiiii-.. thf crack cf many ?ur.H ..!..! -.tii.-0'- lil.i-t.-. th-v. ciansir.t; if ' thniisanils ! I !! i','i .HKid-t th'- iiveriy -h' tits of inr.umf i.tl-U- T'iv.I - ' u.iti hers th'- uhl ilouV. ctoel forever! Pa;- n. t!: the- l ist strukf of (welv. th- r.t-v." ioor .I !?:0! sunny up. t: wiile; and t'."t 1 . 1 y cir.i- liin.r 1U! i::.ir.y ili i;: - ...liim- nf (ippftrttinity in- rail them that l-.nl to all the aivcnups ami n-n tn 'all the imswiliilities .Ui'I .ippni-tiinitips (Vf .life.. ; Niuys cl.M.rs ...f -p-i'.o'mir.ityt . he-cause t hi- thitius we ilia pot fully aeromi'lish durinK thi- ol'l year ,n;st )iat are still mrs to pur.-Ui--an.il to .i-ii:s' in-." full .fruit ion. ajiil l-i-eaus- there M ill tloubt-li-s . hi-'- iloors opcneil for iir during H5S h,it lave hitherti.i lici-n (luspd. Creat ail vafic-.s have been niaili- durii'.tr the past year in si'iciiee, .astronoiny. aeronautics, expUiration. pnliuial .economy, surgery. Sound transmission what not. Vet science is not nearly satisfied, arid inventive :--nius tnarrhes or, toward u-reater perfection. -Marches on, hut ..hutnhly sn; because science kn0'-' that, there ...re stars, sattelites jierhaps planets still undiscovered;: The leiis fur a. .tel-seoie "J 00 inches In diamet-r is r.'w l.t-inc uroinal at the t'ilifornia e-liservatory. t.nd, vhen tinisheil,. it is t laimed this great "eye" will enable man to see millions of miles into .space. ..This will doubtless brit'.i; into view many stars and. it may be. whole solar systems as yet undiscovered. Yet, if the sun is '$'3,000,000. miles distant frorri our earth, the pnyjortien of the known to the unknown 'in astronomy will perhaps still be relatively small. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (the name Is quite long enough) met yester day lii.st,. Louis and reviewed for the first time more than a score of the recent outstanding discoveries H the held of radio, sound-transmission, electricity, phy ics. surpery, etc. Here are three or four of them for xa triple; , Radio broadcasting of a fac-simile of a San Tran cisco newspaper to the General Electric Co. at Syracuse. X. Y. across the continent before they could pet the paper on the Frisco streets. Conversion of light into sound and vice versa by means of a photo-electric tube what ever that is. I'fipping of corn in a common water glass by means of high frequency radio waves which do not heat the glass but merely "raise the devil" with the moisture in the corn, popping it while you wait. Study of the human brain by wiring it electrcally. We Wonder at what has already been accomplished, and often hear people say that surely man cannot go much further into the realms of sciesce, invention and discovery: yet, great as these inventions and discover ies are, they are perhaps only a small part of what future generations will see. S, realizing that we even the most learned of us know so very little of the known, and, furthermore, that the undiscovered and unknown in this world is . perhaps greater than the unknown Let us approach 1936 conscious of our extreme littleness a mere speck in the great universe and scheme of things, and with the knowledge that w e know so very, very -little of what there is to be known. Like the little bcy in this county of whom the writer once asked to be directs to a certain place. The little fellow started to give directions, hesitated, became confused Then looking me in the face he said, "Mister, you'll have to ask somebody else, I-I-don't know anything hardly." However, it will help us to face 1936 with firm resolve, and with confidence in our ability to DO. Cxc Pu-uSBui.Y eep-oers that the JEWVE1-Y PECCtER WHO WEiT1XROu6M THIS DISTRICT fi?EC ETNTt-Y HAS LET MIS Mn ON THE NECKS OP MANY OF TXE S6T Random SIDE GLANCES liy W. CURTIS RUSS 1 24 Years Ago! in HAYWOOD The con.ribution made by z'r.c La. diei ML'sionary Society of the Bap. tiit church for Missions at ;h- j, bilee held in Waynesville r-.. ..r- , amounted tt fifty three dollar.-. Miis Liilie Satterthwaite rrtur---Wednesday from a visit of weeks to relative., in Ashevi:!v ... Turr.j,.ke. Miss Sanerthwai:- a" ac.ompanied home by Misi l!i:.-srr-Inman who w.i! be her guest f .-r - .- time. 3'aiter jocr tJranner snack: N'orfclk, Va.. is visiting hi,- r-- , arrive'! ccasin. young, son of M: K', At-. Ji.mc- Atkins. 'Ihe Wttlaing of Miss Alder. K . r. ar..i .VI r. ..acK J'c-nnson took piu ... December the --d the home biide'- sister, Mrs. Walter Chur--'. lor. in Los Angeles, Calif. Th is the youngest daughter of ( .Alden Howell, Her marriage . ' every interest to her friends her. r. i. wish her much happiness in ht; ture home. yir. John Senteile left last nrr,. for Washington, D. C, where h -serve as the secretary of Hon. Jan:e.. M. Gudger, Congressman of the '!' ihstrict. For the past two years ,M Senu?lle has been with the Ashv-.j-Citizen. When it comes to boosting, At'.ar.w has been and still is in a class to itself. They are pulling off a big corn shw over there this week and just to let .he people know about it they .ailed up one hundred thousand business men in different Southern States or day last week to let them know what was on the docket. Now just suppose next spring the Western North Car, olina Boosters Association should thiv lay the claims of the people of thi section before the people of the South, F run: Mr f.ie ("tawfurii -topped in t- th:.- rank- of "private l'u;!n:an ri uh:. t: u.) then i :.'v M . !av.-' aij.i i ha.' het-r: .ff:.-ial!.v .r-.-mwfr.-. Fir.i-t L. :uy ;r: Turnpike. Mr. ' .-.a::-.-, Tu from, a -i-vera! w V.'.:i It'll. u: .-tu:r.e- : DID YOU KNOW The last surviving plant f-,r manufacture of f irm wagons wa.- at auction ir. S:.. Louis the Th. L. C Sh W h H .a- Lre t-" thc t- re -.! .Saunders hailed me :. e-p.'es- himself a.- btintr t-f the same mind as was expre.ns.ed via this coj umn .thf day or two before Santa Oiau- tame that is. "If I had irv way ." . ...-'.ed !' At.'anti' .arer.t-. M: Mr. Saunders was 'particularly ir.-t-ertsteit in the ban on dangerous fire works, and proved his point by telling of- the -man in the second story on Main Street Christmas Eve shooting Roman Candles , in the crowd on the sidewalk below. Such things , are deplorable, espec ially in a town the size cf Waynesville. And on Christmas Eve, 1). A. How ell celebrated his 4Kth consecutive year an clerk in a store on the day before Christmas. For many years he owned his business, and when he sold ou:. he went to work for others. Aiken win lef. Miss LuCiie r .. !-... ! a position with the Way; Company. Mr.' Frank Smarter-. Cit'v. is 'the guest -f hi- and Mrs, B. F. Smather-. MUs Zelma Lee Browder. of Sweet water, Tenn.. is visiting her brother-iri-law and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W K. Horton. Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Ward, of Tus cola, were the guests cf their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Morgan, on Tuesday. Dr. J. R. McCrackeh ftas. returned home from New York City where he has spent the past three months pur suing a course of study. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell and daughter, Eleanor, left on Tuesday for Reids- ville where they will spend two United States used Hon bugtris v. year. c.a imeo luntrv c that every holiu.. -ts cn the averag- ves. The new -0l ir.ih telescope .--r.-east in Corona, New York, a yea: ago has just' cooled off sufficiently io permit its removal from the ar r.e'aling even. I; is said that the naked eye tar. see (5000- stars. The new 200 inch telescope lens now in process of man ufacture will enable the observer h see a billion and a half stars. It nil1, also bring into view stars so far away that it would require a ray of light, traveling 186,000 "mlies. a sec ond, a billion years to reach thf earth. lAr.o to wind up the Christmas sea son, here it is eight days since Santa came tumbling down the chimney, so perhaps in this me the cHlc en have gotten to play with toys they received if the parents have not got ten them out of fix by now. I was aciused' of ruining a stream-lined train that a nephew- got . fast just ;t the thing ran so smooth, and I couldn't resist winding it up to ' show him how." . An antique collector who died ir. Texas recently left nearly 150 clocks. How would you like to have the job months visiting Mrs. Bushnell's par- of winding up his estate? S3 in) fpooacl daa&AHriKUUtfaaH BBS It is interesting to. hang around a I soda fountain and listen to the orders given the soda jerker. Most every-1 one uses a different phrase, or name I for drinks. Some say: "Gimroie a I dope" "One dope, no ice" "A j little lemon in my dope" "Make I it strong, no ice "Add a little ammonia in my dope" "Just a squeeze of orange in a dope'1 "No ice in a chocolate shake" "A choc olate milk, and go heavy on the ice cream" "An ice cream soda and two straws" "Fix me a little lem onade, half plain water other half charged'' "Throw in a little cherry in a coke" "Gimmie a coke with plenty of fizz" "A tall glass of buttermilk, and don't ask if I was drunk ; last night" "Say, you gotta yeast cake, then gimmie a shake with it in it" "Br.r-r-rr,: gimmie some thing hot. Oh, I mean chocolate or coffee" "I want a fizzy ice cream sody, with vanily" "Scorch the out side of a ham sandwich, and mix a cherry dope" "Just a plain choco late milk too cold for ice cream (un der breath, gosh, hope I haven't loet that last nickle)" "Hie, a Bromo Seltzer, I seem sick, or, Oh, hurry, hie" and so far, far into the night. And perhaps you did not know it, but milk drinks have increased many times over that of any other drink. One drug store sold over 5,000 milk shakes in 45 days yes, sir, over five thousand in forty-five day6 last sum mer. The other milk drinks took an equal amount of milk. The public is slow to take on new drinks. They will try out new can dies, or sandwiches, or nuts, but the same old drink day after day is the rule. Many soda jerkers know what a customer wants before he orders, and many times has it waiting by the time the customer gets to the foun tainthis makes them both feel good. Jerking soda U as much an art as anything else. A drink improperly mixed is about the worst thing on earth, but a Usty drink, served with a smile and in a sanitary en vironment is really delightful Ioo nere guca my iiivn.it; iui a PLAIN chocolate milk. ROYAL CLEANER Same as advertised in Good Housekeep ing Magazine, Ladies Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post, Cleans floors, rugs and carpets. Motor driven revolv ing brush type. ... .Value $39.50. And a ROYAL JUNIOR HAND CLEANER for f leaning upholstery, stairs, draperies, autc obile interiors, etc. . . . Value $12.00. Total retail value ... $5T.50 BOTH foro;honTc3950 Thl offer It far a limited llm only ... do net dlay ... II It a ral bargain ... en that yav cannot afford to aibs. MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY PHONE 31 SALES SERVICE CHURCH ST. nv S,ZE "A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed" We believe that actual experience must have been the inspiration for this ancient rhyme it is so full of truth. Perhaps however, you have never had occasion to put a friend to the acid test. Probably yoa don't even know what a real friend Alexander's Drog Store is al though you have been dealing here for many years. But those who have called on us in time of urgent need are fully convinced. A SK YOUR DOCT OR Two LICENSED PHARMACISTS For Your Protection ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones 53 & 54 Try At Home 'First. Opposite Posi Office .And You'll Never Regret It